Minutes 1976-11-23 255 NO'V~MHER 23' 1976 1~1~t7Y%~ ~12~fiT~7~~ 'a~;~+~~~~~~A - ~i~~r ~~s~r~~i~, m~t ~,n ~t~;~~a~ ~~b~ de ~eon presiding, tYp~sn r~l.l c°all, C~u~cil M~~Ser~ ~1 ~pi~~lin~g s I~~~t~~wr ~a1,lagher, ~r o, Calvin ~chl~~~l ~nd 1K~rk Mill~~ re~a~~~~d ~,re~erz~;o p~+~D~~ C~~ ALL~G2~1CE AND INiIpCAT~~I~ M~yo~° de Leon led th~ Pledge of Rllegi~~c~ ~o ~sur Flag; and immediately th~re~t~er, ~+~stor pon ~unc~n af t~he S~~ent~a Day ,~dv~nti~t ~hurch in Arroyo Grande ci~l~,v~red th~ in~rr~~~tic~na ~~Y~~tC1V'g1I, 1~I1~.T~'~~S ~ ~ The minu~es c~f the ~°ea~ular ~n~e~in~ Nasy~~~~ 1976, were approved as ~rep~~ed. ~?PRt~V:~ OF' WARR~II~T''I'a ~ On mot~on of Cc~uncilm~r~ Sp~..~~lir~~q, s~ccs~ded by ~ot~ncilman G~llagher and ~~~r~~mottsly car~~ec~, Pa~rol~ V~1~~-r~r~~t~ N~o °7600 °kh~oug~ I~o,- 7694, ~..n the total ~noun~ of $33,452038; and ~ene~al W~~r~n°~s I~o, '96~ ~h~ous~h Noo ~83 and Noo 5684 ~~~ougi~ Noa 574°t, in the tc~tal amaun°~ $85,~S9o0~i, w~~e ~ppx°oved and ord~red p~~do ~i7~"~OR~Z~ C6I~tt°~'~1~~' ~?F' ~T21`~PERT~ C;V~T]E~2.S & Ci7~~'~A CORP~ ~ o ~'~L,TaY I30 C12EEK CIaE.~N~1VG ~he Counc~.l rev~e~red ~ repo~t t~om ~~it~r ~ngir~~~~ Ga~c~~, stating that rii~ a i~~n~ent L~echne~, 331 Ta1ly Hn Road, ~~d re~~n~l~r ~~e~e~~ed ta him ~etter~ of ~°~g~~s of e~a~y ancl re~u~sts ~r~ek c~ean~,~~ a~ong '~~,lly Ho Cx°e~k from nineteen i~d~:v~.ziual~ ~lc~~g sa~d c~eelco I~e recommended th~.~ th~ C~~y staff. be ~ns°t~°ucted w~~~~ ~o ~1~~ rema~n~ng prop~~~~r owrier°~ o~ ~~11~ Fi~ ~~e~k request~rag permission ~n~e~ ~he~..~ prope~~ty ~ncl ~~a~~ n~g~t.iat~~r~s ~r~.t,Y~ t1~e C~a~s~a Conse~va°tion Corps p~~~~~mm t~e c~e~n~ng, The Gdun~il, discu~sed t~e m~~~~~ ~t ~~r~g°~h, g~n~~a}~ly ag~~eing that the ~~op~~~~~~n alI proper~~ owr~e~s ~lor~c~ ~h~ cr~~~C ~ould }a~ needed ar~d a~egular m~.~.~~~r~an~e ~rag~~n raould ~e cle~~~~le o C~~~ ~ng~,r~~~~ ~~~~~a, in response to a ~~g~~~~~on, s~a~ed ~ha~ ~he~e appea~ed be ~~~ong ~~~l~n~ ~nong the Tally Ho ~~~e~ }~~~~~r~~ owrne~~ o~ no~ d~eda~n~ ~~g~.~~ c~~ ~,ra~r t~e cree~C prope~°ty to the ~5~~ were will~.n~ ~o g~~e ~ig~a°~s af ~nt~~r ~a h~v~ ~t cl~a~ed ~y the Cityo : ~~~~~e~ ~as p~e~en~, ar~r3 ~~,~°tecl ~h~~~ ~,~,~i~~i.~x~~ o~ ~h~ Ci~~r e s Code ~la~~~ ~aicl c~ee~C as ~~nce~ ~h~v~ ~~en ~~e~~ed wr`h~.c;h obs~~uc~ ~h~ water flowe ~f't~~ ~ur~her Counc~l cT~~~u~s~.orig ~ m~~~~r~ ~a~~ made b}~ Ccsun~~.lm~.n ~pierl.in9, ~~,~°r~n~i~d by Cmun~i~nan ~2i~l~s ~nd c~r~~ed, ~utho~~.z%z~g City ~fia,~f to con~act all ~"~~.~~r H[o C~°~ek propert~ ow~n~rs ~c~~c p~r~mi~s~.~n trs ~~e~n ~he creek and to nego~iate wi~h th~ ~ues~a Ces~s~~r°vati~n C~rps te~ a~ceampli~~ ~~e wo~°ka and furt,her that a p~~s~gram of ~ree~C cl~an~ng an a regular~ ~a~i~ ~~~a~~.r~c7„ LE`I'Z"ER (7F FiPFf~ECTA'I'I'QN k'tE~ PCyI,I~E D'EP°I"~ V'P.~~1,'S"~t7N H(~USE C:HECIC PEtOGRAM -.NiHEPHARD The Counc~.l re~,d a 1~~tea~ ~~cozn I~.ind~ Sk~eph~rdp ~ro~res ~~ande resident, ~xp~essing her appre~iat3~nn tp ~khe pol~~e Dep~~~n~nt ~'o~ i~s Vacation House Check Progr~m, w~~i~h s~~v~.ce ~l~e rece~tl~r u~~d, ~P~O'~N~'P~NT OF I~IA~SON ~°O~ ~OU~I-~ COLTN~S~ C~~7~C ~~1V~~R D~VELtSPMEI~TT - SPIERI.aT1~TG ~he Counc~l re~d a lette~ ~roin S~,p~~v~~o~ Mankin~ ~~z~dic~~~ng his ag~eement ~l~e City ~ppoi~~ a li~i~or~ ~etwee~ t~e Couz~~y and Yx~~ o~~~,~e ~n r~ga~d °to the So~x~h ~ounty Civ~~ Center to be develop~d ~n ~~~o~o ~~~nci~ or~ the "~,ovas~~~ ,propertya ~f°~e~ Cot~n~i~ elis~tzs~~,an, a m~t~~~ ~r~~ ~~d~ ~a~ ~c~~n~~lman ~ck~legel, sec~nded by M~~~~ de L~or~ a~d ca~r~ed, ag~~so~.n°~~ng Cou~~i~,~rz ~pierl~nc~ ~.s the C~ty's liai~on th~ ~~u~t~a C~unt~y C~~~c Cent~~ p~°o~~~~o ~~o~.v~~c~rr ~o~~~oN - D~c~~ ~~ur~~s o~ ~rr~~c~~~~ ~r~~~~o~t - 17/2/76 ~`h~ Ci~y ~l~rk repo~°~ed that,~the Cer~~f~~a~~ o~ ~1~~ County C~erk show~ng ~1~~ ~~~u~°~ o~ the Can~ras~ A~1 Vote~ ~~s~ ~t ~h~ ~~~ci~~ l~it~raicipal EZec°tion in ~h~ ~i~~r A~re~y~ ~~~~d~ o~ N~vembe~ 2, ~~7C, h~d be~~a ~ec~i~red showing that l~te~~u~e ~ y ~a wit: "~~~11 ~r~ o~d~n~nc~ ~~l~~iz~g to ~~nc~~°~ory ga~bage collection, th~ g~~~t~ng ~ ~~~~ac~e ~~~~~hise a~d ~~~,l.~~t;~~r~ ~~~~~~e ~~~°c~es by the C~ty, be adc~plted'?~~ had passed ~rri~h 2,037 ~~Ye~" ~rc~°~~~ ar~:~ ~,9~p ~~I~~"" vote~. and Measure J, ~o wzt: "~l~a~~ O~dina~z~~ N~sm 139 CoSa r~~a°t~~ag ~to rezon~~g c~rtain te~x°itory bo~deresl by the cx°eek ar~d F~i~ Oak~ ~vena~~ ~M~.y~~c~ Prc~pe~°ty~ ~~om "R-A-B-3°' to ~~~tml~~' be ~dopted°?" h~d f~~,l~d ~ri~h 1,524 ~ro~e~ beir~g ~~~~and 2,3~6 ~~Nc~'~ v~~es. Afte~ ~~~z~~~l cl~~c~x~~i~n, Cit,y A~~ara~e~ S~ip~~~r r~~d °~he t~.tle of a ~°~~olu~~on decl~ing tl~e ~est~l~s s~~cl el~~t~c~n; ~}~~re~~t~~, a motion ~aas made Coun~~.lz~an ~ch1~~e1, ~~c~~dec~ by Counc~lm~~ ~~l.~~gh~r ~nd ur~~~moc~sl}r ca~°~°~ed, to d~s~~n~e ~i°tk~ ~e~di~~ ~he bal~n~e a~ ~.~i~ ~~so~~~~or~a ~~5s CITY COUNCTL ARROYO GRANDE, CAL~FORNIA NOVEMBER 23, ~976 PAGE 2 RESOS~UTIOI~T 1VOo 26'8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CI"~Y' COU~fC~L~ OF° ~"H~ ~T"2'Y OF ARROYt~ GRANDE, CALIFORNl'A, RECITTNG THE F"ACT 0~° THE SPECI.~Ta MUNICIPAL ELECTI'ON CO1~TSpLIDATED WITH THE $~ATEWIDE GE1~IERAL ELECTION FiELD IN SA~D CI'~Y OF" ARROYO GR2~INDE ON THE 2IVD DAY OF NOVEMBER, ~ 976, DECL,2~RING THE FZE ,U~'T THEREOF AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS ARE pRp'V2DED gy ~We On motion of Counci,lmar~ Spierl~pg, ~~~onded by Councilman Gallaghe~ and on the following roll call voteA to ~a~t: AYES: Councilmen Spi~~l~ng, ~ag~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~e~~ Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolu~xon was passed and adap~ed t~,i,s 23rd day of November, 1976. AUTHORIZE CALL FOR BIDS FOR FRAIVCHI~aE IN CITY TO COLLECT GARBAGE The Council reviewed a r~por~t prepa~ed by Admini~trative Intern Scott Baldwin, regarding garbage collec~t~on by franr.hise ~.o be granted 'by the City, with collection of service charges to lae done by the Cityo After Counei.l dis- cussion, a motion wa~ made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried~ authorizing ~h~ ca:tl f~~° bids f'or a garb~ge collection franchise. PUBLTC HEARING - ABANDOIV FORTI~ItT OF LE POIN°I~ Sfi v- FURTHER INFO o RE UESTED Admini~trator Butch reviewed ~he p~eviousl~ x°eceived request of Don ~ticlclex° for an encroachment license so tha~: he ~an receive a loan commitment on his trao buildings at 508 and 512 Le ~oin~ S~zee~. ~he Ci~y proposes to instead abandon ten feet o~ the sou~h side of I~e poin~, between Crown Terrace and State Highway 227, which is excessive to City ne~ds ~'or s~reet purposeso City Engineer Garcia raughly diagramed the placement of t~he garages at 508 and 512 Le Po~nt and the propo~ed abandonmen~.e Upon being a~sured by ~h~ City Clerk that all require- ments as ,provided by lara, regardinq nog,iP~ca~imn e~f hearing, have been complied with, Mayor de Leon dec;~ax~ed +~T~~ h~ar~,~g c~,p~n and a1i pe~sons for or aga~nst this abandonment would now be h~ard, The ~ollowing persons ~r~~~ p~~~~ri~ ~~,o~~ ~g~~nst the abandonment: 1Krs. Ma~jo~ie S~ianson, 562 L~ Poi,n~ E~c~~ ~sh,~ 52~ I~~ Poin~, The followxng pe~sons we~~ present ~nd ~pnke ~.n f"avo~ c~~ th~ ~b~nd~runent e D~n S~tickler, 508 ~e Point and Vick3. Hol~an, o~rne~° o~ the lcz~: ~u~t beyr~nd 524 Le Point. The following person~ w~re pre~ent ~nd comrnented on ~h~ matter: M~so t~e Garcia, 592 Le Point, stated her confusiox~ as ~o wrha~t wa~ b~ing don,e; and Madeleine Steele, 1598 Hillcrest, quest~oned th~ effect on the propert~ ~a~ ~i~,l ~hi~ addition of ten fee~ would have on each of the propertie~ locat~d oza the south side of Le Point. There being no fu~ther publ~c d~~eu~~ior~ o~ this matter, Mayor de Leon declared the hearing cls~sedo The Counai;l discu~sed ~he ma~ter at ].ength. In answex° to Councilman Millis, City Enqine~~ ey~pla~ned that tYne City does not have th~ right to ~e11 th~s x°ight o~ W~y ~~~~u~e ~~~ul~e:d as x°ight o~ way and not in fee titl~o He ~tated fu~ther tha°~ ~the p~opQ~ed abandonment wauld take care of several ot~er alignment p~oblems, a~ seV~ral o~her homes encroach on the set back area, ~nd property owne~s a~~ ~~ing ~ port~on o~ the section proposed fo~ abandonment as part of their y~x°d ~nyr„ray m S~veral Council i~Iembers felt there were s~ill too many questions on ~the m~t~~~ a~d ~~~~~~~~d addit~.onal re~earch be done and information given ~o propert~ or,~ne~°s ~n~~~~r~do ~~t~x° ~ouncil discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, se~oxaded b~ Councilman M:~ll~s and c~°ried, directing City staff to ~nform ~kae p~ap~~~y ~~,,,~e~~ of a11 ~amif~catioz~s of the proposed abandonment o~ ~~n fee°t of exces~ C~ty right of way to be added to their property, includinq possible p~°op~~~y ~~X g~~~~' and that City staff come back with a detailed p~°esen~a°tion ~°egard.~ng canfiqu~~~~~~ o~ ~he Le Poin~ Street alignment after the abandonmentP PUBLIC HEARING - RESOL. ADOPTo - PUBIaIC SERi7I:~~S & F°~1CI~ITIEg EI,EMENT OF GEI~To PI~AN The Council reviewed a memox°andum f~om pl~~~~~ D~~~~to~ Gallop, advising that the Planning Commission has re~ommended ~or adop°~~on ~he updated and amended Public Services and Facilities Elemen°t of the G~neral glara, a copy of which the Council had received and reviewed, Upon be~ng a.ssured by th~ C~.~y ~lerk that all requirements as provided by law, rega~rding no~~~i~~tl_on o~ hearing, have been complied with, Mayor de Leon decla~°ed i~h~ he~~~ng opeaa and all persons interes~ed in the matter would now be heard, - - 25'7 CI~Y COUNCIL NOVEMBER 23, °~976 .~.RRO~tO G1~NDE, CT~IaI~°ORNY~1 PAGE 3 There being no publ~~ dis~u~~~,o~ on °~~i~,~ mat~.e~r, Ma~~r d~ Leon de~laz°ed the hearing cl,osed. After° Cour~cil d~sc;u~~~~n, Ci~~ At~u~°n~~ Shipsey read the title of ~ x~esnlu~~s~n adoptirzg t~e ~ub~,ic Se.r~r~.c~~ ~nd ~a~~~.~~~,~~ El~rnen~k of the General Plara; t~.ereafter, a mnt~ion wa~~ rn~de b~ Cc~un~;i~m~r~ S~l~l~gel, ~econded by Councilman Gal.l.~,ghe,r ar~d un~nima~u~ly ~~~r~.ed, ~o c~~~p~n~~ w.i~~ ~e~d~ng the ba~ance of thi~ „ resolut,~on. , F~SC7~U~~(~N N(7a ~2~2 A RES~I~U~'~C7~t 0~° '~HE ~~'~Y' ~0~7I3CI"L~ 0~ °~H~ ~~T~' CF ARROYO G12ANDE ADOP~`~N'~ '~HE RE~T~~D ~11aTD C7FD~,~'~T7 P[?BI~~C SERV~CES ~TD FP~CI'~,I~~ES ~L~1~~V~° 0~ Z'HE G~1~~RAI~ ~LANd Om m~~tion nf Cauncilman Spierl~ng, ~~~c~nded ~~r Cotan~i~man ~allagl~e~° arid on t~h~ folTovsing roll ~al~ vote, ~o wit: AYESe ~ounci~men Spie~ling, Gall~ghe~, Sck~lege~., Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: I~one ABSEI~IT e Nox1e th~ fo~egoing R~solution wa~ p~ssed anel ~dopted 23~d day of November, 19760 Tn7~~'HIIRAW FtJNDS & REFRE~EI~TTP,T]~OI~I F'RO1Ni COA~~A~ iT~1~I~EY P~AI~11~T~~TG COUNCIL ~'he Go~nc~l r~cei~red ~.nd ~e~d ~ l~tte~c ~~om Plar~r~~ng ~ommissionex Allen Ries, ~~p~es~~r~g ~i~ ~e~lings abo~t the Coa~~~I. Val~~~ ~lanning Councilo He ~~~t~ ~Y~~°~ he did no~ ~'ee1 ~he CVPC wra~ ~~compl~~~~ng an~~hing and that the m~r~e~ and t~me ~1~~ ~.it~r expends ~award ~~~d C~uri~~l woulcT be ]~etter used ~lse- ~h~~~o ~he Co~ncil discr~~~ed °th~ a~~~~er a~ 1~~ag~~, e~ivir~g ~~ry~ng opinio~s as ~o ~he e~fe~~~vene~~ of th~ CVPCo ~f`te~° C~un~~.~ cl~s~u~sion, a mot~on was made by ~~~r~~~lm~n Sp~e~l~ng, s~conded by Counc~Tm~n S~hYegel an~ o~ the following roll c~11 ~ot~, to ~r~t. AS~ES: Coun~ilmen S~ier~~~g9 S~hlegel and Mayor de Lean; NOE~: Councilmen G~11agY~ex° ar?d M~1~~~, °th~ m~~i~a~ ~~.~~'ied to withhold funds allocated ~o t~e ~oas~~l V~lley Planr~ing Couracil arad ~i~~l~~r~~aa ~~p~~~enta°t~on and par~i~ipat~on in ~aid Planning Councilo RE~7~~nT OlF' PROPOS~D RESOI~UT~ON ~1D0~'T~I~~ R~iIISED L,~D US~ ELsEME1~1T Ci~y Attorney Sh~psey repor~.ed tl~a~ he had prepared a re~olution for the C~~~cile~ con~~der~~~an to adopt t~e ~~~~.~ed T~~.ncl Us~ Elemen~ o~ the General Plano He ~~~dl ~~e ~itle ~f t~~ ~~sol~zt~~ax~ ~nd re~r~.e~recl ~.~ts ~ont~enfcs for the Counc~lo C~un~xlman M~l~is reques~~c~, and ~h~ ~oun~~l ag~~~d, to ho~d ~his matter o~f for ~~lc~pt~on ~ntiY ~he ~orxncil'~ nex~t ~~gular mee~~.ng~ ~o g~v~ ~he Council Members an ~ppo~~~ar~it~}r to fully review ~:.h~~~ p~oposed ~°esolu~iano MUNf~ ~ CODE AME1~lDS o-~RDIIoYAI~TCES ADOPTED ~°B 976 EI7~T~013 OF° UNIF°ORNt BUILDING, HOU5~NG, PLLTMBING & 1KECHAI~T~CAL CODES G~~y A~torney ~h~pse}r read th~ ~~tle of a~ a~clinance ~nend~ng the Municipal C~d~ ~o adop~ th~ ~9~6 Eds.~,~on o~ the i7n~~'o~in Bu~lding Code; thereafter, a m~~.~on was made by Cc~unc~,lman ~chl~gel, s~cond~d by Councilm~n Gallagher and una~~mously ca~•~~.ed, to di~pen~e ~a~~Y~ ~~~d~ng ~h~ ba~.~nce ~f this O~d~n~nc~o ORD~NANCE ~TOo ~43 Co~o AI~ ORD~NI~IV~E OF '~Ii~ C~"~X ~RFtOYC~ GRAI~TDE P,MEIJD~IV~G CH~1F"TER 1,'I'I'I"~E 8 OF' `~H~ ~.R.F~O~C9 C~~I~1DE 1~YCJI~TICIPAIa CODE TC3 PROV~DE ~OR ADOPT~~II~1 ~F °~IiE °69'~6 ~DI"I'~OI~T OF TIiE U1V~E`ORM BU~I,D~I~1G ~ODE ~I~TD REF~AT~~NCi ~EG'I`~OI~tS o ~ °6 , ~ . 2 a.nd m 13 ~E` ~1~~D C~IAP~'ER ~ , ~"I°IaIaE~ 8 0 ~ ~n motion of Coun~~lman ~pi~erlir~g, ~ec~n~lec~ ~y Counc~lman Gallaghe~ and on t~ae ~~s~lo~ri~g roll call vo~te, tc~ wri~ e A~~S> Counc~lme~i Spie~cl~ng, G~llaghe~, ~cl~~eg~l, ~i~ll~s and Mayor de Leon NOE~ m I~T~ne P,BSEI~TT : Nc~rie ~h~ for~going Ordin~n~e wa~ ~a~~ed and adop~ed ~1~~~ 23x°d da}r ~f November, ~976, Ci~y ~ttorney Ship~ey reacl ~i~le o~ ~r~ ar~ia~nar~ce amending the Munic~p~l~ Code so as to adopt tl~~'~976 Edit~on a~ Un~fo~m ~inu~ing Gode, the~ea~~~r, a m~tion was inade b}r ~ouncilman Ga11~gY~~~, ~econded by ~~unc~linan ScY~legel ~nd unanimously carried, to di.spens~ ~a~tY~ ~eading ~Y~e b~l~nce of this Ordinarace~ ?5~ ~o~~~~ ARROY 0 GRANDE , CAIA~ ~O~TI:~ ~OV~NIBER 2 3, 197 6 FP.~~ 4 ORD~NANC~ l~i~~. ?44 .~T ORDINANCE OF` TH~ CITY 0~ 7~RFtC;Yc~ ~FANDE AltilENDI;L~G CH~IPT~R 4, `Ie~TI;,~E' 8 OF' "~H~ AFtFtOY'C? G~AN~7E t~'IU~1'~C'~]PA:L CODE TO ~ROV~DE ~UR ADOF~~"~CJt~ C~~' '~°~E ~~76 E~IT~ON OF" TH~ UNIFORP~ H(~t7SY'NG C:C7DE AND REF~AI3:NG ~~CTI01~1 fl 02 OF' aA~D CHP.PTER 4~ T~"TL~~ $ a On motian af Coun,~~~ma~ Gal~agh~r~ s~ca~rad~d by C'aun~~~man Sp~e~lang and on t~e fo~.low~.ng aroi~ c~~~.~. ~rate~, AYES: C'ouncs~lmen ~p~e~l~r~c~, G~1~agh~.~~~ S~,~Yec~~l, Nii~lis and Mayox~ d~ I~eon NOESo None P.BSENT : ~~n~ the foregoing Ordinance was passed ancl ~dop~~d t~ri~„~ 2~;~~ ~~y o~ N'ovembez°, 1g76~ City Attorney 5h~psey r~ad ~h~ ~,i~.le caf cs~~i,nan~~ amendir~g t~he Municipal Code so as to adopt the 19~6 Ed~,tx,on of Uns.f`~~•m ~~~~1,~~ ~ode; tl~ereafter, a mo~ion was znade by Cnunczlman ~~Slac~taex, ~e~cande~ ~by Caasn~~1man ~~hlegel and unanimously ~arried, to d~.spen~~ with ~~a,dins~ ~h~ b~~,anc~e c~~ this Ordinance, O~RD~I~A~CE l~Tq, ~ 45 d AN pRDINANC'E 0~ 'T'I~~ C~~Y p~ ,~~~0'~C3 GRA~TD~ AMENDING CHAFTEF2 5 8 TI'~°T~ 8 OF° T~7~ ~p~() GFtAI~TDE MUN~~~PAL CODE TU PR0~1:ID~ ~OR 71DOp'~IC)1V U~` °~F~~ ~9°~6 EDI'~lO1V OF THE UN~FORP? PLUMBYNG C'OD~ ~1I~T~ ~g~,~~'~~; ,~~C~~ONS 4, AND , 18 OF SA~CD CH~P7"~R S, g, On mo~ion o~ Counci3man Sp~,ex~:lins~, ,~~~~y~d~d ~cauncilman Gallagher and on th~ following ro11 ca.ll vot~, ~o w~~te AYES: Councilm~n Sp~.er~.snc~, Ga~.lag~ae~y ~ch~,eg~l,p M~~1,%~ and Mayor de Leon NOES: Non~ ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinan~e was pass~d an,3 ~dapt~d 2~~~ day of Novembe~, ~976, Cit~r Attorney Ship~ey read t,h~ ~it1~ ~f~ ara ~~di~an~ce amending th~ Municipal Code so as to ac~opt ~~e ~9~6 ~d.~~~,~~ p~ U~~f~~m Me~~a~~~~a~ Cod~, thexeafter, a mo~~an w~~e m~de by Coun~~lr~~n ~~,~l~g'~~~~ s,~~,~~,~~~ b~, ~~,~,~~~~m~~ Sp~.exling and unanimeaus~.y ~ar~~~d, t~ d~sp~n~~ w~~~a ~~ac~~~~ ~h~~ ~ia~~r~~~ r~ ~h~~ G7~d~nance. O~~I~A~TC~ ~t~„ ~ 46 ~ ~ ~ ArY ORD~NA1~~~ C~~" °~~T~ ~'~T~t 0~ ~1~f~~Cb Gf~:AI~~~ ~ND~~G CHAPT~R ~ 0, "1`I`T"~' 8 0~ "I't~"~ ~~C~YI~ ~~tANfD~ MUI~"T~~F~~.L ~C~D~ Ta PRO~IDE ~'C7~ ADaP~'IO~i C7~ ~`Ti~ 15~6 ED~'~~~j~ OF THE tJATt~ORM MECHAN~C'~„ ~'pDE' . On motion of Coun~ilman Spiexlfaa.g, ~~~~~~~d ~y~ ~~uncilman Gallagh~r and on the following roll ea11 ~ro~~, ;~o y~~~~ AYES: Councilmen Spi.erl~.ng, Ga,ll,~g~~~' ~~~~~~e~, p~yg~g~ and Mayor de I~eon NOES: None .`~BSENT : 1Vone the foregoing Ordinance was p~~~~d ~nd ado~p~~cl ~3~d c~a~ o~ I~~~y~mbe~°, 1976, Ci~y A°tto~n~y Ship~ey ~eque~~edD ~nd th~ Ca~r~~~~ ~g~eed, to hold o~rer adop#~ion of the ~ 9~6 Edi°tio~ o~ ~he U~~. fo~, ~~,ri~~~q ~ool C'o~e o ADOPTION bF ~LECTRICA~ CODE - I~ET,,D OVEF~ P~'~'D~N~ R~CL~P'I' FINDINGS ~"O MODIFY City Attorn~y Shipsey ~~viev,red ~h~t ~~op~~~~ af t;1~~ Elect,~~.~al Code has been held up pencling de°termin~°kior~ o~ f"ind~ng~ ~o mod~~y ~he Cod~, as had been x°equested by Fire Chie~ Ma~°salelca A~ter Coa~n~il ~~~c~~s~ona z°t was agreed that the Fire Chief prepare the ~i.nding~ nec~~sa~g~ ~o mod~~y ~]he Elec~rical Code and presen°t ~hem to the Council ~o~° ~o~~~~~~,~~~Q~Q NOTICE OF HEARIIVG - ItEZO1VE F1~ONT "~'M" TO "IiS" The Council recei°~ed not~~e that ~~~~,i~0~~~ ng ~a~ ~been~~e~~befo~e4t~~ Council at 8:00 P,Mo on Decembe~ ~4, 7g7~~ ~p~~~~~~, ~~~o~endat~on o~ ~~e Planning Commission to rezone p~ope~ty at, ~2pp Gr~r~c~ ,~~enue (Case Noa 76-96) from ~~p-M" t0 ~~H-S~~ ~ dS Y'eCjU2St~C~ ~~3 FI, I~ICC:~S~~Tlm ~+'~J ~ ~ CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 23, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORNIA PA~E 5 NOTICE RE. STUDY SESSTON WZTH PLANI~TIN~ COMMISS~ON RE. ZONE CHANGES: 'B1/30/76 The Council x°eceived notice of ~ join~ study session set for 7:30 P.M. on . Tuesday, November 30, 1976 w~th ~he Planr~ing Commissian ~°egarding proposed changes to the Zoning Ordin~nce. PROGRESS REPORT - PETIT~QN FOR W R~T OF MANDA°~E ON FARMT,AND INITTATIVE - SHIPSEY City Attorney Shipeey reviswed wi~h the Council a Ietter from him aubmitted to the Council with the~.r ag~nda, ~eviewing tihe progr~~s thus far of the petition for~ Writ of Mandate filed ~vith the California Supreme Court by Attorney Danald Haynes for petitioners Madeleine S~eele, And}r~7ohnson and Frederick & Kristen Wolf, against the City Council and the Cit~ya He reported that fees of ~tto~ney Edward Lascher, the attorneq he a~sociated to handle the matter in the Supreme Court, have not yet been determined and no hearing date has yet been set. PROGRESS REPORT - PUBLIC WORKS EMP~OYMENT ACT OF 1976 GRANT APPLICATTONS The Council reviewed a report from City Engineer Garcia, stating that the City's three grant applications under the Public Works Employment Act of 1976, were mailed yesterday to the px~oper ag~ncyo G~ants applied for are as follows: Civic Center Addition: $1,154,640; 2) Storm Drain Improvements in Fair Oaks Area: $713,370; and 3) Water Distribut~on Improvementse $675,195a ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF PARKING S~ TRAF~'IC COMM~SSIONER BOWSER The Cauncil ~°ead a letter of resignation from ~7erry L. Bowser, dated November 8, 1976o After Counc~l discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, accepting with regrets the resigna~ion af Je~r~r T~. B~wser from the Parking and Traffic Commission, and direct~ng that a letter of appreciation be sent to him for hts time and service given the City. ADOPT RESOLUTIOPIS RE. AREA PIaANNI1~TG COUIQCIL JOIN'I" POWERS AGREEMEI~TT~ Couneilman Spierling reviewed with the Council the changes in the Elderly/ Handicapped Interim Joint Power~ Agreement and amendments to the Joint Powers Agreement of the County & Cities Area Planninq Coordinating Cauncil. The City Coun~~l ~ras in general agreement ~o the changeso Af~e~ Council discuss~on, City At~a~rney Shipsey read the title of a~°esolutxon authorizing execution of the Elderly/Handicapped ~n~erizn,7oint Power~ Ag~eement; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlege~., seconded ~i}r Counc~.lman Spie~ling and unanimously carried, to dispense r~rith reading the kaalance of th~~ resolutiona RESOI,iJ'~IOlr1 1~T0 ~ °@ 263 A RESOIaUTI0I~1 OF' ~HE C~TY GOUNG~L OF° Z'HE C~TY ~E° ~1E2ROY0 GRANDE APPROi7~1~G AND AUTHOR~Z~~TG E~CU'~~ON OE° 'I"HE ELDERI,Y/HAI~TDIC.°9PPED T1~TTEI2~l~i ~OINT P04~IE~TS AG~2EEMEI~TT. On motioi~ of Councilma.n Spie~l~ng, se~onded b~ Councilman Gallagher and on t~e following roll call vo~e, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierl,ing, Ga~laghe~, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES: None F,BSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 23rd day of November, 19760 C~.ty Attorney Shipsey then read the title af a re~olution authorizing execut~.nn of an agreement for the Area Planning Coord~nating Council; thereaf~er, a motion was made by Gouncilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, to dispense with r~ading the balance of th~s resolutiono RESOLUTION N0, 1264 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI'TY OF" ARROYQ GRANDE APPROVII~G AND AUTHORIZII~TG EXECUTTOI~T OF THE JOINT POWERS ~1GREEMEN~3"`"FOR THE SAN LUTS OBISPO COUNTY AND CITTES AREA PLANNING COORDII~TATING COUNCT~,o i On motion of Councilman Gallagher, secor~ded by Councilman Schlegel and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Mi11~,s and Mayor de Leon NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolut~.on was passed and ~dopted °th~s 23rd day of November, 19760 _~s~ CT~TY COUNCIL ~tO~MBEFt 23, 19'~6 . . ARROYO GRANDE, CAL~FOFtN2~ PAGE 6 REVIEW OF 1976 ARROYO GRANDE RECI~AT~"0~1 DEP7~1F2Z'NrENfi' A1~TIJAL~ WRAPUP Th~ Council re~rie~red ~he anra~al A~.roym Grand~ ~~c~°eation Department wrapup for 1976, and commended the tho~oughn~ss of ~h~ ~repa~°~W REVIEW OF HIGHLIGHTS OF LEAGUE'S BOARD OF' D~~ECT4RS° MEETIIVG The City Council ~ev~.et~ed a z°eport frozn th,~ Leagu~ of Californ~.a Cities outlining the highlights of the Board of Directors° m~~~ing and 78th Annual League Conferencem REVIEW OF STATE o S ELECTR~C FORECAS'1'~NG & P~TQI~I~NG REFORT AI~ID P o G a & E." S RESPONSE The Council had prev~ously receiv~d and r~viewed a Proposed Electricity Forecasting and Planning Report from the Sta~~~ of Cal~~ornia Ene~gy Resources Conservation and Development Commission. It nowr re~eived and reviewed a report from Pacific ~as & Electric Gompany, in~luding ~om~~ative graphs o~ the Cotmnission.'s energy forecasti.ng anrl u~age px°ed~~~ed by PoGm & Ee, whieh feels that the Cornunission's ~orecasts a~e lowo REPORT - RECENT ZONE 3 ADVISORY CON1Ni~~~'~~ MEE`TTN~ - MILLIS Councilman Mil.lis repor~ed ora the November ~8~h meeting of the Zone 3 Advisory Committee stating that repo~t~ h.~d been heard as follows: attendance has been good at °khe Lopez Recreationa~ Ar~eas De~ril Waiters has resigned as head of the Wa~er Treatment P1~~; ~the Board o~ Sup~rvi~o~°s has approved con- struction of a lab b~ilding at tk~e ~rea~en°~ P~~n~; and Wax~d Phelps had reported ~hat °the Bo~~d of Supe~°vis~~s h~s de~er~~d ~he ~c~a~~.~l F,q~edu~t Project for two . ~ears, which mean~ that 1985 ~.s °the ea~lie~~ ~h~ p~aje~t cotzld be com.pleted. ~1PPROVE PARCEL MAP AG76-386, RU~H 1~NDI W~Y (M~HP,N~~) ~ City Engir~~er Ga~°cia reviewed ~ait~, ~he Co~nncil, Parcel Map AG 76-386, reflecting a two-parc~l lot split (Case Noo 76-248D lo~ated on the westerly side of Ruth Ann Way, nartl~ of Brighton St~ee~, r~que~t,ed by Don rilcHaney. After Council di~cussion, a motion was made by Counciy.m.man Milli.s, secon~ded by Council- man Gal,lagher and unanimously carxried, f~ndxng Parcel Map AG 76-386 to be consi~tent with the Genera~. Plan and Cit~r Zoni.zag, and appro~ing ~aid Parcel Map, 7~PROVE PARCEL 1~ P,G76-396, ~RISCILLA I~lNE KMIcO sC'.~~ City Engiraee~c Garci~ ~ev~ewec~ wa.~~ ~l~e C~un~sl,, P~.~°~~l M~p A~ 76-396, x°efle~ting a fou~°-pax~cel lot spl~t ~C~~~ t~o. 75~2 ~~i~ 1csc~ted c~n t'he no~th end of Pr~.s~illa Lane, raqu~s~ed by Wal~~~ M~O~~~~°~ ~fte~ Cc~un~~,l discussion, a mo+~3.on w~s made by Cc~unc£l,man ~pi.~rli,n,g, s~c~nd~d b}~ Ccaunei.lman Gallaghe~° and unanimously carried, f'inding Parc~l Map AG 76-396 to be consist~nt with the General Plan and City ~oning, and approvinc~ sa~d Parcel Map. DISCUSSION REo WA`~ER TANK ON STAGECOACH Ft0~1D - KUDEN The Council read a letter from John Vm Kuden, requesting t'he reopening of discussion on the proposed location £oz a water tank .in the Stagecoach Road area just outside the City Limits, ancl anne~ati.on of ~aid area, to enable City control of development in the a~eaa .~dm,%n~„s~~atmr Butch ~~zggested a study session be held on the ~n~~ter Monday, Nn~rembe~c 29, ~976 at 4 PaM. A report from Dire~tor of Public Wor°ks Ander~on regard~.ng th~ reques~ stated he felt the z~eopening of discussion on this was ha.ghly desa~°~le as x°ight now thex•e are a large number of 2~ and 5 acre County lot ~plits ~rithi,n the area being developed with private wells and minimum improvem~nts, ancl be~ng ~mmed~ately adjacent to the City could c~us~ 'the City p~oblems o A pa~e~ra~or~s r~p~~°t o~a ~h~s subjec~ of a water °tanlc, ~ncludang ~ts costs and se~v~~ey gn~c~~ in Ap~i~ o~ ~975, projected ~he adjacent area as twro lo~s pe~ ac~eo The Counc.~~ d~scussed briefly whetki~r or no°t tl~e subject should be reopened ~o~ ~~ud~o Af~e~ Coun~~l di.scuss~on, a motion ~ras made by Councilman Gallagher ~o no~ have ftt~ther discussion regarding a water tarrk on Stagecoach Road because w~~lc3 encourag~ annexationo Council- man Millis seconded the motion, and on the ~ollow~.ng r~~T call vot,e, to taita AYES: Councilmen Gallaghe~ and Mill~~; NOES: Councilm~n Spierling, Schlegel and Mayor de Leon, sa~d motion failed. Councilman Schlegel was quest~oned whether the~°e might not be a conflict of interest in his vo°ting for anything ~~q~~d~ng thi.s ax°eam Upon being advised by City Attorney SYaipsey, Couracilman Schlegel ~xcused kaimself f~o~n °th~ Council Chambers, due to a possible confl~ct o~ in~~res°~o COUNCILMAN SCHIaEGEL IS NOW ABSENTm ~ 26i • C2TY COUNGIL 1VOVEMBER 23, ~976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORN~A PAGE 7 Gauncilznan Millis ~hen as~~d ~o~° ~~eerat~ on Counc~lman ~z~~.l~gher's motion, . and on ~he follawing ro~l call wot~, ~a ~r~.~ : P,YES : Co~zn~~,lmen ~al~aghe~ and Millias NOES: Councilmen Sp~e~ling and Ma~o~ c~~ ~eon~ ABS~lVT: Councilman Schlegel, said mo~ion failed. A motian was th~n m~de b~ ~oun~ilm~n Sp~e~~~Lng h~~re ~~tudy ~ession on the m~tter as reco~ne~decl ~bo~r~ o ~t~y~~ d~ ~eor~ ~~cor~d~d °~~e ~na~~nn and o~ the ~ollowing roll call ~ro°~~, wit: P.~°~S: ~n~n~~~m~z~ Sp~~~~~r~g ~~d Mayo~ cle ~eon= 1~OESa Cot~ncil~t~n Gal~~ghe~ and Nl~~~~~;.ABS~~Te C~u~cilm~n S~h~egel, s~~d mot~on fail~d. CO~NCILMAN'SCHLEGEL ~S NOW P~SENTd RESPONSE FRQM COUNTY R~. DRAINAGE PROBI,EMS ~N ~OI~E~'~ CANYON AREA ~ The Council read a letter from the San Lui~ Obispo County Engineer's Office, responding ~o the Ci~y's request for information as ~to what the County's policies are with respect to d~a.inage requi~em~nt,~ on development in the Corbett Canyon area adjacent to the City Lim~t~o T1~e Gounty outlined its requirements and conditi.ons on developm~nt, ancl tha~ in most ~~,ses a drainage plan must be submitted, GRANT SEWER HOOK-UP EXTENSION AND WAIVEFt: RINGQ & HATLLGREN The Council reviewed two reque~ts fo.r c~nsideration regardi.ng the sewer hook-up requirement, and the Director of P~xbl~.c Wo~°ksa recommendations. After GounciZ discussion, a motion was made by Counci.2m~n Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carr~.ed, gr~nt~.ng Lesl~e Jo Ri.ngo a 90-day extension to hook-up 379 Pecan Pla~e to th,~ Ci~yes sewer sy~tem. Thereafter, a motion was made by Counc~lman Ga1l~gher, s~conded by Coun~ilman Mi11is and ' unanimously caxried, granting Earl C~ Hallgzen a waivex from the requirements to hook-up 1062 Map1e Stre~t to ths Cit,y's ~ewex° sy~~.em, ~ub~ect to there being no failure of the private disposal system or ~he prop~~ty bei.ng sold.. The Council also reviewed a report from Di~ector of Public Works Anderson giving an update on the number o£ parcels ~ern~in~r~q un~ooked to the City's sewer systemo Out of 380 property owners no~ified last Maq of the z°equirement to make ~h~ sewe.r connection b}r Octo~e~ 24th, can~.}~ 86 pa~~~ls ~em~in unsewered, arad of these or?ly 22 have not mad~ an}r contac~ c~~~h ~he G~~y ~or a wa.f,ver, extension or permit application to hook-up. The Co~ancil ~g~eed arad di~ected that Ci~y staf€ send Cer°tified, Be~~xrn 12ece~p°~ let°t~rs to ~he t~rex~~~-~Hro "no con°tac°t~" , demanding that they responc~ to the Ci°~~ vrithin ~if~t~e~a d~~s reg~ding the seqa~r hook-up requirement. PROGRESS REPORT ~ SOiJTH SAIJ LUTS OB~SPO COLIIVT~" SAN~TA'~IOIQ DIS'~R~C'!° The Council reviewed °~he m~n~hly a~era~~on ancl zn~~n~e~arac~ ~eport fo~ Octobe~, 1976, from the Sou~h San Lu~.s Obispo Count~r Sani~.at~on District, along with the Dist,rict's proposed ordinance wh~ch ~s ~~i.sing its sewer service charges. REPORT - MEETING OF SOUTH COLTNTY ~~11~1~TT CONINIIT"~EE - SPIE~~I~G Councilman Spierling repor~ed on °~he No~rem~e~ 17th meeting of ~he South Count}r Transit Committee, stat~ng each member ~s v~rorking on a proposed trans- portat~on route and he displayed hi~ diagram as ~n eaeample. INVITATION TO OCEANO CITY BLOCK DED'ICATION The Couneil received an invitation from ~,1 Baughman, Px°esident of the Oceario Improvement Association, inviting th~ Counca.I ~o the dedicatiar~, on November 28~h, of a Cit}r Block in Oceano which ha~ been transformed into a park as the Association's Bicentenn~.al ~~fort. SUPPORT REAPPOIIVTMENT OF NEWDOLL TO SO o CEN'~RA~ REGIONAL COASTP~Ia COMMISSION In response to a letter fx°om Grover Cit~r ritayo~° Du~ra, the City Council directed that a letter be sent °to the M~.yors Sele~t Commi°~°tee exp~°ess~ng this City's support of Grover Ci~y Counc~l M~mbe~ ~cobe~t Ner~tcloll'~ nomination to the South Central Regional Coastal, Commi~siorao NOTICE RE. HIRING OF NEW FTNANCE DIRECTOR - BA~OIv Administrator Butch report~d that a r~e~r ~°inan~e Di~e~to~ has been h~red, David Bacon, who will begin wo~k fo~ the Ci~y oa~ December 6, ~976. ADJQURNMENT On moti,on of Counc~,lman Sp~.erling, ~e~onded ~Coun~~lman M~llis and un~n~,- mously carried, the meet~,ng ad3qurned a°t 10 0 3~ p, o,~`ua~til 7. 30 P eMo on N e 30, 1976, fo~ a ja~.n~ study ~e~sion with th~ Pla ~ Co ~ssio~. 9 _ m ~ C~ ~~-n ~L, I d~~~ ATTEST e- : CITY CLERK j MAYOR