Minutes 1977-10-03 - - - ~ii CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 3, 1977 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNI'A 4 ~Q~g;~~ "M. ~ , ~ ~'he Spe~ia~ :~tud~ .S~,~s~._pn;:o~ t.~e: City Council wa~ called ~o-.ord~~,,br~ ~a~or Gabe de L~yon,~at 4 QR..~~M..;.i~;~khe Cour~~il ~~az~tbe~~ af .the A~^ro~o G~~nd~ Ci,:~~~I~~..~ ;i~pon' ro11 ca11 the following Council Members were in attendance: M~.~~ la1~ll~s~ ,C,~~vir~ Schlegel; A1 Spierling; Matt Gallagher, Jr, Mayor Gabe de Leon. Others in attendance raere ~'homas M. Butch, City Administ~'~~'~r,,,.~r~d ~l~T~ic~ ;`.8a~pni„~ , Finance Director, , ~t,~ ~v».~a_b. ~~.,.r.~n.~ ~„r..Y.-e,. ~ . . _ e , u, , < < . : - - z~. - . ,r > _ ~ y . . , . . , ,u. . < ~ ~ t"~~ .~a ~r~_ a u~_ r: PRESENTATION OF WATER PRODUCTTON/CONSUMPTION REPORT v . Adminzstrator Butch reviewed for the City Council a report pre~~~^~;pn~~,Tq~y Year Projection of Future Water Production and Consumption and Wate~"'Revenue"an~ Ex~,p~~~lituz~~s" . , ,:1~ cQmP~ete ,~ewi.ew vf fihe ,~;gFc~rt .:~as,,made. : ~u,~9~~~~y~ ; ~h~.~ ; a dual"rate be'establi~hed, where the minimum rate would~remain the same $4~,~~~,~~~ q 1600 cubic feet of water on a bi monthly basis and the cubic foot charge remain constant at .40C per Z00 cubic feet of water over the 1600 minimur~.~; ~~~~y~C'~~nc~,.~,,,s:~ requested that this be placed on the agenda for consideration and"Trev.zew`~~`°`~'~le C~t~ .~Qun~,x~ ~~zu . . . , . . t°,. .t~:i~<.~ , d .s.a.~r:~f~~~ °f l"~,` ~~~.3 .u , .9, ...;ty f,Qr' s`~1_„. ..,,.~a~_,.,.,`;~,,~ ,REjI~EW G~~ LQRE~;I~~TE,~ :~I.~,, .~SrUG~i.ES,.~'~E7.~. CIiA,~1jGFS ,v . , ~,4£5 ,.j ,~~!~M. £ t , ~ ~ ~ . g . . . , . w~ i: . ~ ~ , . . , . . t~ ° ~ , 6 , . ~ ~ ~ r, fi Adm~nistratp~ B~tch ~~v.x~r~ea~ :.sug~g~~ted. G~r?,ges .oz~ ~.o~a~a, G:1~arg~.~ :fya,~ ~ ~1~~ a~it~ s, , Council. One was the estab.f ishment of ~ a 1ot rat~ el~ar~~ ,fcax ~~;~~i d~zel,i,~:ng r~n~ fi y and/or business outlet, making the water availability sim.ilar to the sewer connec~ tion eharge. This wc~ulc~ x~q't~~.~e a w~~~r-~vai.~~~~~:t~ ,~~arge ~f¢~ `~~~cl~ e~~ve.~~.~r~~ ~t~rs.~t; ; . in an apartment complex"~Ti~' fo.~ ~a~?r,itto~53~~hdtitc '.~r~Li ~s.~rrlil~~ °~yp`e"„dwel"T'irig u`ni"~: ,~l1so, it„was ~uggested that rttult,iple::dwelling..units pay~,the same rat~s foz~ Lvpez; c.~~tges as.,pre;~entl~ ,~equ,.~repi fpr I~Q,me~, :;mobilehQm~s:.and bus.znesses... After a,grea,t deal ctf ~~'~ie~r,~ ..i,t. e~as stagg~s~e~ ;thc~t these cZ~,a?~~~s be .brougj~t ;to„the C~tr~:,Counei~ in~q,.~d.~nci~c~ form,fpr_,cvr~szderatzp~ ~at, th~?ir,-next regular me~t~ng. Concer~ r~a~ _ , also expressed a~iout, the .passzbi~~,~y; ,of 1or~ez'.ing Lopez c.ha~ges in ~une, .197.8. ~ . , , ; . . , . _ . _ . ~ , ~ m . _ , . , , r_ , ~ „ . ~ , ~ ~ , „ . . _ ~ .~~Q G EX R ~SED~,1~B UT~T. E I~7~1,LI~~' .OF,_,y17.ATER k'N,OM., LOP,EZ . > . , ; . Several res3dents~~expressed concern`about the quality of waterfthey have been receiving recently. Th~ ~.~~y GQ~n~~~ ~requps~e~ ~.~a~;a xep~~'t ;fnQm;Lo~e~.jbe ~z~e ; , „ ~ pared and made availab~~'...~~z~`~~~"~tt~n~~l.".~'t"~~i~~r.~.n~x~~ z~~~~r~~"`~t~~~t~~`~,~ ~7~ T/~ . YAa . ~z . ~ . . ._..r . , ~ . . i . . ~j ~1 .i ` . ~ . . ..i 111./U4lUE[~~.~('lY~;ti. . , . ' , . . _3 E,';: "3 . , . ^ . -N „ - j^ . :t, . . . . . . . . . . . - " .t' Qr~~, the...motzon o~ .Coun~.zlrpan ,S,~Zierl.zng,,Y.seco~4ied b~ ,Coun~~,lm~ra Gallagh~ and unanimou~lg ?carried, the m~e~ir~g wa~ ad~ourn~d, , _:1Q P.:M., } , . : ~ , ~ , , : . s a~; ^ r ~ ~~°a,~- ~ ~ , _ ~ . ~ , , ~ i ~ ~ ~'3 r . a,~~. ~ ~ x,~~.=~ ~ . .z. _ . AT2~`~: ..s.r ~t~ n; s DEPLITY .C,~TY ,.~~iERK ; ~ , : MAYQR . ~ ~ , ~ ..r~.. ~ ~ r . . , . ~_w. . „ . . s.. ~ . _ ~'s ~ _ ~ ; „ . ~a , , . ~ , _ _ tx-. , . 4 ~i, t` ~ r i i _ ~ 9:' ~ ~h. R . _ . _ . _ , _ , , , X _ . , x~~~.=,.. k a o f'f+. r,~r-rsr,< a- ~ ; -c;3~~ t . )er y ,i: i,.., -a; ,.`:E _ . . . ~ s . ~ _ F r ..r r . . . S _ ~ ~ . ~ . . , - . . . . , ~.i „ y ~ C ~ i E i! h. t . ~ . _ F „ ~ Z, t ~ . , . . . . . , . . _ ,u , . . i . . , _ ~ _ ~ , . . . .