Minutes 1970-10-27 32~ CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 21,;1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 NOTICE - A.G. VILLAGE MERCHANTS ASSOC. COMM. MEET, DATE - THURSDAYS AT 8:00 A,M. Administrator Butch reported that notice has been received that the Arroyo Grande Village Merehants Association Committee meeting day has been rescheduled to meet each Thursday at 8:00 A.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Ha.ll, BURKE LOT SPLIT REQUIREMENT PROPERTY DEDICATION - FAIR OAKS AT ALDER STe Administrator Butch xeviewed that in con,~unction with approval of Lot Split Case Noo 70-112 on the northwesterly side of Alder Street and Fair Oaks Avenue, requested by Roy Burke, he was required to dedicate to the City a portion of his propertq for the proper alignment of the curb return on the northwest corner of A1der Street and Fair Oaks Avenue, After Council discussion, on motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilrnan 3ehlegel and unani- mou5ly carried9 the Grant Deed from Roy Burke and Bonnie Maria Burke, for the dedication of a portion of Lot l, Bloek 2, of the Fair 0aks Tract, for road purposes adjacent to the northwesterly side of Alder Street and Fair 0aks Avenue was accepted and the Mayor and ~ity Clerk were authoriaed to:sign the Gertificate of Aeceptance on behalf of the Gity. SET PUBLIC HEARING ON BTREET NAME CHANGE - CYPRESS COUR.T - 11-10-70. Administrator Butch reported that the Planning Commission has held a public hearing to change the na~e of Cypress Court located between Halcyon Road and Gaynfair Terrace, to Sandalwood Drive, and that this name has been approved by a majority of the residents living on this street and the Planning Com- mission has recommended that the Council officially change the name of this street. After ~ouncil discussion, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded tay Councilman Talley ~.nd unanimously carried, a public hearing was scheduled for 8:00 P.M., November 10, 1970, for the purpose of considering the renaming of Cypress Court. DISCUSSION - EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER 911 Administrator Butch reported that he has contacted representatives of the Pacific Telephone Company regarding the Gity's or South Count,y's area use of the emergency;phone number 911 and was advised that the cost to a City of our size would be prohibitive at this time and that one of the problems of this number serving the South County;area would be that there could only be one receiving station and the purpose of the emergency number would be lost if the receiving station would have to place additional calls to relay the mes- sage to the entity of jurisdiction, but perhaps this emergency number would be beneficial if the proposed consolidation of the South County;law enforce- ment agencies proves feasible. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Sehlegel, seconded by Councilman Talley and unani- mously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:24 P.M. . ATTE S T : ~ ~ . e,~-s-,..-,•--_.. ~ ITY CLERK MAYOR CITY GOUNCIL OCTOBER 27, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The regular meeting scheduled for this date was not held due to a lack of a quorum. , The next regular meeting of the Gouncil will be held November 10, 1970. J ~ . ATT ST .~~'zw.-~~" - _ E Ci CLERK ,MAYOR