Minutes 1977-10-11 41~ CITY COUNCIL ARROYO ~RANDE, CALI~ORNAA ~CTOBER 1}, 1977 The City CounciL met in t°egular° sesston with Mayor Gabe de Leon pr~siding. Upon roll ca11 Coucilmen A1 Sp~erling, Mathew Gallagher, Jr,, Caivin Schlegel and Mark Millis reported presento FLAG SALUTE AND INWOCATI~N Mayor de Leon led the Pledge of Alleg~ance to auc° Flag; Reverend John W, Germaine then ~ave the invocationo APPR011AL OF MINUTES The m~nutes for° the meetings of September° 12, 13 and October 3, 1977, were approved as submitted, APPROVAL OF WARRAN'fS Finance Director Bacon reviewed the total warrants noting two demand and payroll perioc~vuere being appraved, It wras mov~d b~r Councilman Spierltng, secortded by Council- man Gal lagher arrd unan~mously carr°~ede tha'C Dem~r~~ 1~~~~s Number°ed 716g to 7325 and P375 to P4Q1, in the total amount of $192,797,139 and Payroll Warrants Numbered 9637 to and includ€ng 9831, in the tota~ amourrt of $117968Q,32, for a Grand Tetal of $31Oa477o45, be approved as submitted, PRESENTATION OF LETTERS RE, L~CAL ENERGY CONSERVATION PROGRAMS AdmEntstrator Butch p~°esented two ~ette~°~ with regar°d to local energy conservafion programs. Tfte frrst tetter9 f¢°om t@te C~ty of Davis, asked foo° Ar°r°oyo Grande's support of a utEltty bitl ad~ustment wh~ch would amount to $SQa~QO,QQQ and would allow cities to rebate part of these funds. The ~econd ~ette~° was fr°om "Toward Utility Rate Normal- ization" ask6ng for an alternatove to tfie Sso,ooo,osa oncrease and for financial sup- port of a ut~lity advocateo After u°eview9 Et was the general concensus of the Council that indtvtclual cities could car~°y on t[~e~r ewn conservation efforts9 and the add~tional coSt to the conaurrrer from the uti~~ty b~11 adjustment was an unwarr°anted expense, LETTER OF APPRECIATION FR~M CHRIST~NE ERMAN m LOPEZ HYGH SCHOOL Administrator Butch pr°esented a~etter° fr°om Christine Erman, in the Social Studies Department caf Lopea H~gh Schoot, thank~-rag the Admenistrator for his presentation to the students ora September 20th and a~so thankong Fi~°e Ch~ef Tony Mar°salek and Police OffEcer John '~eo~ey for their help and informatuon during their° vesit to the Fire artd Police Departmentsm The letter was receffved by the Counci~, LETTER FROM SENATOR HAYAKAWA RE, REQUlREMENT Tt{AT CITiES PRY CETA RETtREMENT COSTS Admfnistrator Butch reviewed the aetter from Senator Hayakawa, noting that this r~qu~rement has been postponecl foo° a year, oa° unte~ September°9 1g78, but must be con- sidered then, LATEST NOTfCfS FROM CHANNEL C~UNTtES DYVRS90N Administr°ator Butch rev~ewed a notice from Don Brown, Pr°es°sdent of the Channel Counties 01v~sion, on the next Channe~ Countses Divis~on Meeting, November° 4, 1977, in Port Hueneme, Mro Brown asked to be informed af any of the Counct~ were interested in serv~ng on Folecy Corrunitteeso Any interested Councalmen are to contact the City Admin- istrator. LETTER OF APPRECIATPpN Tfl MAYOR DE (.EON FROM THE BABE RUTH LEAGUE Administrator Butch preser~ted to the Mayor a Cer°tifdcate of Appreciat~on for his support of the Arroya Grande Babe Ruth Leaguea LETTER OF CONCERN FROM RICK LEE RE, PARKING AND TRAFfIC CQMMISSION Administrator Butch reviewed fo~° the Council a letter from Rick Lee of the Farking and Traffic Commtssion noting the CommessAOn's concern over p~°oblems of lack of quorum and interest, long delays in r°esolrring pc°Qblemstr~ovgh~ before the City Cmuncil by the Comm[ssion, lack of dectsions on cQntr°over°~~a~ matter°sg and apathy, The Council dis- cussed tE~e ~ssue of lack o~F quarum, not~ng that ~f the problem cont~nued it might be wise to change the meeting t~mes f~om day to nigF~t also it mtght be wise to try and appoint commissioner°s who are more tecEtn~cally or°~entedQ Councilman Millis statecl that ~ CITY COUNCtL OCTOBER 1`1, 1977 ARROYO"GRANOE, CALtFORN1A PAGE r2^~ some questions or items were not immedsately r°esolved because they r°equired more infor- mation and study 6efo~°e a decis~on can be made by the Council, Howevet°, the Council has always tried to matntatn a good worktng relationship wtth the Commission.- It was decided to see ~f the quorum problem could ba resolvedfl before any further° action is taken, , SECOND READING OF AN ORDENANCE ON GARBAGE PICKUP RATE iNCREASE Administrator Butch explatned tEte final ordPnance was not yet cmnpletedo It wil1- be presented at the next regula~° me~ting of tE~e Council SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE RE, REZONlNG CASE N0, 77~106 - SDUTH ALPlNE RAB-3 TO R-1 Attorney Shipsey gave the second r°eading to an or°d~nance amend~ng a portion of the Zoning Map of the Ctty of Arroyo Grande r°efec°r°~ng to Rezoning Case No. 77~106, South Alpine 5treet from RAB~3 to R~^1g John M~tler°s proper°tyo It was moved by Gouncilman Schlegela seconded by Counc¢tman Spter°ling and unanimously carrted, that the reading of the baiance of the ordtnance be d~spen~ed with,- ORUtNANCE N0o 164 C,S, AN ORDtNANCE OF THE C9fiY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMfNDING A PORTlON OF THE Z13NffNG MAP QF THE CITY pF ARR~Y~ GRANDE REFERRED TO 9N SECTION ,302 OF TBTLE gfl CHAPTER 4 OF THE MUNICtPAL CODE S~ AS T'0 REZ~NE CERTAtN ' PltOP€RTY 9N THf CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. - ~n the motaon of Councflman Spaer~ang, seconded by Councelman Gallagher, and on the following ~oli call vote, to wstt AYES> Councilman Spierlingg Gat~agher~ Schtege~, Millis and Mayor de Leon, NOES; None, ABSENT: Idone, the foregoing resolution wa~ passed and adopted this llth day of October, 19770 APPR~VAL OF 1977•78 WpRK PROGRAM FOR SL~ COUNTY AREA PLANNING COORDINATING COUNCIt Councitman SPierling gave a r°eport on the overall work pr°ogram for the S,L.O. Co. Area Planntng Coor°dinating Councit~ ~xpla~n~ng t[~'is represents the minimum effort by ou~° County in the ar°ea of tr°anspo~tat~on plann~ng. With the passage of AB42, we wrll be mandated to develop a plann~ng effort greater than this in the future, and will find this program w~ll be ~ncr°eased next year°. On the mottan of Councilman Spterling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unan~mously carr°~ed, the 1977-78 Work Progr°am for the SLO County Area Planning Coordanateng Counci~ was approved, Administrator Butch requested that Planning Dsrector Ric Castr°o he appointed as the representative for Arr°oyo Gr°ande on the Technaca} Commottee, On the motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Mill°ss9 and unanimously car°ried, Planning Director Ric Castro was appointed as the City~s representative to the County's Technical Advtsory Committee ADOPTtON OF TRANSlT SYSTEM PRCIGRAM FOR E~DERLY*HANDtCAPFED SEN80R CITIZENS - Administrator Butch explained he had met with rep~°esentatives from the South County Seniors ancl discussed the fundsng of tr°ansporataon costs, It was ag~eed that the City would provide the gas and minor maantenance for° the Sentor~s vana including tir°es, battec-ies, oil and inctdenta~ repairs. It as estimated t~e cost will amount to about $75 per month, It should be noted that none of'thes can be obtained from 325 Funds because all citizens must ae see-vaced by 325 Fundso The Senior° Citizens were very , agreeable to thts solution, Councilman Spaerling stated that through thts progr°am, the City wi11 be abte to support its declaration of unmet tr°ansit needs--this is a minimum effort and he woutd recommend approval. It was moved by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimousty car°r(ed' that the City support the funding of transportation costs for the Seneor Citizenso RECEIPT OF MINUTES AND AGENDR ON HUMAN RELAT~ONS COMMISSION The Council reviewed their copies of the minutes for the last meeting of tfie Human Relations Commtssion and the nottce for tl~e next meet~ng, Administrator Butch explained that due to a change in mernber°ship, the Commiss~an was r°e-examin;ing tts goals and ob- Jectives and would probably be app~°oachsng the Counctl for opintons and ideas~ C tTY COU~#L pGT~d'ER 11 , 1977 ARROYtf' t~f~p E, ~~AL. ~ t~~RN ! A PAGf -3 - ~aaP710N OF`RES~1:t~`~'~0N RE,'CHANGES T0 C~NFL~CT OF INTEREST CODE City Attarn~y Shipsey,explained that clartfication and expansion was needed in the Confl ict of ln~er~e~t Ce~de. This !~d been r°~ferred to fif~e Plann~ng Comm~ssion because tttey are cons~der€r~~.,apprc~val af reporting add~t~onal ~nterests, 6ottt business and property, incluaftng errgtrreering ass~stanc~ 6n the Confl~ct of Interest Gode. The City Counci~ Sho~td cdrasic~~r:adoptong a resolutson on these changes, Atso, City Clerk de1 Campo has made suggestions on some changes to be consldered. The first change is amending the repart~ng dates to pravide for° rep~r°ting ~n Januar°y, when other° agencies are reporting. The second is the delet~on of some supea°fluous wording.,;,Tl~ere are aiso some minor ¢F~a~geg from the Planneng Commtssion and Engineering. Attorney Shipsey read the title of the resolu~eono It was moved by Councilman. 6a11agherq secanded by Counctlman Spaer°l~ng arad c~nansmou~l.y car°c°ied9 that the reading of the balance af t~te resfllution be dsspensed with, ~ RESOLUT60N Np, 1302 A RESOtUTt4N OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE ClTY OF ARROYO GRANQE AMEN~tNG RES~LU1°6ON NO, 1297 TO AMEND CONfIICT 4?F tNTERES7 CODE APPL~CABLE T0 THE CITY°S PLANN{N~ C4MMlSS9~N AND F~E5IGNATED CITY EMPLOYEES, On the mQti~an of C~uncilman Spierling, seconded by Gouncilman G~llayfier, and on th~ fc~l`lowing ro11 cail vote, to wit; AY€S: Councilr~~n SP~~r°y~ng, Ga~~aghes°, Sch~~gel9 M~~tis, and Mayor° de Leon. NOES: None~ ABSENT: Noneo the for°egoing r°esolufiion was passed and adcspted thi's llth day of October, 1977. REPORT BY C~4WNCtLMAt~ ~PBERLtNG ON RECENT AGR~CUL"~URAY. COMMlTTEf MEETtNG , CounctJman apierl ~ng garre ,a br~~f ~°epo~°t on the Septembe~° 27, 1977, meeting of the Agricultu~'al Ccamatitt~eQ 1`t was mavetl by' Councs ~man Gal laghe~°, second~al by Gounci lmen M~11is, tt~at the City:4s pol~~y an prtme f~rmland deveJopment be that until the Agricul- tural Committee ~tas completed ~ts w4rk, made s°ecomnendat~c~ns to tFt~ City Council and until the Planning Cumrn~ssion and C~ty Counc~l ean rerr~ew and d~ge~t the work fc~r its ful`1 cc~mpositton9 d~velopment on pr°°sme f~r°mland will be defeo°r~d, Motton carried on a 4~1 vote wi tf~ Mayor de Leon ~1-~~~~.~: ; Upon quest i on F ng; Counc i lman Sp i er 1 i ng es~~mated ~hat the Committee wotatd need about 90 more day~ befor°e its work was completed. P~tBt i C HEAlt i NG t~N AN (3RQ ~ NANCE RE a REZON ~ NG CASE N0, 77-107 - 155 SOUFH ALP f NE RA63 TO R 1 Planning Directo?° Castro rerr~ewed Rezanong Cass No. 77~107, 155 Souti~ Alpine from RAB-3 to Rr~19 Mr. Robert Walker°°s property, This is a 2~ acre pa~celof tand on Sauth Alpine Street, east of Eman Cour°t, The Planneng Cormnission9 at its r°egular meeting of Septiember 20, 1g77~ had no oPposftion to thss r°equesto There was som~ concer°n regarding the landlQCked properttes that may exist on the north~rn part of Mr°. Mill~r's tand, but the Planntng Commission felt this was a separate issu~ to be taken up by the Commission at a later° date, ~~°`i:s in cortformance w~th the General Plan, The Pl~nni~g Commission willcons~der, at its next meeting9 a resoltation of tntentEOn to en~ble fur~ ther study of implicattons of land circulation, Other than tFtat, there are no probTems with the zone change, M~yor de Leon opened the Public Hear°tng at 8:11 PoM.~ and requested comments fror~ the audtencee Ther~ being no comments from the audience, Mayar° de Leon closed tMe heartng to comiments from the audience and requested the Council to state tts position an tt~e zoning ch~nge, The generai concensus of the Caunc~l~ was in favor of the zoning change ~on the ground that it conforms with zoning on sur°r°ounding parce1s and the General Plano Attorney Shipsey gave the ffrst reading to the titte of the ordinance providing for the rezoning of l55 South Alplne from RAB3 to R-1. Thereafter°, it was moved by . Couneilman Spierling, seconded by CQUnctiman Gallagher, and unanimausly car°ried, to dispense with the reading of the balance of tFt,~s ordinance, REPORT ON PRQPOSED CHANGES IN BUSINESS LICENSE C~DE Adminlstrator Buteh presented a report on the praposed changes in the Business Li- cense Codeo Empl~yQe rates would be $4; basic license rates for° an apartment compTex , t:. _ CPTY COUNCIL OCTOBfR ii, fig77 ARROYO GRANDE9 CALIFORN~A PAGE -4- would be $25, plus $l fo~° evec°y un~t over° 8; a~soa the face fe~ for° btllboaa°ds wtll be $1QQo The Council d~scussed tE~ese cE~anges, Or~ tf~e mot~can of Couracilman Ga~lagher°, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanemous~y cao°~~~d, a pub~ac hearing on proposed chan~es Fn the Business Lecerase Cod~ vvas set for October 25, 1977~ at $s00 P,Mo in the Council Chambers of t~te Ac°~°oyo G~°arade C°sty Hal~, Counc~lman Mill-es requested that the Chamber of C~mmer°ce9 the Downtbwn Me~°chants Assoceation and other gr°oups of iner- chants known to the City9 be advised of thes publec heaa°tng and that one'of the items to be consider°ed will be the $a00 billboa~°d face feeo APPOINTMENT TO HOUSING ADV~SORY AND ~UILDING APPEALS BOARD Administrator° Butch requested thas °stem be held orrer° untal tE~e next meet[ng of the Councelo RECEIPT OF SALES TAX REVENUE AND C9GARETTE TAX REPQRT FOR SECOND QUARTER OF 1977 Administrator But~h p~°esented the sates tax ~°eve~ue and caga~°ette tax for the seconci quar°ter- of 1977, notang that s°~~ee~~e rvas not as h°sgh a~ ant~c°spated, The re- port was owde?°ed r°eeet~ed and fa~edo REZON~NG CASE NOo 77`~109A 571 b 57g SOUTH TRAFF9C WAY ~ DATE f'OR PUBL9C MEi4RBNG ~ Admiraist~°ator Butch e°emanded the Counca~ that th~ publsc hearPng on this case os set for October° 25, 1977fl at 8000 PoMo RECOMMENDATBON ON PROPOSED AUD9°~OaN TO COMMUNBTY ~UB~DVNG Admanast~°ater~° Butch a°eques~~d that th°s~ ~tem be he~d off at this time, as al} the neces~ar°y °sn~a~m~teon E~a~ n~t Ibe~n ~~mpe~eda , PROGRESS REPORT ~N GENTRAL COAST SE~~-ANSURANCE FUND A~men~ste°atoa° Butctt ~°e~~ewved ~he forst quar°te¢°ly ~°epor°t on the Centa°a~ Coast Self- Bnsuran~e Fundo The ¢nfo~°mato~n s~ecee~redl ~r~s exee~Rera~, and en gener°al~ the service has been extreme~y sat°ss~a~~o~yo Coun~a~m~~ ~a~laghe~° ~~ated that at the League Meet- any it wras st~~ssed tftat RI~B~61116Z901~ the a~ea~ wheo°e ~he Cit~r could be held r°esponsiEs}e was one af the f01°S~ P6~t~8°~~BE.'S undeo° tF~u~ ~nsu~°ance p~°oy~°am. Any per°mits gaven by the C i ty si~ou ld pc°cetect the C c ty y. AEYfII B 11 8 SLB°clt~0° Butch i nfo~°med the Counci 1 that w~th the passage of Measu~°e ~SSn ~~~9 t~~°~ ~~auma r~ow ho~ds the ~mmediate carr°ae?° t°espon- sa61e, ~oea~ the Cety es respora~e~i~e fo~° ara emp~oyee wrho suffers a long~-term cumulative anJury, PRESENTATION ~F FA~.~ RECREAT9ON SCHEDU~E The Councel reviewed the coPaes of the Recreata~ra Department's Fall Schedule of Eventse Councilman Spaerleng questooraed the usage of the Recreatson Center and was in- formed that a report a s be i ng p~°epao°ed a~ th a s t acne a RECE9PT OF LEAGUE OF CAL~FORNIA CIT@ES REPORTS AND CONVEN°T60N N01°YCE Aclmi n ~ strator° ~utch ~°e~ a ewred the convent a ora not i ce and ~°ecent repoe°ts f rom the League of California Citaes, ~f conce~°n to the CounePt ~s Assembly Bi~l 154, the pro- posed pr°oper°ty tax measure-°°a t w?a ~ l be ~eu°y~ ~°est~°act~ve to City government and ms an , unequal rate d~sts°ibutBOn between ~choo~ d~~t~°~cts and government agencies, RECEIRT OF 1977~78 SAN LU@& 066SP0 COUN~Y °fAX RA~`E Administr°ator Butc~ reva~wed the Cotyes tax rate fo~° the Council, exp~ainsng our ac'tu'a'1 tax rate ~s $11 ,349 arad raot the l 064 showrn ~n tfs~ repor°to APPR~VAL OF TENTAT9VE TRACT MAP NOo 673 ~ L~T 9 OF OAK FARK ACRES Planneng Dir°ector Castro displayed a map on the Qak Pa~°k Ac~°es Usvelopment, nati~g the location of 0ak Par°k Bou~eva~°dg that 92<89 acres of the dev~lopment aa°e in ope-n space, and r°evtewing the types of zoneng al~owredo He thera beg~n a revisw of Lot 9, which is up for tentatdve t~°act map appro~e~lo The Planra~ng Cc~mmession approved the ' map with the recommended ce~nditaons of appro~ra~ on September 28, T977; After rerr~ew by the Plannang Ui~°ector, Mayor° de Leon ~°equested eommerats fu°c>m the Council and the audience, Councilman Mellis addre~s~ed the Councal on two items whach he fett concerned the approval of th~s map, F~rst, ~s pert° 0~°deraance No, ~4Q C.S.fl the Cauncil is now the CITY COUNCtL OCTOBER 11, 1977 ARROYO GRANDE, CAIIFORNIA PAGE -5- final authority on approving tract maps~-pr°~or to this Council approval of tract maps had only been a formalrty, Second, until James Way is completed, deve1opment cannot begin on Oak Park Acres so ther°e is no hu~°r°y to apprmve the~e mapS, Constdering this, Councilman Millis reques~ed tE~at the Counctt a~k tF~e developer to take these plans back' and re~design t~ese maps'w°ctE? consideration to the contour of tF~e land and utRlizing new land development tnnovation~ suc~ as clustering of homes and density transfer, He had expected to see these new methods used An this development, instead of tFie checker- board dtvision af lots which €s ne~wr up for appr°ovat, When th~s was consiclered tn the pubT ic hearings and $n the EIR9 tE~e new metF~e~ds atere proposed for tE~is developm~nt, In ' the Milter Heights develapment~ f~r° example, tEte developer° used the concept of density ~ transfer, with concern given to the ter~°ain and minimum grading, and yet he was still ' able to have the totat housing units he wa~ a~lowed, This es what this de~relopment needso The CeunciT cou}d ga°ant optional des~gn standards to th?s development~ as done ' 'sn Miiler Neightse and ask the devetoper to re~dessgn his plansq Mro Rueben Kvidt, developer of Oak Pa~°k Acr°es, sPoke to Counctlman Millis' concern stating that many hours of study9 planning and consider°able expense hav~ gone into these planso The or°dinance passed by the Council allowed m~n€mum lot sizes of 10,000 square feet9 with a max~mum stze Q~F 3Q,€3QQ squac°e feet, Ne had been offered the option of developirtg ; hi~ land ~n m~n~mum~maximum lat sizes, or go~ng rnto new clustering methods and he chose the lot size standardso tf the Co~ncFl had specFfically wanted the ctustering of homes ane! de~~ity tr°ansfe~° in th~s lat~ tE~en they should have stipu- lated so in the ordinan~ee To change the plans now would be extr~mely expensive. ~ Ptannrng Director Castro spoke ta th~s noting that there two types of planned development; the convent~onal type of planned deveiopment whach. is contr°ol-orient~d and stresses rural envir°onmera~ and the more odea~ostic p~an whach provides diversifted housing ac-~°angment and es a bette~° ptanned communety than the traditional tract develop- ment, Mowever9 since the e~~°dlnance on thos pa°oject dtd not stress the second method af planned develop~nt, M~°a Kvidt used t~e t~°ad~tionat method, Also, the topography in th~s lot F~as limfted what can be provadeda Mr. Larr-y Rohloffa enger~eer for° the Oak Par°k Development, stated that Lots 9, 10, and i2g for senglewfamily res~dence~, well be considered tonight, Lot 11 is not and there ts stsll a lot ~~E.'X~~?8~8t~ on t6~e desrgn for 118 where these new methods can be used as desired by the Counca~, Also9 this as only a p~~~~#~~ of how the development w~ll look, ~t Fs not fina~; Engineering conformed as well as they could to the ordin- ance9 in or°der to achieve the densaty altowed9 taid out the roads paraltel to the con- tours where possible, and ptanned csrculatoon through the t~°acts to utilize grading on streets which complied with City standa~°ds and o~°danances for maximum slope. Also, the housing unsts wall be located in differer~t areas on each parcel9 thus negating any eh~cker°boa~°d patterno ° ~c>uncllman Spierling statecl that st should be remembered that this development wa.s the fir_st lar°ge planned devel~pment the Counc~l had addressedo Hegh quality was wanted along with max8mum cant~ol~ thus eliminator~g a gweat deaY of the flexibit~fy in this project> So many restrictions were placed on thos development, that the dev~loper was timitecl to what he could do, 9t es t~olate to ask~ the dev~loper to r°e-design tbe plans after he has alr°eady complied wath what the Councol requested, WitF~ Lot ll there is st~ll flextbility and it may be possoble to ut~~ize it wrethout losing cantrol. Councilman Mtllis repeated his stand that at was not tts~~o late to ask fQr new plans sence James Way was not yet comp~etedo Also, the ordinance had spoken to utiltzrng new methods of development ~,n=:the tract and the developer shcruld have done so. Mrso Lan9worthy ~ Prtntz Road, reminded the Council that the land across the road from Parcel tl is zoned in 10-ac~°e minimum tots by the Countyo When Lot 11 is made into one acre parcel~9 the Coun~y r°es~dents will pickup the tab because their° land wilt be made more valuableo Also, with one-acre lots very tight CC b R's wi11 be needed be- cause so many animats feedcaff one ace°e ~hat atl the land cover will be gone, and it will be years before it comes backo Tf~is as just one eacpensive eyesore on Lot 11. Councilman Schleget stated there was not justafication in making the developer do the wc>rk again, after he already comp}rted with everything the Council requested with regard to Lot go He chose one of the o~atgonSC~ffered by the Councii, and developed his land accordingly, Carolyn Moffet - Printz Road, questA~ned which was more important--what the people wanted or the cost to the developer, ~ CtTY COUNCtL OCTOBER 1}, 1977 ARROYO GRANDE, CALiF~RN-9A . PAGE -6- Made~ ~ s ne _Steel~,' H~ ~~c.~°est ~s°, s tated she fe ~ t ~ t~tas th~ Counc i~ tha~~ was g e ven the option in the ord~nance and not the d~~te~ope~°o Counc~lman Schlegel con~s~°med that the Councit had. proveded the deve~~pe~° rvatF~ the opt~on on how to develop his ~anda It was moved by Coun~ilman Me~~~~g ~e~~nded by Cou~c~lman Gaillagher, that the Counc i 1 den~v appr°ova 1 of 7°~n~~~ ¢ v~ Tc°a~t Map 673 ~r~ the bas t s that ~ t does not comp 1 y witFi the sp~rit of the EIR or ~~e publac te~t~mon~e at the pu6~dc hear~ngs t~ make use of tnnovative planning coneepts ~u~h as ~~u~te~°Bng and u°egao°d fou° the terrain, Coc~ncil-~ man Ga~ tagher asked M~°o Ktridt ~rhat ~he deve~~pme~at cos~~ on this lot totaled at this timeo Mr, Kvtdt a°eplied that the tota~ ~pen~ to d~te ~s $~15aa00 on engin~er°ing fees alone fas° the entir°e development, he dad no~ have a cost ba°eakdowrn by lots writh hem, The ro11 ca1~ vote on the mot~on wa~ he~d, t~ r~at: AYESa Counc~~men Gal~aghe~° an,~ Ma~las. NOES~ Councelman S~hlege~, Spie~°~en~ and Mayor de ~eon, ABSENTo None, the motion to deny appro~eal of Tentatuve Ta~act Map Ne~o 673 w~s defeated on t;his llth day of Octobe~°a 1977o Coun~~~man ScFtlege~ thera asked the Pl~nning Darec~or if all re- quirements had beer~ met on Lot 9 and rva~ assu~ed they had beena Et wras moved by Counca~man Schlege~, and seco~nded by CauncA~man Spierling, that the City Councel appa°ove °~~ratato~e Ta°act Map No4 673, La~ 9 of Qak Par°k Acres. On the following roll call vote, to wr"st: AYES s Coun~ ~ 1~nen Sp a e~ ~ a~g a S~h~~ ege ~ an:d M~yo~° de ~eo~ o N~ES s Cou~nc ~ ~m~n M i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~nd G~ ~ ~ agt~e~° ~ ABSEN~o N~ne~ ' the fo~°ego i ng mot a on t~ ~ppa°o~~ °~e~ata~ o are ~'~a~t M~p Noa 6739 wras pas~ed th i s ~ l th day af Oc~obe~°s 1977~ ; APPRO~AL OF TENTAl' B VE °~RACT MA~P N~D a 674 ~ L0~' 10 "THE COASTAL OAICS°~ OF QAK PARiC ACRES P1~nn°sng DA~°ecto~° Casto°~ a°e~eoewred Ta~a~~ Map No4 ~7~+,""~he Coasta~ Oaks" of Oak Park ~ Ac~°e~ raot d ng that th e s cora~a a n~ ~ 5 ~~t~ 9 ~°~nc~ a a~g ~ n~ o ze f ~°om 40,000 to 50,QQ0 square feeta with 40,0~0 ~he msnamum al~owedo ~he P?annong CommASS~oon app~or~ed the map with the ~°ecommended cond e t a c~n~ ~f app~°o~~ ~ o~ ~eptembe~° 20 977 ~ Af te~° th e~ ~°ev o ew~ the Mayoc° reque~ted ~nput f~°or~ the Co~~nca 1~nd aeade~a~ce: CQUrac i~man M~~~ e~~~ated ~ha~ h, ~~~~g~ments made fo~° Lot 9fl weo°e a l~o ~ra l~~ for Lot 10 arad a~rged tkte Coa~~o-c a~ to ~ote no ora app~°ova ~ of th ten~a~ a~e t~°act map and ask tt~e der~e~ope~° ~o come back v~~~h newr pbans whw~h take ~nto consade~°ateon t~e terrain and t~?e fact tha~ sonce tha~ a~ a h~~~y ao~e~ some ~~us~e~°ang can be used to maintain open space, The ~u~°rent p~~ns ~°c~n count~~° to ~he ~omme~ats made at the public hear~nq and to the ~pir°at of tt~ee EIRo TF~ere was consider~ab~e de~cu~~°son betwreen the Coun~a~ on this loto To be noted, ~s the fact that when tk~e Counc e l s~ a pu ~~ted the o~°d e raan~e for th e s lot, the pa~°cel s i zes wer°e a minamum o~ 4o,oao ~qu~~°e feeto The~e a~°e r~eo°y laa°ge l~ts arad wvhen peop~e buy these l ot they ac°e pu~chas ~ ng p~° o aea~y-Athey d~ raot ws ~h to be nea r the ~ r ne f ghbor°s o Clust~rong the houses on ~h~~ ~ot wou~d defeat the maara pu~°pose of the derre~opmento It w~4 also pointed out that the opt~c~r~ ~o c~u~te~ housarag was not p~ovided sn the ordin- , ance for Lot 1 f3, CouncAlman Mo~les ~tated that ~ance the Cour~c~~ ~ra~ a~ agreement that dt was stil~ ear°ly enough to ~E~ange Lot 11 arad the change a~ Ju~st~f~ed, then the Council could a~so charage the zon~ng on Lot ~0 at the same ~ame9 by puttang ~n a"D" ove~°rsde so that this option ts avatlab~e ta the de~ee~~pe~a Bra hos OP81~909'1~ 8~ ~s orae th~ng to comply weth tF~e 1 etter of the 1 awe and ano~he~° comp w~ th the sp o o° e t of the ~ aw, ~ I f thec°e i s to be a zoning change on Lot t~~.n ~hange ~ot ~0 a~~o and give the der~elaper° a second opt i or~., Councilman Schtegel que~t~~ned v~hethe~° o~° r~ot ~he developer want$d thss option, since he had ale°eady comp~eed wAth ~rh~t the C~unce~ ~°equested an the ordananceo He asked Mr°, Kvidt to r°eply to thaso Mc°, Kvidt statecl that rvhen c~uster~r~g ~s utal°szed9 ~t as u~taally for mcaltiple dwelling units or where many ~°esadence~ ~o°e a~vo~rredo But an lac°ge ~ots, whe~°e the ratio af housing ¢s as ~owr a~ possob~e, cl~~te~°arag wrould cause the ~o~s of p~°ivacy which this design st~°ives fo~° and ~rou wou~d h~~e the same cond~t~ons as en a taght ~°esidential neighborhood, _ ~~.5 C1TY COUNGlL OCT~BER l1, 1977 ARROYt1 GRANDE, CALEFORNiA PAGE -7- Councilman Spierling felt that to ask the developer to change the plans now,>means the Council is gcing back on an agr°eement tt?at tt imposed, The developer has done what was asked and the Council ahoua~d not change the agreetnent now that the work is done. Mrs. LangwortF~r~- Pr€ntz Ro~d~ steted that the funct~on of government is to legis- late public welfare and safety. Other companies have spent millFons on EIR"s which were turned down and ~vmetimes withdrawnm The function of the government is to look after ' the people. Mr. Atien Martin - potential resident of the Tract! informed the Council that.he had been watting for months to move into the Tract, but was unable to do so because of so many delays. At this stage of the development, it'is his opinion that it is tioo late to change the rules of t~e gameo A lot of t~tought and concept went into what was re- quested. It was rr~ved 6y Counciiman Millis, and seconded by Councilman Gallagher that the Council deny Tentattve Tract Map No, 674, 6ecause tt does not conform with the sPirit af tE?e EfR or the testimony at the public hearing, also that the Council consider Lots tEI, 11 and 12 for rezoningo On the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES. Councilmen Mitlis and Gatlagher. NOESc Councilman Spierling9 Schlegel, anci Mayor de Leon, RBSENT: None, the foregoing motion was defeated this llth day of October, 1977. It was moved by Counc[lman Spterling and seconded by Councilman Schlegel that the CouncFl approve Tentative Tract Map Noa 674 ~ Lot 10 of Oak Park Acres, On the fo1- iowing roll call vote, to wito AYES: Councilman Spierling, Schleget and Mayor de Leon. NDES: Counctlman M~itis and Gallagher, ABSENT: Nvneo the foregoing motion to approve Tentative Tract Map Ido. 674 - Lot 10 of 4~ak Park Acres was approved on th~s llth day of Octoberg 1q77. APPROVAL (}F TENTATtVE TRACT MAP N0, 675 LOT 12 OF OAK PARK ACRES Pianning Directar Castro indicated the locat~on of Lot 12 on tF~e Oak Park Development map, noting that 20 parcels are being planraedy rang~ng in size from 27,7Q0 to 78,500 square feet. The Planning Comm€ssion approved this map with the conditions for approval on September 2Q, 1977, The Mayor then opened the ttem to discussion from the audience and Gouncil. Mr. Bil} Langworthy R Printr Road, stated he is very disappointed in this proposed subdiv"rson and wishes that same changes could be produced, When it was first brought to tEte Pla~ning Co~nission, this tract was for 14 lotsg subsequently it was allowed to go to 2U lots if saptic tanks were not used, This was written into the ordinance. 7he neighbors in the area all comp}ained at the time Oak Fark Acres was originally pro- posed because it was to be of relatively high density. Across Noyes Road is an area of ten-acre minimum zoning which was confirmed by the County in last spring's election. The current proposal for to~ l2 is to develop it into one-acre lots; the developer is a~king for 2O lots hecause he is putting in the sewer and water lines instead of septic tanks. This makes the discontinuity rrer°y substarrtial between Lot 12, the land right across the road, and also the land that is tenatively ma~°ked in Mro Brown's parcet for five-acre min'rmum zoning> TMis is one of the most scenic parts of the entire deaelop- ment, some of the land is 30~ in slope, there are many oaks, especial'ly on the north- east side and any increase in densFty over the 14 parcels Just makes a bad situation worse. Also, the bottom part af the parcel looks dry now, but most bf the years_it is very muckyo If there are going tQ be parcels right out at the flag pole going ta NoYes Road,they will have some very wet back;yar°ds, if we get a normal ra,in year again. Finally, since the developer was allowed to postpone the deve~opment of Noyes Road, traffic witl be coming out of that parcel onto very nearly~ a btind corner~-one of the most popular carner~ fc~r Saturday evening traf~tc ta r°un off onto the greenbelt~ About ~very tMro weeks somebod~r goes off the road in tE~at parttcular location, if Noyes Road is not improved on that spot where the parcel exits onta Noyes Road, there is going to be a very serious traffie problem. He would l~ke to see this parcel turned back for re-considerat~on: 4i9 C:t ~'Y ~OUNC ~;L OC°~Q$~£~.; ~ 1'; § ~ ~77 .„#~~tRO:~Q~° GRANDE, ~ CAL I FORN 9 A ~ , ~ ~ r~~x!~ ~i~~.~:~s~8- ~~~P~.. ~.4~on~ ~_~~,a~.P~~k: Roa+~~ ~as,~ed .p~°s~~se~~ what p~o~:~,~~t~!~~,~~d •~e~~;~e~~~~o°a ~he wa~er e ~~t;;•:~ ~ <x?n : ~~a;e~i~°:.wrhen..~.~ t ,a~a in~. ' WE 1.~,: ~ t . ~e, a .E`~n~~°et~ ~ ~~~a~~~~=~~, m(°.~#~~ i s i-ti,g~ir~g; to-be .~~t~:~net~ ~~r~ t~ie ~a~~~,~s de~igna~~d a:~ g;~°ce~b~,~~t~?~~;~~~~~~:•E~~a~g~~;~~~~°MK~~°P explained that some m~no~° channe~ ization had b~en p~~n~~d~~,f~~ t~~;~~~o~~~;,~o~~ ~~e~~u,~~+~rts of James Wayy no concr°ete eathe~° th~n Faeadwa~ ~s fo~ th~ cul~res°ts w~~ ~ be constr°ucted, Graded cF~annel ~zat~on ~r~ 1,~;,f~e g~in~,.~n ~t .fihe. ~~a~tF~eu°:~~; ~,h~:`;,~~~~~r~r°ts:,~,~~,~oss James Wa~r and some m~rao~° ~ipr~pp?ng, The;~~ag.ar;ie~,~~p~g~.,Dep~~°tr~~n,~~~~~a:~~€;~~Yexw:~:~~eeived any plans for the area ator~g Noyes Roade a~though; the~°e have been sq~~.~c°e~~#~`.~~~;~y talks wfth the engenee~°, The~°e a~°e no concu°ete ehannels p~°oposed at th~s t~me, The :°a~ccess f~o~y;Nm:~tes:.fta~ad~ onto: the,.„p~~°~e:l:.~s nA~ y~e,~..tcncs~rn~a: °~F~~,~e ~r~~w~~o~r{~~,~.:a;~~~h,...~~e alignment of Nayes Road, whach ~rflY~ be s~lved w~tFa the designs fo~° Lot 12o Impro~re- me~t~;wt;l~~~be.~m~de o~;~}ocat~~t~~ wl~~~°~~p~~p=::~e a~°e al~y~:,:ru~ar+:.~:n~ ~P'~f~`E~~i~~'P'o~?~ .~,":~~~~';~F corrimen°ts on'~he road and"the locataori of a°sght~of~ways; M~°o'L'ai°~°y`".I~o~i"T~ofi~qe~ep~`ainec~a: ~ t~ p~?~P~~° <ragh.t+-A~_~v+ay~.~~br°~~[~oye~:,~e~ad.. i~r;soa~th;>of th~~r~o;~;~Ft,,p~op~~~:~°f ~~~~:~~a~~~~d'~es ,.r~mt ,ma;~c~,..;~~ :w~i~:h ~E~~ ~ou~t~tes- ~°;~ght~°a.fi*~wa~.Q °Fhe~~e us_a~, 1,~Q~fo4~;~~;af~~e~4~.; ~ ~ Prob]~~,ss,,;~urre~~#~.1y:b~;in~:wro~ked~ono ~°~~}e,C;aty E~gs°ne~a~;;~e~c~~}~~t~ed~::~h~,~ ~~~~~i~a;~Ps~9~~~e s~.~wtfi~h! P~°obl:~y erre~°~tE~~4 ~9<<=b~,twe~ra ~ th~ a~~~~;~. °~oad a~~ ~t~e..r~°~~$~t~~!~f'^!~d~t ~~s~;~~~~~R~~da~;~ted t~§ t;h.e` C~ t~,a E: . Qt°~tpe,r.~Y: :ta°ad~~ ~ri be-; mad:~ :.once: z~~ a~ ~ g~sn~~~.. of ,~It~~~st ~oac~~.=:~~~ ~~~s~1 ved o ;.v. , , ~ w._.: , , ~ ~ ~ , . _ w . x.. ~~x~g ~ Mr, OaNeal ~173 El Camenc~ R~a~ a e~cp~aaned h~ ~ras M~°Q K~r~~.~$~s,ip~~°~;r~~~.:~n~~~.ot; and wanted to speak on thi~ der~e~opmentfl rvEt~c~t he fe~t ~ras be~ng run downo The develop- ~:er~~.~ral~d;tt#t~s;~~.~;:~~°e ;~qta.,a~d:,;sbtu~ted,;~he.,hoa~~e~;.on,~.e~~h lo~°;~~°~;~:~~ t1i~.~~k, ~~?ees. ~ w. . ~ ~ ~ w ~F~a~~,~u~~~,rne~s.,sitt~at~d.s~.;that~sr~o ~~ees-,wc~~~d<be~.~°emo~~ed, tF~e;~°~ ~r~-~d;;,be„~o#~;~te~~~ve g:~a;~ i~~ a~rd ;.t-~te r~°a;:~ ca:, ~rca~,1 d.; n~:t be, d a s:~~ ~°bed 9:: ;~~~h t~ae s~~~ ~o~c~~s., a~~~s ~ c°~~?~ p~~c~;~,+~ 1 1 y de~~gned~,t~t ~l~nd~?,it~t-~,~~ ~r~.~~°.a±~n~,angW~~~ ~ie,-.t~~~?,~Pres~~~~~d ~It°,a~?r~g»sx;Qf,>~~~::~~.~e~.4~d ~ ~ s ta~~d #t$ :t:~ ~ t::x t;1~e~ wo~ ~ d,~. b~~~, a ~ ~e~~,;~ a ~ : ~e~e'~ op~~r~;~ f C . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . i;3 . `r . t ";f ~ k..§:.,: Counce~m~~ Mell~~~ ~ta~ed ~a~ f~~t 9fi r~o~~d be an~~n~~~t~entto ~ezone L~ot ~fi~and not~ Lot 12:A . L.ot ~2 <as ~.,~~~g~ ~c~~~, ~~c~ :~~t~~n~,.~y~„~e~c~~~fa~~ 9 bu~t rna h«. ~psn¢~rr: ~t. c°:~ns down the de~~ ~ opment. wrh~;n, i d e~ a ded. .a~~o; squa~°es:;a H~. w~s+~ ~ d l.s,kz~ to,;.. s~~. ,~t~te C~unc s,~,.;~e- ec~~~;~de~: t~.:~~ ~~ot~,~~~.,~ ~~4~~;~~a~g~:~,~~~,.de~y~ t~~ ~»°a~tr;~~~-~ r "R ,~,:£~,-u . . , . ~ : ~ s ~ . R'~ ~ _ i.,;~.`~ _ ~ ~~j,a. ~ ~v~ras~,.~v~d,~; ~~~:,~o~~~~a ~~ta.~~;~~ ~ ~ ~E~ ~n~°, se~~nded b~r ~,o~~c_~ ~~an; Ga 1 ~~gda~~°s, ta~~ t~:~ C~+~~a ~ d~ny~- T~r~~~~,,~~~. fi~°~~~ ,~iP. 6~~.~.;, Lea~~ F~ 2~, :b~c~c~~~e a~.,,.~~s a~a.~~n~ ~~~te~~?s:~~ ;~he.: ~P~ r i t ~~~t~:~~:~~ ~a.~~3 tE~e,vt~~t~~no~a~~ ~;~.~~e p,~,b~~~ h~~~~r~g~,,~nd;,,al~,;~~°g~~ ~~~h~~ :~a,~~. ~_~,:~;~~1 a~y~.r:~~'~e=,~ez~.r~~d..~N~~~ ~ '.!~~a ~~~~t~:~,d,e, f~so°;:,c~Pt~,aora~.~.,d~s~g;rar, .~aa ,~~~t¢,~,~~5!::~~ah;~~..~°~~~s~ ..,...de~~~~~d ~,o«~ak~.Qa~~o b~~s~~~.;~~~!~~t,:the: a~;~-~~~;.te~~~-ana. :M~°.,_ K~~~L~~.~~~?~d~~~a;~<~o~;,~~us- ter the~e homes ~vi take a~vay wE~at mo~t °smpo~°tant to the own~~°~~p~°~v~cya A lot of ~~ho~ag~~;;~~d ~F:~°ep~~~t~~:~ha~s~,9or~~ .a~r~~~.~t~as,.~a~d,~~.:E~~ ;~ei,~;;-~t~:~.~,~c9,;:fiaot,.;~~ designed ~n~y~:bet~t~~ :~i~a,n:= e,~ ~ s* npw~ tc~ , ca~;~ ~,~i~~ ,~~e:;, te~~~:,~ r~ :~nd. the~;;ye~e~a~,a~; t~i~~; ~ st. ;t~t~~< e~; On t~,~ ~al;~~wec~g,~°,a.l ~~,,+~a~~-,~rot~-~ yto wa~ts$ . ~ ~ =r= .u~ w~ ;~;s~., , . ; w . .ri..r . . , _ f . ~ ~ : i . .r . . , i, . . < < . , w ~ 1§1~i.~Y.,.~ ~,k ,.>.A 6`~..~ =,R,.:_~- ~~~4YE~~:~f C4~.~~~~~~ra h~.~F~~~ n~ ~~~,Ga,:~~:~9h~~° , f. ;~.k . ~ : , ~::a,}. <<~:..,;°, ~r ~ ~Q~~.., , .~~rr~un~,~ lr~~ Sp ~;e~~ ~ ~~9::, S~h~~ e,g~ ~ ~+~d,;;~1~yo~: rfe~; ~ t ~ ; „ : j< . # ~~r: . ~ ~ , ~ A$S~ITA - No~ae;-~~.,s ~ . :4, , °E~ .a~;:F a u ~ > ~ w, _ < . , r _ < _ . . , . _ . , . : . 9 ~ _ Z' ...,i. ~J i ~ , , . . . . . . . . t',~ ; . ~e} Y~6 the foregoang motao~u:~d.:~etay~y;1't~r.i,~~t~,~ve `~rt°a~t.~t~~p :~oe 6~5~v,ra.~'d~#~,~~~~<~h~,~; 1 rt,kk,~:ay of October, ~9770 ,f, i)I"s ir I_ . ~ 't,•_ . , . . :°D, _:0~ ~;"k A1 Sp i,er~ a ng expa°essed concye~°n about the uppe~ ; c-~eek~.~~a~s~;flng ~4!.w¢~~";s~t ~~Y~', and the problem tFierev He felt et rvou~d be bette~° to ~°eso~ve t~te p~°ob~ems of ~@~e c~°e~Fc ° eros~~a~.~ t~e r;oat~ a1;~gn~~n~t: ~rad ~:~~a~c~y~s .~e~a.d: .s~~~e~;p~°:a~a~, .~~:I~~~,d_,~e~rs:s~k~rra by the Counc B 1 o C~ ty Eng s neeo° Ka ~'p exp ~ a o ned that exact~ a~ o gnment arad c~~~wo;,gn ~f~,;~~~uestr i an Way, and the po°ob~ecns wath ~he creek c~o~sanga wa~~ not be ab~e to be~~,,~°~:~olv~d~;~~°sl the ~°eports f~°om the surt°veyo~°~ ha~e been made. M~°a Rohlof~ spoke ora ~he technical r~u;~°c~::. o~f;~ ~t¢~~;;~~.~ e~.~,,.~of,a~4~t;_~„~ ;~~r~§.;~aot~,d'< t;~~~°e: a~~ ~e~re.s~~r~~x ~.a.,Y~~ t:4~.~~e~~~-~e .~~e~~~s blems whech a~°e cu~°a°ently be~rag co~sidered, ~t °ss al~°eady knowrra that ,t~~~s°ow, ~~~,;l~cx~s are,oc~` fihe bottom of th~s pa~°ce~ are su6ject to inundatEOn9 ds°a~nage easeme~ts to the sr, ~f~~~.~~ l~,~:b~. ,~=s~s~ted;;pn; th~~e .t;p~~ .sQ;;that;:no ca~r~sta°~~t a~n wa 1~;:~~ake;i~P1~>~~e .~Pn:~,h~.,:='-: ~ ........w . v r_,, ,..M...:. . .r . easement`s, ~ _ ~,va .,.,.=_r,.~. ~ ~~.~,h = k ~ ~ ~hFt°~ .~~.angwo+°.th~ a,~ked, tha~f a.~ar°ge .~~YE~ ; b~ p~a~ed. ~s~ue~t;~°.~~~? I~~tYt~a~x,~lo~r~e~;,~li~a~l~~,so : ,:tF?at:;a c~l,e~:a° v.a~anr ,~t,s ~,va.~,.~ab1.e~.,f~~°: pee~p~~,eg~°~s~~ng f~°om the .t~°a~t• .~~~t~~eople pa~ssing~ tf~r°ougho ~ ~ . _ ,..sn M~.~~.,-~a~l~f fi, res~~:t~~€ the; f.~~~ fi~a~ the~~ are ~,y. ~tent~t ~;~,e ~~r~~t~.. m~P; ,~PP~°•~'?a1 s o ~;,Al 1, ,~t#~es~~ p~°~b~t esn~, wr,~-t 1 6fe d~ s~~sr~ed ;~nd ~°e~ol ~rer~ .befo~°e ~he ~,f.:a ~a 1;imap~=~S~~s _~P. -~pp~r°~~a 1 ~ ~ . . ~~,r ~ . . ~ . . i;~ , ~ ~ ~ < •.'t . . ` _ ,~,t~ . , ~ < ~ , ° . ; ~ ~ - . < . ' 3 ? . ~ `5 ° . E3€ _ . 420 ° CtTY`C~~I~~i`L OCTQBER l1, 19~7 ARR~Y'~ GRANDE, CALIfQRNlA : PAG`E ~9- ~ I t was` mtav~d' k~~ Counc E i man - Sp t e~ 1~ ng, seconded by Counc i lman S~ch i ege 1, that th+e° Council apprmy~ 1`entative Tract Map'Na, 675a wtth tE~e condi~'ron t~at no permits ~or de~elmpmeRt wi I l,;be issu~d dn the Lot unti l aPprova'1 caf the f`inat map, ttn the fo1- low~ng' rol l cal l'vote, ta' wita > : , AYES-: Goun~i imen Spiert ing, Schlegei and Mayor° cle Leon. ` N(~ES: C,oun~ilmen Millfisg and Gallagher. _ ABS E°t~'I' : Nc~t~~, , the foreg~ing"~not#c~n,'with noted condit~ony was passed'th~s tltt~ day a€~°0~x~o6e~, fi977. APPROVAL flF tENT~TiVE 7'RACT MAP ~1~. 672, LOT 8 OF QAI~ PARtC'-ACRES ~ LEtSU~tE GARD€NS' " e P)annin~ Dlrecto~ Castro pr°+~sented Ter~tat~ve Trac~ Map.672, explair~ing ~l~a~ ~'r~- g i na 11 t~e- ~rd i nar~c~ perm t tted 1 1 Q un ~ t s, Eiu~°,~ an addendum to tk~e ord ~ nance fiade-'-fit~e to~~1-:nu~b~r af units avai table 18fl, They w~ 11 deve`top 117 adt~l't ~wel l tr~g= urr`€ts:- ` Tt~e.Plannit~g Gammission approv~ed the development of th~° lot wr~rtk ~ortdi~i~~s~~~=approval c~r~ flet~iber `4# 19~7. This is an adult comm~~#ty8 witM general age":allowed beii~g'40" years or over and no children under 16 allowed; ~t is expected mc~t of the residents wi11 be senF~r c:itizens, ` Mr. 0'N~i1 then presented a layout mf tf~e st~te, no~iiag the` la~d`scape' p1a~, 4Q~"<of tEte land being opert space. Most of the uhits are 1300 square fieet,°with twe~ `bed~ooms and f~aths and a~ariety of shake and t~ le roofs. Ther°e are six d ifferent ftloor plans, E~ath'tvra~story ~nd single star°y; Th~re w'c`1! be tvro"to s'~x un~tEs per build~ng, somie, witt~ patios and garages, and a general hall fot° soci~l affairs. The price of the units begins in the hegh thAr°ties, 'Mrs, Elta Noneycutf ~°'Sb5 O~k Hi>Bt Road, stated she was impressed with what she' has seen: 7here are many etde~°ly and ret~r°ed people tn t,he community. lf this ' cievelopment is gaing"to pr~vide lQ0 units, some of the units should be set for low- incom~ housirtg to provide housang fo~° the citizens alr°eady in the area, at a price t:hey can afforci.` It `is a need wtthsn our Housing Element that has not been met and tG~ts could be fhe fi'~st step. Thes '"should be`made financrally avaitable for those peciple= who 1 ive in t4wn and rtot j~ast fo'~° tha5e `coming onto the area; She askect that the developer and ~he Cauncil ch~~k 'to 'see of somethrng could 6e worked `out`through~ tE~e Federal Government to help fiinan~e the cost of these homes for ou~`senior`cit"izens. It was eon€i~-med that a fiomeown~:r°s~- as~ociatir~n ~vi l i be formed to keep up tfi~e praperty,`since tttiese' are pr?vate cle°'i~es. Atso9 backflow-curbs and suff-icient grad=ing and chann~ling will be done to prohibat water° from rising into the'homes: The Reai Estate Commission will tnSUt°e tE~at these homes ar°e certdfied to be flood free. Some grad'tng ~rEll be dmne on th~~ site, PC~ase ~ eonst~uc~~on and"improvement plans `approved the real~gning of a por°tion~of-'the ~~iar1~`~~ t~ minimize tEie danger of undermir~ing James Way. On the far southern portPOn of the lote the actuai ~tream channet crosses a`sec- tion of the lot; this, too, fs also proposed for r°eatignment and further work will be r1on~ . ` The ` Dep~'~tit~ertt +~f F i sh and ~ame have ~ppe°oved` th t s concept ; ° ` . ' ~ ` ` On the motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilrnan Spierling, and on th~ followi~g=rol',i ,cal1 vot~,~ tb wv1~: , . ; , . : ~~FXE~~ "~aun~'i1t~ri~r~ Spierling9, Gal1'agher9 S~fil~gel, Mi1`ii5 and hta~or de" Leoho ~ r. _ ~tt3E~5~: ~~~~Von~ : ~ ' , . ~ , _ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~`BSE~Affi:~ ..`,~N+~ne;<,~ , . „ . ~ , . ~ ~ . . ~ , , , ~ : _ ~ ~y-'-" `~'f~7~t~#'.ive ~~-a'~t"y~Ma e No: 67'Z L'bt 8 nf=Oak P~~k Ac~es was a rov~~ ~this~="~tth d~ a ~ ? ` PP ~ ~7 ~ p: ~ ~3t~to~~r,~ 1 . ~ ~ ~ o ~ APPROVAL OF>C~UNCIL POLtCY RE, EXTEN5IVE ~RADYNG DURING TH~ RAINY SERSON~OAK PAR~(:P~CRES City Engineer Kar°p repor°ted on this item exptaining that, at the Council's request, the Pubt tc Works Department formula'tec~ an 'order°= of work #or grad~ng- to be completed' before' the rainy> aeason,' The tfeve"lopers `feel this work p<lan ~s tioo str~ng~nt; they' are here to ask the Council for per°msssaon to grade throughout the year. Mr°': Kvidt` addressed €he Cbunca 1 and present`ed a letter from the° Soi i Cot~serVation Service suggesting~that th"~ City adopt ~ plan°for grading during the rain sea~on. 'He presented data on the amount of ~a~n during the fall and winter months from the San~a Maria Weather Bureau: Accor°d~ng to'"these figu~°es the rain that falls in November is not enough to do any sub~tantial harm to the land and will even be a benefit to grad- ing through easter compactEOn of the soil, Also, tEte date of November 15, as the be- 421 ~ ITY ;COUNC t L OCTOB~{~,,1 ~ :~~~7 i~RRQY~Q: GRANDE, CAl! FORNlA ti . , .::;p .;,.;PP~G:~, ,~lrQ- g i nn i ng of~ the r,~ i ny~ season and the term "extens ive grad~i,ng!' a~re tao arb_i tr~,ry a~d:r e need' ~ 1 oser def i n i t ian by the Counc T 1. He ~rou I d 1~ k~e~ to .1~it°k..yi~r.t:t.F~~ ~ti~"'s~a~~ ..ta:..i~~~er- mfne when it will be safe to grade w€t~ contwolled measures against extensive erosion ~ ~ ~ . , . ~ ~3r~~s~3'~1 ~t € ng~e~~ : , _ ~ ~ . ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ C i ty Eng i neer Karp expla i ned that November 15 'was cfioser~ arb~ tt°ar ~'1 j~ ~o~r the b~`- ginnirtg of the rainy season, sin~e about 1/8 of the r°ain falis during thirs month.,tf the Cour~c i l ag,~e~s, =`tkt~r~, 'i s np.' :P~o'bl.~m. i n.~e.~t i ng . z.h~ ~o`r°~C :,g~i` ,a~n .~tr~t~ ~::...t~e~.t'.S.th °o:~': November, providing that proper° er°aston and siltation plans are prepared and submitted for appro~~l~_ and the ~cork is bqnded pr•iba° ~to star°~~rrg an~r more~ ~gr°~~ing ~"F~ti=~~°would be r~te ~'rrs`t order ~bf ~rk, comp}eted° sTm~t~tan~<~',r~ly w~th any oth~r~= g'i°~in~'alal`t~w+e~f before th~ -fi~teentt~ and woi~l~f' be in a~diti~~'~tet~iydt°omulc~irig,si~~ ~'t~r'~s wo~iiefi~~. gfive a better~ ov~ra~'"1 job than just hyd~~u,.i~~itng, . . , . . ~ ~ ~ . A _ ~ - a , , , ~ , ~ _ . . . . , ; , . v . . : , . ~ ; . . ~ 7her~ ~i~~ cons:Ed~rable; elisc~s~ion~ on ~the ~subJ~'Ct of g~°ad't~ng d~r~i~i~ fi~~hs ra~~n s~~son. Mr. ':RQhl~~ff gpake on behalf. of h~msel~~ and othea° ~~vfi1 en'girree~rs ~iri=` t~te area""r~g~a~~i~ i ng the non~grad i ng att i tude dur° i ng tF~e ra t ny season, Wi tt~ pr°aper corr~~al~-~`~e~fiifi q~es ~~~here is~no reason why gradtng could not be at1owed to conttnue t,hrouc~hout the year, These comments .~ere na.t adclr~ssect"_ to'.`Q~I~. ;.P~'rk A~res s~~~~f r~ca 1;.tay,~._s~T~~~'vT:t~ P,~r~~c;.~~~w' , arould be completed on extensave gc°ading before the 15th of November, but to the ; genera~~1~ at~~~~ tude~ of `~I~;s~cent i nu i~~ng ga°~ad i n~ 'tlur`~i ng t~Me~~ ~r~a~~ n~ ~ s~asbm,~ ~ . . . . _ . : _ . =Gauncil~man Sch}egel st~ated that'' in ~h`QS a~r~a,` witti tfie sanc~s~fioney "whe~t t~ti~re ~i~~` ra~in tEte~ soi 1 d~eter~torates to not~ing, T~his ~~S ~a~ s~riou~~~ con~~d~it"~br~~° on°~t~~is~ p~t-oje~~~ and on the adJacent land because of fihe Qver~graz~ng that has left na grass. With the proper cont~°ol as r°eques~ed.:,~y=.,the C~t~r°s'°Engor~eer°9 they will be protecting this situation, Hoarevew, the ban on extensi~re gr°adang dur°ing ths ra[n season should remain. C i ty Eng i rteer Karp expYa i ried that hydromu l ch t ng 'cc~u1`d be i n~or°pora ted i nto the gr°acJfng for ttie si}tatior~'contr°ol plan tc~ be p~rmotted, Or°dsnance 140 C.S. must '~ie complied with and untess the Council wishes another date, then November 15 will be „ t~~` shuC 'aff da~t'e: ;In response' to `sev~r`ai' -~uestion~' f~bm constr°uctiotti wor~k~rs- on the project, Engineer° Karp explatned tFtat the 15th 'is the cut`off date fbr `e~'fi°n's~ve grading on1yW-minor°tr~ark could be continued, Hawever, N0 FURTMER 4JORK IS T~ BE DONE FROA4'~'~-~S DAT~ ~nt`r~'=a ~iltat~on p~an i~as` been' 'submltted for° aPP~°oval; atad ~a's'Fi bondecl, to t~e Engineer°ing Department of the C~ty of Arrayo Grandeo in respc~rtse ta a'~question from the audienc~, Mr°, Kar°p explained that thes~ measurt°es are extra T~suranceo''~Any sittation dam constructed at thES point wi~l fur°ther ~nsure the creek bed below ar~d south`a~v the ~~~eeway `against sedir~e't~t~~'~on9 p~°'~~na~°e1=~ be~ause hydronsulc.h° cs.'wfi~~t ~~rould be s°equired if that was all they were going to do, Thes is better° because ther°e will be hyd romu 1 ch i ng ,,~~'n~ ~.~t r.~. ~~?r~~.~t~°anc~ ,~kr,r.i~ugkt . t~~ ~,i ~ ta:t°~t~n :dam~ cz~°~.~i~~i~~~~re~° w.t.s.. ~~b'- posed and appraved, Also, th~s st~ll allows enough t~me for the v~t~rk to be com- : :r;~ p~t~:- +~rte ~ae~#~ .fnr~=' ~i~°~p~ret io~r° ancl 'a'PP~bira t° af pla~ns ~r?ct- 20 d`a`ysMto ~nt~'v~e ~fit~e` remain- . ~ _ . . . . ~~r'' hng =25~.~(~~" c~~r~~~ y~~ds ~of' eartt~,, - Made-l~tne ~~+~~~~1t°l+cres~ ~°o~, stated she was very d i sappoiTnfied that the Counc i 1 was rush E ng thr°ough th i s o.'r Th~: .~rc~~~„r.~ ~.1,.1~~.ru~: da ..a:s .g~sa~:..~.~..~=~#a ..a ~~a~~Y'~.,.~iuk~t;:,.ha:~~:;`~, done tf they had more t'ime and she is afraed et will be a very slip-shod,operation. , t . r. . ~ . . ~ _ , _ ~ . _ _ a . , _ : Mr. Ron Bane - soils engineer° on the pc°oject spoke to clarify one major p~irrf:~'~' The siltation ponds are a r°equBu°ement to prevent future floodinga erosion and silta- - tROn on the ct~ ~ ~ ~ ~''~r.:~~_~,m ..1~~ .~ri~t~~~.,.~ih~fi~~'.pa~z ,.~t:FV,.t~,t~.;~y~ar~.::~~i~x,.~~°~.d,~ta.g.~~5:,~~lc~ci~,.~.~e::~~ siltation pond would have to be constructed, They are not addengy any basins,,ponds, " dar~s~~t#~°'3~~~°s '~"Ia~ig~ ~~tt:~` h°r11~s~ede;`'they ='are ~ddrfig`"~tempb'~°~:~°y=~~~ur~-~ r~i'~~hrn' ~~he land ~ `~f1ia't '~ati~-It ~~n ~b~ -co~tt i'~rr~ti~ri m ~ t,=,, rk~~.~~ r r1~ ~ . ~ . g-~ ~ ~ « a. . . ~ ~ . . . . . . ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ "a ~ ° A r c~ a I°t °~~s ~>~i~d~~b~r =~ou+~~'~i ~t~~~n==~~t-i i~~Yi''s'9 ~eca`~r~ed ~by .~Cou~nc~'i lmah"~'~'~~~h~~~~e~~=~~a~rt~~~ `urt~~~~"~~sly~. carried tihat ~ic~ensive grading be permitted up until~ November° 15, 1977, contingent art~ . .;s~rbmi.~~al'.tc~. ~~t~`.Pu"bk=~~~.l~~c°~CS,.l~3e~~.~:~h~e~tY`°a,..d~°~a.r~age~~.a°.as~ac~.ti and~si;}.t.a.~~-o~~pa°ea~~c~~',~~n plan prepared by a civil engineer and that the work requit°ed by that plan- be bonded in cash 'pr i or' °tv any ~~ft~t°tEier°~ ~x~+eri~ r~e" -~~ad ~ng ati~ that t~e f t r°st- or°tlcr~ o~ w~rk af ter _'po~t i~g of sa rd ~#~ind ~ ntlutle c~ns~rut~i on of ti~~s~~'pt°~vent tt dv~° m~asu`r~s" Upon request by Mre Rohloff, it was confirmed that this motion is limited to ~}rdin- ance 146 CS~ and corrcern~ 4dk P~~°k 11e,t°es' wh~le no extensive grad~ng w~ll be permetted after Novem~~.~ 1::~~' ~cim~°P~t~~~...I: ~Q~~e°~~'.~c.t;.i.on,..~:~k ;c.an'.g~::or~.:~I:I.=,y~.~.~.~,ot~a.~..,..~~~~.,.~~,t~cil confirmed this, 42~ TY COUNC t L ' OC'i'~~°~ ~ l~,' '1~77 °~?RR4~~~~~RANDf , CAL ! FORN E A ~ . <x ~ ~ ~.<t> .s ~ ~ P~=, F~~~£"`~'~ ~ r~ . . ~ , , . ~ , ~ , ~r,- • , e ~ , , r3 v R~ROR'f' O~d METER: .REAP t R~O~T SAli:1 NG, PRQGRAM , --i s...~. i _ , , ~ 3. ~ . € s ~ ~ , ~ ; ~~.'E . , - , ; , .:'.,i . x ' ' ` i y ` . , i~ n . ,.E ~ ` ~ z n ~ ~ eY' F;.? i a. . V ' . . . , .E , . . . ~ Admt n i strati~or Butct~ gave a"~br° tef report on the recent 1 y i nst igated m~~~rr, r~~a;~~ program by'Rockarell Enter°natiQnal, Et ts a vewy gooda and efftclent program and has saved the C i fiy a;, 1ot Qf m~ne~r on,-meter° ~epa t n~,. ; N'} ~ ~ A Al~~,l:NG 4QF;~ BIA~; ~N OVERLAY.PRO~IEGT: ~TR~ETPA.?V=E.~IG.,Pt~QJEC1° NO~- Ow7~. r,., , w.;~, , ~ ~ ~ : ~ ; : ~ . . A, n~t~ice~Y,r,ecei,rred by .the Cou~~i 1a ~n athe,a~ ~q~~nda .paeketrs, ~rer°;~i,~~ed~ ~~~,§~.zis~~t~r ~Stree;t: Pa.~iix~., Pr~~e~~; Ner~ ~~~.77°°3~ we~~<<~pp~r~;~,d ~n -~.e~a:~~mbec°.: ~Q,s ~~~77u~~..~.t :2.°~. P~t~:. ~~:I~ , th~,Coun,c41. C~ambers<of tbe Ar~Q~o,G~°and.e.CatX_;Halt:~._ by ,th~ C1t~;A~n,i~;~r~~;or..,~~d~,w~ the ` C i ty C l erk. I t was ~ the r°ecommendat io~,~. s~f t;l~ C~~,ty Et~~;i n~gpr° tla~,t t~~:; e~~, r~ awarded to Sully Milter°e in the amount of`$4n,508.40. Pt was moved~by Councilman y;.S~~hlegel., ,4~~conde~IF:by Coun~~ lman M~ l~ ~~d :~na~Fms~~~J~ ~c~r°~°_~ed,, :thaXw. 0~~~°l~~r'oject fpr St.~°e~ Pav3ng Pro~e~t .Maa 9~ 77°°3 be awarde~l t~ ~~ufi1J~, M~i~ ler ~n. th~. t;€~al~:~no~u~?~ ~ ~~~V s~.~ ~ . : ' ~ j , ,..a ..~J?'~,~£. a; :.ti;i ~ :~Si's s..Y. ,r e . . y , , . ~ ~ „ , . . . .~,~.s.. - _ , . , r . . ~ .t f t~-n t~~ r P r ` i ~Fa. i . i c„~,~ . f f. , . : x's ADOP,~.I,,~,N ~43F~~ RE.~OLUTION ~RE~;-~PI~~CHAS~, ~F ~'I[t~S FEtQM ~.T~7~:.~ C~1l,~FQ~iN:~~ e; ~ ~ ''i ~ ,.d:'? , ~z st t ~ , - , a : < ~2 ~ iP'~ 1 b €x~nf ~3~ 33 35~."7~ ~ : . s , . . , . .q.r . The City Admini.s~r~xor t°ead ,the;,.tet?.e p# :a ~°e~c~~uta~ au~t4hort.~i~t~ p~~°~a~ c}~ tires from the State Office of Pur°chasing,'~It was`moved by Councilman Spieriing, s~cqn,ci.e~i b~ry, Cmun~iwlman Schl:e~et, ,and ,u~aa.nom.ota~ly: car~°;3aed,;,~t~tat ,~he .~°eadaYn;y ~of,,,~~I~r~ Ei,al~n~e o;f ;~he.resolu;taon.be.dis~nsed. w,i,t~'° . :,t . . ~.r:.. ~ , . _ ~ ~ .w ~ _ ~r ; ~ . ,rt ~RESt~L~UT.~ QR1~ J+10...;~ 313.Q3~~ ~ . ~ ~ _ . . # _ .s ~ _ a t.z.. a s r~ A RES~LUT'l ONF tOF 'THE C 1'fiY COUNC 9 L OF THf C tTY OFy ARR~YO GR~NDE; ~UTHOR I,~~ N.~, =THE ~.DEPAR;fikiE~Nl'~, OF G~EN~RA~L S~ER~I P CES~ ~ OF, °CHE ,STAT'~~: Q~ -CA~9 FORIVlA T'0 PURCNASE C~RTA~It~k 6TEMS,, . , a ` ~ e ~ : . . ~ ~ , , ~ a ~ ~ -4 On the, ~ao~ion ,~,f ~aunce lman G~l~~~~aghec°;~, ;~econd~d bXr Co~nc9 ~m~n ,S~Peer;l~ir~g9 at~d .~n t~; ~01 l;~~n.g .rcn1 lr ~a1~yl; ~~t~~; t.c~ ~v~,:t4 r ~ . , ~ , . ~ , . . _ _ , . , . ~ _ . . . i~;'~. >,i":e ~.,.y~ ~i - . ~ I~X~S• Gou,nci lmet~, ~p.~~~a sr~g, ~a~ ~~.c~he~,:.~ch~ege-lg ~i i ~ a,s ~~n~{, M~~ar~,~l~ ~e~~ ~FV: ~ ~ ' NOES ~ , None, ; ~ r fi i ~4~5'~ 'C~x~ IVQne~ v , _ , . . ~ , ~ 3., , , E . , r> th~ ~fo~eg~ i r}g r°e;~a~ c~t~~ an~ W~s pa~s~d ;,~n~ advpt~dr ~h~.~~ l,l th, da~ .Qf ~~~~be r.~ .l a;,, , i ~Ce~U~C l~l M~M$~~, ,~1~[LL 1-S.! REP4QRT f~l~ REGENT ;xON~ ~°H~~~. ADU~ SaRY J~4E~?~WG~ . ~ ~ ~ b„ , - ~ f r ~ ; ; . ~ : r ~ a,daa~ ~ C~u~c~~.~.~~~ ~~.~1~1~ s t°eRo~°t,~c~, ~r~ .~he ,Zc~~~ Th~e~ Adu ~ ~or~ 4Cotrura Y ~te~ n,ot~~9 ~9 v~as ga~ng wel l a~d~ t~hat a repor°~tr on po~~ebl-e~ oe~~ wre~~ls ,~rr~~ t~e ~pp~~z _~rea~ wa;s~~_y~rrcl~~ed for tf~e Council°s fnformatsono ~ - ~ ~ ~ F a : v ~ t" s : .v. : ~ ; , - i x . c PI~~~H~~~,AF~, P~',ER,T,Y.~fi T.Hfs,,.S~UI°~,~.VP~6~S Et~.M-,;~ST~~~T ,r . i~ ,^e, . ~ _ . . ~ 't_~ E x 3 s - ' • ~~g ~ :tfi . ~~`'s, s • . , ~ ~~'"F::. C~ity' Administjra^to'r Butch r°eque~t~ed thas~~~matter ~be held atff untsl next regular , , me,~~ a n~ . ~ ti~_ . - .i .~~.,~a _ , ..t., t~ ~ _ , : i. . _ .r 1~_,. ~ _;"4 . `Z M - ` . ~ ~ ; j Y~ ~ : _ a. i , v : . ~ c 3 , l _ . ~ . . ~R~P,Oft7' ~~I., Cp~l~7°Y ~,'~ER~ RF~SOUR,~ES E~DU tSORY :.C~MMt~'TEE. ~1,~~~°~NG OF. 1 Q(5~~~ .,y :f , r a ~ , i~ ?~f:~l c "m~~. ~ °~ls 1 E i ~ e , ` 'S ,-...4 2 'r . _ . . ~ . . '-F, . J R ~ t _ ~sr~~:~ ~°;~~t~ ~~.al~l ~~1~~~ .ga~.~C..~ br,i ~f ~'eps~,~°t Qn the,r~°e~~nt r~ee~t ~~n~,t32f t~e ,Cc~~XY~,;7 Water Resources Advasory Comm°sttee: He noted that ~f S~nta 46~rba~r.~ 9.~io~~,.~a~,~t ~Qn;tr~ct for the futl 57fl0~0 acre feet of water there will be an adeYitoona~ cost shift to .o -~,cu~4~;~~,i~~ ta,~h~ :-~s~~°t~.q.,,, C~ar~°ent~~ au~e a,>l:so ~~kar~~ for.~,;3~r;0:OQ ~c~..g fese~o~ # _ . . . , : . , , ~ : ,,,AUTH~IR;IZAT,1'ON ,T.O GALI.t.:,FQ~t,,B(D~ FA~t ~1~,R8: AND GU'~fER , l;MPR_DVEMENTS DN NQRTl~~,-SIFUE .OF THE PIKE , : , ~ . ; ~ ~ : I,~t w~~.r ~oved b;y Caurrc-a ~~n -S~JaI egel ~,.nd seconded by ,Counc i l~na~a,;M_' 1 l.i s tha,t ~h~ek C i ty be ~autt~c~rized .to,;;adye;rtise;fQ~° beds ~n c.u~~a and; g~att~r .~;mpc°c~ver~~~a~~ Y~n, the p~a~°th;,s#ide ofi The Pike, between Etm Street and the wester°ly City ~,~mitso Motion unanimously car- , _ _ , ~r.~ed.~ , - ~ . _ _ : ~ . . , ~ e ~ . ~ z . ~ , ~ : , ~1FP~tQUAL OF, P4~RC:EL .MAP AG^77 395 SPLtT, CASEL N~, 77 -2 .h~l~,~ P~~JEL~L~., t, . . ~ y . City Engineer Karp presented' th~s Lot Sp~et Case Noo 77~270a tocated on the west side of Walnut Str°eet, Just north of Maple Streeto The area is zoned R-1, and creates ~ w ~v N H ~ w N r~ L'~ H . . . ~ ' . ~ ~ c ,ro~ w~ rnc~ ~ G w~ sv9, c~ a r• n r• ?i a+ #a n ni rw-~ ~ r• r't r• H a~ ~~1 ~t c~ a' ~ ~ r• m r~» a w v~i. ~ u~ rt a~i. H w r~n. N~ o ar r,c a~ ~ rt~- N a' o a~ w~ a rt a' ~ o a a r~ a, a c~i o a rt a. m a, ~ a° ~a. ~ ~ y ~ W M .'7 f~D 7a ~ ~ W a ~ ~ f~D ~ ''~i~J" ~ W • fA OD tT G~ H N ~ N Cw !M ~ W ~ Cti i rf V+ 1't f~ fD P'? rq ~ ow ..j~ ~c~r,~~ ~ a~ ~ctio i o~o ~ °D w ~ a° y w ~ t~ ~ , v> <n -v> cn C, v, e-• c'~ ~ t" ~ ~ ~ ~ ;'d ~ ~ N C~71 ~ ~ k' ~ ~ ~ ~ y ~ tt+ ~ ~ -tn p 0 ~ ~ y +„C. . Z ~ W O Q O O ~ O tD S ~ ~ . ~ O ~ rt C) Cf1 r{ y iJf {/f N iti fJD ,,'f~ O v' -tn tIS -U' r tC E i ~ ~ ~ ~ G ~ ~ ~ W ~ V: ~ G ,.d ~ p . ut Ut Uf ~fl ~ 9.~ o ~ O O O ~ ~ t- ~ ~ ~ , A o~' ~ b b d O ~ N ~n in tn ~ ~ ~ ~ t'' ~ ~ C tiD fJ} ''d 'J~ (rA r-? 11~ F+ h+ ~ r"e H ~ q t']w~ ~ o O O o+ H t~n rt Q~ ~ ~ ti v w ~ c O v, w y ~ ~ ry 1` O ~ O ~F` ~!b • ,F CS C7 d ~ O~ 1~ ~ Q+ O ~ O O ~ t7d ty O C~ G O ~D ~ O by w ~ ~ F+~ ~ ~ fT1 ~fl ~R+ t~ ~ ~fl Pa ~ W, G~ p i/f iR ~Vi <n ~ O~ fl Cn -U> t» ~J? V ~ r+ ~ YV.1. y fit ~ ~ W tfl Q. C9 ~ ~ . ~ rt + ~ H W O U1 O 1~ • G U1 O ~ ~ ~t O O O O ~ G Q O C? ~ tn v, tn tn tn vs -sn in ~ ~ rb r N w C ~O Ua ~CI (v t+ ~ ~y .iG W W Pi O fJ (1D r ~~y W N o 0 0 •r y a~ o 0 0 y r ~ ~ F O O O W ~ O O O O ~ ~O O O O rl ~ ~p W GC1 W cA Q f'~' t!9 O Q~ 0 <A F'.VH 'd CT' ~o ~ tn tr> ~cn tis rn 'U rt p N in tn tn Uo C3 rt ~ H ~D O r'S 0 N. O` ,y., ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ W v A' W Cfl F N ~ " ~ Q O ~ ~ ~ }~~i, r'i O (1~ O tJ1 ~ Q `O O Oti N r-~ ~ ~ l~ie O O O O • p C3 d p ~ O O O O d O O O Fr+ ~n v, cn cn <n v, tn tn ~ tn r c] v r ~ N ' ~ r+ C o rta " rfi cn H -v' H ~ ~ ~ N Q 1 Z m~ ~p c~ I O b ~ ~n yn c» v~ ~ ~n v, tn ;n ~ S2+ ~ ri Hp ~ ~ t°~~ ~ +-i y e~<~ t-~ w co ° H ~ A 42~ CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 1l, 1977 A~ROYO 6RAN[~E g CA`~ I FORN 1 A Pr4~E ~l 2'- ~ .i~.+rk..i t~~=; xs , two parcels9 one 7,270 square feet and one 1~+,920 square feet,The nec~ssary encroach- ~ , d and the sidewalks are being instaY.led< There is a ,s, me~nt~ pe~rmi ts~ ave ~~~n ~r ta ~ ne robtem wi~th the si~dewal:l~ ~~p~t^t_.~~~.:i.t~~.wa~..con.st~u~~ed ~t~ay;~'.t=t~.~~~s.~"~~;~~a~~1~=te~r.;slate,v'..~~!. Mr. Panella has posted a cash bond for° tF~ese requir°ements and signed_an agreement with the C i ty=~ -~~n the~mq'~°ton >o~ C~ut~~i l~ran ~~hiegel , second'ed 'by-'C~unci lman Spierl tng and unanimous~ly""carr[et~a tEte Coi~iicEl°:~oti'nd 'that'tEte ton~tr°uctipn°r,af`tt~~`siclewalk #'s" a . necessary prerequistte to orderty developmenfi of~'the su~~oundFr~g a'i°ea and ttiat Parcel " Map No. 77 395„is consisterrt w~t4~ the Gener°al Plan and C~tytzonang thus9 ParceloMap No. 77~395 ~ s :a.PR~`o`v_ed` ~.~t~;;.:~ciiirt~°~..~ .._a~id t~lay.or. .de . Leon.~.~.s .author° ized ~ta e~ceci~te . tha,s ~ ° improvement on behalf o~ the Cttyo , . ~ ~ . ~ F t~1AL APPtt~V~~~>0~` `PAf~~E~`~~1~4P `AG ' 77'~326 -z N1R`o '':~~f1N3~ii~ ry.,..~, : t, n ~ ! : ~ ~s°~ <t ° City Administrator Butch e°equested that this matter° be held over. ~ .~,r~ _o...~,s~~.. DENIAL OF APPROV~L OF PARCEL MRP AG 75~336 - LOT' SPLIT GASE 75~226; MR. ROBERTSON ~ , . ~ s ...F ..,r- r-~--~~--¦---~°~.-~ . ' ' . . . ~ < E ~ 'e City fn~inee'w% Kar°p revi~rved'`thes inattier fcir' thc''Courici~`: Mr;~ Karp explain~d° ''r he could not recommend appr°ovat of the map at this potnta however Mre Robertsort has a problsm in tFtat his map wi11 expic°e on October 169 1g77, and this ts the last Courtcil meeting pr~or to that date. P~°ior to the 16th of October, the map must be recorded or else Mr. Robertson will have to fsle a tentatirre map on the same property in confor~ ~ , ; . . mance with .th~ map act... The_.map ,cannot be recor°ded. un_l-es~ the Councel .appr.~ves .-i--t," however Mro Robertsom has nat completed the requErements9 e~en though he has had a year and a half to do so, so the City Engoneer° co~ld rnot recommend approrral. Also, the Gity :Engineer felt there wa~ not enough tame, for tF~e w~s°k to be completed and the map recorded by the October° 16 deadluneo After consider°ab~e discussion by the Cauncil it was moved by Councatman Gallaghe~°9 seconded by Couneilman Schlege~, and carried on a vote of 3~29 that the Counci~ cieny app~°ova~ of Parcel Map AG 75-336~ APPROVAL OF TRACT MAP N0. 679 ~ MR, PH~LL9PS Admin~strator Butch request~d tE~ss Etem 6e held ~ver until the next meeting. PROGRESS REPORT ON VARIOUS,CREEK CLEARBNG PROJECTS N~VJ UNDERI~AY Adm ~ n i str°ator Butch rev 6 ewed the t~ro co°~ek-cl ea~° a ng pa°oj ects cur°rentl y underway, on the Tal ty Ho Creek and on the ~s°~°cayo Gmande Cree~C, CouncF lman Spsea°i tng br°ought up a matter of conce~n regaa°d~ng tF~ese cs°eeYc~m^he ~?as wa~ked the entire creek ar°ea that Ts being cleared and wants_ to ba°~ng to the Councs~°s attentaon that ~n severat ar°eas along the c~°eek fences have been const~°cacted ac~°oss the creeko These fences will 6lock the water flow by col~ecting debc°as wh°rcF~ ws~~ cause an overflowo The City has an ordin- ance which states that it is agasnst the o~°dinance of thes Cety to block a drainage channel, He requested the Councel adv~se the City Att~c°ney to send these homeowners> a letter and adv~se them of thas ord~nance, and Ef the cr°eek es not opened up for free flow, action will have to be taken by the Cityo REPORT ~N WATER QUALITY FROM LOPEZ Administrator Butch c°errsewed for the Councal the fact that numerous complaints rece~ved by the Council~ at the~~° meet~ng of Octe~bec° 3a or~ the poor quality of water in Arroyo Grande had prompted the decasoon ~o cheek anto this matter. Mro C1int Milne, from the County°s Engineersng Depa~°tme~t, anfoa°med the Caty Adm~nestr°ator that a barge the County uses to treat the t ake and te~°mo na 1 s°ese~vo a~° ws th copper sul fate br°oke down at a crat~cal pe~°1od~ thus causang the onability to control an algae bloom, The equipment is now back in oper~tior~9 and geaod qua~oty wate~° was bewng detavered on Thursday, October~ 69 1g77, 9t wEll prc~bably~ take abo~t one week to clear the bad water out of the distribution systemo FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE ES°fABLlSH9NG DUAL WATER RATE~ AND UNIFORM LOPfZ CHARGES C1ty Attorney Shipsey gave the f?~st a°eading to the ti~le of an ordinance of tMe C~ty estabTt~htng duat water° rates and unafo+°m Lopez cha~°geso 9t was moved by Council- man Spierlinga seconded by Counca~man Galtagher° and un~raimously car°ried, tRat the read- ing of the balance of the ord~nance be d~spensed witho It rvas noted that water° avail- abillty charges a?°e going to be studied fua°thes° by the staff before any action ts asked of the City Council, PROGRESS REPORT ON THf SOUTH SAN LU~S OB~SPO COUNTY SAN!`TAT°EDN DISTR~CT Administrator ButcF~ repo~°ted that eve~°ything was operating well at this time. 424 C ITY G~UNC,Ii OC~'OBER :l l, i 1977 ARROYO GRANDE, CALtFORNEA PAGE -13- REPORT BY COUNCILMAN SPIERIfNG ON REC~NT WATER ASSOCYATION MEETtNG C.s~ut~ci lman Sp,iet°1 ~ng .gave a. brref repor°t on the wecent meetEng Qft .the Water Associat'.ion, nottng that a meet~ng ~s sehed~~ed for October 27,;ig77y wit~? the State Representatives from Water Qual it~r Contr°e~l. REQUES'~ TO PETITICEN THE CITY COUNCtL,FOR A WATER METER PERMIT.BY:MR, ROBERTS~N Mr, Robertson asked to petdttQn the City Counc~~ for° a~rater meter permit for his propert}~ an Hi l lcrest ~rive, tt was ~°eq~ested thts item be, placed on_u~h~,;ager~da~<~~or .the Courrct l's next regular meettng, _ . . . , . . ADJ~URNMENT ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ° ` ~ ~ ~ ~ , : I~t w~s moved b~r C~unct lman Spier°1 fn~~; secbnd~d by Cbunci lman 'Gal lagher~ and unanim~~sly carr,jed,that the meettng,be adJour°nedo, The meet~ng was;ad,~Qur~ed ~t 11e55 PM. . , ~ , ~ , , , ~ ; . , r r ~ ~ _ ~ ATTEST ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~-~~i,/~~ ~E U Y C tTY CLERK , : • ~ ~ MAYOR . _ ~ . _ , _ ` . , . _ , , ~ : ~ . 3a ~ ~ > , _ _ , ~ _ . x . . , . m~ ~ ~°?~a~s~u=J.,!°riwf. ~3~~~`a?~ ~ s3°5~ ~ ~ , , ~ _ , , ~ ;y~,~:tr :.`s~"r`s a~a~ c ~ : s , , . , s . i: _ . e p ~ ~ „ ~ e.., e < ~ . . << 5 ? _ ~ . . . a » " . , r . . ; 3 , , , x .e "J t . . . . . - . . . . . . " . . ~ . , . . . . , . . _ . . . . , . . . . . . . , . ' ia,? C ~ a , S ~ 4 . ~ ~ . J ~ , , ~ , . . . ~ , , ~ . ~ . . . . . . • ~ ' d ~r~ `C,`J'd : . _ _ b : t~ e. ~ . _ _ . . _ . ~ , _ . . _ . , . _ _ . _ . 3. ~ . i.. , . ~ . ~ ~ v . S. ~ . f f j „ ~.1~ _ .1 ~ . . „ ~ . , _ . . . . . . - . . ~ . . ~ , ' . . : . _ S , , , . . J.:". s. , ~ , ~ . E . , , r , . . . . . , . . . . ~~d . Y.~~~~5 F . Y. , . . ~ 5 . v . . . _ ~,_a. . . , _ , 5. ~ ~t . ..N v i . . .e. ~ , x. . . _ . ` , . , _ i f r ...e ~ _ n . ~1~J~.t"Fa~ 2'::~~~ . .i e. . . .r ' . :34.L a.-? a t _.rv x • xn .,r . F , . . . . . _ . . .E.~ ..d ...f~ ,_v_