R 144R~OLIITION NO.144a BE IT RESOLUED,that the hereinafter described property be sold to Ruth Paulding,she being the highest bidder for the consideration oP :fi100«OO,and the AAayor oP the City of Arrayo Grande is herewith ordered to execute the deed conveying the said property described as follows: Commencing at a point in the Westerly line of Crown Street as shown upon the map of Heekett~s Crown.. Hill Addition; to the Town of Arroyo Grande,which map is on file intthe Recorder.(s Office o£ the County of San Luis Obispo which point'is South 61019~'est 50 feet from the mast Southerly corner of the land naw owned by Mrs.Clara Paulding, and rwrning thence North 29° West 200 feet;$thence South 61°[~ieat 50 feet;thence South 29° Er"~st 200 feet to the~said Northerly line of Crown Street;thence alor_g said Northerly of Crown Street Iv*orth 61° Fast 50 feet to the paint of beginning. Couneilman`Se'tan~Cder moves the adoption of the foregoing Resolution seconded by Councilman Lierly and the foregoing Resolution is declared duly adopted on the following roll call-ote,to wits AYES: Councilme:i Phill~ps,Schnyder~P94~nny and L3erly. ATOES: None. ABSENT: Councilman Rountree. State of California, County of San Luis Obispo, S.S. I,P,~ss Edna PA.Schilling, Clerk of the City of r~rroya Grande, County oP 5an'Lui~;,.Obispo,State of California,do hereby certify that the foregoing is a''full,true and correct copy oP Resolution Plumber 144~passed by.the City C.ouneil of the City of Arroya Grande,County of San Luis Obispo,State of California,on the 16th day oP October, 1946,and that upon the passage of said R~aselution ,the vote was as follaws,to wits AYES: Cauneilmen Phillips,Schnyder,PBenny and Lierly. NOESs None. ?1PS~~ s C,6uncilman Rountree. Witness my hand and the Seal of the said Gtty Council of the City of Arroyo Grande,County of San Luis Obd~spo,State of California, this 16th day oP October,l946 /V4 r1 i/01 - ~N~t~~ C3.Ly'~f " e ffia c~ C3ty Sim" Arroyo Grande (Seal)