Minutes 1976-09-28 227' CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in reqular session with Mayor Gabe de Leon presid~ngm Upon roll call, CouMCil Members Al Spierling, Matthew Gallagher, Jr., Calvin Schlegel and Mark Millis reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor de Leon led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag; and immediately thereafter, Councilman Millis delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES T e minutes of the regular meeting of September 14, 1976, were approv~d as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Millis and unan,imously carried, General Warrants No. 5423 through No. 5485, in the total amount of $18,336.89; and Payroll Warrants No. 7357 through No. 7430, in the tot~l amount of $27,602.53, were approved and ordered paid. PRESENTATION & DISCUSSION RE. PROPOSED REGIONAL CIVIC CENTER IN SO.COUNTY Bruc~ Dodson, Architect for the County, was introduced and made a vex°bal and slide presentation regarding the various South County sites considered by the County for the proposed Regional Civic Center. He reviewed the Capital Improvement Plan of the County; criteria used in site selection; and the "Regional Service Center Components". He distributed copies of a parcel map section showing the site being considered presently for the center (also known as the Lovasz property easterly of Highway 101 and generally between St. Patrick's School and the Arroyo Grande Woman's Club Community Center). A public hearing regarding acquisition of this property will be held by the County on October 12, 1976. He stated that the first facilities to be built would be the library and the Citizens' Center and the County Engineering facility, which would be at the rear of this property and having a capacity of only two dump trucks and a road grader along with a storage building. Council discussion was held at great lengths regarding the propos~l and proposed location, with the major concerns being cited as follows: the traffic that will be generated by the Center and the affect this will have on pedestrian ~raffic (mostly school children from St. Patrzck's School) using Frontage Road and the Brisco Road underpass; the extent of road improvements to be done by the County in this axea; the loss of potential commercial property with resulting loss of sales tax revenue to the City; the proposed County Corporate Yard facility; and ample opportunity for this City to give input if the Center is to be located within Arroyo Grande. Mr. Dodson assured the Council that an Environmental Tmpact Report would be filed; that the critical part of the design criteria will be public safety; and that public hearings will be held on the master plan. He a7.so stated that if the Lovasz property is purchased, the County would work within the City's General Plan in which a major arterial is projected in the area between Brisco and Halcyon Roads. RECEIPT OF EVENTS SCHEDULE FOR HARVEST FESTIVAL PARADE The Council received and reviewed specific information about the 39th Annual Arroyo Grande "Gay Nineties" Harvest Festival Parade, which it will participate in on Saturday, October 2, 1976. STATUS OF CITY'S REQUEST FOR CO. ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR'S SERVICES ~The Council read a letter from David Harrow, Ph.D., Environmental Coordinator for the County of San Luis Obispo. He wrote that due to County budget cuts, he will not be able to serve the City as its Environmental Coordinator, but is willing to continue to assist th~ City in any way he can in the way of guidance. The Council discussed the matter, generally agreeing that the other South County cities be contacted to see if they could jointly approach the Board of Supervisors ~with a request that an assistant's position be filled in the County Office of Environmental Coordinator to enable the cities' use of Dr. Harrow, with the added position to be subsidized by fees from the cities for Dr. Harrow's s~rvices. Administrator Butch was directed to write a~l~:tter to this affect to Supervisor Mankins and contact the other cities. ~ LETTER OF INFO. RE. GROWTH MGMT. PRACTICES ~II~. CALIF. - ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER The Council read a letter from the E~vironmenta~. Center of San Luis Obispo' County advising of the availability of a re~ort from th~ Governor's Office entitled "Growth Management Practices in California".,.. Counci3,m~n Gallagher requested that a copy be ordered. ~ 2 ~ CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIF~RNIA PAGE 2 RESOLUTION FROM WOODLAKE RE. REFORM IN SALES TAX REVm DISTRIBUTION The Council reviewed a letter and resolution from the City of Woodlake, urging the State Legislature to ins~itute reform•a.~rr°°the distribution of sales tax revenue through a per capita foz°mula. The Council took no action, as such, a reform would not be beneficial to this Citye .w,._. NOTICE RE. DENIAL OF CITY'S REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC SAFETY OFF'ICER The Council read a letter ~rom the State's Office of Traffic Safety, informing the City that its request for funding ass%stance of a traffic safety officer has been denied, because the City received a simi.lar grant ~n the pasto The Council discussed the matter, agreeing that the hiring of a Juvenile Office~°, for which the appl~ed for grant was intended, should be top priority and the budget should be reviewed for funding of such ~n officer as a t~p priority it~ma Councilman Gallagher suggested that a p~~son fluen°t ~n English and Spanish should be sought, who aTso communicates well and can work~affectively with youthso RECEIPT OF ANNUAL REPORT OF CITSt' S FINANCIAL TRANSAC'~'IONS FOFZ F oY o ENDING JUI~]E 3~ The Counc~l reviewed the Annual Report of Financial T~ansact~ons for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1976, wh~.ch report had be~n published in the local newspaper on September 17, 19760 RECEIPT OF INFO. FROM LEAGUE OF CP.LIFORNIA CITIES Various information and reports f~°om the League of California Cities were reviewed, includ~ng a report regarding City ~,dmin~strator Butch's attendance of a League sponsored meeting xelating to legislative implementation, with emphasis on th~ mandated Emergency Telephone System 9°E1 (all local agencies must have a working system in by December 31, 1984); park ~unding; solid waste management; and coastal legislation. Administrator Bu~ch advised that the City is not included in the Co~stal Planm SECOND QUARTER REPORT ON SALES TAX & CIGAREZ°TE TAX REVENUE The Council reviewed a report on Sales Tax revenue for the second quarter of 1976 and Cigarette Tax revenue for July, August and Sep~tember, 1976. The Sales Tax quarter is again the highest ~n °the City's h~~tory, reflecting a 2806~ increase over the fix°st qua.~ter of 19'~6. ADOPTION OF 1976 UNIFORM ELECTRIGAL CODE - HEI~D OVER Administrator Butch reviewed that adoption of th~ 1976 Edition of various Uniform Codes had been held up because of the Elect~°ical Code, v~rhzch the Fire Chief feels needs certa~.n amendments, but the Buield~.ng Appeals & Hous~,ng Advisory Board cantends that said amendments should be made to the Uniform-Fire Code. The Council agreed to hold off adoption of this Code until the Fire Chief can explain his position to the Council. ADOPT 1976 EDITION OF UNIFORM BUrLDING, HOUSING, SWIMM~NG POOL, PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL CODES - ORDINANCE FIRST READINGS City Attorney Shipsey read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code so as to adopt the 1976 Edition of the Uniform Building Code, with certain modifica°~ions; ~hereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinancee City Attorney Shipsey read, for its f~.rst reading, the title of-an ordinance amending the Municipa]. Code ~o at to adopt the 1976-Edition of the Uniform Housing Code, with certain modifications; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the ba].ance of this ordinance. City Attorney Shipsey read, for its fiz°st reading, the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code so as to adopt the 1976 Edition of the Uniform Swimming Pool Code, with certain modifications; thereaf'ter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unani- mously carried, to dispense with read~ng the balance of this ordinance. , ' City Attorney Shipsey read, for ~ts first reading, the t~tle of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code so as to adopt the 1976 Edi~ion of the Uniform Plumbing Code with certain modifications; tl~ereafter, a mota.on was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierl~ng and unanimously carried, to dispense with read~.ng the balance of this ordinance. 229 CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 , ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 City Attorney Shipsey read, for its fir~t reading~ the title o£ an ordinance afiending the Municipal Code so as to adopt th~ ~976 Edition of the Uniform Mechanical Ccde, with certain ma~dificationss the~eafte~r, a motion wa~ made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Counc,ilman Gallagher anr~ unanimouely carried, to dispense with reading the balance of thie ordi~ar~ce~ RECOMMENDATION9 OP' PARKING AND TRAFP"I~ COMMI88IO1V s SKATESOARD ORDINANCE - l~EFE1ZRED S~CIC T0 GOINMISBION Adm nietrntor Sutch xeview~d the be~~kgrou~~ o~ a p~o~o~ed skn~~la~~~~ ordinance now befora tl~e Couz~cil, wt~ich the ~a~~sir~g ~ T~°al~ic ~~niesio~ h~d held a public hearing or~, o~ Sep°~e~~~ 17~h, ar~d ~°~c~nmended ~o~ ~dop~~o~~ z"?~~ Council read a 1a~ter, 8ated Sep~amba~ 29, 1976, ~~~n ]~~oyo Gra~d~ V~~~~g~ M•rchar~ts' Assoaiat,ior~, raqu~m~~r~g a~ e,ddaz~du~n ~o ~h~ pz~oposed a~d~r~a~a~e, providing ~or oa~tain boun~da~i~e wi~~iz~ wh~c1~ ~ b~r~ of ska~~eboa~~dir~g is ~~c~u~~~k~~ ~ City A~torney 8hip.my al.o po~r~ted ou~ ~1~s dit~iculty o! e~~o~cirag ~h~ p~o~a~e~d ordir~ar~ca. The foilowi~g p~~.oz~~ w~re p~e~~r~~ a~sd sps~~s~ oz~ m~t~e~~ it~~m~a Blaz~k~r~burg, 2~4 Whi~~l~yt Cieo S~lva, ~95 F~i~ Vi~wt ~~1~~ ~oh~~oz~, 163 anfl ~ra Hughe~, 107 B~ida~e ~~~^e~t. T~e ~~~~ze~~ i~sdi~n°~ad ~iek~~d ~~~~~~~~a~ ba mads by,'tha Ccur~cil ~1~is s~rez~ir~g, wi~h ~~vo~al s~tat~~g tk~a~t ~o~~~~ ~+~~~gh~ out in the Merahant~e' ls°~ts~ had b~ez~ ~^~is~~ a~ ~1~~ Cca~tai~s~o~'~ pu~i~~ ~~,~~~~gp Aft•r Council discuseio~, a m~tio~ wa~ m~d~ by Cour~~~~ma~~ Gallag~~~~ ~econd.d by Cou~cilmar~ Milli~ and ~e~rx~.d, r.~~x~~ir~g p~opos~d ~ka°~~~aoa~d ordinanae back to th~ Pax~kir~g ~ T~af~ic G~is.ion ~o~° ~.ts ~uz~~l~~e~ ~~vi~w ~,r~d recc~mimeru~ations, in liqht o~ ~ha 1~,~•~t 1•t~e~ trom ~h~ bt~~~k~~r~to' Assoc~~~~~~ ~~d th• City Attornay's aaution abou°~ er~~o~~e~ent o~ s~id o~dina~sc~. All ci~izmns who s;pok~ °thi~ sva~~z~g ~eg~as~sd z~o~~~fo~t~o~ of ~he ~sx~ Parking & Tralfic Cc~mcni~aion mesfii~g wl~az~ ~k~is m~t~•~ v~i11 b~ d~~c~ssQC~~ Adminie~ratcr ~utch advis~d ~ha~~ ~1~o Co~un~s~~ort w~il Oc~o~e~~ ~ 5, ~ 9"~~ ~ arid th~ Counaii r0quas~sd th~t th~i~° ~~~cr~n~~~~~~to~e k~~ o~ tl~a ~o~t~~il' ~ Oqtc>ber 26, 1976 agsz~d~. APP~ARANCE OF St~ERVI130R iCtJPP~~ RE . COUN'~'Y ~~N~'~~ 8upervisvr i~upp~~ appear~d ~ra~ ~~c~~~~~~d ~1~+~~ Ci~y's ~or~~~~~~ regarding the ~ropo~~d Ragioz~a~i Ci~ri~ Ge~~e~ b• a~°t,~~u~a~~~~ ~a~ ~lae fo~~n ~ l~tter addresrsd to ~hs Soa~rd o~ Super~ieo~s b~fo~~ °~~ae O~~o~~~ ~ 2~k~ pub~~~ i~~~~~~q. RESOLUTION ADOPTI01~1 - STO~ STGNS AT BRIGH'~ON & RUTH ANN WAY The Counc~.l reviewed a reconnnend~~ion ~he~t stap sign~ be p~nG~d on ~k~e northeast and eouthwest car~e~s of Bric~htor~ Av~n~e and Ruth As~~ W~y, ~o ~s 1~o s°~op all traffic on Briqhton Aven~e befo~e en°te~ir~g ~he ir~~e~~~~~io~~ ~~~e Coura~il cussed the matter, with Ccuncilmar~ Millie ~a°tatir~g he f~~.~ ~la~ ~~,g~~ sl~o~ld ~e placed on Ruth Ann Way rather than B~igl~°~on. Gity Engf~~~~ G~~~~a ea~plain~d ~h~ grade and resulting sight dietan~e probl~m cn Ruth An~ t~a~~ ~,~te~ Coua~ci~ dis~~a- sicn, City Attorney Shipsey re~d °the title of a~~sa~u~i~~ ~~~~biisl~ir~g s~op s~g~s on certain City streets; thereafter, a mction ~va~ m~de Coun~ilman Spi~~li~g, seconded by Ccuncilman Gallaa~her and unanimousl~ ~a~~~ed, °~o dispense ~vitl~ ~~ad~r~g the balance of this resolution. RESOLLIT'ION N0. 1251 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCII~ 0~' ~"FiE C~'~~C OF ARR.OYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING BOULEVAFiD STC9P SIGNS AT BRIGHTO~T AVENLTE AND RUTH ANN WAY . On motion of Councilman Spierling, s~cos~ded by Councilman Schleg~l and or~ the following rcll call v~te, to wi~: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, Gallaghe~°, Schlege~, Mil~is ~nd Mayor de I~eon NOES: None ASSENT: None the foret~oing Resoluticn was passed and adopted this 28th da~ of Septeznbe~°, 1976. Councilman Millis qualified his affi~ma~tive vot~ ~or this resolution, stating it was cn the basis that placement of these e~op signs ~n the adopted manner will be reviewed by the Par~ing & Traffic Co~niseio~ afte~ tk~e str~ee°ts are completed. REQ_ tJE~ST~~R BUS LOADING ZONE TIME E}CTENSION - REFEI~D '~0 PLAN. COMM~ The Council reviewed a recommendation ~hat the bue loac~~r~g zor~e ~ime exteneion, requested by the Central Co~s~ Christiar~ P,~ad~m~r on Poole S°~re~~, b~ granted. TE~,s arould allo~r bus loading f~°aan 8: 30 a.m. to 3 c 30 p.m. , Mor~day ~hru Frfday. Admiai~trator Butch poin~ed out that ~his would conflict witka ~he ` ?30 CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 Academy's existing Use Permit. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously cax°ried, referring to the Planning Commission, the bus loading zone time extension request from the Central Coast Christian Academy, for its review and recommendations in view of Use Permit Case No.- 76-246. AUTHORIZE CTTY ATTY. TO PREPARE ORDINANCE RE. AMENDED REZONING, ETC. FEES Admi.nistrator Butch reviewed the recommendations previously brought to the Council regarding increases in fees to applic~nts of rezonings, use permits, variances and appeals, to better cover the City's costs for these processes. The Council had also requested a study be made of costs for Planned Developmexsts< Administrator Butch reported that the staff made recomanendations as follows: 1) That rezoning application fees be raised to $150.00, with an additional $10Q deposit for ordinance publication, with any excess to be refunded or overaqe billed to the applicant; and 2) regarding Planned Development, the staff felt that most things discussed have to do with the Subdivision Ordinance and that this is where the increase should take place. It was recommended that if an Environmental Impact Report is required, that an additional fee of $150 be required. Other fees remain as recommended previously. After Council discus- sion, City Attorney Shipsey was directed to prepare an ordinance amending fees for rezonings, use permits, variances, appeals, and making a charge for ETR review, as recoimnended by City staff. Amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance will be studied further. PUBLIC HEARING SET - SAFETY & NOISE ELEMENTS OF GENERP.L PLAN• 10/12/76 STUDY SESSION SET: 10/~76 The Council was notified that a public hearing has been set for 8:00 P.M. on October 12, 1976, to consider adoption of a Noise Element and Safety Element of the City's General Plan, as recommended by the Planning Commission. The Council agreed to hold a study session on said elements in the afternoon on Monday, October 4, 1976 at 4 p.m. AUTHORIZE CITY ATTY. TO PREPARE RESOL. RE..HALCYON PLAN LINE ABANDONMENT The Council reviewed a r~commendation from the Planning Commission that the North Halcyon Road Plan Line be abandoned. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey was directed to prepare a resolution for the abandonment of this plan line. ACCEPT PARKING SPACE ASSESSMENT IN C-B-D (POLIN) On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, the Mayor was authorized to sign an Acknowledgment for $3,000 to meet three (3) parking space requirements for 100 East Branch Street {second floor), owned by Martin Polin, in the Central Business District, as recommended by Planning Director Gallop. SET aeTUDY SE$^,~~QN - POTENTIAL FIRE STATION SITES - 10/4/76, 3:30 P.M. The Council reviewed a listing of nine potential f~.re station sites, including possible costs and size of each. The Council agreed to study this matter at the previously set study session on October 4, 1976, moving the time up to 3:30 P.M. to allow ample time. Mrs. Honeycutt, 560 Oak Hill, distributed material to the Council for their revi~w when they study the fire station locations. She indicated concern about the proposed Cherry Avenue locations, stating they are in the Arroyo Grande flood plain and near an earthquake fault. She also read from the City's General Plan, Page 129. LETTER OF RESIGNATION - CITY ENGINEER GARCIA The Council received and read a letter of resignation from City Engineer Joseph C. Garcia, to be effective an or before December 31, 1976. Administrator Butch stated that Mr. Garcia would stay long enough to see the City through the completion of the Federal Government Local Public Works Program applications. The Council and citizens complimented Mr. Garcia on his accomplishments fqr the City and~expressed regret over his decision to leave. LETTER OF INFO. RE. WAT~KWAY/BIKE PATH ON VALLEY ROAD - MANKINS The Council read a letter of information from Supervisor Howard Mankins, stating that the County Engineer will be in contact with the City to come up with a recommendation as to cost, size and timing for a walkway/bike path from Sunrise Terrace Mobile Home Park to the high school on Valley Road. Director 231 GITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 ARROYO GRPtNDE, CALIFORNIA PP.GE 5 of Public Works Anderson reported that l~e is attemptir~g ta ~et up a meet~ng with the County Engineer shortly~ REPORT - MEETING OF 50UTH COUNTY WATER ASSOCIATION - SPIER~,ING ~ Councilman Spierling reviewed w~th the Council a copy of the September 23, 1976 minutes of the South County Water Assaciation meetingm Futu~e qoa].s of the association had been discussed, which ~.nclud~d gathering f~gures for total wat~r released from Lopez for ground water rep~enishment, pumping from und~x°ground basin, evaporation loss, etc. for future adj~xdicaition. Also di~~ussed was ~,sag~ o~ reclaimed water. REPORT - MEETII~TG OF ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE - MILLIS Councilman Millis reported on the September 16th meetinq of the Zone ~ Advisory Committee. The regular montY~ly reports had been heard, wit,h the Lop~z Recreational area reporting that revenue and attendance had been down in August due to the inclement weather. The Operat~onal Report showed that wate~r usage was also down because of the rain. The ~eservoir cover has been plac~d; a xe~o~t was heard on sediment discharge; and the Boa~d of Supervisors has adopted the proposed fee increases for the Recreational Area, which has been losing app~oxi- mately $18,000 a year. ~ RELOCATION OF PEDESTRIAN CROSSING SSGN AT 64°d SO. ELM STREET The Council reviewed a re~ort f~om City Eng~neer Garcia ou~lining possibilities for cantilevering the "Pedestrian Crossing" sign at 64°C So~xth Elm Street. Owners of the ~oregoing add~ess, Mr. and Mrs. Owen, had protested placement of the sign. Cost of °~he cantileve~°ing a°t ~~s pzesent location is estimated at $30.00. Mr. Garcia stated ~ha~ .~n a phone call f~om Mrse Owen during the week, it had been indicat,ed ~hat the}r~aould not object to the ~~gn being moved to the other end of the 641 ~~m Elm S~ree~ praperty, w~thout ~the cantilevering. Mr. Garcia could see no p~oblem wi~h this alternative and th~ Council agreed that City staff go ahead w~th ~his ~atter option. RECEIPT OF BIAS & AWARD OF CON'I'~2ACT - STn PAV~NG PROJECT 90-76-3: SUI~I~Y-M~~T.~R Administrator Butch reviewed ~ha°t b~ds had been received az~d opened a~ 2:30 P.M. on September 8, 1976 for the Ci~y's S°treet Paving P~ojec~t No. 90-"~~-3, as follows: BIDDER TOTAL B~D M.J. HERMRECK, INC. P.O. Box 217, Nipomo, CA 93444 $74,720000 R. BURKE CQRPORATION P.O. Box 957, San Luis Obispo, CA 9340~ $"Z7,883m00 C. SANCHEZ & SON, INC. 1230 Mission Dr., Solvang, CA 93463 $81,320.00 MADONNA CONSTRUCTION C0. F.O. Box 910, San Luis Obi~po, CA 93406 $82,400.00 A. J. DIANI 295 N. Blosser Rd., Santa maria, CA 93454 $75,060<00 SULLY-MILLER (aka SOUTHERN PP,CIFIC MILLING) 3555 Vineyard Ave., Oxnard, CA 93030 $70,970000 City Engineer Garcia's report on the mat~er stated that suff~cient funds exist in the budget to overlay $85,000 wor°th of streets even if $20,000 is with- held for Del Sol Street. He recoinmended tY~at the overlay project be awa~°ded to Su11y-Miller and that amounts be incr~ased to total approximately $85,000 as follows: 6,600 tons asphalt concrete @$12.02 = $79,332 44 tons paint binder @$~35.00 ~ 5,940 Total Cont~°act $85,272 After Council discussion, a mo°t~,on was mad~ by Councilman Sch]megel, seconded by Councilman Spierl~ng arid unani~mously ca~~i,ed, tl~e bid ~n °tY~e amount of $70,970 for Street Pav~.ng Project Nov 90-76-3 was accepted and the con°t~act awarded to Sully-Miller (aka Southe~n Pac~fic Ni~ll~ng) , v,rho subin~tted the l~~aest and best bid; and the Mayor and City Cle~k we~e au~ho~~zed ~o sign an increased contract, on behalf of the Ca.ty, ~n th~ ~noun°t of $85,272m00 wi.°th said firmo _~3~ CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 APPROVE PARCEL MAP AG76-246, HILLCREST (VERMAZEN) City Engineer Garcia reviewe wit t e Council, Parcel Map AG 76-246, reflecting a two-parcel lot split (Case No. 76-246)located on the northwesterly corner of the intersection of Hillcrest, Montego, and Newport Streets, requested by John Vermazen. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, finding Parcel Map AG 76-246 to be consistent with the General Plan and City zoning, and approving said Parcel Map. ,APPROVE FINAL MAP OF TRACT 453, "RANCHO LA BARRANCA° (PACE, ET AL) City Engineer Garcia reviewed with the Council the Final Map of Tract No. 453, "Rancho La Barranca", which is a 39-lot subdivision located on the northerly side of Tally Ho Road westerly of James Way. The subdividers are Vick Pace, et al. Afte,r Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, finding Tract No. 453 to be consistent with the General Plan and City zoning; acceptirac~, on behalf of the public, the streets and easements shown on the map; accepting Lot "A" for park and drainage purposes; and approving said tract subject t~ subanission of the required bonds. NOTICE OF INVESTIGATION RE. FLOOD CONTROL & WATER RESOURCE NEEDS - ARMY The Council reviewed a notice received from the Department of the Azmy that an investigation has been initiated by them regarding flood control and related water resource needs, which will include investigation of problem areas in our flood control channels, particularly Arroyo Grande Creek, Corbett Canyon Creek and Los Berros Creek. RESOL. ADOPT. - AUTHORIZE SIGNING OF CERTIFICATE RE. GRAND AVE. PROJ. - CAL TRANS The Council reviewed a report from City Engineer Garcia, stating that a previous Right of Way Certificate subznitted to the State Department of Trans- pcrtaticn (CAL TRANS) in regard to the Grand Avenue FAU project, was returned for certain revis~.ons. The project is deac~ibed in the August 10, 1976 min~t~~ of the Council. After Ccuncil discussion, City Attorney Sh~.paey r~ad the t~~,~.~ of a resolution authorizi.ng tk~e signing of a Right of Way Certifica~e of tk~~ Statet thersafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schl~gel, s~conded by Goun~~l- man Spierling and unanimouely carried, to diepsnse with reading the bala~c~ caf this resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 1253 A RESO~LTTION OF 'THE CI'L"X COUNCIT~ 0~ 'THE CITX OP' ARROYO GRANDE AU'~HORIZSNG ~E MAYOFt TO SIGN A I~IGH~ OF WAY GERTIFIGATE TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. On mation cf Councilman 3~l~l~gal, eeao~ded by Coura~~l~~r~ Mil~ia ar~d on the following ro11 call vo~e, to wit: AYEB: Councilmen Spierling, Ga~l+~gher, Schleg~~, Millis nnd Mayor de Leor~ NOESs None ASSENT: Ncne the foregoing Resolution was p~eseal and adop~ed this 28th day of September, 1976. AMENDMENTS TO WATER ORDINAI~TC~ - HEL,D OVER City Attorney Shipeey requested, and the Cour~cil agre~d, ta hold over his recommended amendments to the City's Water Ordinance. APPROVE SEWER HOOK-UP EXTENSIONS: PRP,THER; GUNDERSON; STURGES & OLSEN The Council reviewed various requests for time extensions from the d~adline date o~ October 24,1976 to hook-up to the City's sewer system. After Council review of Director of Public Works Anderson's recommendations, aations were taken as follcws: A motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, granting Betty & Sill Prath~r ar~ ~xtension fram hooking up 1380 Srighton Avenue to the sewer, for a period not to exceed one (1) year providing there are no problems with the private disposal system and ownership of the property does nct change. Immediate hook-up will be required if either of the foregoing conditions change. A motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilmam Schlegel and unanimously carried, granting Gatherine H. Gundarson a one (1) year extension from hocking up 1012 Maple Street to the sewer, with immediate hook-up required sooner if problems with the private disposal syst~m occur or there is a change in occupancy or ownership of this reaidence. CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 ` ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 A motion was made by Couneilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, granting Helen and Pau~ Sturges a six (6) months extension from hooking up 119 ~uniper Street to the sewer system, with immediate hook-up required if problems occur with the private disposal system a~ there is a change in ownership. A motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, granting Charles & Doris Olsen a one-year extension from hooking up 400 S. Elm Street to the sewer system, with immediate hook-up required if the house becomes occupied or there is a change in ownership. The Director of Public Works had recommended removal of the water meter since th~ house is unoccupied, but the Council allowed it to remain,upon Mrs. Olsen's request,as there are fruit trees being maintained on th~ praperty: DENY SEWER HOOK-UP TIME EXTENSION - MARSHALL A motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, denying the request of Leota Marshall of Monterey, CalifOrnia, fo~ a time extension to hook-up 182 Tally Ho Road to ~he sewer system, due to lack of justi~ication. APPROVE SEWER PUMP CREDIT TO METHOD~ST CHURCH, 174 Ne HALCYON Administrator Butch reviewed that the Council had requested the County of San Luis Obispo to refund 1~ benefit units credit to the Methodist Church at 174 N. Halcyon, for pump credit. (Council Minutes of June 22, 1976). The request was refused with the County stating no money %s available for this. After Council diseussion, a mota.on was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, authorizing ~hat the City refund to the United Methodist Church, 174 N. Halcyon Road, one and one-half benefit units at this time ($1,131.15) 'so they may proceed with the sewer hook-up, and if a refund is later received from the County, it w~ll be retained by the City. DISCUSSION RE. ENFORCEMENT OF SEWER HOOK-UP DEADLINE The Council rev~iewed a report from the City Adm~.nistx°ator, requesting Council direction on enforcement of sewer hook-ups after the October 24th deadline. He recommended monthly sex°vice charges l~e billed to violating pro~ae~°°ty owners plus penalty provisions. City Attorney Sl~ipsey reviewed the Ci~y's existing Municipal Code, s~ating that provisions already conta~ned ~he~°e~n for failure to comply with ordinances a~e adequ~tem The Council agreed with the Ci°ty Attorney's explanation. The Council also approved that a letter be sent to horne owners not yet hooked-up to the sewer and not given a previous extension of ti.me, reminding them of the impending deadline. ACCEPT,DEED FOR UARTER CUT AT CROSS & ALLEN STREETS - EGAN City Engineer Garcia requested that the Council accept a deed for a quarter cut at the corner of Cross Street and Al1en, on con~unction with street improvements in this areae After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to sign, on behalf of the City, a Certificate of Acceptance for a Grant Deed from ~a~k Rv and M~z°y Ro Egan, for a portion of Lot 1 of Block 2 of the Map of Walnut ~rove Addition to the Town of' Arroyo Grande. NOTICE.OF RETTREMENT OF 'FINANCE DIRECTOR ROSENGREN Administrator Butch informed the Council that he had been notified today that the City's Finance Director, Mau~°ie Rosengren, will retire November 26, 1976, but will stop warking October 1, 1976 on the ad~ice and direct~.on of h~s physician, due to severe health problems. The Council expressed its regz°etse REPORT - MEETING RE. FED. GOV'T LOCAL PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAM APPLTCA~IONS Administrator Butch reported that City Engineer Gaz°cia and Director of Public Works Anderson had attended a meeting in Los Angeles at which they went through the process of filling out applicat~ons for the Fedex°al Government Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Program. If the Fresident signs the bill for this program, which is vexy likely, the applications must be sub- mitted within thirty days thereaftex°. CITIZEN COMMENTS - HONEYCUTT Ella Honeycutt, 560 Oak Hill, commented on ~he San Francisco Chroni~le's recent articl'e about Mayor Gabe de Leon. She took exception to his statements regarding the City's water supply. She also expressed her objections to an alleged remark made by the City Adrninistrator at a Chamber of Commerce luncheon~ ~34 CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 28~ 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 8 City staff informed her regarding the data used to determine the City's actual water supply projections. She was also informed that the newspaper's accounting of the Administrator's luncheon talk had been in error, which was substantiated by p~rsons who had attended said luncheon and her allegations were refuted. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried; the meeting adjourned at 10:37 P.M. to 3:30 P,M. on Monday, October 4, 1976. , S.~ L'~:~ ` . ATTEST • ~ CITY CLERK MAYOR CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 4, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 3:30 P.M. Th~ City Council met in regular adjourned meeting with Mayor de Le~n presiding. Upon roll ca11,.Council Members Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel and Millis reported present. DISCUSSION RE. FIRE STATION RELOCATION SITES - FURTHER STUDY REQUESTED General discussion was held of potential fire station locations within the City of Arroyo Grande. The City Administrator and Fire Chief reviewed for the Council the background on selection of a potential site for the fire stata.on from the time that the City used public technology and the aid of the Citizens Committee on Civic Center Needs. All of the studied possibilities were review~d for the Council in addition to reports prepared by Director of Public Works Anderson, City Engineer Garcia and Planning Director Gallop, on areas within the City they felt would be suitable for a site. There was a great deal of discussion by the Council on various locations throughout the City. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spi~rling, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, that the ata~'~ investigate the possibility of the Certified Freight loca~tion with reference to timing and related items, along with the possibility of locating at the proposed County Center site on the Lovasz property~ The City staff is to report back in six weeks along with any other i~fvrmation regarding any other site that might be considered. It was also indicated that the staff get in contact with the State in reference to the possibility of enlargement of the Brisco underpass. STUDY OF SAFETY & NOISE ELEMENTS OF THE GENERAL PLAN The Planning Director reviewed with the Council both the Safety Element and the Noise Element of the General Plan, as recommended by the Planning Commission for adoption. The Council requested that the pipeline on Grand Avenue be checked out ~o determine what type of material is transported in said linem AUTHORIZE A~REEI~lENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL PURPOSES UNDER PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAM The City Administrator reviewed with the Council a proposal from James H, Maul Associates, with reference to architectural sezwices in aiding the staff in the preparation of an application to the federal government under the Public Works Capital Development and Investment Program, for the remodeling of the existing City Hall and building of the new Council Chamber. Est~.mated cost of thia project is $3,OU0. After a great deal of discussion, a motion was made by Gouncilman ScYtlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign, on behalf of the City, an agreement with James H. Maul Associates for architectural services as outlined above, and that the funds be expended from federal Revenue Sharing funds. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by~~~uncilman Millis and unanimously ied, the meeting adjourned at 5:15 ,M. ~ G~~ ATTEST: ~ ` ~ DEPUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR ~ 5 c~fi. ~ 5 : CITY COUNCIL OCT : ~ $ ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORNIA " The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Gabe de Le Upon roll call, Council Members AT Spierling, Matthew Gallagher, Jr. Schlegel and Mark Millis reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor de Leon led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag; and i:~LL«~~a~~~y ther~after, Councilman Millis delivered the invocation. _ APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Schlegely seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, General Warrants No. 5486 through No. 5561, in the total amount of $12,788.17; and Payroll Warrants No. 7357 through No. 7429, in the total amount of $33,919.19, were approved and ordered paid. LETTER OF INFORMATION RE: EXTENSION OF-REVENUE SHARING PROGRAM Th~ Council read a letter of information from U.S. Senator Tunney, advising that the federal revenue sharing program has b~en extended for 5-3/4 years. NOTICE OF HEARING RE. PROPOSED ELECTION CODE REVISIONS ON CAMPAIGN MATERIALS The Council received notice froan Assemblyman Keysor of a public h~aring set for October 29, 1976 in Los Angeles to consider revisions ta'the Electiona Code regarding identification of campaign materiaZs. NOTICE RE. WORKSHOPS BY COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES The Council reviewed a notice from the San Luis Obispo County Gommunity: Mental Health Services, of several workshops to be held thraughout the County in October to get public input on the assessment and planning process for thes~ services in the County. REQUEST FOR ENCROACHMENT LICENSE AT 508,& 512 LE POINT(STYCKLER) - REFERRED TO PLANNING COMMISSION RE. ABANDONMENT PROCEEDINGS The Council read a request from First American Title Insurance Company ~nd Donald E. Stickler, owner of 508 & 512 Le Point, requesting the Citq issue a licanee for encroachment on the structures at these addresses. With the present document entitled Covenants for Temporary Erection of Improvements Within the Public Right of Way on these properties, Mr. Stickler is unable to obtain a loan. A report on the matter fram City Engineer Garcia recommended that abandonment proceedings be used to vacate a 10' wide strip along the south side of Le Point Street, which would reduce the currently 70' wide street to 60', which would sti].1 leave ~t the width necessary for a collector street. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unani.mQUSly carried, referring to the Planning Commissi.on for its consideration and reeommendations, the request by Don Stickler that a portson of Le Point Street be abandoned. DISCUSSION RE. FUNDING REQUEST FROM COASTAL VALLEY PLANNING COUNCIL , The Council read a letter from the Coastal Valley Planning Council,.request- ing the City remit the $275.00 budgeted for its proportionate shaz~e of the Plan- ning Council's 1976-77 operation costs. Administrator Butch informed the City Council that at the Board of Supervisors' public hearing today on the purchase of land for the proposed South County Regional Government Center, that the Plann,ing Council had made a presentation regarding its site preference for said Centero This City had not been aware that the Planning Cauncil was taking sueh a position. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, requasting that the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Planning Council appear before the City Council at'its next regular meeting to personally make the request for funds and discuss the Coastal Valley Planning Council's representation role. NOTICE RE. COUNTY'S DECISION TO PURCHASE "LOVASZ" PROPERTY FOR REGIONAL CENTER Administrator Butch distributed information to the Council, including a map which shows the various sites considered by the Board of Supervisors for the proposed South County Reqional Government Center, and a description and cost estimates for sites "C", °D" and "G". The Board had unan~.mously passed to purchase Site "G", also known as the "Lovasz" property, in the City of Arroyo Granale, for a total acquisition cost af $181,231.00. ~~APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of September 28, 1976, were approved as prepared.