R 60~~soLUTION Taa. sa ' ~, - ' A RE30LUTICN QF THE CITY OF AR*TOYO GRANT?E,COEISaTY OF SAN LUIS ORISPO, STATE OF CALIFORA7IA, PFOTESTIAtG AGAIBT$T ,THE GRA?~TING RY THE STATE RAILROAD COT,tP~~I85I0N - - PERMISSION FOR TiiE FACIFIC COAST RAILROAD COLrPAFv"Y TO CLOSE-CERTAIN STATIONS ALOPJG TI:E LIitE OF THEIR RA ILROAT). ~L-'EREAS; The Paoifio Coa+~t Railway navr owns and operates a Railroad throu;h certain To*Yx;s and Cities in San Luia Cbispo and Santa ~~arbara ^cuaties. 'And ~'i@Feae; The sai3 C»+trpany nor has r..m3a applioatiaa to the State Railroad Co~~issian to olosP aesrtain;stations along its line. N0;" TEiERiFORE, be-it ResalvocY, that the City .~•,~'.~aun~sil,oF the City a4 Arroyo ,Grande, protest again+~t .- the granting e! said application, unle3s the said , .-.-Paoifia Coast pailxaad Car~pan~ also alo3c~ ox turn over . to th-e State or ^,oaerr~aent all their rights ani intere€~t -3n=and too that a~srtain Ssa Port, known as°PortSaal E,uis." -.. - I I hereby aertiPy that the Pareaaing Resalution ~as••duly and regularly aidoptsd by the City Council of the.~ity of Arrays Grande, at a regular meeting thereaf_ held =on the sixth day of T7eoember, 19A~, by the' ._: y . ,..e4alaawiag vats. .-~4, Apes, Cauneilr;en T~oare, Po11e, C;ibscar., Phillips an:~ ~risac. .._.,•.zdoes, Councilmen, Nons, ,Absent Counoiinen, Nona. -Attest, , ztayoi. t C p ex . 3. ' yi'~ +'ti (J _ _ .~_ _ _ _ ___ _~~..n.~, _ _ _ _ _ _ _