O 365 C.S. I OIILJINAN<.:U NO. 3tib Co 1:1. AN UKUhNcr OItDINANCE EX'rI!NL>INU OUUINANCU NO. 364, WIIIClIl!ROlIllUTS UESIDBN'l'IAL lIElOlIT INCREASES IN R-l ZONES. . W IIWU!~, 011 October 29, 1981, tI~1I Coullclladopted Inter.1I Urgeooy OrdIOllllce No. 364, prohibi~ 1:1:1"111111 retoldelltlllllle!cht Incre_ In R-I ZOI1tJIIIIIIId WUBItEAS, pursuant to Govemnent CudII Sec. 65858, Ol'd\nanl!e No. 364 expires after 45 dayzl, namely 011 D_ber 13. 1881. \11\1_ UIIII CouncIl oxterICkI said Otdlnunce up to 10 DlOIIths and 15 dayzl, after hol~ Q public ~ to I:OIIIIder the need tor IiIIId uterw10nl and --, W IIW\EAS, thhi Council 1II1II. this date. held a public 11ll1l1'1I~ elld has considered a staff report recomnenIIlrG extenlllon of Ol'dlflllllce No. 3641 end WUEKEAS, tlllll coullcn fhQ U1/.\t there Is fla-UMIt need to IItudy (II'OpOj8d and con~ted zo~ Pf"V'i"" to guard IIgllin::it tllII Iais of vlewshcds by exilltiJ~ l'eliidents; and WHWtBAS. tll.. Council fhQ thut without tllII prohibltionl of Ordinance No. 364, there is a current and Inmedlate threat to public hell1th, .'.LMy CJr welfare. and thilt tllII lI~vlll ot eddltion8l entlt1eloonts tot use W1der till existl~ ~ ordil1llllCO ~d I'eIIU1t In a Ull'eet to the public helllth, safety or weltare. NOW, TUERI!FORE, TilE Cl'1'Y OOUNCIL OF TilE CI'rY OF A!UterO ORANDE DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS 110l.LOWSI f;e(,tlon 1 All oUIet' provl:ilons of Urgency Ordlnllnce Sec. 364 shIIIl continue In full force and eftect as originally adopted. f;e(,tlon 2. , Puniwlnt to the auttatty of GovemIlent Code Sec. 65858, the provlslOlJl of Urgency Ordinance No. 364 are hereby extended 10nlXlthllllld 15dayafrantile present exp1ratlondate of Decenber 13, 18117, toa new expiration date of October 29, 1988, unleliS furtlMlt extended ufter publiee hCIII'lng, In IIccordaJlce with Government Code Sec. 65858. S$.>etlon 1 Upon adoption by 8 four-fUtllI vote of UIB Councn, tllIII Ordinance shall becane effective innJediutely lIS an Interim urgency ordinunce fur tllII pcotectlon of UIII public health, safety and welfare. Sectinn i Within fifteen (15) clays after Its pasIiIIge, this Ordinance 8hII1l be published once, \cpthe&' with the n&mIIIIof tile CouncIl Meaibetl wdr~ thereon, In a neNIp8()el' of general clL'cUlatlol'l within the Oty, but failure to publish fot any rellllOl1l1ha1.l not affect the vaUdlty of tllII 0rdIr1/.\nce. On notion of Council Meatier Moots, seconded by Council MenberJoInon, and on the t~ roll call wte. to wltl AYES; Counc1l Menmcrs Moots, Jolnion, MUlJa,Porter and Mayor MIII1k1n1I NOES; None ABSENT; NOM the foregotrv Ordinance WIll pIIIiIjed and adopted at tbis I'OIIdbl: on the 8th clay of DeceIWer, 1981. ~-L~~~~ MAYOR ATrEST; ~ {(, ~ ,'.;.AJ . CITY .