Minutes 1965-07-27 ~G~~ . CITY COUNCIL JULY 270 1965 ARROYO GRANDEo CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular ses~ion with Mayor Pro Tem Wood presiding. Upon ro11 calla Councilwoman Thompsono Councilm~n McNeil and Burt reported present. Mayor Jacob~ was absent. MEMORI.AL SESSION FOR MAYOR ROBERT Va JACOBS Mayor Pro Tem Wood spoke a few word~ in tribu~e to Mayor Jacobs, who pas~ed away very ~uddenly on Saturday, ~'uly 24, 1965 at 4a40 A.M. from a coronary heart at~tack a~ the age o~ 46. Thereafter~, Mayor Pro Tem Wood announced a~wo minu~e period of silence in memory of Mayor Jacobs~ The City Administrator also spoke in ~ribu~e ~to Mayor Jacobs, who served on the City Council of this City since 1956 and who was Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande since April of 1964. The Ci~y Administrator commended Mayor Jacobs for his efforts and achieve- ments in his services to the City, as well'as to the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation Districi~ of w'hich he was Chairman of the Board; and also expresaed ~he C~ty°s sincere appreciation for Mayor Jacobs outstanding leade~ship and devotion to his City. Reverend Robert Hul~lingerq Pas~or of ~he Peace Luthern Church of Arroyo Grande, spoke in ~ribu~e to Mayor Jacobsq and expressed for all those present t~he cleep sense of per~anal loss that is fel~ when a leader, a loved one, a fel~ow wo~°ker or a fri~nc~ is suddenly taken from our midst. PROCLAI~~T OAT Mayor Pro Tem Woocl proclaimed ~hat Wednesday, July 28, 1965 be set aside a~ a day of inemorial for Mayor Robert V. Jaco'b~. ' A motion was mad~ by Councilmar~ McN~il, eeconded 'by Councilman Burt, to ad,journ at ~he hou~ of '7s45 P,M. until Monday, August 2, 1965o a~ 7:30 P.M., at which ~im~ ~he bueines~ ~cheduled on the Agenda for this da~e, including the Pu'blic Hearings, would be con- ducted and/or heard. Mo~ion earr~ecl. ~ ~ ~ ATTEST: c~''" ~ ty Cl~r Mayor ro Tem i