Minutes 1977-11-22 CITY COUNCIZ NOVEMBER 22, 1977 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Gabe de Leon presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Al Spierling, Matthew Gallagher, Jr., and Mark Millis reported present. Councilman Calvin Schlegel is absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayar de Leon led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flac~; and immediately thereafter, Reverend John Rose of St.- John's Lutheran Church in Grover City, delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES WITH CORRECTION On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, the minutes of the regular meet~ng of November 8, 1977, were approved wi~h the following addition on Page 4 under the heada.ng "Application to Annex Bonita Homes to Grover City - No Objection", at the beginning of Paragraph 4, as suggested by Councilman ~pierling: "The Council discussed the matter and indicated an int~rest im the area ju~t northerly and easterly of the proposed annexation, as being in this City's sphere of influence". APPROVAI, OE' WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Couneilman Gallagher and tzxianimously carried, General Warrants Noa P402 through No. P423 and No. 7484 through No. 7564, in the total amoun~t of $47,476.52; and Payroll Warrants No. 10137 through Noo 10252, in the total amount of $34,536.55, were approved and ordered paid. INVITATION TO GROi7ER CTTY'S °12TH ANNUAI, CHRZSTMAS PARADE: 12/3/77 The Council received an invitation to participate in the 12th Annual Grover City Christmas Parade, on Saturday, December 4, 1977 at 11:00 A.Mo TDNTTATI~N TO COMMISSION FOR SENZOR CITIZENS' CONFERENCE: 12/9/77 The Council received an invitation to attend the Tri-County Commission for Senior Citizens' Conference to be held in San Luis Obispo on December 9, 19Z7. NOTTCE OF, DISASTER PREPAREDNESS WORKSHOPs 11/30/77 The Council received notice of a Disastez° Preparedness Workshop, sponsored by the Office of Emerg~ncy 8+~~vices, to be held in San Luis Obispo on November 30, 19?7. The Administrator reported that several City Staf~ members will be attending this meet~ng. Councilman Millis suggested that any valuable ~nformation learned at the meeting be included in the City's Newsletters. REQUES'r FOR NONiINATTON TO Bt9ARD OF COMMISSTON FOR SENIOR CITIZENS AGENCY The Council received a letter from the Tri-County Commission for Senior Cit~.zens - Area Agency on Aginq, requesting the City nominate two persons for consider~t3.on an the Beaard of Directors of ~aid Commiss~on~a Th~e Mayor asked for voltlnteers. RECEIPT OF OFFER FOR A"WELCOME SIG1tI" - FIVE CITIES JAYCEES The Cc~unc~.l read a le'cter from the Five Cities ~aycees, offering to construct and donate ta the City a"Welc~rne" sign. Ernie Ped, Treasurer of the Jaycees was present and explained the sign would be:in conformance writh others around the City-- split redarooda Location of the sign has been suggested to be adjacent to the She11 Service Station at Grand/Branch and Traffic Waye The Council ~acepted the offer and expressed its thanks and appreciation to the Jaycees for their generosity. MUNI. CODE AMEND. - ORDINg3NCE ADOPTION - NEW BjJSII~TESS LTCENSE REGULA~IONS Administrator Butch reported that the Finance Department has recommended the charge for del~.very vehicle stickers be increased from 25~ to $1000 on Page 13, Section 3-1.424(c), as the cost of the decals will be about that mucha The Council discussed the matter, generally agreeing that the decal fee should not be set at a firm amount in the event of future in~reasese It was felt that "at City cost" should be substi~tuted for an exact figureo City Attorney Shipsey advised that this change would require the Ordinance to go through a first reading again. Because of the time limitation of the ~°inance Depar~nent in getting Business Licenses ready for renewal, it was gen~rally agreed to leave the Ordinance as is, so it could be adopted immediately, and make any necessary amendments later. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code by adopting new Business License fees and regulations. A motion was then made by Councilman SpierTing, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinancea 43~ CITY cottivCYL N0~1ENtBER 22, 1977 ARR~~O CaI22~I~TDE, CAIaIF°OF~T~.~ P~I~E 2 ORD~I~TI~NCE NO o 168 C a S, AI~I O~I7~IV~CE t)F° '~'HE ~~TY OF° ~120Y~ C~~D~ P,1~i~I~I?TNG ~'HE ARROYO GR~DE NliJNTC2PAL CODE B~ ANl~IVI3~C1V~ ~fi~F~'El~ 1 ~F° TI~T.~ 3 RELA~'~T1C~ TO AR1~O~J GR~DE CTTY B~J~~NE~S LTCEN~ES o On mot~.~n ~f ~~~rn~~~i~n Ga~.l~gher ~~ec~nd~d by Counca.lman ~pier°ling ancl ~n the fol~~~~na~ ~o~l ~~11 ~r~~~g to w.~to AYE~ e ~~~nc~.lsr~en ~p~erl~~g, ~,~l~agher, l~iiZl~~ ~r~d Nla3ror de I,~ora Nd?E~ : Non~ ABSEN~: ~~~~c~.~;~raa~, ~~hle~~~ the for~g~ing ~D~d~.a~,~~ac~ wa~ pa~~~~ ~r~c~ ~cl~pt~d °th~~ 22z~d dag~ a~ Nov~bex°, 5~77, ZC'~I~~D1G I~I~ ~1VI5P~1V~.° ~ OR~o ~Ol~°.i9m ~ ~~~I~ "77-1 i ~ y ~1I~II~1~, "RAB31° ~0 "R1" (C~'I.'3~) C~.ty At°k~~°~a~~r ~~~p~~~ ~~~d the ti°tle of an o~dinance ~mencl~n~ the City' s Z~nin~} I~p ~o ~~z~sr~~y ~~om v~R~~~B-3p? t~s rrR- g}~~oper~.y at 163 Sae 1111pine Str~et~ A~~t~~~ ~y~s ~n~,c3~ by C~~c~~sn~n Spier].ing, ~~~oraded b~r Councilman ~al~agl~e~ ancl ~~~r~i~~~x~~y c~a~~s,~d, ~o d~sp~n~~ w~.~h reading ~Ya~ bala~n~~ of this ~r~~~aan~~ o O1~IN.~1T~ NO o ~ Fi9 C o S o ~T ~1~~I~I~NCE OE° `T°gYE ~I~ ~E° A121203~~ G~E ~ND~NG ~ ~~R"~~~1V ~F° °I'IiE ZO1V~I~TG ~ ~F° ~iE C~~ ~F° ~+,RROYO ~~.I~E 1~E°E~~ ~O IN S~C~~OIV a 302 ~ITL~ 9, ~Fi~'~1~: 4 O~ TFiE 1~ii?I~1~C~P.~3, COD~ SO AS TO REZONE ~E~t~''A~~i PR~~ER~ ~IQ ~°HE CI'IeSC OE° F,~.RD~CO ~R~TDE o m~tion ~~~;~~~~~man 1~~~~.~,~, ~~ccar~eled by Cour~~~~man Gallagher anc~ on the f~~.~:o~r~.ng y ~i~ o AYE~ m ~e~~x~n~~,~ri~~ ~p~er~L~rs~ ~ GaYl~gh~rg A~~l~i~ and Nlayor d~ I~eon I~~~~: N~~~ ~SEN~°W ~~~~i~~ ~,he ~~reg~~~:g ~~°d~rn~~~~ ~aa~ }~~~~~~1 aa~~l ac~~pt~d ~Y~i~ 22z~d day of No~e~er, 1977a ANYEIVI3 Zf)IQ~~TG ~ ~~O~T~ ~~~~~4a ~Oa °I`12.~°~"~C: TnTA~~ r~R~B3e1 °I°O "R3" ~ HELD OVER ~d~~~~~~~~ as~ or~~n~a~~e rez~nea ~r~sn ~~R~P,~B~31e '~l~m~ D cer~agn p.~~p~~°t~ ~n ~~~f~~.~ ~eque~~~d ~ay E~tch~e an~ IC~.~°tl~y, r~r~s held penc3~an~ ~~~~i~a~; ~ ~,eg~~ ,~r~p~~°~~ d~~~~~pt~.~sr~ ~r~m ~he app.~.~,cant~a CO1~T~°TNLTA°~~~l~T O~ ~~E~, ~o I~~~ ~~I~~T ~7~279 ~OI~TI~~TIORTS ~S~J~,Ii7Ai~i) ~ S~~ Ft~CO1~i~ID~'~°~~N~ ~7P~IE~~ ~he C~,:~~~~L ~~r~t~~,~~~1 ~ f~~3n ~,~~°t ~n~e~~ng, c~ns~deratior ~f Bernard S~1livan app~~~ ~f ~~r~~u~ cos~~.~.t~~~as pl~cecl ~n h~s I~ot ~p~.i°t C~se Nfo 0 77-279 9 on ~~~°th Tr~f"~ic ~i~~ e~~~a~~~.~r~o ~h~ C~~zncti~~ h~d a~kecl the City St~ff to research ~ny plan~ the City h~~ ~~r ~ ~°~~.dr~~y ~~tendir~g ~o~~he~ly fra~m ~here the ~ity p~~t~.on ~f T~aff~~ W~~ ~~a~so ~~~y E~a~~~ee~ I~a~ eTi~played tw~ parc~l inaps ~A~~7-~33 ane~ AG77-334~ w~~i~~ v~~~~ ~e~~~~~d ~,n ~ 9`~2 o TYae gnaps straigh~en out some 1~aph~z~~d pa~c~~.~n~ ~.~z~~l ir. ~h~~ bgr Tr~y l~bis~n9 and req~.a~.~~d ded~,~a~ion ~sf ~~.seairent~ t~ ~.he p~~p~r~~ g~~i~,~h a~e ~h~e~ ~n t~e ~aaps s Th~ ea~~ent~ are fo~ a pl~a~a~e~ 00 °~~~h~ ~f ~ra.~ ~~~n~is~~~ag 40' p~~ir~~ pl~~ ~urbs ~ g~nt°~ers ~ncl sid~ra~llc~A o~o~a~~~~, th~ ~~e~~ ~h~ }a~ope~°~~~~ ~~~x°~h of tlae pr~poseeT ~°oad, the L~~rl.er~ D k~ad cY~~ ~.i~ed °to g~ve e~~e~en~~ o ~°he c~ndi~~ons ar. Mro . Sulla.~an lo°t spli°t ~r~ a~ ~°eq~xir~cT ~n t~e C~.°ty's S~ksd~~r~.s~o~ Orcl~nan~e ~ ancl x~emair~~ng porti~ns of the ~sea~~~~ Way e~~ens~on s~r~~l be ~proved ~s ~urr~a.andi.n~ pr~perti~s dev~Tapa ~e C~~~r ~t~~f fe~~; ~h~~ ~1~~ c~nd~t~~~~ ~re app~ogs~~at~ ar~d cons~sterat w~.th ~~r~r~ othe~ Yo~ ~pY~t o °I'Yi~ Co~m~iY el~sc~xss~~ ~he appeal a~ l~r~g~hm A~t~r ~o~znci~ d~.sc~x~~ion, a mo~ion taas m~cl~ ksy ~~~n~i~.r~~.n M~~1s.s, ~ec¢anded }ay C~~~~lmara ~~ll~gher aa~d ~n the foll~w~rng ~ol~. ~al~. v~~e, req~se~~ed by Coinrs~~lman 1~%~li~ e~to w~t e AS~ES; Councilanen ~p~~~lir~gy G~llaghe~, NI~15~~s ancl Niaymr cYe Le~n; NOE~e N~~n~a A.BSENTc ~o~zncilman S~hlegel, °~h~ mo~~~n ~a~~~.~d ur~~r~ia~~~asly a~ folbo~,r~ e 1~ th~°t concYi- tions caf the S~l~~v~n Zo~ ~p~~~ ~e ~pYae~d° 2~ ~h~t at th~ t~~ of ~~~na~; appr~~ral o~' the 10~ ~p~.~tg th~ C~~y ~e~e~°t the ~Q f~ot of~er o~ ~oad decl~,ca°t~mn ~r~thout prejudice ~o f~t~z~°e a~~~p°~an~es ~ncl 3~ tl~~t x~~ fazture sp~.i°~~ be allc~wecl s~n tYais a~ea until a~~nt~~i~s~~~ ~~¢~ht of w~y is p~o~~ded to ~h~ ~ity ~'~oan ~~treet acceptecT 1by the C~.°ty ma~r~~en~.n~~ and ~uch acig~,t of ~aa~ be ~mpr~vecl to ac~e}?~- able Cit~r standard~o NO~ o A~°te~ the c~~ap~~t~~n o~ the agersda ~t~ wrhich f'o~,l~ws--t~h~ paablic hearing--it wra~ noticesi that NI~°, S~R~..~,van wra~ p~e~~nt ~ncl h~d raot been }~~~s~nt earl~er, as prev~o~x~].y th~u~hto Th~ C~ux~~~l'~ clec~s~an was summ~~i~ecl for ha~m~ ---43~ CITY COIJNCIL 1~iOVE1KBER 22 977 ARROYO GRP,ND~, CP~~FO~IIP, PP,GE 3 PUB~,IC HE1~~NG -~ND1~N7'a TO T.~ND iISE M~P - RE50LUTION ~iDOPTIOI>1 Planning D~~°ec°t~~ Cast~~ rev~eraecT ~nrith the Council °the ~ecommendat~.~ns of the Planning Co~n~~~~or~ °to chanc~e ~everal port~.ons of °the Land Use Map ~f tl~e General Plan ~'rom medi~n to low densitym The changes had been instigated by Mrs, Barba~a Carlsor? wrho wra~ cora~erned ~.b~ut cont~.nued development of °tl~e Crown Hill area raith m~slt~ple clr,~elling un~ts 4 The Planning Coznm~ss~.on Ytas inc~.uded several other a~~as wh~~h i°t ~elt wrere also ~n discreparacy ~aith presen°t condition~m Co~nc~.lman Milli,~ reque~te~1, and the Counc~.l agre~d9 that con~~,deza- tion of a ch~nge in the Wi~lle~ Seed propert~r, on Huasn~ Road~ be deferred un°til the ~°tudy by the Ag~i~uY+~ural ~ands C~~ranittee is comple~edv C~n~idera°tion for ch~nge from mecT~~n ~to lo~a dens~t~r ~a~s ~oraf~ned to th~ ~olT~s~r~~ng are~s: a) Laom~s H~~gl~t~ De~r~l~pmen~ and ~he P~e~h~cl~s°t Gampground; _ b) p~rcel~ f~onting on Le Point Street and exteneli~q on~~ Tnle~S~e~s A~enue, ancl c) those prope~t~,es g~ne~~.lly located ~etwre~n E~~°~ ~~anc~ St~~~~; y~h~ ~~~grsmerat of Tally Ho Creek ~o the north, Le P~ir~t '~~rr~~e °ta ~he ~a~s~ e and C~rb~~~ Canyon Road to the ~~sit, ~here desre].opm~nt ~~ans ~~cl ~aot been ~t~~~~c~ l~tay¢~r c~e ~,~o~ d~~~.~~ecT °th~ hea~ing open after being assured it had been p~°oper~~r no~s.~ecla ~'kte f~~lo~as:n~ wer~ pre~en~ and ~poke ~.n oppo~it~on to the Land U~~ Map ~han~~m ~t~~r~ ~oo~, a°tt~~ney representing ri~iarga~et Munden of Merced ~rh~ o~an~ gs~ope~~ty °tY~~ Cro~ HiS~l a~ea y~tated °that Mrs o MiarlcTen strongly opposes the change ~o lova ~l~n~~,~~r o~ h~~ prope~ty m ~'l~e fo~.l~aa~~ng pers~ns r,~ere pre~ent and spoke in favor of ~e recommended ~hange~: ~~rba~°a C~.r1~~~g 324 Longden ~ou~t, speaking for Mrs. McCoy and RutYi Pau~.c~~nc~ ~r~o are prope~ty owrner~ on Croran Hgll, Madeleine Steele, 1598_ Ha.l].cres°~; ~liz~e~h ~~.cksor~y 208 ~air i7~ew; and Pegc~y Langworthy, ~r~.n°tz ~toad, rural Arroyo ~raxade o °I°~i~~e begng no ~~xr~her ptxblic d~.scu~sion on this matter, May~r de Leon dec~~~~d the h~~~~ng c~~a~~ci. Af~e~ Counc~]~ discussion? C~~y At°torney Shipsey r~ad th~ ~title ~f a re~~l~~~.~n ~dopt~ng cer°tain ch~nges in th~ Lanel Use Map of the G~ne~°al P~~. A m~t~on v~a~ ~~en made by Counc~.lman Sp~.erl.~.ng, seconded by Council- man GaT].aghe~ a~cl ~~i~~~m~~x~~~ ca~°riecl, °to cli~pen~e with ~eading °the baTance of this resoY~xt~.~no ~,~OI~i7°~~~N NO , ~ 305 ~~~~~tJ~'~ON OF' TI~ COUNCIL OF THE CITY O~ PiR120Y0 GRAI~DE ~~OPPI'~N~ ~~NDED T~AND USE ELEMENT O~ TIiE faE1VE~1L P?.~~1N o ~n mo°t~,o~ e~i~ Co~~c~~m~ ~il~.~~, seconded by Councilman ~~ie~°l~ng and on ~trae ~ollo~r~ng ~oll v~te A t~ writ m ~YE~: Co~x~~~l~en Sp~e~l.~ngy Gallagher, Milli~ and Ntayo~ de Leon NO~S o ~7~r~~ ~B~EN~: Coun~i~rt~n ~ch~.e~el the folloraing rese~~~xt~~n ~ra~ pas~ed arsd aelopt~d this 22ne1 clay of Nosr~ery 1977a `tI~OU~ 1~ES~.I"I:a~.T`~~t71~1~ R~ ~ GENE~L M~JI~TICIP~ EIaECT~ON O~° A7ARCH 978 `Th~ ~o~a~~l ~~o~at~~l se~~~al ~e~o3u~ion~ ~n prepa~~t~.or~ ~f the s~~neral muni~ipal elec~~,on °t~ be h~lcl ~lar~h 7, ~9~8 f~r °~~e election o~ two p~rs~ns to tl~e C~.ty C~txnc~~y t~ ~~,1~ °tY~~ ~~cp~.a~i~g °~e~°ms o~ Co~nc~lmen ~chlegel anel Spierlir~g~ A res~lu~~on raa~ a~s~ ~ev~.~wped ~~om the Co~zn°ty Bo~~°d of Sup~rv~so~~, req~xes~ing tne C~.~y to con~oliclate ~.ts e~e~°tion ~ith °~he Co~ty's spec~.al elect~.ora set for rilarch 7, 1978 e Af°t~r Counc~~ di~cu~si.on, Ac1~n~ni~trat~r Bu°tch r~acl the °title of a res~luti~n calling and giving no°~ic~ oiE t~e March 'J, ~9?8 general municipal elect~ono A motion ra~s then ~tade b~ C~rsric~,~nan Spierl~.ng, seconded b~r ~oun~~lm~n Ga~.l~aghex° ancl unanignously c~rried, °to cli.spense wri°t~a ~eaela.ng the balanc~ of thi~ resolution. RE~O~,LJTION IJ~o 9306 RESOI~U~'~OI~1 OF' °I'H~ ~~~'Y'Y COUNCIL OF° THE C~T~ OE° AR12OY0 GR1~I3DE' C11L~F°ORLV~P., CAL~II~TG ~.ND G~ii~1~TG NOTICE O~' THE HOZDTIVG OF A G1E1~1E~ ~'TtJN~CIPAL E7~ECTI~DN TO BE H~IaD I1~T SA~D CT~"Y ON ~LLJESIZ.~~, ~'HE 7TH D71Y OF 1~T2~H? °@9789 F°0~2 `TTiE ELEC~'ION OF" CEEt~I•121~T O~°E'~~ERS O~ SAID CI~'Y AS 1~QUIRED B~ °~IiE P~.tOVT~~ONS OF° ~'HE LAWS OF THE S'T7~'I'~ OE' C~IFORI~IIA REI~TIN~ ~'6J CyENERg1I~ I~W CITIES e On m¢~~tion of Council.man Millise seconded by Counc~.lman Gallagher and on the fo-1].ov~ring rol~. cal~ ~ote, to rn~it: 440 CTTY COUNCTZ NOi~EN1BER 22, 1977 ARROYCI GR~INDE, CALIF°QFtNIA FI~GE 4. AYESe Councilmen Spierling, Gallagher, Mi11is and Mayor-de Leon NOESe N~ne AF3SENT: Councilman Schlegel the forega~ng Resolution wras passed and adopted this 22nd day o~ November, 1977m City Administrator Butch ~hen read the title of a resolution requesting ~he County to consol~.date the City's ele~~ion with the County°s Sp~cia~. Election, and requesti.ng certai~ ser~rices of the Gounty Clerk. A motiors was then made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unan~nousl~ carried, to dispen~e w~th r~ads.ng the ba~ance of this resolutione ~tE$OLUTION NOB 1307 A RESOLU~ION OF THE CI~Y COUNCIL OF' `I'HE CITY OE° ARROYO G~NDE, CI~ILIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE BOARD OF StIPERiIISORS OF` 'THE CO(JnT~Y OF SAN I,L1IS OBISPO TO CONSOLIDATE A GEN~RP;L MUN~C~P~,L ELECTION OF Z'HE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TD BE HELD ON N~RCH 7, 1978, WI`I'Fi °~HE SPECIAL COUNTY ELECTION TO BE HEIaD ON MARCH 7, °~978, PURSUANT TO SECTI~N 23303 O~ THE ELEC`PIONS CODEo On mote~on ~otxnc~l~~n Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis and on ~he fol.l.owring ro11 call ~rote, to writ s AYES: Councilmen ~pierling, Gallagher, Millis and NT~yor de Leon NOES: None ~iBSEN°~ e Councilcnan Scl~legel f.h~ ~o~~go~.ng Re~o~.r~~~.ora w~s passed and adopted this 22nd day of Nov~nbe~, 1977 a ~c~ninistrato~ Butch theaa read the t~tle of a resolution adopti.ng certain regul.ati~ns for cancl~.da°te~9 vahich would lirn~.t each Candidate's S~atement to 200 w~~cl~ ~n leng~T~ and prov~.de for the bill~ng of the candidate for costs of printing th~ ~nglish portior~a~f the ~ta°t~ment. A motion was then made by Councilman Spierl~ng and secondecl by Councilman Gallagher to dispense with reading the bal~.nce of °this re~~7.~txorr, whicYa motion failed tca pass> Dis~ussion foll~wed r~garcl~r~g the b~ll~.ng ~f canslidat~s ~or the English portion of the Sta~emen~t. ~e C~~y Cle~°le po~:xated out ~hat ~he Candidate's Stateiaent, wh~ch is ma~.led to ~~~1~ ~r~te~ al~~g ~rith °the ~~mple ballot, is optional. Tf a S~ate~ent ~.s sub- in~.ttec~~ h~swev~r-, ~t mrx~t ~lsa Ibe ~ranslated and printed in Spanish, the costs ~or ~rhic~. cannot ~e b~l3ec1 to th~ candidate as per the Feeleral Voting iti.ghts Ac~o Discus~i~n ~~~°~~.nued, wi~th Councilman M~llis stating hi~ opposition ~to any ch~~ge~ f~~ car~didat~~ to rur~ fo~° o~ficeo After Couneil cliscussion, Councilman Mill~~ read the p~~p~~ed r~s~lution ~n full, omitting °the se~tion relating to the bill.ing o~ candxd~.tes ~'o~° tY~~~r ~tatement. . RESC?LUTION 1~0. 1308 P. 12ESOI,U`TIOI~i OF THE CI~.`5~ COUNCTL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRP,I.VDE a CAIo~FORNIA, ~PT~NG REGULATIONS FOR CANDIDA'rES FOR EI~CPI'~VE OFFICE, PERTI~I~I~NG TO MATERIALS SUBI~IITTED ' ~'O TEiE EI~EC~'ORATE ~?,ND TIiE CO~TS THEREOF FOR THE GEN,ERAL MUNICIPP,T, ET~EECT~ON TO BE HELD IN SAID CTTY Ol~ TUESDASf, THE 7°I'H I~P,Y OF' 1~tCH ~ 197 8 e On motion o~ Councilman M~ll~s, secc~nded by Councilman Gallagher and on . the £oll~vving roll call v~te 9 to `ait c AY~~: ~Councilmen ~al~aghe~ and Nlillis ~o~se Mayo~ a~ ~,e~~ 1~;BSENT: Council~a~ ~ch].egei ABSTATi~Ds Co~xracilman Sp~.e~°la~ng the f~sregaing Resolution wa~ passed and adopted this 22nd eTa3r o~ November, 1977~ PROPOSED ORD~NAI~iC~ RE-m TRtJCK PARKING IN PUBLIC RTGFi~' OF WA~ - HELD OVER Conside~a°tion of a proposed C~rdi.nance regarding trizck park~.ng in pub7.ic right ef way, as reque~ted by Pc~lice Chief Clark, was he].d ov~~ as the City Att~rn~y is still work~ng on the matter, RECEIPT OF CALIFQRNIA E~~.~'HQU~ RESPONSE PLAN The Counci7. was infarmed that the City is in receipt of °the State of California Ea.rthqu~k~ Response Plan, which is pa~t of the California Emex°gency Plan, from the Offi~e of Emergenc~ Services. 441 CITY COUI~TCIL NOVEMBER 22, 1977 ARROYO GRAI~IDE, CALIFORNTA PAGE 5 NOTICE OF FUNDING'AVAILABLE FOR RECYCLTNG & RESOURCE `~2ECOVERY - SB 65U The Council reviewed a notic~ from the State Sc>lid Waste Man,agement Baarc~ that SB 650--the L~tter Control, Recycling, and ResQUrce Reeovery Act of 13?7-- has been signed and provides funding for thase t~pes of proaectse REUIEW OF Lt~TEST LEGISLAT2VE BULLETINS FROM LEAGUE The Council received and revi~wed the latest Legislative Bulletins from- the League of California Cities RECEIPT & ACCEPTAI~JCE OF BID FOR FIRE ]3EPT. VEHICLE -'P. REYNOLDS FORD The Council ~reviewred the only bid received ~or a one-ton chassis Fire Depar~ent vehiclem After Counca.l discussion, a motion was made Lb~ Councilman Gallaghere secondec~ bp Councilman Spierling and unani.mously carried, accepting the bid of Paul Reynolds Forcl in the amount of $7,794.50 a:rad authorizing purchase of the Fire Department vehicle from that agency, which is a budgeted ~.tem . REQUEST E"OR CI~.'S~ SERVI~ES AN13/OR ANNEXATION (GHRTSTIAN ACADEMY) - HELD OVER Adm.~nistrat~r Btxtch reported that the Central Coast Christian Academy ha~ a~k~d that °th~ir request for Ca.ty services ancl/or annexation of acreage on t~~ north side of Oak Fark Boulevard, be held over untYl a forntal presenta- ti~n can be made. Council.men'Ni~.llis and Gailagher requested that the City staff and C~~y A'ttorney ~tudy al1 possibi:e implications of the request, PROGRESS R]3PQRT -~1GRICUL~'URAL LANDS COI~IITTEE - SPIERLING Councilm~n Spierling re~riewed w~.th the Council the variou5 materials di~cus~ed at the November 17, 1977 meeting of the Agxicultural Lands Committee. He had prcesented a six point pl~.n for implementation of preservation of agricul- tural. lands, which the Committee had z°eceived favorably, and the staff has been requested to devel~p ~he plan with details. It looks as tlzough the Committee wrill be able to.complete its study with ane mor~: meeting, Z~tJTHORT~E ANNUAL WORKSITE AGREEMENT FOR CETA EMPLOYE~S - 1977-7$ ` A motion raas made by Counc~lman Spierlinq, seconded by Councilman G~~lagher and unanirnously carr~.ed, authorizing the Ntayor and City Clerk to sign, on beh~:lf of the City, a warksite Agre~ment under the Comprehensive Employment and Train~ng Ac°t (CETA), for 1977-78, The City presently has fourteen CETA employeese REPORT RE. PO~2I~TOGRAPH3C ORI)INAN~E - CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Ship~ey ~°eported that he is still in the proce~s af rese~r~hing the fea~ibilgty af ar~ ordinance for the City to p~ohibit pornography. He has been in contact with an attorney in Santa 13na who will send information he h~:s on proc~eding against pornographic materials as a nuisance matter r~ther than criminal proceedings. AUTHORTZE REFUNIJ OF SIIBDIVISION FEES (FILER.) The Council ~evie`aed a memorandum from City Engineer Karp-, recomm~nding a refund to Water A. F~ler o~ unexpended fees paid by him ~or ~ propased develop- ' ment a~ c~ndaminiums on the east side of Halcyon Road north of the Community Hospita}., which projec~:he n~w wishes to abandane Plan check fees and SaM.IeP. Ta~ in the amount of $87.00 canno°t be refunded< After Council discussion, a motian was m~de b~ C~r~ncilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Spierl~.ng and unanimausly carried, auth~rizing a refund to Walter Ae ~°iler ~.n the amaunt of $3, 0°I5 e 00 as outlined above. RECOMMENDATIONS RE> SO. COYJN~'3~ AREA' TRANSIT AND AMEND TRANS~OR"SA~'TON CLASM Councilman Spier].ing ancl Administ~°ator Butch reported on ~e rno~t recent meeting of the South Co~znty Area Transit Gommittee. The Commi~tee had recommencl,ed adoption of ~ joint powers aqreement establishing th~ "South County Ar~a 'Transit", wh~ch the Council nas before i~t for ccsns~deratione To expedite operation of the systein, it was also recommended that repr~sentatives be appointed to the Committee-. Upon app~oval of the Agreement by all agencies, ~the Committee will rneet and di~ect San Luis Oba.spo Transpo~°t~,tion Campany ta order the buses for the ~ystem for a tatal c~st of $82,340, writlz the City's share be~ng $31,290a A po~tion of the mone~--$3,000-- will be used by the transportation company for promoti~n o~ the bus system a:n the South Countyo 44N ~ CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 22~ 1977 glRR0~0 GRANDE' CP,LIFORNIA PAGE 6 A~ter Couracil discus~ion, a motion was made by Coun~ilman Gallagher, seconcled by Councilman Niillis and unanimousZy carried, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign, on behalf of the City, a Joint Powers Agreement with tne Cities ~f Pismo Beach and Grover City, and the Countq of San Luis Obispo, for a South Gounty Area Transit System. A motian_was then made by Councilman Mill~.s, secondecl by Councilman Gallagher and unanunously carried, appointing Couneilman Spierling to the South Cau~ty Area Transit Committee as the City's represer~tative, and City Admini~trator Butch as alfernateo The Counc~l reviewed a report fram City Engin~er Karp, outla.ning recommended amenc~ments to the City's 1977-78 Transportation Claim, brought ak~out by an addi- tional apportioninent of $8,734a60 to the City from the Area Planning Council of Governmen~s. By shifting funding of certain prQjects and deleting one (bike & pedestrian bz°idge over AmGa C~°eek at Stanely Avenue), two new projects are added. in the reco~mnended amendments as follows: $40,000 ta construct a traffi.c signal ~.t the intersection ~f Ba~°n.ett and Grand ($27,797.60 of which are SB325 funds) and $23,592.00 to flxnd the City's apportionment of the South County Transit Joint Powers Agreement for the 1977-78 year. After Couneil discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolut~.on amending the 1977-78 Transportation Claim, as outlined above; there- after, a motion was made by Councilman Spier~.ing, second~d by Councilman Galiagher and un~,n~..m~usly carried, to dispense w~'th reading the balance of this resaiutiona RESOLUTION NO. 1309 A RESDLUTTON OF THE-CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARRaYO GRp,NDE APFRO~TING AN AMENDED ANNUAL TRANSPORTATION'CLAIM FOR 1977-78 AND AUTHQRIZINC ITS SUBMITTAL TO THE SAN LUIS OBTSPO COUN"~Y: & CITIES AREA PLANNING COORDINATTNG COUNCIL, On mo~ion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to-w~its AYESs Counci~.men ~pierling, Gallagher, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOESf Nane ABSENTa Gounc~lman Schlegel t~.e foregoing Resolut~~n was pa~sed and adopted this 22nc3 day of November, 19770 ~2E~ORT - RECENT ZO1~TE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE NIEETING - MiLLI~a Councilman R~i~l~.is repo~°°ted on the Noveml~er 17th meetinc~ of the Zone 3 Ad~r~.~or~ Com~nn~.t°tee v The usu~l monthly repo~ts from the. Recr~ati:onal A~°e~ and Treatment Plant wrere heard. The lake was down 22.74 feet as of the end of ~eptember. Councilman Millis stated his feeling that the bad odor and taste of the water being received from Lopez has gone on too long wi~hout, being corrected-. A report he received at the Zone 3 meeting showed that the odor for tne drinking water had dropped below the minimiun standards at two of the four measuring places, ~ahi~h indz~ates a decrea~e rather than improvement of the s~.tuationv He suggested that ~.he City write a letter to the Board of Supervisors pointing out this probTem that has existed now for some time and asking if they might be able to get this corrected. The Council agreed with this recommendation,-with Councilman Gallagh~:r adding that reasons should also be checked out why the law is not being followed regarding notification of water users when water-quality falls below aeceptable s~andardse DECLARE CTTS~ ° S REqUIRENIEN~' FR:OM THE STAT'E W1~TER PROJEC~' The Cauncil reviewed a ietter from the County Engsneering Department requesting an indication of the ~ity's interest in the California Aqueduct Water Project. Reports from the City's Plann~.ng Director and Directar of Public Works were also re~iewed, both strangly recommending the City's part~cipation in the purchase of additional wa.tera After Counc~:l discussion, a motion was made by Caunc~.lman Gallagher, ~ecanded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried? directing that the County Engin~er be informed of the City's interest in part~.c~.pating in the Ca]~i~ornia Aqueduct Pro~ect in the am~unt of 250Q acre feeto ~,UTHOR~ZE EMEFtGENCY PURCHASE OE NEW ROOF FOR RESERUQTR NO 'B The Council revie~nred a report from C~:ty Engin~er Ka:xp regarding the raof of Re~er~roir No. 1o Vandals have damaged the inflatable cover, which raas installed in 196~. The Staff reco~ranends that the replacement cover be the floating type lid to a1l.eviate future problems of vandalism. Because of possible cont~mination, ~.t i~ recommended that purchase of the new top progress ~.mmediately, 443 CTTY COUNCIL 1~TOVEMBER 22, 1977 ~OYO GRANDE, CALIFOR1~iIA PAGE ? Qnrithout the tv~ro ~reek aclvertised c~ll for bids, but x~~.tl~er pl~ns and bicl ~equest~ being ~.s~u~d to e~ch c~ntractor who submitted bid~ on the San Lu~.s Ob~.spo x°eservo~r co°ver of tYae ~ame t3~pe--Hypalon Roof writh a 20-year material guaranteem Afte~ Cotancil d~scu~sion, City Attorney Shipsey read the t~.tle of ~ resolut~.on authorizing the p~°cha~~ of a wrater reservo~~ roof under emergenc~ vonditions; thereafter? a mo~~;on was made by Counca.lm~n Sp~er].ing,- se~onded kay Councilma~ Gallaghe~ and unanimou~ly caz°ried, to d~.spense w~:°th reading tY~e balance o~ this res~].utican e RESOr,tTTTON Y~10e 1310 A RESO~TJ~I~1V O~ ~I'HE C~TY COUNCII; OF THE C~TY OE° I~RROYO GR.`9NDE DECLAR~NCz AN EMERGENCY AND P,UTH~RIZING 'THE E}~PENI3~°I'URE OF` F`iJNDS TO REPATR WATER RESERt10IR ROOF e ~n m¢~~.~~sn ~f C~uncilman Spierling, seconded by CQUncilman Gal~agher and csn the ~ollawring roI.l c~ll vo°te, to wi'~: AYES. Counc~lznen ~pierling, Gallagher, Millis and Ma~or de Leon 1~70ES a None ~1B~ENT: Councilman ~cYalegel °the ~o~re~~~ng ~2esolution wfa.s pass~d and adoptecl t~iis 22nd day of November, 19770 .`~GCEPT 122~I~'~' OE° WAY FROM CULmDE-SAC ON TFZACTS 636 & 679, BEECH PLACE (WILLIAMS) The Counc~.l rev~ewed a report from City Engine~r Karp, recommending the aecep~~.n~e ~f ~ Quit~l~im Deed which ur.~ll ~nabl.e the City to mainta~.n right of w~~r on ~he ~nd c~f the c~al-de-~~c (~eech Place) for Tracts No.- 636 and 679m After Co~rnc~l. di~cussion, a mot~s~n was m~de by Councilman ~pierling, seconded by Council- rrrcan G~7~l~gh~~° and un~n3mously ca~°~°iecl, ~uthorizing the Mayor and C~.ty Clerk to sign, be~~l~ tne Ci~y, tk~e Cer~t~:ficate of A~ceptance for a Quitc].a~.m Deed ~~~m The~~ TrT~~:liam~, for ~pproximately t~n square feet of ri.qh°t of wa~, being a por°~ion of:Lot ~3 in Tract No-o 636, in the City of A~royo Grande~ ~ P~t~k~~ ~~1~ ~R~ - OAK P.`~RI~ ACRES - TRACT NO m 6 0 4 Ci.°t~ Eng~;t~~ ~Ca~p ~e~~.ewed `nrith the C~un~i.l Yai~ p~ogre~s r~port on the c1ev~l~a~p~,~n°t of Trac°t No. 604, "Oak Parlt Acres~~. E~tensive grading on the pr~je~°~ wa~ comple°ted on 1Vove~er 1 1, 1977 ~nd va~°iou~ e~~her i~em~ of wo~k have ~~a~ leted, wh~ch he o~~l~ned in the report datecl Nov~mber 16, 197°lo An ~.g~e~m~nt has b~en signec~ by Oalc Park Aere~ de~reloper, Reuben K~ridt, that hydro- seed~n~ of c~~xt f~ll sYz~pes con~truct~d cluring Pha~e I improvem~nts for the °tract ~rY].~ be comp~~~ed rao ~a°~er than November 28, 1977 m ALJ°I'HORIZE~ ~~G1V~NC~ O~° I,~A..Na~ PURCFiAaE AGREEMENT FOR EIS"! STREET DF2AINAGE PROPElt°1'Y ~~ty At°to~ney ~hipse~ stated the Iease purchase ag~~ement for the pr~perty a°t E1m and Wilmar ~~tre~ts, as revi~wred at the Council`s last regul~r meeting, has ~iaw been pr~parede A~ter Coun~il diseussion, a motion wa~ m~.de by Councilman Spze~linge ~econde~ by-Ce~uncilman Gallagher ancl unanim~usi~r carriedq author~.zing th~e ~Iayor ancl City C].er]c to si~n, on beha].f of the C~.ty, the Lease Purchase ~gree- menf with ~,a~co De~relopment Coo, Inc< for °tne purcl~ase of prc~perty a~ described _ ~:]bove a ~SPON~E F'1~OM COUNTY REm RE~3LTE~°r F'OR REF"U1~TD OF AeG. ~EWER AS S~SSMENT{GFtEENWOOD) The Council ~ead a lett~r from the County Counsel's Off~ce, s°tat~.ng that the request b}r Mr. GreeraP,rroocl fcar a~efund af money he paid ~.n ~onnection ~aith the Arroyo Grande Sewer A~se~sment D~strict Noe 1, wras °too late ~to do anyth~.ng about it nowe ~NVTTAT~ON TO FRED GRIEB'S BIRTHDAY & BR.~DGE DEDTCA'TION The Co~xnc~.l received invitations to the 10Oth Birthday Celebration for Fred Grieb ora De~ember 18th, at ~rYaich t~.me the dedication for the renaming of Fair Oaks Bridge will also take placee The bridg~ will be renamed "The Fred Gx°ieb Bridge11 in honor of h~me. APPREC~AT~LON EXPF~.ESSEII F'OR AF'cR0~0 GRANI7E OF'~'ICIALS & ST~F Revo I~arry Lorenz and R~ber°~ Coffman stated their appreciation for Ar~°~yo GrandeBs of~icials anc~ ~taff, for their willingne~s re~earch if it ~s poss~.ble to proh~bit pornog~aphy in this Cityo 444 CIfi3~ COUNCIL NCIVENLBER 22, 1977 ARROYO GR.~IVDE, CALIF°ORNIP, PAGE 8 ADJOUx~rrr t1n moti.on of Councilman Gallagher,- seconded by Councilma.n Spierling and unanimously carriec~, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. ATTEST. CITY CLERK NlAYOR