Minutes 1978-01-10 45~ CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 10, 1978 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The C~.ty Cotxncil met in regular session with Mayor Gabe de Leon presidingv Upon roll ca~l, Council Members A1 Spierling, Matthew Gallagher, Jrm, and Mark Mi1Tis reported present. Councilman Calvin Schlegel is abs~:nto PI,EDGE OF ALLEGII~INCE AND INUOCATION Mayor de Leon led the Pledge of Allegiance to our F~ag: and imanediately thereafter, Reverend John Wa Rose, of St. ~7ohn's Luteheran Church in Grover City, delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINtTTES ~he minutes for the regular meeting of December 13, 1977a tnrere app~°oved as prep~.red m APPROVAL OF W7~IRRANTS Un motion ~f Counc~lm~n Gallaghers seconded by Couricilinan ~pie~°~.ing and ~nanixnously ca~ried, Demand Warrants No. 7724 through No. 7898, in the total ~nount of $240,697e79; and Payrol]. Warrants No. 10368 through Noa 10569, in the total amount of $74,445,36, v~rere approved and ordered paid, PRESENTATION REm SPHERE OF ~NFLiJENCE PROGR~3 BY LAFCO - CA12I~SON Barba~~ Carlson, Deputy Executiv~ Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission (L~'CO) in ~an Luis Obispo County, made a presentation e~plaix~~ng ~he Sphere of Tnfluence Program being established b~r LAFCO, as mandated by sfa°te Legisla~~,~n in 1970. A Sphere of Inf luence is "a pla~ for the probable ultim~te physi~a~.lb~~zndaries and service ax°ea of a local governmen~ agency". 1~°s. ~arlso~ al~o displayed seve~al diagrams as ari e~ample of a sphere of inf luenee area are~und a c~ty and also a sphere of ser~rice, the l~.tter area be~.ng outsiele ~f the c~°t~ ° s limi~s bu°t rece~.va.ng some city services. She an°tic~,pated °that ~he pr~gram wrould take about t`ao years to set up. 'The Cauai~il ~sl~~d va~°ious ques°tiQns about ~he program, wh~ch Mr~. Carlsor~ answe~~d. NOT~CE O~° MEE~°~NG l~ e T~1.6n7 EI~iE°ORCEMEN~!' UI~T LOCAL BEACHES - OCEANO IMPRO~Tm ~~N, ~he Coazn~~.l received notice of a meeting beir~g sponsored by the Oceano Improve~raen~ ~1~so~~,a°ti~n on ,7anuary 12, 1978, x°egarding "Law ~nforcement ox~ the ~~ve Cit~.e~ ~e~ches ~nd Acljacent Area°' m Repx°esentatives from th~ variou~ ~.awr enfo~cement age~c~.es on ~he Coun°ty will be i~ a~t°tendance to re~ri~~nr a County Be~ch ~~dinance ~ppresved several ye~rs ago. REQ,UEa~° ~°C3R ~'EE ~~{~MPT BUSINESS LICENSE--YOU°I'H POTEN~IAL ASSNm - FSJR'THER REVIEW fille Coa~nc~l s~ead a letter from Glenn Ee P~ters of °~he Small Fry School ' ~upply rec~xesting a fee exempt business license for the schoo~ supply storey as it is a p~r~t ~f Youth Pot~ntial Development Associa°tion, rah~ch is a non-profit corpora°t3onv At the cTirection of' the Council, the City staff wri~l re~earch this further, to see i~ granti~g or denying the request is consistent rrrith previous Council aation~ ~;r~d poli~y, NOTTCE OF CH~TNEL COUNTTES D~~Tm OF LE~,GUE ° S QiJ~1R"I'ERLY MEET~NG s 2/3/78 The Coun~il rece~.ved notice of the quarterly meeting of the Ghannel Counties D~vision af the League nf Californi~. Cities, to be held on Februa~°y 3, 1978 in Pisma Bea~ch. RECETPT OF Ct~P~MEND~ITTON LETTER TO ~POLICE DEPARTMENT - CHRISTIAIQ .~C1~DEMY The Counci.l read a letter f'rom the Central Coast Christian Academy, signed by Ma~°1in Miller and Re~v. James Wickstr~m, commending the ~lrroyo Grande PQlice Department for its handling of a recent incident at the Presbyter~.an Church and Academy, RECE~PT DEPAI2TMENTA~ REPORTS F'OR DECEMBER, 1977 The C~uuricil ~eceived ~.nd reviewed the Depart~nental Repo~ts for the month of December, 1977~ - -453 CTTY COUNCII~ JANUARY 10, 1978 ~,RROYO GRP.NLIE, CALSFORN~P, PAGE 2 PUBLIC HEAR~NC~ - A]PPE~ I~ENTl•1L OE~ FREZONING #~77-°~ 14 ~WELI,~) --POS~I'PONED TO 4/25/78 Ac~nixais~rator Butc~ r~viewed that an appeal had been filed by Mre I,. B. k7ells on the den~al of the Planning Commiss~.~n of his requ~st for prezon~.ng (Case Nom 77-1~4) of pro}~erty on Huasna Road adja~ent to °the City Limits, from County Zone "A-~-2~" to the C~tgr"~ ~one "R-1°m The mat°ter hacT been set for public h~aring this eve~ing~ ~~uncil no~a ~°ead a le°t°t~r fx°om Mr. Wells dated January 59 1978, ree~zesting tha°t ~he hearxng l~e postponed to a date af°ter February 10°th, due to c~n~l~cting cour°t schedu~:es of hi.~ att~rneya After Council discussion, a mot~on ~sas m~,de by Councilman ~a.llagher, s~condecl by Councilman Millis and unanimou~ly ca~riecT, po~tponirag the public hea~°ing ~on the Wells appea]. until °the ~ouxic~l' ~ regular mee°tixaa~ of Apra.l 25 8 1978 at 8: 00 p.M a, per M~°. Wells° request. PLTBLIC HE~NG - REZONE #77-°I 00 ? SO, COa GOV' C~N~'ER - REOUES'T WITHDRAWN Adminis°tr~.°tor Butch revie~reci that a hear~ng had been set ~n tY~e recommenda- tion of ~lie Planning C~nm~ss~~n that °the p~oper~y o~ wh~ch th~ South Coun°ty Gosrern~a~n°tal Center is ~r~p~~ed, be rez~ned (Case N~, 77-100) from "~A~~ to "P-D". The C~urrc~]. n~~r read a letter from the C~unty Plannir~g Departmex~t, waithdrawing its ree~xe~t f~r tl~te rezon~ngD as i~ is not ~ prerequssi°te to the County's d~~~l~pment of the Centere °~he letter emphasized th~t it the Gounty's d~sire to nn~intain close coordinati~r~ and cooperation with the City as °the project progresse~~ Afte~ C~~~il cli~cussi~ng a nsotion ~ra~ inade b}r C~unc~l~nan Gallagher, secor~d~cl ~y Cotxa7cilman Nti15.~s an~3 on °the foll~ra~ng ~ol]. call vot~, tm ~rit: A"YE5 a C~~a~acil~nen ~pierling~ Gallagher, Nti].lis and Mayor cle L~on: NOES m None; ~~E~`~a ~~t~nci Schl.egel~ the motion passed ac~ept~.ng th~ County's x°equest ~o ~aa~~~aa~~~~r it~ rezon~n~ applieat~.on and ~,ndic~ting the City clesire to con°ti.z~ue ~nr~~~.~~g ~ri~ the Cotxnt}r ~n , the clevelopment o~ th~ So~th County Govern- z~e~a~~~ ~~nt~r gy C~s.xz~cilmarn ~pa~e~3~ing re~.d port~ons of °the G~ve~ninent Code, ~.ncluding Se~tion 87103, t~ ~larifyr the lack af a c~nfli~°t of ~n~e~e~t o~' ~chool e~epleyee~ ar~~C~.ng cle~~sion~ on the a]bove rezoxaingo A~onflic~ ~ae~ been alleged a~ previm~zs Ci°ty m~etinqs m F12~RES~ ~POIt'~ -~°EII~RP,:GT,~ 1~`,1~P,TEI~ [J~TEM~I.s03[1KEN°~ I1~I~U~NCE ~'OR CITY EMPIAYEES ~he ~oun~~l resr~.er~red ~ notic~ ~°tating that the prel~m~na~r ~.njunct~,on sought ag~ins~ the f~d~ral~.3~ manclated pr~r~n t~ cover ~ity ~m,p].oyees under s~ate Ura~npY~~er~°~ Ir~s~~anc~ wra~ ~lerai~d by the U~~m Di~trict Court, but the decis~ton ~r3I~. l~ ~ppe~led~ ~MENB RE~ULAT~ONS REo ~~2UCTC PARKTNG IN PUBI.~IC RIG~i~S OF° G~IAY ~ ORDIN~TCE 15~.' READTNG ~ '~he Coun~~.l ~°e~rie`ae~ a p~opo~ed Ordinarace ~Sr~pa~ed by the City Attorney ~etr~.sing cex°ta~n po~tions o~ the ~ity' s l~iun~c~pal C~de rega~°ding parlcing of ~~°uck~ in r~siden~~al a~e~s and restricing °the par}c~ng of recreation~l vehicles in ~ny p~alic rigY~°t ~,ray for more ~han `~2 hours, as requested by Police Chief Clar}c. Ci~y ~,°tto~°ney Sh~.psey then reacl the ~itle of an Ordinance amending the M~a:nicip~l Cod~ r~~~.°t~ng t~ pa~~Cing; °thereafter, a ino~ion was inade by Councilman ~pi~rlin~y ~ec~ncled by Coixn~ilsnan Galla~her and iznanimously carried, to cl~spense ~~th re~c?~ nc} the l~~l~n~e of °this ~rdin~nce m FUR`rHE~t D~S~iJSSION REm ~ilISIONS fi0 Bt7~INE~S ~,ICENSE Of~INANCE - HELD OiIER P,dministra~tor ~utch requested, and t~ae Council agx°eed, to hold over fur°ther d~.scussion on suggest~d resrisi~ns of the ~usiness License Ordinance, as the staff ~s st~ll researching ~he mat°tere CL~M AGA~NS°I' CTfi~ ~'6R PRt5PEi2°I'~ D~1NiAGE (WOI,VERTONa - DENI~D The C~urici~ rerxd le°tter fr~tt ~.t~ ins~xran~e carrier, ~e~ominend~ng that the claim of Trerae VJolverton against the City for property damage b~ den~.ed. The Council discus~ed the claim proce~s bae~efly, w~.th City Attorr~ey S~aipsey clarifying that in denying ~he claim, tl~e Counc~l sets the begiran~ng of a six- month t~.me period where3n the Claiinan°t can file a lawsu~t against the City ~n this m~tt~ro After Counc~l cliscussion: a motimn raas made by Coaxncil.man ~pierling, ~econcled by L~Ia~ro~ de Leon ~.nd ca~°ried, cleny~ng the classn of Irene W~lve~ton again~t ~e C~t}r for property damagem 454 CITY C~UNCI~ JANUARY 10, 1978 ARROYO GRA,~~~, CP,I~IF~IZN~A PAGE 3 APPRO~E ANI~NDI~N°I° TO JOII~i~ POWEl~ AGREEMEN°I' FO1T SOo COtJNTY AREA TRANSIT The Co~cil ~e~eived ~ncl r~viewe~l ~opies of °the revised Joint Powers Agre~ment for the S~uth C~~nty ~rea ~~ansit ~~~T~m ~he amendn~¢ents to the px°eviously approv~d ~7~~n~ Pa~~rer~ Agre~~aat add ad~dit~~nal protec°tion to the public agenc~e~ involvecl, a~d ~~.ves them ~reatex° f~.exibili°tyo After Council discus~~on, ~ m~tioa~ w~a~ rn~~e by~ Coax~ci~~ Gallagher y seconded by C~uncilman Spier].sn~ and unani~o~~~.y ~~~°~°s~~d, autY~~arizing th~ Mayor and ~ity Clerk to sign, on beh~lf of °the C~,tya the ~n~ndmer~°t to °the ~au~h County 1~°~:;^~~~ii~s.~.:~<< :J~~irat°,P°' A~~°~e~~nto ~,CCEPT RE~~~lv~1~'IOI~T OF PI~IQAIII~IG CC~lNI~~SIOI~7ER IiTTCHEN mq~~a:~~ ~as m~~~: by ~~~~~:~an~n ~~~.~rY~.~g? sscor~ded by Co~anc~lman Gall.agher ~ncl un~n~ou~~~ ~a~°~~e~~ a~~ept~.ng wi~h regre~ the resign~tion of Doug Hitchen f~oan ~he P~~n~ng C~~n¢nis~~on, effec°tive De~e~ber 28, 1977 per h~~ request; ~.nd di~~~t~a~~ tha°t ~ C;~~t~.~~cate ~f Appre~~;a°~~on be presented to him ~.n thank~ fo~ h~~ to ~he ~~tyo ~o~zr~c~lman Gallagh~~ ~~c~~andeel that ~e~e~°ly ~~ar~mon~ of Ta].ly Ho Raad be ap~ointed °to fi~l, °the v~~~~~y on the PYanriing C~n~~si~no He read her ~PPl~c~t~on f~r the pos~t~on, a~~a~~ ~i°~h an a~°ti~~~ which appeared in a news- ~aper de~~rib~,ng ~~r ~cc~mp~~~~~n~s ~.ra °th~ ~~~row fi~Ydo H~ ~hen made a ~na~i~n t~ app~i~t 1~i~~m ~h~ P~~r~~nq C~~n~~~i~sn, whi~h ~c~~tioa~_~ras ~ecos~cied by Co~c~lm~rn M~~1.~~ b~~ n~t ~r~~~d ~nm l~lay~r sle Leon stat~d he ~i~Il~aed to review~r a~.1 t~e ~.pp~i~~~~;~n~ ~~zrth~r ~5~~~~~ ~cting on an appointmentv C~ty P,°ttorney ~h~,ps~y ~ead a p~rt~~~ ~1~e C~ty's Municipal Code tah~ch states tha~ ~°Yae May~r naake~ ~~mia~ati~n~ ~~mm~~~~.oras y~aah~ch are then woted on by ~°..Yi~ C~~n~c~l m Coura~i~~n ~aTY~g~a~~ ~~~~n~~~~ci th~ Ma~ra~ to rev~evv the application ~f I~~~ o~~zn~?~ns at th~.~ t~.~ae a~~ ~o~a~~,d~r h~r ~~r the pos~t~on o Mayor de Leon re~tera°~eci ~~s cle~~~e t~ ~~udy °the m~t~e~ fu~°th~~° bef~re anak~ng nominat~.on. ~r~~~ d~~~u~s~on w~a~ al~~ h~ld r~~a~°din¢~ °~he at,~end~ce o~ the City F~ttorr~ey at Pl~n~~g Co~ni~~~~n nt~et~ngsm ~~.Ldl~~~~.e~i'~ ~'~id6~ ~~i~°~~~~ ~~~~a4~~~ ~~~c.~1B ~R~'~i'i.~' m W~R P~~IL`M1T a~sS~YI~I~'?~l C~~n~i~ ~~~~~~r~~I ~~e~~~n~~d~tion ~~om Plarani~g Directo~ Castro that ~he prop~sa~ f~~n Da~isl IMo in1a~,~e~~e `Va3ker P~.ar~ing .~,~s~c~:ates be accepted to prep~re the Env~~~nme~~a~. Irn~act Rep~srt QE~R~ on ~Y~~ HaT~yon Iiills proj~~t4 The ~otal ~~:an the ~nlnlal~~~ p~~~~~a~ i~ $~~°725, ~rhereas the other proposal rece~ved, from ~EDE~ ~arads~~p~ng A~~~i~°~~~~~ arad Laz~d Planri~ng, was ir~ ~e amouri~ of $9,080. Cot~ci~niax~ l~ti~.~~s ~~~ted h~pe th~t de~elop~r~ r~rilY ~~n~ider adequate mitigating mea~~xre~m Fi~ ~°~~~ee~ t~na°t ~~m~ c~~~~~ the d~ve3~pers }~~y ~'or n~wr sch~oZs and adc~~tg~a~~~ c~~~ ~~~ic~~ ~d that ~e ~h~~ld ~ind o~°t ~vha°~ other c~~ies are doing ,=9`~.~~ r~gard. ~obzrs~~~ d~~~~.~~i~r~D a~no~i~n was ~de by Coune~l.man ~~~~-~~h~~°s ~ec~ncled by C~ur~ci~~n ~pie~ling ~ncl ~~an~.~no~x~~~ carr~ed, authorizing ~the I~tay~~ ~rzd C~t3~ Gl~~~C ~~c~~a~ ~n b~hal,f Cit~, a contract ~aitY~ David IK. inlalk~~ of Tnlalke~ Pl~n~~ng A~s~c~~tes t~ prepa~°e the EIR fox° the HalcSron Hills de~re lopm~nt o I~EC~~PT O~" ~,N.~X~I~ REa FOIJ~2 P~~ED DEi7~Ia~PNIEI~TT~ ~I~T ~I'~ ~e Coun~~l~ ~ece~.vee~ ~op~~~ ~f C~~l~ti~re C~st/Revenu~ ~lnalysis prepared by th~ Planriing ~epa~~ent ~n~o~~ring th~ fo~ Planned Developments as follows: Oak Park ~cre~ ~h~~h ~,s al~eady ~r~~Te~° c~nst~x~ti~n; and Rancho Grande, Halcyon Hills and Grande Higl~~ansls wh~~h are be~n~ p~op~sed~ ~'Y~e Counc~.l ~greed to hold a study se~si~n ~n the analy~i~ the r~~ar futurem CORRECT SPEI~IaING O~° "~~LT~'TO 57ERI3E" 19~1RK - I~I,D OVER Tlze C~uracil ~e~rieraeel a~°ecommendat~on from °the Par7cs & 1t~creata.on Com~tiss.ion th~°t °th~ ra~e cs~ "P~~q~i~~ ~7~rde" par7c be corrected to "Poquito ~ierde P~r~C". Admti.ni~~rat~r ~utch stated ~that ~ity st~xff feel~ that '"Fc~guito Verde":may still n~t be app~~p~iate f~r °t~is ~i~tle green park on Woodland Drive. M~yor de Leon ~ugg~~ted it be called "Chiqixit~ Verde" Parlcm Aftex° Council dfs- cixss~ort, a moti~n was made by Counc~lman ~pierlingg se~onded by ~otanc~lman GaTlaghe~ and ~anan~o~sly car~~edg refe~e~~ng the park name change back to the P~rks & Rec~eat~on ~~zrn~i~~a.~n for ~ts ~eview ancl x°ecommendation~ m -'~~55 CITY COUNCIZ JAI~TiJ~fZY 1 U, 1978 ARROYO GRA~TI9E, CF~ILIFORNTA PAGE 4 RECEIPT OF° 14ECOMMENDATTON~a FaR.OI~i THE IaGR:LCULTU~ COMM~TTEE The Council receivecl°the recommenda~ions from th~ Arroyo Grande Agricultural Co~nit°tee ~or cer~ain Zoning Ordinance amendments and a propcrsed policy st~te~nent regarding a~ric~l°tttral land, The palicy statement basically includes °that no land be annex~d which i~ or could be u~ec1 fo~ a"coxrnnercial].y viaBle agricultura3. - ente~°~srise" p to p~~t~ ~he Tnt~~~~aita~~ii Act; °tha°t before adoption of the recommended "A-C" Dis°tric°t, an advisory election be hel.d to determine the City's de~ire °to implement the pr~posed program; and that an agre~nent be ente~°ed into with t,h~ Coun°ty no°t allov~ring clevelopment of prime agricultural land within the Val].ey I2oad ar~a unl~~~ i~ is first annexed to theC'~3:~y. Amendments °to the Zoning Ordinance ~re to provide for "P,-C" D3.stri~ts e The purchase of' se~reral parcels al~ng F°a~r Oaks P.venue is a~so recommended. The C~unc~l ag~cee~l tYaat a study ~es~~on be held on the recommenda- tions after Councilman Schleg~l returns ~,n E'ebrizarye The City staff w~ll prepare so~ne preliminary rep~rt~ regra~°dirag co~~t~, to be considered at sa~d study ~essionm After Counc~.l discuss~on, a mot~.on was made by Caunc~lman Gallagher, seconded by Council.a?lan Spierl~ng and ~ananianously carx°ieds directing that letters of thanlcs and appr~ciat~on be ~ent to the Agr~.cultural Committee a~embers, cc~nmmiending them for thei~ t~,mme and vaork pu°t s.n on this Committee. RES~3LUTI~N ADOPTTON -~iUePfi013.~~~ ~I°I"Y F°UND DEPOSI~!' IIJ INVE~TMEN'1' ~'TJND The Cauncil reviewed a resolution prepared by City Attorney Shipsey at the request Financ~ Director B~.con, to asxthorize the deposit of C~ty funds ~.n °~he ~c~l Agency ~nves~ment Funcl of °the ~ta°te o~ Californiam This will ~~.~.a~w °th~ City to take ~elvanta~~ o~ high~~ ~nte~est rates and not lose interest ~arers,~.ng~ .if an inve~°tment i~ wi°thdr~wrn ~om~er than the te~minat~.on of °the time d~pe~~ito Af~er Ccsunc~l cli~cuss~:on~ C~.ty A~.t~rraey ~hipsey ~ead the title of a r~so~ution auth~r~.z~.ng ~th~ deposit ~f Ci~y ~~xncls ~rs °the Local Agency ~nvestment ~'~~ar~~;- therer~fter, ~ mc~tion was mad~ by Co~sncilman S~pierling, seconded by ~o~ncilman G~ll~gher and unanunou~ly carried, °t~ dispense with read:~ng the balance csf th~,s resolu°tiora e RES OIatJ~I°I ON NO m °B 3°~ 2 A RESOLLT'L'~C91~T bF° ~`F~ CI7"Y COIJNCIL `I'H~ C~7.'Y'Y OF° ARRC3Y0 GR~E ALT'T'HORTZTNC~ ~'HE DE190SIeI' OE° CIZ'Y FL1I~TDS IN THE LOCP,L At3ENCY ~NVES~NT ~"UNI) 1~IJI~TJP,N".I° TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 16429.1 ~n mati~n ~f Counci~man ~pi~rl~nc~; sec~ncled by Counci].~naari Gallagher and ~n the f~11.cs~aing roll cal~. vote, t~ wi°t: AYES s Ce~uncilmen Spierling, Gallagher, M~llis arid Mayor de I.eon NOES: Ncne ABS~EN~: Co~n~i].m~n Schl.egel th~ ~oregoing Reso3.ution ~vas pa~~e~ ~nd adop~ed this 1Oth day of January, '1978a ~~EW ~E` OUA1~fiERLY SALES TAX ~ C~~.`~~E~TE ~A}C 1~VENUE ~h~ Cauncil reviewed a pr~gre~~ ~ep~~°°~ fr~m the Ci°ty Adm~nistrator ~hova~,ng the ~a1ea Ta~ re~enue lEcs~° the °third quarte~ rsf ~ 977 and Ca.garette Ta~c ~e~enue ~o~ Septernber ~hrough bece~er, ~977m ~'h~ ne~t °total Sales Tax received $113,140.83, wh~ch i~ a'04m4~ ~.nc~°~a~e over 'the previous quarter in 1977. ~ECE~~°~ OF AUDIT~D F~NANCIAL ~~°P,~E1~NT FOR E°IS~L YEP,R ENDING JUNE 3 U, 7 977 The Council received, reviewed ~nd order~d filed the G~.ty's audited finan~ial at~tement fo~ the fi~c~l year ~nding J'une 30, 1977, ItECEIPT OF fZECREATTON DEPARTMEN°~ ° S ANNUAL W~-UP The Ccuncil received a~raci reviewed the Recreation Depar~tment'~ Annual O~rap-Up report frc~m the Fa1~. mf 1976 '~hrough th~ Summer c~f 1977. Br~ief dis~ussicn was held about p~°evious at~tempts for a join°t powers ~g~eesneat with Qthe~° Sotxth Cc~tanty citie~ to consols.date recreational aetivities. After Counc~.l discuts~3~n, a mo~iora raas made by Cotxncil~an Millis, seconded by Counciltnan Gall~c~her and un~nimously carried, that at~empts be made again to p~trssue ~~~rint Po~r~~°~ Ac~~eemen°t ws~~h other Sou~h County cities to consolidate c~~t~in rec~eat3on ~ct~.vitiesm 456 CITSt COUNC~Z JANU~RY 1U, 1978 ARROYO GR~DE, CAIaI~'ORNI~, PAGE 5 RECTPET OF F°IN~,I, ADOPTED S o L e 0 o COUI~i~'Y AREA COUNCIL' S OiiERALL WORK PROGRAM The Counc~l rece~ved not~,ce that a copy of tlze final adopted San Luis Obi~po Co~ty ~1rea Council of Government°~ overall work program for 1977-78 has been receiveel and i~ on ~~.1e at City Hall for anyone's-reviewo RECEIPT OF LATE~T LEGTSI~TIVE BULLETIN FR(~M IaEAGUE OF CALIF' o CITIES The Council received and reva.ewed tlae f~rst Legislative Bul.letin for 1978 frcjm the League of C~l~:fornia Citi~se RESOLUTION ADOPPi'IO1V - APPIa3C eI'O LAFCO FOR EL CAMINO REAL l~TOo 1 A1~TNE~{ATION A~ini~trator Butch rev~.ewed that proceedings had l~,eegun ].ast year to annex the county is7.and area al~ng E1 ~amino Real frogn Brisco Road, knowm as E1 Gainino Rea1 N~, 1 Anriexation. Proceedings ha~ then been held off pending the effeet.iveness of newr aririeacat~.on law~s regarding ~i~la.rids" , 7'he Council received and reviev~eel ~op~es of an "Island P,x°eas Aran~~ation Procedure Gene~al F1ow D~agrantt1 rander ~e M~ic~pal Organizat~on Act of 1977 o Z'he City can now proceed anew for ar~nexati~n of ~~s area under °the neva laras. After Coun~il dis~s~a:ona Admi.na.strator Butch read the tit].e af a resolut~.on appl~~ng to I.P,FCO f~~ ~ aranexation, thereafter, a motion was inade by Counc~.lm~ Sp~erl.a.aage ~econcl~d by C~uncilmari G~1lagher anzl unan~m~usly carriecl, to disp~rase ~rith read~ng ~e ba7~ance of °tha~s r~sol~z°tsono RE~OI~TJ'I"ION NO~ 1313 A R~SOLiJTION OF° A~PI~ICAT~ON QF TFiE C~~ OF- ARR03C0 GR1~11~IDE ~`OR IN~TIA~.°~011 O~' PR~EEDYI~IGS FOR A C~GE OF° OFtGA1~1TZ1~TIOPio ~ m~tion of C~un~ilsnaa~ Nl~ll~.~? ~e~ondecl by Coaxnci].man Spierl.ing and on th~ ~~l~~~r~..~g ~~1~ ca7.~ s~ote ~ to ~rit m .'~YE~: C~°~c~.lna~n ~p~,e~lin~~ Gall.aghera Mill.is and 1Kayor de Leon NOES : 1Jorie A~~~TTa Co~~~}.trt~ ScYilee~el ~e foreeJo~ng R~solu~~on raas ,pa~sed ana~ adopted ~Y~~.~ ~ 0~ day of ~anuax°y, 1978 0 ~O1~T - ZC3NE 3 AD~r T~ORS~ C~PI'~I'EEE MEE°~~1~TG - KP,R~ City Ene~~neer I~rp repo~°ted ax~ tY~~ Dec~~r ~ 5, ~~77 m~et~ng of the Zone 3 Ad~r~.sary ~~s~n3ttee o He s~a~~d °tlzat th~ m~nthiy rep~~t from tYae Parks ~ Recreati~n Ar~as wra~ hea~dt ~~.~ng ~ra~th tk~~ T°~~atsnent Pl~xat re}xsrtm P,s of De~~er 1 st, I~pez L~7ce wras 23 0 42 feet below tY~e sp~ll~nray o Director of Public Waxk~ .`~rader~on re~rted that ~s of toclajr, the ].~e a,s 2~ 0 2 f~~t below~ spill m At the Zon~ 3 tneeti~ge Mra Ka~p had macle a m~t~or~y ~rhi~h passed, t~ h~ve the `'~~:a.~~y came tzp t~i~ co~~s ~or a~arl~ora ~ilt~x•~ng sg~stem at tY~e Treatnient Plant ~,~a ~aiprove the t~~te of t~lie water o REPORT - i2ECEl~i'~ C~JI~T~ UTAfiER RESOI7I~CE; ~iDtTISORY CON~I~E MEE~'TNG - ANDERSON Dire~tor af P~s~:ic 1~orks 1~nders~sn rep~rted on ~he Janu~r 4? °8 978 mee°ting ~f the C~s~snty~ T~I~~er Reso~zrce~ Advisory C~~~°~°t~eo Cl.~aat M~1ne,~~Deputy ~~ttnty Eaagineer, had rep~~ted that ~o far ~ 6, 000 acre f'~e°t of ~rater have been r~quested ~iy ~r~,~~+~~~.° ~.qencie~ fran tlae ~°tate Water Pro ject, but a1.1 agencies in the C~uaity Y~ve not yet resp~nded. RECEIPT ~~~B~~"'~i A~1Y4RF) ~iF`'C~SNTRP,CT - RE~ERiTOIR NOm 1 COi7ER - GLOBE LINTNGS Direc°tor o~ Pub].ic Worlcs Anderson rep~rted tha°t two bids had been received for ~~~~fi~~~,~~ cover for wate~ x°~~ea°~ro~~° Noo 1 8 a~ follo~asa GLOBE LTNTNG~, TNCo, °1901 E. Wardlow Rd., Long Beach, CA 90807, ~.n °the total amount aaf $27y86Um00, and GULF SEF~ CORPo, 2340 Ao ~lackfoot, Placent~.a, CA, in the t~t~sl ~nount o£ $32,8UO.U0m ~he Engineer's Est~sr?ate had been $35,UOU. After Counc3l di~cusa~.on, a motion wras made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Ccuncilsnan Gallagher and unanimou~ly carr~.ed, accepting the b~.d of Globe L~~~9$ i~~~ Q~n~1 a`v~rding theia the contract for °the floatine~ cover f~r the City°s Water Re~ervoir Noa 1(Project Noo- 6Q-77-~)9 a.n the total amount of $27,86Q,UQo RECEIPT B~DS F~R THE PIKE ~1KPROVEMEI~T°I'S COIQTRACT AWARD HELD OF°F Dir~c'to~ P~sblic Worlss Andersor~ reported that only one 3aid was received for Pr~ject Noo 90-77-2, Impr~vement of The Pike, rah:lch wa~ froan Mo- J, Hermreck, Tnc., P.O, Bmx 2178 Nipomo, CA 93444, in the total amQUnt of $18,75U.OU. ~'ize bid is appro~ci.mate.ly 30~ higher than the Engineer°s Estimate. He rec~nmended tl~a'~ the bid be re~ected and new bids be ca~led for after the rainy seas~n, After Council d~.seussion, a motion was made by Counci].man ~V~ ~~T~" ~~UNC~L ~'P,1~iTAR3~ ~0, '8978 ARROYO GRP,2~1~E, CAIaIF°~F~T~A P~1~E 6 Gallagherg sec~ncled ~3~ Coun~i~.~tan Sp~e~Ying and unarnimo~~~,y ~a~regecl, rejec°ting the bid of NI o J o- H~~°eck D Ir~~ ~ for th~ Imp~ov~en°t o~ The 1~~Yce Pro~ ect g and that bid~ f~r the pro~ec°~ be c~l~ed an~w ~n a~ew month~m APPR~vA2~ OF SaOT ~P3~I°~ N~o 77-26`~ ~~E~7EI2N) - xEI.oD O~R APPr~va~. of L~t ~p~.~t N~o 77~2679 as ~eqa~es~.ecl by Ho Severn, was held over as eve~gr°th~.ng ~~~ani~°~d h~~ ~ao~ ye~ been ~aa~xnit~~d m OBJECTTON CT°~~ REo I3EI,~,Y ~N ~ECT~~OI~T OI~T lE°A~R O~„IC~ .`~~7E. PROPER°I'Y~I~iI`Y~1KE)-BRADLEY Mrm ~am~~ B~~d~.ey, ~ep~~~~n~~.n~ Sawad~-Mi~yak~ Farm~y sta°ted f~r the record their object~.~n ~o ~he d~7L~.~~ by th~ ~i~gr i~ ma?c~.ng ~ c1e~~s~on on what the owners of a port~~n o~ p~~pe~ty ~n Oa~CS Aven~e ~an do ~ai~;h s~.ia~ pr~perty m It was ~t~~ feeling that th~ ~i~y ~a~ ~rhat e~~~>i~ ?ce~ping t~~ 2and as a g~een belt, but the ow~e~s ha~re t~ ~ontin~ze p~yin~ and ~~c~ u~nabl,e t~ change the~::.use:,of the property ~rom ~.t~ p~~sent ~~ndi~iono RETATN A°r"!`C3RNE5t ~fJ IiP,1~TDT~ B~ PF20~ECiJ'~~~IIeT CPw~°E~ m I~E SAGE C~.~ P,~torn~y ~h~p~~~ re~r~ewed ~he ~~nfl~.~t that ex~~~~ ira hi~ handl~ng the City' ~ cr~.m~;na1. v~~lat~.~ns Ci°ty~ ~ode~ and hi~ ~~.a~m also handl~.ng private criminal prosec~z°t~ons. He r~c~~en~~d coa~trac~irag Ni~.ke I~eSage o~ Hart & LeSage in Paso Roble~ t~ handYe the C~t3r ~~~:m~raal 7~rosec~°t~~n~ ~ wYs~ had indicated a vvillingne~~ to handle tho~e ~a~e~ ~~?e~ ~~~tair~ c~ncli~~~ns ~ wh~~h a~e outl~ned belowr in ~~e inot~~a~m A~t~~° C~~n~~~l ~l~s~~~~i~n, ~ in~ti~~ vaa~ made by Councilman Gall~ghe~, ~econeTed by ~o~°i~i~an ~~~~~~,~ng ~d aan~n~m~~x~Yy ca~~i~d~ au~horizing the c~ntr~.c°t~ng of Nt~.lc~ Sa~e ~r~Yre ~Iart & I~~~a~r~ ~ra Pas~ Rob.l~~ to har~dle ~he City' ~~ri.mi~~T p~°m~~~~°t~.~s~s ~50 0 ~0 p~~ hou~ f~r °trial. of and ~rep~rat~on of c~~e~, and $35 s 00 }pe~ h~~na~ t~a~eY ~~re~ s~~ ~he ~~ght of I~e~age to wr.~°thdravv from the c~~tra~~ ~f the ~~ty p~~~~~~~~~r~~ ~~n~~asne mu~h o~ kta.s t~~ae o and with the ~nnde~~t~ndirn¢~ ~h~~ th~ ~ity w~l~ ~~r~~~~~~ p~~~zing a p~s~nanent ~o].~at~,on f~r the laandl~ng ~f ~,t~ c~~in~~ p~o~~~~~~on c~~~~~ s~~ rel~,~~~~n~ Sh~.ps~y & Se~.tz from °the h~ndl~.xa~ ~s,~y e ~ ~r~a~na~. p~~s~~ut~:~~ ~a~~s o DT~(:U~~IO1V ~o P~1~TI)~1~~ ~A~ Tg3 C~~ m~~r~AGI~iER & JP,CICSO~T Co~znci~t~ G~~l~gher ~nd City r~~~d~nt EY~~~e~h ~acl~s~n, 208 Fa~.r View, ~.nd~.~ated t~e~~ ~~n~e~a~ ~~~z~ ~n~~~~ed ~a~~ac~~ng a~ea~ irc the Cbty, wrhich ~hey felt w~re ~~ang~~ ~h~~d~en'~ ~~.~~~o I~ w~s the~~ r~co~nendation °tl~at every p~nrling a~e~ b~ ~enc~xi ~s~~~ n~~ ~or ~a~~'~y ~ea~~ns m City E~g~.neer Karp resp~ncled ~h~t ~,h.~~e ~~~~a~~,~ ~~~~n~ ~~a~~~ ~~n~~~aua~.ly cl~a~ni~g and only have fr~ tv~o ~o th~e~ ~a~~h~~ ~f ~r~~~~ °them any t~~~ ancl a~~ ~nfenced because 90~ ~f th~ ~~m~ ~he~ ~.re u~~d pa~k~o '~~I~TC~R1~1~ REo ERO~~OS~i ~l~T D1EG~ SiJBI~~~T~S~OIJ~ ~ ~I~E~ - ~IOI~TEYCiJ°~°~ ~ E~.l~ Honeyc~tt, 5Fi0 Oak ~I~~~ R~asl~ ~n~d~ a p~e~e~t~ta.on ~ri~.h photographs reg~~°ding e~o~3on o~c~n~i~~ clurira~ ~~e ~~~~ra~ ra~:~r~ ~x~ s~ve~aY n~w ~~d~.visions ~nd b~xilding ~i~es, ~he fe~.~ t~~t d~sr~l~pe~~ anei p~~pe~~~ owners ca~asing the p~~b~.~ns sT~o~ld be m~c1~ t~ pay f~~° th~ C~°ty cscernr~ ° t~.ine? ~n cY~an~ng axp the p~obl~ms a Sh~ ~~,~°~e~l th~°~ concl~°~~.on~ we~~ ~~~~~ted ~nd ~iled with th~ Negat~ve De~l~rati~n th~t the~e p~~b~.em~ b~ ~ak~n c~re ~~x°t they ~~e a~~t ~eing f~Yloo~t~d, ~i°ty ~~gineese ICarp ~~s~~nd~cl t~ va~i~tns con~e~ns bro~,ght out, ~tat~.ng thaxt in s~~n~ i~s~~a~~e~ re~t~~~~~on by the d~~elope~ ~nr~l~. b~ r~q~~~~d be~ore acceptance ~f t~e t~act~m H~ o~t~ined ~~e~~ the City talcing on o°ther dra~.nage p~~b~.em~, includ~ng th~ ~ev~l~pm~n~ ~f a dra~n~ge p~l~~y ~~r ~;x~~3f:~~:c1~a1 building ~i°~e~ whicl~ will adcT~~s~ g~~d~n~m caMPr~zr~~ r~. ~~o~~~ ~~om ~o~ ~~o~~ ~ ~x~r~~,~~s Chri~tir~e Phi1~L~.}s~, Pearra~~d P,~enue, c~mpbained ab~~ut the pro~~.ems the priva°te r~~d o~ her ne~g~ab~~°, Mr. L~~n, ~re ~au~irag Y~e~m A s~u~t problenn derrelop~ du~ing the cT~:y ~e~~or~ ~rad ~ra~d ~un~ ~.n front of her re~iclence dur~,ng °the ra3.n. City ~taff w~.~.Y ~~~lc int~ the matt~r t~ see ~he C~t~r c~n do any- thir~ al~otxt the probT~m~ a PERN~SaION 7.'O BE ~iBSE1~IT ~ROI~ ~°I`A"I'~ - ~E ~EOII~i A mot~~n rrr~s made k~y C~~r~c~~n~n ~pie~~.~ng, ~econded by Co~xnc~lman Gallagher and unanimously ~~~~i~~, ~~tY~ors~z~ng Ma~or de I~eon ~o be absent f~°o~n tY~e ~ta°te during J~nu~scyD p~~ ~i~ ~~que~°t. ADJOURI~iMEN°I' C9n ~ta~t~.o~ C~~nn~~.lL~rt~a~ Ga11agY,~~°? ~~~~r~d~d by Co~n~~~in~ra l~iillis ancl unani.mously ~~rriecT y the ~e~t~n~ ~~Ty~~~°n~d at 1~: 24 0 ~ ~,TTE~T: _ ~ _~ll_. o~'.P ~ ~~o~