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" ~~xM ~r~; ~ a~3 T~~~~~ x ~,ti~ ~„k ~ ~y,, : ~ :n~i~; ~d~~~ ~:.~.~c ~~r~~~ ~#~~~;~.~~n~ y ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~r?~~.sy~: ~~°~r~~ ~~~rr~,!k~. u~a rP~a.~~~<~~: wx~~~; ,i~~i fi ~~:u~r~~, ?i~~ N'it~~'TH:.1' LtSe;E°rs~t,'T''~'~7Et~~~r.x.-, ~~~~~`s°T` f~~'~w;~~[~?; b ~ T"ta~ ~~~t~r~~~'~. ~~s~~.~;~~~ ~~wa~~r°~~ ~~~a~~~z~s~r~.~~~ S ~SY ~.~e :CE~:.i~9~~: t~~ ~~6~1~-t,~~k~~4`'r ",~~0 ~50 ~ CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 9, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 RESOLUTION DECLARING RESULTS OF NOVm 2ND SPECIAL ELECTION - HEI~D OVER A option of a resolution dec aring t e resu t o t e Nove er 2nd Special Election in the City was held over pending receipt of the offici~l Certified Election Results from the County Board of Supervisor~. DiSCUSSION RE. APPOINTMENT OF REP. TO COASTAL V~.LLEY PLAN. COUNCIL The Council reviewed a previously received letter trom the Ca~stal Valley Planning Council (CVPC), requesting appointment of a member-at-large to said Council. Administrator Butch reported that both of the City's representatives to the Planning Council, Planning Commissioners Mathews and Ries, have indicated they wish to resign from the CVPC. Planning Comanissioner Mathews was present anc~ stated that the cities do not give the CVPC direction as to what they wish to have it accc~nplish. The uniform street naming and numbering project was hindered because some cities did not want to change their street numberse He recoommended that cities give some suggestions for pro~ects. The Council continued discussion of the matter and suggested the Mayor bring up the subject of the CVPC and its merits at the upcaming Mayors' meeting. Peggy Lanqworthy, Printz Road, Arroyo Grande fringe,, suggested a woman should be appointed to the Planning Council ana volunteered for the member-at-large position. The Council generally agreed to hold off making any appointment~ until after the Mayors' me~ting to see if continuation of the CVPC is desirable. ADOPTION OF REVISED LAND USE ELEMENT OF GENE~ PLP,N - HELD UVER City Attorney Ship~e~ requested, and the Council agreed, to hold off adoption of the Land Use Element of the Gene~°al Plan, to allow him additional ti.me to prepax°e the necessary resolution. ADOPT 1976 EDITION OF UNIFORM SWIMMING POOL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, HOUSING AND BUILDING CODES - ORDINANCE FIRST READINGS City Attorney Shipsey stated that the various Uniform Codes proposed for adoption by the Building Department did not contain modifications froan the State's codes, and therefore introduced five ordinances adopting the 1976 Edition of aertain codes. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read, for its first reading,~tYie title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code so as to adopt the 1976 Edition of the Uniform Swimming Pool Code; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, to di~pense with reading the balance of this ordinance. City Attorney Shipsey read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code so as to adopt the 1976 Edition of the Uniform Mechanical Code; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously cas°ried, to dispen~e with reading the balance of this ordinancee City Atto~ney Shipsey read, for its first readinc~, the title of an ordinance amend~ng the Mun~cipal Code so as to adopt the 1976 Edition of the Uniform Mechanical Code; thex°eaf'ter, a mot~.on ~ras made by Councilman Spierling, seconded b}r Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carr~ed, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinancem City Atto,rney Shipsey read, for ~.~s fix°st ~°ead~ng, the title of an oz°dinance amending the Municipal Code so as to adopt ~he 1976 Edit~on of the Uniform Plumbing Code; thereafter, a motion was made by Counc~:lman Spierling, seconded by Gouncilman Gallagher and unanf.mously carried, to di~pen~e with reading the balance of this ordinancee City Attorney Shipsey read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code so as to adopt the 1976 Edition of the Uniform Housing Code; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, to dispen~e with reading the balance of this ordinance. City Attorney Shipsey read, for ~ts first read~.ng, the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code so as to adopt the 1976 Edition of the Un~form Building Code; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Counc~.lman Gallagher and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. ADOPTTON OF 1975 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM ELECTRLC~.L CODE - HELD OVER City Attorney Shipsey requested, and the Council agreed, to hold over adoption of the 1975 Edition of the Uniform Electrical Code, to allow hi.m additional time ~o prepare the necessar~ findinqs requiz°ed to mod~,fy said Code as requested by the Fire CY~ief . 251 CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 9, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 MUNIm CODE AMENDm - ORDINANCE ADOP'~. - REGUI~fiION OF' SICATEBOP,RDS/WfiEEI.ED TOYS City Attorney Shipsey read the title of an Ordinance amending the Municipal Code so as to provide for the regulation of skatebo~ds and other wheeled toys; thereafter, a motion was made b~ Counc~lman Spi~rling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously car.ried, to di.spense with reading the balance of this ordinancee ORDINANCE NO. °I42 C,S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIIa OF TFiE CI'TY OF ARFtOYO GI2ANDE AMENDING THE ARROYO GRANDE MLTNIGIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 13 TO TITLE 4'TO PROV~DE FOR THE F7EGCJLATION OF WfiEELED T051S . On moi~ion of Cov~nci3..man Spierling, s~~ondecl by ~~ur~cilman Gallagher and on the following ~oll call vote, to rait: AY'ES: ~onncilrnen Spi~rl~Lng, G~11~~igh~~, M~l,~i~ ancl m~y~~~° de I~eon NOES t No3~e ABSEI~T s I~tine ~he faregoing Orc~~:n~nce was pae~ed and ~d~a~t,~c~ 9~~, c~~y ~f N~rem~~a~, 19'76. D~SCiJSSIi)N RE. S"i'A'T'E'S E~ECT~tIC~'I'~C FU~AS'I'IN~ ~ f~LA1~TN~NG 1i~PUF~~' ~ FiELD O~VE~ Admir~istz°atc~~ Butch ~evi~wed tha~ ~he C~:°~~r previoue~y received ~he Statie s~aff'~ prc~pnsed E1+sctr3cit~ F'orecastin~ and F~lanning R~pa~~rti, Volume I~, t,o which Pacific Gas~ s~ ~lect~ic Cr~mpany wie~h~s °~o ~°esponda ~im D~tnaher of P.Gm ~ E. wr~e pree~,nt ~nd indi~~ted ~het~r r~epmn~e wr~ul~ l~~ fo~rthcornfng f.n ~he near fu~ure ~ REC~II~T dF PROPOSED 5.L.0, COUN"rY NCJCI~AR POWER PLI~,~t'm EM~RGENCY PLAN. PR(~Rf?Ni fidminis~trator Butch r~pc~r~ed ~that °th~ Ci~y ie in reaeipt of dra~'~ copies af the Ccunty's Nuclear ~ower ~lan~ Em~rqency Pl.~n, whi~h ~.he City etaf~ ie pr~aently review~ing~ REPORT - RECEN'r ANIMAL REGULATION A17VIS(7RY COMA2ITZ'E~ NIEE°T'Z1~1G The Council reviewed a repa~t from Police Chief C1as°k on the O~tober 28, 1976 meeting of the An~mal Regulation Advis~x°y Commit~~e, The report inclu~ed a detailed billing to the City for serv~.ces from 7/1/76 thru 9/30/76, ~.n the total amount of $3,648.76m Also reviewed wa~ a p~opo~ed livestock program under which an animal control officex would be available to ~°~~pond to loose livestock at any time. Chief Cla~°k recom~nended the City ~upport ~his program as presently the police officer~ handle this~ time consuming prob~em, The Council discuss~d the program, favoring the concept, azzd g~nerally ~gre~~ng that oos~k~ of the livestock retrieval be b~rne ~comp],et~ly by the owner o~ the hanfll~d liveBto~k. If the livestock goes uncla~,med within a ce,~~ain ~im~, i~ ~ha~u7,d be ~old and costs of the Anima.l Control handling servi,a~ came ~x°crm ~h~ proce~dsm REVIEW SUMMARY OF "GROWTH MANAGEMENT PRAC~ICE~ IN CA,T,~FpRNIA" REPORT The Council reviewed a~ummary prepared by Admin,istrativa~ Int~rn Baldwin on the State's booklet entitled "Growth Managem~nt~ Pra~tices in Cal~.fornia". The key to a growth plan is that low ao~t h~u$ing ma~st be provided> Research is continuing by this City on the sub~eat of l~r ~ost h~using wi~.h ~h~ San Luis Obispo County Housing Authorit~a NOTIC"E REm PUBLTC HEARING - PUSLI:C S~RVIC~S &~'P,C~T,~~°ZE~ ELEMEN'I': 11/23/76 The Council receiv~d noti.ce th~t a publ~c hea~ing has been ~et for 8:00 P.M. on Novem~ier 23, 1976, tn con~icler ~do~s~~c~n of °~h~ Ptxbli~ Servic~s ancl Facilities Element of the ~energl Plan, ~~~~~nended by ~he Planninc~ Cornmission. REPORT - COUNTY & CITIES AREA PLANNING COORDZNA~°~I~~ C~UNCII~ SP~~RLIN~ Councilman Spierling reviewed with the Council °~wa~ memorandume r~garding the following, in regard to the functions c~f the San I~uis Obis;pe~ Count,y ~nd Cities Area Plann3ng Coprdinating Council: 1) a.mendm~nta t~ J'oa.nt Pow~r~ Agreement of said Coordinating Coun~il f and 2) ~h~nc~~s in the Elr~e~°ly/Hanc~i~~,ppecl Interim Joint Pow~rs Agreement. H~ r~ques~ed th~ Ccrunci,l's app~o~r~1 0~ th~ Joint Powers Agreement amentimentg and al~o th~ C~runc~l' ~~cnnm~n~s on ~k~~ prc~pased changes in the Elderl~/Handicapped Ir~te~im ~gr~~m~nt, wi°~h~n t~r~ daysm After Council discussion, a rnation wa~ m~de by Cc~unc~lmz~n G~llagh~r, se~anded by Counc~tl.man Mi11i~ and unanim~usly ~~rr~ed, approv°ir~g t.h~ am~ndment ~o Article V, Section 5, Page 6 of the San Lui.s Obi~pv Count}r and C~,ties 1~ea Planning Coordinating Council's ~'oint Pc~wers A~re~nen~ ~o ir~~lude ~,h~ ~'ol~a~wing added to the first ~sentence "..mhowever, seven ~ff~rm~tive ~r~t~:~ ~~all b~ required for taking any actia~n in the event ~.ny ar~~n~y d~mand~ st~ch a v~te" m _ '~.+~f? C~TY COUNC~L N0~7ENlBER 9, °8 976 ARROYO GRP.NDE, CAI~IF'Oftl~~~, ~~~E 4 RESOI~UTIOI~T - ~1DOPT ~:~E"E°191~1 ~I~N1End~" ~E° C~~I~T~RAS~ The Counca~l reviewed th~ pr~p~~~d ~e~rr~.t~ ~f S~c~~~n 4m3, Pag~ 042, of the Safety Element ~f' the Gen~ral P~.an, as requested by F°ire Chie~ Mar•~alek and adopted by the Pl~nn~ng Com~ra~ss~.on, ~i~,h refe~~m~~ ~nteriang irat~ a~oint Powrers Agre~snent wi~th ~he Co~un~~rto p~'~v~.~e f'ir~ p~c~t~etson rear°vice tm areas adjacent to the City, ~f ~hey ~e ~r~~.Y.~.ng t~ p~y fo~ ~to ~~a~ C~un~il ~pprov~d ~he rewording. A~ter Counci~ d~.~caas~ion, C~.°t~r At~~o~°ra~~ S~a~p~~~ ~~ad the ~t~.t~e of a r~~olution adopt~.ng the ~afety E3em~n~ of th~ Genera~ Plan~, ~h~~ea~ter°, a mation vaa~ made by Coun~ilm~n Spie~cling, se~~nded by Co~nraci~.man Gallagher and unan~mously carried, to dispense writh re~ding °the ba~arzce of ~1~as re~olu~~on. RE~OLUTI~I~T NfO., °V 26~ A RE~OLU~I(~'~ O~ TE~ C~~Y C~LTNC~I~ OF T~i~ CI~°Y ~F' ARROYO G~NDE ADC)PT~1~TG °T'HE SP,F°~°I"Y ~I~~1Q°I^ 'I°HE G~1~TERI~L PLAI~T ~ Om mo~ion ~f Coun~slan~n ~~r~e~l~rs~, se~~~d~d by ~c~unc~Yman M~.llis and on ~he follo~rin~ ~r~~3 ~a~l v~a~t~, ~o wits AYES e C~~xn~~3~raen Sp~erl~.ng, GaY~.~gher v riI~ 1~~~ ~d May~r de I~eon NO~S : I~T~rae ABSEN°.r: C~unc~lman Sc~leg~Y °the f~~°eg~~rsg R~~~Yu~i~r~ w~s p~~sed ~nd ad~p~ed °th~s 9~.h day of N~veinber, ~ 976 REPORT RECEl~l°~ S'I°P,`IBE aI°RANfSP~Et~°~'T°~O1Q P~~? ~I~TF'O1~MP~"I"~6I~ N1~E~I1~TG ~he C~~ara~il rev~ewed ~~°ep~~°~ ~~om C~~t~ E~a~~rae~r G~~ecb~ regard~.ng his and Counc~Yman S~S~~~~~s~g' ~~~c~a~°t ~.~°~er~dar~~~ ~f' a~n i,nfo~craat~onal mee°t~.ng reg~°ding the S°tate ~ran~port~°~forn PYanm ~~~n~~~a~n ~p~e~~.~rag ~xp~uncl~d on ~aid meet~ng, ~tating that s~me ~f ~he fear~ ~f ~.~~~rag 1~~~~. ~~a~tr~l arnay have b~en alleviated as reported by Ya~m ~t tk~~ ~ouxn~~~ ° s 1~~~ arne~°~~.ng, r~gard~.ng h~s attendaaice of a T~°anspo~~ati~aa ~~~?c~h~p ~n S~~~am~ra°t~y ~vh~n th~ ~~~t~ °~~ans~~rtation Board was given °the me~~~gea ~u~t, he v~a~nld n~~ haar~ to ~reaffirm the local control po~it~.orao CotxnGi~.m~n ~p~.erl~.rng dicl s.nd~.~~~e c~rnce~n 1~~wever for Boa~°d Membez° Pete E°fe~.d~rag propo~~l ~f ~~harcr~.z~g ~~u3~3. ux~e~° cha~ge f~~° a~.l co~ts of tran~- port~.tion, inc].~ds.ng hbgka~ray dev~~.op~era~tD ~mog dana~~~ t~ cl~~.hesD etca and a~~es~~.ng ~hes~ cos~,s coauld b~ c~m~l~~~t~cl„ Ot~he~ ~~pe~~.g of ~he propo~al would be for example a~tu~ ~~cle f~.~ 25~ ~ro~~d ~~~'t ~~J o00 dta~°i~a~ p~~k u~~ hourse After further Cou~acil di~c~u~~~~on, a~~~~.on w~s m~d~ byr Ca~~~z~~lmaa~ M~,l~~.~, ~econded by Counci~niara Gallaghe~ and u~n~.~a~zno~~l}r ~~~~~~cl, d~,x°ec~t~.a~g th~~ a l~tter be written to the ~~a~e e~~ing ~h~~ ~a~uncY1~'~ app~~~~~~ra t~e~ t;h~ p~opo~a~l Ca~.i~o~nia Trans- poxtation Plano DI~CUSSI~1~ RE e SELF'-INSUR~TCE F°0~ WO~CN~N ° S CONIPEI~SA~~ON COVERAG~ T1~~ Council reviewecl ~~~port azad r~conamend~tion~ pr~pared by Administrative Intern Scott Baldwr,in~ ~~ga~ding ~~lf~ffiin~u~°~n~e fo~° Wor~~Cm~n°~ Campera~a°tiona The report ~ummar~.zed the Ci~ty °~~~~~~1 pr~m.~.~sm expemditure~ and clas.m~ made again~t i:his ~overage a,ver th~ Y~~~t fo~n~° ~reas°~ ~ Tota~. p~id ~sremiu~m ~v~r fotar years to State ~°und was $89, 949, wr~~th ~:he ~i~~tu~~l ~mo~unt paid ou~ b~r S~at~ F'und~ for elaims being $~2,367 ov~r that ~~me f~an~° ye~~° ~im~„ The City no~ capable of going self-insured ora ~ts owray b~t it s~ h~peel ~hat th~ c~ties wi~hin the C~unty will get toge~her ~o~° this p~°~g~~un o The mat~er w~.ll be br~taght ~np a~t tYae upcoming Mayors' m~e~inc~~ REVIEW OF° L~ATES~' I~EG~~Iag1°I"~\7~ ~IJI~~"I~~~I F'ROM Y~EAGUE OF° ~AI~~FORNIA CI°I°IES The Ca~ux~c~l re~e~ved and re~r~.ew~d t~ne 3~~est I~~gi~l.at~ve Bulle°t~n from the League of Cal~fo~n~.a C~~~.~s, per~~ta~niaag °t~ ~we~p~ng ~°evision~ to Hoaa~ing Element guidelines propo~ecl by th~ ~°t~°~e D~,re~tor af H~u~~,ng and Communi°ty D~velopment, which proposes may~r lo~al m~.nd~°te~ and c~~°ts with n~ ~einvbursemen°t ~o th~ Ci°tyv The Council discus~ed the mat~er, ~rhe~~afte~° direc~ed ~h~ Ci~y Adm~,n~strator to wr~°te to the C~ty' ~ le~~,s~at~ve r~pre~~nta°t~~r~~ ~gir?g •tha°t c~~,~e~ b~ reimbursed ~ox° the c~~ts ~ta~~ mansla°~~cl p~°ograms o GRANT EX`I°ENSIOI~T E°OR S~DET~g1LoI~ T1~TS'I°A~'I°IOll~] ONf HAL~YOI~T ROP~D - E°IIaEFt The Counc~Y ~°e~ri~wezl a le°~ter fr~m Wo Ao E°~1~~° requesting a 90-day extension to i.nst~ll the ~equiz°ed ~idewallc~ a~ 327 S~uth Ha~:cy~n R~ado A report from D~rect~r of Pu~bl~.c Worlc~ P,z~dersorn ~ec~mmending approval of the x°equest was also reviewedo ~~n~~°~~~ga~ ~f apar~znen~ uraii~~ is p~.anned saicl address in conjuncfion with whi~h the ~ide~a~~s will b~ pu~ in~ lbu~t con~truction has been held up pendinc~ app~~v~7L ~r~m ~tk~~ Depa~°~aesat ~f i~,al E~t~te ia~ Sacramentoa Aftex°. Council d~~~u~~fon? a m~ti~n ~wa~ macle l~~ ~~unc~lma.rn Spie~ling, secoaaded by Counc~lman Ga~.lagher ~rad ~a~r~~d~ grar~~i~~ V~1oAo Fi~er a 90-da3r extension °to install sidewalks at 327 S~u°th Hal~o~ ~o~clo . ---253 CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 9, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 REPORT - RECENT MEETING OF S.L.Oe C0. WATER 12ESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE-GALLAGHER Councilman Gallagher repcrted on th~ November 3, 19 meet ng o t e San Luis Obiapo County Watez Resource~ Advisory Committee, stating reports had been heard cn the following: cloud seeding and benefit ratio costsj and'the Nacimiento and State Water Projects. Santa Barbaxa is still evaluatinq the State project ` and looking into getting water through Ven~turao If Santa 8arbara doesn't go with it, this County will not be able to a~ford the State Water Project, which will not be coanpleted before 1987. He recammended that the South County Wate~ Association etudy what reaources it has and if future ne~de can be pro~ected and provided tor now. PROGRESS REPO~ZT - PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYMEI~TT AC~° OF 1976 Administrator Butch advieed that thex°e ie nothing new to report at this time on the progress of the Public Works ~cnployment P,ct of 1976 grant applications. COUNCILMAN SPIERLING ERCUSED HIMSELEa DUE TO A CONE`L~CT OF INTEREST AND IS NOW ASSENT. GRANT SEWER HOOK-UP WAIVER AND EXTENSIONS: SPIERLING~ DUNLAP & PFLUKE Administrator Butch reported that several additional requests for sewer hook-up waiver and extensions have been received, which were reviewed along wa.th the Director of Public Works' recommenclationse He further reported that approxi- mately 40 units have not hooked up to the ~ewe~ by the deadline and have not been heard from requesting an ex~ensiono The Ti~t is being rechecked and will be brought before the Cauncil at a fut~nr~ meet~ngo After Counci~. discussion, a motion wras made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis and unan~nously c~°ried, granting A1 Spierling, 215 Le Point, a waiver from hooking ~ap t~ ~~e C~ty'~ sewer system, subject to any further development or failure of °the private disposal system when sewers are extended clossr to his propertyo COUNCILMAN SPIERLING IS NOW PRESENT A motion was made by Councilman ~allagher, seconded by Councilman Millis and unani.mously carried, granting Aa Eo Dunlap, 619 Goularte Lane, a thirty (30) day extension from the requirement to begin sewer hook-up procedures. A motion was made by Counci,lman Gallagher, ~econded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, qranting Nirs. ~°lo`Pflulse, 3~5 Corona Del Terra, a one- year extension frccn hooking up to the Cit~r°s ~~wer syatem. AUTHORIZE COUNTY CREWS TO RESTRIPE CITY STREETS A&niniatrator Butch advised that the Public work~ Department is requseting permiasion to ask the County crews to re~t~~pe tYae City atx~e~ta that have juat been repaved, eince said c~ews a~~ ~n th~ ax°~a and it would be more economical to have ~hem do it, After Council d~s~ueeio~, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Ccuncilman millis and unanimously caz°ried, requeeting the County crewe' services to restr~pe Cit~ et~eete th~t h~ve juet been repaved. LETTER OF APPRECIATION TO FIRE DEPPrR,TMENZ' - LEI~TIS The Council read a letter of appreoiatiox~ from Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Lewie, 686 Woodland Drive, thanking the Fire Dep~rtmen~ for its quick response and handling of an emergency ~t their residence re~emtlye ~ „ . , ~,~~<~y ~,~~~~J~~ '~r ~ ~ '~a LETTER E'ROM DEPT. OF AIR FORCE RE. SONYC BOOMS The Council received and read a letter fr~n Co B. Kelly, III, Lt. Col., USAF of the Department of the Air Foree, written in re~ponse to a letter from the City regarding the numerous sonic boom~ Yreard in this area. Lt.Co1o Kelly advised that supersonic flights, which cause the sonic bo~n~, are "strictly controlled and limited to those absolutely necessaz°y for the efficient accomplishment of the defense mission". RECEIPT & AWARD OF BID FOR POLICE VEHICIsES - Po12o FORD The Council received and revieWed °tw~ bids received from the local new car dealers per a request from the Police Dep~°tment for two new vehicles, whieh are budgeted.items.- Bids received were as fo].lowrs: PAUL REYNOLDS FORD, 330 '•~~A Tra~fic Way, Arroyo Grande: $10,47°1049 including tax for two 1977 Ford LTD 11-S;& CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET, 303 Traffic Way, Arroyo Grande: $11,013.40 for two 1977 Chevrolet Impalaso P,fter Council di~cussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, accepting the low bid of Pau1 Reynolds Fox°d and authorizing purchase of two 1977 Ford LTDs from said agency by the Police Dep~r'tment. ?54 CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 9, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 DISCUSSION RE. HIRING OF ATTORNEY TO HAI~TDLE ~NIT3ATIVE PETITION APPEAL Newspaper reporter poris Ol~en que~tioned the h~rinq, by City Attorney Shipsey, of Attorney Ed Lascher of Ventura to handle the Init~ative Petition appeal in Los Angeles. City Attorney ~hip~ey ex~lained he felt the Gity's best interest would be served by hiring saaneone familiar with the p~ocedure~ of a court of appeals in this matter and that he felt it wa~ w~thin h~.s scope a~ City Attorney to retain this sort of help. He reviewed the progres~ of the Initia~ive Petition matter, in which a San Luis Obispo Court had ~°uled that the subject ma~ter could nct be put before the voters through the inits~ative proc~ss because it related to zoning matters. Plaintiffs of ~the ca~e then filed a petition for Writ of Mandate with the Appellate Court, which wa~ denied by said Courte The Council discussed the matter, with Councilman GaTlagher stating that reque~ts for subcantracting aervices should come before the Couneil. DISCUSSION RE:e TRAFFIC WAY,/E°AIR OAKS AVENUE INTERSECT30N Councilman Gallagher stated tha~ ~ome'thing should be done to make the intersection at Traffic Way and F°air Oaks Aver~ue ~afe~° to pedestrians, reporting that vehicles coming off the nor.°thb~~and freeway ex~t at Traffic Way sometimes go . through the stop sign at F°air Oa~C~ Avenuem He sugge~~ed that perhaps installing road bumps would alert tz°aff~.e to ~he stop s~gn. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Spi~r].ing, sec~a~ded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimausly carried, th~ meetirag adjou~raed at 9e~2 PoMm l,, ATTEST : _ G~~ ~~,-r~,~j ~'.~z~ CITY CLERK MAYOR