O 367 C.S. 217 . I O!U>lNANCB NO. 367 C.S. AN OBDINANCU OP 1118 CITY COUNCIL OP 1118 CITY 01' ARROYO GRAND8 AllBNDlNG THE ZONING MAP 8Y MODIPYING 1118 ZONE DDGNATlON ON CBRTAIN PROPEaTY. IDElmPIED AS 201 muwn ROAD. noM .a-3" (IIDL'l'U'LB FAMILy 1U~lnEJmAL) DumuCf TO ~. (fUNQP INDUsnuAL) DISTB.ICf). WURQRASo the PlaMJng CaIJnh;sIon ot the City ot Arroyo GI'IIIJde. 0ilit0mIa hils held a publio bearinr on the application ot Richard and Nadine Ray ~ I'IIZ(1ft8 property at 2111 I BriIIoo BoIIc:I, IIhown on the att4ched IIIIIp idenWle<l 88 ExhIbIt "A", !ran "a-3" (Multlp1e FamIly \ ft4llldenUal) Dilrtriot to "J'-M" (PJanned In<Iu5tr1a1) Dl:itrict; and 'QRR~f,,\ the PlannIng ~n I1as rev1ewe<l the propaied ~t, but taIIecI to feIICh fa naJoItty wte tor said 1IJIeIICbent; and WIfJmV A!I,. this OuIcil I1as held a duly notJeed pub110 bearillg an said eppaiclltion and SIIIdII ~t said ~t should be approvedj and . - 'ilRRRAS, this zoniIIi lllllellltnent Is consistent with the General Plan; and 'U~R48, this CWncil finds that a Negative DecJaratlon Is IIpplqIriate. NOW. 'I1IBBElIOBE, THE CITY COUNCIL or 'I1IB CITY OF AB.ROYO GB.U1DE OOPS OBD4Uf AS 1'OLLOws. ~ 1. That the ZonIng Map of the City of Arroyo Grande be IImended to rezone the property IdentUled 88 a Portion ot lot 106 of the lW1cho11 QIrra1 de Piedra, fiIIno IIIId BoIIiIt de a.nisIIl, In the City of Arroyo Grande, Qxmty of San Luis Obispo, State of ~11"', 88 shJvc\ on the 1IIIIp, tdentifte<l 88 Exhibit It A It attached heieto, tl'Oll lOR-3" (Multiple FlIIIIily Residential District) to "f-Mn (Planned In<btria1 District), ""'1ht Z. 'ItIe ZonIng Map ot the City of Arroyo Grande Is hereby ~ to deaIpate the zcWnr of the areas CIQiII batchecl on said ExhIbIt "An 88 "P-M" Planned Jn4U1tr1al DIatrict. ~ S, 'J1Ie PlannIng Department IihaU maintain the Zoning Map and. capIea of this Orcllnllnce and ExhibIt "A" on tile for pubUc UIO and perIIIIIl during aU. repJat bI.BInesIJ JxMn. -.. ThIs Ordinance IihaU be In full torce and ettect thirty (30) ~. after .tI pIIIIIge, end within fifteEn (15) clays alter .tI (lllSSage It sbaJl be pIj)1Ished .. it,aptber Wi. the II8IIIeO of the 0UIcl1 MI1Q)ers voting thereon, In a 1\eWl:lpllpel' of general aUirltdation witIU1 the Cty. On IIJI)Uon of CoII1cl1 M8nber .li1nsoo , IIOOIIded by OIIIIcII MtIIIIbCIr /1Jots , and on the tallDwlni IQU call wte, to wit, AY1Ik Council Members Johnson, Moots, Millis and Mayor Mankins NO" None ABIIBIn'I Council Member Porter the tClNfllli 0n:InInc0 WIll pIIIIIOcIlIId adopted at tJu relldlni on the 22nd day of Decelllber. 1887. ~~.::~b .~~~.~ MlI.y01\ - .ATrFJ1r.;!7:;:, Cl. ~ WITNESS my hand and the S this 24th day of December, 1 a. "--."----.--.,-- , --~,-,-, -.--, ___ ."'_'__M__.'___~___ -~--,--- --~--, ~--_.'--'--' . - .~------ - ~ -- -- --"~-"'--- ----,. --~-- _ --' . ____.m -~.,~~- ----,---- .. , -~~,-~ " -'~- -,-' @ .-------- -,..~. --~- ,-" EXHIBIT "A" Ordinance No. 367 ~ \ .(o.~" Ot..... di" ..t.'#' I -. ....J ~,,__o ...~,,~ , .."",,' 0"1:11 .. - - - ... .. ..'. , "-,--- ,-