O 351 C.S. -- .'.._-'.'-- 59 ORDINANCE NO. 351 G.B. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE, CHAPI'ER 15 TO TITLE 5, RELATING TO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SERVICE AND CONSUMPTION ON PUBLIC PROPERTY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: I SE<:l'ION 1: Section 5-15.02 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal COde is amended to read in its , i entirety as follov.s: "~5-15.02. A It'nIY>1i1! be~ se\'Vil!e /l1li1 t'nMllrrntinn ga"OhIblted.ill /!eI'tain aIL It shall be unlawful for any person to serve or consune any alcoholic beverage, as defined in Section 23004 of the Business and Professions COde of the state, upon any street, highway, alley, sidewalk, parking Jot, Oty building, park, or recreatianal facility within the Oty. This section shall not be deemed to make punishable any act or acts YotIieh are ~hib(ted by any law of the State. Service and COIISIIq>tion of alcohol nay be permitted at the Arroyo Grande OxmuIity Center and Wanen's Cub building upon issuance of an Alcoholic Beverage Service and ~ Pemtt issued by the Parks and Recreation Director. SECl'lON 2: The ~visions of SECl'lON 1 above, YotIieh apply to aJoohol service and COIIS1.I1t>tion, shall not apply to functions for YotIich bona fide reservations have been made for the CbIImmity Center and Wanen's Cub building ~ to .1II1e 11, 1986. SECl'lON 3: The Parks and Recreation Director nay issue an AIcOhcilic Beverage Service and Consllq)tion Pennit for use at the Arroyo Grande CbIImmity Center and Women's Cub upon canpletion of the following conditions by an applicant: (a) Payment of a ten cbJJar permit fee. (b) Presentation of an endorsement of insIrance naning the Oty, its officials, employees and voJunteers as insureds for liability ~ out of activities performed by or on behalf of the applicant(s) of no less than $250,000 coniXnec:I single liDit per 0CCIfteIICe. The coverage shall contain no special linitations on the scope of ~tection atfordec:lto the aty,its officials, eIr()Ioyees or voJunteers and shall be (rimary insurance as respects the aty, its officials, eopoyees and voJunteers. Coverage shall state that the insurance shall apply separately to each insI.nd aplillt wham claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the linits of the lmurer'sliabiJity. Coverageshallstate that the insurer ackno~ alcoholic beverages shall be served by the applicant cbing the term of the policy. The insurer and applicant shall agree to defend and hold hann1ess the Oty, its officials, employees and voJunteers. SECl'ION 4: This Ordinance shall be In full force and effect thirty (30) da~ after its i passage, and within fifteen (15) da~ after its passage, it shall.be pWlished once, together with the I18IIJ!S of the CoWIcil members voting thereon, In a newspaper of general circulation. On IIXItion of Council MentJer Moots, seconded by CoWIcil Menber .binion, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Menbers Moots, .b!IIson, Millis and lUter, and Mayor MankimI NOES: None ABSENT: None ; the foregoing Ordinance was pIISSec:I and adopted this 23rd day of Decenber, 1986. ~-P,~e...A-G.'~ MAYOR . ATr~r: CITY CL ~~_...-....- c_____~__'___