Minutes 1972-12-10 _ CITY COUNCIL JANIJARY 10, 1972 ARROYO GRANDE, C~LIFORNIA 7:30 Pg_M. The City Council met in special session with Ma.yor Levine pres~.ding. Upon roll call Council Members Sehlegel, Thompson, Wood and ~alley reported present. STUDY SESSION - ARROYO GRANDE SEWER A5SESSMENT DISTRICT 1, AGREEMENT The special study session was held to review the present agreement between the City and County of San Luis Obispo for construction of sewage collection facilities for the Arroyo Grande Sewer Assessment District. City Attorney Shipsey reviewed the proposed agreement between the City and Coun~y on the Arroyo Grande Sewer District and the amended changes which wauld mak.e the City responsible for payment of funds to the Project Engineerg York Peterson. After extensive Counc~.l discussion~ on motion erf Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously carried,-the amended agreement between the City of Arroyo Grande and the County of Sarc Luis Obispo regarding the Arroyo Grande Sewer Assessment District was approved as presented and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized ~o sign the agreement on behalf of the City~ 2. BOUNDARIES AND TRUNK LINES The Council reviewed several alternatives of plans suggested by the Count~ Engineer's Offiee with reference to the Cherry Avenue Line. After Council discussion, the County Engineer was requested to get cost figures on relocating the Coach Road trunk line. A1 Brown, owner of 480 acres on the northeasterly side of Highway 101 in Arroyo Grande, requested to be deleted from the Arroqo Grande Sewer Assessment District~ The Council took this request under consideration and directed the County Engineer's Office to review the matter and prepare cost figures on the deletion of thi.s property. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Co~ncilman Talley, seconded b~,~AUncilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M. I ~ : \ l . : 1 f ATTES T~ ' ~-~~'~YZ~.~ ° - ~ ,~~:--y~- . DEPUTY CITY CLERK YOR _ , r ~ s~ ~ a~.~, ^ + ~ ,