O 358 C.S. -- OJU)INANCB NO. 3S8 C. S. AN O1lDINANCB OJ! 'I11B aTY OOUNCIL Oil 'l1W C1'l'Y OP AItBOYO GRANUB AlllENDINQ OIWINANCH NO. ~5 C. So, SBCrl0M 2. SUB-PARAQIlAPIJ 148. AMENDlNQ LO't A AND LOTS UTUB.OUQU .0 LOT LJH~ IN !LOYAL OAKS J!SfA'l'ES JU~1J)~TlAL SUBDIV!SION 'mE C1TY OOUNClL O!' TUE C1TY 01' AJUU)YO GRANDE JII{Jl~IIY OUDAmS AS 1l0LL0WS; Sl!CTJON 1; Section 2. entitled MDe\Hllq1flllnt I'rovWoni", ~.ph 1.13, entitled "Lot A and VIII La 811rr_ Dt~ S)'IIIoIm III ~ anlllflClod to nw.d as tolJoVlti: 14. Lot A .... ViIt La u..rr.u- Dni&IIIp 8)tItaD Lot A MIld B. onle IIIQpe blink behind Loti 34....0 ahIIJ1 be ptlrt of Lots 3-1 thfou{:h 40, La ...... 81 II1I.trated upon Attachnlnt A to this Cll'Clinlulce. The bII1Iince re- Di'IIinap ~ ~ of Lot A IihIil1 be ptOvIded to thb Oty tor II stOl'llldraiNlge laeility and IlIdIity A--1 The IIIope bank ahIIJ1 be DOved weliterly to elUlble II drllilUlge IIWIIIe OII.llitca akq: Uae east trllCt ~ into tile basin. Slope bunk, !,'Wwe and bwIln~"-, 111l1li1 be ~ by II .Iiind:iclIpe fltclti\eQt wid ui:ituU.:d by tlle/lllbdivldilt. Subdivider 11111&11 ptOvido Oty with l1li ~llUIlt {1'Qj!' Junll.'::i WilY to the ~e win, as Wltitlllted in AttiWllIMmt A, wluc:h shill! nllill:t the IipeellieallOlw of the fub1ic WI.ItIo'I Diroctot.. -AU parlljp'llp/1l IIOI\UIIned wi1l11n 118 ordinance, 1<-'I"Iv'" by IlllliIItor~ (.), IihIil1 be Incorporated verb&ltim III OII/IdiUQIIII to the tUIIWtive trllct nlilp Cor Royal 0tIks Etttatllll. S1!C1'1ON 2; This arcIinance ahIIJ1 be In luI1lorce and eflect thirty (311) duy.i whIr its ~e, and within lilteen (15) duy.i alter pllliWljte,lt IihIil1 be pubIi:ihed once, Wl:ethl:r with till! nllllleS 01 the CourIt:i1 MeniJers vo~ UtereOI\, in II netltipltpet' of cenerw citeullltion within tile City. On IJI)t1on ot Council MeIItIer Johnson. 1i'.'COI\ded by Council Menlbet Porter, wid Oil the I~ rail call vote, to wit; AYES; Courtei1 MeIWers JoM;on, Potter, MiUis, Moobl and MllyDI' MW1kU1:> NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Ute tOl'ego~ Ol'llinllooe was pI>>iIie(I and adopted 01\ UIis 28th dIIy ut July, 1987. ~~ L b .. .. -"'" .. ~ ~ w, . - - -- --~-;~:--.. MAYOR ^'l'TJMI_.~, ~ CITY a.mt . I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Lu's Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 358 C.S. Is a true, full and correct copy of, . said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said CouncIl on the 28th day of July, 1987. WITNESS my hand and the Seal Df the City of Arroyo Grande affixed ., this 30th day of July, 1987. ~(j.~ cn CL RK ------------'- ~,~_.._- . .. 135 A1'rk.ttMI::III1" A Ordinance No. 358 C.S. , '. , ... " " ~ ~ tI U ~ :' ~ 1: . '- . 1:: ~ .. ~ , ~ . ~ .. I', ' ~ . . . " '" I: -1 .) ~ . , . ~ ~ III 1/1 ~ . 0( , I , . . I , , , , ~ -- - -. -,