Minutes 1976-04-27 _~5s CITY COiJN~IL ~RII, 27, 1976 ARROYO C~1~11VDE ~ CAT.~LIF°~~T~11 T~a~ ~~°~~r ~~urn~~l ~re~~ ~,r~ ~°~a~~;~.~~ ~r~~~ ~f~~~.~ cie pr~~id~.a~go Upon ~~~.1 c~l~. ~ Co~an~~Y ~i~z~~b~~s ~pie~~im,~, Ma~t~ae~ ~~.~.1.~gh~~, o~ arad Ma~lc M~,llis ~epoa~t~d p~r~~~~~, ~a~~r~~~3.~n~re ~~l ~~k~~,~g~Y ~~~rn°~, PLEDGE OF° ALT.~~IANCE A1VD I1VilOCP;~ICDN Mayor d~ Leara l~d the Pl~dc~~ of F1~l~g~,an~~ ~o o~~ ~°7Lag; and ~.mmediately the~e~f~e~, ~o~xr~cilm~~ l~il.ls.s d~~i~~~ed the invoc~ta~no AlyPRO~1AL UF` 1yf~I~U`~~S On mo~.i~n of C~~acilm~r~ M~.~.li~, ~~~~sncT~d b~r Co~nc~.~.m~x~ Spierling and unani,mc~~xsly ~~.~~~~d? ~he m~nu~~~ z~~ ~he ~~gular mee~~ng of Apri]. 13 y 1976, were . approved as ,prepa~ec~o APPROVAL OF' WA~IV~'.Pa ~x~ mo°t~on of Coura~~.lm~n Sp~~rl.~ng, ~eccsncle~ b~ Cc~urnc~ lm~n Gal.l~.gher and un~nitnou~ly c~.rri~d y G~n~~al [n1~~~rat~ No a~ 02 °th~ougl~ ATo o~ 51 a in the total amount of $368,512,33 (w~i~h ~n~1~cT~~ ~ I~o,pez Pa~en°t af $16~,000) and Noo 4791 through No 0 4861 ,~n the t~t~~ ~rn~tzr~~ o~ $16, 053 0 91 ;~.nd Pay~ol.l, Tn7a~ran~s No 0 6311 through No e 63~ 1, in ~h~ t~t~]1 ~moun°t o~ $~5, 98~ 0 42 y va~re ~ppr~~s~dl and ordered paid o PRE~.~°iENTA"~I~N RE~ COUIQeI"5C 50T,~D WA~TE 1~1V~1GE~1~TT' ~LPiDT -'rCST~IIVSEND 1~0 ~urt To~rns~r~d, RoSo, Coo~di~nat~r of the Sol~d Was°te Managem~nt Planning Pro~ec~, ga~r~ a p~e~en°t~~~,on o~ "the Coun~y ~l~de ~~l~,d W~s°~e Management Plana He statec~ ~hat ~op~.e~ of the ~~-elim~nary ~~an ~re avaiia.ble ~~r ~nyorae's revieHr. He °then ~e~v~~raeci commen°ts he ~~d r~c~ived f~oz~a ~th~~ ager~c~~s and also suc~narized the ele~r?en°~~ o~ tl~~ Pl~m Cit~ Engineer G~r~a,a ~e~r~e~ed hi~ repo~°t to the Council dated Ap~°il ~3 y ~ 97~ g c~.°ting hi~ priznary ~~ncling~ and x°~~~~rare~nd~°~i~~s on the Plan as they af~ect tl~~s ~~,°~3~~ Z~he Coun~il, ~~~~ussecl the p~ara w~th C~.°ty S~aff and Mro Townsend. ~'he Plan does call ~or Courbty~wiele manda~o~~r ~txbbi~k~ p~,ck up, ~r~,~~l~ matter would ha~r~ ~o be pu~. to ~he vote o~ t~~ pe~ple ~n A~°~~yo ~rarad~ f~~ approvalo The Council g~raer~.lly agr~ed ~ha~, °the l~l~r~ ~.,pp~ov~d by the m~j~r~t~r of the cities conta~.ning °the m~jo~ity of the popul~°t~,on in th~ Cotzn~y, ~l~at the mand~torrSr rubbish pbc7c cap ~s~ue o~ ~e Pl~x~ ~r~aaTd be p~z~ ks~fore tl~~ ~r~yo ~~ar~de vcste~s on the Novembery 197~ b~1l~~,0 ~ p~~~~ hear~,ng w~l~ b~ heYd }a~ the C~,ty on th~ final draft o~ the Plara befo~e at s~~ c~a~~~,der~d ~cl~~~ion by °the Councilo ~.°he Couracil w~a~ ~n g~en~~~l agr~em~s~^~t w~~h the ~rel~xn~.n~~~ P1,~no INF°QR1~iA'r~OOI~T ~TD ~tJDC~ET R~~tJ~S`T ~'1ZOI~i A~Go C~A1~3ER ~F CO~~CE T'ti~ Coun~~1 ~ev~~~r~c} v~~iou~ ~.r~~o~m~~t~on f~om the Arr~ycs Grar~d~ Chamber of Comme~~~ D a.ncl~xd~,ng a prel~~~na~y b~xdge°t fo~ ~ 9`~6~~7 a Op~~~tionaT Summary for 1975, arad ~Toi~ ~a~,ysi~ af ~l~e ~hamb~r 1~~~~e~°s ~resp~r~sib~l~.tieso Basi~all.y, an increase of $2,000 ~ra its anraual all~ca~~~x~ w~s ~irag~ reque~~ecl by th~ Ch~e~e The Coun~~l p~°~.ised the Ch~~~°B~ ~n~~ea~ed ~~°~~v~ty ~nd ~irae leadership under the new Man~.ge~9 La~~, as~cl ~.nd~c~~ecl it ~ro~Yd ~onsider th~ r°equest during budget study s~s~ionso ENDOR~ENIEI~T".P OE° E o O o C o~~ ~tJ~R L~JI~T~I3 PROGFt~2 In ~esponse °ta~ ~ lette~ f~~in the E~~n~rni~ ~ppo~t~.ar~.~°ty Comm~ssion of San Lui~ Ob~~pc~ Coura~~r, ~nco m~~ion rn~~s mad~ by Coura~ilman ~pie~ling, seconded by Councs~lman ~~11~gh~~ ~ncl uri~r~imausl~r ~~r~c~ed, au~.h~~~.~s,~g th~t a le~°~er be sent ~o the Economic 0~~~~°tura~ty Commissi~ra ~.ncl~c~°tinc~ t~is Ci~~r`~ suppo~°°~ and endorse- mer~t c~~ °the 5~~~ Y~~s.~h ~~~g~amo REQUE~'~ TO COI~T~IDEl~ ~Fi~l~°~ ~T1~~T ~~t.~rTD P~20JEC~ YI~ Y976-77 ~t7DGET - MERCHANTS ASSN. '~he C~~ncil ~~ad ~ le°~~e~ ~f ~~q~xe~t f~om ~.h~ ~~oyo ~rande Village Merchants' Associ~t~.c~n, ~that ~~e Co~cil ~o~~~der °~h~ ~h~~t Stree°~ I~lanc~ Project during its 1976-~7 bud~e~ ~~~zdy s~~~~on~y ~h~~Y~ C~~~:~1 ~g~~~c1 ~o d~o ~ AP~RE~~.~°I0~OI3 ~~~R R~~ PI~,I~~I~T~ 1B~~C~°O~.'S 1HEI~~ ~lV ~1:P~IV~H STo ~MFFZOVEMENTS - REBUTTAL ~'~ae Co~z~~~l ~~~.cl ~ l~°tt~~ o~ ~p~re~i~~ion ~~om °~he ~r~c~yo Gra.nde Village Y!~~ch~.n°ts ° A~soc~.~.~t~.~n ~eg~~d~~ng Pl~n~a~r~g Di~~cto~ 12obe~t ~all~p' ~ assistance an th~ V~,llag~ ~r~a imp~o~r~men~~ ~~~~~°~~n~ of w~hi~h b~~r~g ~ttached to the letter v Councilm~n ~llis ace~,d ~x°om a prepareel statement, questioning the motivations o~' the appreciation 1~°tt~rf rei~er~~~d his feeling that a new Planning Director ~hould be 'hit~rd by ~th~ C~t~~ ~nd ~tt~nq ~e~eons fo~ hi~ gtatemea~s. He then made ~ tno~ior~ t3~a~~t ~~a~ ~c~n~il go ~e~~~~ ~~v~,rag ~e~ ~~~~~der~ce i~ ~cb Galiop aa ~1~~ni~sg ~i~g~~~~a ~~~r~~i~l r~ ~~~~~g~~~ ~~~~r~~~e~ ~~a~ ~no~i~r~, ~sl cited his reasons ~o~° C~~t~~~.~~~~ ~~~,~~l~~e~ ~t~~~c~ ~hi~ ~~~r~c~ ehauld b~ ~~ken up in •~~at~°~iv~ ~~s~~o~ ~,~d a~~°~ p~~al~~l~~ 1~~~~~ c1~ ~e~~a ~g~e~~c~ ~ri~la Councilman Spierling, ~~~~~~aq ~ti~t~~C~~ ~a~~n ~,l~r~~~ bu~ ~h~ g~~~e~ thi~g~ ~ing done. i 5'~ CITY ~O~T~~C~ .~12~~ 27, 1976 g1F~Rd`~~ ~~~,I~~~ ~ ~~1L~~~'~E~:~~ ~~C~E 2 Cour~~~~t~a~~ ~t~~,~~~ ~~~a~~~~~ ~~~z~~~~~~~~~ ~a~~.~~~~~o ~a~t~~r~ c~~.~.~x~q for the ~~sur~~~~ ~r~ r~~~~c~ m;~ ~~,~z~~~c~ c~~~~~~~~i~~ ~~~3:~p Pl~ra~i~ac~ ~i~r~c~~~a ~~~~~c~ ~~a~ ~~'~~~~r~,~g a~~~~' ~~,~o ~YE~e ~~~~~ilmea~. C~1~~g~e~ ~~d ~Y~~~~~~ ~~~r~li~~~~r~.~~~, 1~~~~~ de Le~n: ~SE1~T: Council- mara ~~h~,~~~~ o 3~Q~~T ~"~~I s~~5~~ ~~2~'~'~~~~"~'~''l~~ ~~r P~~"~~~ '~'~I~~ ~°~ME I~S~~~CIC ~~~.~vc~c~l~ ~~~~p~~~~~~~~~~ i~~ ~i~~t a l~~~e~° hacT beer~ pre~er~tec~ C~,~,~r, ~~~~c~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~~q~x~~~~~~ ~~~~ia~ua~ior~ of~ ~he L~.~vler ~'ez~ning 2 ~ka~~ ~~~~~~s~~~ ~ ~s~~~c~~9 ~x~~~,~ i~y ~ ~ 9 °89760 Sh~ ~ ~ reque~tecl °th~t ~n ~~~~;~n~~~~~~~ a~~c~~~~~ b~ m~ci~ nowo l+~yor de ~eon st~t~ciy ~.nd ~~~za~~~~ ~~~~~~I, ~~a~~~ ~~~~a h~ar~.~ng ~cY~~dulecl at this ~im~o PiJFs~~~ I~~A1~13~u ~~1~~5~EEIT~~IQ~ s~~~I~F`~~~~~`~~1~ A~~1~~ o°~ RTJ'~°~ ~T~T WA3~ A~SNtTo DISTRICT Fsdm~r~~,~~~~~~~ ~Y~~~ ~.ncl A~ta~rney fo~ the Ruth ~nn Way Asse~~m~r~°~ Ds,~~~~~~ ~~~n°~ ~~~~r~l l~~~x~~ tT~~~ af~~rnoon taith the p~op~~t~r ~~r~~~s ~a~~Y~~~~ °~Ya~ ~~s~~~~~ s~~~~~~~~~ ~1~~ proce~s ar~d assessm~~~s as det~r~+ir~ec~ a~~~~d~~q b~c~~ ~~~~~~~c3 ~r~ ~~5~ ~ ~°e M~ckenzi~ Br~~rng the As~~~~men~ Dista~~~~° ~ ~.n~~~~l~~~~~~ ~a~~~~~°~~d °~~e pro~ed~r~s n~~~~~~.~y ~.n ~:~~~~~r~~ ~a ~1~~~ ~.~e~~~,~~? tY~e ~~ty ~le~k assured th~t th~ .~f~~d~~~~~ ~~n`~~,~~~~~a~a~ ~r~ ~o~~~~°~~~~,~~ ~nd Not~ce~ of ~,he~~~ I~prove-~ ~ ment: C~~t~i~~.~~~~~ ~~..~,~~~g ~~~~t~~g, ~s~ ~Y~e bound~x~y map are on file in her ~f~~~e; ~~n~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~t~~~a ~r~~ m~~~ ~y ~~u~~~,~m,~~~ ~pie~~~ng, ~econded by Coixri~a~lm~rz G~,1~,~~~~~ ~x~~~ ~ra~~,m~~~~~ ~~~~~~dD ~~c~ ~~l~.ng ~Y~e aforementioned docs~r~~r~°t~ ~r~ ~ ~~~k~ ~Y~~ C~~~ o ~~~~a ~t~ o ~~~~~a ° ~ ~ra~~x~~ 9 City Engineer ~ Ga~c~.~ ~.~~~r~~ ~~a~~ h~ ~1~ ~h~ ~~~~~~t~~~ c~r~t~e~cts re~at~n~ to~ tehe u~i~,~~y s~a~~~~ll~~~~n~ o ~ ~ ~~~~~~~g~~~~~ ~~~r~~~~d b~,~~ ~he A~~~~~~a~nt Di~trict ~ had be~n ~e~~~~~c~ ~nd ~p~a~~~ ~.t, ~m~G ~oM~ ~~u A~~~Y 2~~ ~976~ ~~l~~~rs: ~~13D~12 ~1~~`~ 1~~' ~~D I~lo ~7o H[I~~TJFtE~I~~ Ba~oA ~S``8~0~`~5~05~ ~ e ~ e ~~}f ~ ~ b ~~,~~~l~ g ~ . I~m o7o D~7~,1V~ C~N~°I~~T~°3°~~1~ a°~~~ ~`~40,~tl0~52 295 Y5 ~ B~a~~~~ a~ ~ar~~~ M~~~i~„ ~ Ro BiJ~ ~~~~~~~~1~ A~~o $~5~g885o7i7 PoC7e 9~°~D ~ru~~~ ~~~~p~~ ~ C o SAIV~IY~~ 6a ~~1V y 1DI~ o F~~,~ m~°~ n $`d 55' 7`~ 34 ~2~0 M~~~~~x~ ~~o ~ So~L~~~~y REX ~T~~, ~iV~o ~~~°~o ~e~" $~59,960045 ~aOe ~7~p ~~.~~~'i. ~~~"~y ~~t SZJLI~~~Ni~~Id~~ ~~I~T~"~~'~~~~ ~~i~ e"~~~ 7`~ y 449 e~ 7 3555 ~tin~~~~c1 ~v~o y O~€a~~~~~ ~ ~ NlF1DONDI~, ~~1~~`~~~7~~'~~I~T AY~ 77 ~ 054 0 06 P . ~ o ~~5f ~ u ~ ~ Ie~A~~ ~b~ ~~.d~ a ~ N& l~f P~~E~~Nf~, ~Y~ ~~~~ao $ u~~ 8~03 m 3`~ El~e~.l S~o , ~~n lJ~~~, ~ ~~lT~~I~T~~F2° ~ ~5~~~~,"~ .t~,~L`~_a ec~ve ~~~3Q ~ 9~5 0 65 Fie ~~~t~d i~f ~r~~ ~~~~~.~~nd~d ~ward~.ng the c~~t~~~9~ ~Y~~~ ~}~y~~~~~~.~~~ ~~~~~rru~r~q Ea~~~.neer for the ~~o~'lo~'J'~~~ y ~~"~~~.,~k~~ '~3b~' ~lC~~YY~~ ~~~s ~~'.4.~~d6Y~. ~~~3A ,~'~7~~ ~AY~ ~ d~,o~~.~~b.d~~~~n ~Vf'~j: t.lle p~~~~l~ w~'~~"1~~ L~~~~~~~°~~ t~ ~~~~~r~ ra~~~e~ ~ai~ a~°~~~~a~rn there was one v~~,~~~t~ l~t~~r ~~~t~~~ ~;~~~~~ed ~ka~r~.e~ Wo ~~ad Helen ]B, Jones, 1411 East Mc~lh~r~ey, ~~n~a ~~i~~ ~~:~~~3~ N~o ~'°~-08~-C3, cap~i~s of ~ahic~i ~a~~i~~~ti C~~~~~~ ~~d ~~~~~~~~~~r ~~~~~~~~6 i~~~~~ e~~~~~,~~~ 1~~~~~~~~ p _ ; ~~~~t °~c~ be ~~~~n w~~~~~~ ~d~d;~ 1~~~or de L~~n ~~~~~~~1 ~~~~~~~~r~°~ di~~t~rict.` ~ a ~~'~~r~,~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~r~~~~ pr~~~~a$~~d _ ~5~ CIT'Y C(7IdI~C~~, ~P.RII, 27 ~ 1976 11RR1'~~O G~.1V~~ y~,I.e~F'~i~~~, PAGE 3 Pa~c~~ ~7~0 ~`7~68~-~~ D ~~a~ r~~~ ~h~ ~~~~~~~~n°~ ~~,~~.~~,c~ ~.r~~~~ °~Yae previous o~rr~e~ r~~~~,~~~~ ~im ~~~~~~~~c~ ~~a~ D~.~°~~:~c~ Ya~~. jus~ ~~n ~~~~~d~c~ ~,z~~ ~~~~-~~~a~~ ~a~~7~~~ ~n~ '~~~1~ s~~r~ho ~he d~.~trict ~nd ~ss~~~m~~t r~~~~ e~~~.~~~~~ 1~~, E~°~~~~~ ~ IK~rJa~~~ ~ 9g~ ~°a~~° Oaks Avenue, ~aac~ he~ ~r~e~t~~a~ a~~a~r~~~c~ ~~~~~~~~~~,~a~ ~~g~~cl~,ng p~op~r°ty ~1~~ ~czst ptxrchased acljac~nt ~o °~h~ cl~~~~~~~~ ~a~~ ~e~ponded °~c~ ~~o~ de Leonas iravitation to speak Yn f~v~~ o~ tl~~ d~,~t~i~to' ~t~o ~~~~an ~e~~arr~~nd~~ ade~pt a reso7.ution order~ng ~ra~c~ifi~~.t~on~ ~i~~~~a~~ b~d ~~~~~~~c~D ~,rhich r~duces the assessments approaeim~~ely 25~0 ~i~~~~c ~~~n~~l c~~~~u~~~~ne P~~.°~~~~~g~ ~~o~ r~ad °the °t~.tTe of a r~~c~lu°~~~n ~rcod~fy~,ng a~~~~~~~r~°~~ s~~ cl~~~~~c~, °t~~~~a.~~e~, a rn~~ion raas made by . Coun~ilm~r~ ~p~.e~~.~n~=, ~e~ond~d ~a~r C~~.n~il~.n Ga1~L~gh~~ ~nd ~x~,~nimously carried, to d~spen~e ~i~th ~~~~~~g °trze b~l~race ~f ~h~~ ~e~~~~xt~,ono ~St~I~~°~C3N LVO a 1 ~ 1 ~ RESC3LiJT~O~T ~fi~ ~~~'Y ~C7LTD7~II~ C5P' ~'~IE C~~'~ ~ROYO ~~D~ O~ER~I~TG. ; ~~1~'~X~~N ~I3P,I~IG~~ P,ND 1~iODY~"~~'P~ON~ ~N : ~Riy~Ee~I)~IU~~ E~1V13 ~~~~~~I~N`~~ ~IT~I PaSSEa~1~1ENT I~~S7'R~C`I'' PtJ~t7~T~ ~O "~~~~1,~Y, ~1~R~Et~~l~N`Z' A~~ ~F` ~ 9-~ 3", (D~~lYS~0I~1 ~2 O~ TFi~ S~~~TS & H~~f~Yn~~Y~ CODE t~~ ~H~ ~T~TE ~F' CAT~~FORNIA) o On mo°~ion Cc~~n~i~,YCC~.n ~~ie~~~.~g~ ~~c~x~~~d ~oaancil~~n ~allaghe~ and on ~he follr,~,rin~ ~~~1 ~a~l ~~t~ g t~ w~.~t o A~ES: ~oaxncil~n~n_ Sp~.~a~~in~, .~~Y~.~gh~~°, ~i5~~,~,s ~~d Niayo~ de I~eon 1~TOES o 1Vone PdBSEN~°s C~s~~~1~n ~~Y~~e~~l the fc~regoing R~~~lu°ti~~ ~~~~ed ~d adcsp~e~ t~~~ 27~h d~y Ap~~l, 19760 Th~~e ~~~nc~ r~ca fu~°th~r~ pa,~~~~ di~~~t~s~~.~r~ on ~hi~ in~t~~~°, ~yor c~~ Leon decla~eecl °th~ pu~T~,~ h~~,~i~.~ ~l~~eelo C~°~y Ene~~r~~~r G~r~s.a ~~~orted tYaa°t }aaseel on the one ~ra~~~~en p~c~~e~t r~~~~~redH p~~~te~°~~ ~xno~n°~ t~ th~r~ ten p~rcent of the proper~~ ~.n th~ D~~t~~»~~ W H~ ~urtYa~~ ~t~°t~d ~ha~ a~~~~io~. o~ ~hat protest had beera ~e~~~~~do A°tt~r~e~ ~3:~0~ ~h~n ~~~d t~e ~~tl~ ~f ~ r~~o~.ut~~n ~v~~rul~rag ~nd deny~r~g p~°o°te~t~; ~he~ea~~e~, ~ mot~ox~ ~r~~ m~d~ ~c~~xr~~~lman ~~i~rlir~g9 seconded by Ca~tncilm~~ Nlill~~ ~ncl ianan~nn~azs~~ c~~r~edg tt,~ c~i~pe~;~~ u~~,~h ~e~cii~zg the balance of ~,h~~ re~alut~~~o ~~~~~T~'IO~ ~ ~ 2 ~ 4 P, FtE~~3Ii~~0~T OE° 'I'FiE C~TY CUUi~T~~I~ OE` 'I°I~ CI~ OE° ARR0~0 ~F~11~T1~E C)i~ERRtJI~~11~ AIJD DE1~TY~~'G PFtO~~~`I°~ .`~1~TI3 NI~.ICII~TC CERT7~1II~t g°I1~1DI1~T~S ~IV- P, ~gE~~~ p:S~]E~SY+~T~l'~ D~~`~FZ~~~.,~o 2~xa m~t~~n c~~ ~o~~~Y.r~n ~~Si~~s~r~g, ~~c~nc~~el b~ ~~~n~i~m~n Gall~gher and on tl~e f~ll~~nring ~o~.~ ~~~1 ~o~,e n ~a~t e ~,YES: Council~~n ~~i~~l.i~,ge ~~l~~s~h~r, 1~Ii1~~~ ~nd l~yor de L,eQn NOES; None ABSEN~': ~~unc~.lare~,n ~cY~~~~~~ the ~~rego~n~ Re~ol~°tion ~a~ pa~s~d ~.r~dd aaopteeY t~h~.~ 2`~th cl~y af P,px°il, 1976a ~~~o~n~ndecl by At°t~~~x~y ~~~~an, a m~~ion ~v~s a~~d~ l~y Coua~ci~man Spie~ling, seconcTed by C~~a~iYman Gallagl~e~ ~~d unanimo~x~ly ~a~~i~~, ~pp~ovi~g the Ut~lity Contracts ~.r~el ~u~h~r~.z~ng th~ l~y~~ a~~ ~~~ty CYe~ck s~gn sa~d ~ont~acts on bel~aY~ of ~he C~ty. At~.orne~ B~c~~ ~h~~n ~~~dl t~tl~ ~af a~es~Y~°~i¢~n ~onf~~m~,ng: the assessment anc~ ordering °the c~ist~~~t e~ c~~~r~~,~p~nen°t tc~ px~oceed; °the~~af°t~~, ~ m~tion was made : by Cou~acilrrrara ~~~~~7L~.ng9 ~e~~axad~~ by C~~~c~lzn~z~ G~l~a~her ancl unan~mously carried, ~c~ d~~p~an~e w~~h r~aci~ng ~h~ ~a~~a~~~ ~~a~~ ~~~o~~x~~,~~o ~S~~tT"~~~I~ l~~ o ~ 2 ~J 5 7~ R~~OI~LTTY~N OF ~~Li1~~IL OF ~'H~' CIT°Y' OE° A~OYO C~R~IQDE COI~~~~IJ~ `I°I3E A~~~5~I~1~`I°, O~D~F~riTG ~fi~ ~1~12G~1~I3PI'S ~DE aI'~G~TI~E1Z ~u'~'~Ei ~i~Pi3a"'~.`~~~X~II~TTC~~ I~NI1 ~~F~~i7~1VG ENC7~N~ER° S REFORT o 9~ ~~~~~=~~a~~ ~ C~u~gi~l~~a ~ll~gl~~~° arad on ~ ~y~~ a~ ~ ~ ~~~d ~d~~~~~ ~~~~x ~~il, 1976. i59 CITY C~3YJNC2~ ~R~L 27, 1976 g1R~2~Y0 C~RP,I~TD~D C~IJ~~O~~A PA~E 4 A m~t~~n ~a~ ~.h~~ r~a~~~ ~~~~~~.~I,~u~r~ ~p~,~~~~n~, ~~~~~icY~~ ~y ~~uraci~~r~ Ga~I~gY~er ~.~sd un~.ni~rc~~x~l~ ~~~~~i~~~ ~~,~~~°~.aa~g °~Y~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~a ~ r~~cal~x~i~n ~'or aw~~d~.nc~ ~f ~he c~n~~~~~~~.~a~ ~ ~ ~~.ty ~~g~n~~~ ~~p~~~~~~ th~~ ~;e~c~~ ~~s~ ~nd ~~~~mer~°t~, in r~~'ard to ~he Dist~icty h~el Ta~~x~ ~~~~~~w~~3~ ~~°~a~r~~~ T~~t n~~e~ ~~~~ptecl for recordat~.pn, aw~.a~t~ng confi~°mat~c~rn ea~ ~h~ ~i~~i~~~~°~o I~e a~~~ ~~~o~a~r~cled a~~~p~an~e o~ the~no A~te~ C~un~~~ cl~~cu~~~~az~, ~~n~~,~.~n m~cle C~~~~lz~~ ~p~.~.~°~.ing, se~ond~d k~y Corxncilman G~l~,~a~he~ ~ncl ~~n~m~rx~Yy ~~a~~~~c~e ~~~e~t~~a~ G~~r~t De~d~ fesr ~aaelwa~~ ana0o~ ea~ena~n°t~ far r~~h~~ s~~ ~r~~ w~~thi~ ~T~~: Ft~~~a ~3~r~ ~lay ~1s~~s~~e~i~C D~.s~r~,cty and auf~hori~~.ng th~ 1~Y~,y~~ ~rnc~ ~~°t~ C~~~°k t~ si~ °~h~ ~e~~~.~~.~at,es of Accepta~c~t, as follow~ : a w~t~r Zin~ e~~eYnen°~ ~ne~ ~~~em~n~ iE~~ ~°~~dwra~r p~~c~ses on a pcar'~z.~n of Lot 106 of ~.he ~~d~~r~.~~~n~ ~f the ~~~~.~s ~~~~~1 de Pi~cl~~., Pismo and Bo15~ de Chami~al, i~rom Walter ~o & I~r~.~c~Y~a Ao Ni~~~~C~~; ~~~errz~iz~ for ptzblic roadW~y purposes or~ por°~~ons of L,~'~~ ~ S y ~ 6~nc1 ~ 7~f the ~'~ls~m Trac~, from Arthur G; Mio~siy Geraldine PosPreTl ~d M~~~~a~~°~ ~~~d~~~ora; ~n ~~s~n~~nt for roadway and utility purposes on p~~°tion~ of L~~~ ~6 ~~ac~ ~7 F~l~~m ~~ac~, from ~ohn Co and E~ G. S~.ndova~.; easemen°t~ ~~~c u~s,l~t~~~D c~r~~ra~~~ ~~~~~~t~e~ ar~cl ~oadvsa~r purpc~s~s pn p~rtions of I~t~ ~Fa ~.r~c~ ~`3 '~h~ ~`~1soYn T~~~~, f~om~~,~~ P~~~, Ray Wo Burke ar~d Borini~ Nia Burlc~; ~nel as~ ~~~~~n~n~ p~b3~.~ ~s~~;~i°~y ~~rp~sse~ and °tv~ro cleeds for ° purposes of p~1~Y~~ ~~~~.~va~ ~r~ por~i~~~ o~ Lo~,~ ~ 6, 1~ and 18 0~ t~se Folsom Tract, fro~n Jaclc Go ~r~d R~°th Eo Sh~~~~~Beo REQLT~~T FOR II~1F`C~ m 1:E o B~~~I~T'~'~I3I~T~P,I~ 7~C~°~~7~~~~~ -~~~"~C~AI~ It~~O~IV~`TION C3F C~TY TYre C~uz~ciY ~e~.d a 1Ve~r~ 12~~.ea~~ ~~~m Co~ty ~ug~er~~sor Nlank~.r~s, wrho is als~ the ~our~ty B~~-Ce~te~xa~,~~, ~orr~n~°t~~~ C~°~~~,~i~n, ~~q~z~~°~ing eiti~s, org~n~.za- t%on~, e°tco ~o ke~~ l~~m ~~S~~~secl c~f °~l~e~~ p~,~n~ ~he c~~;e~a~~,tion af Ame~°a.ca's 20Oth ~nn~v~r~~.~~m A~,~c~ ~~ad was ara o~~i~~al ~s~~~~i~~~~~n €rom ~.l~e :~m~rican k2evolution ~ic~n~,~nn~~l ~~mn?i~te~ ~l~a~ tl~e ~~~ty h~~ ~~~n ~°~~~gniz~~ as a. Ba.c~r~~enrsial ~omma~~~°tyo IN~TI~'A°I'ION 'TO P~1R~'~C~1~A'I'E ~1V g1~TI~YLTA~ ~T~I~S d 1~~DE~ PP.RZ~I~E - SP,N~73 i~IP.F~~7~~ 6/5/'~6 In ~espcans~ to ar~ ~,nv~.~~°~~on~ the C~a~n~~~ ~n~~,~~te~l ~t ~roulel pa~~ica~pa~e in t,l~e 33rd ar~nual E~,lcs R~~~o P~.~~cl~ °~c~ be Yae~,c1 ~,~g 5~~~~, 1~~°~.a on J'ura~ 5, 1976. NoTZC~ a~ r~EA~L~rrE 1~ , c~~~ o s~~~°z~~c~ c~~ ~z~~~~~~ : g/~ 0~`7~ 'I`Yie C~iancil re~iewed ~ nota~c~ f~c~m ~ 7~a~.r Po~~itic~l Pr~~tices Comm~ss~or~ that ~ept~~e~ u~, ~9~~, ~th~ ~~ac~l~r~e ~o~ sub~m~ss~on of °this Ci~y's Conf~i~~ Inte~~s~ C~cleso ~~s~ ~~~°~e~a~d ~r~~ ~ ~~mp~,~ ~esa~,ut~on ad~pta.ng sa~.d code~ ~d px~oposed ~e~~.a°~~~ra~ o REVTETnI OF° I~EC~~~F~,`TI~IE ~LT~I.,~~~IQ~ ~~2C9I~i ~~A~ ~F` ~I~~F`ORNI~1 CI~'~~~ ~7ae Ce~unc~l re~~ew~ed ~~~~~~9: L~gg~3.a~~~r~ 13~alle~in~ ~e~~ived from tl~e League o~ Cal~forraia Cit~esm APFROilE CON'~II~TL7ATYON C)F' CON~~DE12~'~~~N RE o I~4VLEP~ PF~t,~~EFZ~~ ZO1VI1vG: MAS~ 1°@ , 1976 City A°t~c~n~y ~h~ps~y b~ougY~°t ~p a~~in the ~~~~ne~t o~ M~~o La~aler tq continue t~e d~~~us~a~on af ~ane~ iJs~ Am~n~ner~t c~a~c~rn~ng her property at Soutk~ ~'~~f~'i~ u~~~ ~~~~n~ir~n ~n~iZ NI~y e ~97~i, as pe~ ~.~~.~e~ clated Ap~a.l 27th, becau~e a full Cotxr~~i~. i~ r~~°t pres~n~ ~,xsd ~a~~ ~°tto~ney h~s be~a~ ou°~ of towtr~o Tf the C~un~s~l is ncst ir~~~~ned t~ c~~~~ 'th~ can~~,~~xaa~~~D ~r~.~hed to }cno~a no~r so an attempt c~n be ar~~.de to h~~r~ h~~ ~~~zr~s~~, }~~es~r~~ ~Y~e~ ~atter ~ome~ up lat~r in this ev~nine~'s ~genci~o ~~~xr~~~~, ~1~~~~x~~i~r~ ~r~~ h~ld ~e~~~~l~~~ ~h~ ce~ntinuation reques°t ~r~cl the l~y ~ 3~ ~9°~6 da~~ ~y tYa~ ~~~r~~i~ act~on on the La~ale~ ~ezoning ~~que~~ e ~~to~n~~ ~~^z~,ps~y ~~~~'~d~n°~ ~.~~.t ~ ~ he and Attorney Weave~ stipu~~tecT ~o an e~t~n~i~~ ~o~ t~~ O~°de~ ~~~a ~zn~~.~ ~2ay 27, 1976, that the Cour°t ~~~ld ~11~~ i°~? ar~c~ ~f a~p~r~~~~ me~t~ng ~f tlze Council coulcl be cal~ed ~o me~t t~e Nt~y 9~~Y~ c~~~~3,~~~ o ~~un~~l discu~~~on y a mot~.o~a vaas made by Coux~~il~.rn Spi~~°~~,~g~ ~~~~~nded ~¢~~a~a~~~m~~ ~~~Tagh~~ ~ncl carried, that discussiQn o~ the Land tJ~~ Arrte~cYan~~~~ ~~g~~c~~r~~ t~e ~av~l~~° p~~p~~t~r on South T~affzc Way ea~t~ns~.c~:~ b~ c~a~°~s~~~~~. ~a~t~~, I^~}~ ~ 5, ~~768 ~a~~~~~ to mu~~xaZ agreeement by the City' s ~,°t°~~~n~~r aa~cY ~ .~~°~~a~ne~ ~h~t ~ ~oaa~~;rn~z~t~~r~ of ~e Court ~ase be ~eques?ted ~°t~l May 27, ~9°~6, ~.r~eT ~~~e qa~~n~~e3 ~h~ Cour~o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a C~~'~ 9 ~ ~g~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C~~'~~~~~~ C ~i~~~ Ga~r~~~~y ~~~~.d~~~ ~~~i~~~~~s~ ~3~~.,~ i~~ ~~~o~~ o~ ~Y~e ~ex~ua ~ill ~i~~ o~s ~ ~ ~~h 4 ~ ~~R~ ~~~r~~~v ~ Y~~a~r~t~~~~ra 1~Y~~ vri~h C~.~y o~~~~i~~~ a ~s~ C~'I°Y COiJN~~~ P,PR~L 27, 1976 ARI2~Y0 ~~aIVI3~g ~Pd~~E°~~~~ ~~1CaE 5 ~ ~ FtEP~F~~ ~ ~T~Y~4~ ~~~~1~~~„ ~~~'ti5~~3~~ ~ ~~~~~I~~~~F~~ ~ o ~I~xI~~~ ~~a ~ ~~`T~~EN: ~ ~~u~~~~ ~ ~hi~~ ~~ark on ~e r~~~~at ~x~~m~~,~ ~~r~~~~~ rni~~t~~~~o ~~~s~ ~~c~~~~~~~~i g~~~ it~ recommenda- ~~~n~ ~~~~~cl~r~a~ ~~d~,~~d ~~'t~~ ~~t~~.z~~n~ Yi~~n~~~o ~educed reven~z~ ~~~1~ be ~r~~~ ~p b~ e~~~,~~~~ ~~nc~~~ ~a~ ~~~n~ci~t ~~~~~~~ed t1~e matter, ger~erally as~~~~~r~g ~r~th ~~d~cedl c~.~,~~ens on dog li~cens~~~ ~s~,~X~ ~~~~a~~~~ ~~~~~ra ~~tt~~ ~~~r~~n~~ b~t ~°equest~rig that "sen~o:~ c~~~~c~~"` ~~a~~~ ~~~~y~~~l~,~~ ~~te~ ~~~~r~y~ definede REP~R~' ~Eo A~ ~~~'~~Y~ ~L~~I~ ~~~Y ~bl~T~~~C.~~'~A~"~OI~T ~I~~M DISCiJ~STON ~o~~~;Lmar~ ~~~~~l~r~s~ ~equ~s°~~d ar~~ ~h~ ~o~~,~~;~. ~g~~ed °tk~~t his x~port on ~.he ~~~e~at ~i~et~~~ ~k~~ ~~~ra~~r ~r~el A~~~ ~~~nra~,r~g Coa~~d~,na°t~,ng C~~ncil be g~.~~n c~rnj~~~°~io~ ~r~~~ ~~e~ I~~5 ~ ~~,Y~~g ~e ~n~~l ~~anspc~rtation Claim for ~ 9"Z~~77 t~e ~~nz~r~~~~~~.~ m D~SCLT~S~d3I~T RE ~ ~~~"F° ~~?~`i~~ ~I~ ~~1~I~~F~ N~~~S ~TLT~~ Ada~rti~~°~~~~~~ ~ut~Yi ~~g~~~~~~ ~n ~he A~~~1 ~I~~Yi n1~e~.~ng of the Citizens' Adlvis~ry ~csmmit~~~ on ~ ~~~;t~~ 1V~~~~ ~t~ady ~ ~~,a~~~a~ ~h~t the March 15th repo~~ t~ ~.~~my ~~~~r~~3 ~rs~~,~ ~~s~ ~~n~,~~ r~~~e~,~ ~ ~a~ d~~cussed and the Comm~,~t°te~ r~~~ u~~~h~dl ~~a~~~~~ ~~~d ~~po~to C~~~~~lman rilill~s felt the pas~~b~l~~~ ~i~ ~e~~kir~c~ ~~,~t~ ~i~~ ~°t~°~~o~ ~~3~~a~~ox~ ~nc~ th~ra moving the Counci~; ~~a:m~~r~ ~n°to °~~a~ ~~~t~~s~ ~~n~~~el ka~ ~~~.~~d~r~~lo Aclziiinistrator Butch stafecl ~,ad be~~ c~~n~~~e~~c~ ~~,~~g ~1~~8 b~°~ t1~e Comanittee feels ~ozr~ething n~~d~ t~ b~ ~~~e ~o~ar~~~.~,~,r~ S~s.~xe~~,ng: ~~~tecl prio~°ities by r~n~er~~.rng °t~ie ~,t~~n~ ¢~~°~~~~~d ~~~Y~ ~ 5~~ r~pca~°°tB ~s f~~lo~rs < First, alternat~ Na m 2 8 ~~~a~,~~~,~n o9~ ~Y~~ C~n~~~ a~~~o~€~ D~l~,ern~te No 0 5, reloca~~;ora m~ °tY~e ~i~e ~~a'~~~ras ~~a~ ~~~d~ ~1~~~~na~t~~ ~T~o ~ ar~c1 4, rem~deling of the City~ ~Yall r,~Yae~i th~ C~~xr~~:~~ ~a~~~~ a~~ a~e~~a~~~~d ~k~~ ~~a~~~ty Center and securir~g ~ar~d s~~~~ o~ C°~ty~- a~~~~~~e~t p~~k~ngo t~~ux~~~~m~n Gallagher gen~ra~~y ~g~~e~i ~itYn ~~un~~]~~n~~ S~~ e~li~~ ° ~ ~~ac~ ~e~~a~c~ ~~~~ri~ie~ o Regardinc} cos°t~, Admd~r~~~~~~~~~ ~~a~~~ ~~~~~ci ~h~.~ ~40,Qd0 Yx~,~ b~~~ ~~~s~~ p~zrch~.se of a f~re s~ation ~~~t~; $`~~,060 ~~n~~~:~ ~~nd ~~x~~h~~~; ~ne1 ~45,000 9~~r Community Cen,t~~° ~~~~nss~or~ m ~~~~a~~.~L e ~ ~~m~~~ts ~nr~..l~ ~~n~~~ecl t~~ C~mmittee at its nex°t me~°~irag ~a~ R~y 5°~ ~ o~ tr~~~~z~~~tr~~s~~~ ~~~r~~r~~~ ~~~xz~°~~~ ~ ~~rt~~B ~°"h~ Corxn~il r~~r~~~~~ ci~~~c1 M~~~h ~5 9~( 9 f~ozn P~~~ ~~h~n~tt, 555 T~af~~c ~'aYg ~.~,~~~Y~~ag ~~e~~~~~~~c~~r~g ~t req~zirem~n°t d~a h~~ Lo°t ~p~.~,t reque~t~ ~~a~~ ~~o `~~~~3~m F~~.~r~~~~~ ~~a~u~~.~~~~n had~ o~ Nta,rch 16~th, denie~l his app~~~ ~f th~~ ~e~~~,~~rc~~~~ ~ay ~i~ra~~ S~bcl~v~~~on ~~~~na:ttee< C~ty En~~ne~~ G~~e~~~ ~~~~~cY ~lxe ~~r~c~~~i~~ ~s~~ ax~i~qaz~ ~~cl ~.ra f~~t a1~~ ~ feder~l requ~~e~n~n~to A~t~~ ~~a~r~a~~~, r~~~~~~~~o~, ~ m~~~~~ ~~~1~ b~ Co~zr~~~:~.~n Gall~gher, sec~x~cleeT by Corzn~~lm~.r~ I~3~11~~ ~a~a~~~ru~~~l~ ~~~~~~d? d~~~~x~g ~he ~pg~~~l of Paul ~chmi.~°~ f~°om °t~e ~o~c~i~~~n ~f ~~~~~~~e~une~~~c~ ~ ~eq~~r~inen°~ of T,ot Sp~~.t C~.~e N~. 76-2~~~ RECE~PT CSE~ P1~P0 s~D ~~T3~ ~T~~~~~~'~ F~~ S~JBD~~~~~Id~I~~9 BL33I~I3~1VG~ & GRADIIVC~ °I~a~ Coa~~~l ~ev~~~~~c~ p~°~~~~~c~ ~~~~~e~~~t ~c~~~~ng ~rcong °the Pubtic Wo~°k~ ~ ~~zs.~~ix~g, PY~~a~.~x~~ ~.ncl ~~~~~.~°t.m.~a~~~ ~o ~~~u~~ ~~mpl~.~nce with all req~~,~~m~n~~ ~a~ ~~d~~~~~~xa~~ ~~~~~~~e~~ ~~~e~~rnga Ell.~ Hon~y~~~~,°ta a60 C~~Yc T~~~~,, ~n~~~~r~ wY~~~k~~~ p~~x~t~r~g ~s occu~~°irag ~n a ~~~b~°~t ~~n~m~~ b~~~~i~n~ ~a~~~~~ ~~~9,~~ed ~,k~~t n~ one will be all,c~wed ~v~ ~~~o ~~zrb~ u~~~~ ~-~~~~~~~-~~~t~ ~^x~se b~~x~ completed. P, meino ~a~~ al~z~ ~e°~~~w~c~ ~~a~~°~~r~~ ~Y~~ °'~~~~S~t°~ P~~~" ~~~~~r~s~on, sh~~aing that do~l~ wre~°e ~h~r~ec~ t~ ~~~°tr~~~~~ b~~~r~x~~~~ ~~~d~.~~ op~~ations wtith- out o~~.a~~~r~~ ~~~p~~ ~s~~ra~.t~~ A g~~d~ng }~~~n~:~ ra~~~ x~~~ b~ ~ss~.xed ur~til a sa~~.~~~~°~~r~ b¢~r~d ~~~°~~c~ g~,~~~ra~~~ g~~~n~~r~~ m~~ ~~ai~ ~~~p~~m D~~CiJ~S~~I~ ~m 12~;1~°Ia ~IT~~~E~1~1~,° ~~~`~'s~~1~I ~ C~'~T~' ~~~J~~IQ~ ~PidJTfiORI°I°Y ~a~ C~~ncs~l ~~v~~~~c3 :~~,~~~~t~~~ ~~~~n ~or~rc~y Acl~iir~i~trat~.ve Off~c~ ar~el the ~~:a~i~~ ~~~~~~m~r~x~ V~e~~~~w~ ~~g~~~~~g ~~,~n~~t~~t~c~a~ b~ ~the ~~az~~t~ Ii~~z~~.n~ A~s~h~~~,~~ ~ ~~;~~~~:a~~~~ ~nr~~.~Ya r~o~ Y~w~r co~~ ~ae~~~~n~a T~i~ Hou~~t~~ Au~thox°a~ty ~~~~~~~~a ~~~~il q~r~~re~lly t~~~~ ~e ~i~~a~d ~~~~a~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~t~~~~~~~ ~a~~~ ~ k~~ ~i~ '~Y~e C~uncil ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ , ~ ~ - _ - '16 ~ CITY COLfiTG~I~ ~F~L 27, ' 1976 ARR05t0 G~DE ~ CAL~~"OFt~T~~3 ~A(~ 6 A~C~~~ ~E°~'~~°I~L~~~ 1~'~~~~~ ~~J ~~~'1~~~,~ ~"~~y A~ sce~~s~~neled ks~ ~l~rn~b~~s~ ~~~e~~a~~ ~~IL~,c~p~q ~~rn~~i,a~~ m~~~ by Co'txa~~~.],1~tan spi~~cln~as~8 ~~c~~d~~ ~~r ~o~~c~Y~~~ ~~~.~~~Y~~~ ~r~~ ~a~~~a~r~maa~~.~r ~a~x~:ed, a~c~p'tir~c~ S2,OOQ froYn Po1~rs~-~~~s~~^x~~~ ~~~~~,v F~~~~Y.~~ a~ ~~~c~~:°~ t~ ~r?~~~ tt~ o~ the park~.r~g ~pae~ ~'~qu~.~'~m~~nt~ ~os' ~~i~~~e ~a~~le~~a~g 3 02 ~~~nch ~t~~et ra~.thin ~tk~e C~Mt~al Busin~s~ D~st~i~~ Zon~o RESOLi)'r'IOI~T R~o ~11~RE~~11~TT ~°OR ~~~G~ritCS~ ~Do R~~~O~~~ F}.2~~~ - HEI;D QV~R ~S ~`~~LR~~~~S~ ~e~Y (,°~°~~Y ~a'~~0~'1"d~~7' ~"~l$.~'1~~~ig ~~Il~ ]C'~~O~.,bl~]e~11 all~.d1O1C°l7,]..Y1C~ ~r SQ~.X3't Powers Ag~~~mea~t ~rit~ ~tT~ Coun~y a~ ~a~a Lu~,~ Ob~~g~~ r~c~ardar~g the San Luis Qbi$Rq County Ernerger~~~ ~Ieclical R~~p~sn~~ i~~og~°~mD w~s 1~~1~ o~re~ pending ~°~ceipt a~' ~a~.d agreem~nt ~E~°om ~he Dis~t~ic°t Att~~n~~ A s~~~ice ~ oxnz~~vc~ ~o s~T ~~s va~~ ~~o~r~~~ ~ x~~,~ o~~ ~~~~z~~ 5/1 s~Y s~sszo~ Ci°~y Atto~n~~ ~hips~}r ~~~o~'~ed or~ cli~cuss~on wri~h th~ League of California C~~~e~ ~th~ City Orci~.naa~~e ~T~ 0 135 ~ o~ o wrhich r~~on~cl pr~pex°ty on Tall~r Ho Roadl ~nd J~~~ Wayo ~°Y~~ Cau~~~.~ ~~.~1 ~n~a~-d ~ fi~st reading of an ordi~,ance at its ~.ast meete~ng9 remc~~r~ ~he ~`azra~s ~'~y p~operty from tl~at ~.cti,~~. Th~ I,eague ~~c~rtend~d ~he ~n~~~e s~~~orn~ng }ae ~edos~e g~~ in f~~~ ~he Jame~ Way " zoning is ~.nc~~rec~o A l.et~t~~ ~ra~ ~l~cs r~~.d f~om T~~~ I,ov~t~, a,pplicarat for the James 4Vay rezcsn~ragD th~~ h~~ ~o~s~ng r~que~t had n~ver be~n withdrawn from the origiraal. rec~a~s~ combi~ed ~ri~l~ G~r~a~g~ a Ta~ylo~ Tally Ho r~zaning aPPZica~tione As re~ommended b~ C~~~ ~~~m~~a~y~ ~~ip~~~g a~o~nt s~ucl~r session ~aas „f set wit'~ the Planxung Commissiorn ~'cs~ Ma~ 1?, 197~, t~ dete~mine ,~f th~ "Ft-A-B-2" 'y zoninc~ is proper fca~ the ~'~me~ W~y ~~ea m AUTHOFTIZE ORI3 a PR.E,"~+1~1~~,TI~Ld TO ~~~NTa1~T~ ~~~~i~lOl~?`~Fi ~~aR~ o E~AYI~EIVT UTPdI~It (CBD' The Counc~.3. r~vs~e~~d a m~mor~ncl~n from t~~ P~r7c~.n~ & E~~~~n~s~ Improvemen~ Area Ad~ri~or~ B~a,~e~a r~qu~~°t~a~g ~h~t °~h~ ~~~c-m.~n~tkr as~e~~na~e~a~ paSrment v~~~.~e~; i~. ~ the Central Busira~~~ D~~~~.ict ~~~.m~.rs~~ed fr~ ~Y~~ ~~~~r o~~~diasaa~~e~s e a~ t3a~ ,~r~v~caus ob~tacles c~~ v~~~.ne~.es ~mci opp~~i°t~,c~n h~v~ ds~~p~~~recl bu~ prmblems ~'e bei,ng encouurite~°ed in ~h~ inte~p~cet~t~.rsn c~f °t~~~ ~e~~i~no Afte~ Coun~i~ discus- sion, a mot~on w~s m~.cl~ by ~~un~~lman S~~e~].a.ng~ se~onded by ~o~sn~il~e~s; ~~1Tagher and uazanisnousZy ~~~~,~dD d~r~~~.~.nc~ ~~h~ City ~~~t~~n~~r ~cti p~epare ~a o~°~in~xt~~ for the Council ~ s ce>nsic~eratior~ ~t i~~ ne~e°~ mee~~ng ~~.imin~t~ ~tl~e ~i~c-mc~nt~a a~se~~ment paym~n~ wras.~~r ~n ~a~ ~ex~~,~~1 B~x~iraes~ D~ ~t~r~.c°t ~f A~°~~y~ ~a~~nde < RECE~PT OE° QUAR'!'~RLY REPOR"C Ol~ C:7~l~~'1'St" E3U~LI~~NC L7~~ The Coianc~.l r~c~~.~r~cla ~~~r~.e~r~d ~~d o~d~~ed 1~~,1ec1 a~°~}~o~°t an Commtsrrity Buileli,ng use during ~h~ far~°t ~~z~~°te~ ~f ~ 9"76 o A~~t~l o~ 2, 530 pers~r~~` attend~d fune~ion~ at the Cerater 9 arad ~~t~a~~l ~evenu~ ¢~f 5 0 00 ~ras ~oll~c~ed o FINAL R~PORT - ~,oGo ~RE~IC CI~1~f~~VG I~Y~~C°~ Director of Fublic H1or~)~~ ~~er~on re~~~~~c~ ~ha~ ~ae I~~s Osos Eec~lagy Cr~rps hacl to leave ~,is proj ~c~ c~~Yu~r ~~smn~.t~ars~n~,~ o ~°he~ da.c1 l~wever comple~e cre~k cl~am~.ng fr~cn tl~e sc~u~h~~~y ~'~:~t~ I~~.rn~~~ ~~r ~~~~~nc~ s~~.~~.or~ o~s ~~.~.nl~y Avenueo It is ho,ped ~e C¢~~°p~ c~n k~~ ~~~t~~,an~~ ~n ~,Y~e ~~~.1 t;o ~~znpl~t~ ~z~ ~ro~ls~ NO°I'I 1~' m >t7I~E~.°~V7C~(~R~ ° ,~"•~~8~5ZTParo 01E` C~"011~"1~T~PeC,°°i ~"t7R. ~II~ "~~`~`7.IC"Ea'~s' T'he Cotixnc~l ~~~:d ~ le°t~,e~ f~~m Dsc ~ D~v~d Ro Ha~~°~v~ g Environm~nt~~ Coordinator, ad~ri~ing ~h~t the C~a~.n~at~ B~ard c~~ S~p~er~rs~e~r~ ha~ appr~~r~d ~ka~t a contr~.~t be preparec~ ~i~~ ° ~ ~~~~.~ra~.ra~ h~~ ~~~~c~~ ~'or envi~c3ram~ntal imxsact coo~dinat~.on ~~~ric~~ o AUTfiORI~E G~~1~TG 0~° ~§A~~~~i~, ~'~~~D~ S`'~'~~~ PA~K The Council ~evie~red a memo~~xdum ~~c~m ~arls~ Dir~~~~sr G~l~.ag~, ~equesting perm:i.~~icsn, on bei~alf of tl~e S~.n ~u~~ ~}a~.~pc~ ~~aaa~ty Cesratra~~c~r~ A~~ociat~~n, ~o move a consa,der~le amc~ua~t ~g s~xa~ ~n C~,ty p~°~per~gr ac~a ac~nt to ~~h Street and wes~ of ~the r¢~~.d a~ce~~ I~ap~~ Fi,~gYu9 t~o ~.e~~l ~r~ ~ear ~empa~~~xy u~e by the Ba~~ball P,~s~ciat~~, to ce~xa~~,~~ °~ra~r b~~~Ya~,~,~ f~~~cY~ ~d fs~c~°t1~~7.1 fieldo Discussfcsn ~ra~ h~ld r.~~a~d~ng c1tt~~ ~on~~o~. ~ncl nns.rn,~m~.m ~~a~t~ putt~.ng on a layer of ~ilo Phil Rcsiner~ of th~ ~~~el~a~.l Ass~c~:~tic~r~ ~ra$ pre~~n~ anel r~viewed their use of' the fi~l.d~ ~.n °th~ ~a~~k~~l~. prc~gram ~nd hc~~ t~,e A~~o~i~tion l~as tried ~c~ ~s~ ~,a~~ a~d ~s~ ~3~~.r~q~ w,ith ~.~0 1~~ ~t,~~a~d peaa~i~?~,y Asa~as~.~,tior~ wot~ld wen ta~ks eare o~ havir~g t~a rzr~n krl~ek-~~pedo ~irn~tc~r o~ P~ublic Works And~r~on r~aa~nd~d ~ ~p~i~aklir ~y~~~ ~a~ b~~u~~~ ~ra ~c~a~ +~~r po~~ibl~ to ~~t ca~nt~rol oM the du~t ~z~ t~e p~~~r~gr ar~a, a~ th~ ~~~t ~e a~usinq yarc>bl~ms to ttti~ring ~~r~at~~~~~r ~~.~d~. 7?~t~~ ~~t~~i~ di~~~a~~c~a~, ~ m~~~i~~ wras mmd. by Cours~~l~n~xra 8pi~~°lir~g~, ~'~o~sd~ ~yr ~r~r~~~~z~ ~alla~qh~~ a~d~ ~ua~za~a~sr~~i~r ~~~°riedl, ~4pprowinQ p~opo~~~d ~~~di~a~ o~ b~?~~~~1,1 ~~~e ~ ~s~ ci~c covivciL ~~z 27, 1976 ARROXO GRANDE, CAI~IE°O~tNIA PAGE 7 APPROVE R~QUEST F°OR l2EI,~EF FROT~ S~G~R ~~NN~~GTIOI~T, F~QUI~NI~T~T d~M~'TH) The Caun~il r~ad ~]L~~~~~c f~cmrn t~~ m~'s~es~.~a Smith, b 02 1~earwo4d Lane s reque~ting relief fx°om tY~~ ~°equ~.rem+en~t ~a~ hook up ta the sev~er sys~Cem, due tQ ths expense and her limit~d incom~o ~~eport on the ma_t~tez° from Public Works Directox' Anderson st~ted that the septi~ t~nk pr~bablgr wa~ ~nsta~~ed about 18 years ago and is reaching its maximum ~xpect~cY ~.ife. Coun~ilman Spi~rling s~ated he had called Mrs> Smith and ascertained ~hait sla~ i~ 84 years ~f ~~g~ and he does feel it would b0 a hardshsp to require her to cesranect to the ~gr~tem~ ~h~ c~o~~ live alor.e and owt~s the property in questione Aft~;~e Cc~uncil discus~~.on, a~tion was made by Councii- man Spierling, second~d by Cauncilman Gal:lagh~r and u~na,r~imous7.y carried, giving Mrs . Viola Smith a on~-~rear ext~nsion on the req~z~.r~tt+ent to hoo~ up 102 Pearwood Lane tc the sewver system, with annual re~rs:~ws to be made by.the City so that when ~svanership of th~ property changes, the ~~wer hook up wa.ll be required. REFER RECON~NDATION ON EXCESS PROPER'I'Y OiJTSTDE OF SoELN! STe PLAN LINE TO PLAI~. COMI~. The Council reviewed a report from Director of Public ~lorks Anderscn~ recommendinc~ proceedings be started to deed back to adjacent property own~ra the exces~ property acquired by the City, for street purposes, an the east side o£ South Elm Stre~t between Map1e and A~h Streets, reserving however the entire area for public utilities and that c~.arb, gutter and ~idewalk be in~tallec~ ass a conditiori of the property transfero After Council discuesion, a motion was nt~de by CouncilmsYt Galiaqher, seconded by Councilman Spi~rling and unanimously caxried, re€erri.ng th~ recommendation ~P Public Work~ Di~~ctor Anderson, as stated above, to the Piannit~q Commission fcar its cansideratione APPROVE MASTER F e A o U o AGREEI~lENT RE o GRANI9 A~lE n I1+1PRO~MENT5 & FUTURE PR0~7ECTS The Ceuncii reviewed a memorandum from City ~ngineer Gar~ia, rec~ndit~q app~oval of the Locai 1~gencg-State Master Agreemexit ~overing Federal Aid Ur~3n (FAttI System projects in this Ci~yo Z°he Master Agr~ement.has a].l th~ l~sic federal and , state requirements for all future FAU projects, and specific cor~ditiorts will:be added as inctividual projects are appraveda Aft~r Council di~cussion~:a motiorx aas made by Counci2man Spierling, seconded b~r Councilman Gallagher and unani~usly carried, approving the FAU Master Agreement and authorizing the Mayor and City Cl"erk to ~ign ~aid agreement.on benalf of the C~.ty>- RESOL~ ADOPTe - AUTHORI~E FII,ING OF`- AMENDED Z'RAN~PORTATION CIoAIM FOR 1975-76 The Council re~i~wed City Engineer Ga~cia'~ r~port of April 3n 1976, reccamanending that an amended Tran~pe~r~atic~n Clai.m ~e f~l.~d with th~ Regimnal Transpoxtation Planning Agency f¢~r 1975-?6, as th~ bids for the original profeat for the SE3 325 funds (overlayine~ Gr~nd A~renue) came in low enouqY~ to enable other streets tv be overlaid also, as fcllows, ~rhich should be reflected mn saic3 amendsal claim: Grand Aven~Qs State Hwy 1~1 tr~ Elm Ste Brisco ~ad : Grane~ Ave . ta I~inda Dr o Fair Oaks Avenuee V~,lley Rdo to Traffic G3ay Huasna Rcade Hwy 227 to Ea~at City Limits Coaah Raad: Branch Mill Rd> to F1c~ra Rda Halayon Roads Grand Av~. to E°mir Oaks Avea After Counci~ discussion, City~ ~t~torn~~ Shi~p~ey r~~d the tit3.e af a reaolution apprcrving ~ubmissimn of an a~nde,d annual transpozt~i~n claimt thereafter, a motion was mad~ by Councilman Spi~rling, ~econded by Counai~.man GaTlagher and unanimmuely carried, to dispense with reading th~ balance ~f th~s re~olutione RESOLt7'~ICmT NO e 1216 A RESOLUTION OF THE ~T~'Y COUNCIL 0~" ~i'HE CITY dE' A~tROY~ GFtANDE APPROVING AN AMENDED ANNTJAL TRANSPORZ'ATTON CLAIM FOR 1975-76 PrN'D AUTHORIZSNG ITS ~UBM:LTTAL,' 'I'd 'I'HE aAN LUTS ~BISPO CC~UNTY AND CI-TI~S AREA P~NNTN~ Ct~ORDSNATI1~tG COUNCIL. On awttcn of Counci3.mar~ Millis, secorided by Councilman Gallagher ar~d on ~h. £allow~ing roll call vote, tcm wit: AYESs Councilmen Spierling, G~llagh~z~a Mi~.lie andl Maymr de L~on NOES: None ~I~~~A!~t ~+~~1~~~1 lcr~tq~is~~ ~~m3~u~icm vrss pa~r~rd a~ a~c~rCi~ ~7~ ~~y 9~p~il, 1~78. --163 C~T'~ ~0~7Nt~~:~ APR~L 2'7, 1976 ARROYO GR~DE ~ .~`.P,T~,~~°~~T~.~ ~P~CzE 8 R~~C~~YJ`~5~v1~ ~T~'`~"~°~~Y~ ~ ~`dJ~~~~~~~ ~~91~~~.~ °~'~~~~~'Ft"~~~~~`~Y C~~1~to ~tl9~6-477 C~u~~~,~:ra~~~ ~p~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ua~~~~ ~~~i~ag alt~x°n~.ta.ves on t~e °t~~n~~,~ ~~y~~~rn~~~~°~s~~~ p~~~~~ ~rY~~;~k~ ~;h~ ~c~~~li~~~. ~~~~„~we~l ancl d~s~us~~c~ with ~~mo ~i~~ ~~~g~°~ ~~'~~ag`~~ ~~~~s ws~~l ~a~ere ~o b~ s~own ~or a Ci~~ ~'r~:r~~~s~~~~~i~a~ ~~~~~~rao ~~~~~a~~'~ ~~~~m C~~~ ~~~~nee~ Ga~cia rega~da;nq the Anntx~l °~r~r~~p~~~~t~~~ ~~,~~m wa~~ a~,~~ ~~~~~~~~e~~ ~al~~~~a ~~~~~d ~h~t ~fter ~aitl~l~olda.ng app~ox~m~t~~~ $~3 ~ 00 ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~s~ ~ ~he ~~oposed ~'~g~.o~al and h~ncli~~,p~~~l t~°~~~~,~ ~~~~~~rug ~~~~~~~~,r~~ ~~~~~~b~~ ~~,~e~~~°~~or~ for the C~ty' is $55, 02 ~ 0 82 ? ~rh~ch h~ ~~~~~rue~~c~~ w~~d~~~~~g ~I~~cy~n Road, p~o~ect that ~n ~on~orm~~~ ~~t~ ~z~e~p°~~ci ~'~~r~~~~a~~~~~~~~ ~~,~r~o C~ty Engineer Gar~ia ~~ornc~ar~~d r~~,~h ~~~n~r~~.~~~, ~p~~~~~~n~a~ ~~~~~~~~~°t~~~ t~a~t $89000 be de~~gn~ted ~o~ ~n ~~~~°~.m~~~~ ~.~~r~~~~ ~~r~~~~no A~~~~ C~r~n~~~ ~~~cu~~~i~nD a m~t~.o~ was made by ~~u~;~~l,m~~a Mi~~~~a~ s~~~~~.~c~ C~~u~~~~.m~a~ G~~,~~gi~~~ ~nd ur~~imQU~l~~~ car~ie~18 ~pp~~~~r~c~ Cour~~~~~~~ ~p~~~~~~~° ~ ~~~o~~~a~~~~~n~ ~~~~~dia~g the Tz~ans~orta- t~on FTar~ a.gnp~~m~~tata~~~o _ ~"h~~~~i~~~, ~~°ty ~~°t~~~~~ p~~~ ~e~~ ~~e ~t ~ re~~lution appr~zva.ng subzn~.s~~.~~ ~~a~ ~.r~~~~I ~~~r~~~~~~~i~~a~~ ~,~~~~cro ~ rn~~~c~n wa~ made Couneilma~ M~~~~~g sec~ncl~cl l~y ~~~~~~~~a~ ~~:~`~~~Y~~~ ~~~1 ~~~nimo~xsl~ carried, to d~.sper~se w~,t,la ~~~d~~g +~he ba~~~~~ ~h~~ ~e~olcr~~~~,~o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~C~~~~~~Z~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~S~~iJiI~1~T ~~`T'~ ~~(JI~~~I;: ~5~' '~H~ ~E" AF~~Y('9 GR~aI~TDE ~Pk~~i~1U~ ~1~~T~~d ~~~N~P~~R~'~~;'~~N ~~~~K ~l~T~ ~LT~Fi01~~~1VG I°~~ ~~I~~`~~~ F~'~ ~Y~ ~~.N ~tT~S ~2~~~~~ C~LTI~T~°~" AI3L~ ~~~~~5 ~1~E~ P~N1V~1V~ ~C}~3~~Iv~~1°Z°~1~~ ~C~~~~T:, o ~ On moti~xa ~c~~n~~~t~~a ~d~~~,~~~ ~c~~~~d~c~ ~~~x~i~~~~~n ~~~~~g~~~ anc~ rs~ ~he ~ f~ll~t~~r~g rc~lY w~°~~ e~~ ~r~,t o P,~E~ . C~~ar~~~,Yni~~a ~~i~~~l~~g ~ ~~~~~~Y~~~ ~ ~t~~ ~~dl 1~~.~~s~ I~eon NOESm N~n~ ~~~1~T`~m ~o~n~~~Lm~~a the fo~~g~~r~g ~~~~s~~u~i~~ ~~~~~d ~x~c~ ~c~~~^~~d ~ 27°~~ c~~y ~p~a ~ 9 ~ 9'76 0 REPORT - 1~CEI~11~ ~C9I~ 3 ~.~~~~~S~Y ~~l~i~T"x°~E ~E;~°P~1~G m [~i~r.,~~~ Co~~~Yman, 1K~~Y~~ ~~~5~~~.~d o~ ~ 5, ~n~~°~~,ng o~ the Zorae 3 Advi~o~ C~~nit~~~ y a°~ ~r~~~~ tF~~ ~~ra°tla~~ k~~a~°cl ~~~an ~h~ Lopez Rec~~a~t,~~~~Y ~n~ ~V~~~~ ~'~e~~~~~~ ~~~r~~ I~I~lr~~ i~ ~~rks.ng on the ~976-`~7 su~~~~~ ~r~~e~ ~~~v,x~~~a R~CE~~ B~D~ ~ ~[~.~T~ ~C1IVT~~~ ~°i~~ ~~~~1~ ~ ~'~i~T~~~ P~~~~~~~ C~t~r ~r~g~,n~~~ G~~~~~ ~v~~d ~s~:~c~ ~~~~~v~d ~~d op~ned a°t 2: 00 P e M. on Ap~~~ 22s 1~`~C~ for ~~w c~b~~ ~~~°dl b~~?~~~ l~~d~~, ~ b~z~g~t~d~ it~mm Bid~ ~ Hrer~ rec~~~r~cl a~ f~~,l~~~ m I~Cl:~~7~ s~°4~ ~QU~~1~I~~ ~1~~ ~ ~ 220 i~o M~i~.~°~ ~ g I~~a~S~~ ~Z~ ~~~5 0 5~ ~~nte~ e l Iia~ves°ter) W.~S~,~~ 1~lP.~Ii~I~TEI~~I ~t7o P~ mc~o B~~ 39~ ~~~n~~c~~ ~ ~2~ y 5~0 ~ 00 ~C~.~~~~il~.ar~ I~~A1~T E~CJ~C~I~T1`~' C~5 a 665 Wo ~~t°~~~~~~~ Rdo~ 1~~~~~ ~~~8~6~~00 ~~as~~ He ~~~.°~ed th~°~ ~h~ ~t,~~~~~~~ ~~~x~~~~a~~ d~d ~ee~ ~pe~~ f~.cat~.r~ns as °tYa~~~ l~~c~e~ do~~ n~~ ~~°~~~~~~~,~e ~~e~ ~~Y~~~~ ~s~~k~ D~~a~°~~nen°t fe5.°t that the d~ff~~~n~e ~r~ ~~r~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~x~~~~~a.~~,~~~ ~~~t ~r°~~.cu~ation ~ffords, is s~~,~o Ai~t~~ ~~~~u~~~,~:~~s ~z ~~~4~c~~ ~r~,~ ~rr,~,~~ b~ ~~~~~~.,lm~~ ~pierling, s~canded &~y ~~~xr~~~„~m~~ G~~~~~~~~ ~~nn~ ~~-y~~~~~a~~~~~ ~~~~~~d~ a~~~~~~~ng ~he b~d of ~n7~11~~~ NTac1~~~,~~~ ~~m~~a~~ ~I~~ g 0 ~a~~ ~ ~u~chase Order be ~s~ued ~k~at ~~.,~m ~n ~a~c~ ~~~~r~~.o APPROi~ L0~' SPI,IT C~~~ I~T~~ 76-2~2, 7~u~E~' ~ AS~i QBI~,~77C1~~~°ON b~ ~E ~ON) C~t~r ~t~g~r~~~z G~r~~~ ~~~~~~°~d w~~~~ G~t~~~~~ M~p No. AG 76-14, ~~~i~~~~~g ~ ~pl~~ ~s~ ~~~a~~~ ~~~~~a ar~~ ~,$h Str~et ~~~~~~a ~~e ~~~~~4~~ ~a~~~~ ~,~i~x B~uingtan ~n~ ~ ~t~~a~,• ~ ~~~~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ i~~ ~,~~c~ ~ ~ in~,~ pa~cel ~ o~ 16 6 4 ~a~~~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~~~~n~ c~~,~~~~~~~~ a z~~~~~ ~?a~s m~?de b~ C~~~~~~ ~ ~p~~~Y~,~~~ ~a~ ~~~~a~~ ~ ` ~~~~i~?~rx~~,~ c~~°~ied, : i64 CITY COZ3NCIL ~RIZ 2°7, '1976 ARROYO GRA1~tI~E, CAI~~E~~1~TIP, PAGE 9 f~.nding ~t Spl~.t C~s~ 1V~o 76-2~2 ~~~~~~~~n°t ~r~.~h ~en~r~~ Pl~ra ar~d C~.°t~r Zoning; accepting, on behalf o~ °th~ p~l~,c? th~ par~~l of~e~e~ fo~ ~°t~eet deeTie~tion on ~he no~°~hw~~t ~o~x~er af A~p~n ~nd Asl~ ~nd ~pp~oving sa~d Pa~cel M~p Noo AG 7~-14, sub~~ct t~ `r~mo~ral o~ tY~~ ~~a~ler ~ic~~zs~ f~om ~he smal,l~r pa~cel ( 0 17 acre) e PROGRE~S REPOR~ - SOm ~AnT I~LT~S ~~ISPO CdiJ1~T~`Y S~T~'~P,T~ON 17~5TRICT Z'l~e month]L~ ~eport ~~~m °th~ ~outh ~an Lui~ Ob~~po County Sanitation District for Mar~h, 19°76, ~aa~ r~cei~~cT }ay tka~ ~ouracily ~ev~~wed ~nd orde~°ed filedo Elizabeth Ja~kson, 208 Fai~ View'y ~~xgg~~~ed that the sludge b~ used by the Pa~ks & Recreation Department ~o~ fe~~~lize~ ~n~~,e~d ~f l~uying ~~ee~° m~a~~~~o Administrator Butch explained tlZat the sludg~e lack~ ra~,°~rogen and m~gh~ be olajectionable to some people. REQUEST F'OR STA°rUS REo °I"1ZAFF7CC ~~GNAS~ PdT ~.~T~ PA~YI~ ~ GR.°~TD - JACK~ON In answer to El~zab~eth Jac3csonas inquir~, 208 Fair View, City Engineer Garcia sta~ed that the si,s~na1. , at Oalc Pax~k' and G~and A~renu~ wiT1 go in as soon as the Sta~e gives the ga a,h~ad to call for bidso : ADJ'OURNI~NT On motion of Coun~i;lma.ni Spierling, ~ecoraded by Councili~n l~lillis and un~aaimously car~~:ec7 ~ the ~eet~~g adj~urned at 10 e 36 P mI~im un~.il 4 e 30 P mNie on May 10, 19760 . - ' f - G~%~ . ATTEST: CImY CLERK MAYAR r , .