Minutes 1978-02-28 4~79 CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 28,-1978 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA " The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Gabe de Leon presiding~ ~,'.;~;on roll call, Council Members A1 Spierling, Matthew Gallagher, Jr., Calvin ~~:hle~el and Mark Millis repor~ed preseant. ~LEDGE OF ALI,EGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor de Leon 1e t e Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Councilman Millis d~3~~~r~d the invocatien. i ~iF~ftOVAL OF M~NUTES The minu~es for the regular meeting of February 14th and regular adjourn~~ meet~~g ~f February 2'9, 1978, were approved as prepared. fi.PPR~V~L OF t~lARRANTS ~5~, motior. of Councilman Schlegel, secanded by CQUncilman Gallagher and ,'~z:~~a~~mously carried, Demand Warrants No. 8040 through No. 8125, in the total amo~~~ ~f $25,'i82o04; and Payroll Warrants No. 10763 through Noe i0966, in ~the ~e~ta~ ~sn:et~ra~ ~f $77, 338 0 69, were approved and ordered paid e ~~tESENTA'TrON O~° CERTTFICA'rE OF APPRECIATION - F. BENTLEY M~yor de Leon p~°esented a plaque bearing a Cartificate of Appreciation to Fr=r~c 8~~~~e~r, `aho recently resigned from the Parks & Recreation Commission on ~~.ch he had served since May of 1969. RECEIPT OF T_NFO. FROM C~1LIF. ffi,DG. COUNCIL RE. Lp,ND DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES The CounciT reviewed information ~eaeived from the California Builders ~~>,;:;~ci~ regardirg ~h~ l~nd development proc~sses within the Statem ~ET'PER OF APP~2ECIATTON REa 1978 MUNICIPAL CALENDAR - CARMICHAEL ~ 7a'~~ v~uncil read a 1e+~ter f~om JacJc and Kay Carmichael of Arroyo Grande c~nv'e'ys.ny ~hei~ apprec~at.~~n for the Municipal Calendar prepared by the City and s~nL to.e~ch residencem P7UN~. Ci~DE:AMENB. - ORDTNANCE ADOPT. - PROHI~IT MINORS IN'CERTAIN PUBLIC PLACES Ci~t~ Attorney Shipsey read the t3.t1e of an ordinance amendzng the Muniei- pal'Code ~ra regard ta m~~ors bsing prohibited in public places where card gatnes as°e p~.~y~d fo~ c~ambling purposes. A motion was then made by Councilman Schlegel, se~onded by Counc~lman Gallagher and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ord~nance, ORDINANCE NO. 173 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 5 OF T~TLE 5 THEREOF RELATING TO MINORS VTSTTNG PUBZIC PLACES WI~HIN SAID CITY. On motion of Councilman Spier~ing, se~onded by Councilman Ga~lagher and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES; Councilmen ~pierling, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor de Leon NOES;• None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 28th day of February, 1978. MUNT. CODE ~NiEND. - ORDTNANCE ADOPTION - MODIFY HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS IN "R-A" DIST. City Attorney Shipsey read the title of an ordinance amending a certain section of the Municipal Code relating to height restrictions for accessory buildings in "R-A" Districts. A motian was then made by Councilman ~chlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 174 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING CHAPTER 4 OF TITLE 9 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDTNG SECTION 9-4e505(b) RELATING TO HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS IN "R-A" ZONING. . F- . _ 4$0 C~~~~~" FEBRUARY 28, 1978 ~2ROY~ ~RANDE, ~AL~~dl~T~A FAGE 2 ~n m~t ian of Counc i~.man Sp~arling, seconded by Counc~.ltn~ G~?~ loe~her and on the ~0~~~'GVSIli~ :~°b~l ~all vot~e, to wite AYE~a ~~ezn~~~m~~ ~pierling, Gallagher, Schlegel, M~.~.~i~ and Mayor de Leon NOE~, N~n~ ABSEt~'~` ; Not1e t the fo~e~oi,~ ~a~d~n~~~~ passed and adop~ted this 28~h day of F+~b~ary, 1978. A1~ND BU~~N~~~ ~.~~,E~I~~ O~D~1~T~NCE - F~RST READING ~a~~~~ ~r~~~~~v~d a~ p~°opossc't ord~,nanae, rewis~,~g ~c~ ~dd~~g c~rt~~r~ sect~on~ ~o 8~~~~~~~~ ~~,cense 0~di~anae, includ~,ng p~~v~o~a~~~ ~~s~uas~d ~nenc'~n~x~~~ ~ci a~~~~~~ ~ ; R~.~~ ~a, ~~~b~~, e~epla~ned tha~ ~~en ~vith ~evi~~.~~ o~ ba~bex ~#~sap 9 ~~#~~1 go f~oin $135 to S ~ 65 ? ~e~~~x~~ "p~~ f~ee p~~~ ~ 1~~~~~~ ~~~~~e~ ~o~ ~~e Pn~~c,1~g Fi~~e~~~man~ D~~~~i~°~ ~1~~ ttillag~ ~~ea~ wa~~~~a b~~~~s~~ o~t~3~d~ of ~.h~ ~1~~~.~~~ ~~y9 A~~e~- C~~r~~,x.~ d~~cussa~~n, C~.ty i~tto~ney Shipse~r readg fo~ its ~a.rst reading, th2 ~~.~le o~ ~n ~~~~~~~x°~~~ ~an~r~s3i~c~ the Mun~cipal Code by ~eva.s~~g aa~d adding ~er~~ir~ ~ect~~rs~ th~ Busiz~ess ~icens~ Ord~nance; ther~a£Le.~, ~ mot.ion was ~d~ ~3~ ~Q~~~i~m~:~ ~~~].~ghe~, seconci~d by Counc~.lman Sc~l~gel ~nd unanimously earr~ed~ to cl~~pen~~ wr~th reacl~.~ag the balanee of this ordinanc~o DISC[ISSIaN R~a ~MpROi7o FEE ON BLDG PERNIIT - F°UR~"HER ~1~"O UESTID ~dmin~~~ra~o~ ~~~ch revieraed that this i~em was pu~ ~e~•o~e the Couneil p~~~°~"~~r~ b~ ~'~~a~~~~ ~~11~Faing t.lz~ reLent stud~ s~s~iora on a p~oposecl capital impr~~Yr~~nt ~~~r~1~~~-a~~ ~a~~~ °the btxzld~ng pexmit ~~e o ~he p~~posal would estab].ish ~$4~0 pex ~.~t ~ee wai~in the City; $10U pe~ apartme~t unit ~d 2U~ pex° s~~~°e ~o~~ ~~~r~~.~1 st~°uctures a rt wroul,d genera~~ ~ppro~imately $~,2UU90~0 ~~e~ a ~°~n ~e~~ per~.odo C~un~~~.Zn~ ltit~~~~s s~~~~d h~ ~upp~~°ted the ~~nc~p~, bu°~ fel~ it should ha~e 3~ui1~ ~~t,a~ i~ ~:~~~.ai~ ~hings, s~,ch ~s an automa~~c ~e~r ~o ~e~ ~eview to m~ke ~~:~~e ~.s n~~~~~a~ye Fi~ raouid ~zlsa like ta ha~ve ;mor~ ~esearch done ~o~ ~vh~~ ~~th~~° ~re d~~.~ag ~.long ~Y~~~~ l~ne~o Co~sn~~].man G~l~~g~a~~ s~tated t.~ ~~.so ~~xpp~~~~ ~h~ ~:~ncep~, bu~ wou1~1 1~~~ ~o have o~^.~ moz°~ stud~ ~es~~~n o~ t~~ m~~,~t~~ an~ t~~~~ ~.r~p~t, ~eques~ed }~3~ ~o~c~lmara M~,1~~~, s~udy ~~~si~i~o He a~:L~:~ i~~~~; w~uld ~.ilce ~to ha~r~ ~o~cunents ~r~m +th~ ~~;~~~~rg ~.rade pri ~o the ~4::~~ic ~~a~~n~ ~n t~is. M~~ro~° d~ Leon ags~eed ~ha~ +~h;~ ba~~~dear~ sh~~a~d ~ h~a~~ ~a: ~h~ ~ p~~}~osal a Coun~i~m~ ~pa~~s~l~n~r r~viewted h~s ~a~~ul~t~esr~~ i~n~~~ ~~c~m ~he "uvmul~~ive ~~~e~1~~~~~~ ~~~~~a~~~ ~y t~~ tla~ ~m,~~~ s~~ ~l~~a~~ s~~~~~ r~~ ~r~ ~~~~a ~~~~~~a~~~ b~~~r~~~? ~~ae~~~~~~°~~ ~ the ~~t~~. ~~p ~~~.1~~~ ~~l~~r~ ~g~- ~3~~ the end ot the ;0 ~~a~r ~~~~~~i~ ;~~,~~~,~°ki~g ~g~i~s~ t~~ ~ou~ p~9~~~t~s the p~~p~rty taxe~ and sub~~n*:~.~aa~~ tr~~~~,~ ~h~ ~3~~'~ ~ycp~~~~~,u~~~, ~,~a~ ~n~l~.~in~ bi.~~~~i~~ ~nd s~w~x fee~s9 ~ p~~~~~ :~~~vas ~~~r 5250,OOOm view e~~ ~h:~~, areq~~s~~d ~hat C~.ty S~n~f ma~k~ ~~i~~~.na~ ~~,x ~~pit~1 impro~rem~n~t p~oj~cts ~~c~ ~h~i~ p~o~ected cast~, wrhat ~h~~~ i~~~xn~~ ~~e ~ w1~at t~e surchax~ge ~.n~.om~ w~uld b~ ~~d T~ok a~ the ~r~ole ~t~~~°~~ ~ m~~tt~a~ deb~.~ and credi.to ~~uxb~i7am~ Ga~l~g~~r ~greed ~vi~h th~~, ~r~d b~ re~~~~ua~Qd ye~~ly, a~d t~hat a,~ ~c1~1~~~or~~~, stud3r se~sion is needed ~o be b~~~~~° ~~.~~~rsd ~boui~ the ~igureg ar~d ~h~ p~o~~~~~ and ~ddre~~ing the cap~~.~l, g~~r~~. . l+xrr~ C~.a~~s Maa~sr~ w~,~ ,~n~w~~sd i.n ~h~e af~~rm~~~,~r~ b~ C~i,ty ~t~~i~ ~a~ his question as t4 wh~~t1~~~ t~,e ~igu~e~ reflect °lag t~.~ne" ~ Counc~.lman Schlegel pointed cut ~ha~ ~.h~e ~~g~x°es ~.n the xepo~t do not include ~.1~e pxap~as~d $400 sur- charge ~nd ~e~ssecl t~~t fu~~h~r study i.s necessax~r, to mak~ sure the ~urcharge ~s nece~sary or even ~n~u~h~ Robert Ph~ i,ps Pe~rwcod Avenue asked ~caha~ ef~ect th~ :7a.r~ti.s Znitiative would h$ue ~n ~~e ~~.g~x~re~ , ~City S}a~f stated it would wzpe out ±he f i~u~-es and e~rery ptabl~c ~gerz;;y would have ~he same funding problemsm C~sr.:~ci1 d~s~•us~i.on ~n the ~~ab~e~t_ c~ntinuedo.,~x~.otxnc.~lm~n N1r11:~~ i~,~n . ~ _ ~ , . s~ate~i he c~u?d n~~ a~~~p~ the figures in the Planning 1?epaxtmen~'s ~epar~, as he di3 n~t ~x~~K th~ re~renue fram the property tax woul.d pay for al~ of the inerea~~d costs and thd~ the capit~l pz•ojects such as newr f~Y~ s~ation~ c:~ty hall f~~~~~~~.~:~~ ~~~g ar~ not i~cl~ded in the figures. Coun~ilm~n ~,pie:~.1~r~~ poi.n~~d ~,~t ~tas th~ p~~~e of th~ ~urcharge ~nd wh~r he i~ r~qu~s~ing a full ~~s'~~~g af e~.,~3~ka.~ i.mprmv~gnt: proje~~~ anfl th~ir aos~s, Tn ~nswer to Cour~~~~,~~ . ~ ~ ~ ~4~ 1 COIJIQ~~I~ F'E~12U~X D~ 9 d~ ~"k~t35~0 C~RP~I~E, CP.L~F°~R~T~.`~ ~A2;~ ~ ~~.1~1ege19 Aclministr~tor Butch ~larified t~at th~ rep~r~'s figures ~n~l~zde :~a~w~ ~~t~cl ~x~crea~e~ ~a~ the ~~.t~ e~ maintenan~e and operat~~n, raew empl~yees ~ r~~~al ~q~~pa~en~ ~ep~.ac~gnen°~, ~tc o ~en~raY c~n~~~~~zs o~ ~h~ Co~xr~c~1 ~~s ~Yi~t an ~da3it~~na1 st~dy ~e~~i~a~ ~o~ld set t~ ~°~~~lg~ th~ propos~d ~~arch~rge, when addit~.~na~. i~afo~~°~io~ ha~ ~een ~~c~i~ed a~ ~1Y~c~~~ed ~o~em l~LT~Y~~.C IiE~iR.~1~TG m P~~OP~ 1~5"1'P,~TI2P.~T'I'a IleTr'~-~f~~ D~5°~RIC°~~ - ORI~~I~TAIV~E ~~`Z' REl•1D~Nta ~'he C~~~~iY resriew~red ~~e~~n~ncla~i~n f~°om ~he ~l~rsn~.r~~ C~ar~is~~,~n that ~:i~~ ~~ning ~~cl~~ars~e ~e ~n~a~ded ~.l~~~r ~nc~.oseclg f~~lY-~YP~ ~°e~~~as~~n~~ ~,ra }:~_IV~w 9 NeigY~b~rY~~~si ~o~e~°~i~~ Di~°~ric~s m I~ay~~ de ~e~~a declared ~lae p~l~~ h~~r~ng ~p~n ~fter be~.ng ~ss~u~°~cl ~y the :":n,~~ ~~k ith~t a~t h~~ b~en p~°operlgr no°~ic~e~o ~her~ beia~g no pub3ic cm~nen°t ~n ~~~s~~~ecl a.m~n~n~nt, Mayor c~e I~~on ~e~lare~ t3~~ ~~~~ix~g clos~~o C~~n~~1 d~.s~~~~i~n, Cbty A°~torney SYa~.p~ey read~ ~cs~° iit~ ~~,rst ~°ead~ng~ °~`#~e ~f a~a ~~°ds~~.~.~e arn~radi~,~ the M~nicipal ~ocle by a~icl~.~ag a p~~arcis~~l~~e use '~a~~ AA~~Nas D~~~~°ic~ a~~ ~n~ ~~nin~ Q~~i~aa~~e m ~ moti~n was tYa~n tna~~ bgr Council~ ~r~~n ~~~ile~e~., se~oxadee3 b~r Co~ncilman GalY~gh~~° an~Y ~nanim~usl~r ca~ri~~la t~ clisp~nse ~~'th ~c~~.3i~g °th~ ba~.~n~e ~f ~hi~ w~°d~nanceo i~I~C~1~9Ni~1DA°rIOI~TS R.E e RAN~FI~ G~AND~ DE~IaC)P1vtE1V'~ - S'~ti7D~ ~]ESS:~ON in7~Lls ~E't° ~'he C~uncil revs.ewecl a~e~.~mmer~da~~or~ f~om °~i~e ~~.~nnin~ Co~nmm~,ssio~ ~ha~ ~,u~T. ~my~~.~~ ~~~~~a~~~.b ~~n~ ~~ange, ~r~ ~h~ ~onc~p°~~al l~i~~~t~r ~1~ ~ . ~n~:a ~~~s~~ k~ai~~ch~ ~~~r~;~~ ~~~r~~~~pYn~~~ 1~~ ~p~~°~~e~~ ~aa~je*~~ y ~ :.'a ~.~r~ :s~~.Yine~ ira °th~~.~ ~~s~~.u~t~~ra t~5~ 0 78-595~ o ~~~~~a'~ ~~n.ser,~~us °~he vr~;~ :.~~a~ a ~°tudy ~~~si~r~ 1~e ~e~, ~lurix~g ~~x~ ~~ua~ci~.~~ ~iase~Y~ 114~g3 ~n~~°~i~i~~ ~~l~r ~~.e r~~~~~.an~3a~.i~~.~ o ~~~r~.ci~man ~a~l~~he~ s~a~~este~l ~'hat ~~~d~ ~~ir t's~C~z ~a~: ~,~rn~ ~~5.~~ ~~~~~1 p,~~~~re~ty* c~£' I~~ra~~.¢a ~~arac~~. Ft~~",i:~:::E~T v~ ~,x3'~";~S"I` I,Ev~~°~~~~'I°*,~ ~~.JIa~E°IeI~Vi k9FtGI~h( I,~~~~ t.~~ ~:A~~C~°~ ~.~`1'~E~ __,._~~r.~..__._. °T'h~ ~~7 ~a~5 ~ ~1 ~~c°~i°~ed an~1 ~~~r~~~~~. ~he ~~~~e=;.::. :~~g~.~Y~.~.~r,r~ ~r~m . ",t-..~~~~~ Ca~.i.forn~~ Csti~~m ~ "L=`~° G~' ~'"trJ~'~~ E"F2L3~1 Z..EN`T~3L ~~A~"?,: ~~~F`-~IV~C7~?~~, ~'~,~~~1~ . - • _ _ _ _ _ _ ~r1~~~ ~~r._ ~v~~e~ i~~~~;s ~.he ~.E"~b~•t~.~~~r~ 8~::~ n~~~~i.ng ~f ~h~ ~~n~ ~ ~.r~ k...:=~~°* ~:~y.~°~ : ~ ~~r~,~ w~re r~~~i~red 'bg~v ~h~ ~o~anr;~~. ~e~r~~~~~ ~.~a~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ r: ~ ~ Y ~r~~atr:;r ~at~h :~~;:¢~~°~.e~l ~~sa~ ~,w~~ s~m.~ ~~~n°~. k~~s~~~°~.~~ . z~d~ v~:~~ E.:~F f~.~r;~i ~::;~zi `a~dge~~~ ic~r ~he a~~~ci~ f'~.s~~.l y°~:ag. ~rl.z~~„~ el°~~.r~~t~~ ~:i~~ ~a~~a,~~k~1,r~ z #.C `^~Cll.~.e.:';it ~Sl~ Le;i~ T,P7C~iLl~.G~ ~'i~~f~ '~:~rm~:~ `~'.+~''~'1 :W~',c3°~.~- ~,°'1.1~C1 , 31'1t~, :e~ 9 ;''~~a" l;`,~~ ,.4 ~-~~~:~v~e ~ ~ ~h~ ~re~en~ ~~ss~ rata~c~ ~on.t°:i.n~.~~ s th~ p~ ema.~n ma~r 1~~=~ °~.s~ ,.~~.~x~:,~~ y~~r~„ ~1n~i:h~:r b~n~fi°~ r~~ ,pr°~gram p~.•~s~~~~:~.~a~a~l a~uidan~~ b~i.~~ g°~:~~~~ ~.:w~ ar? i.~,~;~l~tn~a~°~a~n~ ..~fe~y p~c~~g~~m~,: ~.;~~~it T v'.~~' 1~.'~`i~?7~T:, ~:C7NTR~L t~EaE'~'~"T~TG 1~i~:NU~~~ _ _ t~l~~ i.:~~.i~.:.~.~ ~e~i~~~~d ~Cl~a~ Q~~~:~i.~~1~f ~s~;'~i~~~~~~ 12~:p~~~~ f~°~m ~.~a~ ll~p~~tm~x:~ ~z: An~.~t~~=,~ 1:.~~~~1~;_~on ~.:zc~ ~:~~m~ ~cs~~~~ Clzi~~ C;l~~k ~~~~.~d.~.r~.a~ i:}~.~ 23~d ~in°:~ma~ ~;or~~rc~~. me~t~.n~.. ~'h~ D~~~..r~m~n~. h~.~ ~dc~e~ tw~ ~E°~~ ~~?~ir.~r~~~; d~n~~bk-~ w.~,~.~ :~:Y.~.~v~ a~~i~:ion~l m~.t~p~c~~~° Fae~r~g ~c~h~d,~l~~ prm~~.~~t araa~ ~a~1y ~~.~.r~~i~~ h~u~~o 7~ v~m~~~~nt w~s hears~ ~~~csm Mr~_ H~n~~~~~~~ ~°~stx~i°~~.za~ ~z~m ~~~ng ~~.cked ~p ~:;.y °~he Az~i:~rrt~~ ~ar~+~~~t~°i. ~~~ts~e a ha~~.day pe~r~~d ~nd ~~~r..:.:~~_r~~ ~~~f~~na~~~~ c~~~~ °~he ph;~:n~ °th~ ~.~°~:~mal ~;aa~ b~inc~ ~onf~.n~cl ~Sy °~h~ ]~~~a~tam~yi°~s rahich ~°e~uT~ed ~.n s~veral ~~xtile ~r~ps ~o °the De~~.r°~ment's ~a~il.it~s r~or~I~ San I,u~.~ Obispo. City ~°~~.f~ s°~a~ted ~.°t wrould che~}c a.nt,~ the p~ca~ed.~z~°~~ r~~ °~~A~ D~p~r~ment of An~ma7. ~on~~ol, ~1PPRC7VE F~i.EL,IMINARY PL•ANS ~`C7FY COMMiUN~Z''~ BU~LD~NG E~~T~ION - PA:2I~~ ~~TnM,: - - 1~dministrat~~ Bu~~h r~viewred ~or °~1~~ ~o~.nc~l pr~l~min~~~ ~~~.x~.ra~i~r pla.r~~ f~r the ~c~mmuni°~y ~~i7.d~~ge r~c~~n~r~ded t:h~ P~~°~s & R.~c~~~a~~,~~~~ C~mm~.~~~iane Prelimir~a~°y ca~~ es~iama~e~ ~300,OQ0, a~ ~nr~i~~a 5~~~ p~~~en~~y b~adg~ted ~c~r ~this proj e~°t o ~toorr~s Cha~~nan~ and D~~ace ~oY~ra~on, of °~r,e Park~ & R~cr~~tion ~v~rm:~~~~~n~ e~~~°~ }a~esent ~.nc~ ~°~vie~rec~ ~h~ ~~tudy and pl~~ning d~n~ ~o com~ up ~ri-~h ~he p~°o}~~~ed plans> °~hey encourag~d °th~ Council'~ ~pp~°o~~1 ~f °th~ pl~ns ~Q eng°inee~~r~g ~ilan~ ~~.n be ~oughtm CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 28, 1978 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schle_qel, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, anproving the propased prelirninary expansion plans for the Community Building, as recommended by the Parks & Recreation Commission. ~ REP(~RT - RECENT ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING - MILLIS Councilman Millis reported on the February 26th meeting of the Zone 3 Advisory Committee. The Beaches & Parks Report showed that visitors and rever.ue at the Lopez R~creational Area was up from last year, The lake is about 5 feet below the spillway, having come up about 11 feet in 16 days. Discussion had been held regarding re-allocation of Lopez Water, with some of the Lopez con- tractors stating that everyone should run out of water at the same time. In answer to Rick Lee as to where the profit from the Recreational Area goes, Councilman Millis stated his recollection is that although at one time the profit was u5ed to reduce the Operation & Maintenance costs of the Water Treat- ment Plant, that now ~the State Parks & Beaches Department requires the profits to be put back into the park itself for improvements and maintenance. He further clarified that the Water Treatment Plant had been paid for locally, but the State paid for the Recreational Area. RECEIPT OF MINUTES FROM SANTA BARBARA WATER PURVEYORS COUNCIL The Council received and reviewed the minutes of the February 13th meeting of the Water Purveyors Council of Santa Barbara. Administrator Butch reported on receiving information noticing several presentations to be made in March and April at Al1an Hancock Coll~ge, regarding the future water situation in Santa Barbara County, which may give some idea as to the direction that County will take in regard to the Feather River Project. APPROVAL OF TRACT NO. 453, "RANCHO LA BARRANCA" - HELD OVER City Engineer Karp reported that the water line put in by Tract No. 453, "Rancho La Barranca", along Tally Ho and Highway 227, still has not passed the bacterial tests, as the laboratory has been very busy. For this reason, he could not recommend approval of the Tract at this time. Councilman Gallagher requested the status of the questions raised about the_tract at the Council's last meeting. City Engineer Karp stated he thought the response of Robert Garing, Jr. dated February 15th, to the concerns outlined in Beverly Simmons' letter dated February 14th, covered any questions. In response to Councilman Gallagher's continued questioning of the ponding basin's adequacy, the City Engineer drew a diagram showing how two barriers in the one required basin handle the water--one area catching the drainage and the other metering it out. Discussion was also held regarding the no parking restriction along the Tract's streets and how visitors would be handled. Director of Public Works Anderson stated the developers had wanted it that way, in keeping with the rural atitito~pliere of the tract and for this reason the plant mix dikes were used. The Council discouraged the use of these dikes in future tracts. Administrator Butch stated that the Parking & Traffic Commission will be reviewing the parking matter in this tract at its next meeting, Further discussion was held on the drainage i_n the tract, which was explained by City Engineer Karp. FURTHER DTSCUSSION - TALLY HO AREA DRAINAGE - SEEK ENGINEERING PROPOSALS City Engineer Karp read with the Council his report dated February 23rd, regarding the drainage problems in the Tally Ho/James Way area. The report out- lined some emergency steps taken in the area in an attempt to alleviate some of the problem, Also included in the report were proposed steps to be taken to rectify the problem further, and estimated costs of same. Lengthy Council discussion on the matter followed. General consensus was that the whole drainage problem in the area needs to be resolved, including establishment of a plan line for Tally Ho Road. Administrator Butch reported that the meeting with HUD had not brought any hope for funding from them, but other avenues are being researched. Tally Ho resident Beverly Simmons stated the residents of Tally Ho have applied to the Soil Conservation for engineering. The Council agreed that engineering cost proposals need to be obtained for complete improvement of the Tally Ho Road area, including drainage, an assessment district, plan line, etc. - ~ _ . . _ _ i CITY COUNCTL FEBRUARY 2$, 1978 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 DISCUSSION~RE. DRAINAGE SYSTEM IN PEARWOOD DRTVE AREA - STEWART The Council read a letter from Jackie Stewart of Pearwood Drive, regarding drainage problems in that area and trash being disposad of in the drainaae system, which plugs it up. T}~e Council reviewed a report on the matter from City Engineer Karp, which stated that the ditch was dug out by hand by CETA personn~l, as the area is inaccessible to equipment. He stated that the ultimate solution would be f.or each resident along the easterly side of Pearwood to clear, reconstruct and maintain the overflow drainage swale. Robert_Phillips thanked the City for digging out the ditch, but felt the main problem was the lack of a trash guard. City Engineer Karp stated that there had been one at one time, and that a replacement trash guard will be ordered. RE~7ISIONS TO WATER & LOPEZ RATES - ORDINANCE FIRST READING The Council reviewed a proposed ordinance amending the Lopez Water Contract charges to provide for $1.50 being charged per bed in hospitals and convalescent homes. Administrator Butch also recommended that the minimum monthly water charges be amended to include charges for a 6" meter, as follows: $84.00 inside the City and $90.00 outside the City for 27,000 cu. ft. ' After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code by making certain revisions to the Water and Lopez rates. A motion was then made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, to dispense with.xeading the balance of this ordinance. APPROVE APPLICATION FOR DOMESTIC WATER WELL ON PRINTZ ROAD - LAGKEY The ~ouncil reviewed a report from Director of Public Works Director Anderson regarding an application for a domestic water well on Printz Road by Robert Lackey. The closest water supply at this time is about one mile away from this parcel and Mr. Anderson recommended approval, as it would not be practical to serve City water to this parcel at this time. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unaninously carried, approving the domestic water well application of Robert Lackey for a parcel on Printz Road, subject to that parcel hooking up to City water when it becomes available in that area. APPROVE CALL FOR BIDS FOR 1ST PHASE OF STROTHER COMMUNITY PARK DEVELOPMENT Administrator Butch reported that authorization is being requested to call for bids to construct the first phase of the Strother Community Park development. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, authorizing bids be called for the first phase in the development of Strother Park.~ CTTIZENS' COMMENTS AND CONCERNS • Bernard.Landsman spoke on growth in the City and suggested another citizens forum be held to get the residents' feelingsregarding additional growth in the City. C~ty staff clarified for Robert Phillips of Pearwood Avenue that heavy equipment was not used to clear`the drainage ditch in the area due to inaccessibility of the equipment, and not due to lack of permission by Mr. Wells, who had been most cooperative. Rick Lee also spoke on growth in the City, stating his hope that the City will have strong leadership because growth will continue. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Cou.ncilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Gallagher and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:33 P.M. . . ATTEST ~-[~l ` CITY CLERK M