O 378 C.S. 135 ORDINANCB NO. 378 C.S. AN ORDINANCB OF 'l1fE C1'I'Y OOUNaL OP 'l1fE arr 011 AlUWYO GRANDE AllENDING QIAPJ'ER 4 011 'DIE MOHICIPAL OODB ro ADD Aa1'la.B 41, l!ST~m.1RR1HG A VIBWSHED REVIBW OVERLAY ZONE AND PEBIIlT PR~ FOR RINIDENTIAL PROPER'l'D!S NOT SUB.JJ!Cl' ro ARaIlTJCnJRAL JUWIBW. . 'I11e aty CoIllCil of the aty of Arroyo Gr8nde does hereby CII'dafn as folJowsl L s.."tIoo 11 OIapter 4 of the Munlclpel Code Is hereby IIIIIendecI to inchIde a new ArtIc]e 41, to read lIS folJowsl . "ArticJe 41. Vi8'MIhed RevIew Permit. Section 9--4A101. PWpaIe. It Is the Intent of the Cty of Arrayo Grande by --W-Nng the Viewshed RevIew Permit process to preserve the existing scope end charlet.. of ElltabJished I slngle-f&milynelghborhoods, end to protect vl8IIBend -.esthetic and other pI-operty VIlues In such , neiglD:rrhoods In a manner whicJlls OOII\)atlble with rellSal8b]e expIIIISion on existing developed Jots and/or a new deveJqxnent on ~ mdeveJoped Jots. 'I11e VIIMIhed RevIew Permit process v.ouId not apply to properties situated In appI'Oved A8nnedDeveJopnent zones with required architectural review of an new or te/I.ode1ed residences. 'Ibese provlsians would not apply to deve]opment in R-3 zones since erohitecturalappl'Ovalls required before the Issuance of a building penult. Sectim IH.4102. DeaaitiDo of VIewII1ed BevieIr Owday Zelle. All of that area zoned R-1, R-2, R-A, or R-I-D In the aty of Aft'oyo Grande. SeetkIn H.41D3. 'RevIew fro. , R-A, R-I and R-2 Zones: No second1tory addition shall be erected or enI.IIrged on any sIngIe-~ Im1e within the R-A, R-1 and R-2 zones \IItll a Vlov.shed Review Pemdt is obtained In accordance with the procedure set forth herein. R-I-D Zone: No new construction, adcItlon or inprowment thereof shall be erected or - en1arged on any lot that nes within the R-1-D zone \lltil a Viewshed RevIew Permit Is obtained In accordance with the procedure set forth herein. I 'I11e granting of a Viewshed RevIew Permit does not l'elellSe the applicant oC the responsibility for obtaining other applicable pennlts fran the aty, If such pennlts are required by the M\IIlcipal Code. No v1ewshed review pennlt shall authorize a .trucrture height In excess of the height 1ImIts for the b8s1c zone and D-overlay zone otherwlso estabIJshed for the property seeld~ tho pennlt. A. An appUcatlon tor a VIewshed RevIew Permit shall be tI1ed with the l'Iamlng Director and shall be IlCCQllpQll1ed by the toUcwlngl 1. ApproprIate site p1ans, sections and eJevatlons (10 eop1es)j 2. Building helKht and eJevatlon data tor ~ structure or addition, and tor exIstfng structures on adjacent and properties; 3. Photographs ot project site and surrounc11ng vlewsj ", 4. CrasIHectlons drawn to a true scale tor both vertical and horIzcntal dImenaiona, which Include adjacent property and stnJctures. The locaUan of the crcaa-aect1ons shall be keyed to the site plan by labeled section 11nes; and 5. ApproprIate tee as set torth In SectIon 9-4.4104. 6. LIst ot property owners within tbree hundred teet (300.) of the area of the proposed pennlt, and map showing II1ICb area. B. After detennInIng the appUcation Is cc:rnplete, tho PlannIng Dlrectcr shell review the project tor envltormental MIpIlcrts as let forth In the O1llfom1a P.nwollllental QuaUty Act '- (CEQA). C. Atter rnokIng a preUmlnnry envlrormental detennlnatJon, the Plamlng DIrector shall place the Item on the agendI1 of the next avalloble meeting of the PI8nn!ng CarrnJss10n tor a pubUc bearing. D. Notice ot the public hearing shall be given at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing by publication In a newspaper of general circuJatlon In the aty and by mailing the notice to property a.wlel'S within 300 feet of the project. Eo Prior to approving or denying an appUcatlon, the PlannIng QmnJssIon shell solicit the ~I"letldations and ccmnents ot other pubUc agencies, City departments and Interested groups. ~."-- LBo, Ordi.nal)~f:,"No. 378 F. In approving an application for a Viewshed Review Pennit, the Planning CcmnIssion soon I mnke the following fmdings of fact: 1. 'The proposed strocture Is consistent with the intent of Section 9-4.4101; 2. The proposed strocture Is consistent with the estabished scale and character of the neighborhood, and wIU not unreasonab]y or lI1necessarJ1y affect views of SUlTOI.IIding properties; 3. The pl\lPOSt;d structure wIU not lI1reosonab)y or mnec:;<qj my inttrfere with the scenic view iran any other property, ju<:Iged in light of pemittlng reasonable U9I! and deveIopnent of the property on which the proposed structure or expensfon is to occur. In granting n Viewshed Review Pennit, the PlannIng OmI1Issionmay fqJose such conditions "I G. I as may be deemed nece&w'yand desir8b1e to protect the health, safety and general welfare ! , - in respect to the facts listed in Paragraph F of this section. H- If, after considering the avaDable infonnation, the Planning CarmIssIon Is tI1IIble to reach the findings of fact set forth in Paragraph F of tilm section, the appUcation shBn be denied. I. 'The declslons of the PJanning Camission sh81l be filed with the Oty aerie, PllbUc Works Department and Building Department. J. Any person may appeal the decision of the PlannIng O:mnIssion to the Oty 0UIcll, as set " forth in Section 9-4.3106 of the ZonIng Ordinance. Seetion 9-4.41M. Fee. The fee for a Vlewshed Review Pennit is $100.00.n I Seetion 2: A smrnary of this Ordinance shan be published in a newspaper pl.Dllshed and circuJated in said aty at least five (5) days prior to the Oty Omcilmeetlng at which the ~ 0rdInence is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed OrdInance shall be posted in the oft1ce of the Oty Clerk. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the SIIIII'IIII'y, with the nlllleS of those Oty Council members voting for and against the Ordinance, sh81l be plbJished again, and the Oty Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted Ordinance. On motion of Council MB'I1ber Johnson, seconded by Council Member Porter , and on the ...-, fol1owlng 1'011 call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Johnson, Porter, Millis, Moots and Mayor Mankins NOES: None ABSENT: None I the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 14th day of June ,1988. ~ ,,&~. ~..~ I MAYOR ATrEST: ~.(J . MD(~) CITY CL K I NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of S~n Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Ordinance No. 378 C.S. is a true, full . l , and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meetlng of said Council on the 14th day of June, 1988. I WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed , this 21st day of June, 1988. I -- ~a.~ cn ., LE