Minutes 1950-04-19 ~7 t~/ A~royo Gran~e, ~alifornia ~pril 19~ 195a I , , ~'he City Council met in r~gular session with Ma~or ~aiters presidin~. ~ ~pon roll c~.ll Counci3men ~ixson~ Clark~ ~ammann and Conrad s~eportec~ i, present. II The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved ~s read. I, At this time ~a~or°.~w~taiters a~pointe~ the following ~%ommitte~s~ ~tre~t and `~a~m ~%aunciTman Dixson ~~t~r ~=ouncilman Clark police and F~re ~ouncilman Uamm~.nn I Fin~nee ~ouncilman Conrad ~ C ommunicati~n r s we e read an d placed on file. Z`he recommendations of the ~lanning ~=arnmis~ion were discussed and ' a motion ~?as made by ~ouneilman ~lark, seconded by ~ounci~man D~mm~nn ~uthorizing the ~ngineer to prepar~ an estim~te of the cos~ of'puttin~ ' Alpine ~treet in shape and ~ouneilman ~lark made a motion, seconded by ' ~ouncilman Conrad th~t Councilman D~~son investigate the High and: Le r ~'oint street conneetion before the next meeting. Several gent2er~en grom around the proposed dump site appeared to protest a durap site on the Sanford property~ and ~ouncilman Clark made ~ ~ a motion, secc~nded by Councilz~an ~a.~mann to abandon the proposed s3te ~ i and the Clerk w~s asked to notiFy the Board of Stipervisors of the j abandonr~e nt . `~'he Clerk was al.so asked to write the League ~ad~uarters for ~ Literature on Garbage Disposal. ' i RESOLUTION r~ 22 ~ ; ~ Resolution of the Lity Council oF the City of ~rroyo Grande~ ' ~ authorizing the City ~%lerk to prepare and si~n the ~nnual ~tre~t , ~ report to be filed with the ~tate eontroller for the fiscal y~ar ~ ~ I ' ending ~~une 30, 1950. Passed and adobted by the following roll call vote= ! ~YES: CounciTm~x~ 4~aiters, ~lark~ Di~rson, ~ammann and ~onrad I~TO~'S : None ' ' _ ABS~TT: ~Ione ~.'he bids on Insuranee were opened and turned over to the City ' Attorney for inspection. ~ r ~ ~ . ~ Orville Sehultz as~ed about having some ~law signs plaaed on _...r ~outh Alpine, and Councilman Cl~.rk made a motion~ seconded by Councilman Conrad to post both ends with either ~aution or ~1ow signs. eouncilman Dixson asked about getting for water lines on either side of Braneh ~fi,reet and ~ir. Harris asked to be supplied with maps and names so he could dra~r up ~asements for water lines. I~3r. Ben D. ~onrad asked to be releived of the M1-~n~ineers position~ as he feZt he cauld not put in as much time as they ~rere needing. I ~~hen he took the position it was just as an advisory ca~~acity, he agreed to s~~syand help and discuss ~nd talk over ~he eapabilitie~ of the man needed for the job. II It was agreed to meet informalTy and discuss the subject and ~ also go over ~~r. ~eals report. It was moved and seconded th~t the ~?5.00 received for the Buda Engine~ be turned over to the Fire Department. `~he Clerk was asked to write vohn ~~illiams about the junk and scrap whieh h~ had taken from the eity ~~arm. Councilman ~onrad made a motion~ seconded by ~ouncilman Dar~mann that ~r. Brisco be asked to put the seal ~a~t on Crand ~ve. ~~r. Conrad, the Engineer, r~eported that ~~r. ~nelson ~ished ta put in curbs ~t his place on Ha2cyon and Grand ave. and ~r. ~onrad recommended th~t a 12 f't. side v~alk area be put in there and also that curbs with black top be put in~ rather than curb and gutter. ~p~Iications for the Street and ~''ater superin~endent positions were opened and filed for future study and the Clerk was asked to notify all applicants. ~ motion by ~ouncilman D~xsc~n, seconded by Councilman ~lark that aIl employees of the City be kept as they were. Ha.rry Fiart, ~~'ire Chief~ said he would like tc~ be releived of the F~~e ~hief`s ~ob but agreed to stay on. ~r. Shaf"er asked if the Couneil would r~ake an expres~~ivn on the High~a:y location and Councilman Damma.nn made a motion~ to ask the Hzgh~~y to keeg the present location. ~fter discussion it was recori~mended that the ~~rchants ~nd people be contacted and report at the next meeting, what the findin~s were. t~ d ~ills a~ainst the ~eneral ~~und for 4~_~~ and the ~ater Ft~nd for $ 7'?-~~ were audited~ ap~roved and ordered paid. ~o ~urther business appearir~ and upon notion the meeting ~ras adjaurned. ~ • ~ City ~3erk ~ayor ~ - 0- A~royo Gran~.e~ California~ ~prsz ~5~ 195~ ~n znformal meetir~ of' the Council ~zas hel:d, to disc~zss various subjeets. Mayor ~aite~s presided. Presen~ ~rere Couneilmen Dixson~ Clark anci ~onrad. A'~sent eouflcilman Dar:+mann. Ch~nges in License C3rdinance was diseussed bu~ no ~etian taken. ~1 diseus~ian on the reauirements of a man for the Street ~.nd v~a~er department f`ol~'ov~ed and ~s. Ben ~onr~d reporteci a man vuould be around ~o see the ~ouneil in the near future« Cvuneilma:n ~onrad agreed to meet avith the Office fo~ee about ' setting up a ne~ ~x~.ventory and rees~zisitian se~ t~p. After an inform~al discussion on sever~.l subjeets~ the me~ting ~ras adjourned. ' ~ . ~ ~ • 1~ T'I'FST • / ; C i ty le rk ~I~yor ,