Minutes 1968-07-10 CITY COUNCIL JLJ~Y' 10°TH, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE,, CALIFORNIA 7030 P,Me The City Council met in regular ad~ourned session vai°th M~.yor Wood presiding. Upon roll ~all, ~ounciltnrom~,n T"hompson, Coun~~.lznen ~ev3ne, Schlegel and Smith reported present, LOPEZ WATER CHARGE DISCUSSION General discussion was held by °~he C~rxncil ~eg~,~d~.ng vexr~o~xs methods for a more equitable distribution °to obta~n ~he •revenue necessa~°y °to meet , the Lopez Contract Obligation, It was also d~sc~xsseel that the ~rarying amounts paid within °khe total area served m~.ght possibly be eqrxala.zed, as all areas served are with~.n the Zone 3 Dist~ic°t o City Adm~.nis°trator Butch was instruc#ed to investiga~ke ~he Qossa~b3la.ty o~' a Lopez charge being made to the Oceano V~1a~ter Compciny, for those areas °they serve water to inside the city limits of Arroyo Grande, and als~ de~erm~.ne if Tract No. 80 and Tract Noo 142 are within ~the boundary o~ County Service Area 13> After Council discussion, Ci-ty Admin~s°t~a°tor Br~tc~h wc~,s requested to review and submit a comparison repmr~ if the mon~h~y Lopez Water charge was reduced by $075~ and a$,25~ ge~ 100 ass~~~~~I valuat~on charge be levied in conjunct.ion wit~ C~ty taxeso ADJOURNMENT On mot~on of Councilwoman °ThompsonB seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanimously carried, fihe mee~t~.ng was ad~~ux~ned rs°t 9a50 P,Me to 8v00 P.M. , ,7u.ly 17th, 1968 0 . ~ , ~ - ATTEST ~ ~ r ~z~~~.z.,~ CI CLERK ~ ' MAYOR ; CITY COUNCIL JULY 17th, 1968 ARROYO GRAND~, CALIFORNIA 8:00 P,M, The City Council met in regular adjoulrned sessa.on with Mayor Wpod presiding, Upon roll call, Councilwoman ~'hompson, Councilmen Levine and Smith reported presenta Coiznc~.lman Schlegel .is absento LOPEZ WATER GHARGE DISCUSSION The City Counc~l fur°kher r~v~~wed and d%scussed the Lopez Water charges and the Ci.ty Administrator p~esented a compar~son revenue report , of reducing °the monthl.y Lopez Water cha~g~ by $0~5~ and a$025~ per 100 assessed valuation charge be levied ~n conjunc~ion with City taxes, ver5us the existing $6000 per month flat ~ate c~a~geo Several Citizens present spoke in favor of maintain,ing °~he fla°~ ra°te of $6000 per month, After Council d~.scussion, it was agreed tha~ ~ix~ther review of Lopez Water charges be placed on ~the agenda for the ~°egr~.la~ Gouncil meeting of July 23,'1968, The City Adminis°tra.tor read a let°ter ~~om City At°~orney Shipsey out- lining the possibility of ~mposing n B~.xsiness License Fee on the Oceano Wccter Coo, plus cx connection fee for each hook-up, ~or the areas served by the Oceano Water Company inside the ci°ty lim~ts of Arroyo Grandee After Council discussion, it was agreed this ma.°tter be given further study be- fore cxny action is takene ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seco~ded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, tl~e meet~.ng was adjourned at 10e15 PeMo to Mon- day, July 22nd, 1968, at 7:30 P,Moa f or a st~dy sess~.on on the proposed ~oning Ordinance and Mape 7 / f ~ ATTEST. ` C`~ z'~~"l~d:~<-,e-l~. ~ C° Clerk Mayor