R 35 '"" rS~dOIUTIOId lvT0.35 {TI'~;P aJ~'1?Tr',S) itEriOilrT2!)i~ uI_2~~;C'PSb1U i'i:~3 _.S,Ji~;a`i?•,,~;1~` ' i J ~'~~ T:.4D7~ __.~ID SI's?I~_D '_'? TEP; CI'i": "1?'~UST_~'1_LR. ;`~'~T.Elt~._~s3, the City Council of tlr;. C) ;,; ,., _.. r',r; - -,,,, ~ ~- ' :1_ , the . :'%_~1 ;J.~Ly ai J_:nua'ry, 192J, y~a,s:~ ~.L },;esolut7on of Intei~t_~n ldo. 30 l?}err .aeries`, orcterin~ eer.t~.ln vrorl, s.nd ir.:ps'oVer,lei~r.s to be mud_fl il, ylursu~•r_ce of Uroceeain~;s taken unc'.er t1.e "Iluf,rovex.ent Act o. 1911" a.nd l"t~:11 Ch are %).eSCl^l'G (: !~ 12~ Si'~1(~ .'tES U1L1t10n f~i~ ?Yi 1;eY;tiJYi, Y'E j`E"(?71CC' tG S:].ld 1?eS OlUt10n 1J P, 7.21 r; he rClJy eY,~2COSl ;* r,~lade 7'Oi' fur th~l' N,J,Y'tiCu.l:-.,rS y' '„iv'D~"~l'I~'1~AS, se.id City CoL~ncll desires t1~~at the asses:l='^ant hereafter to be rude in the E~roeeedin~ ~ahall be rl>~de and signed ay the ~in~ln i; c:r, nCP7 j.hCiC?JPC It 7.S }1C TC})jr n:iCL;ir!,D by tlla City Counci'. of L.ie Ci `~ of I~rroyo C4,^arde, t:, 2,t t:1C <'1S;iC'SSI11cnt rcre_il'-tC;1 tU ~?C' L:3dC., CU'.'f?:iYlT COSt ~„11(~ e?~iE;nSE;S pi the ~,rork to 'be done ~:nd ii.~7,rovement to loe made, as descrlLed in sctiid i~eS 0lU tl On Of 1Ylteritl On ".~.G. •~J [1\tl l%/~7`eT 1E;S ~, Shc:, ].1 Ij (; rIlEIdC lil CJ, Si~?'f:Od by i,he City ~'r.,lr_eer insteG.d oP b~/ tue .3L?~,arinter,dent oi' Streets of said Ciiwy. I ~VC1'@b?* CErti`y ~~»".t t}lc LOre(,Oli.(~ rasulUtlUri VY2:S dUiy Wri(1 re~nla.rl~~ ad opted 1'? i,_'ld City Council ~~~ idle L'lt~,- .ti Yrx•oyo Urt~nde at a. -.___.____..res~ulal• r:eetia; tllerec~ f?eJ_d on thf>2Oth, dti.y of Marcfl, __ 1929, by the L'oll.'rl1iY1 cote. ~ .,,,, . , / 1s.1-'~• t"~lln 'ilnle» ~T,O~'.l R, Cn»rs'2,{l, 7•"nri~a'-=if 1'OOIE anc v08. _~ T;Cia; CouncilYaen I~?one 1',~r3L'I:T:_COUncilmerY, i'done• _.__~_._._____~---__---- City Cleric