O 360 C.S. "7 0 ORDINANCE NO. 360 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REZONING PORTIONS OF HILLCREST DRIVE/NEWPORT AREA FROM R-l TO R-I-D(87-1) TO REGULATE LOT SIZE, BUILDING HEIGHT, AND FRONT YARD SETBACK, AND AMENDING THE ZONING MAP " WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo I Grande, California has held a public hearing on the application of the Arroyo Grande Planning Commission to rezone all property shown on the attached map, identified as Exhibit "A", from "R-l" Single Family Residential District to "R-I-D" Single Family Residential District with a "-D" Design Development Overlay; and WHEREAS, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, said Planning Commission recommended approval of said amendment; and I WHEREAS, this Council has held a duly noticed public hearing on said application and finds that said amendment should be approved; and WHEREAS, this zoning amendment is consistent with the General Plan; and WHEREAS, this Council finds that a Negative Declaration is appropriate. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO I GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Those certain real properties fronting on I Hillcrest Drive and Newport Avenue, generally described as 1315 I to 1529 Hillcrest Drive and 1300 to 1470 Newport Avenue, and as more specifically described and depicted upon Exhibit "A" attached hereto, are rezoned from R-l to R-I-D(87-1), with lot size, building height, front yard setback, and all other conditions and provisions set forth on said Exhibit "A" applicable to said properties as described thereon. , -_.- ,,/\ --,---- -- ~t;. I , ORDINANCE NO. 360 C.S. PAGE TWO Section 2. The Zoning Map of the City of Arroyo Grande is hereby amended to designate the zoning of the areas cross-hatched on said Exhibit "A" as "R-1-D(87-1)". Section 3. The Planning Department shall maintain the Zoning Map and copies of this Ordinance and Exhibit "A" on file I for public use and perusal during all regular business hours. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage, and within fifteen (15) days after its passage it shall be published once, together with the names of the Council Members voting thereon, in a newspaper of general circulation within the City. '\ On motion of Council Member Moots , seconded by Council I Member Mill is , and on the following roll call vote, t.o wit: AYES: Council Members Moots, Millis, Porter and Mayor Mankins I NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Johnson the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted at this reading on the 22nd day of September, 1987. ~:. .u.L~. ~~.~.:--r AYOR ATTEST: ~ a. ~ CITY CLE K I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Ordinance No. 360 C.S. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 22nd day of September, 1987. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 24th day of September, 1987. CI~r.a, ~ ------,-,---'----- --.- ,- '. PAG,E THREE 89 OBDINAHaI NO. 360 C.S. Zone R-l-D (8'1-1) ExhIbIt "A" ~ON 11 Pert8JnIng to the rezooIng of property In the Oty of Anoyo Grande, Qlmty of San LuIs ObIspo, State 0(. ~omJa, UltB 4 through 8, Block 61 Parcel A of PM 21-44; and UltB 1 tmqh 9, Block 7, all In Tract No. 46 and identified ISI Block .. TnIct NG. 48 Ult 4 - 1450 HJ1lcrest Drive Ult 5 - 1420 HJ1lcrest Drive Ult 6 - 1410 HWcrest Drive Lot 7 - 1380 and 1360 Hillcrest Drive Lot 8 - 1320 UWCre:rt Drive lWceI A of I'M 21-44 - 1300 HIIaIIt Drive Block 7. 'lnct NG. 48 Lot 1 - 1529 and 1521 IIWcrest Drive Lot 2 - 1485 UWcrest Drive Lot 3 - 1475 and 1473 IIWcrest Drive , Lot 4 - 1457, 1425, 1401 and 1365 Hillcrest Drive Lot 5 - 1470 Newport Avenue Lot 6 - 1450, 1<<0, 1430 and 1434 Newport Avenue Ult 7 - 1398 and 1390 Newport Avenue Lot 8 - 1353 IIWcrellt Drive, 1340 and 1320 Newport Avenue Lot 9 - 1341 IIIId 13] 5 IIBlcrest Drive and 1310, 1306 and 1300 Newport Avenue . '....~:;.,t';.., - ...- ,. .... ~...,~ CD ~" .~.~~ ...., '- ... ~. - - ..- ... -. . . ", . .... J! .. l "r -'TR,2... I ' ......-. I ....:.~~. - {--, , 'iI' ", , oc.t"" . , , ",c.'i\r:J , ,.I . , r.... , , , , -....... . I ' t'1L-_ : r-r ''-'' :h J.. Zone R-1-D (67-1) ExhiUt "A" ----,-,-,----- 90 PAGE FOUR ORDINANCE NO. 360 C. s. Zme R-I-D (8'1-1) ExhIbIt "A" A. 'The fo~ specific requirEments stvill spply In the "R-1-D" (8'1-1) SIngle Fsnily Resldentlsl District. (1) ..........m .-bIe height. The meximun,ellowoble height sJ.n be 88 followsl (s) MIIIn IIuIIdqs. Two (2) stories, not to exceed thirty feet (30') but In - no esse shen any main bUIldIng be higher then fIfteM feet (15') above the highest corner of the owner" Jot; end (b) A~ : II r8J buIJdrvI. Fourteen feet (14'). (2) MInbun buIJdIqr site end Jot width I'8QIIred. 'The mlnil1lm building site end lot width required 8ha11 be 88 follows IIIless the Optfonel DesIgn end In1!I"ovement St8ndsrctI sre U!IeCI 88 set forth In SectIon 9- 4.611 of this article. (s) Miniam ~ site. Twelve thou9snd (12,000) IQIII1'e feet of Jot sres for resldentlsl uses, end 20,000 squsre feet for churehes end other ptblic IlleS, (b) Miniam lot width. Sixty feet (60') for resldentlsl uses, end 100 feet (100') for churches end other (UUo \IIBSJ end (c) Mbmun 10t deptb. Ninety (90') feet, (3) MininIII YOI'dII RecPred. MinImIm yards required IIIless otherwise required In Article 25 of this O1spter, estab1lshlng building Unes, or II11ess Opticnsl DesIgn stsndIIrds "ve been U!IeCI 88 set out In Section 9-4.611, smJl be 88 followsl (0) Front Yard. Each lot shell have s front yard extending (except for sccess drives end waJkB) SCI'QIIII the full width of the subject propert)r of a depth of not less than twenty feet (20') on ell lots except thaIIe lots frontq Hillcrest Drive In Block 8 where the front yard sJ.n have a depth of fifty feet (50'); provided, however, that the PJamIng Dlrec!tor IIIIY require staggering of setbacks, with a vsrIation, of three feet (3') fran 8IItbadc lJlIEII. Except for accesg driveways end walkII, there sJ.n be no structure Ioostecl In the required front yards, or In the required s\deysrdIlbuttlrw the street. No boat or trailer sJ.n be kept In said front yard If the pI'O&Mtt Ills an adequate side yard providing aCC8B to the rear yard, then said boat or trailer may be kept In said side or 1'8111' yard subject to satbadc requbwnents for structures. 'The~, NpIIirlng, or dllmlnmrv of M..w-I vehicles, or the storage of building or sinllar IIIIterlsls sheD not be pemdtted In the front or side yard or driveway. (4) STRUCfURES IN EXISTENCE PRIOR TO AUGUST I, 198T WHICH ARE DAMAGED OR DESTROYED AND WHICH ARB RENDERED LEGAL NON- <X>NFORMING WHEN 'I1IIS ORDINANCE WAS AOOl"nsu ARE HEREWITH PERMITI'ED TO REBUILD TO 'I1IElR PREVIOUS SPIDFICATIONS AND AT 'I1IE PRE-EXISTING LOCATION. (5) An other provisions of the Baslo R-1 Zone not In conflict herewith stvill Ipply In Zone R-1-D (8'1-1). .- Zone R-1-D (ST-1) ExhIbIt "A" .,