Minutes 1976-07-27 ~99 CITY COUNCIL JULY 2b, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 3:00 P,M. 7he City Councit met in regular adjaurned session with Mayor° de Leon prQSiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Spier1ing, Schlege1, Gallagher and Millis reported presente STUDY SESSION UN REZONING CASE'75-85 PLAN DEVELOPMENT OF OAK PARK ACRES AND VISi N d- OAK PARK ACRES Mayor de Leon requested the City Administrator to review for t'he Cauncll prior action and staff input. The City Administrator then rev~ewed for the Council ~ packet of informatior~ that they had recefved either in the~ir agenda ~ or at the time of the meeting. 7he maJar area was that any development plan on any parcel shall be epproved by the Coune~l~ °There was discussion on ~he use of septic tanks on parcels ~1 or 12 and the ph~sing of comme~cial property in can- Junction with development of residenttel parcels. Thare was a great deal O~ dISCU55~011 on the proJecta Councii Member Gallagher spoke to the qu~stlc~n on cost to schools and the suggestion that a .30t per square foot development cost be incorporat~d into the praject. 7here was general discussion that su~h a fee should be considered for all developm~nt, nat only tn the City of Arroyo Grande but in the Lucia Mar Unified School District. Th~re was also discussinn on the revistdn of park fund money. The Pianning Qirector indicated that this is currentty under study by the Planning Cornmission and will be forthcoming to the Counctt. The general consensus af ~he Council wes that the staff put the total pro- ,ject in a completed package for the Counci~'~ review and consideration by their August 10, 1976, meeting, ADJt~UKNMENT On matiAn of Council Member° SpBerling, seconded by Councii Member Gallagher, and unanimously carried, the m~eting ~djourn~d at 4:15 P ATT E ST V l• C~~ ~e...-- U Cr LE K MAYOR CITY COUNCIL JULY 27, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CAL~FORNIA The City Coun~~l rne~t ir~ ~°egula~° ses~ir~n with Mayro~ Gabe d~ Leon presiding. Upan ro11 call, Ccuncil Members A1 Spierl,~:ng, Ma~ttheur Gallagher, J~., Calvin Schleqel and Mark Millis reported present. FLEQGE t7F ALL}yGZANCE At~ID INVOCP,TION Mayoar de Leon led the Pl~dge of Allegianc~ to au~ Flag; and immediatel~+ thereafter, Gouncilman Millis delivered °the invocat~crn. APPROVAI, OF MINt1TES e m nutes far the special mee°ti~g of June 30, 19?6 ~~d ~°~qular meeting of Jul,y 13, 1976, were ~pproved as prepa~ed. A,FPROVAL OF WARFtANTS On motion of Council~n G~ll~ghe~, gecond~d by Coun~~lman Spf~rli~g ax~d unanimc?usly carried, Ge,nezal W~rarits No. 191 ~hraugk~ Noe 209 a~ac~ No. 5p79 th~ougla Na. 5150, in the ~otal ~mount o~ $83,74~.31 j~nel P~y~~rc~ll ~ar~°an~s ~to. 5976 thxc~ugYk No. 7604, in the total amoun~ of $5~,674.97, we~°e app~°~°~~d ~r~d o~c~ered pai~d~ PETITZON PR4TEST~NG ~,D(~P~ION O~' ORDIIJANC~ NC}d 139 C.S. - F'AIR QAKS 1~EZO1tING(MIYAKE) The Council was infarnied ~hat a Refe~~nd~tirn Petit~.an has be~n f~d w~.t e Ci~y Clerk, protesting the adop~ion ~f dardin~n~e Ncs. 139 C.S. ~o re~on~ pr~iperty awned by George Miyak~ on ]~air Oak,~ Avenu~. Tl~~ Cit,y Cl~r~c ~n th~ prooess of certifying the signatur~s. I~ i.s ar~~i~~p~t~d ~h~t °t~~ ma~~er w~]~1 again be brough~ be£ore the Council at i~~ ~~gu~ar mee~ing ~t~ ~ugust 10, 1976. _~~o CITY COUNCIL JULY 27, 1976 I ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 LETTER OF REQUEST FROM ARROYO GRANDE HARVEST FESTIVAL CHAIRMAN Arroyo Grande Harvest Festival Chairman, Jim Scrivani, presented his request for the Council's aid and cooperation with the upcoming Harvest Festival, to be held Qn...SQptember 30 through October 3, 1976m Mr. Scrivani Y°equested,the Couricil's permission to use the Council Chambers during the Harvest Festival weekend. His request was denied due to the impossibility of securing the rest of the City Hall ` when the Council Room is being used. Mro Scrivani also questioned the possibility of closing downtown streets during Harvest Festival. He was directed to see~the Director'of Public Works and Chief of Police. Mr. Scrivani invited the CounciY tp attend the Chicken B-B-Q being held for the Harvest Festival on July 31, 1976:, at the Baptist Church on Halcyon Road. He also requested that the Couneil make`an effort to dress in the spirit of the times for the Harvest Festival and permit City Staff to do the same. PRESENTATION OF ASSEMBLYMAN ICEENE'S PROPOSAL FOR COASTAL COMMISSION LEGISLATION A~1miz~~.~trator_Butch presented Assemblyman Keene's proposal for the ~4~,~;~,~~,- Commission. Councilman Millis reported that the Smith-Bealingson Bill, which provides more local control, is currently supported by the Governor. LETTER FROM VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS~ RE. FLAG DTSPOSAL UNIT Administrator Butch presented a letter from the George Murray Post 3138, Veterans of Foreign Wars, with regard to a new flag disposal unit. Councilman Millis requested that this information be made available to the pubTic through the Newsletter. PARKING OF COMMUNICATION UNIT ON CITY PROPERTY - REACT Administrator Butch pz°esented the reques°t from the Radio Emergency Associa- tion Citizens' Team (REACT) to park their communication unit on City property in the Police Department's Parking Lot. It was determined that the unit would be more secure if it was parked at the City's Corporation Yard under fenced lock and key with access arranged with the Police Department. The Council was in agreement with th~s.i.dea, as da.d Les Ringo, Captain of the 5-Cities REACT. Council.man Spierling requested that Mr. Ringo and his team be commended for their participa- tion in supporting safe driving in the northbound freeway traffic heading toward 7~rroyo Grande. Their work and spirit during the holidays is to be commended. EETTER OF REQUEST TO ANNEX PARTS OF WP,RNER'S SUBD~V. IN OCEANO TO CITY' - GILI~~TQ Administrator Butch presented the request to annex property described as follows, to the City of Arroyo Grande: "N 1/2 of Lot E, Warner's Subdivision, O~eano; S 1J2 of Lot E, Warner's Subdivision, Oceano, San Luis Obispo County, ` State of Ca`li'farnia°. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman 'Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, referring this requ~~t to'the Planning Commission with the stipulation that this property'`~ be required to use City water, sewer and sexvices. LETTER 0F INFORMATION FROM SAN LUTS OBISPO COUNTY SYMPHONY ASSOCIATION City Admiriistrator Butch presented a letter from the 1976-77 San Luis Obispo County Symphony Association, requesting contributions to support the Association. No Coc~ncil action was taken. PUBLIC HEARING - RECOMMENDED ADDENDUM TO LAND USE ELEMENT OF GENERAL PLAN Administrator Butch reviewed ten items that make up the Addendum to the Land Use Element of the General Plan, as recommended by the Planning Commission. Councilman Millis requested that each item be handled separately for discussion. Mayor de Leon, upon confirming tha°t proper publication of the hearing had been handl~d,...,oper~ed the public fiearing. Questions on the addendum were as follows: ITEM 1: Mrs. Ella Honeycutt, 560 Oak Hill Road, requested that this item be '`Y`ead aloud to the audience; the City Administrator complied. Several^safeguards were requested to be installed into ~his item. Mrs. Honeycutt requested that the Council place in this item the fact tha~ anything put in open space has to stay in open space for perpetuity; also that the Council build a time phasing program for City ~g~rvices;so that if a developer wants to develop all property at one time he can, but he will pickup police and fire services and services which are a burden: on the taxpayers. Bill Langworthy, Printz Road, requested that the Council tighten `-~p'reviewing procedures by making the item read "Parcel subject to Commission and Council review prior to development" He also questioned the section on adult ~~ccupancy, asking the Council if more units would be allowed in adult'occupancy~~`' sections than would normally have been allowed. Peter Kolias, 313 Allen Street, questioned whether the Council was anticipating any density transfer in that area. City Engineer Garcia replied that at this time no density transfers were expected. 201 CITY COUNCTI, 2~'"~~?~ ARROYO GRAN~E, CA,LI~`ORNTA PAGE 3 Councilman Millis reques°~ed °tha~t °~kais i~em ~a~ ~er~°~ ]aac~C ~o P~az~r~ir~c~ Comm~.~sio~ to bti: studiec~ in l~ght of mat~e~~ discu~secl ~nr~°tl~ ~e~er~nce ~o Oa~C Pa~k P,c~~~; ~~ad- also in light o~ °~h~ fact ~h~t i~ ma~r be ~n conflic~. wi°t~ ~aning sir~~~ allows service. areas in this '~p_D~~ zor~~,ng, wh~~~ a~r C~°~~ Cod~ fo~}~~ds ~drpo~at~~~o~prs~ea~~.~r~ yards in "P-D" zones. TTEMS 2- 5: Bill M~Cann, Bill I~angwrsr~~y, Wol~' ancl M~°s ~~%lv~ ~~ac~~~ ~,n tavar. of these changes. ITEM 6: No comment. TTEM 7: On this item, spcst zana.ng, ~'r~d G~~lf, 540 ~ay~,f~,i~, r~qu~~~~d ~1~a~ the Council go on record stating th~~ "~s a~ be~om~~ po~sible, ~k~~sc~ a~e~~ ~p~~ zoning should be el~minated°. Bill Langwro~°°~hy ques~,ione~ ~wo ~ro~°d~ "~nd un%ampo~t;ar~~"° in this item, feeling that they do not s~rv~ angr us~e~~z~. fazn~~i.on i.za ~h~ i°~~m~ ITEM 8: Audience approved. ITEM 9: Several peo~le spoke on this ~.~em ~a.~h ~h~ ~~qu~~t °~h~~ tk~i.s ~~nd -,_emain in agricultural zoning. People in favor z~nirag ~hi~ lar~d ~g~a~~ua.tu~~~ were: Mrs. Ella Honeycutt; Andrew Johnson; B~11 Lanc~wor~t~y and B~.11 M~Ganz~~ t~irs, Honeycutt also informed th~ Council that ~he own.er o~ th.is ~~~pe~°'tys M~`s ~1all~r, was not consulted on this proposed chang~ ancl is r~ot happ}r abou°~ °~hi~ P~oP~s~.~,• Mayor de Leon questioned whethe~ or no~ l~ac°. Wall~r was a.x~fo~n~d o~ °'tha.s ~kt~n9~- Councilman Schlegel suggested this itean be held ~.ra ~b~yan~~ un°t~ ~°t~~ p~rn~~ the property can be notifi~d of the pro~os~d change ~nd ha.s op~.n~An s~7.~~~~~de ITEM 10: There was ~ great deal of d~s~ussion oz~ ~h~.s ~.~~mo 8~11 La~c~wrarth~ spoke c~n this proposal calling it ar~ "unfor°tun~.te ~~~ommez~da~~a~" b~~aus~ ~t would allow the deve-lopm~nt ~f agr~.cultural ~~rad wi~ho~t ~ ~u~~.ry ~ , is necessary for rezoning, He fel°t that keeping ~l~e 5 a~~~ ~~r~~~~m r~quzr~m~~z~ required._ the developer to go through one mc~~~ st~~a, z~n~r~g ~haz~g~, wl~~~h g~.er~s it a chance to go before °the public. This s~~p wo~ald b~ 1.~~~ if ~h~ p~~p~~~~ change is approved, Mr. Langwor°~hy sugc~es~~d t~at ~~~h~~ ~~a~a ~h°a~~e °~Y~~ ~a~d Use Element, the Zoni~ng Ordinax~ce should b~ eh~nc~~d ~c~ b~ ~o~~~s°t~n~ w~.th ~k~~ Land Use Element, so t~a~ they wauld both read 5~~r~~ h~~.~~4 ~~1~ ; and Fred Wolf agreed with Mr. Langworthy. Mr. A~ ~~own~ s~a~~d ~t~~.~ t;~i~ a0~ figure was a typographical error, that it was ~.v~;~~~d~d t~ b~ cp5. G~°~~~ d~~~~~°~ sion followed on this st~.tement, deba°t~ng ~.°ts accuracy. ~d.mir~i.~~r~.~~~ 8~.~~Y~ : read the section of the Land Use Element on P~g~ 14. '~eggy I~ang~can~°tYa~, ~r~ri~~ Road, felt that as a Land Use safeguard the Counc~.l ~hould ~o~sid~r ~h~ plains of Arroyo Grande creek by zoning the fload ~la~r~ ~ 0 a~x`~ ]pa~~~~.~ ~ since Lopez Dam coul:d go should we have two or ~hree }~~a~ ~ a~ l~e~~a x~i~rz~ a 1~ Honeycutt supporteel using the Lanel Use Elem~n~ ~.n rega~d °G~ ~~~.m~ ~~~i~ul~.~.~~~. land. She also felt the Council should be aware ~hat ~.ia~c1~~° ~ar~r~g & Tay1c~~ ~ s r~~w soil studies we will lose Lopez Dam if the Hu~sna F~u~.t ~v~~ ge~~s'. i~°s s Si~~~le felt that non-prime agricultural land needs to be in par~e~,s af ~s,~~ ~ea t~~r~ to ma3ce it profitable; alsa there has to be a dist~nci~~on as °~o wh~.~ ~~x°.z~ta~~.~z~~ is in this area; many areas are no°t agricultural parcels 1.~~~~ ta~~~~ w~.~h just a few animals--she felt this land sho~ld stay in 5~ncl a~~~ p~~~~~~~ Wolf spoke on the confusion which has arisen ov~~° the desic~~.~°k%ar~ c~~ "A" tc~ proper~y which may or may no~ be agricultural 7.and; des~qra~t,es bwtk~ ~~~~~~.~1~ tural land and lanc~ that is "in holding" . He sugges~~d the ~o~r~~~.~ ~c~z~:~~~~~ charsging the "A" symbol to ge~ rid of this confusi~~. .~`~h~aa~ ~r~~~~ 1~3~ ~~~~~~`~a reported that subdivision of ~gricul~tural land m~kes i~ ~re~y ~~p~r~~~..~~ ba~ely making enough on it to pay off the ~axes. After this discussion, Mayar de I,eon declared ~Y~e ~~b~~~ k~~~a~~~g ~le~~~:a~ . After a g~eat dea-1 of Council d~scussion, it wras mc~ved by ~c~c~n~°~~.m~n ~~?a-~~1a..rag ~nc~ seconded by Councilman Schleg~l that the recomm~ncl~d A~l~endum ~c~ ~~e Lar~d Tl~~ Element of the General Plan be sent back to the Planriing Comn+i.~s~c~z~ ~a~t~ ~h~ following notations for their study and action: ~he. ~oun~~]. i~adi~a~~~ ~e~~~'~~. agreement with Items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 as rec~mmended by ~ka~ ~l~n~~r~e~ ~c~~a~ss~~~a ITEM 1: It should be noted ~that the ~tao words "~~r~tic~ ~r'~~" a~'~ r~c~~ ~r~ conformance with the City's °'P-D" zoning code; fi.he Cc~unc~.l v~~s~i~~ °thi~s ~~~r~. be considered in light of the knowleclge ga~ned fs°om °th~ O~.l~ Pa~Jc A~~~~ s~ra~~~ ~Y~a°~ open space should be kept far perpetui~y; that ~ra ttz~ ~~~o~aet ~a~~°~g~°~pl~ ~k~~ "Council review" should be added so ~tha~ it ~~~ds °'p~~c~1 ~aaY~j~~°~ Gcammi~s~.~z~ and Council review". _ - '~.I:JN C~TY COUNCI~, JULY 2'7, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNTA PAGE 4 ITEM 7: The words "and unimportant" should be eliminated; the fo].lowing sentence s~ould be added: "as it becomes possible these areas of spot zoni~g should be eliminated". ITEM 9: That this item be held over until such time as the owner of the propert:y in question (Mr. Waller) can be notified of the proposed change and his opinion solicited. ITEM 1Oe '1'hat the Planning Commission be made aware that there is a differentiation between prime agricultural land, non-prime agricultural land and land given an "A" zoning when it is in holding and that this differentiafiion should be resolved; that the Planning Commission also delineate the density f4r prim~ agzicultural land, non-prime agricultural land and for land which i~ not agricultural but in holding. Motion unanimously carried. RECEIPT OF ~AT~ST LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES' LEGISLATTVE BULLETIN Admini;stratar Butch presented the League Bulletins to the Council. Of special interest w as the Fair Labor Standard Act in which the Supreme Court Xule,d in favor of cities and the Peace Officers' Punitive Coverage Bill. This Bill makes the cities responsible for payment of this coverage, since c~.ty insurance;does not offer such coverage. The Council requested the City Adma,r~istrator to write the Assembly, which now has the bill, and express the City's ,concern on the effect this bill will have on the City and its liability insurance.: SENTOR CTTTZENS' DOG LICENSE FEE REDUCTION Adminis~rator Butch presented an additional report from Lt. James Young, AGPD., or~ the Animal Regulation Advisory Committee meeting. Discussed at the meeting<.xaere.the Grand Jury's decision on animal regulations and the reduction of fees for;Senior Citizens. The City Administzator noted that the revenue was down ~rom last year by about $3,000. It is evident that the lqss of revenue was a result of lack of enforcement of dog license fee collections. Council,mar~ Spie~rlinq reported on the Mayors' Meeting in which this subject was discussed and r~ported that the general feeling was that each City would handle this matter in its own way. He suggested that the Council support the fee reduction to Senior Ci~~zens, subject to enforcement of fines for dogs as established by the Grand aury. Through fine enforcement, additional revenue would be made up and this would.Offset cost to the ta~ayer by making the owners of loose dogs pay fox enforcemen~ of animal regulations. Mr. Fred Wolf questioned Councilman Spier~,ing!s acc~ptance of the Grand Jury's decision. Councilman Spierling az~swered he was not asking the Council to accept the entire Grand Jury's decisiQn, just the section on fine enforcement. Mr. Peter Kolias questioned why Senior C~i.tizens were singled out for the cut in fees and whether or not the Sr. Citizens were,_subject to the same fine rates. Mayor de Leon answered the cut in fees was because so many Sr. Ca.tizens were on a limited income, but that they were subject t~o tY~e same fines ~or 1o~se dogs as anyone else. It was the Council's decision tha~ the City Administrator write to the County Administrative Office informing them the City basically endorses the program for the Senior Citizens based ar~ t~e age limit,of 62, with only one animal and that the animal live at the same addzess as the Sr. Citizen and also based on the condition that the County would follow the recommendations of the Grand Jury on dog fines. RESOLUTION ADOPTING A CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE FOR THE CITY - HELD OVER The City,Administrator reviewed a proposed resolution adopting a Conflict of Interest Code for City Council Members. City Attorney Shipsey adv~sed the Council that there would have to be a public hearing on the adoption of this resolution. It was moved by Councilman Schlegel and seconded by Councilman Spierling that the public hearing be held on Tuesday, August 10, 1976 at 8:00 P.M. Motion'unanimously carried. NOTTC~: OF UNIFORM BUILDING, PLUMBING, HOUSTNG~ SWIMMING POOL, MECHANZCAI, & ELECTRICAL CODE UPDATES AdminiS~trator Butch presented the request of the Building Official that all the 1976 Uniform Codes for Building, Plumbing, Housing, Swimming Pools, Mecha~ical and Electrical work be adopted by the Council so that ali fees would conform to present standards. The Council recommended that all the 1976 Unifornt Codes, as herEin listed, be adopted. Administrator Butch advised that ordinances adopting these Codes will have to be pr2pared and presented to the Council. __-203 c~~r covivczr~ ~7, ~o~o ~~,rrn~, c~z~s~~~~A ~ ~ trESm ~~r~ a~x~~nrs~~~v ~~r~ ort t~~~xa~v ~a~ ~~ss~ssr~r~x ~zsm~x~~ Administ~a~o~° Bu~~~a p~~~~n°~~d requ~~~ °~h~~ ~the ~a~r~c~1, gz°~nt a 90-~~~y exterision of ~ime ~a~ ~.~~~a~.1a~,i~n c~f s~.dew~ll~ at 3~7 ~o~ ~ial~ycsn ~e~~d, no~a~ig~ t~~t tn~:g ~~r~e~ ~~i~ ~~x~ ~~a ~~~~d Halcyon Ro~d ~~ia~ dc~~e r~a~t ~a~w~ ~~d~~ral3r~. ~ui~dinq ~n °~k~~ ~~~p~~°~~ ~.s b~i~g plar~nad e~nd the owz~e~~ ar~ ~~~ue~ting ~~~m~ ~~~~~a~~~r~ u~ti~ i~ c~mpl~~,~d~ I°~ wa~ moved by Cour~~~l~nan S~a~~r~ing ar~d ~e~~~radn~ b~ ~our~c~l~i~~n G~l~~+gk~a~ t'~a~ 90-day exteneion a~ ~ixne k~~ g~c~~~~d. Nta~~a~ u~~r?~~ot~~~y ~~~~i~~~ RESOLUTION APPROVING P~~~R~~'S~ ]PL~1N FQR E~{PE~T~~~'L~RE~5 UND~~ 19'74 5TA'~'~ ~~N~ Administrmt~r Hutah ~x}al~,iz~~d t~~t ,~z~ 19'~4 ~~~mi~a~ ~~a~~lut~ior~ wa~~ ~~~}~~e~ eetting aside Stdte Bond ~~t Me~r~~~~ ~a~ ~~qui~~~:~~~ ~~nd r~~a~~ S~~d~~+~~ ~~~k. The Pa~k~ & Recreation Comm~~~iar~ i~ ~~s~u~~~~zsg ~th~~~ thes~~ m~n~.~s~ b~ c a~~~~~ de~velopment of the park r~~h~x° ~Y~aza a~c~ui~~~i~r~ e~f ~d~di~inn~~ ~~nc~ ~ ~~a~~ ~~~i~~a is is~ th~ praceffie ~f ~r~p~z°~ng p~~7.~.mi.na~y ~.pp].~c~t~.c~n °t1~e S°~~~e fc~r th~~~ monie~ ~nd a8nptiion of thi~ ~~~c~lut~oz~ i.a ~~~~~~~~y ~ppl~~~~~~nr ~ity ~.~~~~n~y~ Shipeby re~d tht~ ~i~le o~ a~~~e~;~ti~~ ~}~pre~v~.r~~ ~~~~~~1t~y p~.~z~ ft~~ ~~cp~~d~.~t~r~ und~~' th~ P~rk ~t~~d ~c~.' ~h~~°~~~t~~, ~ tn~~~c~~ ~r~~ m~t1~ l~y ~c~t~n~ilzn~~ 5~~~~g~~.~ seC~t~d~et~ by Cc~u~~i~m~n 5pi~~12~i~ and ~z~~r~imo°~~].y ~~~~°~.ed, ~a~ c~is~~~a.~~ ~~.~h ~~~c~i.r~~ the b~].~nce c~f thi.,~ ~°~~c~lutio~, RES~T~U~C~OI~ I~Or ~~~6 ~ A RESC)Lt7'T'~(71~1 0~ 'I'H~: ~T`Y'Y ~OUN~iL Q~ 'Z°I~~ bF' ARROYO G~itVl~~ AP~'~.(Jii21V~ PR~GtR°I'~'Y F~I.;~1~T ~(~Ft E~~I~17fi"~"Uk2~ T,?1~117~F~ ~FIbVI~2~1~ '1""I~ii~ S~'A'I'E F.i~A~Ha ~?~1~iK, ~CRE~1T~l7N & ~-i~SfiOR~~~ FACYLIfiI~~ ~~1~D b~` 1974. (5n m~tio~i of ~c~~ti~n~il,in~n ~~~le~r~~l, ~~~~rrc~~d bgr C~unea.l~n~n ~pier]~i~ng ~n~ th~ foYlowing r~ll ~~11 ~reste~, ~c~ w~~s R~~~t Ccsun~i]:m~n ~~hl~~~l., ~l~lla:~, ~~ie~l~r~~ ~~ti M~~r~r t~~ ~YqES s Nc~n~ ~~~1VT': Ne~ne ~h~ ~t~~°eg~ing ~t~~c~l~~iat~ r~~s p~~~~d ~nd ac~~~r~~d tk~i~ ~7~~ c~~y o~ JuT~y, 1~7~a. CT~A~I~`I~'Y"~~N ~tE. ~~"~Y°~ Rf.7I,~ IN ~~N~I']C T~IS~'lR~~'I' ~'Of~A'~"~C)N I~I~IC~LSQI3 ~'h~ Cour~~i]~ x~~vi~w~ec~ ~ 1~s~ter f~°~~ ~a~~a Ni.~}~~lsa~, '~~°~rz~~t I~~ra~ge~, ~°~a~.i~g tha~: he t~i11 ~oli~it i~pta~, su~g~~~i~n~ ~t~d ~p~i~~+~~1 ~~cam ~.1~ ~i~.a.~~ bef~~~ pre~?~ra~ia~t~ nf ~h~ ~ir~~1 ~ocum~n~. ~~g~~°~~~ag ~ t~~r~~~.~ c~i~~~°~~~ a~~ ~~rat ~a ~aC~°~m~n~o . ~EPCSFt'1' ~7N C~N~'~1.R~~~ltT O~' ~~~~Mu idl~~'R~~°I'S ~N r~~~,I~ ~~~,~~!I"~iJ ~A~I~". C'~"I`~E~ _ ~ Admini~~~°~t,ts~ ~u~.~t~ p~~~~~~€~d ~ ~~p~~~ ~c~n~s~~°ir~r~ ~yp~„~~e ~?i~~~~.~t ~°~t~ulation~ ~n A~rr~yb ~~°~n~~ witY~ ~th~r~~ ~f ~~°~°~n~, ~'~~u~~n~ O~~C~ ~~1~ ~~~o, exp~a~ning ~h~~ ~h~~~ ~.f~~~~ ~~n~~,d~r~d ~;ca k~~~r~ ~~~~~:l,~r~~ ~,ndt~~t~a.al d~velopmen°~,~. Ger~~x~]~ ~~~liz~~ w~~ ~~~ayt~ G~~:~d~' ~ ~~p~,~oo ~~,~~~a~c~t ~~~ul.~?~~.r~r~~ acsmp~r~ ~~va~~?a~~r wi~~.~ ~k~a~~ o~ ~uxv~~rec~ ~~t~~~ . Cbt~NC2~, NI~M~~~i MILI~I~' F~~C91~°~ O~I ~t71~ 3~I~V~5~1~Y M~~~~NC~ ~7U~`~C 15 1~~~ Ct~unc31 M~mb~+r Mil~is re~~s~ter~ r~n ~~~~~°~1 i~~~ms ~a~i~l~ va~?~~ br~~g~ht ~aa~ th~ ~an~ 3 Adviss~ry Go~nitt~~ m~~°~ing. Lcsp~~ ~~.kc~, zn~a~ore~e~~s ~ha.~~h k~~a~gh~ i~ ~tr~p~s~~ ~e ~~nping v~h~cl~~ m~z~~ ~o~r v~h%~~,~ ~n°~~~r~~~ < tR~irk f~r a n~w ~ov~r ~.t the tar~k c~~ ~es~~~tea~~ ~~s k~~~r~ ~t~~~~t~: ~t~ ~~~~a pre~er~t~d a repor.t on ~ new rate ~f d~l~~r~~~ from ~h~ ~c~p~~ P~o~~~~v At ~~~a~~~~ M~imk~a~ Mi].li~' r~c~ue~~, Gf°~y ~ngir~~~~° ~~~~°i.~ ~~p~.~~r~~d ~k~~ n~w }~~~.~~y ~nd ~~t~ af~~~~~ In ~~~en~~i, th~ w~.t~r t~e~tm~n~ pl.~~~ ~:an b~ ~~~~~~~C1 ~ s%c~ni~~~~~~~;~ h3~ghe~ ~r~s+~iac~;ion r~t~ v~i~h~~t~ chanc~ing ~h~ ~~~r~~~~~~n~~S~. ~'l~e~ ~r,~ ~~°opt~sinc~ tca c'l~liv~r wat~~ at th~~~ ~a~~~ ~o ~11 ~ca~~,~~~~i~~ ~~~~ac~~~ a b~c~nt~~ ~olS:cy 1.t ~e~~t~~s ~ve~ynn~' ~ ~'~c~~~g~ ~a~~~.~°~~r ~~~r~i~~~~s~tl~~ ~r~~~~~~~ p~bc~uctidn at th~ }~1:~~~. w~l,l be f~°~m ~ m~~la~an ~~1~c~n~ t~ Z m~llie~ne C~t~ncil M~mb~r Schl.~c~~l ~~ol~e tc~ ~h~ Ea~~ ~Y~~~ ~~,11 ~~~es~i~a~~ ~k~~ ~~~y'~ i~~r~~~ing and img~~c,ving it~ ~tmrag~ cap~~i~~. ~~ur~~;~~ M~m~se~ ~a~~~,~s ~~qt~~~~~c~ d~.~~ctic~n from th~ Ce~t~ncil °tc~ wh~the~ ~Y~~ ~~u~a~~l w~~Y~€~~ ~.dop~ _ pc~licy. G~n~ral con~en~~xs of ~he C~~~e~~ ~a~~ ~1~,~~ ~Y~~~ i,ra ~~~o~ ~h~~ in~r~as~ ~n prcaduc~ion. ~~4 ~ ~ CITY COUNCIL JULY 27, 1976 ARROYO G1~2ANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 RE~EtPT':OF TRAFFIC COUNTS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN THE CITY City Engineer Garcia repor~ed on various traffic coun~s taken in the City. Of special note was the fact that in May of 1976 traffic on Grand Avenue was greater than traffic measured in October of 1975 by 1700 vehicles. REQUE5T FOR TIME EXTENSION ON SEWER HOOICUPS Adfninistrator Butch presented three requests for extension on time ta mak~~ the reqaired sewer hookups. (1) 1133 & 1155 Maple Street: owne~° of these ~ parcels attempted to connect the four buildings and found that the sewer was too high to a~commodate the rear buil.dings and so connected the frant residence ort~y. It is his inten~fon in the future to develop a multiple residential complex on the three parcels and carry the sewer southerly to Ash Street. The Director of Pul~lic Works reaommends the waiver subject to any deve~opment on any one of th~ parcels ar~d th~ eatisfac~ory operation of the private disposal systems on the three parcels. It was moved by Councilman Schlegel and seconded by Councilman Spierling that the waiver be granted, subject to satisfactory operatlon of u present private disposal systems on the three parcels, future development on any oi~e`"of the parcels and subject to annual review. Motion unanimnusly carried. (2) 138A South Halayon Road: the bacls house is too low to connect to the sewer systems', it is presently serviced by a private disposal system, and the property will soon be developed which negates any such improvements at this time. It was moved by Ccunca.lman Gallagher and seconded by Councilman Spierling that this waivez b~ granted. Motion unanimously carried. (3) 1169 Ash Street: the owner is on vacation and when she returns 5he will only have one month in which to hook up the sewer. It was the Council's opinion that this matter should be brought back aftez she returns from her vac~tion. PROGRESS REPORT ON SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COtJNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Adit4inistxator ~utch presented the Expenditure and Revenue Reports for the Fourth Quarter of 1975-76; he also presented copies of the Chief Plant ~perator's report`£or June, 1976. In the arbitration between the Sanitation D~.strict and the City of Grover City, the arbitrators eliminated $5,000 off of the Grover City bill. ADJOURNMENT C~i motion of Councilman Spferling, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously'carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. ATTEST: ~ • ~~r~-"" ~ ~;c~ DEPUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR ; ,