Minutes 1977-11-08 4~1 CI°~Y COIINCIL NOVEMBER 8, 1977 ARR.~YO GRANDE, CAI,IFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Gabe de Leon presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members A1 Spierling,aiid:~Mark Millis reported present. Counc~.l Members Matthera Galiagher, Jr., and Calvin Schlegel. were absent. PLEDGE OF AI,LEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor de Leon led the Pledge of A1legiance to our Flag; and ammediately thereafter, Councilman Millis delivered the invoaatian. ~PItOt1AL OF MINUTES The minutes for the regular meeting of October 25, 1377, were approved a~ preparede APPR0~7P,L OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Cauncilman Millis and ~xr°b~.isnously carried, General Warrants No. 7397 through No. 7483, in the total ~~unt of $22,412.18; and Payroll Warrants No. 10046 throuqn No'. 1U136, in the to~~]. ~ntount of $45,504030, were approved and ordered paid. ~1Qi7~TATION TO PART~CIPATE IN ANNUAL ROCK-O-RAMA - MORRO BAY: 11/1:~/77 The Co~ncil received and read an invitation to partscipate in the 18th` ~~x~~~3. Rock-o-Rama Parade on November ~:2, 1977 in Morro Bay. ~~~~I,P,MP,TTON -"NATTONAL VETERANS'' REMENiBRANCE MONTH" - NOVEMBER~ 1977 0 Ma~aor de Leon proclaimed the month of November, 1977, as "National ~'~~~~ans' Remembrance Month" in ~he City of Arroyo Gran~e, as reguested by ~c~ano'F°ive Cities Elks Lodge Noe 2504. ~~EIPT OF MINi7TES - CHANNEL COUNTIE3' DIV. OF LEAGUE MEETING The Council received and reviewed the minutes of the August 5, 1977'` m~~~°ing of the Channel C~unt~e~' Division of the League of Califo~nia Cities. I7~1~R.TMENTAL REPORTS FOR OCTX~~R, 1977 The Counail recea.ved, reviewed and ordered filed, the Departmental Reports f~r the month of Octobe~°, ~ 977 0 d~~DTNANCE FIRS~ REP,DING - NEW BUSINESS LICENSE ORDINANCE City Attorney Shipsey revi~wed w~th th.e Council additional ~aording he wr~~°ked out to be inclrzded in tk~e nevs $usiness License Ordinanc~'.: Tkie' additions are ~n an effort to cu~. down on the opportunities Por minors to purchase` ~i~~r~ttes frcmt vending m~chines, as requested by Councilman Gallagher. Admini:- s°trat~r Butch also pointecl out ~.hat the sections regarding vending maehines refer to °the license fee being based on a pex°centage of gross receipts, but that during study sessions the Cauncil had generally agreed a flat yearly`fee per machine` would be more feasible. The Council agreed again with the Plat fee'and di'rected that anything referring to gross receipts in this section be deleted. . Mr. Dougall, 1.ocal merchant, spoke in opposition to the`proposed license fee r~i~e. He also questioned a section of the ordz.nance regarding solicitors'and peddlersv Pursuant to his latter comments, the Council agreed to change the word "may" in Section 3-1a420, to "shall". After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read, far its first reading ~he title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code by adopting new'BUSiness` License fees and regulations, which incorporate all the changes dis~ussed above. A m~stion was then made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance: NOTICE OF PUBLTC HEARTNG REm LP,NL) USE MAP AMEI~TDMENTS: NOVEMBER 22, 1977 The Council was-~nformed that a public hearing has been set for 6 P.M. on November 22, 1977, to consider the Planning Commission's recom~nend~d amenc~m~nts to ~he Land LTse Map of.the General Plan. NOTTCE RE. DESTRUCTTQN OF INITIATIVE PET2T30NS The Council was informed that the City Clerk wiTl now destroy the f~rm~.a~d" initia~ive petifions, per Election Code Sections 3756 and 4054i Th~"initiative' was defeated by Arroyo Grande voters on May 10, 1977. 4~~ COLriVCIL NOVEMBER 8, 197? P~~OYO GRANDE, CAI,IEORN~1~ PAGE 2 ~QLTE~~ ~OIt E2EVIS~ON5 7.'~ O1~~NANCE REo PARKING OF COMMERCIAL VEHTCLES - CHIEF Ci,ARK The Council ~°evsewed a repo~°°t f~°om Police Chief Clark, request~.ng considera- t~on be given to certain revisions of Ntunicipal Code Sections 4-3:11 and 4-3012 regarcling paz°king of trucks in res~dent~,al publa.c rights of wraye He recommends ~~~:t ~~c°tion 4-3a11 be amended to be le~s- r~~trictive, so as to only restrict the pa~lc~ng of large tractor and t~ailer °truclcs from park~.ng in residential areas, ~a~h~r °than also restricta,rag pick-up t~cks and re~reation vehicl~s. He recommends ~h~t ~ection 4-3.12 be amended to ~nc~.ude the px°ohibition of parking vehicies, m~b~le home~, °trail~rs, etco ~n any part af °the City, for a continuous period ~~c~~si~r~ 72 hours, rather than just reszdent~al areas. After Council disc~us~s,on, Ci°ty At°torney Shipsey was directed to prepare ~~~~t~nts t~ ~.he Munic~pal Cod~, as re~ommended by Polti:ce Chief Clark. ~iIIE;TnI OF CRO`VN HILL & LE POINT TE~CE AFAR°I'MENfi D~VELOPMENTS Plann~ng ~irectmr Ri~ardo reviewed w~.th the Council the plans ancl various ~~~~-~~~:~~~tc~ approval~ fo~° an 11-un~.°t apartment development on Crown Hill. All ~e~~a.~~~aen~s of City Orcl~nances have been met. The matter is before the Council f~~ re~rie~r per it~ r~c~aest for all mtxltiple developments on Crown Hill.- City ~r~~~~~,.~~ ~hipsey explained °tha°t if all the laws have been followed, the CQUncil . ~~~n~~ ~eny ~he developmento Various questions were asked by the Council and ~m ~he audience, wh~.ch wer~ an~wrered by City Staff . PCS~~~C iIEARING - REZONE 77-111, °963 ALPINE, "RAB3" TO "R1°{CITY) - ORD. 1ST READ. Planning Director Castro reviewed with the Gounail the reccxinmendat~ion of Plann~ng Commis~~on to rezone, fx°om "R-A-B-3" to "R-1", property at 163 South A~,~~.~~ Street. The rezoning was ini°tiated by the City ~o eliminate a one lat spot ~~~ulting f~om several previQU~ requests to rezone adjacent properties from '~~~~i~B_3~~ to ~~R_1 m Nlayor de Leon declar~d th~ hea~ing open after being assured zt had been p~.:~~~~y no~ic~do ~'hez°e b~~ns~ no piabl,a.c d~.scussion on the matter, Mayo~ de Leon ~~~~~~~d °the h~a~ing clo~ed. A~'~t~~° ~ouncil dis~ussion, City At°~orney Shisey read, ~i~°~t ~~ading, the ti°tl~ ~f o~dinance azaending the City's Zoning Map so ~e~one, f~°c~m "R-A-B-3", Res~.d~nt~.al Agricultural Dis~x°ict, to "R-1", Single F°~~~.~r R~siden°~ial Dist~i~t, prop~rt~ at 163 So. ~;lpine Streete A motion was then ~~~t~ k~~ ~oun~iYman Spi~~°ling, se~anded by Councilman Mi11is and unanimausly ~~~~~~d, dlispense w~~h readir~g the balance of ~Y~is vrc3inance e ~ PtJB~~~ HEp.RING - APPEAL REm COI~TDITIONS ~N LOT SP~IT #?7-279 (SULLIVP,N) The Co~snc~l z°eviewr~d ~h~ app~al filed by Bernard Sullivan regarding ~~~~~~r~ c~ndi~~ons pl~a~d ~n hi~ requ~~~k fmr a two-par~el lot spli°t (Case Nc. 7~-279~ ~r~ Sou°th Traffic G3ay Eactensi~n. Plann~.xag D.~rector Castra described the ~~~~~aa~ ~°~view procedur~s ~this lot spT~.t wen~. through and the conditions placed on it? in conf'o~°mance with °~he City's ord~.nanaes. M~°°, Sullivan is appealing the f~llowing condition~: eleveTopm~nt of curb, gratter and s~dewalk and 32' of paving; ~o~el c~e~ign for So. Tr~~fic Way Exte~~ion fx°am ex~d of ex~~ting Ci~y maintained r~ad ~as~erly end of' property; f~.re hyd~ant to Fire Depa~tment requirements; and s°~re~t ].ighting per City standards. In his appeal, Mro Sullivan contended tY~a~ these reqLaired impravemen°ts are not in keeping with the rural residential a°tmosphe~~ of that ~~.reet. Mayor de Leon cle~lared the hearing open af'ter being assured it had been pr~perly not~~edo The f~llowing persons were present and spoke in favor of the app~~l being grantedc Bernard ~uZlivan, 670 So. T~°aff~.e Way; William Langworthy, P~intz Road, AoG. fring~; Jim Lawler, ~~o Traffic Way; and E1sie Laycock, 110 L~angv~.ewr, Pismo Beacho Dorace Johnson,1279 Poplar and Marie Cattoir, 195 Orchid Lane con¢nented or~ ~tatements mac3e by other persons in the audience. Elizabeth Jackson, 208 F'ai~iew, spoke in favQr of upholding the Ar~hitectural Review Board's recommended ~~x~ditions . There be~.ng no further publ~c di~euss~.an on the appeal, Mayor de Leon declared the hearing cl.osecl. The Council di~cussed the matter at length, being p~rticularly concerned about th~ placement of the roadway, after improved, in rel~ticrnship ~ith the ~xisting residence of the Lawrlers on South Traffic Way Exten~ion. ~t was suggested that perhaps a Plan Line should be established first, ~rT~ich City Staff stated would take tim~ and be costly. Councilman Millis sug~rested the p~.rcels be zoned "P-D", to allow for more options in developing the ~re~.~aith a min3mixm o~ grading. After further Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman SpierT~ng and unan~.mously 4~3 C~2'S~ COUNCTL NOVENlBER 8~ 1977 ~1RR03t0 GRA1dDE, CAL~FORNZA = PAGE 3 carried, postponing a decision on the appeal of Bernard Sullivan until he and City ~taff get togetl~er to see i£ some of the problems brought out this evening can be resolved, especially the location of the roadway. The matter will be placed on the Council's November 22, 1977 agenda. AiJ~'EiOReCZE CALL FOR BIDS - ONE ~'~N CHASSTS - FIRE EMERGENCY VEHICLES - BUDGETED A motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, authorizing a call for bids for a one-ton chassis for the F~.~e Department's emergency vehicles. This is a budgeted item. REP012'T RE. ANIMg1L REGULATION ADVTSORY COMMITTEE MEETING ~'he Council received and reviewed a report fro~n Police Chief Clarl~, ~~ga~°da.ng the recent meeting of the Animal Regulation Advisory Com~nittee. The Anim~l Regulation Department has added two CETA emplayees to its staff, wHo will b~ used to try out a 24-hour, 7-day a week animal control program. RECEIPT OF QUARTERLY REPORT FROM COUNTY RE. AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT The Coun~i]. received and reviewed ~he qtta~t~~$y report from the County of S~~ I~~is ~b~,spo Air Pol].u~ion Contra~l District. No information is given in the ~~pc~~°~ ~°egaxding the monitoring unit in Arroyo Grande. r~~~'~~I~ RE. Ng1MING OF' PR~Vg1.TE I,AI~IE (LEMQN) - I3ELD OVER The app~aZ of Mr, and Mrsm Lemon zegarding the nami~ng o£ a private laz~e, w~r~~ h~ld ~ver ~.s reque~ted by Mr. Lemon prior to the meeting, I~~iJ~~~ TO EXEIKPT M~3~~KE PROPERTY F°ROM C2T3~' S AG. CQMMITTEE STUDY - DENIED ~he Council ~°ev~.ewreel a letter from James Braelley, Real Estat2 ~.~}~r~~~~ting the Sawada Niiyake Farms, request~ng that the Miyake property an Oalcs Aven~e k~e exempted from the Agr~.cultural Commi.ttee's study so they may p~e~~.~ed ~rith a rezoning request'. The Council discussed the request and the sitbject ~~~~~rty r~3th Nir. Bradley at lengthe The possible productivity of the lancl was ~~~a~~d, and 1~. Bradley clarified thatc~u~ the i4 of ~he 20 acres which are not ~~rrxsi~e~ed prime ag. land are being requested released from the study. Caunc~,~an Spierling, as representative on the Agricultural Lands Study ~~~ittee, ~tat~el that the Cc~nmittee is lo~king at the possibility of a bu~~er zone 3~~~wreen cr~mmercial ag, uni°t~ and o~ther units, and there~ore recommended this pr~per~~ r~o°t b~ exempt ~~om the studye After Cauncil discussion, a moti.on was made by Cou~~~~.mari Spi~~-ling, ~econded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, den~ing the request of the M~y~kes thaf. their property be exempted from the P,gricultural Lands Study. M~YCR DE LEON DECLARED A THREE M~IdUTE RECESS. ~'he Council reconvened raith all Members preseni~ as shown on roll call`. REiI~EW OF P~1RK AREAS IN CTTY Administrat~r Butch reviewed on a map the thirteen park areas'in the City,' v,rh~~h are under the ju~°isdiction of the Parks and Recreation Commission. ~2EilIE43 OF SCT~iEDtTZE RE. C01~~lUNITY BUTLDII~TG USE The Council reviewed a schedule outlining the various organizatioris wl~ich meet at the Arroyo Grande Womari's C1ub Community Builc~ing on a regular basis. The ~chedule ~ho~as that ~he building is used extensively and whic~ times are still ~v~i].a~ile for anyone's use. P,P~R0~7E INSURI~NCE FOR SENIOR V1~1NS The Council reviewed a letter from the San Luis Obispo County ~ Cities' Area Planning Council, requesting the City's share of the-insurance premium'"for °the Senior Vans, which has-incressed subs~~ntially. The City has previously paid' $500, but the premium has now gone up to $1,646.67m Administrator Butch stated th~t the City would use SB 325 fund~ for now, but if informed later that these ~unds cannot be used, the $1,146.67 will have to come from the City's General Fund`. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Cauncilman Spierling, sect~ndec~ by Counc3lman Millis and unanimously carried, authorizing that the amount of'$1,146'.67 be submitted to the Area Council as the City's remaining share of the insurance` premium for the Senior~~Fans, 4~~ ~~TY CO[JNCTL NOVEMBER 8~ 1977 AI~}.20~~ GRANI)E, CALIFORNTA PAGE 4 '"~`~~~~CA°I'ION TO ANNEX BONITA H~MES TO GR~VER CITY - NO OBJECTION The Council reviewed a letter from John Ghormley representing Bonita Homes, Inc,, requesting the City Council to indicate it has no objection to the filing of an application for annexation by Bonita Homes to the City of Grover City. T~e a~ea in question is on The Pike, just westerly of the North Oceano School. Barbara Carlson, of the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), stated th~~ the sphere of influence ~n this area has nat been studied yete LAFCO needs t~ k~owr if Arroyo Grande is interested in using this area as its sphere of influenee; ~rh~th~r it is important to the City in the ~uture as a sphere of influenceo The C~~ncil would not be stating it~ approval of disapproval to the annexatian in ~~at~ng st has no object.~on t~ the filing of the annexa~ion applicat~on by Bonita H~z~~~ wii~h L~'CO. ~ack Ghoxmley wa~ present and stated that Bonita Homes would extend the ~c~~a.l~ ~omm~n~ty ju~t built in the vicinity of the present proposal, and therefore r~~~ ~~~e an impact on the schools and mini.mal impact on traffia. A~ter Co~xncil discussion, a motion wras made by Councilman Spierlinq, ~~~~s~u~d b~ C~unc~.lm~.n Millis and unanimously carried, that LAFCO be advised that ~.`~~~3~ of Arroyo Grand~ has no ob~ection to an application being filed with b~r Bonita Homes, Tnc, fc~r annexation to Grover Gity. (~1~~'T' ~rvP.`I"El~ S~I2iTICE TO CONIPLEX ON EIB CAMII~TO REAL (F`ILER) SUBJECT TO ANNEX. COVENANT fihe Coun~il read a le°t°ter from Rob and Gordon Filer, requesting water ~~r ~.,proposed 24-unit condominium projeat on El Camino Real, between ~~~:i,~~~~~ a~d Robles Roacle ~hey have macle application to LAFCO for annexation to ~~e ~~~~r, ~'k~~ Counc~l discussed the request, and the ramifications of a new annexation ~.~?~s b~~~me effective January 1, 1978, whereby "island" annexatxons meeting certain ~~~,°~~~°i~ can be annexed w~thout elections. After Council discussion, a motion was mac~~ by ~ounc~.lman Millis, secs~nded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, ~~~~~~ng wra°~er serv3.ce to the Filers' proposed 24-unit condominium on E1 Camino Real, ~a~~~~~'~ #:c~ the signing of a Covenant by them tlley wil]. not oppose annexation of this ~he City o ~~1~0~ ~ARCEL MAP AG77-195, TDE STREET (CASTRO) Cit~r Engineer Karp ~°eviewed with the Council a copy of Parcel Map AG77-195, ~~~~~cting a four-parcel lot split (Case Na. 7?-260) on the south s~de of Ide Stre~t ~s~ Wh~.~eley Streetv After ~~uncil discussa.on, a motion was made by Councilman ~p~~~~ing, seconded by Councilman M~ll~s and unan~mously carried, as follovasa ~ind~ng that the z°equired street improvemen°t~ are a necessary prerequ3site to the or~le~~y develo~nent of the surround~ng ar~a; 2) accepting the one foot wide offer of de~lica~ion along the Tde ~treet fron°tage for roadway purposes; 3) accepting the dra~.n~ge easement as offe~ed for dedication on the Parcel Map AG77-°195; 4) rejecting Qaithou~t prejudice to future acceptance, the strip of land offered for roadway purposes ~.~on~ ~he wresterly b~undary of the map; 5) finding Parcel Map AG77-195 to be consistent ~ri°t~ the General Plan and City Zoning; and 6) approving ~aid Parcel Map. ~P7R~~I~T~ 4~F F°TNAL TRACT MAP NO. 679 (PHILLIPS) - HELD OVER As requested, conssderation of the final map for Tract Nos 679 was held ~~e~e 11CCEPT ~MPf2(~i1EMENTS ON TRACT 602, WALNUT CREEK TERRACE, UNTT 3(OSBORN) City Engir~eer Karp reviewed raith the Council a map of Tract No. 602, located on the east and raest side of Woodland Dri~e betwreen Olive Street and Creek~ide Dr3ve, The Council. had approved the map but had not accepted the required improvements, pending certain construction correctionsm The C~ty Engineer ~eported tha~ the improvements had now been completed as far as curl~, gutter and sidewral.k, but a small portion of conformed paving has not been completed, which is bc~~dedm qccup~ncy will be held up un~~l. a.~ h~.s be~xa comple~ed, bu~-, k~~ r~aammended th~t the Coun~il at this time accept the improvements subject to finishing the small ~an~unt of paving. After Crauncil discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded b~r Councilman Millis and unanimou~ly carried, accepting, on behalf of the public, `tl~e improvements,constructed as requirements to Tract No. 6~2, Walnut Creek Terrace, Unit 3, and author~.zing release of the improvement bond, sub3ect to completion of the conform pav~.ng adjacent to the new curb, gutter and sidewalk. %~%;See Correction of Minutes -Council Meeting of 11/22/77, Page 437• tnclude that the Council had indicated interest in the area just northerly and easterly of this proposed annexation, as being in this City's sphere of influence. , 4~5 _ r, f1 ~ T yt'.:~. ~ ' ~`~~t~IL NOVEMBER E3, 1977 ~~OY~ ~ E, CPiLIE°OR1+T~P. PAGE 5 AC~~T DEED FOR CURB R2~DIUS ON HUASNA ROAD (IKEDA) The ~~urici7. ~~viev~rect a memorandtam from Director of Public Works Anderson, ~t~~~ng that ~ deed has b~en receiv~d for a curb return on the northeast corner of ~tagecoach 12~ad arsd Huasna RoaaT, which i~ ne~essary to realign some old existing cu~b to confo~m °t~ °the ne~a curb al~.gnrnent on Stagecoach Road. After Council dis- c~axs~ion, a mca°t~on was made. by Counc~.lman t~71is, seconded by Conncilman Spierling ~c1 ~anan~mously carried, auth~r~.zing the M~yor and City Clerk to sign, on behalf of th~ Citya a Certificate of P,cceptance fo~° a Grant Deed from Saburo Ikeda, for a~rt.~c~n of ~he northea~~ c~s~ner of Huasna and Stagecoach Roads for the proper ~n~tall~tion of a c:urb return. AIT~I~i~~~E g1GREENIEN"r F°Ol~ S~'ER OFF SY~°PEM FUND P~LLOCATION Tlze Counci~ re~r~;~wred a report from City Engine~r Karpr requestinq authoriza- ~~r th~ C~ty to en~er into ~n agreement w~.th the County regarding Safer Of€ ~Y~~~~ ~ur~ct ~l~,~cat~ons m Th~.s ~s wrhez°e the caun~y will agree to pay 75~ for each ~~~.e~°a3~ Sa~~r Off S~s~kem d~llar which the City does not want, alleva:a~ing much "~~d-~ape" th~ City would have ta go ~,hrough o~herwa.~e for federal funds. The ~a~~~~~~ pr~~~~~:1 to exchange the City's allocation of tY~e "Safer Off System ~~,~~ea ~c~~nti~~ t~ $~2a479m69, for the County Gas Tax funding in the amount of ~3~~5~m7°~~ ~~~~r Coa~~il discussion, a moti~n was made by Counc~lman Spierling, ~~~~~~~~~3 by Counc~lm~n M~lli~ arid unanimously ~arried, authorizing the Mayor and C~~~ `to ~~g~n, on ]~ehalf ~f th~ ~:i~ty, an agreement wit'h the County o€ San Luis 0~~~~~ ~~e~~~di~g Sa~er Off Sy~°tem Fund allocatfonsa .~~~:a~"I' -~~E~T'~ ~OU°I'I~~ C:OUN'I'Y~ WATER AaSOC~ATI~N MEE~TI~1~~ - SPIERLING ~ Co~x~~i~a~ ~~~.~~13nc~ rep~~~~d ~an ~Yze ~J~~tc~ber 27, 1977 meeting of th~ ~~~~at~ ~v~~e~ A~~~~~,~~i,ono I~e sta~~d ~the ma~or ~opa.c of~~discu~s~s~ion had~ been ~~5~°~~;r3~~~~~_~~ ~f ~h~ ~~ro3~o G~ande Une~e~°c~~re~und Wa~er Bas~n right~.- Tt was poin~ed ~ha~ ~ven ~f aI~ age~cies involved ar~ ~n agreeme~at to ~d~ud~ca~a.on, tY~a~ one ~gea~~~r wilY ha~re to brinc~ ~~~°t ag~in~t another to get it start~d. ~ach ag~ncy ~~~~~,~eci wz~~ b~°in~ ~e ~~j~~t of ad~ud~.cation to its entity and come back with ~~~~~n~e t~ tTie .~~so~iation at it~ next meeting. ~~EN'~ C~iJi~T~ 4~IY~TE12 RES~tJ~.2C~S ADVISORY COMMTTTEE MEETING NO REPORT N~ r~po~~ wa~ heard oax °th~ November 2, 1977 meeting of the County Water ~~~~~~~e~ ~~~i~ory C~~ittee, as Co~ncil~an Gallagher, the City's representative, i~ ab~~~ta A~~a~P~° FITG~I ~~lEI, 1~~E~2~7F7T1~ SIaI'E - T1~P,C~' NOm 553 (DOTSON) T~e ~o~n~~;l ~eview€ecl a~epo~°t from C~.ty Engin~er Karp, recommending that - a~~~nt D~~d %ae ~ccep°ted ~rom ~ames Do~~e~n, et al, for a high level reservair ~i~~, ~~~~°~ed in ~onjtxnct~on wri°th tehe development of Tract No. 553 off of ~t~~eco~c~ RoacTo The site ~uill in~lude approx2ma°tely 5/8 0~ an acre fronting on St~gec~~~la R~ac1 ~}~ut 3/4 0~ a m~Ye no~°th of the Cit}r Limit~a The site's elevation 3~ ~~~p~ox~m~~~~y 400 ~~et a~ove sea ~evel and will prov~.de domestic se~°vice and ~~~~v~ ~his vi~i~~ty wr~°thin °the C~°ty limits above the 200 ft. elevation. C~~n~~Ym~n M~~lis ~mpl~asiz~~l that °the acceptance of this site in no way obligates ~ae ~it~r to h~ve °th~t ~.~~a annexed o Af~er ~~~zn~il discu~sion, a motion was made by Counciiman Spierling, se~~~cl~d ~y ~~~n~ilinan I~%~13~ anel unanimously carried, authorizing the Mayor and C~tg~ C~~~k °t~ ~ie~n, ~n behal.f of °the C~°ty, a Ce~°tif~.cate of Acceptance for a Grant I~~ecl ~r~m J~n~~ Pm ane~ Jo~n M. Dot~ono and Wi13~ard E. and Julia P,. Dotson, a portion of~ P~rcel I~ ~~~ce~ Ma~ CO76-48, re~orded in ~arcel Maps at the San Luis Obispo Ca~~nt~r Recorde~W ~ C~f~i~e? ~ubject °to ~ece~pt of a letter ~rom Dotson o~fering the p~~~~l to °th~ ~~tye AU°~HQEt~ZE C~~Y g17"TSC. TO PIZEPARE I~EASE PURCFi1~SE RE. ELM ST. DRAIN~IGE PROPERTY Counc~l reviewred a report from Direc°tor of Public Works Anderson ~~s~a~ding purch~.~e of ~ 5-acre parcel at ~ou~,h Elzn and W~1mar Street in Oceano. He prop~sed that the e~~sting house be sold with appz°oximately one-half acre, and the remaining 4-1/2 acres be retained for ponding and par7~ or recr~ation use. F~,fter Coun~il di~c~ss~~sn, a mota.on was znade by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Coun~~lm~n Mil.lis ~nc1 ~nanimou~ly carried, author~zing City Attorney Shipsey to p~epa~e a Lease I~u~chase ~lgreement for ~his p~°operty:, as described above. PROGRES~ REPU~2T - S(7UTH SAN LIJIS OBTSPO COUNT~ S1~INITATIOI~I DISTRICT' The C~aunc~L~ ~evie~red and or8ea~ed filed the monthly rep~rts of SeptemYser ~r~d Qctcsl~e~, 1~77, the South San Luis Obisp~ County Sanitation IIistrict's T~ea~nent Pl~xr~t, 4~6 C~TY COUNCTL NOVEMBER 8~ 1977 ~,Rg20Y0 GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 ACCEP~' LOW BTD FOR POLTCE VEHICLES - BUDGETED The Council re~riewed a report from Police Chief Clark, stating that bids ~ad been received by the Poliee Department from the two local car ageneies, for the purchase of twa budgeted Police vehicles. The total bids for the vehicles were as follaws: CHRI5TTANSON CHE~IROLET: $12,151,16; and PAUL REYNOLDS FORD: $~1,432.29. After Council discussian, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Millis and unan3.mously carried, accepting the low bid of Paul Fteynolds Ford and authorizing the two budgeted police vehicles be purchased f'rom ~k~at agency. REQUEST FOR ORDTNANCE TO PROHIBIT PORNOGRAPHY IN CITY - DE LEON Mayor de Leon requested City Attorney Shipsey to look into the feasibility ~f de~reloping an Ordinance to keep this City free of pornography. 1~DJ'~TJBATMENT On motz~n of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Millis and i~~ian~mously carried, the meeting adlourned at 10:24 P.M. AT~'~~T s ~ ~--J CITY CLERK MA,XOR