Minutes 1974-03-12 , tli_ . 32~ ~r CITY C~IJI3CIL ~~~RiTARY 269 1974 ARR~YO GRAND~, CAI,IF~RIVI~ PA~E 6 NOTICE F1tOM GOVER~IOR RE (~~'~I~1V~~a G~S R1~TI(~~~N~ -PR~~1~~?. A n~~ic~ fres~n G~~r~~°nor R~~~~~ d~,~~~~~d. ca~r~~~ s~pe~~:~~~ae~ ~~vie~ed9 whicl~ req~e~~ed c¢~~n~t~ ga~r~~r~~nt~ ~o p~c~c~~.~,~. a~~a~~ ~f c-;~~r~~r~c~ in ~~.~ir respec~i~e co~~.tie~ in ~rd~~ ~o ~~n~~~c~n~~ p~~~~~~ ~a~ ~~~~b~i~~ a gn~~~ orcierly c~~s~n~~ purcl~~~ing ~~~ca~in~. If ~h~ p~~~c~~~c~ g~~~n ~,~~~p~~d b~ th~ couxzty, ~~rand~~o~g~ prog~~~ o~ g~~ p~.~c~ha~in~, b~~~d ~n ~1~~~~at~ d~;~s of xnont~n anc~ pdd and e~~~, li~en~e p3.~,~~ n~b~~~ 9~o~1c~ b~ ~a~~p~.~~~r~vc~d; ~.nd g~.se~~~.n~ wil~ nat L~~ sol~. to veh~c~.e~ r~h~s~ ~~n~s ~~~f f~~.~m T~~ S~n Lua.s Obispo C~untg~ B~arcl of : a~.p~x~~a,~or~ ~~is c~;l~.~~ a~~~~~~g £~r 100~0 A.M.. ~n Febri~ary 27A 1~~4~ to c~n~~c~~r ~~a.~ ~s~t~~~. An ~.nf~~r~~l s~r~~~ m~r~.~ by C~,~y st~,ff of 12 gas ~t~tio~.~ ~t~~~ C~t;~ r~v~~~~d. ~~ae £~~Y~ng p~an was n~~ n~ce~s~.ry in ~hi~ Co~n~.~y~. A~. info~?al pc~l~i~g of t~~ G~~:n~il M~anb~rs a~~o indicated g~ne~~~. ~~~li~~ th~a~ r~,~ion~.~.~ g~.~ i~. Go~nt;y ~aas no~ n~c~s~~.ry. REVIF,W OF TI~FORMATT~J~T SH~LT it~ ~1~y4l~GH S'TREET 'IMPTt~VEMEi~']" PROJEC'~ Th~ Co~sn~il r~~ie~~ei an i~~~~r~?~.~~,nn p~anp~~.~k p~ep~~~d. ~~r Dc~r,~n~~~~x M~rc~ants r~g~rdin~ ~ch~d.~~~ and ~ork to acc~~sp~~~~c~d d~x~ing ~l°~e B~~.nch St~°eet Iznprov~xnent P~oj~~~~ ADJOURI~TMEI~T On ~otion of G~a~nci~~?~.n d~ ~on, s~~onel~d C~~nc~~n~n Tall~y anc~ unanizno~s Z~ carri~d, t~.~ H~~~ta,ng j~n~rn~cl ~,t 9:50 P.M. ATTES T : ~ CI~Y CT~RK MAYOR CITY COUNCIL MARCH 12, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session and in session as required by the Elect~ons Code of the State of California, with Ma.yor Schlegel presiding, Upon roll cal1, Council Members Talley, Mi11is, Wood and de Leon reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A~I.D INVOCATION Mayor Schlegel lead the Pledge of AlYegiance to our Flag; and immediately thereaf~er Councilman Millis deliverecl the invoeation. RESOLUTION ADOPTION - RECITING FACT OF THE GENERAL MUNIGIPAL ELECTION - 3/5/74 City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution reciting the fact of the Gen~ral M~ani~igal Election; th.ex°eafter, a motion was made by Councilan~n Talley, seconded by Council~an Wood and ~nanimously carried, to dispense with r~ading tY~e balance of this resolution. 325 : _ _ L_, _ . _ CITY COUNCYL MARCH 12, 1974 ~ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 RESOLUTION NQ. 1086 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARRQYO GRANDE, CALI~ORNIA, KECITII~TG ~HE FACT OF THE GENERAL MUI~TICIPAL EZECT'ION HELD IN :SAID CI`TY OF ARROYO GRANDE ON THE STI~i DAY OF MARCH, 1974, DECLARING ~HE RESULT THEREOF AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS ARE PROVIDED BY LAW. WHEREAS, a. regular general muna.cipal electi~n was held and conducted in the City of Arroyo Grande, Gounty of San Luis Obispo9 S~at~ of Cal~fornia9 on 1'~tesday, the 5th day of March9 1974~ as required by-la~; and. WHEREAS, notice of :said .electian was duly and regularly given in tim~, form and manner as provided by 1aFa; that voting precincts were praper~~r established; that election officers were'appointed and that Ln all respects said election was held and cond.v.cted and the votes c~,st thereat, received a~d canvassed and the returns made and declared in time, form and manner as required by the provisions of the Elections Gode of the State of Galifornia for the holding of elections in cities, and WH.~REAS, pursu~nt to Resol~ttion No. 1083 adopted the 26th day of February, I974, the City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande canvassed the returns of said election'and has cerfiified the results to this City Gouncil, said results:are received, attached and made a part 'hereof as ~`Exhibit A"o NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY C;OUNCIL OF THE GITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, C2,LIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the~e were three (3) voting precincts established for ' the purpase of:holding:said election consisting of consolidations of the regular election precincts in the Gity of Arroyo Grande as established for the holding of st~.te and county elections. SECTION 2. Tha.t said regular general municipal election was held for the purpose of electing the following afficers of said City as required by the laws relating to cities in th~ State of Galifornia, to wit: Two (2) Members of the City Gouncil of said City for the full term of four years; SECTION 3. That the whale number of votes cast in said City (except absent voter ballots) was two thousand seven hundred and fifty°eight (2,758). That the whole number of absent voter ballots cast in said City was eighteen (18), making a total of two thousand seven hundred and ninety- two (2,792) vot~:s ca:st in said Gfty. SECTION 4. That the names of persons voted for at said election for member of the Gity Council of said City are as follows: Calvin (Cal) Schlegel Dttane M. Dague Robert L. (Bob) Goulart Al Spierling TYaat the number o£ votes gi~r~n at each precinct and the naambex of votes ..given in the City to each of sv.ch persons above named for the respective offices for which said persons were candidates were as listed in Exhibit "A" att~ched. SECTION 5o T1r.e City Council does declare and determine tha.t: CALVIN H..SCH7aEGEL w~s elected. as Member of the City Council of said City for the ful~. ~e~n of four years; ALBERT A. SPIERLING was elected as Member of the City Council of said City for the full term of four years. (3/74) 3~~ ~~9 . ~ ~ SEGTION 6. T~e Ci~t~ C~.~r1c ~h~11 ~n~~~ on ~k~~ r~~o~cfls c~f Ci,t~ C~~nc~l of said Ca~~y*, ~~~.tee~n~n~ of ~h~ ~~~~.~'t o~' ~~.id ~'1~cti:~n, ~~a~~a~~gm (1) Tl~~ wh~ale n~ab~r caf ~r~~~~ ~~.~t i~ ~h.~ ~i~~~ (2) Tl~e n~.m~~ of t~i~ p~x~~ons v~~~d for; (3) Fe~r ~a~..~t offic~ ~~c~ g~~~on w~~ ~ot~~c~ ~~ar~ (4) T'he n~b~r af ve~t~s gi.~r~n. ~t ~~.~~i p~~~ita~~ p~~°~~~s, (5) T~.~ nu~nb~r ~f ~ro~~~ g3v~n iit ~h~ G~.~~ tc? p~~~~r~~ SECTION Z~hat the Ci~gr C~~rk ~~a1Y i.ta~ti~ciiat~l;~ ~~1~~ ~n~.$ t~pc~~n compli~.nc~ by t~r.~ p~~°son~ ~lec~~d ~r~~h ~h.e px°dvis~.ons i~~t~,~afi ~~.5~0 Seetion 11559 of ~he ~1~~tic~ns Cod~ af St~t~ o~ C~~.i£~~ni~, ~h~.11 d.~l~v~;~ ~Co ~ach c+f ~v.c1~ p~rsons ~o el~ct~d ~ C~:rtif~e~t~ c~~ E1ect~;:es~n ~ig~~d by h~r and duly ~u~h~ntatc~~~d.y ~h~t s~~ ~1[~11 ~:l~o ad~i~.3~s~~~ to eae'~ p~Y~on e~~~~~d.; th~ Oath ~f Off~.ce p~~sex°~b~r1 in trn~ Sta.ts Cons~itution of ~h.~ S~ate c~f Californi~ and sha11 t~av~ ~l~~m sazbs~~°ibe th~x~~to ~.nd f.i1~ ~ka~ s~~ i~ ka~r office. Whe~e~:pc~n, ~ach ~.nd ~l.i o~ s~id p~~°~e~n~s so ~~.~~t~~. st~al~, b~ ~,nd~act~d into the respective c~ffic~? ~o which t~~~y~ I~~.v~ b~~n ~l~ct~d, SEGTTON 8. T.'h~.t the City G1~~°k ~h.~.il ~~rt%f~ to th~ pass~.g~: ~.nd a.(j.Op't1f~T1 of this resolution; shall ~n~~r ~h~ s~.me ~.n th.~ bc~ok of origa~r~~.l R~so~utfons af said Ci~~r; and sh~,ll malce a minut~ ~f ~he p~s~a.g~ ~nd ~dc~pt~.vn ther~of in th.e r~c~rc~s of tY°~.~ proc~~ding~ nf th~ Cit~r Cc~uncil of s~i~d. Ci~~, ~n ~he minutes of the m~~tin~ at c~~iel~ th~ s~.m~ i~ p~.~~ed ~~d adapt~d~ nn mo~ion nf Coun~~lm~.n d~ ~,~on, ~~~ond.~d by Co~anc~lanan M~11is ~.nd on. the following rall c~.11 v~t~, tc~ wi~c AYES: Co~nc~lm~n '~~lfl~y, Mi11is, W~~d, d~ I,~on ~~ri Ma.~a~ Sehl~~~Y. NOES: N~n~ ABSEIVT : None ~he foxegc~in~ Resolution w~s p~.ss~d an.~. a ~ed tl~' ~tY~ d~.y of eh, 1974. i , . MAYAR ~ ATT~ST: , •p~:~ ~A~~ GITY CLERK I, In~s A, d.el C~mpo, City~ C1~ark of the Gity of A~~oyo Grand.e, County of San Zuis Obispo, St~.~G~ of Cal~,forni~, do h~r~by c~rtifg~ th.at ~k~e foregoing Resolution N~a 1086 is ~~ru~9 f~ll an~ co~r~ct copy ~f ~aid, resolution passed ~nd adopr~d by ~h~ GiCy Co~ar~eifl of th~ City of Arroyo Grande at a re~ular • m~etiing of said Coaxncil h.e1d Un the 1.2~ti dl~.y o~ Mare~, 19~4, WITI~IE~S rn~ 'l~nd ~nd tk~~: s~~.1 of th.~ City o~ Arr~~o G~and.~ ~.ffix~d this 1~~h d~.~ of l~.rch, 19~4 . _ r . I C i Cy C~erk. a€ t1~~ C 3.tg~ ~o ~ Ar~oyo G:e~ncle (SEAL) 32~ ~I~~ COtINC~L Z~R~~f 1~~ ~9~°~ ARR05~0 GIi~~TD~ ~ ~A~I~U~iT~ ~ "EXIiIPIT E1" CITY CLERK°S CERT~~TCA~'~ OF GAN~ASS I, I~tes A, d~l Caznpo, Ci~y Cl~~k of tl~e Ci~y o~ A~~~yo ~~~.~d~~ ~aaa~~;~ c~~ San Luis Obispo, St~.te of Cali~or°n.iay d~ly ~.~thorizecl by R~s~l~tion. 1Vo. 10838 adopted by the Ci~y CounciT ~f said Gity c~n tY~e 26~h day~ of Febs~az'g~, 1974.~ do hereby cert~fy that T hav~ canvassed t~.~ ~°~t~rns ai~ tl~e ~~gu~.~.x~ ~~neral ma~n~.cip~l election held in said Cit~ on th~ 5t~i c3a.y c~ ~r~h.; 19~4, ~znd. f~nd ~h.~~ th~ n~lae`r of votes given at each precinct and the n~a~b~vr c~f vat~~ ~i~t~n in t~.e Ci.ty ~o persons voted far, the r~spe~tiv~ c~ffic~s £~r ~ta~.ch s~:id p~r~ons wer~ ~andidate$; DATED : Marc'~ 6 , 1974 ~ ~ - .5~~~. . City Cl~~k C3~y o~' Arroyo G~ande For MEMBER of the PREGTNCT TO'TA~, VOTES CITY COt11VCIL N0. 1 1V'~7o 2 N0~ 3 T.OT~L ASS~1V'~E~ CAST Calvin (Ca1) Schlegel 282 191 343 816 9 825 Duan~ Mo D~gu~ ~g£3 17~+ 298 670 6 676 Robert La (Bo~) Goul~.rt 207 146 216 569 5 574 Al Spierling 281 1~5 2~7 703 14 717 TOTAZ VbTES CAST g68 655 1134 2'~5~ 34 ~7~2 T PRECINCT TOTAL BALLOTS VOTED ~15 34~ 588 1450 1~ 1468 T PRECINC~' 32~ CITY GOUNCIL 1~~.GH 12: Y9~4 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORNI~, PAGF 5 ADMINISTRATION OF OAT7H QF OFFICE TO GITY COUNCIL MEMBERS m SC~GE~ &~FIEIZLTI~G C~t~ Clerk d.el Campo adinini~tered th~ Oatkn of Offic~ t~ C~t~ C~~nnci~. M~r~rbers C~.lvin I~, SchlegeY and A~b~r~ A. - S~~~r~~n~ ~,ncl ~ig~e~ anc~ d~~a~~~r~d ta~ ~~ch a Certifieate of Electio~. DEPART. 4~ORIDS & PR.ES~NT~ OF SERVICE REGA~. P3~AQU~ T~ ItETI12ING C~U~CI~,Mp.l~ W00D Mayor Schlegel c~Y,~.~r~. Co~nracilman Spi~~li~~ t~ t~k~ fl~~~ ~e~.1t at t~.~ C~~~.cil t'ab le , Retiring Cc~uncil~nan Tn~ood. exp~e~~ed ~.gpr~cia~idn for l~~v~ng t~ad opportrnnity to serve t~~ Gitgr ~he pa~t ?2 ;~~~~°s ~~d indic~.t~d. conffd~n~~ in fl~~ Coun~il ra~r se~.ted ~nc~ ~r~.sin~d tl~~~ tk~~ b~~t, I~.g~~r S~hl~g~1 t~~.1c~d A~c~.i~on W~~de cc~mmending him for th.e outstancflin~ ~ob h~ ~.as done~ and pre~~n~~ci ~i~s wf~kn a p3aq~.e Af appreciation ixx x°ecognition af h.is servic~ to the Ci~y as M~g~or from Augu~~, 1965 to Jan~aaryp 1969 and as Co~tncilman frc~n Apr~l, 1962 until M~.rch, 1974. RECOGNIT~ON T'~ PHYd~LIS SGI3~,EGEL AS ~OODWI~~ AMBASSAD(aIt .FOR CLTY C~uneilma.n Millis r~ad. a statem~nt in h.on.or of I'h~~bis Scl~legel~ wl~o has be~n th~ Cit~e~ f~rst lady for the past ~ro ye~.rs and. repre~en~ed tka~ Ci~y at many func~fon~ caitl~ d.igni~~ and ch~.~. On. moti~n c~f C~~ancilm~n Millis, seconded by Councflman Ta11~y ar~ri ~.nan~.ma~asl~r carri~d, a lett~~e and pl~qu~ ~f appr~ciation ~aill be pre~ent~d to Mx°s. Calvin (Pfl~gal~.i~) Schleg~l in ho~.~r of k~er g~od~ill ambassadorship for t1~e Cft~r. ELECTIOLV OF Mr~~OR A~TD MAYOR PRO-TEM: TAI~d~EY & MILLIS C~t3~ Clerk d~l Campo s~ated. nominations for M~.yor ~ere no~ opened. C~~ancil~ man Scl~leg~1 nogninat~d Donald Tal~.ey for Ma.yor and Councilman Mi11is seconded t~ie notnination, Councilm~.n de Leo~a n.ominated Calvin Schlegel for 'Ma.yor and. Couaacilman Tall~y s~conded tk~e no~?inat~c~n. Co~nci~nn~.n de L~on ~oved t~~.t noflninations be closed. Councilman Schleg~~. requested that his na~me be ~~thdra~tn froan n~inations for Mayora whereafger, in deference to Cotnncblman Scfl~legel's wish~s, Councilman de 3~eon wit~dr~w his noanir~ation, Ttae~eaft~r, on motion of Councilanan Millis, sec~nded by Councilman de Leon and un.ari~.m~~.s1y c.arr~ed., Da~~1~ Tall~~ uaas el~~tecl i~7a~~~. , Ma.yor Talley ass~~n~d. the chair and decl~xed no~niraat~nns for Ma.y~r Fro°Tem were nour ~pe~.~d. Council.rian Schlegel nominated Ma.rk Millis for M~.yo~~ Pro-T~m and Council~?an d~ Leon s~c~nd.ed the n~€nina.tion. H~aring no more nom3.na.tions, Ma.yor Tall~y d.eclared t~at nc~minations for Mayor Pra°Tem w~re closed, and th.e nornination and election of I~rk M. MilY.is for Mayor Pro°T~m was c~rried. CONIMENTS BY NEGT & RE-ELECTEI3 COUNCIL MEMBERS ° SPIERLING & SCHLEGEL Co~.ncfl~nan Spi~rlin~ expx°~ssed his gratitta~e to tYaose who vot~d for hun and h.elped support his campaign, arxd that h~ will try to live up to what is expected of him. CouneiY~a.an Schl~ge~l th~.nic~ci ~he cita.zens fo~° th~~,r f~.ith in him and expressed ~ope for tt~~ con~i~~n~d orderly growth of the Ci~gr. Ne~ly e~.~~t~d M~.yor Tall~y s~.id he ~r~.s proa~d and h.on~red to h~ve been elected Mayor a~.d exg~ressed his ~iopes of doing as ~r~11 as t1~e past M~.yor~. He stated. that h~ c~ilY miss Add Wood an ~he C~azncil, i~.dicating ~~nat Mro W~od. w~.s inst~sn~nt~l ~.n first gett~ng kaian ~.nteresteci in sex~ving ttn~ City, H~ furth.~r staC~d that he felt Al Spierl~.ng ~r~.s a gc~od additic~n to th.~ C~uncil. Ma.yor Talley t?~~n ouitlinecl th.ose ~ity project~ "und,~ra~ay arcd t~iose planned in the years ahead9 s~n~ proj~cts t~~ hoped would be con~3,d~r~d, inelauding ~eplac~ment for It~~t~~.~~. Parlc9 a new civic c~nt~r, and a soT~xtion raork~d. c~~~t r,~ith neighb~~i~.g czti~~s ~f water pr~blems. Adxr?inistra~Gor Butcla expr~ssed his th~.nks to Addis~n i,~o~d~ stating th~.t - Mre Wood. k~ad been r~~ponsibT~ for t~e Citg~as l~iring of its fi~s~ administr~tc~r, and that Mr. Wood was a f~n~ p~rson. APPROVAL OF MINUTES T1~e min~ntes ~f th~ re~~nl~r a~e~~i~g of F~br~a~r~r `LC , 1974, ~~r~ approved as prep~.x°eci . APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On anotion of Councilma~. d.e Y~on, sec~nd~d by Council*_nan Sp~.~rling and ~ananimoaa~l~ carri~~., Tr~st & A~ency L~larrants No. 222~. thrpugh N~. 2243, in t~n~ total aa~o~xn~ of $257.77; G~n~r~.l W~.rran~s No. 26~ thx°o~ngh No. 291 and ~Tc~. 1161 through 1Vo, 1221y in the total ainount of $5709172r82; and P~.yrol~ Warrants No.i503 throazgh No, 1597, in ~he to~ral amorant of $28,8~7045, ~r~re appr~ved a.nd ordered paide 32~ CTTY COUNCI~ ~.RCH 1~, 197~ ARRQYO GRANDB , CALIFOR~TTA ~~,~E fi M~YQR'S APF'~TNTNIENT 'QF C~I~IITTEE ASST~I~T~IEN~S TO C~t~~CI~ ~ T~1~~~ ~~a~~~r~~~d, G~~r?~~1 ~~g~~~~~~~~~,~~~ ~Q s~~.~c~~.~~ c:e~~~~~~~~ ~r~d cc~an~.~s~~ns f~~ Z~~ ~ ~~~tE ~ A~V~SC~R~ CQ~1~~~'E~ o I~~~~~.~ ~~,t~,d ~lt~~n~t~, ~Q~XT1~I~ W~A~ T~~~~R C0~![~'~~E~a ~~~a~ d~ • ~n~~ ~,~.d J~~~ ~,~d~~~~~~~ ~T~.. ~1~~~:n~,~~; .~R.~,A, P~,~A.~T~~ ~~tI~C~~~ I~e~~ ~~c~ 5~~~~~~~~ ~~~~a~~x~~~~ ld~,'!1!~?~~Ti4MVd.`!{/ 4ii~L,L~id 4~~4"~°,~~~~~ei~'e ~Y;iA~.f,&.~~a:. b3l~s ..671~l.M ~l~4sl.~ ~,€F~~~"k9 NRP.. ~ ..~~AlM~3,~~F#,~~ . D~~'1~IC~: C~~ S~h1~~~~9 ~~d ~1 5~3,~~~3r~~ ~~~~~~~~a D~r? ~~~~Q~a; Gt~T~T~~I ~,~J~~~3~ C~I~fi~~~~9 ~~1 ~~~a~~~~~F ~;~t~ C~~'~.~~ CAt~MIT`~~~ ; ~ ~ ~ A 1.~~~~~ ~~~n ~~a~ ~`~~~,~t~ Cl~b ~~~~d~ ~~~~a~~~~~~ C:~~y"~ ~ld ~~~i~ ~t~~~~ b~~~~i~.~ ~t~~ ~a, ~~i~. ~~~~t ~~~1~ ~~~~a~~~ i~~~~.~ ~ ~~1~. A. ~~1~~~~d~ ~~~;~~~r~ a~~ ~~~1~ ~~~;~~~~d t~~ ~~u~'~ r~~~~~ ~0~ '~~~i~~~~.~ ~~a~ ~~~~g G~~~~~,1 d~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~3~~ ~~+~~~~~m~~ ~~~c~r~~~~ ~~,7Al.~~ ~~~~~~d~ ~4~~~~~~~~~ ~~a~ ~~d bt~~~~~~~ ~a~~~ ~Q ~Q~ ~;~d ~r~~~ ~~~~~c~~ ~a~ ~~~~~~i~~~a~~ i9a~@ ~ ~a ~~~,~~~~t~~ ~i~,~ ~?~~~~~~a?~~~t~aa~~ ~ ~~q~~~~~?~~ ~~?~~~~~e~r~ ~ ~~~~~1~~~ ~c~~~ R~~~~v~~a~ ~T~. ~ ~~~s ~~1~ C~~ 5~~~~~~. ~~~~a~e ~~~~~d . . p~~s~~ ~~:~,s b~ ~~°~~x~d~~ ~t~~~:~ ~~~~~~~d ~nd ~'~~i~~~ C , ~~~,~~~~~n~~ a~~~r~~~3.~,~ ~a~~~~t ~r~~~ fi~~~. ~n~ ~~d ~;~~1 ~e ~~?~~~d ~~a~ ~ d~~~. ~ n e A ~~tt~r f~°~~a ~~r~~,~d ~O1 ~T~~~ S~?~~~~~ th~~ ~h~ pa~~~~ ~f ~c~d~~~.~~~1 p~~~i~~ ~t~~~°~ ~~~~~~a ~~~;~~I~ St~~~~a ~~a~l~~~d ~~~r~ ~r~~ ~~~r~~ ~~~~~a~~,~~~~€~~ t~~ unaut~~~°~.~~d ~r~~~~l~~ ~a~~t~~d, 1~~,~ ~A~ ~fi~~~ ~4~~~~~. ~t cl~~°~~i~d tka~~ p~~°l~i~~ I~a~ G~~~~?~ ~~~~~~~~~t~ ~ p~~v~t~ ~~~d b~ G~~~,~, ~dr~~~~~~t~~~~~ ~~~~~~1 wQUld Y~~v~ ~~~~~1,~,~~ ~~d~?~~~~~ p~~~~d~~~~ v~~~c~~~ ~1~~ ~~t~ ~a~ 1~~ ~~~~i~~d. ~~,~d, ~~~~i~~ ~~~1~~,~~ A~~~r~E C~t~ A~~A~~~~r Sta~p~~~ ~~~~~d ~~~1~~ ~~~;~P b~~ ~~~~t~~~~~~ ~ ~w~~r~~ ~~d#,z~~~~~ ~~~~y, in G#,~~. A~t~~ ~~~t'~~~ C~~n~~~~ d~,x~~t~d ~~c~~~~~~~ ~~s~ tc~a~~~a~~r p~~,v~~~~~~ p~~~~~,~ ~~C DEPA~„~ NT'~,T~ R~P~~~ ~'~R ~~f~~ . ~t~~ i~~~~~~n~~~~.~ ~y t~~ C~~~~~~P ~~v~~~~~ ~~c~~~~~ ~~~~d. 23~'d~ o£ ~k~~ p~~p~~~~ ~~~a~~~ ~k~~ ~ REV'~EEf~ ~F T~~ ~~S~A~YVE ~rrY,r,~~r~NS e A ~ Q~~_ ~ ~T~fi~~ Ac~°~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~tct~ C~,~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~a~ bull~~~~ ~~~~~,v~d, ~~~n ~,~~~~a~ C~1~~~~~~~ C~~~~~ ~ ~i~~ ~~~1~~~~ bill~; 1) S~ 1340, ~~~~d~~~~ to S~ 7~,~, C~~;~~~~~ ~~,~n~d 1~~ G~~r~~~~~~ 3~~a ~~~~ct ~~7~~ S.~7G~~~ ~~d~~~,~ ~~~~~a~ ~°~~~1~ ~~~~~~.~n~ ~~a~~~~~~ va~uu~c~ n~~ 3~~Xud~ C~~~ ~a~l~~~~~~~ ~~~~d ~d~~~~~~,~ ~~~~ct m~r~yr o~~,~~ ci~i~~ ~~r~~~~~~l~~q ~~~a~~~~~ C~~,n~t~n ~~c~ ~~~~y ~rat~d ~~~,in~~ ~~~~~n~~,~ ~1~~ ov~~r~ia~~ p~~vi~io~. 3) T'~~ ~.~l~ i~, ~~d ~~~~1 , ~ffect Apx~i~ lp 1974. Cc~~~~~,~ ~~c~~~~d ~,~sd ~~u~~~~d ~n~~~,~~~ ~~~v~~~~~~~ ~~11~~ ~1~n~i~g C~u~~~~'~ m~~ti~~ ~~b~u~~~ ~974. ~~~~d C~ur~eil' ~ S~c~~t~~y, ~~b~~~ G~11~~ ~ h~~ ~~q~~~t~d ~~~i~~a~c~ ~~i~ ~~~i~~~~ on t~~ C~u~cil, ~nd ~ai~11 r~c~a~~ ~ ~~~1~~~~~~t. CI~Y CAU~CIL MARCH 12, ~974 ARROYO GR~-1NDE , CALIFOR~TIA PL~~~ ' ~ AL~TI~QRI~~ P~RCH~SB C1~' TRU~I~S ~~ilt S`~R~~~S AIQl~ 'FA].tKS & R~C a D~P'~, ° C~R.TST, CI3EVY ~ x~epox°t w~~ ~e~ai~~~c~ fraurr P~n3a~,~.c TnT~rek,~ D~~~c~ax° ~~c~~~~~~. ~~g~.x°d~ng x~~~~~pt of info~~.l bid.~ f~~r ~l~r~~ ~~uc1~~ ~ c~~~cr~ as ~~~9~~,~e;a~ o ~'AiT~ REYlVOLDS F"(3RD CF~tti~~I~~TS~~~T C~VY. .~MO~YI3~ IT~M ~30 T~°~.~ffc LJ~.~;~4A.Go ~0:3 ~~f~~c T~~.~yAoG. Bi~DGE~ED i. ton p3.c~-t~p, 4 ~ge~d for STREET DEPTe $~,36'9,~3 $3~~~8,:30 $29100 2 . 2 ton pick-tap , ~ut~`:' ~ran~ . for PUB. WKS , I~VSPECT(~R 3 9490.0~ 3 9 S£32 , 80 3~ 000 3. ~ ton piek-up, 4 spe~d cab & c~a~.s~~s on~,y ~or PARKS & RECREA~'I~N D~P°~. 3,497.55 3~~4~a00 2~500 Bid.s ~.~.d ~.lso b~~n x~~qa~est~d an co~a?ga~.t; ~n~d~1~ c~h~r~ ~pplic~b~~, b~xt c~~.l~ a$50 ~~.v~,ngs w~~1d hav~ b~en r~~.liz~d, sc~ tr~~ p~.~~l~a~~ csf th~ syn~~~~r t~cks was not ~'~lt justi£ied. Th~ b~nclg~~ted ~.m~~~~s ca~re bas~d can p~~c~~ ~~~.i1~.ble in April, 1973, Ac~xninist~~.tu~ ~u~tc~! s~at~d ~~at ~r~~ks p~.r~~~.s~d ~hrd~g~. S~a~~ ~e~°e pric~d j~st as l~ig~. as the bids recc~~~a~e~. frc~an t&~s~ l~c~a~. d~~.l~r~. It raas recca~m mend~d t1~~t Items 1. ~.nd. 3 be p~~ch~sed fx~o~ Ch.x~~.~ tians~n C~?ev~olet and I~ein 2 f~°oan :Pa.~.l R~~n~ld~ F~rd. T~t~ ~bov~ q~~~~d price~ :~nc~.~d.~ 6~s'a ~~.b~~ ~ax and pain~ing to City st~r~dard~. Th.~ C~~.nc~.1 d~s~aa~~e~1 th~ ~~tt~x° at l~ng~h, ~~c~:rren~nctxng tkna~ I~~m. 2 not be p~~cl~.sed at this ~i~n~ cl~e th~ overage on b~d.~~~~d ~.~ncaun.~s. Aft~~ C~uncil di~~~ssion, on moti~x~. ~f Cc~unci~.Ynan c~~ L~~n~ s~cond~d b;~ G~~neil~nan-Spi~rling and ~.narc~o~~s ly car~i~d ~ t~~ bid in t~~ ~.m~r~n.t of $3 A 238 030 ~c~~° 2 tan pick-up for tl~~ S~r~~t D~.p~.~~~nt a,nd. h~,d in th~ amc~~.nt of $~,~~5o0C1 for a 4~c~n pickm~ap for th~ Parks & Rec~~~.ti.crn De~~.~°~m~nt, b~~h bids fra~n Gh~iseiansean. Chevrolet, ~~r~ acc~pted and a~~.hc~~i~a~ian ~i~ren fc~r the; p~.rch~.~~ r~f t~e taua t~~~.ks. LETTER OF RESIGNATLO~ ° PLANNIIVG CqMMISSIONER A~ SF~ERLING M~yor ~'a~.~~y ~e~,d a l~tt~r of r~signati~n fraan. Planning Cz~aim?~,ssioner AY Spier7L~ng, to b~ ~~fec~Civ~ M,~rc1~ 79 3.974~, Af.t~~ Ceuncil discussian, on motion of Co~ncilxrc~.n d~ Leon~ s~c~nded by C~uncil~.an Schlegel and unani~otasly carried, the ~esignation of Al-Sgi~rl~.ng from ~h~ Planning C~x~nis~r~on, effecti~~ M~.rch 79 1974, w~~ ~cc~pt~d. DISCUSSTOIV RE. COMMISSIONERS CAMPAIGNLNG FOR OTHER OF~IC~ C~~nca.~.man Sc&~1~~~1 in~rad~.~~d. da.sc~.~sic~n ~rh~the~ Go~~,ssioner~ shc~axld resign fro~ th~ir G~ni~~ic+n seat wh.~n ~1~~~ b~~in ta campaign fc~r an ele~t~d offic~~ Gir~g~ A~tr~rn~y S~i~~~y ~nd~.c~.t~d h~ ~rould 1~~1~ into tl~e mat~er and ascertain ~~a o~h~~ c~tie~ k~~.nd.l~ ~h.i~ ~i~~n~tion. B~b G~a~lart~ 801 O~al Circle, stated he we~a~cl nat h~v~ st~pged. d~wn. fr~n t~?e PY~.nning Ccr~n~.s~iean to xaxn for C~~.ncil ~,ad a"r~qui~°~d x°esign~ti~n" b~en ~n ~ff~e~G, H~ f~.rt~.~r st~~~d tkaa.t th.is type oF r~q~.i~~~n~nt tao~~.d d.~,~c~~arage g~od, q~u~.l~.fi~d an~n fraan r~~.~ing for a Cotancil seat. Cc~uncil~.n Se?~l~g~l sp~~~n1~.~~d ~~S~~~S~x° it ~ro~.~~in't b~ diffi~~lt fox° a C~ni~sion.~~ t~ ob~~ct3.v~~~ w~i~;~i : his c~~c~s~.on on grr~~t~~ b~~dre th~ C~~s~i~n ~~i1~ a c~ndid.~~~. Mra G~~x~~.°~~ ~~s~g~st~d a~os~ib~.~ sa~.a~~i~n mig~n~ b~ tha~G a C~amn~.s~ion~~° ~t~p clo~n from th~ C~r.~~nfssic~n orL "~.~~.ve of ab~ence" s~ntil e~~~~~d.T and ~.f h~ ~s not ~~.~~~~cl c~n th.~n r~s~sne C~is~iorz s~at. Counc~~~,~~. Spi~~Y~.ng ind.ic~,t~d ~.e ra~s ag~inst mandating r~si$n~.t~,~ns. ~,PP~I~T'M~1VT '~F PI~i1~ZNG ANi) PA1tK &~~'~IC COMMISS~ONERS ° MATHEG~JS, R~,ES & W(~OD ~r~~n ~~n;~ R~~~~v~i~w ~f C~~~.~~~i~ I~~~t, M~~~r ~allc~g~ x°~c~~~~~~efl t&t~~ ~Iorgan ~~~~~r~ ~~r~ A~:Y~n Yti~s b~ ~pg~a~~at~d ~o tk~~ P~~nn~ng C~s~a~~~~.~n and A~t~~ig~ W~~d be ~pp~~n~c~c~ t~.~ ~~~fl~ing ~n~1 °~~~,ff~~ C~~s~~~no ~f~c~~ G~~~~~.1 di~c~~~i~~9 ~n ~~~i~n ~.f C~~racil~~n M~Y~~,~~ ~~~~nc~~ci b~a C~~~nnc~,~~~~ S~k~~c~g~~ ~a~~ ~~~~~~~~nsY.g~ car~i~d.9 ~~~°~~n. ~o Ma~~~~~~~ ~~8 Vir~~~n~~ Dx°s~~s~~ a~~r~~.~t~d, to ~~r~~ on ~fl~~ Pl~.nx~~,ng C~~~~~.~n9 ~i~ ~~:r~ ~f aff~c~ ~~~~Y~~n~; ~J~~r~~ ~Qe ~9~66, ~n ~ao~~~.a G~~n~~l~~~. d1~ ~c~~n9 ~~~~nd~d b~ C~~,nc~~~an M~]L~,~~ anc~ ~nanim m~~n~~~ carrb~d~ ~~.l~n ~e-iZ~e~, 2~0 S~. H~.l~~~n ~2~~~e ~p~c~in~ed ~~a~ P~a~a~ing C~m~s.s~i~n~ ~~t~ kn~s t~~a ~f of~~cr~ ~xp~ra~ag J~n~ 30~ 19~50 Orx a~c~~~~n G~~.ncf~r~~~ Sc~a1~~~~.9 s~~~~ac~~c~ b~ C~~~m~~~~~rn c~.~ b~~n ~.nd ~nr~a~ai- ~rc~~s~}~ car~°ic~d9 A~t~~~ ~T~~c~~ 85~ Virg~.n~,~ ]~Z~v~~ w~~ ~ppc~i?~~~c~ s~~v~ o~ th~ 1'~.rki~g ancl Tr~.ffic C~~~~iwn9 wi~~ hi~ fc~~n of~~c~ ~~pir3n~ J~nr~~ 309 ~9~60 ~ 33/ G~~ co~rr~c~~ ~~c~~ ~2s 1974 ARROYQ GR.~ND~, G~~~G~'AR.C~~. $ 3Q ~ ~ ~ - Ad~~„~i~~~e~.~~~ B~~~~ ~°~~~~~~d ~k~~~ ~ _ ~~~d~~i~~ 1~~~~ ~~~~~~~c3 ~~~~n F~.~~n~.~~ ~~n~~~i~~, ~~~~c~~~ ~ ~.~~~~~d ~ta~ ~w~~~~~~~ ~k~~ ~~~aa~~o~~~a~ ,~~~~~~k~~gP ~~~~~e~~ (~e~~~k~ ~f ~~d~c~ra t~~~ t~~~~~~a~ k~~~~~~~ ~,~~c~ .~~d~~ § ~~~~~~~~d b~ ~~~dan i~e ~~l~a~. b~~r~ ~g~~~~ ~~~a ~~~3~~ ~~~~~r~~ can ~~i~ ~n~~~~~ ~a0~ F~~~ ~g~~~ e~.~~i~~n, A~~~~r~~~ ~k~~~~~~ ~~~e~ c~~ ~ ~~~~1~~~~?~ ~ra~~~~ ~ ~~~k~~~a ~ka~ C~~~ ~~~~~r~ ~1~~~~~~~~~s ~ m~,~l~ C~e~r?~~~r~~~ ~t~~~i~ ~ ~c~~ ~n~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~d ~ di~~+~x~~~ ~~~k~ ~~~~~~~~~~@ , ~ ~ ~3~~~ ~~A~ ~ ~~i~~.~~~~~ ~ ~I~~ ~~~~~~1~ ~~~Q$ ~~t~~~~~~~~ ~~~.~~~m ~~F ~~~,~~i~~~ ~~~3~T~.~ ~~z ~~~So ~~~~~~~a~~~ ~~~i~~~~~.~ ~~i~~.~~ ~~a~ ~~S : I~~~~ ~,~5 ~t~~ : ~~i~ ~~~~X~~~,e~~ ~~~~~c~ ~~d ~,d~-~~~~ ~~~k~ CUS ~ ~ ' a ~ ~,~~~~r ~~~,d ~~czr~ S~l~ ~0~a Q~~~~~g r~li~~ ~~~~n ~ f~~ar~~r?~ F~~~b~~~ ~I~~,~~i ~~~~?r~ ~e~~~~~ d~~~~~~~ ~'~a~ Ito~dl ~ra~~~~ ~l~~~a~ ~~~~.~b~~~~ ~ s+~~~~~ ~~1. Adm~~~.~~~~~~~ ~1~~~ C~~~ ~a~~~ ~h~~ p~,~~~ of ~~~g~~~~ fe~a~ ~~~~3,~~ o ~e~~~~~ W~~~~'. ~~~i~w~d ~t~~ ~'~~~~~i~~ ~n ~ ~~p~ ~t~~~~~ t~~ ~~~~d a~s~l~~ ~t~~ 4 5~.~~~no~~ p~~~~r~~ ~r~~ t~~ p~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~cC~r c~~~ ~~a u~~~n~b~~ ~~~d ~ c~~~~~~~~ ~t~.~;~ p~~p~~~~~~ ~r~ '~,~~t~~ g~~~'~a~~~d ~~~a~~~~ d~~~~~~~~~A ~e~'~~~~ W~~~~ ~~d~~~~~ ~,~~~c~~d ~ ~~~a~~~~~ ~t~~~ ~f ~h~ p~~b~,~~~ ~u~ d~~i~~ ~nd ~k~~~~ ~a~~~~~~~ ta~~ i~a~~ ~ ~ ~ C~u~~~~~.~~~ d~ ~~~~~~~y ~9~~ G i~~~ l~~d ~d~~~~~~ k~~ ~1e~~ C~~~~~~~ fi~~~~~ C ~~t~~ ~~d P~~~g ~ ~a~~~~ ~~q~c~~~~~ ~~c~ C~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~i~c~ on ~'h~ p~~~~~1~~~~~~~~i~to~ ~~~d~ P~~,~~~ D~g~~t~~~~~ ~s~ ~+~~~h~~ c~~ ~n~~~~~ ~~a C~~~ n~~~~d4 ~cc~~~r ~~~~~x~D s~a~~ c~ ~ ~~`~l~c ~~°~~~~~x~ ~~a~~~~~~ ~~~~;~d~~~ I~a~a ~~~P `'~h~ C~~~ ~ ~~~nk~~ ~~d ~1~~ ~~v~~~p~~° ~~~~u~~~~c~ ~t~~ ~ ~~~~~~a~ ~~~~~~n~ ~ ~qe ~~~d ~~~~1: ~~9 ~a'hi~h ~~~a~1 ~p ~r~~ ~'~~~~~°~d C~~~~~~~.. ~~v~~,~~;~ an ~gt~~n, c~f C~~nxi~~~ttn~~ 5~~~,~~~~~ ~~~~~c~~~ C~~~~~~,~~~ ~~~~~~~n~~~~ ~~~x°~~d, ~he ~y~~ ~~d C~~y C~~~k ~ , of t'~~ C~~~, ~c~~g~~~a~ ~ ~0' ~~a 4~~, t~ ~~p1~,~~ ~ b~~r~k~~ ~~v~~~ ~~~~~a~~~ 33a CITY COUNGI~, M~1RGt~ 12a I9~4 ARR05~0 GRAI3DE a CALIFORI~IIIA P~~~ 9 PROGRESS REPORT ° A.~~ ~~1FR ASSESSM.~b~~ DIST. m AGC.EPT .I~T~FiI~_~~'~. S4'S°TEM Ad~ini~t~~~~r B~.tckn r~~d l~t~~r fxc~m D~.ni~r ~~c~~~ ~~~ic~~~~ e~xgin~e~ for the Ar~c~yo G~~nd~ S~w~r As~~sssnerct D~~t~i~+~9 r~~n~~h t~n~~ ~k~~ s~r~~~ proJe~t c~~~l~t~d and r~~a~~~~~d. th.~.t Cit~ ~c~~~~ x~~~n~~~?~.~ae~ ~~~p~n~itai~~~~ of t~~ system ~n an ~~tc~~fan b~~i~ un~~,l tl~~ Board of S~g~c~~~~~ors g~~~~ f~x~~.~ appr~v~1 and acc~p~an~~ a~ ~kn~ p~o~~c~ ~~d f~~a1~~ ~~f~~~ ~~c~~~ct ~~s th~ C~t~, In an~~~r to Go~.ncflm~.n Nd~.l~i~ °~yr~~~~~~~ny t~n~ C~~rg~il r~~~ ~~Y~~~~d ~1~~.t~ c~p~.~,~n~s regarding t~e ~e~~r s~r~~ean ~~~^~ld be d~.~~c~~d ~o Mae. B~~k ~~i~ G~~~.~~ ~n~ira~~r' ~ off~.c~, b~.t if ~?c~ sat~sf~c~~.c~~. ~s ~e~~a~r~ci9 t~~n ~1~~ ~i~~~~r~ sl~~~lel A~ ~~t1~~~~ Mr. Ander~on o~ Mr, B~ntc~,, Af~~~ C~~~.ci1 d.i~c~a~~a~~~a~ ~~a m~~ion C~~anc~~lma~. d~ L~~n~ sec~rsd~d b~ Co~xncila~a~n Sc1~1~g~~. ~nd n~~.~n~a~~~n~l~ c~.r~°~.ed9 i~~~ C:~~3r accept~d. in~~~°ixn ~naa~nt~n~.~c~ of th~~ A~roy~ Gr~nd~ Se~~r A~~~~~a~~r~.~ I~gs~~ict projeet ~.n~~~ fi~.~l appr~v~l b~ tl~e C~~nnGy B~ard of Suxg~~x°~isor~, D~SC~JSSIO~T RE. COLTI~YT`Y' ANIMAL GONTROL 'T..~SK FORGE °~UTCH Admini~~rator B~¢~c~ ~ev~,~~~~ a r~port pr~p~r~d by~ ~ s~nb°c~it~ee ~f t~e An~xnal Cont~°ol Tas~ F~r~~ regarding shel~~r facil~~ies, sa~.ich r~cc~~nd~d ~~aat the co~.nty hand.l~ the rece~ving ~.r~d. re~~~se of animals ~.t `the sl~~l~er and contrae~ with t~.~ Ha~nari~ So~i~t~ ~~r ~~r~ and di~pos~1, A~~tl~~~ nre~~ing s,~il~. b~ l~eld on Ma.rch 14th by t"~r~~ Task For~~ to s~~ndy tk~~ f~a~~bilf~;~ of abcav~ x°eco~n~ndati~n and cdst~ ~~~rolv~d.. collection of al1 ~.i~~~~e f~~s by the Coun~~, to offs~~ co~t of th~ Cow.nt3~ con~trollecl prog;raxn~ ~si11 ~F~a b~ con~iderede COMPI.AINT R~ I~TO1~T-~SE 1V0 ELM STREET SIDEW~LKS BY ~CH~~L CHILI3R~N Coazncflgcran d~ L~on ~°~ps~rt~d t~~t he h~.s ~ec~ived ~ c~nnplain~ f~cr~ ~ re~ident on Nc~rfih Elm Stx°~~~ ~ha~ t1~~ ~~~na~al children r~~r~ rcot tns~,rcg kkn~ ~~~1~ in~t~.Y~.ed sid~~aallzs on Nortta E~~ S~~e~t~9 b~t stilY ~~3king i~. tY~~ s~r~e~~. Ad.gn~ni~tra° tor Bu~cl~ s~ated tha.t ~ornstra~ction of th~ sid.e~~~ks ~a~ n~~ b~~n cosnp~~~~d. y~t, b~t ~f ~~a~ child~~r~ co~.~a~n~a~ ~a~.lc csn ~h~ ~~tr~~~s ~.f~er co~npl~~iorz9 ~flz~ principal of tP~~ 0~~an Vie~r E1e~n~n~ar~ Schc~ol aril.l be r~r~~s~st~a ~o ~c~a~~at~ tfl~~ ch~~.d.r~n, on th~ ~n~.~~ex°, AD,~O°[TR~NT On m~ti.on of Courtcilinan M~llis, seconded b~ Cc~uncilman d.e Iae~n a~d u~animou~l~ carri~ci, ~th~ xn~~~ing adjotcrn~d at 9:25 P.M. ~ ._.-.-r---- ATTES T ~ „/(I • C.~•t' ~~it~ _ CIT~ CI~ERK MAYOR