Minutes 1977-10-25 CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 25, 'l977 ARROYO GR19iNDE, CAIoIF012NTA The City Council me~t ~n regular sesszon w~.th Mayor ~e Leon presid~ng~ Upon roll call, Council Me~ers A1 Sp~er~.~~g, Ntatthew ~allagh~~D ~~o, Caivin Schleqel and Mark Mgllis r~ported p~°esen~.- PLEDGE f'~F ALLEGIANCE ANI~ TNVOCP.TION Mayor cle Leon led the Pl~dg~ of A3.legiance to ou~ Fl~.ga ar~d i:mmed~a°tely thereafter, Reverend Daniel 1~IcHughy ~f S~a Barnabas Episc~p~:l Church in Ar~o}ro Grande, delivered the inv~ca°tion. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes for ~he r~gular m~e+~~.ng ~fi Oc~~be~ g 1977 , were appro~recY as prepared. APPROVAL OF" WARRANT~ On m~tion o€ Cauncilman Sch~.eg~l, ~ecoraded by Cous~c~.lman Gallagh~r and unanim~~xsly ca~~~ed~ General. Warran~s I~o ~ 7326 ~Ya~ough N~ m 7396, in the total amount a~ $23,870a87, ar~~1 ~ayro~l Wa~r~n~s N~o 9832 °~hrough Noo '~0045, in the total amcsunt t~f $85,806055, wer~ app~~v~d ~nci ~rde~ed paido LETTER OF TH3~NKS RE s~I~' S NE[aSI~E~"I°ER - CORIVWEI~Ia The Coune~:l r~ad a lett~r o~ th~nlc~ and ~on~ratul~tion~ from Earl Cornwell, ~ount~r Superin~enden~t of Scl~ools, f~~° receipt c~f t~a~ C1.ty ° s Newsletter~ e YOUTH IN GOVERI~Il~IEN~' DAY ~ET ~ DECENIBER 3, 19`~7 A.~o~~CC~ra r~w~s: ~nade ~y d'~~x~ci~...°rcian ~r~~.~r~~ng, ~ec~nd~c1 by Co~n~~~man Gallagher ~c1 unan~.mou~~y ea~z°i~s~, ~Pp~~~r~.rag ~i~~ ~ s part~,~~pa~ian ~n You°tYa ~n ~o~rernment Da~ a~°~~v~.°~~~s on Decemb~.~ ~ 3 a ~ 97~ q a~ r~q~ested 9~~ Mark Mi11~s, ~ta~.~ ~ I~oca]. Gove~r~~n°~ H~ql~ Scho~~ ~ea~h~ro IdE~."~ER ~9F THANICS FZE m~~TD .~IaT.,(S~AT~~N TO ~~1Q~OR V~~ ~'he Counc~l ~ead a Y~t~~r o~ °~h~n~~ ~n~ app~eci~tion ~rom ~h€~ ~outh County ~enio~°s, ~or tk~e ~ity' ~ allo~a~~~n o~ ~~nnds to ~h~ ~~nio~ iTan t~ans~aor~ation p~c~ram e 11PPROVE RELEASE O~ BtJI~E~ED F"~J1VD~ ~CO ~H~~R O~' ~t7~R,~~: The Council read a l~°t~c~r frana ~h~ Arr~~~ G~ans?e ~ha~nb~r o~ Commerc~~ ~re~zes~ing ~he ~'unds all~c~°~~~I t~ t~~ Ch~nb~r ~h~ ~~,t~' ~ budgeto After Couric~.~, discu~siora, a motion ~aa~ ~a~~~ b~r C~ur~~~lman ~p~~r~ing~ ~ecssncl~cl b~ Co~cilman Sch]:egel ~nd unanim~u~Yy ~a~~.~~~i, au~I~or~.~im~ r~~.e~se of °the budg~t~d ~~,000 the Ar~~yo Gr~nde Ch~er of C~nme~~e~ ~~r the u97~~?8 ~isc~I y~a~m ~ REQU~~T ~OR SU~PORT OF° INIT~A~°Si~ fi'(3 ~FtGHT~~~ P~7F3~~C ~ZeC~YE~ ~`TR~CISE~-~1~70 A~TTOI~T The Counci7: ~°ev~.e~aed a~et°~~~° ~ne? ~~mpl~ ~~~i~t~on f~om the City of Montebello, urging suppox~t of an ~ni~s.a~ive ~°ampaign °to ~roY~ib~~ ~nployee stri7cese After Council discus~ion, it wras ge~e~°~~Ty ~~reed t~ vaait tm see if the ~ni~iata.ve qualifie~ fo~ the ballot ~nd re~r~ew pr~ ancl ~on a~gumen~s, before taking aray a~tior~. RECE2PT OF PEDESTR2~1N SAF'E~ C~~AT~OI~T - NO E~EDES~Ft~,AN FATAI~IBI'IES ~ AmAaAo Administra°to~ ~utch displayed a s~~~~3r ci°ka~ion re~~ia~ed froan the .~az°teamob~le Club of Southern Cali~ornia, ~°ep~e~ea~t~.n~ x~~ pecY~~tri~n fat~~~~ies ~n ~h~~ C~ty las~ year, foz° the eighth ~onse~u~t~~re 3rear m DEPART1rIENTAL REPOR~'~a FOR SEP~'EMBE~t, ~ 977 The Council recei~ed, ~esriewed and orcT~~ed ~~l~a~ ~he ~epa~tsnea~ta~. R~p~rts for the rn~nth of ~ept~ber, 19770 MUNTm CODE AMENI). - ADOPT 032D. INCRET~~~I~f~ CONIlviER~~AT., ~ARBAt~E P2CKiT1~ RAfiE~ Admin3strator Bu°tch read the title ~af an ordiraar~~e amend~ng 'the Mun~c~.pal Code by increasi.ng the garbage p~ck~p ~a°t~~ for cc~an~merc~al ~ecount~ onlyo there~ after, a motion was made by Counci ~na~ ~chl~gely second~d by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, °to ds.~p~rs~e ~r~th ~°eading th~ b~l~n~~ o~ °this ~r~inan~e e OR.DINAIVCE NO, 165 C o S. AN ORDINANCE OE° '~fiE C~~3~ OE~ AR1203C0 GRANDE ~I~TDII~IG SUBSECTIONS B9 C 1~ND D 0~ SEC~'~ON 10, CH~~E~. 4, T~TT,E 6 OP° THE ARROYO GRA~TDE MUN~CIP~1L C~DE RELAfiING TO GARBAGE COLLEC'I'ION RAT~S . _ CTTY COUNCTIr OCTDBER 25, 7:977. ARROYO GR~11V~E,. CALTFORNIA PAGE 2 On m~t~on of Coune~Iman Schl~geZ, secQnclec~ by Couneilman SFie~l~ng and on the ~ollowr~ng rall call. ~rote, ~cs v~r~:t: AYES~... COLIIZCZ11lt~T1~~ Sp~.E3:1..~.S~CJ y~~ GC~.L~RC~d1P.Y' J~ a~A~d11F'rgel~y Nt~,l.l.i~ anc~ May~or~~ ~de Leon~ . NOES. None AB~ENTs None the foregoing ardinance was pa~sed ancl adopted tY~i~ 2Sit1~ day October, 197,7e I~UNIo COLIIE AMEND, - ADQPT ORDINANCE - REZ(31V~ 7?-10~,- So ALL~TNE' R~B3 'I'O R1 City Attomey S~a~pse3r read th~ t~.tle of an o~clznance ~nending tk~e Zoning ~tap tY~e l~uni~ipal Cade so a~ to rezt~xz~ g f~'om "RAB3" to "R1 property at 155 Soe Alpine Str~et; therea~terr a mot~on-wa~ made ~ Gounei]snan Schleg.e3., seconded by Ce~ur~~a.ln?~n Sp~erling and unanirncsu~]:~r carrsed, to d~.sp~n~e with reading the balance of thi:s orc~inan~ee O1~DINAT1tCE NOo 1~iFi C m a a AN ORDINANCE OF THE CIBI'YY OF ARR~S~O GR~NDE A1~I~1t1I3Il~iE~ A POR°I°I(lAi OF' TFIE Z013TNfC NIAP OF" '~HE CTTY (DF ARROY-O GRANP?E REFEItREI1 TO IN ~EC';P~t~I'~' e 302 OP° TT'i'I,E 9, CI~APTER 4 OF ~.'H~ ~1~CIPAL' CODE SO P;S TO REZONE CERT~I2N PROPER~:'Y TN P.L'IiE CIT3t OE° .~RROYO GRA~iD~ . On rnot~..~n ~.~'Coun~il~n Spierl~ngy ~econded by Coun~ilman Ga13.agher and oss ~he ferllos~irig ~all call wot~D t~ wr~.t: AYF~. C~aun~i~ra Spie~l~nc~, Gal]:agh~~°,_ ~~hl~egel, Mil~.~:s and May~r de Leori NO~S : 1~T~ne; ~ENri' e l~Tone ~~r~o~ng Ordin~.r~ce raas, pa~~~r~ and ad~ap°~e~1. this 25t~x da~r ~f October, 1977, ~OI~T RE~OLLT"CZON CO.I~NiENl?~NG G`. BENI~TE~'T ~OFi HTS SERtiIC~ T~ ~IiE CI7'Y FIRE IIEPT.- Aelmini~trator Butch read a r~solu~ion ~n faall, c~mm~nding Geral.d Bennett ~c~r his 35 g~ears of ~errrice in ~F~,e Cit~' ~ F~.re D~partment, from which he is ~~tir~ngm Mra Benrn~tt w~.~ pre~en~ and pra~.~ed th~ ~~:tq's F~re Departm~nt. RES~Ltt°rY~~i 1~Oa ~ 13n4 7l RESOI~U`I'TON O~' Ti3~ C~'I°3C 'C~TTJI~TC~`I,` ~DE~' ~~~'°I°5t OE° ~C714~ GR.ANDE CON~13~3~1~7G GER.~iI~D BENNE°I'~ F°~R fiT~ ~EFi~IC~S TO THE CT~'Y OP° ARRQY~ ~RANDEm On motion o~ Counc~.lm~n M:i.ll~~, ~ecc~ndee~ by ~c~uncilm~n ~pierling aaxd on the ~ollcswing roll call votep to wi°~e ~YES: Counciln~en Spierl~:ng, G~llagh~:z°, Schlee~el:, Mxllis and Mayor- de I,eon NOE~se None ~SSENT: None the f~r~going Resolu~ion w~s passed and adopted thi~ 25th day of Octaber; 1977. PRO~RES~ REPORT - AGAICUI,TURAL LA1~TD~a C4~NITTTEE MEE"I°I1~TG - SPIERLTNG Ce~unc~;]in~n Spierling repo~°ted on the October 13th meeting of the Agrieultural L~nds Com~nittee, stating that after c~is~u~sion, tYre City S~aff was requeste~l to prepare materials that wcruld help the Comm~ttee define couanerca.all~r productive agricultural land. The Ccm~mitt~e raas in agreement that efforts ~hould be<directed t~wrard the land that is commerc~ally va.~le anrl pr~ductive, It wa~ alsc agreed that the City ~taff prepa~e mat~rials to help the Co~mrnittee determine when such lancl is not c~mnte~cia~ly viable and capable ~f'active produc~ione- The Committee generaZly felt that if such Iand is n~t capabZe of produeing in an economic unit, then be£ore the land is taken aut of prcadu~tion and pu~ into hou~ing, the citizens af the conununity sho~ald have an opp~rtunity to cl~oose as t~ wheti~er they would. like to purchase this Iand for opea~ space or c~ther use. The next meet3ng will be in tlie middle of ,next month and a r~co~nendation frcim tk~ Cc~nunittee should be< forthcoming by th~ deadline prev~.ou~ly set by th~ Couneilm P,PPOINTMElti'T OF REP m TO H(?USZNC3 ADVISORY & BL1?G'~, ~1PPEA~S B~IARD - I~ELD OVER Appointment of a repz°e~en~ative to fill the ~acancy on the Housing Advisar~r and Buiiding Appeals B~ar~l raas helel ~~er. The previousi~r sugg~st~d pe~sc~ ha~s atrn?ed outside of the C~.ty, - -~~'t`~ CITY ~OLT1~iCIL ~TO~ER 25,_ 1377 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORI~TTA gp,~~, 3 AUTHORIZE WORKINCa' PLAN~ I~OR COMMiJNITX ~t7I~,DIIrTT~ ~~E?~35~ON °~he C~unci3: reviewed rec~nmer~dat~~ris fz°om th~ Cammur~~.°~y B~~,ldi.ng C~~sm~:tt~e and Park~ & Recreat~:on Commi~~ion, .~th~t prelgmin~ry wa,~lc~ng plan~ b~ au°tk~or~zed for °the Commun~~Cy Bui~dimg ezepans~,~n,- 7'he e~°ti~sa°te~ ce~st is 225 0- P,ft~r Co~ncil discussionq a moticsn wa~ mad~ Yay Counc~lman M~lli~, seconc~~d ~y Co~,ncglman Spierling and unanimaus].y carried, authorizing prelimin~ry ~r~~°~c~.xag }~laras be made for the Commun~:~y Buildin~ expar~sion o- RECEIi~T OF QUARTERLY REPORT m COI~lNIUNI'I°ll~ I3U~I,I)ITTG ~7~E The Co~nc~:I ~eceived and revie~red th~ Cozr~r?~~°~3~ ~~~~el~ng ~s~ ~~pca~°t f~ar the secmnd q~zar°ter c~f 1977, wh~ch ~1~raw~d tha°t ~~854 pe~s~n~ h~d b~en at the bu~lda.ng du~~ng thi~ period._ REPt~FtT ON RECENT TOUR O~' CI'i'3~ PARK F'~1~~L2'~IE~ The Co~znc~l reviePaeed a~°epar°t on a~~cer~°t t~.o~~ b~r ~ark~. & R~c~eatior~ Comma.~sionerss o~ °th~ ~~fte~n Ci:ty p~.rk~ ancl l~nd~c~p~ ~reas ~xrs~.~~° th~ COm~ttis~~on's ~urisd~.c~ionm PUBLIC HEARTNG - BUaI1~TESS I.~ICEN~E RP;TE ~1~C~:~S~ AeTniinis°tr~tor Bu°~ch r~~rie~red °~he major c~ange~ ~~a ~he propos~c~ ~az~iness ~icen~e Ord~n~nce, inc]:~da.r~g licersse ~~e inc~eas~s anc~ ~lh~ adcli~.~~na~L r~v~nu.e tha:s would g~nera°te ce~np~~ed ~o ~l~e ~lcl M~ym~ de ~e~n ap~nec~- ~e ~ea~~ng a~~er bea~ng °t~lel it had been p~°op~r~.y r~~°t~~eclo ~i~o Hug~ll D ~°~°~a~~. a~ex°~~iant ~n ~h~ C~.~~r, ~~~ue~°~e~ ~ ~opyr ~~E the ~ull O~~in~r~ce o- Jen~ Wagner stat~cl h~s ~~pp~~~ th~ . prope~~~~ ~Ya~ge- a~ ir~~~ea~~: is mi~~.mala D~~r~d i~o~m~s, qa~~~~ion~c3 ~ow tY~~~ ~il.~ af~ec~ t~ae Bu~~.nes~ ~par?cing f~~s ~nd ~~~~~d ~u~ tha~ ~lze D~~t~ F~~~~C~,~nc~ ~d~r~~or3r ~~d vs~~.l kae re~~~al~uati.r~c~ ~1~~ ~~rrent }~ark~ra~ ~p~~~~ ~rnd m~~ ~~~~ze~~ ar~ ~x~~r~~~e ~s~ ~h~ futu~e t~ g~ner~°te adc3~~~~~a1 9E~ds f~a~ p~°l~~,n~.. T~~r~ being xao ~~~e~lae~ ~p~l co~en~ I?~~~a~ d~ Le~r~ el~~~~~ec3 ~he he~r~ng ~~oseda ~ae C~unc~1 di~c~x~~~d ~a~~~~s ~sp~et~ c~f ~~a~ }~~~pcs~~r3 B'~i~~raes~ ~~'cen~e Orda.n~r~c~ o Co~n~~;l:~n~r~ ~~ll~c~h~~° a~~,~d pro~is~on~ ~a~ ~,rac~~porat~cl ~nto- tYae Ord~,n~ne~ to px°¢shib~~ the p~~ac~m~a~~ ot c~~~~~~,t~ ~en~l~~¢~ n~a~h~~c~~ ~ra un~ttend~cl ar~~~, i~ at~ ~ffo~t t~- ~~x~~~.~.1 y~u~~h~s~ o~ ~Y~~~ette~ by m~n~~se Cot~n~Ylrnarz NlilY~~ s~a~~ci ~e wro~xld ~ike ~ko s~e mo~ey ~°~c~i~~d ~~~m °the ~u~~a~e~s lic~n~e ~e~~ ea~~r?~~d pre~mo~i~n of th~~ ~~~y' ~ b~~in~ss~~ o C~°~~r A~t~rr~ey Sh~p~ey `w~~ °~h~x~ c~ia~~~tecl °t~ prepar~ B~z~~;~~~~ L~;~e~a~e O~cl~~~nc~9 a~ d~;~cu~sec~ ~d st~~i.~d, to i;ncl~xc7:e i~ po~~i~s~e, ~Ya~ r~~~~i~ts~on on p~~~e~~z~~ o~ c~~~rett~ ~r~nd~.ng ma~h3r~e~ a~ eli:~~u~~~c~ ~ve o PiJAI~~C H~~NG - f~E~01~~ 77~1a3, S. ~RAE°~'3~ ~7.`~~~ ~B3 ~t~ m ORDe RE~I3~I~T(~ Ci~y Pl~nr~er Suli~van ~ev~ewres~ ~~th °the C~~c~.l ~he rec~~~.c1a~i¢~n of the: Plann~.ng Co~ni~sa.on to rezon~y f~c~an "'R~3" ~o '~~1 a pr~~e~t~ ~t 57~ an~1 579 So. Traff~c W~y, a~ requ~~°ted b~r Ra ~.~t~hie ancl Em Ki~°~l~ym 1~Iay~~ cle I~eon declared tYse h~a~ing open a~°te~ }~~ing ass~z~e~l ~°t Ys~d b~en ~a~~per~:~r na~~~~clo Ma~~e Cattoir, C~t}~ resicl~r~°t aa~d Mrm Co De~ra f 6~ ~`~~af~i~ Tn~~~9 }a~i~l~ ~taited the~r were r~ot oppo~~d to the ~rezor~~nc~, lcang c~~~~ n~~ ~~ad -~a~a~.lding of apartments ir~ th~ futu~e. C~t~r ~~~~f ~ss~s~~d t~~~ t~at ap~°tt~~r~°~~ cc~ul.d not be built in an "R1" di~t~icto There be~.ng no ftsrth~r p~bl~~ dis~u~s~~np ~ya~ ~,e~n, cle~~a~~e~ t~~ h~a~ing clcs~eda Af~er C~ur~~il d~s~azs~~:~ny G~~y A~.°~~~ney~ ~h~p~e~r ~ead, f~r ~.ts f3r~t x°eadiza~p °the ~~.tle an O~din~r~ce axnend~~ae~ th~ ~a~~~°~ ~o~i~a~ Map so as to rez~ne, ~rom "I2P,,B3" , ta "R°9 " 8 certaa~r~ p~ope~°~~ ~Y~e ~~ty a A m~~tion w~:s then m~de by Councilman ~allaghe~°a ~e~onc~ed b~ C~~~~~atian ~}~~e:~ling ~nd ~ani- motas~.y ca~°ried, to dispens~ w~.th re~d~:ng °the balance of °~h~:s ~9rdin~nc~o REVIEW OF° LEGISLA7.'TVE BtT'LLETIAT~ F~tOM ~EAGLiE OF° ~.~I,IFOEtN~A C~TIE~ fihe Counc3.1 re~ri~~ved tMe la°te~~ Legi~la~i~r~ ~~?~~.e~t~ns ~~com °~h~ Le~~ue o~ ~atl~,fornia Citie~, ~,vYtich gave th~ sta~tu~ ~f ~ra~~~~~ ~~11~, ~n~lu~l~.ng thos~ signed inte~ la~rr. Cca.unc~lman Gallagher r~qu~~~e~ ~~t- ~e Ci•ty Attorz~ey px°eser~t the Coun~~l ~vith a breal~dowm of P.B 533 (r~vi~ioxa of anr~eac~t~c~n },a~rs} , arid S~ 201 (dedic~stion of l~nd ~rrid fees by dev~l.ope~~ fo~ ~:r~°t~ri~n ~~hc~c~l ~it~~) e No~ice was ~lsea r~ceivecT o~ °the quarte~ly meet~ng o~ ~h~e Ch~n~l ~~un°~~~~ Divi~a~~~ ~f the League, to be he~d in Fo~t Fiu~n~me-on N~vember 4t~o CI°FY C~UNCiL~ O~~~i~~13 25, 1977 13RROY0 GRANDE~ CALTFORNIA ~T1~GE ~ REPORT - I~ETTNL;: OF S~N T,UTS ~BISFO COm Fs~l3 C~L7~~~:C~ ~O`7T' s m sP~E1~Y.,IIITG Councilman Spierling repor°ted on the Octob~~ 20°th ~n~~t~.rag of th~ A~°~a Council of GoverrYments a Various item~ hac~ be~r~ ~1a~~~~ssec~ and ap~src~ve~ re~.a~ing to the Paso 1'~obles area. The Senic~r Vari ~roje~te~ ~n~ur~n~~ praY~l~ns l~ad also been d3.scussed and only liabi~ity cosrerage a.s nca~a b~~ne~ ~a~r~~e1 ~~r th~ van~ e ~nfo~°mation had also been rec~.i.ved °that ~Y~e ~R~1 ha~ ~~l~d law~u~t~ ~.gainst se~reral Northern California C~un~ie~ reg~rding ~r~srt~~ ~~e~~as~;~ x~eeds, a~hic~ ~ould bloke SB 325 funds to those c~untie~o C~uncs~lin~ ~pierls.ng al~o p~~r~~ecl aut tYtat AF3 4U2 and SB 843, wnich h~ve been ~~;gned is~~~ ~:~~a~. va~l~ ~Tce- dr~~t~c c~anges in the transportation pl~nnine~ p~s~~~~~ ar~c~ w3~~: h~,v~ an affe~t ~n this ar~~ and m~y affect the amount of S~ 325 Ynon~.e~ ~e~~~v~o 1~TOTICE OF° HEARTNC~ RE. AFPEP;L QN C(~NDIT~OI~7~. OF° IgOT ~~I,~T `~~~27~~~jTI9~~~I~T) e 11/$/77 The Counc%1 was informed tl~a~ a p~zk~l~~ Y~~~~~.n~ h~~ been ~e~ ~or 8 P.Mo on Noveml~er 1977, to consider the app~al fil~d by ~~ri~ard ~To Sullivari relatirag to certain conc~iti~ns on his ~,p~~t N~o 77~2`~9, ~}~pa~o~ed l~y tYae Planning Commission. 1~TC~TT`CE OF I~EARING - REZONE 7"7-°~ 11 63 ~ o ~I~PII~ o~°! f 8/`3°~ Th~ Council was- in~ormed tha°t ~ p~~Yi~ h~~~~~a~ ha~ }~~~n ~~t for 8 PmMb on l~ovember 8, 1977, to con~id~r th~ I~laran~ne~ Ce~~~,~~ior~e~ ~~~~~aner~dat~~n ~o rezone Case No> 77-111,: 163 S> Alp~n~, f~~ 10~~89 "~,°~"`o 1~RO~RE~S REI~ORT - SOU'PH COtINTY TR~TSIT S~~~l~i m~~I~~~i~ Coixs~c~lman Spierling and Adm~~~,s~~~~or B~t~~ ~~~i~w~~d ~ p~posal ~~eated ~h~ ~outh G~un°t~r Trans S~s°~etto S°tue~y ~ ~ t~aa~~ ~t ~y~~~m an the ~outh Coun~.~r, as follo°s~~s : ~'h~ ~an Lui~ ~~~.~~}~~~~~t~;on ~~~?pany wo~.ld ~urr~~.~h two ~~m25 p~.~~eng~r ~uses, p1~as a m~c~~-~~ ~~~~~mu~sy t~ pg~~s ~xp pas~ea~gers on ~i~eed route m A°twro ye~r~ ~~ntr~c~ r~ro~lcl c~~~t' ~~4C y~~~e ~~~~D with a~nemy~ar p~~al.°t~ c7Lause, `~hich ~rould put ttfl~~ ~o~~~ d4 D OCBQ ~ p~x~a~~:~ ~rat~t~e~ and ~~~.~~portation company v~roul,d ~~~~°e t~~ ]a~~. ~~~~r ~°tl ~ a 280 e~~ b~ cc~llected by th~ t~°anspor~~tion c~mpan~a A pr~~~~~ ~a~~,~~ p~wov~~~ ~g~~~ea~~ °°t::a ~st~la~~h the E~~~re Git~:e~ T~~.nsit System was ~lso re~~ew~d~ ~c~~~~ to ~~~1~ ~xa~i~y wo~1d be ba~ed o~ popult~°~ion, using SB 90 estaLm~~Le~ o~ ~?~nua~~ ~ a u 9`~7 ~~i,~~ C~,ty of 2~r~~yo G~~r~de's percen~.age be~.ng 38, TYse~e~o~~? t~e ~~ty'~ ~hare r~rould be aPP~ox~anately ~39 ,~89 u~i.ng 3~5 £unds ~nritYtout the pexsa~°~y ~l~us~ g~~r~g a,~at~ e~~~~to I~ is h~p~d t~ g~t the system ~ta~°ted ~p a~ter tY~e r~~~~ yea~ o ~e Council wtas in general a~reem~a~t ~i~~, ~h~ p:~°~~o~a~,o Coun~~lman ~all~gher suqgest~d that th~ mexr~e~~hip a~ tY~~ ~~~r~~t ~~rs~~~ra Cor~ra~tte~ be e~panded to include merchant~ ancl ~a~~~~ wahsa z~r~ulc~ b~ ~a~~.ng ~e systennd REPBRT - RECENT- ZOI3E 3 ADVISt~RS~ C~TT~~ ~E~Y~T~ NY~:~~~5 Coun~iLnan M~.lli~ reported on the O~°t~~i~~ 20 D 197`7 Zon~ 3 Aelvi~o~ Comanittee meeting, stating there was a_ g~ea°t in~~eas~ ir~ ~~~~rau~ ~ec~~ve~: at the Lopez Rec~eation A~°ea. The lake-w~s ~ f~e°~ l~e~~w t~~ ~p~~~ a~ Oct~ber 1977 0 I,engthy discussian had been held on a pr~va~e ~~a~~e~~~.on p~~po~al ~~r ~~aaa~ter sl~deo 1~I'IUNT . CODE g1N1END ORD . g3DOPTION - DLJ~; Tr~'A~~ ~P,~'~S &]EQIJ~, LO~EZ CFi~hRGES FOR MULTIPLE DWELLTNG5 Administrator B~xtch ~°eviewred ~,r~.th tYae Co~nc~~ ~h~ ~rc~~.n~.nce p~epared pursuant. °to stud3r sessions held by the C~~~r ~~~n~i;~ 9~c~ ~~~~~Sli~h elual. tirater rates and equal3ze the Lopez charge~ to b~ th~ s~~ ~or ~ac~ ap~~~~n°~ un~.t,. m~tel unit, etco a~ tor btzsine~ses ancl ~ine~~e ~.~e~~~~ne}se A~~e~ Co~n~~l d.~scuss~on, City lattorney Shipsey read tne t~ti~ of o~e3~,~~~~e ~~~d~r~g th~ lyt~i~ipal Code ~o a.~ °to artter~d water and I~ope~ rat~s> A m~~~~r~ ~a~~ ~~a~~s rrt~cle by ~aun~~lman ~pierling, secanded hy Counc~lrnan Gall~gl~~~ ~~d ur~~x~~~a~~~ly ca~r~.ec~, tc~ d~~p~nse with reading the balance of th~.s Ordinar~~~. ORD I1V1~hTCE NO o 16~ C.~ e AN ORDTNANCE OE' ~°HE CI~ OF I~~2ROY0 ~~DE ~nTI7I1~TG THE' ARROYO GRP,NDE 1~it7NI~IF?~ CODE ~?~3'~~1V~ 'I'~ TFiE ARROYO GRANDE CITSI C~iA"rE;I2 RA~'E~ P,1V~9 ~I~ ~O~~Z ia7P,'I'~7[~ CHARGES' BY ~NIENDTNG CIi~~EEt 7 OF` Fi, ~EC~TON 6-7 . 01 c`x ANI? SCHEDULE OF 5~C`~'~ON 7~Fi , Q~ g m: ~ C~~'`Y ~C)iJNCT~ OC°IOBEEt 25 ~ 1`977 PiRROY~ GRANDE, Cg1LTF~RNTA P~~~ 5 On ntot~on of C~~ncilman Scl~leg~1, ~ec~a~ci~d ~3~ ~~~rs~a;3~~r~ ~~a~~rl.~ng ar~d on the fol~mwrin~ ~oll ~all vot~, to ~ai~: AYES : Co~nc~lman Spi~rl~ng, Ga~3a~~a~~~ SchZe~~~1 y 1~~1'~.~ ~s~~i Nia;yc~~ c~e Leon NOE~ e IVat~e ABSEN`F e . None the for~going Orc1~,~~ce e,ra~ pa~sec~ and ad~ap~ec~ ~Y~~~ 2~~th cia~ of ~~~~b~~ g~~77 . F'LTRTHEI3 12EP(3RT 12Eo ACQtJIS~~IOi~T O~" PR0~0~~1~ ~~3IV~~I~1G ~~~lU m~IE~17 O~Yt Aa`lz~i~.nistra~or B~tch reqaz~~~~ci tha't fu~~h~~ d,~~~a~~~~oa~ ~eq~rciia~gC a~qus~it~~n of property a~ th~ Sot~th C~ty LiTn~.t~ ~n E1~ S°~~°e~~~ for a p~~g~o~~~i ponding ]aasin, be he~d ove~ ~ntil II~~~~t~~ o9E Fu~~~~ ~'o~~e~ A~~l~r~eara ~~n be pr~~ento ~~xov~ ~~.cEL r~ ~,~~t~m32~ ~ Er~rs s~~~~ (~ox~~~zv~ . Cit~ Engir~eer ~~~p revi~w~d ~itFi tla~ Co~~~l ~~opy P~~~~, ~I~~ P,G77m326d ref~ectirae~ a four pa~cel .~.at. ~pb~°t (~~s~ riT~. 77-27~)- or~ e~~~ ~i~l~ o~ ~~u~tka ~1m S°tr~et between Pop~.ar and Map1~ ~t~e~t~-a ~equ~~~~cl ~o~ ~pp~o~~7. b3r El.l~r~ J'.~hn~on (La M~rsna) o Afte~c° Co~ra~i~: c~is~~~i~a~, a anot~;~n ~r~~ ~aac~e by Caunc~linan Sp~erl~ngq seconded by C~unc~l Ga~lagh~~ ancl unanim~~~l.~ ~a~~°~~¢~a ~s f'~~l~ws. 1) kccep~ting a~a behal~ of the p~l~;c', t~a~ ~t~~p o~'f'er~d ~or ele~~~~°~~:on £~r ~tr~~~ widenina~, ~ubject to ~e~rcple~t~or~ ~f the r~q~ir~ecl ~prc~~res~~nts ~~t~.~f~~°t~~ ta °the Depart~ari~n°~ of Pu}alic Works of ~he Cit~ ~:f ~~~°c~y~ ~~~n~~a F°~r~a~~.ng tha°~ th~ con~truct~ora o~ ~urb, gutter, sid~~ral~C ~rsd ~~n~~~ p~~a~ ~:loa~g °th~ ~1~ Street ~rontage P~rcel ~ a.~ a neces~a~ p~~re~~~it~ the ~rcle~~~r d~~~lopment ~f ~.he ~~r~~~ne~~.~g a~~~. 3y R~qa~i~~r~~ the ~fo~~~en~~~r~~~ ~an~t~~~~~:~~ ~o be p~~~~~°m~d ~~~h~r? o~a~ ~re~~ foi~~w~ng °~h~ a~a~a~~~~~ th~ arz~~ ~.a~l~ori~~ng th~ P~~ye~r to e~e~~u~.e °~h~ ~m~~ove~n~ A~~~~ane~a~ ~m b~~s~~~° c~ ~.Yi~ ~~t~rd 4~ ~°~.~adia~~} 1?~~~1 ~iap A~`37~325 ~o be c~~~.~terat wr~.~~ t~~ ~,i~~~~ ~~~e~~~ ~~d ~on~r~gs ~d 5) ~APa~o~~~ag ~~~c~ Par~~l M~~o ~~~~r~ o~° r~~T ~voo ~7~2~a a x~~ 7~~ ~~que~~edg ~~ns~dle~at.~,~n L~~t ~~a~,~,~ l~~0 7°7~2~0, Pa~~~~; Nta~ ~,G77~195F wr~~ h~~c1 o~r~r, P~P~~.2OiTAZ, U~ FINAL TR~C~ 1~P 679 Q~fi~I~~~~9 ~ I~EI,D 0~12 Fis ~~q~a~~ted, ~~r~~~de~at,~~n c~~ the ~i~~~, map ~~a~~ Ne~a ~7~ r~r~s hel;d cs~er e ~cc~~T ~~~zov~~~~ ~°o~ ~o~ _ x~~~ ~-~~~u~~~ ~/a~~°~7 c~z~~~~~~ Ci~y Eng~r~~~r IC~~ ~~pe~~t~ed °~Y~~~ the .~mp~o~~~a~~t~ ~n 602 ~re aao°~ r~ad~r yet ~or ~~cep°t~nce a Iie reque~t~~T y h~~a~~~~ e'tY~~~ ~h~ ~o~n~~,~: m~n~te~ fo~ its J~aly 2~, °C 3`~~ in~eting be ~cs~r~~~t~d in ~eg~~c~ to ~~p~o~ral o~ ~,Ya~ ~~na~. m~p ~'o~° °~h~s `~r~~~, °to sllc~w ~e Courn~il cant~~ta~t~~sr~ t~~ ac~~p°~~ac~ o~ impx°o~remer~t~ ura~~l su~h t~.me ce~~~~a~ ~on~~~~~~~~x~ ~or~ee~~~,~r;~ m~d~ a~e~tion mf ~vi~b, gut°ter and ~~,de~~l~ m ~he k~ad ka~~n ~pps~~ved as r~commended by °the C~t~ Engi~~e~ g]but ac~~p~tar~~~ o€ t~~ ~~a~s~o~r~e~ats l~~d b~~ra held over, raYsi~h ~he m~nut~s ~ailed to ~e~l~~°~e A~~~r ~~un~~l cl~~~~~~~;~ne a m~t~on was made }~~r C~~anc~lman M~11~~, ~~~on~~d b~ Co~~~1in~.ra ~~11~~h~r ar~ci un~n~mo~sly ~~r~i~e~y ~~~°re~~ting the C~~°s~~:l m~..~~t~~ o~ ~~x1y 26, ~~77 y l~~ge 59 Pa~~graph ~ne, by ci~1e~~~a~ °the ~~l~.ow~ng f~eoFn ~he C~~s~~i~; a~o°~~~ne ° o 0 o m o acceptingp on beh~lf c~f th~ ptzbl~,~~ the ~.mp~°e~v~r~e~~~ ~~~~~~~~e~l a~ rec~t~~.r~aents ~O 'tl'le ~u~l~r7oSa.Ong o 0 o a n G~P,N`.P P~TA~I`ER ~ER~TICE ~'O 2:5°7 ~ 2~0~ ~I~~I~~~'~" ~I2~BER°~`a0I~1) STJ~~~CdI° TO ~TI+T~~o (eQ~LhT~]:3~' The Cotxncil ~~acl a le°ti~er f~om ~7ohn E m I2~9a~~t~~a2 y~equ~~°ti~g waa~~r ~e~r~ce °ko 25°7 and 261 Hil].cre~°t Driv~ 3 A m~r~¢~~aa~d~n rrc~~t~~~ ~r~an ~he I~~~e~~o~ o~ Public, I~torks raas alscs re~cl, ~°eccsmme~d~~~ ~~~e~ ~~r~r~~e t~ tka~ p~~~~l~g ~~~e~t to a let~er from Robertsen ~eques~~r~g anne~at~onm Aft~~ ~~~ac~l c1~~~a~~~~n,- a mo°~~on was made l3~ Councilman Millis, ~econded b~ Coaz~~ilrnan ~~~;l~c~h~~ ancl ~n~n~moax~ly carriedy grantxrag John E. R~be~tson a~rat~~ ~ne~~r fo~ ~h~ ~u~°t c~mplet~el ho~se at 257 I~illcrest Drive and a~rat~x° m~~e~ for th~ ~~on ~o b~ c~evel~xreei lo~t at 2Fi1 Hillcrest Dr~v~, wi~h th~ ur~clers~and~ng ~at Y~~ ~~g~a ~ pro}~~~9 le~al Ccav~~.ant to be drav~m ixp by ~he C~.ty 1~ttoY°riey stat~n~ tha~ Ya~ ~nr~~.l r~o~ opp~s~ ana~~~~i~sa~ tc~ t~he CitSr of A~eroyo ~rande e REPORT - REC,EN~° WATE~.2 AS~OC~A~~Ol~ C~N1M~T'T~E 1~~`~~1~~ m~P~~FtIa~1~T~ Councatlman Spie~ling r~p~~~:~+d ~n th~ ~e~~n°t Wa~er A~soc~;a~.i~n C~~na.t~te~ meet~,ng of Oc~~ber 6, 1977a Rep~~ts li~d ~a~~~s ]h~~~d ~r~m C~u~~~ ,~~~s~nx~~l. on exi~ti.r~g condition~ 3n- the Arra~ro Gr~ncle G~e~~c3~~:te~ ba~~~ o He c1~~pl~y~ee1 ~ map which aras ~hovvn at that me~~~.ng, ~~d,i~a°t~ng th~ ~aour~~ ~f ~nra~~r °~Tie b~~~.n has datmin3shed froxn last y~~ar to no~nr, CITY C~UNCIL O~'~G)I3~R 25, 19?fi ARRQYO GRA1~iDE, CALIFORNIA ETAGE 6 Discu~sion had been held regardiaag th~ E°~ather R~ve~ Water Project and the AoG. Groundwater Basin adjudicationo An addita:on~]: meeting r~gard~:ng adjudicatian will be held this Thursday, a°t ~rh~ch tim~- a p~es~ntat~~n w~.ll be made by State Water Control members, who have just f~n~:~hed ~ report of adjudi- cation for Scottsdalem ~he City Council reaffirmed its po~i~ion in ra~~hi~ag to proceee3 writh adjud,ication of-the groundwater bas3.n. AGCEPT EASEMENT ON BR:TSCO I~ILL (DUFFIN~ LEVTI~TE, STIJ1~0 & C~~CGI) Admini.strator Butch reported ~h~~t four e~.sement cleeds h~,ve been received for a drainage easement- necessary to conduct the dr~~:raage va~ter £'rom I3~,l:lcrest Drive ~to Newpcsrt Avenue:.- After CQUncil di~cu~sion, ~~ot~,on-was m~c1e by Council- man Spierling, seconded by Coun~ilman Mill~.s and uaxan~~~z~l.y ca~~fed, au~oz°izing the Maye~r and eity Clerk to sig~,- on behalf o~ ~he City, Certificates of-Acceptance for Eas~ment deeds as follows s a portie>rb of Lot 7 ixi B].csek 7 0~ Txc°t.ct No. 46, from ~homas R. and Bernadene Lm- Duffin; a}aortios~ of Lo~ 4 in Bl,oek ? of Tract Nae 46 from Kenneth R. and Gabriele Z, L;euine; a poition of Lot 6 in BTock 7 of Tract Noo 46 from Marion Mae and Woodford I,e~ Strxml~o; ~el ~~aortion of Lot 6 in Black 7 of Tract No. 4G from Frank and Jacquel~.ne Fay Garae~~. AGCEPT WATER LTNE EASEMENT ON TAL`LY HO ROAD (CLAC~G) Administrator Butch repo~ted that a grant deec~ ~esr a 2~ f~sot easem~n°~ far wrater iine purposes has been received from the Claggsp ~ah~.ch a.s r~ece~sary fc~~° the w~t~~r line beirig instalTed i,n eon,unctifln wi°~ the La Barraraca Tra~t, between ~~a~e Hiqhway-227 and Ta11y Ho Road at J~nes Waye Af°~~r C~unc~.~ diseussion~ a moti~n wras made by Cauncilman Spierling, s~cone~~d by Co~n~i];m~n Schl~g~i a.~d ~nanimcaus].y carried, authoriz~r~g ~.he M~.yore arad ~i~~r ~ler~~C ~o ~igx~, on bel~lf of ~h~ Cityn a Certificate of Acceptance ~ar a~~ant Deed f~om Rus~el]. Hm ~dl T~~ V~nda S, C]:agg for a 20 ~oot easement for r~ate~ ]:ine p~~pos~s, be~ng a 2G faat v~ri~?~ ga~o]:ong'ation `of a-s~~~.~m of", 3:anc~ 20- ~ee~ •~ride 'a~w~~~ b~r ~:~i~- G~~y: o~ A~rcvyo ~~°aYxd~, ~~co~d~c~ .~n `B~~C ~88 .at ~3a~~ `.35E? of G~~~cia~. Ree~~~~ a,nel ks~a.rag' ~ °p~rtion c~f ~he~Fac~.fic Goast Railway r~.g~it of v~aye. I~E'~~~II~ OF` APPRECIATION - REV.. LORENZ Th~ Counci3 received and read a lett~~ f~~m 12ev~r~nd La~r~r I;orenz of ~rr~yo ~rar~de, raherein: he- stated hi~ apprec~.ation ~or ~tY~~ w~.~ th~:~ C~ty handles it~ g~vernmental activities> Z7~UiJS GO1~LA.INT~ ~1ND COMMENTS - JOHNS~N Mrs. Ellen Johnson, South Elm Stree~t, rnadi~ ~a~°~esus ~o~~n°~~ and complaints ~egax°ding mand~.tory garbage pickup; the po~~ cox~~t-ion csf the C~.ty ° s street trees; . ~the empt~ redwoad planters in tlie Viliage ax°ea; encoura~ing the ~zse of la~rman's lar~guage as suggested by Councilman Gall~.e~her~ tlze bad sme&1 ancl °t~ste o€ the water; and an ineident she= observed where c~gare°t~es we~e purcY~a~ec~ ~S~ a m~nor.. R~COriIl~ENDATION5 OF COUNCILMAN GALLAGHER Councilman Gallagher asked tha~ can~~.de~at~.~n be g~.~en t~ h~ve Pol~ce vehicles identified as "Police Servi~e~" ~a°thex°°than Police Dep~rtment, wrhich he ~tates many other cities are doing< ~he rnatt~r ws~l.l be studied with Po~i~e Chief Clark, He also recommended a stucly session be held on th~ ~ea~ibil~ty oP h~.ring a g~°ant w~riter in a joa.nt venture with o°~her citi~~ or b~ th~.s ~~.ty alone. Councilman Millis requested a repQrt on wrhat other ~i°tie~ ar~ do~.ngo- REQUES'1' FOR STATtJS REPORT RE. SIGNALS AT GF2~tY) ~ C?AK PARK - SCHL;E~EL Tn answer to Councilman Schlegel.'s reque~t ~or a~tatus report, G~.ty Engineer Karp explained that the in:stallation o~ signal~ at tY~e Oais. Park BQUlevard/Grand Avenue intersection is still another six weeks off, be~ause of a delay in getting necessary hardware. PERMTSSION TQ BE ABSENT FROM STATE - GALLA~H~R ~n motion of Councilman Schlegel, se~ondecl by Counca.}.m~n ~p~erling and unanimously carried, Councilman Gallaghe~ wras g~a~teeT p~~°m~,ssion to b~ absent f~om the State of Cali£ornia during the month af Nove.anber, 1977e AUIOURNMENT On motion of Couneilman Spierlirig, ssconded b~ Cauncilanan G~.13.~gher and unan3mously carried, the meeting adlaurned at 9:25 Pel~i;.~ ATTEST- CI'~'Y' CLERK ' 1~lAYQR