Minutes 1968-11-13 87 C~T'Y COUNCIL NOVEMBER 12T'Fi, ~968 ARROYO GRP~NDEv CALIF~ORIVIA p~G~ ~ RECEIP°T OF° BIDSml969 VEHICLE F'OR POLICE DEP~`o m BLJDGET°ED I'TEM Adm~n~s°trator Bu°tch adv~secl ~}~at b~.ds had been ~ece~ved ~or cx police veh~cle as fo]Llowsv Maury Brennan ~ord ~2,260e00 ~ncltzding ~radeo Chris°t~ansora Chevrolet ~2~190000 ~nclud~.ng tradeo A~°ter Council d~scuss~oa~q a mot~on ~aaas mcccle by Counc~lman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Smi~th, and unctnimously ca~°r~ecl~ t~a~ the low b~.d of Chr~stianson Chev~ole°t ~.n ~he amor.zn°~ o~ $2,190000~ inclu.ding trecde, fo~ a 1969 Chevrolet be accep~~d~ as ~ec~mmerxdecl by Pol~ce Ch~e~ Ri~hardsono S°TA°TE DIVm OF H/W U°TILI°TIES AGREEMENT REm BRANCH S°Ts WA°TER MAIN Adm~n~stra°tor Bu°tch advisec3 that cop~es o~ t1°t~l~°t~es Agreement Noe 181,Oo 12 wh~ch per~ta~ns to a Ci~y vaex°te~ ma~.r~ ~n B~°anch S°treet was •re- ce~ved f°rom ~the Sta°te D~v~sion o~ H~gh4uayse Adm~n~.stra°~or Butch re~ v~evaed °tha°~ the wa°te~ 1~ne hac~ ~o be ~elocated in connec°t~on w~th °the freeway project between Rou~~ 101 to Mason St~ee°t arad the agreement was establ~shing tl-ie a.moun°t ~the 5~~,°~e would pay for °~~~.s ut~l~ty relocatione A~~ter Gounc~l d~scuss~on~ or~ z~o°k~on o~ C~unc~lm~tn Levine,, seconded by Councilwoman °Thompson, and ur~ara~,mausly ca~~~ed, that U~il~°ties Agreemen°t No. 181,Oa12, be accep~ted a~d °~he May~r a~d C~ty Cle~k be autho~~~ed t~ execute said agreemen°t fo~ ~he C~~y. NEV4 CHIEF OF POLICE IN SAN°TA M.~RIA~ CALI~ORNIA Adminis°krator Bu°~ch re~Q~~ed t}7a~ he had a~~tended the ceremony of °the change of command o~' ~he Sc~ra~a Ma~°~a P~l~ce Department on Novembe~ 8th, 1968~ when Police Gl~~ef R~chard Jo Long too}c c}xarge of the depa~t- men°t f`r~zn ~e°tiring Pol~.ce C~~e~ Engl~sh. JOIN°~ MEET'ING WITH PARKS AND REG~EI~T`ION COMMISSIOIV Adm~nis°tra~or Butch adv~.sed °~ha°~ ~~e Pa~}cs and Recrea~~on Gomm~s- s~on had confirmed °the da°te o~ Novembe~ 13°t~a9 1968, for t~e jo,~n°t meetm ~ng v~ri°th °~he City Coun~~l m ADJOURNMEN~' On mot~on o~° Councilman Sm~°~h9 seconded by Council~voman fihompson, and unan~mously carr~ed, °the mee~ing was ad~ourned a°t 9:16 PmMo until 8m00 P,Ms, N~vember 13°th9 196$0 ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~A ,s~ AT°TES°T e ~ z~~~f~' l~~z~~~" . . C CLE MAYOR CI`I'Y COUNCIL NOVEMBER 13'TH, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORNIA 8a00 P.M. 'I'I~e City Counc~.l me°~ ~n ad~o~.a.rned ~egular sess~.on a°t a special session o~ °the Parks and Rec~ea.°ta.on Commissiono Upon roll call, ~ouncil- woman "T}~ompson, Councilmen Lev~ne~ Schlegel and Smith ~eported p~esent, General discussion was held on -the ~Eollova~ng i°~ems~ 1) Presen°t and Proposed Recreation Program~ 2) Ordinance Nrao 191q 3) Area-Wide Recreat~.on District, 4) P~.rks Development, 5) Baseball Complex and 6) 1969m70 Pre~ l~m~nary Budge°t, wi°~h no ac°~~.on be~z~g °ta}cen by ~he C~.°ty Council, °There be~.ng no ~urthe~ brxs~.ness, °~he meet~.ng adao1.a.rned a°t 9040 PeM. A~'~'ES°To ~ J ,c-~~~-•~ t~2-~,~-' sRC~~~ DEPU°TY CI'I'Y CLERIC MAYOR