Minutes 1976-05-25 i'71 CITY COUNCIL MAY 24,' 197b ARROYO GRANDE, CALTEORi~iIP, 4; 00 P. M. The C~:ty Council m~t ~n r~gul~r ~djourned me~~ing with l~ayor de Leon presidingo Upon rall call, ~mu~acil Niembers Spie~l~~age Schlegel anci Millis ~repor:ted .p:resent o Ca~nc~.~.~.m G~l~.a~her i~ absent m BUDGET S!i'C1I}Y SESS~ON ~he Counc~: ~rev~,ew~cl wa~h ~'ity Ael~ain~strat~sr ~utchy his Bud~~t Message;, from:Page A fihroug~'~~ge Uo :AD~~TJRNi~NT On motion of Caun~ilm~n Sp~:~rl~.ngp ~econ~~d by Coun~ilman Sc~legel and 'urran~mously carri~d, ~~e m~e°t~.ng a~l~c~urnecl at 6eOQ PoNi. , ~ ~ ATTEST s ~ • U~J~~ v`~-~" DEPZJTY C~~'Y ~L,ERIC I~IA~'QTT~ ` CITY :COUNCIL ~~Y 25, 197~i 3lRROY`O ~RANDE., CALIEORNTA Tl~e C~.tty C~uncil met in ~egular sess~~r~ r~ith Ma~ox° Gabe de 'L~on p~°esa:t~ing, °Upon ro11 call, Council M~~r~ A3 ~p~erlin~, Nt~tt ~all,~~gher, Jre , Cal 'Schlege`l and Mark Millis r~ported presento :FI;EDGE OF P,LL,EGIANCE PiND YN'VOC~TI01~ Ma~or ele Leon led the ~Yed~e c~f AT~~gi,ance o~ F~:ag t and ~.nunedaa~e:ly thereafter, Council.m~.ra Mill~~ cl~lx~~~c~d ~~i~ ~.nv~catas~~m APPROVAL C3F MINUTES On motion of Counc~.].rnan Sp~e~ling, s~c~neled >b~r Counc~lman Gallagher :and unanimausly carried, the minutes a~f ~he r~g~lar m~e°tang of 'May 1'1 , 197`6 a'~d regular adjourned meetings of P~ay 1Oth~ l~ay 12th an~l May 17th ~rere apprc~veri as preparetl, with ~ correction to ~he m~raut~~ of the May~ ~ 7~h C~ty Caun~~.l:/Planni~,ig Commission Joint meeting as follov~~s Paq~ Paragraph 2 under ~~.scussi.csn o-f Rezoni;~g Case Noo 75-83 ('R~::nch~ La Bar~anca) , the f~rst s~ntenc~ is cc~r~°ec~ed °~o =~eacl: o a m o aMilli~ stateel h~ had no obje~ti~sn to R-A-B-2 ~c~ning; but v~h~n.;.<.." -Pr~PRC)VAL ~F` W~RRANTS On motion ~f Counca:lman ~p~e~l~.ng, ~econdecl by Cournc~lman Gal'lagher and - `unanimously carried, Gener~ l W~rrants No u 152 tYa~°o~c~h No o~ 70 y in ~he total amaut}~ o~f $'11~6,5fs9.90 and l~oo ~921 through N~o ~977, in th~ total aznount of $'11.,30Z.48~ and ~Payroll Warran;ts No , 6467 tl~co~xgh No 0 6570 , i~ ~h~ t~t~:l aznpura~t s~f ~$30 , 984, 9~ x were approved and orelere~l pa~eT o T:~'+.TTElt RE;~IUE.STIrTCi IiORSE °~RAIT~~ o L o O o ~RAYTe~ PiD~i'Ia.~iC"3~t~~ m REeE°ER 7.'O ,~A1ZIC~ S~ R~;(:.n The Cc~uncil r~ad a let~~~ ~~~m the S~.n L~x~s ~b~~spo Trails ~d~risory Ct~nimittee;, urging the es°~ablisYa~aea~~ ~ Yaors~ n~twr~rk in ~Yae new fleveltspments proposec~ ~.n t3~~ Ci°~yo T~he C~~c~.l ~g~e~d °th~s matter ~hould b~ studied, ancl referred it ~~s th~ P~~a~~~ ~rad l~~crea°tion C~~~i~sa.on, LET!1'ER OF` APPRE~IA`i'IO1~T ~ m I~LI~~~~ ~O~ E11FTs05tEES -~i7CIA IMAft SCfi~~L UISTRICT The Council r~ac~ a le~t~er ~.ppr~c~.~tion ~~°om the L~ucia Mar Un_if~ed School. District, thax~lcir~g ~lae Citye s Pa~a~.i~ i~~~k~ ~epartan~n°t ~ple~3rees ~fe~r ass'istance to the ~cho~l ir~ vari~u~ ~Sa~a~e~t~o PETITION F~OI2 HELl~ A~AII~3~~~ Cr~ I~3~~~~ G~.e'Fill~ ~~T~~ F~~I~~1V°~S~ °~~R~FiER ~~iJDS~ The Coune~.l ~-~~iewa~d ~~e~t~~ ~~°~rn : G~~r~~~. Nl~G~~1, 22~ ~alnut S°G~°~et, a]:so signed by app~o~c~.m~~~~g~ ~"a.f~ ~~~id~~~.~, ~equ~~°~ang ~Yne City's heTp ~n a~ating tY~~ o~k in~~~r~~ a wh~.cY~ ~~n?~g~.r~c~ '~he ~~k ~~cees in ~he aream Also ~°e~r~.evaed ~ra~ snfc~~a¢c~~i~r~. ~~~z~ ~~a~ d~oSm Depart~n~ o~ Ag~~cultur~ regarding oak moth con°trcal; a~c~ ~ re~~r~ f~c~~ I~~:~°~~t~~' o~ P~blic Worl~s As~der~~xz rega~diz~g mca~h cc~r~~a~~al azac~ ~a~~~ W wr~,~ c~~~~~°~~.]~~ ~~~~~d k~~ ~h~ ~c~~r~~i~ t~a~' a coopexa~iv~ v+~a~~~~~s b~~~r~~~ ~h~ ~~.c~ ~a~~~?~~ ~r~u~d 3a~ ~~e bee~ s~k~p i~ atte~{ptiMg to cor~t~cl ~th~ mo~~a~ o F~~~~~~~ ~f ~hg ~t~ge t~e mo~~ ~r~ fe~ now~, •in tl~el.r worm-aocaon-mo~h ~~ro]~~, th~ d~~1~~~~ a~~a~r ~r~i~c~~rre .pra~ring ~rogr~? coultA :be undert~]sen i~ ear~.y sp~~.r~~ ~f ra~~~ ~r~ th~ me~ntim~, ~ity s~aff was directed to contirzue res~~~~h of ~~a~ a~s~~~t~r~, ~~~~~~t~in the nu~,~r , o£ property e~mers interestecl in :~~rticiF~~Yrag ir~ s,~~~.y~~.~sg ~a~a~gram, ~~~~~~ure fr~om them '~~w , ~I3'Y COi7NCrL MAY 25, 1976 1~RROYO GRANDE, C:AI~IE°ORNfY~ PAGE 2 liability releases, and ascer~ain th~ n~mber c~f trees ~tha°t would be invc~lved. The City would then act ~s ~ger~t for th,~ people and call for bids for the spray programo Research will a~~~ be clone ~or a possible coop~~ative venture between South County cities and t~e ~oun°ty f~r this abatemento PRESENTATION OF FLA(~ & 1~COG"1tTT~ION CEFtT~E°IC~T'E TO CI~ - BIC;EI~TTENNIAL COMMIT`I'EE The Council read a letter from °t~ie ~a:cent~nnial C~nanittee of Sauth San Luis Obispo County, outliragng ,pl~nned ~~ents ~ver ~h~ July 4th weekend in the three South County Cities to celebrate ~~e 2QOth Ariniversa~ of this Nation's £reedom. Chairman of ~he Commi°ttees D~cls B]:ankenbaz~cg, p~~~~~t~d the Official Bicentennia7. Flag and Cer~if~;ca°te of O~iEici~l Recagnition to Mayor de Leon> The Flag & Certi:ficate ar~ b~stowed upon co~nunit~.es being mfficially recognized by the American Revalution ,~icentenniaT Adm~nistrat~.on as a Bicentennial Communi.ty. REVIEW OF LEGISLATIVE BUI,I~E~II~TS F`ROM LEAGiJE OF CAIsIFORNIA CITIES - OPPOSE BROP . 15 The City Council reviewed the latest Legislative Bulletins received from the League of California Cit~e~. Councilman Nlillis propos~d that the Council go on reaord as being in oppcsition of Proposition 15, the 1Vucl~ar Power Initiativem He statEd that usually the Council doe~ not take a stand on propositlons, but that this parti- cular one will directly affect this Cityo After Council di~cussion, a motion- was maae by Councs:lman NIiYl~.s, s~concTed by Cauncilman SpierTinq and on tYte fcllowing ro]:l call vote, to rait: AYES: Co~xncslmen Spierl~.ng, G~]:la~her, Sch].egel, Pti.llis and Mayor de Le~ NOLS: None; PLBSEI~: None, the motion carried unanimo~sly that the City of Arroya Grande go on record in opposit~.on oF Propo~,it~on 150 PUBLIC HEP,RING - APPEAL OF ~ZONE #76~35 DEIVIAL, E~AIIt OAK.a AVEo (MIYAKE) - CONTINUED The Council read a letter dated May 18, 1976, from Ronald Bennett, agent for George Miyake, requesting a r~~cheduling of tYae public hear~.ng set before t~ Council to consider thei~ appeal. ~n th~ Planning Comm~.~szon o s: den~.al of Rezone ~r Case Noo 76-95, to rezone app~oxia~~tely 1305 acres mff of Fair Oaks Avenue, from "R-A-B-3" to "R-1", Upon being assured by the City Clerk that all requir~ments as pravided by law regarding natifica~.ion of hearia~g nad been compliecT with, Mayo~ de Leon decl:ared the hearing openm Immediatel~t°t~ereafter, a motion was made by Counci~~ man Spierli.ng,. sec~nded by Ci~un~il.man Gall~gl~er and unan~.mouslq carriede to continue the public hearing on thi~ matter until the Council`s next regular meeting on Jun~ 8, 19760. COUNCILMAAi MILLIS EXCUSED HINiSELF DLTE 'PS~ P, PO~SI~LE CON~LI~'~ OF INTERE~T AND IS NOW ABSENTa PUBLIC HEF,RING - RUTH P11TN WAY HEIGHT LTNI~TATI0I~T - REZONE "R-1" TO "R-1-D" ORDINANCE 1ST READYNG ity Engineer Garcaa re~riew~d tYae City initiated proposed heiqht limitation for development of Rt~th Ann Wayo 'I'rae p]:a~ss ind~ca~e a 22' heigh~ T~mit above curb for the first lots at the top or~ e~ch side of the aul-de-~sac next t~ Montego Street, with the bal~nce of the development set at 18° al~ove curb neight. TIze height limitations are propc~~~cl to ms.mimiz~ the ~.mpact on the neighl~ors' vi~?A The Planning Commission has cansidered and recommendecl for approval the rezoning of Ruth Ann Way from "R-1" to "R-1~~"9 v~i~~ the "-D° o~rerride being the height limitation as set forth abovco Upon be~ng assured b~ the C~°ty Cl~rk tk~at ~11 ~equirements- as provided by law r~garding notification of he~ring h~.d b~ern ccsmplied wii:h, Mayor de Leon declax°ed the l~earing open, and al1 persons w~uld .1~ow ~as heard for or against th~- rezoninge There being no pub].~c ~~spora~~ ~o tl~e matt~r, Ma.y~r de Leon declared the hearing closedo ~1f~er C~uri~i]. d~scu~simn, C~ty Attorney Ship~ey read, for its first reading, the titl.e of aa~ OreTa.nar~ce amending the Zoning Map so as to rezone €rom "R:1° to "R-1-D", ~~r°t~.in pr~p~rty ~.n the Ci~y; thereafter, a motion was made by Coun~ilman Schlege3.y ~ec~~d~d by~ Ca~uncilman Gall~gher and unar~imously carried, t~ disp~nse v~ith ~e~.d~.ng the b~.larac~ of thi~ Ordinanc~. COVI~ICILMN~„N MTLI,I9 IS NiBW PREuEN'~Q _ _ _ ; i'73 cz~Y couNCZL r~~ 25; ~9~z~ r A1~ROYO GRANDE r CALIFOI2I~TI~ PAGE 3' RESOLUTION AI)OPTION - REVTSE SPE~D ZOI~7ES ON VARIOUS CITY STREETS ~ ` City°Eng.' G~rcia reported on meeta.ngs held w~th Traffic Referee;,,G. Dean MeNutt and Police Chief Cl~r~, reg~~ding enforcement of posted limits on,3outh Elm Street and Farro~.~. Raadm Because th~se streets are x~~t post~d to limits according to State V~:hicle Code standards? radar enforcement canno~ k~e used on',° these streets at-the ~Sr~sent ts,mea City Engi.neer Garci~ ~ecomme~d~~~ and the Par~Cing &:Traff:ic CQmtn~.ssion ~greed, tha~ speed limits on these t~C~'f~treets, anfl others, be changed t~a ~~~lec~ recen~ speed surveys, as follows: ~i.ECOMMENDED , STI2EET LIMI`~'S PRESENT ~PEED ~vPEED ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ . . Soo EYm Street G~~nd! to P,sh 25 mmPeh 35 m.p.i~...°;;.. So..Elm Street A~~ to Soo City Limits 25 30 ; Farroll Road Halc3~or~ ~o Elm - 25 30 Farroll Road E1m to `nrest City L~mif.s 2S 35 . Halcyon Road Fai~roll to s~uth Cit~S .Limits 25 30 After Council di~cussion, C~ty Attorney ~hipsey read the ti~~.~ of a resolut~an revising sp~ed limits on City streets as-indicated abou~,• ther~a~t~r, a motion was -made ~y Cour~cilman schlegel; seconded by Councilman ~~,laghe~° .and.,: unanimously carried, to d~spense with ~~ading the ba:lance of thi~s ~~r,a-lution, R~SO~LUTION NO. 1218 . A RESOLUTION OF TIiE C~TSC COUNCIL OF ;THE CITY OE` ARROYQ GRAND~ AUTHORIZING AI~D Ea~TABI,~~Ii~NG RE~~SED SPEED- Zf?1~ES ON VARIOUS:C~TY STREETSo On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Schleg~l and:Qn „ the following roll call votey to.wit: AYES:- Councilmen Spierl:ing, Gallagher,;;Schlegel, Mi1Zis a~1.Mayor de'.Leon NOES• Nane ABSENT. None the foregoing Resoluticxn was p~ssed ~:nd adopted this 25th day;of May, 19760; RESOLUTION ADOPZ'IQN - I~tO PARKING ON' ASH FR~M SPRUCE ;TO ,ELM STREET ` ; City Engineer Garesa revi~wed a. recommendation o~ the Pa.rk~~~ & T'~aff~c; Comanission that the first park~ng space on the north side of Ash St~eet at E~in Street and;the-area on ~he south sie~e of Ash S~~eet, adjaaent to ~he chal,n link fence, be' aesignated as no parking zoneso By previous Council authoriz,ation, the CommissiQn has autho~°~.ty to designate the;space a~. the corner of. Ash and Elm as "No Parking". After Council discuss~on, Ci.ty Attorney Shipsey read the.t~tle ; of a;resolution prohibit~ng parking on a port~on of Ash Street; th~reafte~,,a motion was made by Counc~.lman;~chlegel-, ~econded by Councilman-5pa.erling an~d uriani~usl-y carried, to dispen~e wx~th reading.the balance of;this resaluti~n..:, , RESOLUTION"NO. 1219 . _ A RE,SOLUTION OF-THE CITY COUNCIL,OF THE CITY OF ARROYO ; GRANDE ESTABLISHING A-"NO PARKZNG" ZONE UN ASH STR~~T> On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Schl~gel and.;:on the fc~llowing roll, call :vot~, to ~rit: AYESz Counci.lmen Spie~ling,- ~allagh~~°, Schlegel, M~lli~ and.~yor de Leon , NOES ; . NOne ABSENT: Nane. the foregoing Reso~.utian was pas~ed and adop~ed this 25th day;of May, 1976a. ' R~,SC7LUT20~: AIIOPTo - CONF4RM SO< ~RAE°E°TC WA~ PROPERTY (LAWLER) WITH ;PRESEI~i'P" ~QN~~N~'+- f,. AMEIJI~MENT TO i~iND USE ELEMENT _ City ~~torn~~r ~~ipsey r~viewed with the Council his lettex to tlYe~ dated ~y.24, 1976, regareding the Ordinance the Council;had hearc~ a first ~eadi~g on at; its last,meeting, to r~zone from °'R-A-B-3" t~ "P-M-D", property between:5outh:> Traffic Way Extension-_and Highr~ay 101, owrned b~r Bet~~ LawlEro S~id Orc3inance-ha~ " included fifteen condit~ans ("-D"` override) proposed by Councilman ~pier~i.ng. ~ At~ 4;. add+~ndum to condition #3, also from Counc~lman Spierlirrg, was <-review~.d reqazdY~ig ~tructu~al height 19.m~tati~no C~~~ ,~~t~~n~y SY~~.p~~y pc~~.r~~ed ou~ t~a~ setting ; foxth the recc~mnde~d' ~es~~ict~n~ ir~ the Ordinance : was unnecsssary ae aaid conditicne<are already provided for im secticna o~ the Muniaipal ~ode, which he. r~v~swsd. H~ proposod ~ r~writtan ordin~noe for ado,~tion, which ~.na~ud~e references to the Municipal Code Se~tiQns as ta des~.~~d re~trictict~rs anc9 a reference in the Ordinance that the 15 conditions °e4are spec~~'.~oally enume~~t~d: anc~ on file .with the- City Clerko 0 0" The Co~cil disaussed th~ ma.tter-at 1~ ~h, , _ i'74 CITY COUNCIL MAY 25~ 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORI~~~1 PAGE 4 with several decl~ni.ng to have a second readirzg an an ordinance which has been amended from the first read~nge ~ubli~ comrnents we~°e also received from Andy Johnson, 1279 Poplar, E11a Hons~c~ztt, 560 Oak H~11; Elsis Laycack, realtor far the Lawlers; and Madeline St~~le, 1598 Hillcrest. After Counc~.1 di~cussi.on, a ma~ion was m~.de by Councilm.an Millis, seconded by Cauncilman Gallagh~r and on th~ fallowing roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierl~ng, Gallaghe~°, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leons NOES: None; ABSENT: Non~, the mot~.on carried unanimousl~ that the Council and City amend the Land Use P1~.n to con~orm w~th p~e~ent zoning. After further dis- cussian, City Attorn~y Shipsey re~d the title of a R~solution amending the Land Use Element of the General Plan; th~r~after, a motion was made by Councilma.n Spierling, seconded by Coun~llman Millzs and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance o~ this Resoluti~n. RESOLUTION NOe 1220 A RESOLUTION OF THE C~~SC COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING AN 1~MENDMENT Z`O TI~iE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN FOR TFiE LAWLER PROPERTY TO LOW DENSITY USE. On motion of Councilman I~Iillis, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, t~ ~rit: AYES: Councilmen Sp~.erling, Gal~lagY~er, Schlegel, M~llis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted ~his 25th clay of May, 1976. MUNI. CODE AMEND. - ORDTNANCE ADOPTo - EIaIMINATE 6-MONTH~ 1~1SSMT. PYMT. WAIVER(CBD) City Attorney Shipsey reas~ ~he title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code so as to eliminate a six-month assessment payment waiver in the Central Business District; therea~ter, a mo~tion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by'Councilman Schlegel ancl unanimou~ly carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinanc~o OR1)~NANCE NO. 137 C. S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDII~TG THE ARROYO.GRANDE MUNTC~PAL CODE BY REPEALING SECTION 10 CHAPTER V TO TTTLE 3 RELATING TO THE LICENSE TAX FOR NEWLY E~TABLI sFiED BU~~NESSES IN °I'HE CITY DOWNTOWN PARKING AND BUSINES~ IMPROiIEMENT AREA. On motion of Counci.lman Spierl.ir~g, seccnded by Cou~ncilman Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to w~,tm AYES: Councilmen Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None PjBSENT : None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and aclopted th~~ 25th day of May, 1976. NOTICE RE. PLAN. COMMo PUBLIC HEAR:LNG REo RECONIMENDED LAND LJSE AMENDMENTS The Council received notice that the Planning Commi.ssion will hold a public hearing on June 1, 1976, on the various Council recommendations for changes to the Land Use Element of the General Plan. ° CONTACT PROPERTY OWNERs REo LE POINT "1'ERR. ABANDONMENT & ACREAGE REVERSION The Counczl reviewed a memo from the Planning Comm~.ssion, recommending that the requested abandonment of Le Point Terrace, between Crown Street and Le Point Street, be approved, su~ject ~oa 1) a vehicular and PUE easement being maintained within the aurrent 40 f~o right of way; and 2) that the small 25 ft. lots be eradicated by a"reversion to a~reag~" actiono City Attorney Shipsey stated that public hearings would have °to be he~d on both the reversion of acreage proposal and abandonment of Le Point Terracem After Council discussion, a motion was made by Gouncilman Gallagher, secc~nded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carriecl, to hold over th i~ matte~ to give City staff an opportunity to d3.~au~~ thQ ~~reac~e x°eve~~z~n px°ogosa~ w~th involved property owners so they t?uy bR tu~ly ~~,~~~~o~ a~ ~~.~u~a~~.r~n, r,..- CI'~Y CO'UN~~~ MAY 25, 19~fi ~ A~ ARROYO GI2~II~TD~, ~~Z~~~~i~l.V:~A PAE~E 5 ABANDOtVN.i~11~1T a~" I~O~ Ii~~~"~~~T ~'°~.~,1V ~~1~~ ~~t~.~`~1~~k~ 'T'C7 PP,RF~~~BG & TFtAFF°IC COMMISSIQN _ Th;~ .~~~n~~.l ~~~a~~~~~ ~ a~~~~~~n~~i~~~°~~r~ ~~r~~ ~th~ ~~.~nnbng Cosrimmission that t~e plan line ~~n N~~°~,]r~ ~,~~.~;~s~a~ ~~~~c~y b~~~r~~a~ ~~aa~d ~.~~r~u~ ~zad ~A C~znino Real, be ~et : ;aside a~ ma ~.~a ~ ~1:~ ra ~Ya ~ ~aa'~ "~o ~xi~tixag developm~t on Nor~h Ha~~~~za R~s~c~4 ~a~~ ~~~z~ °~1~~ Par}c~.nc~ & ~'raf#ic Gommiss~.on ~'c~~ ~~as~ aas~~~~,~r~~4 ~&a~ u~gec~ ~arsful aonsi~s~~~ tian af ~h~~ ~~~~c~~~c~ ~~a~r~~~~a~~~R AtJTFiOR~ZE ~I"I~ AI~~G Ni~~~"~~i~ ~F~~~'~~°~3~ ~~~E SE°~~T~ I3°I° m RITCH~E _ Aelmi.n~~~ar~~~~~ ~~~c~~a ;~~5~~~~w~a~ ~~°~p~~~~ darr~~~ cl~i~z~ ~ubz~it°ted by Jack L. Ri~ch~e, 620 ~~r~ra~~~ A~~r~~u~y ~;ra~~~~~~~ng ~ b~.clk~~-~p ~~~r~~o A~tex° C~ura~~.l di~cus~~.an~ m~~.~or~ w~~ m~c~~ ~~~n~~~.l~m~.r~ ~aY~agl~er, ~ec~snded by Council.man Spierling ar~d ~~~~~m~~~~.~ 9~~`~h~a~~~~ng C~~y F,danin~~~rato~ ~utch to negotia~e a~e°~°tl~~~a~t ~,r~ ~h« ~.n~~~~r~°~ $ ~ 28 0~ 8 wr~,th ~~cl~ Lo Ra~~chie for a property clasn~g~ ~~.~.~xn Fa2~ ~~~~~t~ A~~r~~~ m APPRO~'E .`~GR,~~i~I~IT V~S~°I`~ f~o ~1V~1~I2~~fi'~N~°~I~ Ai)1iII~F~~'~1~1~°~~ SER~TICES 2'Yi~ ~e~~ai~c~l i~~~,~~v~d ~~~~~~~d ~~~~~zr:er~~ ~i~~i~~~xi t1~e ~i~}r ari Co;u?~~Y:~ for En~r~~e~r~gner~~~~ Ad~^~~n~~~~~~~~~ ~~~w~~~~~ °t~ ~Y~e ~~t~ D~o D~~ric~ ,~.o Ha~r•,o~ao Afte~° Coumci~ d~,~~~x~~~~~~D ~ a~~`~:~~~ ~a~.~ r~~c~~ la~ C~un~~~,m~;ra ~~hl~~e1, second~d }~y C~tanci~mar~ ~~~~~a~~,a~~~~ ~~a~ ~~~r~i~~~~~~,~ ~~~~~~cl, ~~~h~~~~~,Yig the l~~ror and City Clerk tcs s~.gn a~~~~m~a~~, tl~~ ~nvir~~rc~~°t~.l Adma~n~.strative Service~o NOTICE RE o R,~I~~` ~~'~I.~Y~iV~~ ~~91~ Ii~TJ~~I~~ ~FZ~~~~[ - H o iJ a 1~ o TY~e Coaan~~ a. ~~~r~~~a~d ~~e~~~~ i~~~m D~p~~tin~r~~. ~Iousi.;ng and U~baii Dev~l.opmen~ ~~g~~c~~~~° th~ ~~~~~~~~z~~ ~a~us~~g p~~~~~mo ~dm~.nistrator Butch acl~~~ed cY~,~~~~~~~~~ 1~e~~ ~e~~l w~°tYi ~Y~e ~clir~~~a.~tra°tor ~or the S;~r~ Lu~.s Hous~ng P.~th~~i.t~~ a~~~~,~~ ~h~°~ C~~~ zray ~,~°t la~ ~le ~o en~~ ~e program un~.i~ ~~m~ ~~;rre~ y ~,~r~~~ct~ ~r~°tl~ ~h~ p~~g~°~m ~,rill ~ax~-tinue:- NI~~o Ho~a~~~~~~,~ ~6~ i~~Y~, ~~~e~ ~~~;~~~~.~on a°~ th~ V~:g~bond Trailer Park where ~~.d~~~,~ ~~a~~~n~ ~~d l~a~ ~°~ised th~ ~'~n'~a~. f~,~es, wrhich rcrany ~f ~h~ ~~~~~~g~~~ ~,v~l~ r~~~ b~ ~bl~ p~~ arsd th~y h~ve x~~ w~r-e ~else to goo ~fie matt~~ wr~~ ~e~~~~ed t~ ~Y~~ ~~~;t~ ~c~~r~t~ Fi~rn~n Relati~ns ~~m~~s.s~:cxra~. Ken S~.unr~er~ ~~~ar~°~~~ ~~~~r ~~~~~b~ze e G~~~~~ C~~~~ ~ta~ed °~Yi~°t °~he LaGa7.~~ p~a,P~~'ty' would be ~~~~a~el ~~~~~.~~r~ ~~w~ ~e~~ ~~~.~~,~~a N1a~o~ d~ L~a~a ~xpounded an the situation ~~t ~Yae ~T~~~b~~d ~~~;a,~~~ ~a~k ~r~c1 h~,~ v~s~,~ w~~~h aa~ ~lde~'ly residen~ ~h~~~o pISCUSS30i~T R~ ~ ~~C3I~~IrT~ ~I~~~~t ~ ~ ~~AIdI~S~ H~ ~D o ~ & .a7P,NlES W~~ - 1~ZO.NTNG ~I~~~~~D Q~~IQAI~~~ u ~ ~ , ~ _ ~:~~t~ ~~tto~-ne~ ~~Z~p~~~ ~~~~,~u~e~l ~a~~~~ ~~t~~~~ ars~ d~~~u~~icsr~ of t1~ G~~ci~. rega~dY~g th~ ~~~.~~a~ I~~ ~~~~ar~~~ ~~~¢~~~r~~~ ~r~ °~aYb~ H~ l~oacl~ ~x~ wrh~~h a po~:t;it~n c~,~ prope~~,~ oa~ ~ame~ V~~~° ~~c~ ~.~~~~de~o ~~a~n~~~ ]~~d ~a~ld o~€ on °th~ ,aci4pt~~ of an o~°d~~.~r~~~ de'~~~~~~~ f~Ya~ ~5~y ~~~~~~~3~ C~d~n~n~~ I3~ 0 135 C o~ P~~~g a jo3.n°k meet~,~c~ ~~tT~ ~~~~~a~.~~ ~~~r~~~~~~~o ~~ic~ ~rae~°~~~g ura~ laeld :nr~.~h ge~~~~'al. agre~m~nt 1~~ng ~h~°t ~~a~ "BR~Ad~=~a` ~~~~a~~~~ f~~ ~k~~ Jam~:~ v~~y land i~ proper, T1a~: CounC~l ac~~e~cl °~s~ t~~~ ~o~o a~ ~~~~~~o I~so ~~,mm~r~~, 3~~ ~~~.~~m~a~~~d ~~e ~e~~t,ive En~~resr~ment~l Aecla~a~.irsr~ ~h~ s~~~~~ ~~Y~~a~~~3~0 ~~~;~r A~~~~x~e~ S~~p~~~ s~t~ted the Pla~na:xxg Go~cucniss~on ~.he p~~pe~ ~~op~~a~g ~~~TA s and I~~~at.~.ve De~].aratioz~s, un1~~s th~re is ~,p,}~~~~ o ~~~~~~~~~,~n 1~I~11~.~ ~t~~~a t~at ~,e had hearcl o~ a ease enti~~ed I~l~~st ~~o ~~ex~~~~~ ~h~~~ Ap~~~~.a~~ ~~urt had ruled, an ~Iar~h 30, ~97C~ ~~a~ ~~~~a~~ ~r~a~~l~ ~~~~~~-n~ mu~t al~o be tl~~ ag~.n~~ accept~~xg Er~~~~a~^~~~~~~ ~mp~~~ ~~p~~~,~ o l~~l~~s ~e~qu~~~~d .Ci~y Atta~~~~ ~h~.A~~~v ~~s~~~c~~ ~~~~~~~o ~~~~~~1 b~~~~~.3~ d~~~~s~ed thi~ Ia!tes~ ~nformat~~n a~~ a~~e~~c~ ~~°e~~~~~~~ ~ 35 ~ o S o as aclc~}~°ted, un~:~s:~ ~esea~~k~ ~~v~~.I~ ~c~~~~~~ ~~~n~ zr~~~~~~: d~~~~x°~r~°tlye P,UTHOE2TZE ~~~~~T~~Y3 ~E~I~T~~~ ~°~R ~`~~~~°Fi~l~ ~C~I~?I~TI~~ ~~aR~C P~ar~aa~~,~ ~ ~c~~,~t ~~~~~~~cg ~~~d ~b~ ~a~~m~~.~. va~~th ~.Y~~ ~a~~C~ & ~~r~a~t~•o~ Cominis~~~n ~x~. ~ ~ p ~ 3~~ ~ ~ b~ ~~~~~.1.~~ .~~hlegel, s~coxati~.ed Councilman ~~~3~gh~~ ~~d ~~~~,~~~~~3~ ~~~'~~~~a ~~F~~~~~~J $~504 m 00 b~ us~d to ~r~s~~ w~tl~ ~Y~~ s~~~~%~~~ ~~~~~h~~ ~~rr~n~xir~~°t~ ~a~k on ~i~x~srna R~ado $UDC"~T ~ ~'~i~ ~~1~~f ~~.~.~~1~~ ~l~I~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _~~DG~T ~E~~~Q~i ~~~,~~~Y ~~~d~ ~~i+~ ~~c1,c~~~ ~~q~~~~ ~kta 1976-77 ~i~~a~~. qe~ from the Human R~~a~~br~s C~~n~~~~~a~~ L~~~ c~bi~po Coun°~~, at its 13u&c~~ s~udy se~sa~ons coming ~pm `i~z~ ~~~,~~~~r~°~ pr~}~~~eci b~xd~et ~'~flect~ a$3(J0 xs~~~'~ for this Cit~°~ p~~~rt~~n~~~ ~1~~ ~~7~~76 ~~tal al];ocata,nrs of $2°SO~.t90. ~17s CITY Cc~ITN~~L 1HAY 25, 1976 A12RC13tC7 G~D~9 ~~I~F°~~~~ PAG~ 6 RECEIPT C9F` 1°76 ~~1~~Y~,'T"~~ ~~r~~ ~~~12'~ - ~~1VI~T~~Ca DEPT~ The C~u~~~~, ~~~~~wa~~ ~ ~ ~~6 ~~~~~~~t~~~ ~~~t Ar~~]~y~is° r~po~°t px°epared by the F"~~r~~:a~~ ~r~~~~~s~~~a~ ~ ~ECEIPT O~ I~~o ~7~~ ~~~~C~~~~L~~~~ k~'~si'~fiTSCI~fiG ~~1~~~~~~1~ ~ ~ The ~saur~c~,~ ~r~~ ~~~~~~.~~e~~ ~1~~~~~p~d by ~tYn~ Planxiing Departm~x~~t fo~ ~pg~~~.~~~~~~ ~g~ ~`~~~~°a~.~ ~~~~i~s,p~x~~~ ~f Ag~~,cultural Use ~ Permi.ts, wvh~~h ~~r~~~~~~ ~z~: c~~~d~~a~r~ a~~~ ~l;l~r~ed in cer~i;rl zunesa NOTICE ~~T5UF~1~~~ I~~~I~I)~~~ ~C~~~C~~ ~ ~~1~ o The ~~~n~~~ ~k~~~~~ C~°~~r h~~ ~~~e~~~c~ clividend~ in the amourit af D~ 65 0 97 ~~~~ca ~~z~ ~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~ ~r~~~~~n~~ F°~d ~'~r the ,period ~ of 1973-74 8 a r~~~7L~ ~~~~~sm~~ ° ~ ~~~g~~r~~a°~~~r~ ~~~~e~ o LETTER OF° E2~~~G"AT~°1~~f~1V - ~Ia~~I~t~ ~~`a~~~~~'.~I~T~~ ~~l1\TD~~711~Ia ~ On mz~t~;~n C~~~~~~L~~~~ ~i~7~~~~~ ~~~e~~cl~d lay ~~~~~~Y~a~ Gall~gh~r and unan~,mou~~y ca~~~~~D ~~~~~~~~~~c~~ ~~~a~ ~~r~c1~~aY, ~r~~rc the Planning Commiss~tm, effective Nf~y ~~a ~9~~~ ~~v~°~~°~ ~e~~°~~ ~d ~,r~~°t~~c°t~on vvas given that a - letter o~ thar~~:~ ~~~~~~~~e~~~~ Y~~a~ h~~ ~~r~~ce to the C~.tye NON-AGENDA ~'I'~M ~ E~~1~~'~"~~1~ ~~~~~~[JP ~'~;~,~5 ~ ~TrJ~S 1N~ o I~~~~~~ ~~~r~ ~ ~ u ~ ~~~~,~~~;~~~1 a~c3 ~~unciY agreed, to 'hear him at °~hi~ °t~~e n ~~~~~a~ ~~a~~,~ ~~d ~Y~~ re~~e°tir~g for "Oral Communicati~~s~e o i~ o I~~~~~ ~~~~~M ~~s ~~}~~~~;~t~,c~~ ~1 Q2 0 50 fees to be paiel to °th~ C~t~ ~~S~n Y~~~~~~~ ~~a ~Y~~~ ~~~nr~~ ~y~°~~~o ~~~e o SO ~s °the perm~.t cost for °~1~~ 1~~~~~~~ 9 wr~~ ~Y~, ~,~~~~c~~~ y~,~~~ o~~~~ fo~ future ~ expaa~s~on o~ ~~e ~~~~~~~~~~~i ° ~ ~~w~~ °~r~~.trn~~st~ plant o RESOL o~OFT o-~1VT~IV~ T~~~1~~~I~ I~,~~~ifT i~F° `~3'.A~ - SO o~Ia~I S`I° o-P/H a 6/22 j76 Purs~~.x~~ ° ~ ~°~s ~~~~x~,ar x~ee°~~,ng, Ci~Gy Attorney ~ha~p~~~ ~a~ ~~~~te ~.1~~ ~i~~e ~f ~ ~esol~°~~on of intention ~ea ~l~~n~~~ ~~c~~~~ ~r~~ ~a~ ~1m~ ~°tre~~te and ~~tt~aag a public hearing on th~ ~rg~t~~5~ ~ ~ o ~Q ~ o.Mo ; ~h~~°e~~te~, a mo°t~~~a was made by Counc~la~~a ~}~~~a~~~n~e ~~~~a~~~~ ~~~z~~~~r~~ ~c~~eg~l ancl ~xn~za~mousl.y carried, °t~ clisp~~~~ Y~~~.~~~~ ~~~~l~ationc ~ ~ 1~~~~U'~~~~ a ~ 2 °V ~ ~ ~ P, ~~~~~~~I~ ~~~"`i~ ~~~~'aC~ `~'F~~ ~~F° ~12~2~9Y0 ~I~1V~E S~'~`~~I3~ ~'~~~Fi ~ ~~°~'~1~'~`' ~ C51V 'T"U y ~~111~TI~(3D7 ~.ND CI~?~E A~ ~~~,"I°~~`r~ ~~~~I~ S~I~~ °fi~Y~ ~T~'~ ~,~~3~~ (~~laiDE~ ~11~TD F'~XT~1T~ ~~1~ ~°~F~ H~~~LQC~ A~ P1~~V~D~~ S'I~REE°~S g11QT~ ~~~iiiW~A~~ ~~~°'2~~~~ £~~~~D ~ On ar~ot~~~a ~~~n~~g,~~ ~~~~~Y:~.~~n ~~~~ru~~c~ b~ ~~~~~~„~~ri~n G~llagher and on the foll~va~ng ~°o~~ ~a~ AYES e Cc~~~a~~Ym~a~ ~~~~~~.~~~~t7 ~~~~~c~ka~~ A~~~~~~e~, M~YI~~ and Ma.yor de Leox~ NOES o DT~z~xx~ ABSEN~ : 1V~~~ the fc~regaing F~~~~~.~,t~,~~ w~~~ ~~n~ ~~~~~~d 25°~I~ ci~~ c~f l~yA 19760 NOTTCE CSF° ~UBLI~ Y~~~`~1l~~ 1~0 ~~~1~~'I~,~a~ ~~~~°~D 43'~°T'EEt 12~SOUI~GE NEEDS: 6/10/76 Th~ C~~n~~,~ ~~a~~~c~c~ ~~~~1~ ~a~~~le~ D~st~~~t, Corps of Engineers, °~h~~ ~ ~ 0 60 ~ o1~Yo on ~'~zr~e 10, 1976, in the Boa~cl ~f Supe~~~~~~~ o~k~~~~~ O~~~pc~, ~o~ deve~.opment of informa- tion rec~arding ~~~~.~~5~ ~~s~ :p~~~~~~ w~~~.~~~ ~~~~~r~~ ~~~cl~ ~or San Luis Obispo Countyo ~~~~r ~~~c~~~~~~~~ ~a~~~~~g a~k th~i°~ tY~e Tally Ho area be ~~ud~.~c~o R~PORei` ~ ~6`~~I N~E`~~~~ ~;a~ ~~1~~ ~ ~£~~77'~~i ~~'~i.~`~~"~~ ~ NY~ZtIo~S Co~srn~~~~n~~ Il~,~~I~,~~ Ivi~~r ~~~t~ng of ~he Z~ne 3 Advisory ~ommit°tee, st~~~~~ ~~~i~ x~~~.~~~~% of t~e ~~a~°]cs & I~ecr~ation Area and ~1~~er T~~~.~,~ra~r~~ ~r~~~ o 1~~.~ ~i p°~he c~~n wa~ 6 0 3 feet beloav ~~~~~w~~~ ~ ~1~~ ~~~~s ~h~ ~v~°~~~° ~e~~~~o~~ arad it ~.s iaoped ~o h~~ro ~Y~~ i~~~~~~~~;~~ ~b~ 5~~~~~~~ o~ ti~i~ ~r~~~a Cz~ cotnserL r~~ 25, 7 976 1~~ ARROYO GRP,NDE, C2~~,~~°O1~TI~ ~'AGE 7 REPORT - NUMBER OF SER~7~CES ~F°ECT~l3 R~ v REC~I~TT C~7dJRT ~tU~TN~ - R05ENGREN The Council reviewed st~.°ti~°tic~ prepa~ed by F~.nance Director Rosengren regarding the number of w~°~~~ se~~~.~e~ ~,ffec~~ei by the recent Court ruling regaxding mi.nimum charc~es on ~ack~ b~x~ira~ss' vr~:ths.n one b~ilding being se.rved by one water metero Tha.rty-~e~~n ac~~izi°a~~ were ch~ged, with the City losing 67 minimums, which represents ~$16Q los~ to the City per month, o~ approximately $2,000 per year. City ~taff ~vas r~qrz~st~d to r~search what can be done tq make up this loss in revenuee PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN Lt7IS OB~~PQ COIJI~T`.G~ SANITI~Z`IOl~T DISTRICT The Council reviewed ancT order~d fil~cl the monthly report for April, on the South San Luis Obispo Cc~un.°~~r Sar~i°ta°~~,can Di~trict ° s operationo Administra- tor Butch stated that Ro Niichael R~oad~s ha~ ra~w been appointed as Chief Plant Operatore PERMIT ONE~TIME PIIMPING OF S~E%'IBI~ "T'111~TIC P,T 661 LAI~ICASTER URo - SNlART, JR. Mrs. Smart of Grover Ci~~r made a request on behalf of her son, Victor 0e Smart, Jr., 661 Lancaste~° ~r~~r~a ~o pump thea.r full s~ptic tank but del.a~r h~ok- up to the sewer sy~~em for s~,~ ~on~h~, du~ to financia]. problems. Af~er Council discussion, a motion rAras ~de b~ Councilman Sp~erlinq, ~econded by CounciZman Gallaqher and una:nimously carreiede authorizing one (1) pumping only of the septie tank at 661 ~anca~ter Dr~~re, ~r,m~c~ by V~ctox° O m Smart, Jr e, with the sewer hook-up to be made by the October 24~ 1976 de~cll~rse o~ sooner if additiaraal pumping of ~he septic tank becomes nece~sax~ be~ore °tha~G da~eo PERMTSSION Z`O BE ABSENT E°RON1 STA`.~E - I~IAYOR D~ LEON On motion of Councilman l~illi~? seconded ~y ~oun~ilman Gallagher, and unanimously carried, Nfayor de Leon was authorized to be absen~ from the State intexmittently bet~,re~n now t1l~otzgll ~Tun~e 1976' as pe~ Yais requesto ADJQURNMENT On motion of Cc~unc~.5.man Ni~ll,a.~, ~~conded b~ C~unc~lman Gal].ag~er and unanimausly carried, the me~~ir~g adjourned at 10:07 P.Mo unti]. 4:3Q PoMm on June 1, 1976, for a budget ~tud~r ~~~~iono < Q ~ ~~°~~-e ~ ~1 A`TTEST e ~?2l1~ C . _ CITY CLERK NiAYOR CITY COUNCTL JIJI~IE 1, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALTFORNIA 4z30 P.Me The City Cauncil met ~.n ~e~g~xl~.r adjourned se~s~or~ w~~h Mayor de Leon presidfng. Upon roll ca11, Counci]. M~m}~ers Spierling, Gallagher, Schlege~.:and Nfi~lis reported presento- BUDGET STUDY SESSIOI~ The Council cont~n~~ci ~t~x~l~ w~~°~h ~s~~~r~~.~~~°ator ~utch of the Prelimin~.ry Budget for the fisca~. year 197Fi-77 D be~~a~r~ing with Pa~e 1 thx°o~xgh Page 16 0 ADJOURNNtEI~iT TO EXECTJTTtTE ~~~~~~N On mo~ion of Cot~ri~~.lmarc S~S~e~~~ng°, ~~conded by Cnuncilman Millis and unani- mot~sly car~ied, the C~~rac~.l ~djau~xaed ~°t 5e3(7 PaMo t~ an Executa~ve Sess~.on to discuss labor relationso RECONiIENEMENT The Council rece~nveraed at ~i: ~4 1~ eMa wi°th all members present a~ ~hdwn on roll callo ADJCIURNMENT On motion o~ Council~,n ~~h1,~geY,, ~ec~nded I~y Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, the ntee°t~;ng adj~urraecl at 6e15 PmMa until 4:30 PeM. on June 7, 1976, to continue_ stixc~y of ~he pr~li~ninary budg~to ~l - ' ~ ~~--~~-e ATTEST: - ° DEPUTY CITY CLE~IC M~YOR