Minutes 1973-08-20 245 CITY COUNCIZ AU~US~ ~4, 1973 ARROYO GRANDE , C~.ZI~'~RNTA pAGE 7 REOUEST FOR LTD. PAItKIN~ AT N0. H~II,CYON ° BATES Councilir~.n Talle~ -advis~d t~.a~ Ed B~,t~s of B~.t~~ P~iv~anbing.a~ 106 N, H:~.lcyon, has requested consid~r~.t~on fa~~ a g;:een I~i~ed. parks,ng zs~n~ in fr~n~ ~:f h.is b~siness. Tl~e mai~~t~r ~r~.s refe~~~d tv ~~P P~:~king and. Traff~c C~ission, NOTTCE RE . T,AL,LEY' S EI~ECfiIO~ AS PRES OF CHANNEL :COiTNTIEB DI~ OF' ~EA~UE Ccruncilman T~.l~e~ -reva.ew~d a press r~Iease rega~°d.~ng hi~ r~c~n~ r~lection as t~.e new presid~nt of the Chann~~ Counties Divis~csn of the ~~ag~.e of Cal~,fornia Citfes, ADJOURNMEIVT On motion of Councilman d.«~ Zeon, s~cond~d by Cc~~xncilman Mi11is and unanimo~.sly carriecl, th~ m~~eti,ng adjo~a.rned ~.t 11:03 P,Mo until d:30 PoM,, August 20p i973, . ~ ~ ~~r~~ ~.~r~~s T : CITY CI.E1tK ~R CITY COUNCIL ~1~GUST 20, 1973 ARROYO GRANBE, CALIFORNIA ~:30 PoM, T~v City Co~.rscil in r~g~.Y.~.r adjox~rned session with M~.yo~ Schlegel pr~s~.c3ir~go Upo~. roll cal~, C~~.nci~ M~ml~~~s Tal~.~~, M~.11is, Wood and de Leon r~port~d grESent, DISCUSSION RE. F'ED~RAL REVEIVCTE SHARING FUNDS T~e Cur~ncil ~~:c~ive~. a~~por~ f:ra~?z Ad.ministcator Butch, dated Aa~g~v.st 17, 1973, rega~din~; r~port~ requi~~d by~ th~ F~deral Gov~rnmenl~ on tl~.e ~xp~ndi~a~re of R~ven~.e Sharing fund~. ~ener~:l disc~xssion :was he3.d on th.e tot~.1 ~.~?o~n~ that m~.st be;r~pcrt~do' Mrs. Kinne~r~.a~ 1'~0 So, E~,~?r., r~pr~sent~.ng Gric~ ~oa~th Cc~~.ntjr S~n~.~r~~ which now has m~mbe.rs]'nip af ~.b~~.t 4309 ~r~q~~ested sam~ ~.ssistance from the Ccaas~.cil for a new facility far th~ group. In ans~aer t~ Mayor Schlegel's q~estion, Mrse Kinnebrew stated t1~at members~~ip of t~iz grc~up includes persons from Avila to Nipamo. After a great deal of discussip~ r.egarding this request, it was agreed that a represenfiatti.ve from the Cxty meEt with th~ Seniors and Supervisor Howard Ma.nkins and also repr~sentatives fro~n the other'two cities, to discuss a building for the Seniors as a joint effort bet~een. the County and the Cities of Pismo Beach, Arroyo Grande a~d Grover City. Tne Council then Tis~ed the ~xpenditur~.af Federal Revenue Sharing funds as follows: T. Reservo~.~° Site $15,000 2o Drainage 50,000 3, Curb and Gutters ' • 15,000 4. Com~tt~nity Bu~:lding 30,000 5. General I,~.nd Pu~ck~as~ 50,OOQ 6. Cla~.rnbex° of Co~aurier~e Building 5,000 ' 7. Fir~ Statzon Lcsca~i.an 22.000 ~ TOTAL $1.8.7,000 COUNCS~,MAN MTLLIS GRANTEb PERMISSION TO BE ABSENT FROM STATE• 8~22 8/25173 ' On motion af Co~tncilman Talley, seconded by Corsncilman Woc~d and unanirnously carried, Councilanan-Mi11is was granted pexYnission to be out of the State of California from Atag~.s~ 22, 1973 throv.gh August 25, 1973, as req~ested bq Councilma.n Mi11is, ADJOURNMENT On motion of Co~:v.r.~cilman d.e Zec~n, se~onded by Cc~uncilan.an Mi13.is and unanimous ly carri.ed, th.~ m~eting ad jo~xrned 9: OQ P,M. ~ ~ ~ ( ATTES T : ~ r~.~,. ~j~ , ~.t e-'f ~ . . DEPUTY CITY CLERK YO