R 141RFSOLJJTIOIV N0.141 B~ IT r~PStJLVb:D: that the Department oP Public 1"forks of the State oP California~be and it is hereby requested to determine the~arn~~ximum weight which the cement s,.an bridge over Arroyo Grande Creek~on A~[ason Streets within the City oP Arroyo Grande, will sustain i.n accord=nee with Section 715 oP the Vehicle Code of the State of California and the City Clerk of said City be and he is hereby instructeo forthwith forvrard a certified copy of this resolution to the Department of Public 4'Jorks. Passed and adopted by the followir~ vote on roll call: AYF~:Councilmen i'hillips~Schnyder~R~ennypLierly and Rountree. ~Joess None. Absents None. I~B~xs Edna P~.Schilling~Clerk o.° the City of Arroyo Grande County oP San Luis Obispo~State oP California~do hereby certify that the foregoir~ resolution was passed and adopted by the City Council of the City oP Arroyo Grande~by the above recorded vote upon roll call at a reguular meeting of said Council held the 21st day of August 1g6. i~LTNESC my hand and seal of the said City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande this 21st day of Au~st~lg46. C~r