Minutes 1963-12-11 City CounCil - b~c. 10, 19~3 - page 4 ~~"f RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A NO PARKING SPAC~ IN FRONT OF'POST OFFZCE RESOLUTION NO. 602 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~ ' - ARROYQ -G~RANDE, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING AND L0- ' ~ ~ ' ~C~TING A 1~J0 PARKING SPACE~ OR: ZQNE ON A 1~OP;DWAY IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND DIRECTING'THE~ ' APPROPRIA'I'E MARKING T~REOF. ~ ~ _ _ _ . -On motion of Council~man Jacobs, .second~d by Counci]~man. 'Tntood ~and by the following -r~i11 •call vote, to-witi ` A~ES: . - Coun~ci~:men McMillerr, Wood, MCN~_i"1, Jacobs and" Mayor Burt NOE~S: _ None . _ _ ~ABSENT: _ - None . . , , , th~ foregoing Resoluti,~~~ as adopte~l ti~is lOth4 da~.. of, I?e~eml~er, 1963: , j~~~,{ , . EASEMENT 12 WATER LINE _ Af:ter review of the~reasement agreemen~ for t~.e' instaliation of a 12" water line across Mr. L.,A. Brisco's property which was submitted through Mr. Grun~lel, Attorney for Mr. Brisco, it was agreed the Council felt they could not sign the agreement as written as it'would be going against the prior regulations of the City, but if the agr~~~e nt could be re-writt~n to state that the grantor would comply ~a~.,~~ -'rules and regulatio~s of the City the Council would, then be i~~,~,d„yox~Jof sign- ing said agreement, and it was decided to adjourn this~meeting to 5:30 P.M. December 11, 1963 to allow Administrator Butch time to cc3ntact and negotiate and resolve this with Mr. Brisco t~.e ch~ng~s in the agreement. SO. SLO CO. SANi°I'ATION DISTRICT REPORT Ac'lministrator,Butch reported ~he Bbard of Directorsfor the Sani~a- tion t~istrict approved the plan for a tr~atm+er~t plant to. serve a pop- ulatio~_of 30,000 and that the next meeting of the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation ~rstrict would be January l3; 1364. ' . " ~ " CORRESPONDENCE REQUESTING_ ~a7ATER . SF.aRVICE -The City Administrator Yead a;letter._from Gordon Songewa~d re- _ . questing annexation to the City and permission to connect to the City Water System. ~,ftei diseussion it was agr~ed to hold any action until a Tater meeting. . . . . r ` : , . _ , . - A~JdUR~TMENT _ _ On motion of-Councilman MCMillen,_se~onded by Councilman ~J'acobs, the meeting adjourned at 1i:21 P.M. to'5:30 P.M~ D~cember 11, 1963. Mo~ion carried. ~ ` ~ ' . . , . , . _ , . . , . ~ . r . . ATTEST: ` ~ City erk Mayor Arroyo G'rande, Calif. ; • - December 11, 1963 - 5:30 P.M. , The adjourned regular meeting s~t for 5:30 P.M. December 11, 1963 was not h~1d due to lack of a quorum. ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A'1'T~S T : y~~C..~".,C- ~ ~ • . City lex~ , - Ma r. Arroyo Grande ; CaI if . _ ~ December -24~th, 1963 7'":30 P.M. _ _ _ _ _ a ` Th~. regular me~ting of December 24th:, i963 was not he'ld due to lack of a quorum. ~The`City C~.erk adjourned the meeting,'to December ~Oth, 19f3 at 7:30 P,M. . _ / - : , ATTES T : ~ ~ - - - . ~ C,'T City C erk _Ma r