Minutes 1988-11-09 -. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1988 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with Mayor Howard Mankins presiding. Also present were Council Members Mark M. Millis, Gene Moots and D. G. Porter. Council Member Dorace Johnson was absent. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Mankins led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and Council Member Moots delivered the invocation. PUBLIC APPEARANCES Council Members passed a Resolution honoring Current Planner Paul Lanning, who will be leaving the city. Moved by Moots/Porter (4-0-1, Moots, Porter, Millis and Mayor Mankins voting aye, Johnson absent) to adopt a Resolution Commending Current Planner Paul Lanning for his Service to the City. MARGARET DABBS of 4022 Tanner Lane objected to the city not sending a representative to the Board of Supervisors hearing on a land development near the city boundaries at Branch Mill Road. She objected to the development on the basis of the narrow road and poor drainage. MARIE CATTOIR of 195 Orchid Lane gave the Council a letter dated November 9, 1988, concerning the road profile of Trinity Avenue in st. Barnabas Tract 1513. The city Clerk read the letter into the record. CONSENT AGENDA Moved by Moots/Millis (4-0-1, Johnson absent) to approve Consent Agenda Items C.1. through C.4. , with the recommended courses of action. C.1. October 25, 1988, City Council Minutes. Approved. C.2. october, 1988, Investment Report. Information. C.3. Rancho Grande Park Construction Bid Documents (1988/89 Budgeted Item). Approved. C.4. Grand Avenue Fire Hydrant Improvements, Project No. 60-88-2. Authorized and approved. C.5. TRACT 1513 FINAL MAP APPROVAL. ST. BARNABAS CHURCH Public Works Director Paul Karp, referring to his Staff Report of November 2, 1988, listed four items leading to the approval of Tract 1513. He asked that the fourth item be amended to read: "Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the improvement agreement, resolving the security for the agreement with the approval of the City Attorney prior to the recordation." Mr. Karp then read the title and "Now, Therefore" paragraph of a Resolution accepting an open space easement on Lot 1. He read a paragraph from a paper entitled "Restriction to Lot 1 of Further Subdivision of Tract 1513," which described the open space easement. Moved by Moots/Millis (4-0-1, Moots, Millis, Porter and Mankins voting aye, Johnson absent) to approve Resolution No. 2268 1 -..----. -, (Government Code, Chapter 6.6), and to approve Tract 1513 Final Tract Map with the additional recommendation resolving the security of the improvement agreement. LETTER OF REOUEST BY DAVID AND ANITA GASKILL REGARDING REAR YARD REOUIREMENTS AND LOT COVERAGE MR. and MRS. GASKILL of 633 Cerro Vista Circle expressed concerns that, on property at 629 Cerro Vista Circle, 1. 40 percent lot coverage is exceeded, 2. minimum rear yard requirements are not met, and 3. the plan approved by the Planning Commission is not being followed. Planning Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck gave a history of Staff discussions with the Gaskills,and referred to her Staff Report of November 3, 1988. In the report Ms. Liberto-Blanck said that Staff feels that the building permit was issued in compliance with the Planning Commission's height requirement, zoning code and Uniform Building Code. There was further discussion between the Gaskills, Staff and the Council. Mayor Mankins gave a copy of the November 3, 1988 Staff Report to the Gaskills and recommended that the Staff and the Gaskills meet to share information and talk further about the contested points. Council Member Moots agreed. Mayor Mankins said if the Gaskills do not come to a satisfactory understanding with Staff, they could come back to the next Council meeting. RESOLUTION APPROVING APPLICATION FOR $41.000.00 IN GRANT FUNDS UNDER THE CALIFORNIA WILDLIFE. COASTAL AND PARK LAND CONSERVATION ACT OF 1988 Parks and Recreation Director John Keisler explained that the Council was being asked to approve application for a $41,000.00 grant under the California Wildlife, Coastal, and Park Land Conservation Act of 1988. He said the money would be used for playground rehabilitation at Strother, Terra De Oro and Elm street Parks for $20,500.00, and tennis court lighting and basketball court construction at the Soto sports Complex for $20,500.00. He said that the Council would be certifying that the City will have funds to operate and maintain the projects. Moved by MillisjMoots (4-0-1, Millis, Moots, Porter and Mankins voting aye, Johnson absent) to adopt Resolution No. 2269 Approving the Application for $41,000.00 in Grant Funds Under the California Wildlife, Coastal and Park Land Conservation Act of 1988. CREATION OF TWO PERMANENT POSITIONS: BUILDING INSPECTOR AND PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR City Manager Chris Christiansen referred to his memo of November 3, 1988, and recommended that the city Council create two permanent positions of Building Inspector and Public Works Construction Inspector. Moved by Moots/Porter (4-0-1, Johnson absent) to approve Mr. Christiansen's recommendation. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE. ~OYAL OAKS PROJECT - SIDEWALKS Mayor Mankins and Council Member Moots said they would not take part in the discussion or voting on this item due to possible conflicts of interest. There was not a quorum of Council Members. The item was continued to the meeting of November 22, 1988. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO BUILDING CODES. TEMPORARY RESTROOM AND SANITATION FACILITIES ON THE JOB SITE. AND MAINTENANCE AND CLEANLINESS ON CONSTRUCTION PROJECT SITES Mayor Mankins pointed out that new fees charged by the City must be in accordance with the Gann Amendment passed by the voters in the late 1970s, which said that fees must reflect actual costs. 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2266 ADOPTING EMPLOYEE SALARIES AND BENEFITS FOR CERTAIN MANAGEMENT POSITIONS AND CONFIDENTIAL POSITIONS In answer to a question from Council Member Porter, Mayor Hankins said the City Manager position is under a separate contract. Mr. Christiansen said the funds to implement the Resolution have been budgeted. Moved by Johnson/Moots (5-0-0, Johnson, Moots, Millis, Porter and Hankins voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 2266 Adopting Employee Salaries and Benefits for Certain Management and Confidential Positions. ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE Mr. Christiansen referred to his memo of October 21, 1988, and recommended that the Building Division be removed from the Planning Department authority and be placed as a division of the Fire Department. Mr. Richardson said that the Building and Fire Codes are very similar and that they are involved almost daily in the same type of activities. Council Member Moots said he disagreed philosophically with this change. Moved by Johnson/Porter (4-1-0, Johnson, Porter, Millis and Hankins voting aye, Moots voting no) to remove the Building Division from the Planning Department and place it as a division of the Fire Department. A}IENDMENT TO ORDINANCE. ROYAL OAKS PROJECT - SIDEWALKS Mayor Hankins and Council Member Moots said they may have conflicts of interest in this matter and abstained from the discussion and voting. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson presided. City Attorney Art Shaw read the proposed Ordinance in its entirety. Moved by Porter/Millis (3-0-2, Porter, Millis and Johnson voting aye, and Hankins and Moots abstaining) to introduce an Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande Amending Subsection 25A, Section 2, Ordinance 355 C.S. Relating to Sidewalk Construction in the Royal Oaks Subdivision. ADJOURNMENT The Council adjourned to a Closed Session on Personnel and Litigation at 8:20 P.M. RECONVENEMENT AND FINAL ADJOURNMENT The Council reconvened at 8:50 P.M. and immediately adjourned to Wednesday, November 9, 1988. MA ATTEST: CITY CLERK