O 355 C.S. ( ORDINANCE NO. 355 C.S. AN ORDIHANCEOF THEaTY OF ARBOYO GRANDE AMENDING A PORTION OF THE ZONING MAP TO REa.ASSJFY CERTAIN PaOPml'JY IN THE crrr 011 .ARROYO GRANDE .AS PoD., . , PLANNED DEVELOPMENT. FOR A R"9S"\BNTlAL SUBDIVISION IDENTIFIED .AS -ROYAL OAKS ESTATI!S". AND RJ!PEALJNa AND 8tJPRRARn1HQ ORDINAHCBS m c.s. AND 31'1 c.s. The City Cbuncil of the City of Arroyo Grande does ordain as follows: Section 1: 'n1at certain ardinance known as "ZONING ORDINANCE OF TIlE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE", referred to in Section .302 of Title 9, Chapter 4, of the Municipal Code, is amended SO that "PoD." DistrIct as shown and designated on the map attached thereto and by this reference incorporated herein, which map is entitled ~ A Section of the Zoning Map of the City of Arroyo Grande, Amended by Ordinance No. 355 c.B. of the City of Arroyo Grande", and said map and all notations and references shown thereon shall be as DJJch a pert of this ordinance as it the matters shown on said map were all tully described herein, and the districts and zones and bow1daries of the property shown therein fran and after the effective date of the adoption of this ordinance. The properties Intended to be rezoned are described In ExhIbit "A" attached hereto. The referred to property Is hereby rezoned fran "PoD." Planned Development, as established by Ordinance No. 221 c.s. and as amended by Ordinance No. 31'1 c.B., to "PoD.", Planned Development District as hereinafter provided. . Section 1: DEVELOPMENT PROVISIONS. The followJlw provisions shall apply to the planned development of the property described In Exhibit "A" attached hereto: 1. Planned Development as provided In Ordinances 221 c.B. and 31'1 c.B. are hereby , revoked and superseded de1etq' reference to KnoUwood or Oak Knolls. 2. Planned Development 8B shown on ExhIbit "D" the proposed Tentative Map Tract No. 1390, Royal Oaks Fatates, dated May 5, 1987 Inclusive of the condItioos of approval, Exhibit "en dated May 5,198'1 shall be attached 8B the development plan map depicting basic circulation, open space, land use and appt'CIXiamte lot size. 35"' R-vw... 3. "'- Q rt1j ThIs P1anned Deve!o{Xnent amenanent approves a maxInun allowed demity of.aa4'"" 01.1' tI8l dwelling WIlts. Any ~ or amenanent of the uses authorized herein shall canstl- DeDIity and tute a rezoning, and sha1ll'e9lire an 8IIIeIICD1ent of this ordinance. 1rBti1J.ltioolll 'Ole final tract map sha1l contain the t~ notations: Uses Approved R~I Dllllity Lots I>weJJq UnIts Drainage and Park A 0 Patio Hanes 11-109 & 15'1 100 Single Family Hanes 1-11, 131 110-156, I 158-181, 183 & 185-233 FatateHanes B, 182 & 184 3 Agriculture C 1 - Total 235 235 ~~-,-- 64 .Note: Lots C, 182 nnd 184 may be eonverted to institutional uses upon IIpproval or aty Council IICter rezoning ~blic he~. Lot B may be converted to a ~bUc c1ementary school upon opproval of Oly Council IICter rezonir€ public heoring.. lteIiubdi- 4. Conditions, covenants and restrictions for the tract shall prohibit resubdivision or any vmon lots. 5. LIInd use shal1 be consistent with the approved devc10pnent plan and the st.andllral of the R-l, siJW,e ramlly residential district for all lots except 11-109, 157, 182 and 184 LotUses and Lots A, B and C. Lots 11-109 and 157 shall be allowed site and lot width, coverege and yard variations pursuant to Section 9-4.611 of the R-1 DistrIct. Lot A I shall be II drainage and park-recreation site. Lots 182 and 184, Lot B and Lot C 8l'e I Intended os Individual s~le family estate lots, ench restricted to one siJW,e f8llli.1y dwelli~ unit and residential re1ated, a<<_9 :0\'1 01' egrlculturalllleS allowed In the R- A zone. Residential Agricultural (R-A) IlleS pennitted 8l'e: A. Slngle-famlly~, one per building site; B. Light f~, except C!OO1l1erclal dnIrIes, cannerclal rabbit, fox, goat, or hog form;, or oolllllelcial chicken or poultry ranches; Co Livestock limited to two (2) anhreIs only \'/hen camlned with a B.3 District. A like nunDer of animals may be pennitted for additionalacreege. Pens or fencq used Cor the hotBq or such animals shall be located not less than 150 teet tl'Cll1 the boundary of the Residential AgrIcultural (R-A) District; D. crop and tree C~ Eo One noncol11l1ereial guest hoUse; except vmere there Is an exIstIrc second resldentiol dwelli~ unit; F. Mobile homes subject to the provIsiOllS oC Municipol Code Section 9-4.2405.1. A public elementary scOOol on Lot B may be pennitted pII1'SUIUIt to rezonl~ procedures. 'l11e YMCA and/or alternative institutional IlleS on Lots 182, 184 and B may be considered pursuant to PD 8I'llE!IdJleht, zone ~ procedures, but In no event shall additional residential resubdivlslon be cOhslder ed. 6. Architectural Review oC all proposed homes on Lots 11-109 and 157 shllll be considered oCter the City CcMIC!n approves this PD 8D1E!OOnent and the tentative II1IIp Cor Royal Oel<s. Generolly, the preliminary lot plans and elevations Arddtec Invo1~ "Z" and "oJ" lots with zero setbacks on side yards Cor Lots 11- ture1 109 and 157 8l'e conceptually acceptable. Oty Council architectural RevIeM review on all lots shlllllnclude repr esentative render~ and proposed CondltlolL'!l, 0Wenants and Restrictions (~a:R..II), WhIch establish a developers actnnItered subdivision Architectural Control Carmlttee and describes the proposed architectural style (s) or theme Cor holBq to be pennitted In the subdIVIsion. Generalized IU'Chitecturol theme review Cor institutional IlleS shllll be Included with the aty's IU'Chitectural review and shaD. include ~ c.c.&R.s, but not renderfl1ls or drawings. The developer and/or his architectural review conmittee shall review each Individual building plan, and the City will approve the developer's general ~a: R. plan only.. 7. The developer shall lIIIIke awDable Lot B, a school site of ~vAbl8tely Courteen ncres adjoining James Way, to Lucia Mar Unified ScOOol DIstrict Cor the DistrIct's School Cuture corstruction oC an elementary school under tenm jointly agreed upon Site by the developer and DIstrict In their contractural agreehlElllt, dated March 10, 1987. Any 81!1eOOnent oC the MlU'Ch 10, 1987 ~"celtlt<nt shall require City Council 2 --- --.--.. 65 concurrence., All gra~, deveJoprAll1t and access plans of the District and/or developer for use ot the propcsed school site shlI11 be approved by the City Council. 8- The planned deveJopment. shall be constrw:ted in two phases. PbB&e L The initial and tirst phase ot planned development shall be called Phase I. Phase I development shall pemit the concurrent development ot all public and private ~ irqIrovements identified on-site and within the area defined as Phase I upon the approved tentative tract map, plus all oft-site inprovements, excepting "E" Street. , I Phase I inp-oVefl'AII1ts shall iIIcIude the construction of all plltio and other halles I contained within the Phase I tentative tract map area, but shall exclude ClWtructioo -.-- ot building upon Lots B, Co 182 and 184. ~,dralnage and non-building ~vements may take place upon Lots B, Co 182 and 184 acCD&'ding to approved City plans during Phase I. Building construction upon Lots B, Co 182 and 184 sholl require CoWlCil detailed site plan review and approval prior to ccmnencement. No building pennits shall be Issued for Phase I developnent Wltil after City acceptance of all water system IIrprovements and Wltil the developer provicles the City CoW1Cil with a constnIction schedule v.t1ich CouncIl, in its sole judgement, detennines shall provide tor the total canpletion and City acceptance of any 00- and oft-site public irqIrovements prior to, or concurrent with, the CCII\1letion of all residential housing proposed upon said schedule. In no event shall the City issue occupancy pennits for residential tJuiJdilJp (Jricx' to City acceptance of all public 00- and off-site inp-01llJle/)ts I'eQUirec:I in Phase L Prior to carmenclng Phase I development, the developer shall provide the Public Works Director with a five-year CCXIItruction bond Il\l8l'8lltee sufficient to cover oft-site "E" Street public irqIrovements to be constructed in Phase IL Developer Is pennitted. to grade in the Phase II area ~ Phase I aCC<X'Cllng to a ..... grading plan approved by the Public Works Director and only for purposes of transporting excess fID iran the Phase II area to the Phase I area. PbB&e IL The second and t"IIIal,pbase ot the planned development shall be canpleted after Phase I. Phase II development shall pennit the concurrent development of all public and private irqIrovements identitiecl on-site and within the area defined as Phase II upon the approved tentative map, plus ott-slte "E" Street. Phase II irqIrovements shall incIucIe the comtruction of all hanes contained within the Phase II tentative tract map area. No building pennits shall be issued tor Phase II deve10pment Wltil the developer provicles the City CouncD. with a comtruct1on ICbecIuIe which Council, in Its sole jlqement, detennines shall provide tor the total~t1on and City acceptance of all on- and ott-slte public iIrp'ovementa prior to, or concurrent with, the canpletion of any residential housing proposed upon said scbeduIe. In no event shall the City issue occup&ncy pemits tor residential buIkIInp prior to CitJl acceptance of all public on- and ott-slte ~l'Ovements fequIred in Phase IL ~...... 9- Jqnwment Bans ment Bans A. stand&rd speclticatlom tor PubJIo Works Construction, latest edition, and all applicable City Standard Aates sh81l be the project specifications except as noted otherwise on the approved in'{Irovement pIaN. The in'{Irovement plans for the project sh81l be prepared by a CalItomla Registered Civil Engineer and shall be approved by the Public Works Depertment prior to recordation of the final map. 3 -- -~------ , of.} , B. PJnns shall include, but not be limited to, grading, drainage, sewer, water and utility intJrovement& In addition, a moster utility plan shnll be sulxnitted showing the layout IIIid location oC all the on-site and ort-site utility Cacility intJrovement oC the project, including water, sewer, drainage, gas, electric and carmunication utilities. The msster water, sewer and drainage plan shall be sulxnitted and approved prior to presentation oC other intJrovement plans. The plans sulxnitted shall also include aonstructIon cost estimates, plan check Cee;;. soils reports and all pertinent ~ design -, celcu1atlons. The CinallT8P IT8Y not be IDed with the CIty Council unless all said in\:Irovement plam have been approved by the PubUc Works Department. All requ1recI rights oC \'Illy or ellSelTll!ltts shall be dedicated to the CIty prior to, or COItC!II'reIIt with, sulxnittaJs oC the CInallT8p to the CIty CowIcll Cor approvaL 10. 'Water, Sewer, Street TIee and Other Nile UtDItles . Water, Sewer, A. All lots shall be provided with service Cran CIty water supply. ThIs system StI'eet Tree IIIId shall tie into the boclcbone system constructed by Rancho Grande and the Other Nile Royal Oak Estates developers will be required to pay any 81 ..,,,bI with the UtDIties recordation oC final map(s). B. The subdivider shall instaU \'IIIter rmIns, Cire hydrants and service laterals in contonmnce with the Water Department Standard Design and Specifications and approved plans. Fire now 88 speclCled by the Fire Oller and approval of the Public Works Department shall be avaDable prior to obtaining any building penTlit& C. All lots shall be served with CIty sewer. .,.-. D. In addition to specific ellsell1ents shown on the tentative IT8P, a six foot easement along and adjoining locel. streets and a ten foot easement along and adjoining collector streets shall be reserved 88 a street tree and public utility easement. Lot 11. Lot G~ GrucIq A. Developer shall provide the final grades and finish of. residential lot& C.C.&R. 's shall advise future propel tt owners that no further grading shall be penT1Itted, other than minor detail grading work which requires CIty penTlit. · B. Lots 220 through 226 shall be developed in natural terrain.. C. Grading of Lots 227-232 and Lot 183 shall be redesigned to reflect natural terrain and drainage patterns and confonn to cross slope design criteria.. D. Slope blinks at the rear or Lots 187-191 and the south side or Lot 205 shall be c:lcslgned with variable slopes or 3 to 1 or greater and landscaped in accordance with approved plan designed by a landscape architect and imtalIed by the subdivider and maintained lIS pert of the side or rear yards of the involved lots, to butfer residential development fran adjoining future .',. developnent on County property.. Eo Lot width to depth ratio exceptiors are approved for those portions of Lots 127 through 130, which extend into the tree preservation 889_,.,nt area. The rear portion of Lots 127 through 130 shall be designated and recorded as a scenic ellSelTll!ltt.. F. Grading of Lots 127 through 134 shall be JOOdIfled to pad the front 125 foot 4 --~'--'--- i'r/ \.iJ with the rear slope banks reduced to 3 to'l 01' greater.- G. In deveJopnent of patio hanes, the tentative map layout tor retaining wlllJs is conceptual: When final map, 1Il'IJ/0I' architectUl'lll review of construction pImI tOl' structures are resolved, additional walls may be pennitted as required. No wood retaining walls which intercept slopes at property lines sholl be pennitted. 12. .A"''''''''--' Wen-Head i Ab8ndoned A. The developers and the Independent soJ]s e~ shal1 inspect the site, I Wen-Head ITDIIitor grading and, If an abandoned wel1head Is found on-site, shal1 provide --"_. plans and, upon approval by the City, properly seal and cap said well.- 13- Geoeral Drain8&e, ~ 8Dd &asian ContIaI. Geoeral A. ~ete grading and drainage pImI shal1 be submitted to and approved by the Drain8&e, Public Works Department prior to any final map. Prior to any site grading or ~and construction, an emlion control plan and program shal1 be sulxuitted to ond Fzaiico ContIaI. approved by the Public Works Department, said plan and program to address specific t~ary and pe11l1lllleOt erosion control 1TIeOSw-es associated wiUI the project.- B. The subdivider shal1 pay for a qualified Independent e~eriqI consultant selected by the City to review ~and drainage iRt>rovement pWns, inspect the site prior to and during aU IIIljor site preparation grading. The subdivider's soil engineer shal1liubmit testli and reports to certify aUlotli lIS ready tor construction prior to issuance of building pennitli thereon. (Further site or lot grading shal1 be noted on the finalll'lllp lIS prohibited except fOl' building and driveway purpases specificaUy approved by the City pursuant to subiequent pennit appUcatloos.)- -... c. Detailed site gr~, drainage iRt>rovement and erosion control pImI tor the entire subdivision and off-site fntx'ovements, inc1uding Interim grading of any Iotli, If proposed, shall be submitted to and approved by the City Public Works Director. Qualified Independent consultantli shall be paid tor by the subdivider but selected by the City. Such shall review saki plans and inspect the grading. These plans shall be approved prior to lIIIy ~ pennitli tor any phased developnent. Site grading shall be restricted to the Spring or SuI1ner season, AprIl 1st through October 31st, W1less otherwise approved by Councilj and require replantq for erosion control In accordIInce with plans pt'epaN\ by a ~pe architect, v.d1ich will be i11pIemented duriqI October- November and lminta1ned during at least one wet season, NovenUr through March, foUowing grading to IIIISIIftI mIn/nun siltation.. 14- Lot A and Via La B8mDca DP..... ~ Lot A and A. TIle developer shall be reQJired to design and constnIct a stonn drainage Via La B8mDca retention facility and other drainap and park facility on Lot A and upon the DrainIIge ~ Oty-owned adjacent oft-site property as recPred by the Oty CoWlCil. Jnt1rovement plans and contr~ RUSt be approved by the Public Works .','." Director prior to constnIction or grading for these facilities.. B. TIle slope bank behind Lots 34-40 shall be part of Lot nAil, the proposed drainage detention bllslnj the slope bank shall be DOVed westerly to enable a drainage swale on site akq the east tract bowxIary into the win. Slope bank, swaie and basin landscaping shall be designed by a landscape architect 5 --.-~-- -----,.._--- .:~ and imt8l1ed by the subdivider.'" C. The City-owned Via La Barranca drainage property W8S accepted 'by the City for both pork and drainage pt.U'pOIIE!S. Developer's C!OnSUltants shal1 Nmit specific dralnoge 1andIcD~ plans for Lot A, the ad))~ Oty-owned Via La Berrnnca property and downstre8ll1 drainage lines or other mitigating meosures toward!! ott-slte drein8ge deficiencies, where nee. ! [ry, to the PubUc Work8 Director and PBrk8 nnd Recreation Director. 'l11e lwo directors I -,. shall review and arislyze such plans to detennlne the adequacy of 8\lCh plans tOI 1) mitigate or reduce current and projected nood1~ or the streets and areas below the cummt Oty drainage facility and works, and; 2) mitigate or prevent any further noodlng or the streets and areDII below the current Oty drainage racWty and 1\OI'Jcs to be ca\.lled by the p1anned cleve1O(111ent; and; 3) provide recreational opportunities upon the site to the lnmedIate neighborhood; and; 4) . how those proposed recreational opportunities upon the site ~ with opportunities to be provldedby the currently approved perk developnIent plens or the PBrks and Recreation O:mnIssIon, and; 5) provide security and satet)' meesures and durable and substantial In1?rovements which ctU1 be efficiently and adequately nnlntalned by the aty. The directors shall submit a written report of their findings and the proposed specific plan to the Oty O:IuncI1 which shall detennlne prior to ...-" the Issumtce of anygradfng pemdts, the future ownership and responsibWtles tor Lot A, the use or the Clty--owned Via La Barranca drainage and specific park nnd drnInage plan.'" 15. Lot 182 Dr8Inoge System A. The developer shall be required to design and construct a stann drainage Lot 182 retention facility and other drninage on Lot 182 tIS required by the aty Dr8Inoge System Council. JlT()I'Ovcment plens and contracts must be approved by the Public Work8 Director prior to comtnJctIon or grading for' these facllltles.- . B. Developer's consultants shall subnlt specific drnlnnge and landscape plens for drainage on Lot 182 to the Public Works Dlreclor. The dfrector shall review and analyze such plens to detenn!ne the adequacy of such plens to: a) mitigate or reduce current and projected Clooding b) provide security and satety meosures and durable nnd sul6tantive Int>rovements which can be efficiently and adequately IIIIlntalnec1. The director shall submit a written report of his finding nnd the proposed specific p1Bn to the atyCouncn which shall detennlne, prior to the Issuance of ~--~. any grading pennits, the future nwnershlp and responslbWtles tor the drainage facilities and the acceptability or the proposed specific drainage plan.- I 16. Both Dr8InIIge s,stenB Both Regarding stom1 drnlnsge retention capocity within Lot "A" and the adjoining aty Dndooge drainage retention basin, and on Lot 182, evidence or ort-slte f:.."d..ellts and design SystmB solutions acceptllble to the CltyshaU be suOOitted to and approved prior togradi~ or concurrent with final map Improvements p1ans.- 6 --------------- ! 69 The subdivider shall bond for, provide and restore aU OlI-site and off-site drainage detention basins capacity, remove siltation WhIch occurs and provide general maintenance of aU drainage facilities during the three-year period following acceptance of subdivision /apovements by the City or f~ site preparation gr~. Thereafter, the City shall assume total maintenance responsibilities for same without benefit of maintenance BSSesIItIent district.' No 17. No ParIdre I ParIdre A. "No Parking" signs shall be instaDed on Halcyon Road in front of Lots 110- , 113,123 and 1'l8-181,and, if necessary, a street tree and ~ control easement shall extend Into the 20' front yard of these lots to assure odequate sight distance at the Intersection with "P" Way. "No Parking" signs shall be Installed on Halcyon Road In front of Lot B.. PBrk a: 18. PBrk and Signal Fees Signal Fees A. The developer shall contribute tunal pursuant to the City's park in-lieu fee and the signal fee ordinances to provide for off-site perk and recreation and traffic ~vements.. StnIet 19. StnIet N_ Names A. Street names acceptable to the Pire, Police, Public Works and Planning Departments shall be sutmltted prior to or, concurrent with final map and ~vement plans. (Ust of pn-1!>le names available fran PlannIng Department). Halcyon Road shall be renamed aIso.. ott-site 20. Ott-site 1Dpo~'" JDpoVEllleOts , A. Any right of way or property acquisitions necessary to accaq>Iish off-site ~vements I'eCJIired as part of this planned development shall be accICXqI11shed by or exclusively at the expeme of the developer.. .--- StIeet 21. StnIet Trees, ,...~~ and ContmIs Trees, A. A detailed on- and off-site Jandscapq plan, ~ materials ~ and irrigation pIaN for street trees and other specific areas of public a: OIntJob concem (aJong segments of James Way and Halcyon Road), shall be submitted to and approved by the ParIes and Recreation DIrector, prior to any final map approval. A nuter fencing plan, ~ Wlitonn design along public streets, shall be part of the detailed ~ pIan.' B. Developer shall plant aIllandscap1ng materials according to the approved landscaping plan. and shall maintain and replace, when nee ft"Y, all plantlngs for tv.o years after City acceptance of phased public I/Ip'ovements.' Co A water conservation program, particularlJ 1nclucIq drought resistant 1aOOicaping, shIIll be prov1ded by the developer COI\C\I'reIIt with other utility pIaN, such as master water and sewer plans and specific drainage and park and street tree p\mI.' D. Street trees aM/or Wlitonn slope bank plantq on, or near, street frontages shall be the maintenance responsibDity of.the Jot cwmer, unless specifically accepted by the City. In 8dd1~ to specific easements on-site shown on the tentative 1IIIIp, a six-toot easement, aJong and adjoining local streets, and a ten-toot easement, 8kq and adjoining coDector streets, shIIll be reserved as a street tree and public utility easement.' '1 , 'J Sthttdord 22- St.8OO8rd CIty amlticJIB CIty "Standard Conditions ot Approval" tor Tentative Mtqt! in the City ot Arroyo Grondc Qxlditions ore hcreby included os it speclCiC81ly itemized herein.. Surp1111 23- &Jrp1111 Pt"""",tj ~tl The developer shall note rcsubdivlsion of the previously recorded porcelrmp involving the property and note the abondorment or any surplm rights otway or eoserlle..ts which ere to be eliminated by the final JIIIp ot Tract No. 1390.. 24. Clmllatfon (Street) System I i ,_. , arcuJation The toll0wir4: ott-site and on-site street int>rovements ere to be designed to the (Street) approval ot the City one:! cormtructed or Int>roved prior to tlnal mop approveJs ond System occupnncy pennlts tor the IIl-tJ[opIlate phase ot this p1amecl development: A. West Branch Street 1) Constnlct ond in'{Irove West Branch Street Crun Its temdnm at the South County Regional Center easterly to a connectlon through Vernon Way west Bmnch St. intersection adjoining the Ccnmmlty Center to a mIninun oC tvIo lones, including bike lanes on both sides, with concrete curb ond gutter on the treeway side one:! tdj~ espheltlc concrete curb on the opposite side (un1ess penmnent concrete curb, gutter Md/or sidewalk exist) trom the South County Regional Centerpav!ng end through the Veman WilY Street intersection in order to caq;llete a street connection bet.lllen Oak Pork Road and Grand Avenue and conConn existing street sections with new constnlctlon. West Branch Street Improvenents shall include provisions Cor left ond/or right tom lanes lit approaches end intersections with Brisco Rood, HalC)'On Road, "E" Street ond Vemon Street. Grading shell confonn to the ultimate road section adopted in City Standards tor west Branch Street, 165-Ag.. 2) The City shall be lespol1Slble tor relocating ell City sanitary sewer lines which rmy be necesnry to IICC\Al1l1ooate new developer ccntnaction in the West Branch end Vemon intersection. Whatever WIIter line probleml have to be C!OI'I'eCted, between the South CoImty ReglOI181 Center ellllterly to . connection through the Vemon Avenue intersection odjolnl" the OXmAmIty Center on West Branch street, will be done by the City, up to a cost ot $25,000. If the costs II1'e more then $25,000, the developer will pay the extra costs.- 3) The developer shell relocate any other utWties, It nee ry. Developer shell acquire necT~F"y right ot WIly at Vemon end West Branch StreebI trom Cal TrIIns, prior to construction. The City shall provide developer with Clty-owned right ot way at CcmnunIty Center at no cost, prior to construction. Developer shell not be responsible tor constructing a retaInJng well tor the CcmnunIty Center pur\dng lot on West Brench Street as a result ot street construction, nor reple~ lost .-.'. CaTmunity Center perJdng. (PI1ese 1)- HalC)'OO Do HIIlC)'OO Road Road 1) ConstnIct ond in'prove HalC)'On I'08d between West Branch Street end James Way, 40 ft. curb to curb in a 52' right of ~y. Improvements include wlden!ngs end trontsge in'{Irovements aCl'OllS portions ot County property.. 8 ----- ------ I 71 2) Concrete curb and gutter shall be installed 011 the westerly trontage of Halcyon Road between West Branch Street and the southern tract boW1dary where pavement ~ Is required. A tenp)rery asphaltic concrete curb wiJl be installed 011 the easterly frontage ot Hal~on Road between West Branch Street and the southern tract bowIdary. * 3) Access rights to Halcyon Road fram lDts 94-109 shall be offered to the I city to (X'event c:lriveways directly OI1to this residential collector street, and the fencing al'IJ/or ~ ot the slope banks abutting Hal~on Road shall be desJ&ned by a landscape architect, installed by the --- subdivider concurrent with street frontage and shall be maintained as pert of the side or rear yards of Involved Jots. * 4) 'n1e right of way tor the northem extension of Halcyon road, on which lDts 1-10 tront, shall extend to the north tract boW1dary and an access denial strip shall be offered to the aty to control said connection Wltil and unless approved by the aty CoWICil. Landscap~ shall be designed by the subdivider and Installed conc\.lTent with construction of Halcyon Road Improvements after design approved by the ParkS and Recreation Director and maintained by the aty. (Phase 1)* .iImes Way C. .iImes Way 1) James Way shall have an ultimate width of 44 feet ot driving SW'face between concrete curb and gutters (1nc1~ gutter pans) with six-toot sidewalks (1nc1uciing curb width) on both sides. 'n1e in1Iroverrent shall be centered within a 64 foot wide right ot way. Street improvements shall include all nec---~"Y utilities, inclIIding cable TV, telephone and sewer, In con!onnance with the apptOved master utility plan tor the subdivision. * .. 2) ~vement requirements between the development east and west property bow1darIes shall con!onn to the ultimate frrtx'ovement section. * 3) in{x'overnent requirements westerly of the tract to Rancho Parkway shall be limited to installation of a. water main, inclIIding trench patching with a one-Inch pavement overlay to be applied on the tull frrtx'oved width ot the street existing at the time the water main Is installed. * 4) ~vernents required on the length of James Way easterly ot the tract shall be limited to contonnance to the existing cIri~ lanes and any drainage fntIrovements deemed appropriate to (X'event erosion of the appropriate rights of way propased for \lie at the time construction conmences.* 5) in{x'ovements of James Way northerly of the subdivision (tronting on the James parcel wh1chllesouts1de the corporate limits of the aty) have been volunteered by the developer for construction that contomB to the ultimate section of road between the east and west tract boWldaries. 'Ibis fntIrovement Is therefore considered a condItIoo to the approval of the ~.* I ~- ... 6) Access right to James Way frun lDt 1 and lDts 6-34 shall be offered to the aty to prevent driveways directly OI1to this collector l'OIIte. 'n1e fencing and lancIscaplng of these sloping Jots abutting James. W ay shall be designed by a landscape architect and installed by the IiulxIivider concWTent with street frontage fntIrovements and shall be maintained as 9 .' part. or the side or rear yards or Involved lots. (Phose I)'" Other D. Other Streets Streets 1) Construct and IrqJrove "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", AND "F" Streets IIlId Halcyon Road north or James Way - (40' curb to curb, 6' sidew81l<s both sides, 52 ft. right or way). CoIIItruct and fntx'ove Halcyon Rood, A, B, C, and F Streets COI1CUI'I'IIIIt with Phase I. ConstnIetlon and hprovement of "D" and "E" street /lIlY be deferred until Phase II.'" 2) Construct "E" f!treet actaB the South County Regional Center property ~ ; southerly to a comectlon with the proposed West Branch Street connection.'" 3) The right or way ror the euterly extension or "P" Way, to enable paIIlble future connection with MDler Way, shall extend to the eestem tract boundory and an access denial strip orfered to the CIty to control said connection until and unless approved by the City 0IuncD. An dllergel1C!Y aCC!eSS gate 8ha11 be designed by a cfvll engineer errJ/or IBlldscape archltect and ntaned by the subdivider eonct.I'I'eIIt with , construction or "P" Way street fntx'ovements alter design approved by the Public Worl<s Director. The gate shall be I11IIntalned by the CIty. (Phose I)'" 25. Sidew81ks Sidew81ks A. Six-foot siclewaJ.ks shall be required In the proposed developnent on both sides orJames Way,Halcyonl'08d, "A", "B", "0', "D", "E" and "F" Streets, except for the frontages ot Lot C on Halcyon Rood, and Lots 220-232, 183 and 158 on "D" Street.. . '... B. A short segment ot sldewB1k shaIl,be constructed on the westerly trontage or Halcyon road southerly ot the tract boundory to a point when! the developer shall coordinate with St. Patrick's School a stairway access between Halt')'OII Road and the school perking Jot.. Th!e 26. Th!e 1\ 1 ~ation F1_J8tion A. A detailed tree preservation plan and program, Including an Inventory ot eJdsting trees and/at groves shall be prepared by a qualified proresslonal, Including !!lips or the species, size and location or all trees, with respect to lot lines and proposed building ere8S on each lot (excllslve or those located within the tree preservation easement ere8S), and submtted to the Parl<s and Recreation Director prlat to fInalll18P or ~ approval. The Parl<s and Recreation Director shall r=u.,.,.,1!d the designation and preservation or "JandTllrk trees or groves"'8S provided by Ordinance NIIIiJer 333 C. 5., and such !!lip shall be conpleted by the developer and considered by the City COuncil prior to any grading or tree trInrnIng or removal, Issuance or gT8d1ng pennits or rlnal /I1Ip approvals, whichever occurs rirst. '" 1) The City shall designate all oak trees contained within the two tree -.. preservation easements ic!entltled upon the tentative IIIIIp 8S "I..andnBrk Groves" In accordance with provisions ot City OrdInance N\IIb!r 333 C. S. FurtherImre, the CouncD. shall consider all other trees on-site and otr-site tor "Land11ark Tree" designation in accordance with all provisions or OrdInance Nunber 333 c.s. prior to the issuance or any gradi~ pennlts or final tract II18p approvals, whichever comes rlrst. The 10 -~--~,~~-"'- ~---- ---- I '73 developer shall ~y with all (X'Ovisions of Ordinance NIITber 333 c.s., except that developer may replace authorized tree removaJs in 24' containers rather than 48' containers, which is (X'Ovided for in Ordinance NuWer 333 c.s. and replacement trees need not be oak trees it so detem1lned by the PIrkl and Reoreatlon DiNotor. 'Ibt Dlreotor may authorize a replacement tree ratio fran two-to-one to five-to-one as a variance fran Ordinance NuWer 333 c.s.. I 2) Scenic and tree preservation easements tor the two oak groves shall be recorded by the developer after approval by the City Attorney and Parks ,- and Recreation Director. Such easements shall caq:Ily with State law, include (X'OvisIons of future tree maintenance and protection as contained In Ordinance Nunber 333 c.s. and bind the owners, heirs and assigns of all lot owners overlapping the easelTents to such tree ownership, maintenance and (X'Otection torever.. Similar recordings are l'eCJIired tor any other tree detennined by Council to be a "Landnark Tree.". B. The tree prelllrVlltIon euementa 8hown on the ~ tentative tract map shall be offered to the owners, heirs and assigns of all tract owners, and it shall be stipulated by recorded c.c. and R's that tree removal, gradi~, tencing or buildiqr shall be prohibited In these easements WIIess specitically approved by the City Council. Additional recorded scenic easements with similar restrictiQns shall be app1ied to the steep slopes on Lots 127-130.. C. Developer shall grant to the City a recordable pennanent open space easement and tree preservation easement ~ and restricting the IS! of the rear portions of Lots 138 throIIsh 140, 220 throIIsh 228 and 232 and portions of -- Lot C and Lot 182, all as more specltlciaUy dep1ctecl on the approved tentative map of Tract No. 1390. 'DIe first grant deed to each of said perceIs shall specitically reter to both of said easements and their recordation, and shall further note that the easements are enforceable not mly by the owners of the aftected lot but aJso by the City and by all other owners ot (X'Operty in Tract No. 1390. No such easement shall be amended, released, abandoned or tenninated by the City except by specific lIII1enCbIent of the Royal Oaks' I planned developnent zoning orcIinance or SUC:C---7r ordinances thereto.. 2'1. ll-.1"tlnn, Approvq Tentatiw TNet Map . Asterisk A. All paragraphs contained within this ordinance, foUowecl by an asterisk (*), shall be Incorporated verbatim as concIItIons to be attached to the tentative tract map. Section 31 '111Is ordinance shall. be In tun force and effect thirty (30) clays after Its pessage; and within fifteen (15) clays after Its pessage, it shall be published once, together with the names of the CouncIl MenCers voting thereon, In a ne\\5paper of general circulation within the City. ! >-... 11 On mtion oC Councn Member Moot s , seconded by eouncn Member Porter , and on the fonowlng roll can vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Moots, Porter and Mayor Mankins NOES: Counc 11 Member M111i s ABSENT: Council Member Johnson r . .~.. i the Coregoq Ordinance WIIS pIIS9I!d and adopted on this 19th day or May ,1987. ~5:>-Jl..7-[) .~~ MAYOR Attest: I=a..~ CITY CL K - I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San ~uis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 355 C.S. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 19th day of May, 1987. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Gr~nde affixed this 28th day of May, 1987. ~12.~ CITY CLE K -- 12 ~_.,..- --- ---- ---,-,,- 'j <> . tlll'rib\t. "1\." ord\nance 3~~ c..S. . \ SIMG\.E fAtU\," ,,-0 "t.'n 0 \lO\lES tlO\lES \ ,-. .""""" · '\' '0 SIMG\.E fMI\.'f ,,-0 SIIIG\.E fM\\''f ES1t.1E \lOI'IES tlO\lES . . I ... ~ .. ... I \\ ... \ - .- I< \\ .. ... 01 - ~\ ~, ~ ~ .- oq;~~ " '" .. ~'!I ~ <> ~ .. ~ ... \...~'to '" "0 ~ .. .. ~~'C ~ ... .. "'" ~ ~ 'M ... ~\\ .. .... "" ... "" 1.o.I~'" ~ ... ... , ~ . - '!l ~ U' fIA.- cOt~ ... .. "'t ... .. ~'" 01 ~'- i::I ..0- \" .. .- '" ~i . .. ~ ""...c: . ... QI) ..- .. .....'" ~'ii ... "to - ~... . 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