O 385 C.S. J.,(." " -- ORDINANCE NO. 385 c.s. AN ORDINANCE OF THE ClTY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING aJAP.rER 1 OF TITLE 8 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL roDE. TO ADOPTBY REFERENCE THE 1988 UNIFORM BUILDING roDE. INO-UDING AMENDMENTS 'flIERE'IY.) roNCERNlNG f,TOP ORDERS,roRRFCrlONS, FEe:;, AND P-XCI!PrlONS; Rm'EALlNG ALL CONFLICfING ORDINANCFS AND SEC'rIONS THE CITY roUNcn. OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: ~ SEC'I'ION 1: Owpter 1 of Title 8 (Sections 8-1.01 through 8-1.06) of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is amended to read in its entirety as follows: ~ 8-1.01. Adootion gi Uniform Buildim ~ There is hereby adopted by the City, for the purpose of providing miniImJn standard! to safcgusrd life,linb, health, property and public welfare, that certain Code known as the Uniform Building COOe, 1988 Edition, the Uniform ~ Code Standards, 1988 Edition, and the Acclmllative Supplement, 1988 Edition, pub1ished by the International Q)nference of Building OfficiaJs, 5360 South Worlamn Mill Roed, Whittier, California, 90601, and the whole thereof, including tJlf! Table of Contents, Chapter 1 (div. 1 & 2), '1 (div.l), 11, 12, 32, 35, 49, 51, 53 and 55, of the Appendix, save and exc'4,t such portions liS are hereinafter deleted, added thereto, mxlified or amended, of which Code, arr.er.dments und secondary Code, not less than three (3) copies have been and ere now on file in the office of the City Qerk, and the same are adopted and incorporated as fully as set out at length herein. ~ 8-1.02. AcJninistration. In Oi'der for the orderly enforcement of the UnifOlm B~ Code, as adopted by Section 8-1.01, the1-e is hereby adopted the 1988 Edition of the Uniform Aaninistrative Code, Q1apters 1, 2, 3, and Table No. 3- A-Buildirg Permit Fees, as published by the Inte~national Conference of Building Officials, save and except such portions as are hereinafter deleted, added thereto, c~ed, or -- wnended, not less than three (3) copies of said Uniform Attninistrative Code are now 011 iiJe in the office of the City Clerk, and said A<tninistrative Code is hereby Ildopted and inCO!'porllted herein by reference as though herem set forth in full. ~ 8-1.03. RIIi1rlim' Offiaial.. "B~ Official," as \lied in this Qwpter, shall mean the Director of Building and Fire. ~8-1.04. Director gi Rni1r\i'1V DD!l ~ ~ created. Powers I!OO Duties. The office of Director of ~ and Fire is hereby created, and the Director of Building and Fire, or his designated representative, is hereby IlUthor~ to adninister and enforce all the provisions of this OIapter and Codes adopted by this Qwpter and, for such purpose, shall have the powers of !1 police officer and shall hereby have the authority, as provided in Section 836.5 (a) of the Californi!1 Penal Code, to make arrests and isNe citatioRl for violatiOUJ of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. (a) Citation authority is hereby granted for violations which, WIder aty Ordinances, constitute infractions or misdemeanors. ~ 8-1.05. Adninistrative Authority. The n Aaninistrative Aut:OOl'ity,lI as used in this Code, shall be the Bui1~ Official or his designated representative. ~ 8-1.06. Amendment m Section m.(gl Unifonn AcJninistrutive C'W.... Sec. 202 (d), Stop Orders of said Uniform A<ininistl'&tive Code, is &IIv>nded to rea.llS follows: (d) &IIJl Orders. Whenever any work is being done contrary to the provisions of this Code and Technical Codes, or in violation of any other Code or City Ordinance, tile Building Official may order the work stopped by notice in writing, served on any persons er1gag~ in the conduct or caus~ such work to be done, and any such per:;!)n shall imnediately stop such work untillt6 rb:ation is provided by the B~ Official to procet.>d with the work. If uJ\uble to serve such persons with a ---_.._"'--- --~---,--------' -,- -"-,,------, ~ ,~ r- ~'''':\) ORDINANCE NO. 385 c.s. PAGE 2 notice, the Buil~ Official shall post the Stop Order in a prominent place on the site. Such posted notice shall only be retOOved by the Building Official or designated' representative. Any person proceedir(:: with unauthorized work after beir(:: served or ha~ a notice posted on his or her job site, shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day, OJ' portion thereof, duri~ which ~ such work is beir(:: perfonned. ~ 305 of said UnifOnTI Buil~ Code is amended by addi~ a new sul:6ection (h), to read as follows: (h) No utilities shall be authorized to be connected until such time os a final building inspection is approved and all a ty department requirements have been canpIeted. ~ 8-1.07. Gradim ~ JIII~tlon. Prior to the issuance of a buil~ pennit, all construction plans may be reviewed by the Department of Public Works for compliance with Title 7, Qlapter 1,"Gradi~ and Excavatir(::." Said conditions by the Department of Public Works shall be enforced by the Building Department and/or Director of Public Works, and no occupancy or utilities shall be authorized until said conditions have been caT()lied with. SECTION 2: That Ordinance No. 227 C.s.of the atyof Arroyo Grande, titled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO AMEND CHAPTER 1 OF TJTLE 8 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE, TO ADOPI' BY REFERENCE THE 1979 UNIFORM BUJLDING CODE, INCLUDING AMENDMEN'I'.:; THERETO CONCERNING STOP ORDERS, CORRECI'IONS, AND EXCEPI'IONS, AND THE REPEAL OF ALL CONFLICl'ING ORDINANCES," and all other Ordinances, or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith, are repealed. SECTION 3: If any section, sul:6ection, sentence, c1ause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the ~ portions of this Ordinance. The Council hereby declares that it would have adopted the Ordinance and each section, subsection, c1ause, or phrase thereof, Irrespective of the fact that any sentence, clause, or phrase be decl8red invalid. SECTION 4: A SUII1!18l'y of this ordinance shall be published in a newspaper, publlshed and circulated in said aty, at least five (5) days prior to the aty Council meetiq:" at which the proposed ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the propaled ordinance shall be posted in the office of the aty Oerk. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the ordinance, the SImI1III'Y, with the names of those aty Councilmenbers votil~ for and against the ordinance, shall be published again, and the aty Qerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted ordinance. On Jrotion of Council Member Moots, seconded by Council Member &nith, and on the foll~ roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Menbers Moots, &nith, Dougall and Mayor Millis NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoir(:: Ordinance was passed and adopted on this 13th day of December, 1988. ~cz~ M OR A1TEST: '11=r a. ~ CITY CLER .-.,-~..--- ----,.