Minutes 1962-08-28 ~52 _ Arroyo Grand.e, Calif . • August 28th, 1962 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presid.ing. Present ~~e Councilmen Wood., Jacobs, Lee and McNeil. The minutes of the regular meeting of August 14th, 1962 were a.pproved. as prepared. . A crosswalk for Brid.ge St. and. Traffic Way was d.iscussed and. Norman Brown suggested. it be placed to conform with the gro- posed. Post Office. A motion was mad.e by Councilman McNei1, seconded. by Councilman Wood tha.t the crosswall~ be placed. at the extension of the Northerly line of Poole St. Al1 members present voted "Aye't . The payment of $1~00 for topographic tanapping was d.iscus~ed. and. Mr. Harris read. correspond.ence received. from Mr. Jenks ind.ieating the .mapping .that had. been completed would. be sufficient for him to eomplete the survey for the sewer. It was agreed. at this time, that no further payment would. be mad.e for the mapping until the sewer survey was completed.. M~_ M~L~~.nan:;~.~.d.vised. the Council, Nick Lancaster would. pave Pike Street as it existed. now:but requested. ~he C ity pay for the improvement of the street portions that would. be ad.d.ed. when the new street lines were establishe,d, as per pr~io~ agreement wit3~~ the County before annexation. A motion was made by Councilman Wood., second.ed. by Councilman McNeil that the final Map of Tract 244 be accepted,, subject to the Pxovisions of the-Subd.ivision; Ord.inance and.Pike Street be improved. as requested. A11 members present vot.e±d :,tAye~~. Mr. Campbe:ll requested. cros~wa.lks be placed. at,the following intersections: 1) across Traffic Way on south side of Valley Road., 2) across Halcyon Road at north sid.e of Fair Oaks Avenue, 3) across Fair Oaks Avenue at west sid:e of Halcyon Road.,.4) across Halcyon Road. at north sid.e of Dod:s~o,~, Way, S,) across Halcyon Road at north sid.e of Cypress Court, 6) across Grand. Ave, at east sid.e of Elm Street and 7), across ~risco Road. at south side of Brighton Avenue and: the school be ;pennitted. to piace Iron Girls in the crosswalks :before schoo~l_ would be i,n, ~essiox~ i~ the morninga and. be removed. after school closed in the evenings. Approval was granted. The placing of a crosswalk at Gra~d, Ave,, and. the. east sid.e of Elm St, was d.iscussed., with an overhead. sign over crown o~ Brisco Road. and. a crosswalk at Lind.a Drive across Brisco Road.. Approval was given for the installation subject to tlze review of the cost and. d.egree of respbnsibility of the Ci,ty. . RESOLUTION N0. 547 On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded. by Councilman Wood, and. by the fallowing roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Wood, Jacobs, McNeil NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was ad.opted. this 28th day of August, 1962. On motion of Councilman Jacobs, second.ed by Gouncilman I,ee, the easement from Charles Raliegh Matney and.Margaret Marie Matney and. Grover C. Hixon and.Savina R. Hixon for the sewer line installed by Robert Folkerts was accepted. and. the Mayor be authorized. to sign for the City. All members present voted. t'Aye't. Arroya Grand.e, ~a1if . ~5:3 August 28th, 1962 - Page,.~1 On motion of Councilman Lee, secanded by Councilman Wood., approval was given for the purchase of an office chair for $29.00 by the Police Department. All members present voted. "Aye't. The Committee appointed. to report on a Senior Citizens Recreation Area requested that the matter be held. over until the next meeting as their recommendation had. not been completed.. On motion of Councilman Wood., second.ed. by Councilman McNeil, approval was granted.for emergency water service to the John Died.erich property on Chilton Street upon payment of the following: Frontage on 101 Highway 99.40' of water line @$3.00 per foot - 298.20, Temporary water meter on Chilton Ave. to be moved. to 101 Frontage Roa.d. when main is installed. -$35.00 and. annexation fee of $50.00, totaling $383.20. All members present vc~ted. 'fAye't. Mr. Harris reported. he had. cantaeted Norman Brown, the Arroyo Grand.e Postmaster, regar~i:ng an ad.d.ress for Mr. Yeager and had. been advised. the ad.dress now assigned. to Mr. Yeager would. be the only one he would. have access to. The heading of the Ordinance regard.ing t'D'~ Zoti.es was read. for the second. reading. A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed. by Councilman McNeil to d.ispense with read.ing the balance of the Ord.inance. All members present voted. "Aye". ORDINANCE N0. 164 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.1 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARR~Y~ GRANDE CORDINA.NC~ N0. 157) AND ADDING TO SAID ORDINA.NCE NEW SECTIONS SETTING REGULATI~NS FOR 'tD'~ (DESIGNED DEVELOPMENT) GOMBINING DISTRICTS..:; , On motion of Councilman Lee, second.ed. by Councilman Wood., and. by the following roll call vate, ta-wit: AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Wood., Jacobs and McNeil NOES : None ABSENT• None The foregoing Ordinance was ad.apted.this 28th d.ay of August, 1962. The head.ing of the Ord.inance regarding encroachments was read. for the second. reading. A motion was mad.e by Councilman Lee, seconded by Cou~.cilman Jacobs, to d.isperrse with reading the balance of the Ord.inance . All members present voted. 'tAye'T . ORDINANCE N0. 165 ~ . : ~RDINANCE QF ~~'HE CIT~: OF AR120Y0 - GRANDE., , , , . , PROVIDING FOR ~P~RMITS TO -BE AB'~'AZNED - PRIOR TO ANY ENCROACHMENT, OPENING OR EXCAVATIQN BEING MADE IN ANY PUBLIC STREET OR H~GHWAY IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, REQUIRING A BOND AND PERMIT FEE 'I'HEREFOR, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION HEREQF. , On motion of Councilman Wood., second.ed. by Councilman Lee, and. by the followin~ roll call vote, to-wit: , ~ „ AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Wood., Jscobs, McNeil NOES: None . . . , ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was adopted. this 28th d.ay of At~gust, 1962. RESOLUTION NO. 548 A RE30LUTIOAT=:OF THE CZT~>.COUNEIL 0~' THE CI~Y OF ARROYO GRANDE CA.LIFORNIA., FIXING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY NECESSARY TO ~E RAI$ED ~Y,TAXA'~ION~FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1962, AND FIXING THE RATES OF TAXES FOR SUCH FISCA.L YEAR. ~54 Arroyo Grand.e; Calif. Augv.st 28th, 1962 - Page 3 On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded. by Cou~ncilman McNeil and. by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Wood., Jacobs, McNeil NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted. this 28th d.ay of August, 1962. RESOLUTION N0. 549 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ARROYO GRANDE S`ETTING FORTH ITS INTENTION TO SELL REAL PROPERTY Al~ SETTING A DATE FOR I~EARING THEREON . : <Traffic Way - ad.jacent to Christianson property} On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by_Council.man Wood, and. by the following rall call vote, to-wit: AYES: Cauncilmen Burt, Lee, Wood., Jacobs, McNeil NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was act.opted this ~8th d.ay c~f August, 1962. Upon request by Councilman Lee, approval was given ta complete the incinerator behind. the City Ha11 ta conform with the City Ordinance regulating burning.`' Clycle Kettering was requested. to make a survey of public add.ress systems suitable for the Council Chambers and. make a recommend.ation to the Council. The lateral connections on the north side of the Huasna Road. ~ Sewer line were d.iscussed. and. Mr. And.erson was to determine how many properties were involved, and. the length of the laterals from the property line to the sewer line, at the time of the origional,; assessment, and. report at the next council meeting. A motion was mad.e by Councilma~. Jacobs, second.ed. by Councilman McNeil, that the Sewer and: Drain Construction Compan3~-be paid a~rogress payment of $15, 000 . 00. All members present voted. 'TAye't . A motion was mad.e by Councilman Lee, seconded by Councilman Jacobs, that paint and. brushes be purchas2d.for the maintainence of the house at the sewer farm, with Patrolman Allison doing the labor. All_members present voted. "AyeTt. . The water-line to Grace Thompsons property was d.iscussed and it was agreed. to authorize the water d.eparttnent to use the cheapest, feasible~method. of continuing the water service at City expense, as the High School had. ind:icated. their meter would. no longer be available to Mrs. Thompson. Councilman Jacobs was advised. the C ity had. donated some equipment in the cQnstruction of the garking lc~t at Nevad.a and Branch Sts, but had no control or responsibility over the lot. Councilman McNeil requested. that parallel parking on Grand.Ave. be consid.ered and it was agreed. to have an informal hearing on September 11, 1962 to hear the views of the public. Informal notifi-``' cation would be given of the hearing by the Herald. Record.er. Mr. Joseph Gibson requested. the Council consid.er the erosswalk for Traffic Way and. Brid,ge Streets be placed to join the island., sQ ped.estrians could. use the island. as a safety zone. He was ad.vised. the d.eeision had. been mad.e to place the crosswalk at•the intersection of Poole St. Arroyo Grand.e, Calif . August 28th, 1962 - Page 4 The Civil De~ense Bud.get was d.iscussed. and. it was agreed. to have Mr. Angel submit another bud.get for consid.eration. Correspondence was received,from Richard.D. Wood., Attorney, requesting the Council consider a filing by the City of A Notice of Recission with Mr. Peterson to d,ispose of the contrac~ actiQn r.egarding the garbage franchise. On ad.vice of Mr. Harris no action was taken at this time. A letter was read from the Chamber of Commerce cammend.ing the Council on their stand. in making no decision on the joint sewer praject until all the facts ha.ve been studied.. A motion was mad.e by Councilman Lee, secon.d.ed. by Councilman Jacobs, granting permission for Mr. Harris to be absent from the state from September 27, 1962 ~to November 17th, 1962. Al1 members present voted. 'fAye" . A motion was mad.e by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed. by Councilman Wood., that warrants against the General Fund.for $6,004.66 and. the Huasna Sewer Assessment District for $15,000.00 be approved. and. ord.ered. paid.. All members present voted. "Aye't . No further business appearing, upon motion, the meeting ad.journed. at 10•20 p.m. ATTEST • f C ' Y CLERK YOR ,