Minutes 1976-10-12 ~3s CTTY COUNCIL OCTOBER 12, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 REQUEST FOR APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER TO COASTAL VALLEY PLANNING COUNCIL - HELD OVE~2 The Council agreed to hold over the request by the Coa 1 Valley Planning Ccuncil that this City appoint a member-at-large to said Council, until after the appearance of a representative from the Planning Cour~cil as discussed above. MONTHLY DEPARTMENTAL REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER~ 1976 The Council received, reviewed and ordered filed the Departmental Report for the month of September, 1976. Elizabeth Jackson, 2U8 ~'ai~ V~ew,- stated her objection to the duplex building moved in on South Halcycn Road. The Council requested the.staff tc bring back a report at its next regular meeting about this matter. ADOPTION OF '76 EDITION OF VARIOUS UNIRORM CODES - HELD OVER The City Attorney requested, and the Council agreed, to hold off the second reading of ordinances for the adoption of the 1976 Edition of the Uniform Building, Housing, Swimming Pool and Mechanical Codes. DISCU3SION RE. AMENDMENTS TO '75 EDITION OF ELECTRICAL CODE - HELD OVER Amendments to and adoption of the 1975 Edition o~ the Electrical Code was he].d over until the Firc Chief ~ould be in attendance. UPHO~,D EXISTING USE PERMIT FOR CENTRAL COAST CHRISTIAN ACADEMY & PRESSYT. CHURCH The Counail read a report from the Planning Commission regarding~its ~ review o~ the Use Permit issued to the Central Coast Christian Academy and First Presbyt~rian Church at Traf~ic Way and Poole Street. The Commission recommended that the e~sisting Use Perma.t's parking requirements be sustained regarding the parkirtg of buses on church property when not loa.ding ar unlaading passeng~rs in the specified loading zones. Atter discussion, the City Counci7, agreed to uphold the existing Use Permit issu~d to the Central Coast Chr~.stian Academy and the First Pxesbyterian Church in Axroyo Grande. RECEIPT OF APPROVED C.C.& R.'S ON OAK PARK ACRES The Council received and reviewed a copy of the approved Covenants, Conditians and Restrictions for the Oak Park Acres Planned Development. • PiJI3LIC HEARING - ABANDON PORTION OF ALLEY NEAR CROSS STREET - RESOLUTION ADOPT. Admini,$trator Butch reviewed the request from Vick Pace Construction that a 15' alley in Block 1 of the Walnut Grove Addition, abutting Cross Street, b~ abandoned. He pointed out said area on a map, stating the alley has not and will not be necessary for public use. Upon being assured by the City Clerk that ail requirements as provided by law, regarding notification of hearing, had. been complied with, Mayor de Leon declared the hearing open and all persons would now be he~rd for or against the abandonment of this alley. There being no public discussion for or against this matter, Mayor de Leon declared the hearing closed. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read ~he title of a resolution.abandoning a certain alley in the City; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, 5econded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolutian. RESOLUTION NO. 1254 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ORDERING THE ABANDONMENT OF AN ALLEY WiTHIN BLOCK 1 OF THE WALNUT GROVE ADDITION (ABUTTING CROSS STREET) IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spisrling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 12th day of October, 1976. - 23'~ C~~ ~0~~~~, ' ARROYO GRANL~E, CALIFORNIA OCT~BER 12~ 1976 PAGE 3 - PUBLIC HEARING - SAFETY ELEMENT OF GENERAI, PLAN - ADOPT20N HELn OVE1~ Planntng A1de Tom Sullivari, reviewed with the Cmuncil a ma~p a~n~ plaus entitled "Safety Element" mf the City's Gsneral Plan, which the ~lauzning Cmn~nisaimn hae reccnnms~ed~ be adopte~ inciu~in an' Ad~endum Nm. He pmintad out the Fire & Flm~d Haza~rd exen~ o! the City~auzd i~cateion ~l3th~9qa~ lines and ths Union orud~ oii line. Upmn being aseured ali r~quir~ments a~ provid~d bY City Clsrk that by la~w, regardlin~ notiliaation o! h~arinq, had b~sn e~n,pli~dl with, Maymr dl~ L~~n El~ciar~d! th~ h~aring ~~n ar~dl all y~~rs~n~ ir~t~r~~t~d in th~ matt~r wc~uld~ now b~ h~ard. Hc~tard N~~by ~p g , r r~~~ntin 8~uth~rn Calilornia Gar C~par~y, . r~qu~~t~E~ tlut c~rtain s~otior~~ ot th~ •i~sn~nt b~ r~-writti~n t~ ol~rily that utility li~~r ar~ r~t inalud~dl within t~rsn~ "aritioai i'aoiiiti~~", ~um~ as ha~~pitai~, lir~ as~ polio~ ~tation~. Hi~ l~tt~r to th~ plu'inin~ Al.dl~ r~ll~otin~ tki~ rt~u~~t arxiv~l alt~r th~ ~ianninq C~mmis~ion's pubSl,a h~arin~ on th~ ~l~~nt. Mr. N~y iurth~r stat~d! that mth~rwis• lu !"~lt th~ •l~unb i. a~om@l ~n. us4 th~ Gas ~~an3? oouidl wcrk with it. Th~r~ b~i~ no furth~r pumlic dli~oussion ~n thi¦ matt~r, May~r d!~ L~mn d~olar~m tl~ l~s~arir~ olo~~d. plannissq Ai~l~ 8uilivan •tat~d~ h~ l~lt th~ Counaii omuid! em~ru91 tn~ 8at~ty Ei~sMnt to ai~rii~y th~ utility lin~ matt~r, without ~ ~~rulir~ it bsok to th~ Alanninq Commi~~ion. Th~ C~uriail di~cu~~~d th~ matt~r, q~r~rally ~r~~inq that th~ City ~ta!! r~-w~i~~ th~ •Z~nt t~ oi~ity th~ l~r~- ~~ing and ~arir~ •aid eal~ty El~m~n~ baok ~o ~h~ Cco~nail- a~ n~xt r~quiar m~~tiinq far ad~pt~ion. =n th~ m~antim~, th~ Plannin~ C~ani~~ion wiil hav~ a m~~ti~q at~d! it~ ~~~~inq~ on ~ho ua~ndm~nt will b~ ~~a~~.v~~l ~ ptT~LtC ~i~tmG - m4~t~ffi ~L~~T ~N~~L ~t~ - ~~O~U~'t0~ A~A~T~G~P _ a~s~ ng A~ cmt ru v~~ ~~v ewo w~ ~n~ t a ~lt~nti mf ~h~ Osn~ral ~ian, w~siah ~he ~iannl.~q C~#,~sio~ h~~ ~~oa~s~~d b~ a~opt~~. r~~or~~ ~l~at th~ Ar~a Widl~ ~~.anninq Counal.l w~~isi~sq ~ow~°d ti~s~ dl~v~l~ins~t o! s mo~~l moi~• Ordlinano• w]sioh wl.ll ~tdl~~~~ .p~oilio p~obl~s. t#~ ~ta~~d! _~at hr S~sad piao~d tis~ nmi~• map oon~ou~°~ an th~ ~anA U~• ~~.~rs ~ Zon~.r~q 9lan a~d lo~ndl ~ o~#lictr. Upon b~l.~sq as~ur~d! iay ~h! C~.ty C~~rk tha~ a1l r~q~uir~tt~sst~ a~ ~rovid~d by law, r~qardiszq ~sotil~.oat~.os~ o! h~ar~~, hav~ b~~s~ o biayor ai~ S+~on d~ciar~dl tih~ h~ari os~tPli~d wl~~h, wouid nmw b~ h~ard. ~ mP~n u~d all p~~~Qn~ ~,n~~~~~t~d in ~ls~ snat~~r J0• D4oox~, Z00 m~i~on~ com,plain~l about th~ s~l.~~ f~°oin truok~ ~n At~i~mn etr~st ~tull t~it th~ ~i~nt ~ha~uld a~dr~~~ its~l~ mor• tm ~p~oifio¦ ~uoh aa thir, aljo tm ~is~ trc~x ohain r~w~, motmrb~.k~¦ and rania bo~~. HON'~~ p~wbY, r~pr~~~ntir~q 8outh~~°n Cal~.fo~°nia Ga~, ~~xt~d uno~rtaint a~ tm what ~om~ m! th~ plan'~ provi~ivns m~an ~o ~lsei~ la~oiliti~~, a~d r~qu~~t d! tim~ t@ r~vi~r it b~~or~ any or4inana• i~ adlopt~d. Th~r~ b~i~ no lurth~r ~aubiio di~ou~~i~n on thi~ matt~~, May~r d~ L~or~ d~alar~+dl th~ h~arir~ alos~. Tlu Cmuncil dli~ou.~~ th~ ~ci~~ Ei~m~nt, aqr~ri~q that thr N~is~ ~r~irsana• wmuid! inoludl~ ~p.~ilia noi~e p~mbl~m¦ an~ Mr. N~yr~~ r~u~~t woul~ b~ brmwght t~ th~ T~ohnioal Com~ni°~~~•'. abt~ntion. t~iscussi~n wa~ aiso h~id! r~gardling th~ num~r~?us sonic bmc~m~ r~a~n~ly in ~hi~ ar~a, . as~d! Admini~tra- tc~r 8utch a~lvi~~~ that th~ t~al~rAl goV~rnm~n~ aouid 9~~ a~r~~aqt~l r~~~~~ing th~ prm]~lnn an~ ~om~tl~m~s th~y wili arrang~ with ~lt~h~ C~r~~ml ~hat a~nuniti~~ ~a~ by~ass~4 wh~r~ aompiaints ar• v~ic~~. Alter Coun~ii di~~u~~icn, City Attorr~ay Ships~y r~a@l~th~ titi• oi a ra~~lution adop~ina~ °th~ N~i~• Elemant~ th~r~aftsr, a a~ti~n was madl• my? Ca~unciiman Sohle~.l, ~~aor~~ed! unanimously ae,rri~d, t~ dlis~~n~~ with r.adias~ th, balan~•i ~~his~r.~m~ti~, RESOLUTt~1 N0. 1255 A REB~LUTI~1 pS THE CITY COUNCIL '1'HE CITI' OF ARRQYO GRANi~E A~8Tt1JG THE N~ISE ELEA~NT CbF THE GENEli1~L' ~LAN. mn mo~i~n mt C~unaiiman 8pisrlirug, seamn~lsd by Counoi].man Ga1laQhsr a,rsd ~n th~ l~liee~win~ rmll caii v~t~, tm w~its AYES: Cmunoiim~n Spi~rling, Gallagh~r, Bchl~g~l, Mi11i~ and! Mayor d~ L~cn NOES s Aimn~ A88EATT ~ Non~ . th~ tor~~oin~ Ra~~luti~n wa~ pas~~d and etdlop~~~ thi~ 1Z~h d~y of Dat~b~r, 197E,. ~3~ CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 12, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 ORDINANCE REVISING FEES FOR REZONINGS, USE PERMITS, ETC. - FIRST READING Admiz~istrator Butch read in full an ordinance prepared by City Attorney Shipsey increasing fees for rezoning applicati0ns, use permits, variances, app~als, and establishing fees if an Environmental Impact Report is required on a development. Administrator Butch pointed out several sections which needed amending according to what the Council had apprcved, regarding ~ppeal methods to the Counail and billing the applicant for ordinance publication coste exceeding ~he $100 deposit. City Attorney Shipaey corrected theae sections before the evening's meeting was adjourned and rereacl how the eections wc>uld be a~dopte~l, which bhe Ccuncil approved. After Council discussion, the Council agread to recocgnize City Adminietrator Sutch's full reading of the ordinance as the first reaaling for adopticn. INTENT TO ABANDON NORTH HALCYON ROAD PLAN LINE - HELD OVER The Council generally agreed to hold off adoptian of a resolution of intention tc abandon the North Halcyon Road Plan Line, in view cf the County's purch~se of the Lovasz property in the general area across Highway 101 from where North Halcyon Road terminates at Highway 101, to see what impact the County's development will have on this area. REPORT RE. REC~NT ANIMAL CONTROL MEETING The Council xeviewed a report from Police Chief Clark on the recent Animal Control meeting, which inaluded a report on cats picked-up and notic~ of a changed patrolling schedule of cities, which is now from 7 a..m. to 8 p.m. . dai.ly. Counci7.man Gallagher asked that the Animal Control check out the stray dog situation in the Valley Gardens area. REPQRT - RECEN'.~ COIINTY & CITIES' AREA PLANNING COORDINATING COUNCIL - SPIERLING Councilman Spierling reported on his attendance of a workshop in Sacramento o~ September 29th, with the State Transportation Board, at which a good hearing had been held with changes noticed the next day after the Board was told of this area's frustrations in handling directives from Sacramento which are aimed at a~reas the size of Los Angeles and San Francisco. Repcrting on the October 7th me~ting of the County and Cities' Area Planning Cemrdin~ting Council, Councilman Spierling stated that the County's application for the Biddle Regional County Park was approved, as well as the City o~ Arroyo Grande's application for Strother Community Park; a presentation was heard from Mr. Gregory on the aix-year highway planning program in this ~reat allocated funds for 38 325 for fiaca] yeax 1976-77s and a status report was receiveal on the Traneit District formation. Discussion was also held on the Snterim Joint Powers Agraement for,the ELderly Handicappeal Transit System, whose v~n transit monay wi11 run out in January unleas the joint powers agreement is adopte~, which did not tnke place. RECEI~T OP' $.L.O. COUNTX AUDITOit'S TAX RATES FOR 1976-77 The Council raiceived and reviewed the "Annual =nformation for Taucpayere" booklet on tax rat~s in thie County for 1976-77. The tax rata for most of the City of Arxoyo Grar~de 18 $11.80, a~s compared to $11.66 last yea~r. REPp$T RE. C~UNTY AI~UALITY & DEVELOPMENT OF AIR DISTRICTS rr.rrr.~. i - T~'le Council reaal repqrts prepared by Ac~ministrative Intern, Scott Baldwin, summarizing a report cn development of Air Districts to protect ~reas of superior a~ir and prevent further deterioratinn cf sir quality throughout the State. The aecond report summarized the 1970-1975 Die~trict Repc~rt fmr the 8an Luis Obiepo County Air Pollution Diatrict, which rev~aled tha~t air quality within the County rema~ir~s: a~ood wh~n compnred tc federal air etanda~z~ds. NOTICE RE. DEADLINE FOR COUNTY'3 SU8MIS3ION OF SOLID WA3TE MANAGEMENT PLAN Th~ Counc l ree?8 a copy of a lett~r addressad to the Cmunty Boa~rd of Supmrvisors, #rom the 8ta~te Smli~ waste Ma~nngament Sonrd, steting thst the County's Smiid T~a~ets Manaqament Pla~n must be submitt~d to the 8tate by D~oembsr,1, 1976. RE$QLUTION AIs~OPTTQN - NAME ~ARK AREA "LA $ARRANC~1 PARK° - TRACT 538 Th~ Counoil r~ad a m~moraridum from the Planning Commission, reccunm•ru9ing that the n~w ,park ar~a b~ing d~c~ioat~d to the City in ooan~ction with Tract 453, "Rei,z~ahc~ La Sarrsnoa", b~ oltioially nemed~ as "La 8arranaa Park" . After COUnai1 dli~oussimn, Ci~y Attarney 8hiposy r~a~d the titils of a re~olution nauning a park sita in th~ City~ th~r~after, a motion waa made by Councilman Sahlea~el, o•cona~edl by Councilman t~allegh~r nnd unanimously cnrriea~, to dispsnes with rea~dinq ths balance of thir resolution. 239 CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 12, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 BES07'~UTION N0. 1256 A RESOLUTI~N'OF THE CITY COUNCIL pF°THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE NAMING A~ARK AREA IN THE RANCHO LA BARRANCA SUSDIVISION AS "LA BARRANCA PARK". On motion of Councilman 5chlegel; seccnded by Councilman Millis and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmer~ Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor d~ Leon NOES: None ABSENT: None th~ foregcing Resoluticn was passed and<adopted this 12th day of October, 19760 PROGRESS REPORT ON APP~,ICATIONS UNDER PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOFMENT ACT OF 1976 Administrator Butch advised that nothing has been heard yet from the federal government regarding the Public Works Employment Act of 1976, but the Citq is proaeeding-with the application procedures. RECOMMENDA~IONS RE. T~AND'USE ELEMENT REFERRED TO PLANNING COMMISSION The Council reviewed a report from the Planning Commission on its review of recamumended changes by'the Council to the Land Use El.ement. The Commission rec~mmended approval of cer~tain amendments previously proposed by the Council, and recommended deletion of several sentences. A proposed addendum to the Land Use Element includes everything except density in '"A" zones, which will be forth- ccuning from a newly appointed Agricultural Gommittee of the Planning Commi$sione The COUncil discussed the matter, generally agre~ing with the recommendations, Counc3lman Spierling requested that c~rtain wording, f0und in the mriginal Land Use Element, be restated in the add~nc~um, as follows: the rewrite of the "P-D" deaignation, to be inser~ted int@ the Plan (page 13 of the General Plan) include the fQllowing:sentences right after the first sentence starting with "A large rollinq tract...through the Planned Development approach.. At present, most of this portion of the City-is includ~d in the "A" zoning district, which is a holding zone applied to properties until specific development plans are prepa~°edm Grazina~ i~s considered as an interim use of these areas. By directing development into thes~ areas of marginal agricultural value, the most productive land on the valley floor can be reserved<for continued agricultural use. ~he Planned ~ Development Zorie presently within ~the City..~..". ~ After turther Council discussian, it was generally agreed to send the Land Use'Element-amendments back to the'Planning Commission with the recommended additional wording above. ACCEPTANCE OF DEED ON LEASE-PURCHASE OF STROTHER PARFC Administrator ~utch ad~ised that the escrow for purchase of the Strother Park ]:and is;moving along and now requested the Council to accept a grant deed from the sellers for said property. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Sch].ege1, seconded by Cauncilman Spierling and unanimously carried, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign, on behalf of the public, a Grant Deed from J. Douglas LangfOrd, Monroe Fe1ty, Jra, and John R. Mudge, for a portion of Subdivisons A:and B of Maps of the Lands of D.F. and Anna Newsom, comprising part of the Ranehos Bolsa de Chemisal and Santa Manuela, also known as Strother Community Park on Huasna Rc~ad. ORDINANCE AMENDING MUNI. CODE RE. WATER SERVICE CHARGES - FIRST READING City Attorney Shipsey reviewed an ordinance he had prepared to bring the City's Municipal Code in l~ne with a recent Court Order disallowing the City to charge more than one water ma.ni.mum per water meter, regardless of how many businesses said meter may serve. Administrator Butch stated the change will effect the City by about a:$2000:yearly loss in revenueo After Council discus- sion, City Attorney Bhipsey read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code relating to water service charges; there- after, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously earried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. REPORT - RECENT COLiNTY WATER RESOURCES ADVIS~RY COMMITTEE MEETING - GALLAGHER Councilman Gallagher reported on the October 6, 1976 meeting of the County Water Resources Advisory Committee, stating that reports had been heard on riv~r dams, siltation and cloud seeding. A study is also being done an the Morro Bay sandspit to determine the fresh water basin. Council discussion was held regarding the cloud seeding, with Councilman Gallagher stating that costs would be minimal compared to what the process would provide, and he discussed various methods of funding such a program. ?4~ CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 12, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 VARIOUS ACTIONS ON SEWER HOOK-UP EXTENSION REQUESTS The Council reviewed various requ~sts for time extensions and waivers from th~ requirement ta hook-up to the City's sewer system by October 24, 1976. After Council review of D~.rector of Public Works Anderson's report and recommendations on the requests, the following actions were taken: A motion was made by Councilman Mi11is, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, granting H. N. Bzuae a waiver from hooking up the existing house at 704 Branch Mill Road to the City's sewer syst~m. A motimn was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Spierling and carried, granting Fred Marsalek a waiver from hooking up the existing r~sidence at 590 E. Cherry Avenue to the City's sewer system, until such time as the property is developed. A motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilm~n Millis and un~nimously carried, granting Norman L. Ep].ey a one (1) month extension from hooking up 1133 Flora Road to the City's sewer system, with Director of Public Wozks Anderson ta look into the request further to determine whether there are suffiaient grounds to grant a further extension when the month lapses. A motion was made by Counailman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Spierling and carried, granting Thomas A. Runels a waiver from hooking up the existing residence at 586 Valley Road to the City's sewer system, until such time as there is further development on this property. A motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and carried, granting Mrs. Troy C. Evans a waiver from hooking up the existing house at 1081 Farrol,l Avenue to the City's sewer system, until such time as the property is further developed or the property is permanently occupied. A motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, denying the request of Mrs. Glen R. Andrews for a 60-day extension from the requirement to hook-up 345 WaTnut Street to the City's sewer system. A motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, denying the request of Hattie Myers Gabziel for a 60-day extension from the requirem~nt to hook-up 341 Walnut Street to the City's sewer system. A motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, denying the request of David Doll for an eight month extension frmm the requirement to hook-up 1161 Ash Stre~t to the City's sewer system. A motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously caxried, granting John Silva a waiv~r from hooking up the existing residence at 1155 Flora Road to the City's sewer system, until such time as the property is further developed. A motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, granting the property owner of 1169 Ash Street a thirty (30) day extension from the rEquirement to hook-up to the City's sewer system. PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBTSPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT The Council reviewed the quarterly report of maintenance and operation of the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District, along with the Chief Pl~nt Operator`s monthly report for September, 1976. NOTICE OF QUARTERLY MEETTNG OF CHANNEL DIV. OF LEAGUE - LOMPOC, 10/29/76 The Council received notice of a quarterly meeting of the Channel Division of the League of California Cities, to be held in Lompo~ on October 29, 1976. NOTICE FROM F.P.P.C. RE. CITY'S ADOPTED CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE The Council reviewed a letter from the State of California Fair Political Practices Commission, advising that staff of the Commission may recommend, after further review, that the City's Conflict of Interest Code be revised to conform ~ with the modeZ code in regard to Section 4 referring to participation by Council Members in the making of any decision if said participation is legally required for the decision to be made. ~41 CTTX COUNCIL OCTO~ER 12, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 RECEIPT OF FLOOD REPpRT FOR RAINSTORM OF SEPT. 28-30, 1976 ~ The Council received and reviewed a report fram Director caf Public Worka Anderson giving statistics of rainfall during the September 28 through S~ptember 30th stoxm, with the rainfall between 11:30 P.M. and midnight on Septemb~r 28th being in the 100-year intensity range. The report also described erosion problems wh~.ch occurrecd in the new construction areas of Miller Way and Ruth Ann Way, and how the problems were handled. SUGGESTION FOR CIVIC CENTERS TO BE CONl~INED WITH REGIONAL CENTER - MOORE Joe MoorQ, 20Q Nelson, reviewed varicus costs being considered by the three 3cuth Coun~ty cities for remodeling of their respective City Halls, and suggested that one cr all three of the cities ccmbine their civic center with the County'a Regicnal Center proposed in Arroyo Grande. SUGGESTION RE. CHECK DAMS IN CANYONS & PERMISSION GRANTED TO BE ABSENT FE~OM STATE Councilman Schlegel suggested that it be recc~¢nmended to the County that people in the varioua canyon areas easterly of the City be required to put in check dams to help drainage, check siltation and help percolation. A motion was made by Councilman Spierling, s~conded by Councilman Gallagher and u~animously carried, granting Ccuncilman Schlegel permission to be absent from the State of California off and on between.October 25, 1976 and January 1, 1977, as per his request. ADJ~URNMENT On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. ~ ATTEST~.==%~'~-Q' ~ • ~ C'~'~i~--~/~--~~ CITY CLERK ~ ~ MAYOR ~