Minutes 1973-04-10 _ i~~ ~ _ CI']C~ COUNGIL APRIL 9, ~973 ARROYO GRANDE, CAI~IFOR~TIA ~e30'PoMa The City Co~.ancil met iri regxalar ~.dj~u~°n~d sessio~Y wi~h M~yor ~c~~.~~gel presi,ding. Upon roll cal:l, Counci~ Meanbers M~llis p Ta11ey, ~Ts~~c~.. and de ~ec~~. reported presenfi, GENERAL DISCUSSION R.Es GUIDELINES k'OR GITIZEN~ C~MMITTEE ~N :I,~~I3 ~7SE FLA.1~T The Council discussed a~ grea:t lengtnv th~ proposed Gi.tiz~nv G~i~~ee, with. emphasis on the duties and powers of th.~ ce~ns,~~~e. Afte~ C~a~nc~.1 d~.sctt.ss~on, it was generally agreed that the Open Space E1~ne~t of th.e Gener~.1 Plan taou.~d be given wide publici~y and coverage and after ad~ption. of ~his eleine~~t, ~fl~~ Ccaa~n~~.~ may consider appointment of a cammittee to ~.mplenient an ~pe~a Sp~.ce Plan e~~ Purchase and Negotiation at ~that time. RECEIFT OF WATER FEE :STiTDY & TRUTH IN P~TRCHASE ORDo_ Ol~T HOME 'PiJRGH.~SE . Administrator'Butch gave to t~.e ~:oun~i3.ni~r~, for t~e~.r ~~~ad~ and reva~~9 copies of the Water Fee 5tudy ~repared by Koebig ard Ko~big, and a report on a Truth in Purchase Ordinance on Hcrme Pu~chas~~. ADJOU NT On motion of Counr.iim~n Miliis, s~con~.ed. l~g~ Cc~~~~iZxn~.n d~ Le~n and unani.mously c~ ried, the meeting :adjottrned at 9:30 P.M. ~ I Q~iv ~.~t9~ _ ~ ~ ATTEST. ~ i~~ r DEPUTY CITY CI~EPK Mr~~'l~R CITY COUNCIL APRIL 1Q, 1973 ARROYO GRANDE, CAZIFORNIA The City Council met in regtalar session wi.~.h Ma~c~r Sci~legel pr~sidingo Upon roll ca11, Council Membe~s Mi11is, Ta?ley, Woad and de Leon repor~~d p-revent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:AND INVOCATTON Ma.yor Schlegel ~.ead the Pledge of-A1?egiance to our Fl,ag; an~. immediately thereafter, Councilman Millis delivered the invoeat~.an. APPROVAL OF'MINUTES The minutes of the regalar mee~ting of M~.rc~. 27, 1933, were approved as prepared. AFPROVAL OF WARRA,NTS On motion of Cottncilma~tt de Leon, seconded by C~u~.cilman G1'oc~d and ~.nanimausly carried,-Payroll Warrants Nn. 4751 thro~.gh No. ~755 and Nc~..54~30 thro~gh No, 5521, in the total amount of $15,060.8~; and General Warrants No, 12041 and No. 12044 through No. 12085, in the total aano~znt of $13,872,42, were approv~ed and ordered paid. PROCI~AMATION ~."NE~TTONAL ACTION:FOR FOSTER CHTLDREN W~EK" - APRIL 8- 14, 19~3 Mayor Schlegel read a procla.~ation and pr~claimed t~pril 8t?~ ~through ,April 14th, 1973, as "National Action for Foste~ Ch~ldren Week'~ in the City of Arroyo Grande. ' ~'~i.OC~AMATION ~"POPPY DAYS" - MAY 18TH - 19TH. 1973 k~;~ Ma.yor Schlegel ~ead a procTamation and procla~ed May 18th. t~hrough May 19th., 1973, as 'rPopPy Days~' in the City of A~roya Grande, which is spc~nsc~red by the American Legion. ~ PROCLAMATION -"NATIONAL LIBR~RY WEEK" - L~PRIL 8TI~ - 14`~'Ho ~.973 Ma.yor Schlegel read a proclamation and proclaime~: Agri~ 8th thrrret.gh April 14th, 1973, as "~Tational Library Week" in the Ci~3~ ~f Arroyo Gr~.nde,, EIPT :OF 'DOG ,~E~UI~AT ,~,ONS ON STATE BEACIi~S/P1~RKS - D~FT. ~F `PP~RKS & REC. Administrator Butch read. a let~er dated Ma.rch 30, ~a73, rece~.ved frozn Charles P. Lyden, Are~ Mariager for the Depar~,nen~k cf P~.rks ancd ltecrea~ion, regarding revised do~~=rc~.l~s in State parks and b~achesm An attac~nent to ~h~ iet~er out~.ined portions af State Parks and Beaches in San T.uis Qlaispo ~ou~ty where dogs wi11 be permitted on six foot lea~hes, Councilman Millis p~inted ou~ th,at the report xnade-no refer~nce t~ horses being inclttded in. this revision. Af~er Council discussion, Adm~.nistrato~ Bu.t~la was reques t~d ~'c~ wri~e a let~~r go Mr. Lyden, thanking hiin for'l~:is report and also askir~g him a.bou~ ~~ie mat~e~ of horses on the beaches. :In fihe let~er he will also be ~equested to k~en ~he G~..ty appri~ed of a11 matters affe~ting local p~.rks and beach.v, ~ _ _ , _ - CITY COUNCIL ~~RII, ICBi 19~3 ARROYO GRAIVD~, CALIF"(~RI~IA PA~E 2 SUPPORT I,E~ISI.,ATION RE. B~JEI~~E ~~1N~A~~~~R LIT~`ERI~~ ° A~S~T^!~~~M~1~ J~:~~Ol~ Administrator Bu~cla r~LA~~u~ed ~~.~tt~r r~~~~,~~d ~~n~~~~s Co 1~~~~n, AssemblyEnan, urging th~ Ci~~e~ ~~ppm~°t ~f A~ ~~49 ~;rk~~~t~ ~~~~~1cE ~°~q~.ir~ a~~niaa~unr.~? 5~ refund on all bev~r~~~ con~air~~~s ~o~d. in C~ ~1if~~r~~.a. ~n~. ~.~~a ~~n c~nt~~.~~rs that can be opened witl~~~at ~Yae a~d a~~n ~p~n~~, p~~g~~~~d ~~gisl~?g~~n is an effort to reduce tta~ li~t~r~.ng p~~~~.e~ ~L `~~v~~°~g~ c~rn~~~.~~~s e G~~enc~~ cussed the matt~r brieflys ~~r~eing t~C~t 1~~~~r~ir~~; can~ ~~~~b~r~~n, ~kn~r~~ after, a motion was m~de Councilman. cflE I~~~n9 ~~c~nc~.~d1 b~ G~~n~i~man Mil~is arad earried, to noti£y Assexnb~.~~.ra Dixnn ~f t~~ ~~a~nci~.'s ~~app~r~ ~f ~ss~~l~]L~ ~~1~ 59~0 RESOL. ADOPT, - ENDORSE C~MML'1~I.'T~" ACT~ON ~RC~~1tAM OF ~ a~.C v Administrator B~nt~k~ r~vie~a~d a lettex an~ ~~~ol~nfii~n r~c~~v~d. fx°~ tl~e Economic Opportunity C~is~i~~ of S~.n ~,~nis ~b~.~g~ C~~.n.~~e I~~., ~~°gfng s~ppi~~t of the Gomm~unity Acti~n Pro~~°am, Jim~ TI~.~~c,~~~^~ 9~~a~~~ ~kc~.i~~n ~f E~C a w~~ present and elabora~ed ~an ~kn~ gr~g~a~s tc~ b~ d1~r~~~s~. b~ ~,~i~ g~~~,a,~~cfl ~~~n~nra~.~y Actic~n Program, n~.a~~Iy~ Y~~~.d 5~~.~t a~d ~ar€~i~;, FI~~~~~~o ~~:~~a~~..i~. c~.~~caas~i~n9 City Attorney Ships~~ r~~:d ti~1e o~ ~ r~~~~.a~ti~~ ~ncficax~si~~ a~ g~~i~cip~.~ th.~ Community Action Pra~g~aaa~; ~h~~°~~~~~~9 a ar~c~+~,-ir~~ ~a~.~ r:a~~~ ~aa~ ~6r~~~i~~an Wo~c~.9 seconded by Councilman Ta1~.~y and uraanban~~.s~~ c~.~~~.~cY9 d~.~pens~ ~:~t~. r~ading the balanee of ttais r~s~l~,~fona RESOI,IPTION i03Q A RESOLUTION OF 'TH~ CI~' COU~dC~~, OF °I'~ ~I~~ 0~ ~RR~S~Q GRANDE ENDORS~~I~ ii~ PItI~TCIPI,E TI~ GO1N~~~~°~1" ~CT~~1~ 1'R~~ItAM OF THE EGO~TOMIC OP~Q~RTUJNI~Y COMM~SS~ON 0~ ~~~T ~~'IS OB3.~~0 COIJNTY, INC. On moti~on of Cc~~anci~r~c~ri d~ ~,e~n, s~c~nd~r3. ~~:4 C~~~a~~.~.~~.n W~~c~ ~.nd on. t~.e follawing rolY c~~il vct~, ~e~ wit: AXES: C~uncil~~~. M~,l~.is, ~aT~e~9 W~a~d9 de L~~n ~~~ci M~,~~~° ~~~nle~el NOES: Non~ ABSENT: None the foregoing resolut~~n was p~~sed and ad~p~cd ~his l~~h d~.y o~ Aprig, 19~3. AUTHORIZE CANGEL. OF A~RE~. BIWN CITY & CAMP C(JI~i1T~SI0~T R~. PTST~L RANGE Administrator Butch r~v~ew~d ~ l~t~~~ dat~c~ M~~~~ 23r~. fr~n F~ancis Re LaPoint,; Exeeutive D~.r~ct~r of tl~e S~~a~~.~~~a ~al~~~~~a~a-Ar~.~c~~~ Cc~xa£~r~nce CaHnp Commiss~.on of the iJnited M~tfl~c~d3s~ C~~rch, ev~i~t~ x~c~~ifi~~ ~ity at ~th~ Comat?ission`s desi~~ to cane.el ~x~ agx°~~~en~ ~nt~~~d int~ b~t~~~n t~.~ Cc~~aission and the Cit~ in 195Ce S~,id ~gre~~n~r~~t au~ha~r~z~c~ t~.e C~ty ~a~ ~~~~~~u~t ar~d u~e a pistol rang~ on ~ pc~rtion c~f ~~k~~ c~.a~p p~°~~~~~.,~, ~h~~l~ h~.~ ~~ver b~en developed. After Goa~nc~.l d~~c~~~~ion9 ~pp~~~ GiG~ ~t~~r~n~~ ~~i~~~~~°~ agp~o~a19 a motion was gnacie by Counci~m~n `T~~7~eg~s ~ecc~rec~.ed b~ C~~sn~~~~~r~ d~ I~~c~n. ~.~.d unanimousTy earried, auth~ri~~ng th~ mu~ua.~ e~nc~~~a~~,or~ af ~.gr~~x~.~n~ between the Soutl~~rn C~.lifornia°Arizs~n~, ~~mf~r~r~c~ C~.~sp C~~~s~icsn of the Un~ted Methodist Cht~rch axad t~e C~~y ~f Array~a ~~a~d~, cY~.~ed 5~~~~~a~e~ ~,9~ ~.95~. RESOL. ADOPT, ° SUPP~RT OF YEAR°R~~JND DAYl,I~~IT S~~~I~~~~ ~"~M~ AdHninist~ator Butch revi~~ed. r~solu~~on ~ec~i~ed f~°~~. t~~ C~~y aa~ Newport Beach9 urging Gc~~g~~ss to adopt y~ar°ro~.n~. d,~.~3i.~1~~ ~~~ic~g~ tirn~, Af~~x° Council di~ctnssiong City At~orney Shapsey rea.e~ i~ta~ t~~~.~ a~.f a~~~~~.~n~z~n urgin~; the adoption of y~ar~~~~.nd d.ayligh~ s~~ran.~~ ~~.s~~ L~n~,~e~~ ~~~t~s Co~gr~~~; thereafter, a xnotion ~~s xnade by Cc~~cneilanar~ T~.l~ey~, s~:conc~~ca b~r G~~a~.~s~lm~.n Wood. and unanimously carried, t~ d.ispense wi~.~. ~~~d9.ng t~a~ ta~~~.n~~ t~ais res~ol~i~ti~n. ~ ~ ° ~ RES~]GUTION NO , 1031 A RESOLUTI~N ~F T~i~ CITY ~~~1~TG~~ 0~ ~'I~~ CTZ'Y OF ARRO~~ GRANDE URGI~G TEi~ GCINGRESS OF TF3EE U~v~I'T~D STA~S ~0 A~PT YE~R°~tOtTND DAYF~IGHT'SAVINGS TIME, On motiAn of Ce~uztcilm~.t°~ Millis' sec~nd~d i~y C~u~.~3.4~raan W~~d ~.nd on the following roil. ~al~. vote, tm ~aito ~Oe~~ ~ ~ CTTY ~~UN~II~ ~ ~~'~tT~ 2373 ARRQXO ~EtANDE , CA~I'~'~12.DtIA F.~~E ' 3 ~,YES : C~u~ci~~?eLi M3~.1~s 9 T~.~.~.c~~, W~~~ ~.~eY ~~.~r~~ N0~8: Cdunca~l~~.n d~ I.~c~~n ABSE~T: N~n~ ' the for~~ning res~alu~i~n pas~ec~ ~nd adag~~d b~~~i d~.;~ ~f Ap~'~~y ~.9~3. R FRO A. G iTII~I.~.~E MEItG NTS SSOC ~~J H S~ ~V Administrator But~h read a l~~ter f~c~ R~r J, S~~~t9 ~r~~~.d~nt ~f ~h~ Ar~~~~s~ Grande Village l~er~h.~n~s Ass~~iatic~n9 ~utlinin~ th.~ A~~~~~,~~~~n°s r~~cn~~nd~ti~~s~ for impra~vements to th.e v7.1~.~ge area in c~~.~~r~~ti~n ~i~~ r~~.~~~l~pm~nt of Branch St~eet, which in~~~.ded. natu~al ~x~U~ed ~.g~~~~~.t~ ~ic~~~+~1k~ F~ddit~.~n~l p1~.nter boxes, wroug~it iron altr~et identific~.tion. ai~d c~~f ~~r~~t park.in.g sa~gns similar tc~ the street l~~ht p~~~~ b~ ~as~de I~ ~r~.~ ~i~~~~~t~cl in 1~~~~r t~:~~t primary funding fo~ ~t~~s~ a.Hn~~°~s~~~~~at~ e~~~ f~oa~ f~d~r~l ~~v~~~na^.e ~b~~.~~~.ng. p@~~Y Pas~~~~ ~a~~ g,~:~~~~ai~, ~~~,~;~~:~t~~~~ ~~~.;~.i ~~~.~~~m•r~~~~~9 L~i.~'~;~ a°,,r :~::~p~~~~. aggrega~~ r~id~walk~ ~S~ ,~r~E~~i~t fis°~~o C~~zr~~~,T ~:~~.~:~~~~ra~~. d~~'~p~;k> ~x;~c~~~ci ag8regat~ sidewal~C~ y c~s~t~ 9 ar~d ~~~~e:~ ~vs~~r~»~~~~~ ~a~~~~~~~s°~~m~c23~~. k~~~ ~c~t•~ ~v~a~ also ~res~nt and c~c~~~nt~ci f~a~t~u~:~ ~r~ zn~,~F,:ffi°. ~~~,~°~ka~~°'~c~:sne;~~. d~~° cussion, Directer of Paabl,ic W~rk~ ~3xac~~z~s~an w°~~ ~~~e~~~~~~~d ~~~;~rt~~.n ~t~e. State's r~quir~rn~nt~ regarc~~.ng si~cle~r~l'k.s ~~c~ t~~ ~~~1~ ~~t~a~:~te~ b~,d~o l7ocx Curzon va~~ present and cla.~ified t~~t ~1~~ A~se~~~.~t~~x~ Yaad i~. a~5~n~ the ~r~~l~~d.-~~a~ type of e~pased ag~r~gat~ ~idew~l,~C, ra~t~.~r ~~~z~. tY~~ M~x~~~reE~y g~i~ib~.~ t~p~, ~.nd that this ~hould b~ ~oint~d c~aae tc~ t~~~ I~ivi~~,~~. ~~f ~3~~fl~°~~~~~ ~b~~~.~i.~~ c~st estimat~s. pEPARTMENTAL REP~RT F~It S~iE MOl~~"~ ~F MARGI~,~ The Department~l R€~po~t f~~ ~he ano~~~. I~r~h, ~9~~, ~a~$ ~~ce~~~d b~ tl~e Council, r~viewed and ord~rec~ f~.l~clo ADOP~~OI~ (5F QRD. CI,QS~N~ PORTI~?l~ (3~ SH~RT S~~.EE~ °~~~D ~~E~ City A~tox~ne~ S~tip~ey requ~~t~d t~.at ~1~~ ~.c~.apti~n ~f t~~ ~rdin~nc~ ~Y~~i~n~ the southerly 87±' f~;et of Shc~~t S~~~~t be ~ae~d av~r ~~a~ ~~~a3 ~~~crip~~on of the area was still being checl~ed ~~nt, APPOIhTT~~VT pF CIT'~Z~~TS ° CONINIITTE~ - I~LL~I~ ~~7ER Ma.yor Schleg~l req~~:st~d that tt~e ag~r~da ~t~~s e~~.lin~ f~;~ :~~.rt~a~~ :c~isc~.ssion ~`egard3:rig the appoi~t~xent of ~ Ca.ti~~ns ° C~~zt¢~i~~~~ r„~~~cl~ ~~~.~ning Cacmni.ssion on the-Land tTse E~~mea~t of tk~~ G~n~r~l Pl~n, ~~~i.d o~r~~° panx°~aaa~~ to the decision made at ~h~ Ca~~ncil~~ ~1~~iT 9~th st~ndg~ s~~~ionm APPOINTMENT 'OF' CIT~ REP TO SO ~0 Y~.~J~9L~ RET.,A.~I~~~ ~~MM~SSI~3N ° R ESC~AN~I~~ Mayor Schlegel advi.s~d ~h~~ ar~ apA~~.c~.~ic~n k~a~ b~~n x~e~i~r~d fi11 on~ af the tcao vac~.nt City r~pre~~rntativ~ pc~~~.t~,om~ tk~~ S~a~~h ~~~nn#:~ Iiu~.n R~~lti~ns Connnieaion, ~.nd r~ccm~an~nd~d tl~,t ~T~~ ~.pgl~can~, R~~~ A. E~c,~,.~illo~ b~ appt~int~d. On motion of Council~n Milli~, s~ccand~d bg~ C~a~n~~,la~~a~ L~~n ~zad ~sraa~.~~~~1~ carried, Raul A. Escamil~o, D~~n ~f ~~y~s ~i~fln t~~ ~,~n~i~ ~~n~~i~d Sc~~e~~l D~.s~~icta residi.ng ~t 44~ wooa.L~~a Dr~ve, ~a~ app~i~.t~d to ~t~~~ C~t~ e~ r~pr~~~nt~ti~r~ on the 3ouCh Cou~ty Hiun~n Rel~tions Go~nis~i~n, hi~ ~~r~ ~~p~~~~nt~tion ~r~ be cietermined at ~ l~tex da,t~. x~v ,~,w v~ ~~~sz~~;~v~ ~~~z~s ~~oM ~~c~~ a~ c~.~~~~~~~~ c~°rz~~ Administrsto~ ~u~ch revi~w~d ~s~.t~. the C~~.~ci~ th.~ ~.~.G~~~ Y~~gi~1~.~aL~~ Bullet3.~.~ r~cei~ed £x~oa~ ~tae Le~.gue af Ca~ifcsr~i~ Citi~~ 9~~ph.~.~~.~in~ ~~i~ follawin~~ 1) AB 329 reg~.rding ce~nflic~s ~.nt~rc~~t f~r~~.~.~~~1 d~.~c1~~~a~e~~ 2) SB 90 regarding ma~.daC~d cos~ ~sti~rsat~s £~r ~~~~c~~~d lc~~~~ pr~~r~.ms; ~.nc1 3) AB 123 and AB 608 ~.avi~~ tm de~ wit1~ as~~ss~d ~~.~.u~t~.~.~n ~~t~~l~.t~s ~.r~rl l~.~n d~~:~ change. ORAL 1tEPURT ° COUNfi`Y C3~'IES °~REA T'7.,A.NIVTNG ~~~I~DT~rA`~~~~5~ C~~C7~^~CI.~, °~'~~,I,~Y Councilman Tall~y r~pc~rt~c~ ora.lly on th.e ~~~~~r~~' ~~~~~t;~-~~~i.e~ ° Ar~a P1a~n~~.~ Coordinating Council, ~t~.t~.ng ~h.at f~l.l~r-~in~ ~i~ ~c~~d~~ ~~~~c~~~~i~~~.g Council of his m~etin~ in 3~.carame~to, '~~.~a~ ~.~~~c~~d ~o x~~q~~~t t1~~.~ tl~~ Bo~.~d af Supervisors take apcasition r~garcli,ng ~1~~ Reg~.~:~n~l Pl~.nning 1~~~~ii~t ~he Cm~an~;y was placed in by the Ca.lif~r~.i~. Caa~neil ~r~ Int~r~~~~rr~c~~~~l R~~~~~~~ra~, and a.ls~ requested tha~ the C:ity Council a~~ t?~~ 1G~~.~~.~ r~f. ~a~~~.~~r~~~, Citi~:~ to t~.k~ stand on this ma.tter. A1so di~c~s~~d ~,~px~ f~~~~~i~~o ~1`~~ ~~~~~nty°~ad~ t~~.ns° portation plan s~v.dy, witk~ a s~.g~~~tic~n ~t1~a~ a~ ~,r~.~3i~o~~ ~r>~~~~~e ~e ~~y up consisti,ng of Farking an~l T~aff~c ~~rc~i~.v~:~on~~~ fr~~~i ~e~.~~ ~r~ ~h~ c~,w~t~; guidelines for Environm~ntal T~p~c~ R~~~o~t~; and. r~o~i~~ ~1~~ Nl~~rc~ Ea~ ~a~.s _T~,.~„a n _ ~a _r, ..e , .,7~. , , _ . • . 1~3~ CITY COUNCIL APRIL ~0, ~.973 :ARROXO GRAIVDE 9 GAT~IFOI2~TIr'4 ~ Pa'~,~~ ~ RE30LUTION ADOPTI01~ ~ E~VVIR0I~ME~7`L`L~~ ~~IPA~1~ I~EP~~~" I~RO~~~~~~~ Git~r Attori~~y 5~.~.p~~~ r~po~t~~. ~~r~t a~.n~. P~,~na~~~~ Di~~~~~~~ ~~l?~p h~d revie~ed tfie Cc~1~zntgr9~ p~~~~a1~n~r~.1 gl~.~ ~r~~ pr~parati~r~ ~~.~~.~~sr~~nt~~. r~~~rts9 which basicall~ ~ai1~. b~ ~.s~d. t~y ~~:rbe~ ~~e ~.~~~.n~~- ~~~~pt ~~~~t~in ~.~~ndm ments made to i~ t~ fit ~~~h ind:~~icfl~~.Y ~~~~nm~.~~. I~ ~~~~~r~~~d resolution be adc~pt~d t:~~.s tz~~ ~x~c~ ~n~~ ~~~~~xt~r~~~i~s ~~~.1, b~ ~~~a~~,~~~c£ Planning:ComEnissiono L~,ft~r C~~n.x~a~l ~.~~~~.~~~~n, C~~~ ~~-~~,p~~~ rc~~ ~~~e? title of a resolution ~s~ab~i~hfn~; p~~c~d~a~~~ ~~a~ t1~~ pr~p~~~.~ic~~ ~~.~a.ro~r~x~~~~ impact reports for the Ci~~ of A~c~~,~~ ~r~ncfl~A t~~r~~af~~~9 ~~~i~n. ti~~v a~~.cfl~ b~r Councilman Ta.lley9 s~ca~d~d b~ C~~ar~~3lx~axa d~ ~,~~~~no~.s~~ ~~~~~.~d, ~a~ dispense with ~~adin~ th~ b~.~.~n~~ of ~1~i~ r~~d~~n~fon, R~SOL~TIO~~ ~.032 A RES~~~~'1I~~T OF CT`T3~ C6~~~IC~~ C~~ S~~° ~RIt~~~ GRA~TDE EST'A~I~ISHT~C :O~JEC~IV~S ~ CRI~'~~ZI~9 A.~'D ~Y~ P~P~RA~I(~~ 0~ ENVIRCINMEN'PI~L Il~ACfi REPOR~°S F~~ '~I-~ C~T~' OF ARR~~~ ~RA1~DE, On motion of Counca.~~~.n d~ ~~~n~ s~~;~snal~d b~~ C~~.~:~~,~°r:~.n W~dc~ a.ncY c~n t~n~ following roll call ~aot~, ~c~ r,~~~e AYES: Counci~en M7.~.1is, TaT~.~g~9 ~3~~c~~ d~ Lc~n ~.~a M~x~e~~ ~~~~~~~7~ NOES: N~ne ABS ENT : 1Von~ the foregoing resoltation w~.s p~~~~;d. ~.n~. ~.d.opt~d ~h~,~ 10~1~ d~~ a~.f Ap~il~ 19~3, ORDINANCE GRANTING RET.IRED EMPLO~IEES A]LI.,OWL~NGE INGR~S~ ° k'i1LS'T ~i~ADING Administrator Butc~ re~~.c~?~d ~h~.t t:~~ G~~~ci.l l~~.c~ pr~~r~.~a~~l~ pas~ed. a resolution aaathe~rizing'a 5`~/o ccss~ c~f ~.i~in.~ in al~.~~.~c~ t~ C~.~~ ~~F~z~y~es ~etir~d _~rio~ to Jan~a~.ry 1, 19~1, an~. ~o effc~c~ t~ni~ ~~~nr~~nt to t'~~ Cit~s~ Public Employee~° R~tir~m~nt Syst~m C~ntract, ~n ~~~in~~c~ n~~d~ b~ p~~sedo After Council dis~u~s3on, C~t~ A~~tr~~°n~y Ship~~~ r~ad~ ~a~r it~ f~.r~t r~adin~, th.e title of : an ordinance gran~ing regir~d Gigy c~mp~.a~~~~ fi~~ p~r ~~n~ (5°/'0) allowance increase; there~.fter$ a. ~so~i~n w~.s ~nad~ by~ Co~ne~.l~a~n. T~.1~~~~ ~~~~nd~d by Councilman cl~ Leon and un~.na.~r~~.sl~ earri~d, clisp~n~~ ~i~~ r~~.ding ~h~ balanee of t~.is ordinanc~. SEMI-ANNUAL JOINT MEETING - COUNCIZ AND ' PARKS ~ REGRF.ATI~~ C~I~II~I, - 4/ 25 /~3 The Cauncil agreed t~ fn j~in~ s~~~i~n ~~.~k~ P~~~.~ ~.nd IZe~~~ation Commissfon, ~.s t~a~ C~i~si~n r~q~.~s~~d, c~r~ ~pr~~ 259 ~973 at ~;3Q PoMo RESOLS . ADOPTED ° VAR~OUS PAR.K & TRAFFIC C~~TRO~S - P.4RK ~x `~1~"~ COMMZSS ION Di~~ctor of P~b'l~.c Wc~rk~ Ander~~~n r~~7:~~~~e~ ~:~a~ ~a~i~~.~~ r~~~~n~.~.~ions an~d~ by the Parking and Traffic C~~ni~~icn ~k~~~.r ~~~a~l 6~~ m~~~ing, R~g~.~di.ng tY~~ traffic stu.dy macYe on ~-ridge Stx~~~t9 b~~~~n Pc~c~~.~ ~nd. ~T~1~~n ~~Gr~~~~~ a~~ae~:nt to the Pr~sbyterian Ch.t~~cla and ~~rls~ian Acac~~~i~, f~31~s~.ng x~~~a~~na~~.t~.r~n was made: tha~ Bridge Stx~~~~ be~a~~n ~~l~~n Strc~~~ ara~ P~c~I~ Str~~~ b~ a an~° way street, with traffic tr~.-~a~lin~ sc~axth. onl~; ~1~~,~ p~.rl~~.ng b~ pc:~3~~t~d ~n the west curb la.ne of Ghri~tm~~ Tr~e Island on S~nnd~.y~ r~nY~a t~.~~ `~r~~ p~~k.ing" zone be ~s t~.b lish.~d at Chris ~n~.s Tr~e Is l~.ney. ad j~.c~nt ~n l~~ ~n S~~~~~ y anc~ tha t three parking spa.ces be x~e~~rv~c~ f~r pass~nger lc~~.d.ix~g ~on~~ c~n ~id~ o£ Bridge Street adja.cent ~o ~he cfl~aar~Y~ propex~tyo °I'n~ P~~ic~ D~~p,~~°t~rc~n~t ~~.d reviewed and approved this pl~.n, The Cennnci~ d.isc~s~~eci ~~.e rec~a~nd.ation~ i~. c~~~~.~ie ~~i.d,otti present and com€nented on th~ pl~.n9 as ~a~l~ D~n C~a~~~~~, ~~i~ ~~agg~~~:ed t~i~t cane, or two parking sp~.~:~~ b~ amit~~d ~x~ tl~~ sid~ c~~ ~°~~c~g~ S~~~~~ to ~~.ke ~he church parking lot mor~. ~.cc~ssibl~ for p~.s5~ng~r ~~~d~,n~ ~nd ~cn5.c~ading. Aft~r fur~her Co~ncil dis~~ns~ic~n, 1t was n~t~d t~.t Gc~c~~~~ ~~n~r ~f a b~sin~s~ at 203 Bridge ~ had no~ ~~:~n consult~d ~-~g~.rd~ng grc~ppse~ tr~~f~,c ~~n~r~:~s on Bridgeg ,:~h~~~C~aanSii' c3ir~~,t~d ~~.a.~ "~~~fia~ .s~~:~~~; ~~~ei'~~~d .ba~~e t~ ~h~ : Parkirig ~and 'IYaffic Ccmar~i~~i~n for fuxr~Yc~:~ ~~*~ndy tc~ ~ncZ~^d.~ ~.d~~t°~_c~~a1 ~a~gg~stions brought forth at th.a.s ~ne~ting and tl~t N1~, ~~~~t la~ con~~.~t~ci f~~° ~.°i~ f~e~ings o~ the nnatter. A s~cond rec~ri~nd.~~~.ora ti3~s ~,~~.in s~~:r;~i~~~. e~~ t~~.b~~.s~. ~~}~.~.~~~-fi~e ~il~ speed limit on Valle.y lt~a~ r~~.~~.in ~~n~ Gity La~i~~ ~d~~~~n~ ~e~ Va~~.~~ G~.~den Tract, The Cc~~ncil d~b~t~a t~:~s m~,~t~x~ bri~f2~9 ~r~y~r~~.~~.~ ~ Ce~~^~?~il~~a~^~ Mi1~is moved th:at residen~s a.n V~,l~.~g~ G~.rd~;n T'~~,c~9 adj~~~n~ i1a2~~;~ £;,~;~d, ts~ CI~Y ~Qt~CI~ .~.~'~t,~~: ~t~~ 1~'~,~ ARRO'YA ~R,A,N~~ ~ C~S~~~R,~'~A ~~,f=1~ ~atifi.~d ~a~ C~~ ~~~~~~~~c~ c~~~~,~a~~~a ~e~ ~~u~~~~~~~~,~ t4x~~~,~ ~:~~~;;~~r~~~ ~~.~~~~~~x~ ~hi~ 10 ~,.p.h. ~p~~d ~.~S;~x~~ ~a~~~~~~~~~~ ~~1~~~'~ ~F~~~,~,~ ~~~c~ ~ ~~~~:~s~~a Afta~ lu~t~;~r C~~~~~.~ ~3~~~~~sf,«~~s C~~~ r~~~~~~r~~.~~ xak.~,~~ ~~a~ r~ro~u~ioe~ ~~~~b1~~~~~~ ~ ~rti.~,~~. ~~~~~c~ ~a~~ ~~~~,x~~~ ~w.~~c~ ~~a~ Li~niCe ad,~~n~~~ ~~1~~~r G~~;~d~~ '~~~~~m ~~~~a~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~a~~~~~~ t~~ Q~u~cilma~~ W~~d~ ~c~~~~~~~¢~a~~~ ~r.~ ~a„4~~~ ~~~~~~a;~.~a~,.~a~~~.~,~ ~,~~~~~c~~ t~ di~p~~~~ ~t~~ ~~~di~~ ~~~~t~~~~ ~~~~~~T~`~~c~~ ~ a ~ ~~~~~~"~~~1~ ~~~c~~a~ AN~ ~1'~ V~,~,~~ ~A~~?s ~,k.P~~~ ~~G~~~~~~~~~ ~a~ ~~.g~~4~~.~~~a.~ ~A~~ ~~ai~ ~~~~t ~~~~~~~t~~~ ~~:~,i~~~~ ~~~~?~a r~~ ~~~~~~i. ~~ic~ ~~a~~:~ ~@~~ t A~a~~~~~~~~ ~i~ ` ~~~~~~t ~~~@~~~~~ ~a~~~~~ ~~a.~~ ~.~~~s ~ ~~~~~~~y~ ~~a ~~z~ ~~~;~g ~ca3,~~~ ~ t~~ ~~a~~~ ~~~~~~~t~~~ ~~~~@ ~t ~~s~~ ~}3~ ~~a~~~~~~~~ ~fi~. ~~t~ ~~d~ ~~t~~a~ ~F~~~~a ~1~ t~~:~~~~ ~?~.~~~~r~~ '~~~~~n C~e~~~~~ d~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~a~~~~ ~~i~ ~ ~~~~~~r~~~~ „ ,H ~~at~~~t~~,~~ ~~a~~~~~~~ ~~~a~ ~~iv~, ~h~~a~~t~~d ~ i~~~~~~ T~11~y ~~~~~i~~~iy ~a ~~~c~~~~ ~~e~l~~i~~. ~~~A~,~t`T~t~~~ ~t~, A Q~' p~' ~~.~t~~`~ ~~~~~~i~a~~~~~ ~~~~~~a~~,~ e A~ ~~k~~~ ~ b~;~ s~~ ~~k~~ ~~li~i~~ ~~~1 ~~t~e ~ ~~~~~~.i~~~ ~~i~.~.~ ~ T~i9.~;~~ ~~?wa~e , ~fi~~~ ~~~~~'~s ~ ~~~~~~i~~ ~~~~~+~~~~a~ ~.p~9~ dA~~ ~.~7~. ~~t~~~~ ~€~~~~~~s~~~ r~c~~.v~~ C~~y ~~~~d~a~~~ ~~~~°~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d C~u~~y ~r~~~~~~~~ ~s~s~a 33 ~.p.h., 1~~~ ~~~~~d i~• 3~ ~~~~~d ~~~a~~~~~ ma~t~~ ~~d ~~s~~~~~,~.~ ~~~.~~~~~~d ~~x~ ~ff,~~4~~f~~ i~?~~ ~nQ ~~~.~~~~L~ ~~~~,~:r~ ~,~~~;~.~~:~A ~~r~~~~ I~~~,~~,~ ~3,~:~~ P~~;~rr~~~~~Res~~~~c~c~~ ~a~~r~c,~~~ ~ ~.~s~ ~~~~~~~~~~d. A~~'~~~A~' ~ub7.~.~ C~~~1~~ ~~~~r~~~r~, ~c~ ec~rt~~a.~~ ~~a~ ~:d~~:~h~ r~~~~~.~~.~.ra~ ~'~~s ~~q~~~~ ~h~~ ~k~t~ ~p~~d 1~~n~t,'~ ~.caa~,~. be rr-:~.w~c~;~~ ~c~ .`3`a ~~;,~a~:~~ ~~a~ ~~~y L~m,~~~ ~h~ ~1.~,?~~~€~ :~~~.dge. A~~~x ~~~~,~c.~,7. ~ri~~~,~F;~,~?nR G~'~;~ ~h~.~Q~~` ~~i~,tl ~~.~s ~~~1~ ~af: ~ ~~~€~o1t~~"iori ~~~~~ts~~.~~~~.~i~ ~3~ a3~,gFA~?Q ~~a~~~c~ 1.~~~.~ c~~t I~e~~~~ ~Q~d ~~~h~,~ C~.#~~ T.~,3n~~;~; ~hc~~~°~.f~~~4~:, °~~~~~i~:,~~. ~.r~~~d~ ~a~ ~r~r~:n~f.~,7rt~r~ T~~.~,t~y, ~~~s~r~d~d b~ ~~.~~t~~~.i~t~ri d~: Ta~on ~~aa~~~:~c~~.~~1~ e~~c.r~.~:-;~dy ~~.~pr,sr~;~~ s~i~~ ~~~d~,~,~ b~~€~~~~~ Q~' ~~~~~1~~:i~nW _ CIT'~ C~~C~~ ~t~YQ ~~N~~ ~ ~Pbfi~~~ ~A.~; ~ ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~«~~~~~~:T~ ~1~ `~If~a ~ ~ ~t~. ~~a'..~~~,~`~~~~~g A~ ~~~xt~ t~~~~~ ~~~1~~~~ ~~~a e ~ ~~~-~;~~~z~ ~~~~,a~ e ~~a~~ ~k~~~,~~~~~ ~~~'r~ ~5~~~~.~, ~~,~~a~~~`~~~ k~~; ~~~~g R~~~!~~FP ~1T~ .~~.~~i11 §-~~t4~"~_»¢LL°~..~~~~~~.~~3~~J,~~~ k~~~~~= ~x: ~_g_ ~4~~~y~~~~~1.~~~ ~~~[i~~~~ ~~ic~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~1~=~~:~~~~° ~ ~~~,~~~u~~°~~. ~~'~~a~~ ~`~°~~`~.~~s a ~f ~ ~ e ~ ~ m a ~ ua~~ A ~ ~~~~8~i~ ~~a~3€~~~~~~ ~a~ ~~a~~~-~f~~~~ ~-F~ ~~a~; ~~.~a~~~x~~;>~:~s~~~:~~ ~r~ ~.~~~~w ~~~~~t ~~~~~a~~~~~~~~r~~~ ~t=~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~a ~ ~~3~~; ~~~~~~~~,~.~.m ~~~~~~~~~~a ~~~~$~f:~.~~~~~~~~} ~,~~~~a~ }a~~~~~~~~R=~~~,~~ ~_~~~~~a~~~~ ~~,~.#,~~~~r ~t~~~~~~~e~ rr~~:~~~~~ ~~~~~~~?~~~~fra ~ a~ ~t~€~ ~7~~.~~1~ ~~~~~ati~~~ ~~~k~ ~~a ~~~~~r~. ~@ ~:~'a~ ~ ~~,a~~~~~,~~. ~~~~~~~~,~r~ a~~ ~h~ ~~a~~~~~~:~~~~a ~ - 9 °'r .~50 1 ~ '?~{s. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~9 ~ ~:~~~a I~~~~~~e~ ~ ~~~3~ r~~~~~~~~ ~~~~i ~~~~~~~~~~~i~~ ~~~~.~~o ' - ~ ~~~~i~~~~~~~~~ ~€~~Fa~~~~~,~ ~~30 ~:~~f~~~~~ ~ ~w~~~~~~ ~~~~:~~~9 ~~~~~~~~~a~~ ~~x~ ~r~ ~~~~~s~ ~~~~~~~~~~c~~~~ ~ ~~~~a~~~ ~°~~~~~~~i~~ ~ ~~;~~~~~~n~, ~€a~~~~ ~i~~, i~~~ .h~ ~~i~~~~ ~~a~~ ~~r~~~ ~~~x~~~ ~~~~~~~n~ ~~~E~~~~~~ ~y~~ 9~~~~~~~ ~ Co~~cil?~~ c~~ ~~~~~ie~g~~ r~c~i~~ ~~a~~~ ~:a~~ ~~3~~~~~~~~~ ~n~ t~~~ ~.~-~~F~~~ ~~~~~f~~a~~:~~~~ ~~~t ~a ~ii ~~.,~i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a A~P~~~fi~m ~G~~s ~ ~~~~~r ~~~t~ ~K~ ~~~~.~~t'~~a ~ ~ ~~T~ na ra ea~aru~ m~ m Q~ ~~a~~~~ r~~ ~~~~~~~~,f~~~ ~j~ ~~~~~:i~ ~~4~ ~~~1g~ ~~a~~.~~~;~ ~~~~:~e~~~,~~~~~ ~=:~~~~~~~~~~L~~~ ~r~ C~~~~ V~~,~~~ ~ti1~~r~~ ~~~~~~~~~€~~c~~~ t~~ ~1~~~~i~~ . o . i~: ~`°n- ~ ~ ~ti. , ;(:s~ ~ ~ L~-~ ~i 4 fl ~ ~d ~ ~ / ~ / ~A~'~t.~~~~ ~`~~~Gs+~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~°~~~~~~r~ ~~.~~a~s#~€~~~~~~€ ~ ~~,~°i~~ ~s~ c~~~~~~,~ ~~~e=~~.~~~~ ~4;, ~1~~ A~~~.-'S~R~€~~ ~~1~ ~~~~~~~f~a ~3t~~?. ~ii~'~e~ u3~~,.~i~,.ij°`~~ ~~~i.~~~ ~ ~;xE"~€t3~ ~~`I~~ ~~'~~~t4`~`~' fox' ~,k?.~ ty ~~?x~~,,~ ~,:~k~;.~° Q~a F~~~ p ~`t-~~~~ ~E'Y~t1~~~~.~9P4 ~$~~f~ _ ~~4~~6-~ ~~lk~~ ~;~~aa~~'•.€~~~ ~ ~~?..~~,~i~ ~a~~~~.d,~4A ~~~f'3 i~1~~,9~1~ g~~~i~~ ~"~~~t~~~ ~F:~~~:c~ h~~~~ :~~~~,:ti~~~~~~;~~~{ ~:3,_~~;~~ ~~~e ~s~ ~~~~d~ p ~ ~ ~:rs;~ ~ g CITY ~~~.7~~~~ i;.~~ AR.1Zl0~'~3 ~IZ.+~~!]~~ 9 ~ ~~~~F'~R.~':~~ ~'~,~,~F, ~ , a o , ~E;:C' ~~+~~1~~~~.':1, . 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AIdT~i~DRI~E R~~~~. ~It,~~F~T~~~~~ a~~~~~„ ~~3~`~a S"~~~'~~ ' ~C~i.3ilYIB7.S~Y°~ss.~i~$; ~~5;:'~~~4 G'~pI1. ~tJ<`iC~ .1 ; ~~a~~, (~~,.ef-?~ ~~c,~,~m~,_'~ ~ ~..~!/n~ Y:~:9'..:.s' ~ia~s'~C^, PEI~-~~~wUi3 ~~~J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~r kt c. ~ , . ~ ~ ~ ;6~. _ t~"~ s~. t. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~3€:,~~;~,' ~`A~~~E.A ` a,~`;! °'~x '9 ~x ~ a~~->. 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PROGRESS REP(~R~ ° ARR~~Q C~~~U~ ~~'iJ~R ASS;~~S?~~~ DI~1~I~~' ?~~1. ~ I3ir~ctor ~~f ~~P~.~~lic W~~k~ ~ A~~~~;~~n ~~.~a~ ~a~~~~~~~ ~~~,o~~~ ~r~ ~ Grand~ ~~T~a~~ ~a~oJ~~~9 1~-~.~; Y~~ ~~.~~~x~~ ~~~~±~T~c;~~° ~~;~°~e, ~.x~d.~~;~,~~ng that 9% ~af tl~~ ~rc~~°k. ~~~n ~e~~~d~:~~_~~~.~:c~ ~.n Z~"~~ ~~~c~ ~~:~~~~~,ee ~.c: further ind~ea~~d ~~~.a~ ~c~~a~~~,i~Y~~ ~c~n ~~~~.~,~.~ec~. ~~:~a~c~.~.~g c~~~~~ ~~.c~ th~ const~a~~~~on c~s~pa.ny ~a~°~~r~~~~~ ur~!~~~°in~ c~~J~x~ ~~~~~3~~ t~r t~~~~i~~iz~ t~~ dus~y con~.i~i~n., PROGRESS R~FORT =_S01~fi~ S~N ~UIS O~IS~Q C~S~u~`3~~ a~A..'~ITAT~.~~ DIa`~~.ICT' The qr~ar~~~ly r~p~rt o~ ~~~~na~~ -~.r~d expc r~~;~- ~n~. t~?~ ~ I'~~n~ ~~r~~~~o~a s Ma.rch report fs~r ~h~ ~c~~~h S~.n L,~.~,~ C~~~.;~~c~ C~a~n~~T S~ii~,i:~~~L~n D~~~~~ct, ~ua~~°~ received by ~h~ Co~n~i1, r~~~P~;~d. ~n~. c~:~d~~~c~ fi~~c~o Administrat~a~ ~a~~c~ ~~po~~~~ t~~°s~~ ~~~a~ir ~;f ~.~.r~ ~~~~,n ~~~:~~~F~. i~ undex~a~y, ~ri~th t~.~ lin~ &~~.v~.~.g b~~~ ~~.~c~ d.~~r~ ~.~°~c~ b~ ~ts t ~~y~.~ a.ng ~6~ tight~ned. as s~on e~n~.i~~~n~ p~z-s~~~. AUTHORT~E B~TR1~T Tn~EE~ - L~PRT~ ~Ofiti MP~,~ ~aII~ i~~ 3 On moti~n ~f G~.ncil~s.~r~ ~~~~~~,~d b~ ~G~~.n~i~~~.n I~~,~li~ unanimota~l~ ca~r3.vd9 Apri1 ~Ot~.~ ~9~~ t~~c~T~.~~. M~.a F~~, d~s~.gn~.t~d. open b~arnin~ w~~ls d~r~n~ ~Yi~ sp~~n~ p~~a~~~. ~.i~t 19d3 9~~ rc.~~re~.~nc~~d `~y Fi~~ Chief Marsalek, RECEIPT '~F THIRD REVEN~.i~ SH~4.RI1~C E~T`r~~I.~ME~'~ Adgnina.s~rat~sr B~~c~. r€~~aox°tec~ ~~~.g t~.~ G~~~ ~~~~~.~~:d a,~~ ~~.ir~. ~~d~ral revenue sh~.rir~ ~n~~tl`aa~n~ in ~e~.~ ar~a~~calt ~f ,~2~,2~~.00. ~~pe~~~ r~g~rds,ng the City's intended ~ss of ~~.nds r~~~t 7~€~ ~~ah~i~~~d br~ t~.~ ~nd of t~~,s ~xs~al year, ~.nd. will b~ pr~p~r~cl a~ ~~^~a. ~~~.~li.n~s~ tl~e ~g~nd~ng ~f thmse monies ~'re recei~r~~l frcm t1~~ g~~r~rn.mg~~.~, REMINDER RE. WA~°ER ~°EE S2UI5Y - C~tzncil.an~.n T~.l~~;y ~x°g~cl. ~:~a~ ~~~~a~.r,~.~ t~.~~~~~g?~~.~r r~w~.~~~ Ti~~ter F~e Study rec~ived. at tl~~ Apr.il 9ti~ ~~~d~ ~e,,siox~, indic~~i~.g t?~~t c~i~~,~~~~ion a~d possible action shoa~ld b~ t~~.k~n b~ C~s~anc~.~ ~n ~G~.~ v~~~ xa~^a.~° fr~~~.~~, S TATEME3~1T R.E . B1~A1~CI~ S°TI~.EET' IMPIt~D~T~NI~~TT~ F~R ~RC~N~"S RE~~~~S ~ C~uncblzn~.~ Mil~.is rraa~.~ ~t~.~:~ff°~~rc~ 3~.ci~~;~t~~.~`~~.~'.rs~~~4s~~xx.~~~ ; : possibilit~r of L3rroy*c~ Grand~ ci~~.~~n~ ~~.~;~.ng ~~~s p~y f~~ t?~~ impro~~~~n~"~ Branch Street as s~.ggesf~ed Arr~~;~~a Gr~~d.e ~I~Y~.~g~ M~x~~~a~.~.t~ A~~~ci.~.ti~r~:~ letter c~f April 5 ~ ~.973, ADJOURNMENT On m~at~on af Co~nci~~~.n cfl~ ~~c:~n.c1<~d 1ay C~~n~%~.an~~ T,~~a~c~ ~.nc~ t~n~.n~.rn~~nsly~ carried, th.~,.zz~e~~ing adjourn~d. ~Oa 1(~ P.M. ~ , \ ~r u:..~' .l=V~ ~ ' ATTEST`. ~ ~ ~ DEPLTTY G~`TY CL~RK ;~,,e