Minutes 1978-02-21 47~ CITY` CbUNCI~, FEBRUARY 21, 1978 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALTFORNIA 4:00 P.M. The Council met in regular adjourned meeting with Mayor de Leon presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Spierling, Gallagher, Schlegel and Millis reported present. STUDY SESSION RE. AGRICULTURAL LANDS COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATIONS Councilman Spierling, Chairman of the Council's Agricultural Lands Committee, reviewed the recommendations of that Committee. The area of greatest concern was the establishment of a five-year period in the rezoning to Agricultural- Con¢nerc iaZ . After a great deal of discussion, the City Staff ~ras instructed to write a letter to each farmer in and outside of the City and review for the farmers the proposal of the City Council, including a suggested two year "escape clause" and asking the farmers for various reasons why such a clause would be necessary. The farmers will also be asked if they preferred thxs method of zoning an Agri- cultural Preserve. Mr. James Bradley, representing Sawada, Miyake Farms, officially px~otested the delay this letter will cause, feeli~g it will delay the matter until November. STUDY OF PROPOSED SURCHARGE ON BUILD~NG PERMIT FEE FOR CAPITAL IMPRQVEMENTS City Administrator B~xtch, Planning Director~Castro and Planner Sullivan reviewed 3n general terms what the impact of a suggested $300 to $400 surcharge on Building Permits fc~r Capi~al ~mprovements would have on the City. A report, prepared by the Planning Departms~,t, rev~ewing the i.mpact based on proposed new development, was revi~ewed fox°i~he Councila After a great deal of discussion, t~e Couneil requested tl~at tk~~.~ matter be brought before them for action at its next regular Council m~e~ting. ADJFJtTRTTMENT On° motion of Counc~.~,ma~; 3pierl~ng, seaonde~l b~r Councilman Mi.llis and unanin~ualy carrisd, the m~~ting adjou~ned at 5:45 P. ATTE~T• L~~ ~ DEPUTY CITY CL~RK MAYOFi