R 108I I FxI , ` xr~s~LU_~'io1~. ip, i~rHEttL~S, the Clty of Arroyo Urande has acquired frog:: the State of California by way of a tax sale, Lot rVineteen (19) in i3lock `Twenty-seven (27) of 13eckett~s Crown riill Addition as laid down and designated on the .sap of said Additior. filed in the office of the County i3ecorder of the County of uan Luis Obispo, btate of California, at a total cost of t~leveu and 62/100 Dollars (w11.62); and CJdEl?EAS, said real rroyierty is riot necessary f'or amt of the tuuctious of the City of Arroyo Grande and tyre City of Arroyo Grande does not intend Lo __aiie any use of said real property; and 'J'7Er,FcE.r>S, Arroyo Grande Union iiibh School District needs said real pr;ol,erty in the develop~~ent of zts school syster.: tatithin the City of 1lrroyo Grande and has offered to pay to the City of Arroyo Grande the said su::r of Eleven and 62/l0O Dollars 011.62), fora conveyance of said real proper~y; and ~'ilEFit,~,5, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Urande has deter...ixred and does now deteru.ine that the acceptance of the aforesaid offer of Arroyo Urande Uniorr nigh School District vrill be for the ad- vantage and best interests of the Uity of Arroyo Grande; itiGaV, T1-tL-T,EIFORE, BE li RESOLBED, that the t~~ayor and City ClerL of the City of Arroyo Urande be, and they are hereby authorized snd di.rected',to execute and deliver to Arroyo Urande Union High ,tichool f)istrlct, a ~luitclai:~. Deed to sai.d~ire...ises upon receipt of the su,: of Eleven ana 62/100 llolla-rs (k11.62} in full pay::.ent thereof.