Minutes 1976-06-14 __-~~3 CITY COUNCIL JUNE 14, 1976 ARRQYp GR~,NDE, CALTFORN~A 4:30 P.M. The City Council met in regular adjourned meeting with Mayor de Leon presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Spierling, Schlegel and Millis reported present. Councilman Gallagher entered during the meeting. DISCUSSION RE. SEWER HOOK-UP EXTENSION REQUESTS The Council reviewed the numerous requests received for sewer hook-up extensions, as of June 1, 1976, along with a report from Director of Public Works Anderson making recommendations for disposition of the requests and criteria to be used for said action. The Council discussed the possibilities of an ordinance that would reflect the requirement of sewer hook-ups as well as the many problems that accompany sewer hook-ups, such as credit, instal-lment payments and monthly sewer availability charges. The Council directed Administrator Butch to prepare a report so that the City Attorney could draft an ordinance to encompass these items. The Council then r~viewed the thirteen requests for sewer hook-up waivers and extensions individually, and made determinations an them, as follows: 1. Walter Sults, 102 Traffic Way - is required to hook-up. 2. Albert Stillwell, 734 Myrtle - will be checked into further. 3. Fred Roullard, Coach Road - is required to hook-up. 4. Louise Redick, 162 S. Elm - is required to hook-up. 5. Victor Smart, 661 Lancaster - has been taken care of. 6. Mrs. Nunn, 124 S. Halcyon - hook-up requiremerit waived for one year, with yearly reviews to be made by the City for further extensions. 7. Russell Doherty, 116 S. Halcyon - is required to hook-up. 8. Dixon Ranch, Branch Mill Rd. - waiver of hook-up with yearly reviews, 9. Fred Grieb, 303 S. Halcyon - waiver of hook-up with yearly reviews. 10. Garing & Taylor, 141 S. Elm - require hook-up and discuss with them credit . based upon proposed City Ordinance, if adopted. 11. Mrs. Edmonds, 4'16 Le Point - pump credit ($754.10) and require hook-up. 12. Mr. C. Diehl, 1180 Maple - require hook-up. ~ 13. Waller Seed Farm, Huasna Road - waive hook-up requirement as the building is over 200 ft. from the sewer main. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned into an executive session at 5:45 P.M. to discuss labor relations. RECONVENEMENT The Council reconvened at 6:15 P.M. with all members present as shown on roll call. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 6:16 P.M. ATTEST : Y l • G<~e-~Z ~ DEPUTY CITY CLERK ' MAYOR - ,