Minutes 1977-09-27 - 41~0_ ~~'T~ ~~5C7NC~Ia SEPTEMBER 13, 197'7 ~OYO G1~,NDE g C1~,L~FORN~A PAGE 8 DI~CU~SIO~T RE. i7,F~~1~T~O13~ IDT PARKII~TG 1~EOUTRED2~1JBt'S ONf TWO DEVELOPMEI3TS ~'or the Counc~l' ~~~ia~o~~tio~, Planazing D~r~ctor Castro revieraed two cleveY~~sin~nt~ ~.n the ~~~y wYr~.ch c1o ra~t confo~ °to the Ci°~y' ~ ordinances. The PTanni~g Com~nre~ssion ap}~ro~ed ~;~~~an~~ Noo 77-56 recluc~ng the off-street parking requ.i~~~nt~ f~~ ~~~°d~n ~par~ent c~e~~~espm~a~t ~:t 204 Aspen Street, as requested b~r ~i~k Pa~~a P,~ ~~nst~ax~~~a~~ r~~~ax°ed ~~~p~.etion, was discovered that the p~~per°~y wras 25 ~ee~ ~h~~~~~ ~h~r~ a~ ~ho~ on the p~ans m A~ a resul°t, the parking ar~~ is ~ho~t ~r~e ~~~c~:~ f~-~m tY?e 35 ~horfm on ~e plan~, pTus the tennis co~sets have bee~ ~l~~n~ted~ o Mra Ca~~~¢~ a~s~ ~c~~~ezv~d plan~ ~o~ the apar~nients under ~onstruction on Crovvri I3~11o He ~~~tecl ~t appea.~~ they ~r~11 also be s~ort one par?c~.ng space fa~an '~h~ ~h~~a o~ the pl~n~, be~~~~e mf ch~nges ~ri~de ~.n the plans after they vaere ~e~~ewrecl ~nd ap}S~o~ecY ~b~r ~h~ A~~h~°t~ct~ar~~ Resriew~ Board o ~he Coax~~i~, ~.~.~~~~~ed ~~th ~~~~s a~t lengtl~g sta~~ng i~:s hope that the new poli~y o~ any pl~ ~hange~ b~~~g s~b~~tted ba~k to t~a~ ~~hitectura]. Rev%ew Board ~e~r i°ts ~on~ide~~t~~r~ wr~ll a7~1~~~,~°~e the~e p~obYems ~ T~e Couricil ~lso directed that le°t~e~s mf ~epr~ni~nd b~ ~~a~t t~~ two c1e~~l~~e~~ inv~lved in the above constructions. DI~G[J~~IOI~T RE m ANNEXATIOI~T P~~~~~A~ ~E~°012E ~CO - PHIL~I~IPS Ch~~~tirae P~il~~.ps of Pea~ro~d Lane ~ta~ed he~ c~ncern about a develope~ who has purchasec~ p~~spe~t~ adj a~~nt t~ '~he C~ty ~im~t~ a Fie plans to dev~lop it and ha~ appliecl d~re~tly t~ °the ~ca~ Ag~n~~ F~~°mat~~n Cosnm~ssion (LFACO) fo~ ~nne~~°t~on t~ the C~t~ ~itYao~at com~.ng to the C~.t~ f~~~t~ ~he presented a pet~tion ~i~xaed b~ app~~x~,m~~~ly ~ 60 C~,°t~r r~~idents oppos~ng the proposed Huasna Road ~an~xa°t~~a~ IJo m 4, ~^b~a~ Pe~~~~e1 A~~~~~ o P,~inis~~a°~m~ ~t~t~h su~~est~d pres~r~~ °the petit~~n t~ LAFCO before ~1~~~,r h~a~~n~ ~n t~~ an~~a~~~~m M~m~e~~ of the C~°d:ricil °tolcl previous ~~~~mpt~ t~ ana~~~ ~and ~.n tha~ a~~~ wrh~~h ~a~lc~c3o E~la H~neycutt of Oak Hi11 R~acY ~a~gecl tl~e C~~g~ t~ ~~~en~ ~t~ne Nega~,~.ve Declaration f~:~ed fox~ this p~op~~ed ~nex~t~~n, st~t~~g th~t +~h~ cl~a~n~.~~ p~~b~ems in the area should be adcl~essecl, ~E~2NI~~~~63Di B~ ~~ErT''I` 5E°ItOM ~Tg,°I°E & ~~YJ~~t3~ ~ ~C~iI,EGEI~ 1~ mot~~~ mad~ by ~~~xrac~,J~~n~r~ ~p~~~l~~ga ~e~onded }~y COUT1~ilm~11 Gallagher ~d ~nanim~u~~~r car~~~d~ a~~h~~~~~~g ~~aan~~~~~ ~~h~~ge~ to lae absent from the cl~~~.n~ ~~tober ~~d N~~~~a~~, ~nd ~~~e~~ ~ront ~Y~e Couratx°}r during January and F°~~~~~~3r a ~~~U12~~1~~ On a~~t~~sn ~i~ C~~n~~,~~c~n ~i~Y~~s e~e~~nd~d by Coun~~lma~ ~~hlegel and un~n~or~~ly ~~~r~eda the me~°t~~g ady~urra~cl at m~ 6 P oNio ~ / ~1~.,~ .`~~E~T e _ _ G' . C~CZ.C! , ~ C~~ ~I,~I~I~ A~3~OR CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 27, 1977 ARROYO GR.ANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. Due to a lack of a quorum, the City Council did meet. The City Clerk adjourned the meeting until 4 P.M. on October , 977. / ATTEST- ' O'~~ - ~ CITY CLERK MAYOR