Minutes 1974-04-18 343 CITY COtTL~CIL APRIL 18, 1974 ARR.OYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 3:00 P.M. The City Council naet in adjourned reg~l~r sessi~n ~r~.th Mayor ~alley presidinga Upon rull ca119 C~unci9.m~n Schlegel~ Millis9 Spierling and de ~eon reported present. DISCUSSION RE. POTENTIAL PARK SITES ~a~ Th~ Co~ncil discena~ed potenti~l park aite ~.oe~~io~s, including a 7~+ acre site (?~~gford p~r~aper~y) .uf~ .,~i£ ~iu~er~~ R~~il ~.~~ca~~ f~~~ ~tla~ Rmsev~~od-P~arw~ood Tract; ~nd ~ 17~ acr~ ~r~~ nort'~CUr~~~~rl~ af ~Ya~ V~ll~gr G~rd~~a ~r~ct. A atudy seaeivn s~t ~or ~ P.M. on Ap~il 23, 197~, t~ l~~k ov~rc th~ t~~ aite~ ~nd put th~ m~tt~~ ~n ~t'he A~~nd~ f~r th~ Council's r~g~l~~ a~~~ti~a~ ~f April 2~, 1974, fe~r ~pp~apri~t~ ~ctiond ADJOURNMENT Or~ ~ao~io~a of Cou~~il~ra~n Schlegel, ~~~ond~d by Cor~r~cilman de ~eon and ~n~ni~noualy c~rr3~d~ th~ me~ting ~d~Arar~~~1 ~t 7:50 P.M. unCil 4:00 P.M., April 23, ~974. ATT~STt ~ ' DE~TJ~ Cr`T'~ CLERK MA'~OIt GI~Y COL~~?CZ~. APItIL 23, 1974 AIZROYU G1tA11~1DE , CALI~OR~17A 4: n0 P@ M. ~e Cit3? C~u~nc~l m~t in ~djc~urned reg~alar ses~ion at City~ Ha11 with Mayor Tall~y pr~siding. Upon roll cally Councilmen Mi.llia ~nd de Leon reported pre~ent. Councilm~n Schle$~1 and.Spi~rling are ~bs~nt. ~'he Cou~r~cilmen trav~el~d to the Valley Gard~ns ar~a wtaere they wr~re met by Council~an Spi~rling, VISUAL Ii~TSPECTION l~F POTENTIAL PARK LAND SITES Z'he City Co~xr~cil made a visual inspection of a 17± acre,area northwest of the Valley Gardens Tract, kno~an aa th~ P~ince prc~pertq. The Council the•xc traveled to th~ east~rly por~tion of the City t~ a 7~+ acre are~ sc~utt~ o£ Pearwood . Stree~ off of Huasna Road, kno~rn ae the Lsngford property, anc~ m~de a visual ,,,~fn8pectian of it. ADJOURNMENT Om rno~i.c~n of Ct~uncilman,S~~.erling,, seconded by Counci7.naan ~iillis an~ct; ° ~ unanimc~us Y;y carried, the meetircg ad journed at 5:00 P.M. - ~ ~ J~^ ~s~~ , ATTESTt y?^~, ~'PI ~ DEPU~'Y CTTY CLLRK MAYOR , . CITI,' C~UNCIL APRIL 23,.1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA . ~'h~: City C~uncil met in regular aeesion wi~th Mag~ar Ta21~;y p~eeiding. Upon roll ca11q Councib Members Millis, Spierling and de Leon repcrrted pree~nt. Councilm~n Schleg~l 3~s abeent. P~.EDGE t~F A?.?.EC?ANC~ AND INVOCATION Mayor Talley le~d tYae Pl~dge ~f A13egia~ce t~ o~r Flag; and immediately thereafter, Cc~~rncilman Mi1T3.~ deliver~d th~ invocatier~n. APPROV I, ,OF MI1~Yf1T,~S, The minut~es of the r~gular City Council ffieeting of Apri1 9, 1974 and the minutea of the regular ad,~ourned s~eet3.ng of April 15, 19749 were ~pproved as prepared. , APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion c~f Councilman de Leon, seeonded by C~uncilm~n Mi:llis and unanimousl~ ~arried~ General Warrants No. 1354<throug'h No, 1415, ia th~:,total.,,; amount of $10,465.33; and Payrall Warranta Nn. 1789 throug~ No. 18b0, in tk~e total ~mount of.$20,397~30, w~re appro~~d.and ordered,paid. > r~r,, ~ , , . ~ ~ ~ ~ , w,. , , ' . . . . . ....~l~ . . . . . . ' . . . , , l u,r, . . ~ . . 5 . . • . . ~ , ~ ~ ~ . . . . . , , , . . . ~ . . , , . . . : , ~ , r . . , . . . l.. ~ . , . „ . , . ~ . . . , ...l;~ . . . . . , . . . . . . . ,