Minutes 1976-07-26 ~99 CITY COUNCIL JULY 26, 197~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 3:00 P,M. The City Couneil met in reguiar adjourned session with Mayor de ison prosiding. Upon roll call, Council Memb~rs Spier1ing, Schlegel, Gallagher and Millis reported present. STUAY SESSION UN REZONING CASE' ~5-$5 PLAN DEVELOPMENT OF OAK PARK ACRES AND VISION 0- OAK PARK ACRES Mayor de Leon requested the City Adrninistrator to revi~w for tfie Counctl prior action and staff input. The City Administrator then reviewed for the Council a packet of information that they had received either in tfieir agenda or at the time of the meeting. The maJar area was that ~ny development plan on any parcel shail be approved by the Councile Th~re was discus~ion on the us~ of septic tanks on parcels 11 or 12 and the phasing of commercial prcperty in con- Junction with development of residentiai parcels. There was a gre~t deal of discussion on the proJect~ Councii Member Gallagher spoke to the question on cost to schools and the suggestion that a .30C per square foot development cast be incorporated inta the project. 'There was general discussion th~t such a fee shoutd be cansidered for all development, not onty tn the City of Arroyo Grande but in the Lucia Mar Unified 5chool District. There was also discussion on the rer~isinn of park fund money, The Planning Dir~ttor ~ndtcated that this is curren~ly under study by tfie Planning Commission and will be forthcoming ta the Councii. 7he genera1 consen~us of ~he Council was that the staff put the total pro- J~ct in a completed package far the Counci~'s revlew and considerat~on by their ~ugust 10, 1976, meeting. ADJWUKNMENI' On moti,on csf Counci] Member Spie?~ling, sec~nded by Coun~il Membcr Gatlagher, and unanimousty carrSed, the meeting adjou~ned ~t 4:15 P ATT E ST 1?~~ G'~~-~-~ U Cr Y LE K MAYOR CITY COUNC~L JULY 27, 1976 ARRO'YO GRANDE, CAL~F~Rri~IA The City Council m~~ in r~gula~° ses~~.on wi,th iK~yo~° Ga}ae de Leon pr~siding. Upon roll call, Ccuncil Members A1. Spier~ing, M~tthe~r Gal.lagh~ar, ~°r. , Calvi.n Schlegel and Mark Millis reportec~ presen°~. PLEI?GE OE' ALLEGIANC~ A1~ID INVOCATION Mayor de Lean led the Pledge of Alleg~~.nce to ou~r Flag; ~rzd immedi~tely thereafter, Councilman Niillis delivered ~.he invaca~~,on. AFPROVAIr OF' MINU29ES e minutes for the speeia~ mee°ti~g df J~~ne 3~, 1976 ~r~d ~°~gular mee~ing of J'ul,y 13, 1976, were ~pproved as prepared. A,FI~ROVAL OF WARRA~TZ"S ~n motion of Councilma~x ~~~.lagher, second~c~ b~ Co°~n~ilman Spierl~~g ar~d txnanimausly carr~.eel, Genea~al Warrants Nc~, 191 t'h~c~ugh No. ~09 az~d Na. 5079 th~ouc~h Na. 5150, in the ~otal ~nount of $83,74~.31 j~r~d ~~~Z~~11 Wa~rrara~s ATo. 6976 thrc~~h No. 76U4, in the total ~,moun~ of $50,674.97, raer~ app~°~v~d ax~d a~dsred paid. _ PETITZON PROTESTING AD(7P~~Ol~i OF ORDINANC~ NC?. 139 C. S. ~'AIR C7AYC5 ~E~~NTNG(MIXAKE) The Council was informed °that a Fte~e~r~ndtun Pet~~~on has bee~ f~, ~d w~t t~ City Clerk, protesting the adap°~ion Ord~.r~~nc~ Nc~. 139 ~,S. to re~~n~ p~o~+erty owned by G~orge Miyak~ on ~'a~r Oaks Avenu~s T~~ Ci°ty C1ex~ i~ in th~ pro~ess of certifying the siqnatur~s. It ~.s ar~~i~ip~ted tY~a~t tl~e ma°~ter wxl7, again be b~°ough~k befnre the Council ~t ~ts r~gula~° meeting August '10, 1976a