Minutes 1973-05-10 CITY COUNCIL MAY 8, ~,~73 ARROYO GRANDE, CALTFQRN'I!~ PAG~ 5 PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN I.iITS OBISPO COUNTY S~,NITL~T~ON T9a~'1'RIC C1~ief P1dn~ ~gera~:orBS repc~rt for t~h~ ~.cv~.~~a ~p~~~., 198~9 r~~~~~ed by the Council, revieea~d and. ord~r~d f~led.. Administrator B~at~.h regart~d ~~i~.t x~pa3.~~ ~.kn~ o~~~~. ~a~~£~1~ ~.x~ ~~a~t about complQtedo COUNCIL SUPPORT OF PROPOSED COIlNTYWIDE I~NICIPAL GO~R~ D~STRIC,T Adininistrator Butcln r~vi~~sec~ r~it~i ~he C~an~~,l. ~~fa~~~.~~~.or~ ~~e~~~~d. ~r~ Williard V. Waggoner, Cou.nty Administ~a~iw~~ Otfic~~, ~~~a~di~i~ tl~~ p~~pc~s~~. countywide ~unicipal cc+urt distri~t, ~ahich in~luded p~~j~~~~d ~c~~ts ~f system. Administratc~r Butch also r~ported tl~at th~ M~nicip~.l~ C~urt D~.str~ct had the suppor~ of th.e Count~ Ba~r Associa~ic~n and Pc~lie.~ G~n~.~f GYar1c. Co~xncil discussed the matt~r ~nd Councilmaan M~,11is irediea~~d sasp~ort ~f tl~e pro~o~a~. as long as a courg was re~ained in the Sout'~ Cc~atnty. Af~~r fux~~~~r G~a~ncil discussion, on mc~ti~n of Ccaunci~.man Mi11is, se~c~nd~d l~;r C~~anci~eA~~.n d.~ Le~n an~. unanimous ly carried, sa~pport was given to t~a~ prapps~d ~c~azrnty-~id.~ ~a~~ica.pa~ cou~r~ district, subjee~t to the reten.tion ot a c~u~~ in ~~e S~u~l~ C~~n~y. COUNC ILMAN TALLEY GRANTED PERMTSS ION TO BE A}~SENT ~1t~M S TA~E ~ ~ t~ - 5/ 2~ /~3 On mption of Ccs~.ncilm~.n Mi~.Tis, seconded b~ Coa~~.ci~n~a~. W~ocY and ~nan.~° mously earried, Co~ancil.man Ta11ey r~as granted pera~i.ssion to be ~ut of the State of Cal,ifornia frcnn Ma.y 16, 1973 th.rough. May 25, 1373, ~.s ~~q~e~~~d by~ Council- man Talley. CANCEZLATION OF MA~ 8TH BUDGET S~[JD~' SESSI,ON Ihne to ~he ~:vening's m~e~ing being pxr~lc~ng~d ~.~~g~~ ~~.~.n ark~i~ip~.t~d, Administrator Butcka reconnnended, ~:a~.~. ~he Caunc~.l ~gr~~d, to ~~a~~~~. tYae budget study session scheduled to follc,w the ~vening° s reg~nl~.-~ C~~nc~.l 3n~~~~ng. A,~QURNMENT On motion of Cat~ncilman Millis, second~ci b~ Caaxncil~?an de ~~on and unani.mously carried, the m~eting adjo~.rned at 9:~0 PoM. unti~ ~:30 PoM., May 10, 1973. J% ATTEST: ~l~~r~~, ~ , DEPUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR CITY CAUNCIL MAY i0, 1973 ARROYO GRANDE, CA~IFORNIA 7:30'P.M. The City Council met in adjourned regular s~ss~.on Faith. Mayor Schlc~gel presiding. t~pon roll ea11, Council Members Millis, Talley, Wc~od ~.nd de L~on reported present. ~UDGET ST[TDY SESSION The Council and Administra~or Butc~. con~tinu~d ~evi~~ af tEa~ 1973^7~+ preliminary M~tnicipal Bttdget, starti,ng with the City Coazne~.l°s 7~~td~~t .ai.nd continuing through and r.ampleting the ~ra~fic Safety Off~.~er°s baxdget. : ~D.70URNMENT On motion of Cc~uncilman Wood, s~c~nd.ed by Counciltn~.n Ta11ey a.nd unanimous ly earried, the mee~ing ad j~urr~ed. a~t 10 0 00 P.I~. ~ 1 ~ ATTEST: ~Uti~'u'~a I ~ ~ DEPUT'Y CITY CLERK M~YO