Minutes 1969-04-10 ~33 CITY COUNCIL APRIL 8, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALaFORNIA PAGE 4 . ADJOURNMENT Ora anotion o£ Co~n~ibas~an Lev~.~a~, secs~~ded by C~~ancil~an S~aith, and unanimoaas ly carr~ed, ~~e ~ee°~~,~ag ~.c1y oa~r~ned a~ ~ 0 45 P aMo ~nnt~l 1:00 PeMo April 10, .~,9~90 ' ATTE S T : ~ , ~C--`._-_-..~~-~-- C~"I° I,'~R ' CITY COUNCIL APRIL 10, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CAL~FORNIA 1000 P.Mo 'I~he City Council met im adjourned reg~alar session with Mayor Thompson presidirag, Lbp~ra roll ca].l Co~aa~ca.].~aen Scl~~egel, Levine, Wood and Smith rep~r~ed pr~sent> PROGRESS REPORT ON FATR OAd~S AVEa EXTENSIOL~T AN'D ~R~DGE The Council re-~evbewed amd disc~assed the prel~i~ainary engineering study of estimated cos~s arad d~sigxn for a low level culver~ °~ype creek crossing which had ~een prepared bgr ~he Eng~a~eex°ing F~rar~ ~f W.~lliams, Schott and Stewart, aloxnc~ w~,t~a t~ne road ~~d~~scati~n design to align with a culvert type cross~.ng, wkaicYa was prepared by Ci~y Enganeer ~ Garing. D~scussa.on f~ll~wed~ on ~lterriat~ Bridge Pla~n 2~-B. On motion of Co~ara~i7.mam Levirae, se~onded by Co~nncila~an Schlegel, and carried, a bridge s~ruct~ure as showa~ by alternate 2-B vvill be con- sidered by tYae Co~ancil. as the best and ~~st ec~noa~ical prop~sal for said crossingo On motion of Co~nmcila~aan Sm~th, seconded by Councilmara Levine, and carried, the City Staf~ was instructed and atathori~ed to negotiate with the Engineering Firxca of Willi~s, Schott ar~d S~ewart £or a prelimary Design of a Bridge as shown in alterraate 2-Ba ADJOURNMENT Tkier_e being no fur~l~er b~asi~ness, Mayor 'I'~nompson adjourned the meeting~at 2:10 F.M. _ ~ ~ - _ ~ G~~~~.~r~,~ ~~~1 ~ ~ ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DE PTJTY C I'~~' C LE RK ~ R' ~