O 390 C.S. "5'" I, ::> ~ ORDUlANCE NO. 390 c.s. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDBAlWmING CHAPrER 10 OFTrI'LB 8 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUBlCIPAL CODE. TO ADOPr BY REP'ERENC.2 THE 1988 UNJPORM MlQJA)IlCA!. CODE, INa.UDING AMENJ>MBN!rS THBREro CONCERNING ENERGY CON~ONS AND FEES; RF;P~G ALL CONFLlCl'ING ORDINANCES AND SR::TIONS THE CITY COUNen. OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE HFlfRRY ORDAINS AB FOLLOWS: ,- SR::TION 1: OIapter 10 of Title 8 (Sectiom 8-10.01 through 8,..10.05) of the Arroyo Grande MW1Ieipal Code is amended to read in its entirety as followi: S!&. 8-10.01. At!nnt;pn QL.tbe. Uniform Meehaniaa] ~ There is adopted, for the purpose of J;rovidirg mininun standards to safegwird life, lKt1b, health, property, and public welfare by reguIa~ and con~ the design, COlEtruction, imtan.tion, quality of naterla!s, 1ocation, operation, and mslntenance or use of hea~, venti1atir€, CCIdilg, refrigeration systen, incinerators, and other misce1JaneOUI heat-producir€ appliances within this jurUsdiction, that certain Code known as the Unifonn Mechanical Code, 1988 Edition, iJJc1ucIir€ Appendix A and B, published by the International Association of ~ and Mechanical OfficisJs, t1I'ee (3) copies of wbich have been fi1ed for use and examination by the public in the office of the City Cerk, is hereby adopted by reference and made a part of this OIapter os though set forth in this Qwpter in full, subject, however, to the amermaents, edditiorB, and deletions set forth in this OIapter; and said Code shall be known as the Mechanical Code for the City of Arroyo Grande. ~ 8-10.02. Aaninistration. In order for the orderly enforcement of the Unifonn Mechanical Code, os adopted by Section 8- 10.01, there is hereby adopted the 1988 Edition of the UnifOllll Actninistrative Code, OIapters 1, 2, 3 -' and Table No. 3-0-Mechanical Pennit Fees, as published by the International Conference of Building OfflcisJs, save and except such portions os are hereinafter deleted, added thereto, c~, or amended. Not less than three (3) copies of said UnifOllll Acininistrative Code are now on file in the office of the City Clerk, and said Mninistrative Code is hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference os though herein set forth In t'u1L. ~ 8-10.03. Aanini'ltrative Authority. The "Adninistratlve Authority," os used in this OIapter, shall be the Building Official or designated representative. S!&. 8-19.04. AnEnanenh Seetion.2ll1.Uili. UnifOm1 AdninistrBtive ~ Section 202 (d), Stop Orders of said Unifonn Aaninistrative Code is amended to read as follows: S!&..2II1 (d) ~ O~. Whenever any WOl'k is ~ done contrary to the provisiom of this Code and the Technical Codes, or in violation or any other Code or City Ordinance,. the Bu~ Otflcial !mY order the work stopped by notice In writ~, served on any person!B) I!qtaged in the corvluct or c~ such work to be conducted, and any such person(s) shaJl imnediately stop such work W1til authorization is provided by the B~ Otficial to proceed with the work. It lII18ble to serve such person!B) with a notice, tlIe Iluil<Iir€ Official shaJl part tlIe Stop Order in a praninent place on the site. Such posted notice shal1 only be removed by the Buil~ Official (I' designated representative. ,- Any persoo{s) pt'C)Ceedir€ with unauthorized work after bei~ served or havi~ a notice parted on his or her (their) job site, shall be deaned guilty of a separate offemc for each and every day or portion thereof Wri~ which such work is beir€ perfonned. -,',-- ~- 156 ORDINANCE NO. 390 C-<). PAGE 2 ~ 8-10.05. Aroondment: Section 1M 1ili Enero;y Connections. Section 306 (a) of said Unifonn Mechanical Code is hereby amended to read lIS follows: ~;ID!i.. Comedion ~ (a) EnerI!.y CoonecijOJ& .No person shall make comections from a source of energy fuel to any mechanical system er e<JIipnent NgUlated by this Code and for which a permit is required until all other provisions required by the Municipal Code of the City of .-, Arroyo Grande are coot>lied with, and until approved by other City.~ end the Building Official. SECTION 2: That Ordinance No. 224 c.s. of the City of Arroyo Grande 8IIIeIIdiqr 0IIpter 10 or Title 8 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code and all other Ordinances 01' perts of 0rdin8nces in contJict herewith lire hereby repealed. SECTION 3: If any section, suOOection, sentence, clal.6e 01' phrase of this OrdiMnce Is fOl' any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the ~ portiotlB or this Ordinance. The Council hereby decl8res that it woold have adopted the 0rdInancf8 end e8I!h section, subsection, clal.6e er phl'8Se thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or mere sections, su~ions, sentences, c1a1J!:eS or phrases be declared invalid. I SECTION 4: A 5III11W'y of this ordinance shall be published in a newspepel', pubUshl!d and circulated in said aty, at IellSt five (5) days prior to the City Council meet~ at which the i4'O()C18eC1 crdIlIIIICe Is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed crdInance shall be pelted 1ft the ot1Ice of the City Oerk. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the crdInance, the tIIIIINII'y, with the names of thooe aty Council members voti~ fer and egalmt the ordinance, shall be.pubIIshed tphI, and the aty Oerk shall [JOIIt a certified copy of the fuJl text of such adopte<l ordinance. On motion of Council Merrber Dougall, seconded by Council Menb!r 8nith, and on the f~ -' roll cnll vote, to wit: AYES: C'()\Jncil Menbers Dougall, Qrith, Moots and Mayor MDlIs NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordin8l1Ce was passed and adopted this. 13th day of nec....w, 1111$. ~ ~~~~ MAYOR AnJj;)-r: ~a. ~ CITY CLER I NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County -- of S~n Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty , of perjury that the foregoing Ordinance No. 390 C.S. is a true, full . I and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meet1ng of said Council on the 13th day of December, 1988. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 16th day of December, 1988. ~fl. On.l~ CIT CLERK