R 28RESOLUTIOSd N0~ '~f, New Series 1 DIRECTII~TG Tfllt', CITY ENGIDTP,ER TO FUPSTISH PLANS AND SPECIFICf~.TIOI~TS FOIi THE Ifl^YROVEt~~;NT OF PORTIONS OF It~1.SOl~T, NELSON, ALIEN ~riND LEPOINT S'LREETS IDi Tf~ CITY OF AftR0Y0 GRANDE. f?ESOL~TED, that Ben. D. Conrad, City Engineer of the City of Arroyo Grande, be, and he is hereby directed to furnish this Council with plans and specifications for the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said city, to wit: That the hereinafter mentioned streets in said city between the lines hereinafter mentioned (except the portion occupied by the bridge hereinafter mentioned) be unproved by grading the same for the full length betvreen the lines hereinafter stated, and far the full width betvreen the curb lines and by paving the same for the full length between the lines hereinafter stated, and for the full width between said curb lines, excepting therefrom the space occupied by any existing gutters and also excepting therefrom, tY~e space to be occupied by the hydraulic cement concrete gutters to be constructed as showm on the plans herein- after mentioned, with an asphaltic concrete pavement of two courses, the lower or base course to be tvao and one-half (2z) inches in thickness and the top course, or wearing surface, to ba a warranite bitulithie pave- ment, one and one half (1z-) inches in thickness; and be further improved by the construction of hydraulic cement concrete combinatian curbs and gutters of the form and dimensions sfrown on said plans in said streets, and between said lines at t7;e particular places shovm on said plans; and be further improved by the construction of hydraulic cement concrete guttex•s of the form and dimensions shown on said plans in said streets, and between said lines a,t the particular places shown on said plans. The streets so to be improved are the following, to writ: 1. b,ason Street from the northerly line of Allen street to the southerly line of LeFoint Street. 2. Nelson Street from the easterly line of Bridge street to the westerly line of Whiteley Street. - 1 - ~eso• ~o~ ag 3. A11en Street from the easterly line of Fridge Street to the westerly line of the right-of~cvay of the Pacific Coast ~?a,ilcJe:y Company, 4. That ~oortion of T,ePoint Street included within the production of the easterly a-nd westerly linc;s of Iv'asor, Street, produced to intersect the northerly line of LeFoint Street. That said portions of Reason Street, 1`Telson Street and Allen Street be further improved by constructinf~ therein at the particul;„r places shovan or, said plans, seventeen (17) four inch vitrified sewer pipe veyes and house connections. That said portion of A~sor. Street be further improved by the con- struction of two cement concrete storm iarater inlets, of the size and dimen- sions and at the p~.rtlcular places sho~aan on said plans.. There is excer.,ted from saia work above mentioned, any and all such work c.lready done to official line and grade, a.rd there is also excepted therefxom, any duplication of work at the sar!ie place, due to the re-crossing of lines in the foregoing description of vrork, or duplication of language, it being the intention to describe only one improvement of the same class at any one point; and there is further excepted therefrom any work at the intersection of Y~;ason Street s~nd Franch Street, and any work on that portion of T~fason Street occupied by the existing bridge across Arroyo Grande Creek.. 1\~or shall any work be done which is shown on s<~.id plans as not to be done. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the Cit~r of Arroyo Granae, at a1 acl~ourned regular meeting thereof, duly held on the _°3rd, day of Jasiuary, 1929, by 1;he folloti,ing vote. AYES: 'savor, U.5.2doble, ;,ouncilmen ~oXi ~-oo_le an:? .,onraci. ATOES: Council:aen, ~=one ABSEIJT: uouncilmcn :,rorgan. „_ L ~ /'~ ~!~ ~r(/t/!~ UGC :%'" ~~• City Clerk