O 379 C.S. 1..,;)1 IJ ,. I' \ " . ORDINANCE NO. 379 c.s. AN ORDIN~CE OF THE CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING TITLE 9, CItAPrER 4, ARTICLE 26 OF 'fHE MUNICJPAL roDE ESTABLISHING A HEW STANDARD PARKING STALL SIZB, ADDING A TRUCK LOADING AND MANEUVERING SECI'lON. AND PROVIDING CLARJll&\1'iON OF BXISTING STANDARDS WHBREAS, the City Councll of the City of Arroyo Grande has held the required pub1ic hearing at its regular meeting of May 10, 1988, to consider a propoiJedamendnent to the ~ Ordinance, as outlined In the attached ExhibIt "A", by: 1. Revising the existing "oft-street ~ requirements" to reduce stall sizes and to clarify the intent of the Ordinance; and 2. Adding a new "off-street Io~ area" section to the Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the PlannIng Cam1ission recoornended adoption of the proposed Ordinance and Negative Declaration by the City Council at its meeting of April 19, 1988; and WHEREAS, the proposed Ordinance Amendnent Is not anticip&tt:d to have a significant effect on the enWol1hent and a Negative Declaration has been prepared; and WHEREAS, the City Council fmds that said Airenctnent to the Municip&l Code bears a reasonable relationship to the public welfare, Is consistent with the General Plan, and will serve to clarify the Intent of the Ol'<linance and provide for the reasonable and a'derly develqJment of the camnmity. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby ordain as follow.>: Section 1: Title 9, OIapter 4 of the Municipal Code Is hereby amended to revise Article 26, q "Off-street Parking Requirements," as illustrated on the attached "Exhibit A." Section 2: A SU/JI!18rY of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in said City at least five (5) days prior to the City Council meetl~ at which the proposed ordinance Is to be adopted. A certltied copy of the full text of the proposed ordinance shall be posted in the office of the City Qerk. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the OI'dInance, the SU/JI!\II1'Y with the names of those City Council Members voting for or against the ordinance shall be published again, and the City Qerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted ordinnnce. On motion by Council Member Porter, seconded by Councll Member Moots, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Porter, Moots, Millis and Mayor Pro Tern Johnson ., ,- NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Mankins I the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 28th day of June, 1988. ,- AT1'FSl': ~a, ~ . CITY CLE I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County , ., of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Ordinance No. 379 C.S. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 28th day of June, 1988. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 1st day of July, 1988, _a.~ CITY CLERK \<. __'U , ---- -~---~,------,. '".,- , - -~,--------~---- 9-4.26.111 9-4.2604 Article 2.6. - Off-Streell'ar~ Requirements ~ 9-4.2601. Applicability. Off-street parking facilities shall be provided prior to occupancy of any structure hereafter built, enlarged, or increased in capacity. Such parking space shall be permanently available and marked and maintained for parking purposes. (a) Building or other pennits will be issued only after receipt of site plans clearly showing the design, location, m.DTlber and dimensions of parking facilities and appurtenant features, according to the provisions of this section and construction standard:; of the City of Arroyo Grande. (b) Additional parking spaces JTlUC)t be provided for any addition or enlargement of an existing building or use. If the existing building or me itself does not have the required munber of parking spaces, a me pennit shall be required. The Planning Conrnission shall require the provision of additional parking for the existing building or me, conmensurate with ordinance requirements, as a condition of approval for the enlargement or addition to the existing building or me. (Ord. 354 C.S., eff. March 24, 1987) ~ 9-4.2602. Location. All off-street parking facilities shall be located so as to be accessible and usable for the moociated use or activity. Parking required shall be on-site except as otherwise provided for in this Article. (Ord. 354 C.s., eff. March 24, 1987) ~ 9-4.260.3.. ~ Occupancy Reauirements, When several mes occupy a single structure or lot, the total required parking shall be the SlDTI of the requirements for each individual me. Off-street parking facilities for one me shall not be considered as providing the required parking for any other me, except as specified under Section 9-4.2604 for conmon parking facilities. (Ord. 354 C.S., eff. March 24, 1987) ~ 9-4.2604. Cauoon Par~ Facilities. Coomon parking facilities may be provided in lieu of individual requirements if the total munber of parking spaces is the SlDTI of the requirements for individual uses and the parking facilities are located within two hundred feet (200') of the mmciated me. (a) The Planning Conmi$ion may reduce the total parking requirement via the Conditional Use Permit process,if it can be clearly shown that the shared uses have different hotn'S of operation and would not conflict in the time of use. The applicant shall provide a parking study prepared by a registered Traffic Engineer, demonstrating that su~tantial conflict will not exist in the principle hours or periods of peak demand for the proposed lEes involved in the shared parking concept. The maxirrun parking share cannot exceed thirty percent. (30%) of the total amount of required parking. (b) Parties of COI1IOOn parking facilities shall evidence of such joint me by a proper legal agreement approved by the City Attorney. Such agreements when approved shall be filed and recorded with the Planning and Building Departments and the County Recorder. (Ord. 354 C.s., eff. March 24, 1987) Reprint No. 9-4.2605 9-4.2605 ~ 9-4.26Q5. Off-Street Par~ Requirements Qy l&nQ. ~ The following off-street parking requirements shall apply to all buildings erected and new or extended uses. Where the requirements result in a fractional number, a fraction of 0.5 or greater shall be resolved to the higher whole number. All calculations shall be based on gross floor area of the building unless otherwise noted. For any use not specifically set forth in this section, the Planning Conmission shall detennine the amount of required parking based upon similar uses, or evidence of actual demand based on traffic engineering or plarming data. (a) Residential ~ (1) Single Family hcmes 1 2-car garage with door/unit (2) Duplexes 1 garage with door/unit, pIlE 1 open parking space/unit (3) Aparbnents and multi- 1 garage with door/unit, family dwellings pIlE 1 open parking space/ unit, plus 1 open parking space/4 units guest parking (4) Second residential dwelling 1 covered and 1 uncovered unit parking space/unit (5) Rooming and boarding houses 1 parking space/guest, up to 20 guests, then 1 space/ 2 guests (6) Elderly Housing 1 parking space/unit (b) ~ m<1 Semi-Public ~ (1) Public buildings, 1 parking space/150 sq. ft. administrative of work space (2) Public and semi-public 1 parking space/5 fixed buildings, assembly - seats, or 1 parking space/ including auditoriUITB, 50 sq. ft. of floor area theaters, lodges, designed for public clutl;, churches, IOOrtuaries assembly (3) Hospitals 1 space/bed, and 1 space/ doctor and 1 space/employee on the largest shift Reprint No. I ~-4~6Q5. 9.-4.-2.605. (4) Convalescent hospita1s and 1 space/3 patients or rest hanes guests, and 1 space/doctor or employee (5) Public utility buildiJ'€S 1 parking space/2 employees on the largest work shift (6) Schools - Grade Schools, elementary, 1 parking space/classroOO1, junior high schools - and office for faculty and public employees high schools, colleges 1 parking space/classroom and office for faculty members and employees, and 5 parking spaces/classroom for students Vocational, businC$, 1 parking space/2 students trade schools of the maxinllU11 classroom capacity (c) Coomercial ~ (I) (a) General retail, office 1 parking space/250 sq. ft. and Service Conrnercial of floor area. (b) Village Area (CBDZone) 1 parking space/300 sq. ft. of floor area (2) HoteJs and motels 1 parking space/unit, and 2 parking spaces for the manager's office (3) Restaurants and bars 1 parking space/lOO sq. ft. of public area* (4) Outdoor sales and rental 1 parking space/50 sq. ft. areas (5) Gasoline service statioffi 3 parking spaces/working bay, plus 1 parking space/ employee on the largest shift (6) Vehicle Repair 1 parking space/450 sq. ft. of floor area * Any Area Accessible by the Public Reprint No. ~-4..269-~ 9.-4.26Q9. (d) Industrial mlQ. Wareho~e ~ (1) w areho~e and wholesale stores 1 parking space/800 sq.ft. of floor area. (2) Manufacturill5, industrial 1 parking space/500 feet uses, distribution centers of floor area. (Ord. 354 C.S., eff. March 24, 1987) ~ 9-4.2606- pesign mN F.a~ Standards i9.t Off-Street Par~ Facilities. Areas used for pBrkill5 shall be designed and paved in accordance with the followill5 City specifications. (a) All irrprovements for driveways and parking (private, rroltiple-family, coornercial, industrial) shall be surfaced in concrete or A.C. pavill5 to City requirements. (b) Parking areas shall be graded and drained to dispose of surface water, subject to the approval of the City Ell5ineer. (c) Access aisles and parking stalls shall be designed with sufficient width and le~h in accordance with the City specifications for off-street parking in Figure 1 below. Standard stall size is nine (9) feet by eighteen (18) feet. (d) All5le parkill5 is encouraged where feasible. (Ord. 354 C.S., eff. March 24, 1987) ~ 9-4.2607, Ac~ess i9.t Off-Street Parking Facilities. The location and design of all entrances and exits onto public rights-of-way shall be subject to the approval of the City Ell5ineer to insure mininun interference with the traffic flow and adequate site clearance. (a) For residential parking; a garage or carport that does not have an entrance on an alley shall have an unoa,tructed paved access twelve foot (12') minirrun width for single-family development, and a sixteen foot (16') width for any development exceedill5 three (3) units. (b) Parking areas for thirty (30) or oore vehicles shall be provided with separate driveways for ingress and egress, and shall provide designated walkways for pedestrian access. (Ord. 354 C.S., eff. March 24, 1987) ~ 9-4.2.608- Clearance. !9.r.. Off-S~ee.l Parking Facilities. All driveways shall be maintained with a vertical clearance of not less than twelve feet (12'). No encroachment shall be pennitted. (Ord. 354 C.S., eff. March 24, 1987) ~ 9-4.2.609- Scree~ !9.r.. Off-Street Par~ Facilities. Off-street parking areas adjacent to any residential district shall be enclosed and effectively screened from view. Off-street parki~ facilities for multi-family residential developnent shall be screened to be not directly visible from the street. (Ord. 354 C.S., eff. March 24, 1987) Reprint No. 9-4.26111 9.-4.2612 ~ 9-4.2610. L8I1<Ecaping I9A. Off-Street Par~ facilities. Off-street parking areas of five (5) or more parkiIl5 spaces shall be subject to the following landscaping requirements. Prior to the ffiaJance of a building pennit, a landscape plan shall be submitted and approved by the Parks and Recreation Director. The plan shall show the location, size, variety of plantings, water supply and similar designations. (a) A minirrun of five percent (5%) of the gross lot area used for off-street parking and access shall be provided in l8I1<Ecaping in the interior of the parkiIl5 area. The planting areas shall be a minirrm1 size of twenty (20) square feet and distributed throughout the parking area. (b) In addition to interior landscaping, parking facilities abutting a public street right-of-way shall provide a perimeter landscaped strip a minimum of four feet (4') in width. The perimeter landscaped strip may include any required yard area and shall be continuous except for required access to the site or parking facilities. (c) L8I1<Ecaping standards. All landscaped areas required for parking facilities shall comply with the following standards: (1) Planting areas shall be served by an adequate irrigation system. (2) All planted areas shall be continuously maintained and kept free of weeks and debris by the owner or person in possession of such area. (3) Planted areas shall be protected with concrete curbs or other acceptable barriers. (4) Trees and shrobs shall be provided at a ratio of one(1) tree for every five (5) parking spaces. Said trees shall be distributed throughout the parkiIl5 area. Ground cover alone is not acceptable. Where screening is desirable, a canbination of trees and shrobs shall be used. (d) Parking lot landscaping O1.ISt be installed prior to occupancy or use of the parking lot. (Ord. 354 C.s., eff. March 24, 1987) ~ 9-4.2611. L~hting I9A. Off-Street Par~ Facilities. Lighting used to illtuninate the parking area shall not create a glare or public nuisance to adjacent properties. (Ord. 354 C.S., eff. March 24, 1987) ~ 9-4..2612. Off-Street Par~.in Buil~ QLStructures. Any portion of a structure designed to be used for autoroobile parkiIl5 shall not be counted in calculating the maximum allowable floor area set forth in the various zoning district provisions. Any structure designed totally for parking and designed to meet parkiIl5 requirements may be located off-site, subject to the issuance of a conditional use pennit, but not more than three hundred feet (300') from the use it is to serve. (Ord. 354 C.S., eff. March 24, 1987) Reprint No. 9-4.2613 9-4.2615 ~ 9-4.2613. Special Off-Street Ear~ ~ (a) Handicap parking. The provision of handicap parking is regulated by State requirements. (b) Bicycle parking facilities. In parking facilities with a rnininun of twenty (20) or more automobile parking spaces, one (1) bicycle parking space for each twenty (20) automobile spaces shall be required. The bicycle parking spaces shall be situated in a convenient and clearly visible area. (Ord. 354 C.8., eff. March 24, 1987) ~ 9-4.2614. Additional Off-Street Parki~ Requirements. (a) Required parking spaces shall be available to residents, customers, patrons, or employees only and shall not be used for storage of objects or materials. (b) In all districts, no storage of disnantled or disabled vehicles is pennitted in driveways or open parking areas. Automotive uses are exempt from this requirement, but subject to any provisions of the specific zone. (c) All parking areas shall be kept clean and free of dust, mud or trash. (Ord. 354 C.S., eff. March 24, 1987) ~ 9-4.2615, Off-Street Loa~ ~ (a) General Requirements. All industrial and conrnercially zoned developments shall be designed so as to prevent truck backup maneuvering within public rights-of-way. (b) Approach and Backup Areas. (1) All industrial and conrnercially zoned developments designed with dock-high approaches and/or truck wells shall be provided with at least one (1) backup area to said dock or well in accordance with the following schedule. The driveway aisle between parking stalls may be used for said approach, provided that a 48-foot wheel track turning radius is maintained. Jle.r.1b. Q.t ~ lY.kltb. (Feet> ~ Approach (Eeet) 10 120 12 117 14 113 (2) The dock approach may not be encunbered by parking stalls or physical OD;truCtiOns and shall be measured perpendicular to the dock or door. (3) The rnininun dock or door overhead clearance (excluding pipes, lights, etc.) is twelve feet (12'). (c) Loading ~ Unless otherwise provided for in (b), above, all industrial and conrnercially zoned developments must provide at least one (1) identified loading area (12' by 10' with rarrp). Access to said loading area must be designed so as to provide a 48- foot long semi-trailer truck maneuvering. All development projects designed for sites of 14,000 square feet or less are not required to comply with the loading and truck maneuvering requirements contained within this title, Reprint No. providing that: (1) the project proponent can demonstrate that adequate provisions for loading facilities appropriate for the site and type of building proposed can be made; (2) The proposed loading facilities will not adversely impact adjacent properties or traffic circulation on public streets and alleys; (3) Loading areas are screened from public view and residential development; and (4) ~ Reauirements: All developments zoned comnercial or indlEtrial shall be designed with the following: (aa) At least one (1) driveway approach capable of accomnodating a 48-foot wheel track turning radilE; (bb) At least one (1) on-site maneuvering area which provides a 48-foot wheel track turning radilE through the parking area; and (cc) Parking aisles and access driveways adjacent to loading doors without dock- high approaches or truck wells shall have a minirm.m width of eight feet (8'), plus the aisle width required in Figure 1. Reprint No. . FIGURE 1 . II'staft required adjacent to fence, wall, post a" propert I I 42'.0" 60'-0" Bumrr:r requ red 2'-0" when 16' -0" 24-0" Is'.d' porklnQ heads into TIONAL PAR ING II bulldlnQ 9'.0" 6"HIQh Ccncf STALL DESIG~ II Curb , II I " I II ONE Raw TV<<> ROWS This area shot I not be used in calculating ''e'' "F" IUnlt "f" 1lA1lt landscaping coverages. "E" I "G" "0" NOTE: Strict adherence to "'ese standards will not be construed to STALL a AISLE OIMENSlONS toke precedence over the Intent of exlsttno city ordinances. a c 0 E G C,O, 9200.1 Where usel relNlre the provision of four or more pork/no spaces, such spaces sholl be connected to oisles, goo 18' 24' 9' 24' drives or apron, etc"wh/ch sholl be desioned in such a manner '500 20'-1" 18~4" Id-4" 24' os to permit and encouraoe automobllel to edt the lit' and ,nter onto public throuohfores drlvino 'n a forward direction. Forklno ~o 19'-1" 12~e" .I2'-e" 24' spaces sholl not be permitted 'n any required bulldlnO setbaclc oreo, and all parklno spaces and >:'opurt.nant alll...drlv..,ODr"ns,ete.,lholl be dust-I'roof.ollweother surface and striped, '. ; CITY OF A'RROYO GRANDE COMMCT CAR NOTE . 1'1". ADDED DO oPTIOI'4AL S'W.L DES ION APPRO;?: REVIS! lTALL IIZES reJ~ , OFF STREET PARKING DATE :3 -1:1' Sf J> Q"~ . u ... _ 0 c'!\ ... .. " ;: '0 ;11 :.I ... ~ .. 0 ... J> :D f1l In G)O -c o _-\ Z:x: ~ '-0 00 mC )> ~~ f1l :;0 W r::p 0 () . V> . / / ~R? . N (-~- 0 co~ \ co . I ::J NLO 0 U1b] U1 (1) -------------- c> J: ------------- --0 .,.. '" ~ .1 " :so '" 0 ,;) " 0 Ii. , c ~ -I CJ 0 I I I I