Minutes 1974-09-30 42~ CITY CO~Ji~CII. SEPTEIKBER 2~, 1974 ARROYO GRAIVDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 ADJOURNM~PdT 0~. motion of Go~nc~.lr~.~.r~ IaeonS s~concYeci b~ Co~~a~~,1~.n Mi11is and ~araani° mous ly carr~.~d, th~ ane~L~ing ad jou~n~d ~.t 11. o~3 P~M~ ~.r~~~,l C a~0 P.M~ , Sep~ei~~l~er 30, 1974. ATTES T • ` ~ \ CITS~ CLEItK MAY~R CITY CO~YI~C1L SEP~EMBER 30A 1974 AR~tOYO G~A1V'DE a CA~IF+ORI~TIA 7:30 P.M. 'Tk~~ City Coaxncil met in ad.~~~t~xi~d regula.r se~sion ~,ri~h Mayor T~.lley presid~~.~o ~pon ro11 ca11, Coa~ncil M~7rabers Spi~rl~.ng~ de I,~ort, Sc~l~gel ~nd Millz~ r~pox°t~d. present, DISG~;S. RE. PURCHASE OF PAR~ ~,Al~D O~I FAIR C~AKS ° PARI~ & RECa COMM~ RECOAZMENDo Ti~e Counci~. disc~~as~~c~ at 1eng~h tt~~ ~e~ornmenda~io~ o~ ~~z~ Pa~ks ~nd R~creat~.on Co~rcnniss~on ta p~rcha.s~ parkland a~ Fai~° Oalc~ Av~n~~ and. ~a~~ of Arroyo Grande Cr~~ko Af~~r Coa~x~~ci~ di~c~,ss~an, it Taas t1~e general con~ensu~ of the Council t~at a fir~ s~atian sik~ is a fir~t priority, and that d.r~e to tYae lacle of f~nds, the Ca~.n~~~. ~elt that r~~ ac~ion ~ho~zYd b~ ~a~~n on th~ p~x°k puxchase at this ti~ne. T~a~ C~unci~ d~.c~ req~~st ~:h~ P~,~ks ~.~d R~cr~ation Com~issyon's M~.st~r Pl.a~. for S~rotr~e~ Cor~,~ra~ar~~.~Gy P~x°~ b~ d~v~lop~d in such a manner tha~ vari~~.s gro~zp~ ~rith~n ~~g~ communa.~ty c~n b~co~z?~ ~~~no 1~~d in th~ irnprov~rnent of ~h~ park~ DISCUSS I01~ RE o LOPEZ CONTRACT & S~~RPL~7~ WATEIZ Admini~trat~r B~atc~ r~v~ew~d raith th~ Co~rcc.il a~~ga~°t bri~fly sumrznarizing ~he Lopez Contract and C~~an~il cliscuss~d th~,s and a px°opo~~~ program of su~°plus water. The Council r,~a~ ~1~o ad.vis~d that lr.~ncheon meeting ha~ been ca1Z~;~. Count~r S~zp~rvisar M~nki~~ fc~~ October 117, 1974 at Tr~.d~r Nick's, to furt~l::.~ ~~,scuss t~?e W~.~t~x° Assoc~i~.~ion ~.de~., ADJOUR1Vfi2E1VT On mo~ian of Cc»nc~l?nan Sp~.~rling~ s~conded b~ Ca~~nca.lman c~e L~on and ranani~o~xsly car~°i~d., the ~s~e~in~ ~.cl~o~trned a~t 9:10 P.M~ ATTES~: ~ ~ ~ ~ C DEPtT~Y CITY CI~ERK MAYOR